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Ashley Friend- HoverCam UbD Lesson Plan

HoverCam UbD Lesson Plan

Teachers Name: Ashley Friend Subject/Course: Professional Learning: HoverCam Usage in the Classroom Lesson Title: The Wonderful World of Grade Level: K-5 Teachers, SPED HoverCams teachers, CAMP teachers Approximate Time Frame: 1 hour 1.5 hours Brief Summary of the Unit:
This lesson introduces what a HoverCam is and multiple ways that you can use it in the classroom to help with student documentation and classroom communication.

Stage 1 Desired Results

Competency/Objectives: The teachers will learn several methods of using HoverCam technology to help facilitate learning in their own classroom.

Established Goals:
Understandings Students will understand the basics of how to work a HoverCam. multiple ways to use the HoverCam to document student growth including: running records, conferencing, and student presentations. how to create digital online portfolios through their teacher page website. multiple ways to practically Multiply Themselves by using HoverCams for: creating pre-recorded video lessons to use as a co-teacher during stations, creating pre-recorded substitute PowerPoints with embedded video lessons, create explanatory videos to help communicate with parents, record and post daily classroom lessons, and how to do a screen capture. 1. What is a HoverCam? 2. How can I use a HoverCam to document student growth? 3. How can I create and use digital portfolios? 4. How can I use a HoverCam to multiply myself during and after instructional time? Several new ideas of how they can use their HoverCam in their classroom to help with student documentation and classroom communication. Set up their HoverCam and begin using the basic functions of the product. Create digital portfolios for their student to assists in studentled conferences. Record a lesson and post it to their own teacher website. Record a conference with a student and post it to the students digital portfolio. Create a screen capture lesson.

Essential Questions:

Students will know Students will be able to

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Task:

Teachers will create one digital portfolio example for a student on their teacher website. They will record an example student reading and post it to the example portfolio. Last the teacher will create an example lesson and post it to a newly created page on their website. 1

Ashley Friend- HoverCam UbD Lesson Plan Performance Task Statement: Students will work independently and collaboratively to create a functional digital portfolio page for one student and create a functional new webpage for lessons. Each of these pages will have one example video on it. Other Evidence Oral response to the Essential Questions Summarized Blog posts (tests, essays, work sample(s), etc.

Stage 3- Learning Plan Learning Activites: Welcome: introduce the essential questions and goals for the session. Introduce our newly created Tech. Tuesday website that is home to many resources that will be presented during the lesson. W, O Introduce the basics of HoverCam by beginning with with the first column of individual K-W-L charts. H, O Watch Podcasting with HoverCams video by Tonya McDaniel to understand the basic skills needed to make HoverCam work on your computer. H, O Part 1: Document Student Acheivement and Growth Begin Prezi Presentation. - W o Within the Prezi: Introduce new ideas of how the HoverCam can be used to document student achievement through running records, conferencing, and student presentations. Provide and play video examples of students under a HoverCam. E, O,W Within the Prezi: Introduce the concept of using digital portfolios online with our TeacherPages website. Show a screen capture of a students completed portfolio from last year. Navigate to an actual portfolio to view what an end product will look like. E, O,W Show the video Screenr video about Creating Digital Portfolios (created by the presenter) to meet the specific needs of the teachers of this school. E, O Part 2: Multiply Yourself with the HoverCam Introduce the idea of using the HoverCam to multiply yourself inside and outside of the classroom. E, O Talk about the following points: Be Your Own Co-teacher!, Be Your Own Substitute!, Communicate with Parents Better Than Ever!, Be an At-Home Tutor!, and Do a Screen Capture!- Show video examples of each point and remind student of where to find the examples again on the Tech. Tuesday website. E, O

Conclude: Have students fill in the remaining columns of their K-W-L chart. R, E, O

Students will work independently and collaboratively to create a functional digital portfolio page for one student and create a functional new webpage for lessons. Each of these pages will have one example video on it. T, O, E 2

Ashley Friend- HoverCam UbD Lesson Plan If time permits, have teachers reflect on their experience by blogging on the Tech. Tuesday blogging tab. Have them use the K-W-L chart to help them.

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