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Kimball Political Consulting Florida US Congress D-18 Survey Data collected September 28 between 3:00-8:30pm Executive Summary In the

n the Presidential Ballot Test, President Obama holds a 7 point lead over Governor Romney in the 18th Congressional District (52% to 45%), 3% were undecided. o o o o o o o o Martin County is Romneys strongest County with 53% to 44% for Obama (+9) Palm Beach County is Obamas strongest County with 64% to 35% for Romney (+29) St. Lucie County is the toss up county with a virtual tie (48% for Obama to 47% Romney) Younger voters 18-39 were more likely to support Romney 60% to 41% for Obama Voters 50-59 years old significantly supported Obama 58% to 38% (+20) Women were significantly more likely to support President Obama +22 points (59% to 37%) Men were significantly more likely to support Romney 54% to 44% for Obama (+10) Democrats and Republicans support their party candidate about 80% of the time with both parties giving the opposing candidate 18% of their vote Independents support Romney over Obama 50% to 46% Executive Summary Methodology Survey Instrument Frequencies and Cross tabulations

If the Election for U.S. Congress were held today in Floridas 18 district, Patrick Murphy would win with 49% over Allen West 45% (within the margin of error) with 6% of voters undecided. o Allen West has his base support in Martin County +9 (52% to 43%) 1- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

o o o o o o o o o o

Patrick Murphy has his support in Palm Beach County +21 (58% to 37%) St. Lucie County is a toss-up with West holding a 1 point lead (47% to 46%) Younger voters between the ages of 18-39 significantly favor West over Murphy +25 points (60% to 35%) Female voters significantly support Murphy over West +21 (57% to 36%) Male voters significantly favor West over Murphy +14 (55% to 41%) Democrats and Republicans support their party candidate 75% of the time and both candidates receive about 19% of the opposing partys vote. Independent voters favor West +6 over Murphy (49% to 43%) Voters who said the Deficit was the number one issue were four times as likely to vote for West (78% to 17%) Voters who thought Healthcare was the most important issue were very likely to vote for Murphy (80% to 12%) Voters who thought jobs were the most important issue split their votes between Murphy (48%) and West (46%)

President Obama has a 51% favorable rating and a 46% unfavorable rating (+5) o o o o o o His favorable ratings fall below his unfavorable rating in Martin County (-9) and St. Lucie County (-2). President Obama has a significantly higher favorable rating in Palm Beach County (+24) Among younger voters (18-39) Obama has a -21 unfavorable to favorable rating (60% to 39%) Gender splits on the Presidents favorable ratings with women holding a 59% favorable opinion versus males who hold a 42% favorable opinion Males also hold a 56% unfavorable opinion while females hold only a 38% unfavorable opinion Democrats and Republicans maintain a basic 80-20 split about President Obamas opinion, while Independents have a -4 unfavorable opinion of President Obama (50%-46%)

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Governor Mitt Romney has a 46% favorable opinion and a 51% unfavorable opinion while 3% are undecided. o Romneys support is located in Martin County +14 (56% to 42%), while his weakest is in Palm Beach County (-25 points) 61% unfavorable to 36% favorable. St. Lucie County is an area that Romney has some support with 47% favorable and 49% unfavorable Voters 30-39 years old have a significant favorable opinion of Romney with 64% to 36% (+28) There is no significant gender difference in opinion of Romney but the trend of females holding an unfavorable opinion (-19) and males holding a favorable opinion (+ 10) continues. Party affiliation continues to break based on Candidates party at nearly 80-20. Independent voters had a 50% favorable to 48% unfavorable opinion.

o o o

Congressman Allen West holds a 42% favorable opinion and a 51% unfavorable opinion in the district with 4% undecided o o Palm Beach County significantly has a lower impression of West with only a 35% favorable and a 62% unfavorable impression (-27) Younger voters continue to be attracted to the Republican candidates with voters 18-39 holding about a 32% unfavorable opinion and a 55% favorable opinion. Females have a -21 favorable to unfavorable opinion (36% to 57%) while males hold a slim +5 favorable impression of West (49%-44%) Party continues to split based on candidacy with a -55 amongst Democrats and a +51 amongst Republicans. Independents have a slight unfavorable opinion of West (44% to 49%)

o o

Patrick Murphy has a positive Favorable (45%) to unfavorable (37%) ratio with 19% undecided/never heard of him. o o Palm Beach County hold a significantly lower unfavorable opinion with only 28% Younger voters between ages 18-39 continue to hold an unfavorable opinion of the Democrat candidates with only a 24% favorable opinion and a 49% unfavorable opinion Females are a strong group of support +16 while males are evenly split (41% to 41%)

o Republican and Democrats mirror their opinions with +40 favorable opinions amongst Democrats and a -37 amongst Republicans. 3- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Independents have a +10 favorable opinion (47% to 37%).

The most important issue is Jobs (30%) followed by the Deficit (26%) and Healthcare (25%) o o o Female voters said healthcare was more important than the Deficit (29% to 17%) Males said the deficit was the most important issue (35%) Democrats thought Healthcare was most important at 36% followed by Jobs (28%) and a statistical tie for third between The Deficit (13%) and Cost of Education (11%) Independents and Republicans said the deficit was the most important issue (36% and 35% respectively)

Methodology (Caller ID) All respondents interviewed in this study were part of a fully representative sample of registered voters in the state using a probability sampling method including both landline (n=278) and mobile devises (n=130) for a total sample of N=408 registered likely voters. The Margin of Error for the sample is +/- 4.8% with a confidence level of 95%. The survey was administered using an Automated Telephone Interviewing (ATI) system. The ATI system allows data to be entered directly into a computerized database through the numbers on interviewees phone, providing a highly reliable system of data collection. A random sample of registered voters statewide was purchased from Aristotle Voter Lists, a leading supplier of voter lists to the survey research industry. A screening question was asked to all participants regarding how likely there were to vote in the November 6, 2012 General Election. Only those who answered very likely were included into the sample. The survey was conducted by Kimball Political Consulting on September 28, 2012 between 3:00 and 8:30. There was a response rate of 21% for this survey. Data Analysis The results presented in this report include univariate and bivariate analysis of the data. Frequency distributions for each item included on the questionnaire are shown in the tables. In all cases, cross-tabulation results are also shown. This type of bivariate analysis examines differences between sub-groups of the overall population. 4- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

The purpose of these statistical tests is to determine whether or not the observed difference between sub-groups in the sample is due to sampling error or whether it is due to a real difference in the population. When the results are statistically significant, it strongly suggests that the observed difference between sub-groups found in the sample is due to a real difference in the population, and not due to sampling error. Survey data was not weighted based on political, gender and geographical demographics of the district because the sample itself properly represented the parameters of Floridas 18 congressional district using voter registration numbers from the Florida Secretary of States office. Demographics

Party Affiliation Frequency Valid Democrat Republican Independent Total 182 136 90 408 Percent 44.6 33.3 22.1 100.0 Valid Percent 44.6 33.3 22.1 100.0 Cumulative Percent 44.6 77.9 100.0

Gender Frequency Valid Female Male Total 214 194 408 Percent 52.5 47.5 100.0 Valid Percent 52.5 47.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 52.5 100.0

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Age Category Frequency Valid 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Total 33 33 36 151 155 408 Percent 8.1 8.1 8.8 37.0 38.0 100.0 Valid Percent 8.1 8.1 8.8 37.0 38.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 8.1 16.2 25.0 62.0 100.0

County Frequency Valid MARTIN COUNTY PALM BEACH COUNTY ST. LUCIE COUNTY Total 124 140 144 408 Percent 30.4 34.3 35.3 100.0 Valid Percent 30.4 34.3 35.3 100.0 Cumulative Percent 30.4 64.7 100.0

Phone Frequency Valid Mobile Landline Total 130 278 408 Percent 31.9 68.1 100.0 Valid Percent 31.9 68.1 100.0 Cumulative Percent 31.9 100.0

Survey Instrument Hello, we are conducting a short public opinion survey regarding the Election for on November 6. This brief survey consists of 7 questions and will take only a few minutes to complete. 6- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Screening Question: How likely are you to vote in the General election for President on November 6? Press 1 on your keypad for very likely, press 2 for somewhat likely, press 3 if you are 50-50 or press 4 if you are not likely? Question 1: Great, I am going to read you a list of individuals running for office. For each, please tell me if your opinion of them is generally favorable or generally unfavorable. If you are undecided or if you have never heard of someone, just tell me that. First take Patrick Murphy Is your opinion of Patrick Murphy generally favorable or generally unfavorable? Press 1 for favorable, press 2 for unfavorable, press 3 if you are undecided and Press 4 if youve never heard of this public figure. Next, Is your opinion of Allen West generally favorable or generally unfavorable? Press 1 for favorable, press 2 for unfavorable, press 3 if you are undecided and Press 4 if youve never heard of this public figure. Next, Is your opinion of Mitt Romney generally favorable or generally unfavorable? Press 1 for favorable, press 2 for unfavorable, press 3 if you are undecided and Press 4 if youve never heard of this public figure. Next, Is your opinion Barak Obama generally favorable or generally unfavorable? Press 1 for favorable, press 2 for unfavorable, press 3 if you are undecided and Press 4 if youve never heard of this public figure. Question 2: If the election for U.S. President were held tomorrow and the candidates were, Democrat Barak Obama with Vice President Joe Biden or Republican Mitt Romney with Vice President Paul Ryan for who would you vote for at this time? Press 1 on your keyboard for Barak Obama and Joe Biden Press 2 for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Press 3 if you are undecided Question 3: If the election for U.S. Congress were held tomorrow and the candidates were, Republican Allen West and Democrat Patrick Murphy for who would you vote for at this time? Press 1 on your keyboard for Allen West Press 2 for Patrick Murphy, Press 3 if you are undecided Question 4: I am now going to read you a list of 5 issues, please choose what is your most important issue? Press 1 for The Deficit Press 2 for Gas Prices Press 3 for Healthcare Press 4 for Jobs Press 5 for Cost of Education Press 6 for other Press 7 to repeat the answer choices 7- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Question 5: What is your party affiliation? Press 1 for Democrat Press 2 for Republican Press 3 for Independent Press 4 if you are not a registered voter Question 6: What is Gender? Press 1 for Female Press 2 for Male Question 7: What is your age category? Press 1 for 18-29 Press 2 for 30-39 Press 3 for 40-49 Press 4 for 50-59 Press 5 for 60 and older Question 8: Regional Area- based on phone number from sample (calculated after results)

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Patrick Murphy

Favorable 45% 36% 49% 42% 51% 41% 24% 24% 42% 49% 50% 48% 41% 60% 22% 47%

Unfavorable 37% 36% 37% 44% 28% 39% 39% 58% 42% 31% 36% 32% 41% 20% 59% 37%

Undecided 14% 16% 12% 11% 16% 13% 15% 9% 6% 17% 12% 15% 12% 13% 15% 12%

Never Heard of 5% 12% 3% 4% 5% 7% 21% 9% 11% 3% 2% 5% 6% 7% 4% 4%

Mobile Landline Martin County Palm Beach County St. Lucie County 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Female Male Democrat Republican Independent

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Allen West

Favorable 42% 42% 42% 48% 35% 44% 49% 61% 36% 38% 43% 36% 49% 19% 72% 44%

Unfavorable 51% 44% 54% 45% 62% 45% 30% 33% 50% 57% 54% 57% 44% 74% 21% 49%

Undecided 4% 8% 3% 5% 2% 6% 9% 0% 11% 3% 3% 4% 5% 3% 5% 4%

Never Heard of 3% 7% 1% 2% 1% 6% 12% 6% 3% 2% 1% 3% 2% 4% 2% 2%

Mobile Landline Martin County Palm Beach County St. Lucie County 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Female Male Democrat Republican Independent

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Mitt Romney

Favorable 46% 49% 45% 56% 36% 47% 49% 64% 50% 41% 46% 39% 54% 18% 81% 50%

Unfavorable 51% 48% 53% 42% 61% 49% 49% 36% 50% 54% 52% 58% 44% 79% 15% 48%

Undecided 3% 4% 3% 2% 2% 4% 3% 0% 0% 5% 3% 4% 2% 3% 4% 2%

Never Heard of 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%

Mobile Landline Martin County Palm Beach County St. Lucie County 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Female Male Democrat Republican Independent

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Barak Obama

Favorable 51% 48% 53% 44% 61% 47% 42% 36% 47% 57% 51% 59% 42% 79% 17% 46%

Unfavorable 46% 49% 45% 53% 37% 49% 58% 61% 50% 40% 47% 38% 56% 20% 79% 50%

Undecided 3% 3% 2% 3% 1% 4% 0% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 1% 4% 4%

Never Heard of 0% 1% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0%

Mobile Landline Martin County Palm Beach County St. Lucie County 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Female Male Democrat Republican Independent

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President Ballot Test

Pres. Obama & Biden 52% 48% 54% 44% 64% 48% 42% 39% 50% 58% 52% 59% 44% 81% 18% 46%

Gov. Romney & Ryan 45% 48% 44% 53% 35% 47% 58% 61% 47% 38% 45% 37% 54% 18% 78% 50%

Undecided 3% 5% 3% 3% 1% 5% 0% 0% 3% 5% 3% 4% 3% 2% 4% 4%

Mobile Landline Martin County Palm Beach County St. Lucie County 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Female Male Democrat Republican Independent

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US Congress Ballot Test

Congressman Allen West 45% 46% 44% 52% 37% 47% 58% 61% 47% 38% 45% 36% 55% 20% 75% 49% 78% 40% 12% 46% 26% 53%

Patrick Murphy 49% 45% 51% 43% 58% 46% 33% 36% 44% 55% 50% 57% 41% 75% 18% 43% 17% 50% 80% 48% 67% 44%

Undecided 6% 9% 5% 6% 5% 8% 9% 3% 8% 7% 5% 8% 5% 5% 7% 8% 5% 10% 8% 6% 7% 3%

Mobile Landline Martin County Palm Beach County St. Lucie County 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Female Male Democrat Republican Independent The Deficit Gas Prices Healthcare Jobs Cost of Education Other

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The Deficit 26% 30% 23% 24% 27% 25% 33% 30% 22% 23% 27% 17% 35% 13% 35% 36%

Gas Prices 5% 5% 5% 6% 4% 6% 6% 3% 8% 3% 6% 5% 5% 6% 4% 4%

Healthcare 25% 25% 25% 21% 27% 25% 15% 18% 11% 26% 30% 29% 19% 36% 13% 19%

Jobs 30% 25% 32% 35% 27% 29% 21% 33% 42% 34% 25% 30% 30% 28% 34% 30%

Cost of Education 7% 5% 8% 4% 9% 7% 12% 9% 11% 7% 4% 8% 5% 11% 3% 3%

Other 8% 10% 8% 11% 6% 8% 12% 6% 6% 7% 10% 10% 7% 7% 11% 8%

Mobile Landline Martin County Palm Beach County St. Lucie County 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Female Male Democrat Republican Independent

Other: Females made up 41% of mobile users (Males 59%) Landline use was 58% female, 42% male. 15- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Party affiliation is representative in each County.

Frequency Table

How likely are you to vote in the General election for President on November 6? Frequency Valid Very Likely 408 Percent 100.0 Valid Percent 100.0 Cumulative Percent 100.0

Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Frequency Valid Favorable Unfavorable Undecided Never heard of Total 182 149 55 22 408 Percent 44.6 36.5 13.5 5.4 100.0 Valid Percent 44.6 36.5 13.5 5.4 100.0 Cumulative Percent 44.6 81.1 94.6 100.0

Name Recognition of Allen West Frequency Valid Favorable Unfavorable Undecided Never heard of Total 172 208 17 11 408 Percent 42.2 51.0 4.2 2.7 100.0 Valid Percent 42.2 51.0 4.2 2.7 100.0 Cumulative Percent 42.2 93.1 97.3 100.0

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Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Frequency Valid Favorable Unfavorable Undecided Total 188 208 12 408 Percent 46.1 51.0 2.9 100.0 Valid Percent 46.1 51.0 2.9 100.0 Cumulative Percent 46.1 97.1 100.0

Name Recognition of Barak Obama Frequency Valid Favorable Unfavorable Undecided Never heard of Total 208 189 10 1 408 Percent 51.0 46.3 2.5 .2 100.0 Valid Percent 51.0 46.3 2.5 .2 100.0 Cumulative Percent 51.0 97.3 99.8 100.0

U.S. President Ballot Test Frequency Valid President Obama Governor Romney Undecided Total 212 183 13 408 Percent 52.0 44.9 3.2 100.0 Valid Percent 52.0 44.9 3.2 100.0 Cumulative Percent 52.0 96.8 100.0

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U.S Congress Ballot Test Frequency Valid Allen West Patrick Murphy Undecided Total 183 200 25 408 Percent 44.9 49.0 6.1 100.0 Valid Percent 44.9 49.0 6.1 100.0 Cumulative Percent 44.9 93.9 100.0

Most Important Issue Facing Florida Frequency Valid The Deficit Gas Prices Healthcare Jobs Cost of Education Other Total 104 20 100 123 27 34 408 Percent 25.5 4.9 24.5 30.1 6.6 8.3 100.0 Valid Percent 25.5 4.9 24.5 30.1 6.6 8.3 100.0 Cumulative Percent 25.5 30.4 54.9 85.0 91.7 100.0

Party Affiliation Frequency Valid Democrat Republican Independent Total 182 136 90 408 Percent 44.6 33.3 22.1 100.0 Valid Percent 44.6 33.3 22.1 100.0 Cumulative Percent 44.6 77.9 100.0

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Gender Frequency Valid Female Male Total 214 194 408 Percent 52.5 47.5 100.0 Valid Percent 52.5 47.5 100.0 Cumulative Percent 52.5 100.0

Age Category Frequency Valid 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+ Total 33 33 36 151 155 408 Percent 8.1 8.1 8.8 37.0 38.0 100.0 Valid Percent 8.1 8.1 8.8 37.0 38.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 8.1 16.2 25.0 62.0 100.0

County Frequency Valid MARTIN COUNTY PALM BEACH COUNTY ST. LUCIE COUNTY Total 124 140 144 408 Percent 30.4 34.3 35.3 100.0 Valid Percent 30.4 34.3 35.3 100.0 Cumulative Percent 30.4 64.7 100.0

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Phone Frequency Valid Mobile Landline Total 130 278 408 Percent 31.9 68.1 100.0 Valid Percent 31.9 68.1 100.0 Cumulative Percent 31.9 100.0

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Phone * Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Favorable Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 47 36.2% 135 48.6% 182 44.6% Unfavorable 47 36.2% 102 36.7% 149 36.5% Undecided 21 16.2% 34 12.2% 55 13.5% Never heard of 15 11.5% 7 2.5% 22 5.4% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

Phone * Name Recognition of Allen West Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Allen West Favorable Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 54 41.5% 118 42.4% 172 42.2% Unfavorable 57 43.8% 151 54.3% 208 51.0% Undecided 10 7.7% 7 2.5% 17 4.2% Never heard of 9 6.9% 2 .7% 11 2.7% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

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Phone * Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Favorable Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 63 48.5% 125 45.0% 188 46.1% Unfavorable 62 47.7% 146 52.5% 208 51.0% Undecided 5 3.8% 7 2.5% 12 2.9% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

Phone * Name Recognition of Barak Obama Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Barak Obama Favorable Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 62 47.7% 146 52.5% 208 51.0% Unfavorable 63 48.5% 126 45.3% 189 46.3% Undecided 4 3.1% 6 2.2% 10 2.5% Never heard of 1 .8% 0 .0% 1 .2% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

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Phone * U.S. President Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 62 47.7% 150 54.0% 212 52.0% Governor Romney 62 47.7% 121 43.5% 183 44.9% Undecided 6 4.6% 7 2.5% 13 3.2% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

Phone * U.S Congress Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 60 46.2% 123 44.2% 183 44.9% Patrick Murphy 58 44.6% 142 51.1% 200 49.0% Undecided 12 9.2% 13 4.7% 25 6.1% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

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Phone * Most Important Issue Facing Florida Crosstabulation Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 39 30.0% 65 23.4% 104 25.5% Gas Prices 7 5.4% 13 4.7% 20 4.9% Healthcare 32 24.6% 68 24.5% 100 24.5% Jobs 33 25.4% 90 32.4% 123 30.1% Cost of Education 6 4.6% 21 7.6% 27 6.6% Other 13 10.0% 21 7.6% 34 8.3% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

Phone * Party Affiliation Crosstabulation Party Affiliation Democrat Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 59 45.4% 123 44.2% 182 44.6% Republican 48 36.9% 88 31.7% 136 33.3% Independent 23 17.7% 67 24.1% 90 22.1% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

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Phone * Gender Crosstabulation Gender Female Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 53 40.8% 161 57.9% 214 52.5% Male 77 59.2% 117 42.1% 194 47.5% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

Phone * Age Category Crosstabulation Age Category 18-29 Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 15 11.5% 18 6.5% 33 8.1% 30-39 7 5.4% 26 9.4% 33 8.1% 40-49 14 10.8% 22 7.9% 36 8.8% 50-59 41 31.5% 110 39.6% 151 37.0% 60+ 53 40.8% 102 36.7% 155 38.0% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

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Phone * County Crosstabulation County PALM BEACH MARTIN COUNTY Phone Mobile Count % within Phone Landline Count % within Phone Total Count % within Phone 33 25.4% 91 32.7% 124 30.4% COUNTY 43 33.1% 97 34.9% 140 34.3% ST. LUCIE COUNTY 54 41.5% 90 32.4% 144 35.3% Total 130 100.0% 278 100.0% 408 100.0%

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County * Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Favorable County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 52 41.9% 71 50.7% 59 41.0% 182 44.6% Unfavorable 54 43.5% 39 27.9% 56 38.9% 149 36.5% Undecided 13 10.5% 23 16.4% 19 13.2% 55 13.5% Never heard of 5 4.0% 7 5.0% 10 6.9% 22 5.4% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

County * Name Recognition of Allen West Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Allen West Favorable County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 60 48.4% 49 35.0% 63 43.8% 172 42.2% Unfavorable 56 45.2% 87 62.1% 65 45.1% 208 51.0% Undecided 6 4.8% 3 2.1% 8 5.6% 17 4.2% Never heard of 2 1.6% 1 .7% 8 5.6% 11 2.7% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

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County * Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Favorable County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 69 55.6% 51 36.4% 68 47.2% 188 46.1% Unfavorable 52 41.9% 86 61.4% 70 48.6% 208 51.0% Undecided 3 2.4% 3 2.1% 6 4.2% 12 2.9% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

County * Name Recognition of Barak Obama Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Barak Obama Favorable County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 54 43.5% 86 61.4% 68 47.2% 208 51.0% Unfavorable 66 53.2% 52 37.1% 71 49.3% 189 46.3% Undecided 4 3.2% 1 .7% 5 3.5% 10 2.5% Never heard of 0 .0% 1 .7% 0 .0% 1 .2% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

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County * U.S. President Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 54 43.5% 89 63.6% 69 47.9% 212 52.0% Governor Romney 66 53.2% 49 35.0% 68 47.2% 183 44.9% Undecided 4 3.2% 2 1.4% 7 4.9% 13 3.2% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

County * U.S Congress Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 64 51.6% 52 37.1% 67 46.5% 183 44.9% Patrick Murphy 53 42.7% 81 57.9% 66 45.8% 200 49.0% Undecided 7 5.6% 7 5.0% 11 7.6% 25 6.1% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

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County * Most Important Issue Facing Florida Crosstabulation Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 30 24.2% 38 27.1% 36 25.0% 104 25.5% Gas Prices 7 5.6% 5 3.6% 8 5.6% 20 4.9% Healthcare 26 21.0% 38 27.1% 36 25.0% 100 24.5% Jobs 43 34.7% 38 27.1% 42 29.2% 123 30.1% Cost of Education 5 4.0% 12 8.6% 10 6.9% 27 6.6% Other 13 10.5% 9 6.4% 12 8.3% 34 8.3% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

County * Party Affiliation Crosstabulation Party Affiliation Democrat County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 38 30.6% 73 52.1% 71 49.3% 182 44.6% Republican 64 51.6% 31 22.1% 41 28.5% 136 33.3% Independent 22 17.7% 36 25.7% 32 22.2% 90 22.1% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

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County * Gender Crosstabulation Gender Female County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 69 55.6% 68 48.6% 77 53.5% 214 52.5% Male 55 44.4% 72 51.4% 67 46.5% 194 47.5% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

County * Age Category Crosstabulation Age Category 18-29 County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 10 8.1% 8 5.7% 15 10.4% 33 8.1% 30-39 9 7.3% 10 7.1% 14 9.7% 33 8.1% 40-49 12 9.7% 11 7.9% 13 9.0% 36 8.8% 50-59 35 28.2% 62 44.3% 54 37.5% 151 37.0% 60+ 58 46.8% 49 35.0% 48 33.3% 155 38.0% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

31- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

County * Phone Crosstabulation Phone Mobile County MARTIN COUNTY Count % within County PALM BEACH COUNTY Count % within County ST. LUCIE COUNTY Count % within County Total Count % within County 33 26.6% 43 30.7% 54 37.5% 130 31.9% Landline 91 73.4% 97 69.3% 90 62.5% 278 68.1% Total 124 100.0% 140 100.0% 144 100.0% 408 100.0%

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Age Category * Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Favorable Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 8 24.2% 8 24.2% 15 41.7% 74 49.0% 77 49.7% 182 44.6% Unfavorable 13 39.4% 19 57.6% 15 41.7% 46 30.5% 56 36.1% 149 36.5% Undecided 5 15.2% 3 9.1% 2 5.6% 26 17.2% 19 12.3% 55 13.5% Never heard of 7 21.2% 3 9.1% 4 11.1% 5 3.3% 3 1.9% 22 5.4% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

33- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * Name Recognition of Allen West Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Allen West Favorable Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 16 48.5% 20 60.6% 13 36.1% 57 37.7% 66 42.6% 172 42.2% Unfavorable 10 30.3% 11 33.3% 18 50.0% 86 57.0% 83 53.5% 208 51.0% Undecided 3 9.1% 0 .0% 4 11.1% 5 3.3% 5 3.2% 17 4.2% Never heard of 4 12.1% 2 6.1% 1 2.8% 3 2.0% 1 .6% 11 2.7% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

34- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Favorable Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 16 48.5% 21 63.6% 18 50.0% 62 41.1% 71 45.8% 188 46.1% Unfavorable 16 48.5% 12 36.4% 18 50.0% 82 54.3% 80 51.6% 208 51.0% Undecided 1 3.0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 7 4.6% 4 2.6% 12 2.9% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

35- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * Name Recognition of Barak Obama Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Barak Obama Favorable Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 14 42.4% 12 36.4% 17 47.2% 86 57.0% 79 51.0% 208 51.0% Unfavorable 19 57.6% 20 60.6% 18 50.0% 60 39.7% 72 46.5% 189 46.3% Undecided 0 .0% 1 3.0% 1 2.8% 4 2.6% 4 2.6% 10 2.5% Never heard of 0 .0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 1 .7% 0 .0% 1 .2% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

36- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * U.S. President Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 14 42.4% 13 39.4% 18 50.0% 87 57.6% 80 51.6% 212 52.0% Governor Romney 19 57.6% 20 60.6% 17 47.2% 57 37.7% 70 45.2% 183 44.9% Undecided 0 .0% 0 .0% 1 2.8% 7 4.6% 5 3.2% 13 3.2% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

37- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * U.S Congress Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 19 57.6% 20 60.6% 17 47.2% 58 38.4% 69 44.5% 183 44.9% Patrick Murphy 11 33.3% 12 36.4% 16 44.4% 83 55.0% 78 50.3% 200 49.0% Undecided 3 9.1% 1 3.0% 3 8.3% 10 6.6% 8 5.2% 25 6.1% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

38- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * Most Important Issue Facing Florida Crosstabulation Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 11 33.3% 10 30.3% 8 22.2% 34 22.5% 41 26.5% 104 25.5% Gas Prices 2 6.1% 1 3.0% 3 8.3% 5 3.3% 9 5.8% 20 4.9% Healthcare 5 15.2% 6 18.2% 4 11.1% 39 25.8% 46 29.7% 100 24.5% Jobs 7 21.2% 11 33.3% 15 41.7% 52 34.4% 38 24.5% 123 30.1% Cost of Education 4 12.1% 3 9.1% 4 11.1% 10 6.6% 6 3.9% 27 6.6% Other 4 12.1% 2 6.1% 2 5.6% 11 7.3% 15 9.7% 34 8.3% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

39- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * Party Affiliation Crosstabulation Party Affiliation Democrat Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 17 51.5% 15 45.5% 11 30.6% 79 52.3% 60 38.7% 182 44.6% Republican 9 27.3% 7 21.2% 15 41.7% 42 27.8% 63 40.6% 136 33.3% Independent 7 21.2% 11 33.3% 10 27.8% 30 19.9% 32 20.6% 90 22.1% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

40- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * Gender Crosstabulation Gender Female Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 19 57.6% 18 54.5% 18 50.0% 87 57.6% 72 46.5% 214 52.5% Male 14 42.4% 15 45.5% 18 50.0% 64 42.4% 83 53.5% 194 47.5% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

41- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * County Crosstabulation County PALM BEACH MARTIN COUNTY Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 10 30.3% 9 27.3% 12 33.3% 35 23.2% 58 37.4% 124 30.4% COUNTY 8 24.2% 10 30.3% 11 30.6% 62 41.1% 49 31.6% 140 34.3% ST. LUCIE COUNTY 15 45.5% 14 42.4% 13 36.1% 54 35.8% 48 31.0% 144 35.3% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

42- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Age Category * Phone Crosstabulation Phone Mobile Age Category 18-29 Count % within Age Category 30-39 Count % within Age Category 40-49 Count % within Age Category 50-59 Count % within Age Category 60+ Count % within Age Category Total Count % within Age Category 15 45.5% 7 21.2% 14 38.9% 41 27.2% 53 34.2% 130 31.9% Landline 18 54.5% 26 78.8% 22 61.1% 110 72.8% 102 65.8% 278 68.1% Total 33 100.0% 33 100.0% 36 100.0% 151 100.0% 155 100.0% 408 100.0%

43- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Gender * Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Favorable Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 103 48.1% 79 40.7% 182 44.6% Unfavorable 69 32.2% 80 41.2% 149 36.5% Undecided 31 14.5% 24 12.4% 55 13.5% Never heard of 11 5.1% 11 5.7% 22 5.4% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

Gender * Name Recognition of Allen West Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Allen West Favorable Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 77 36.0% 95 49.0% 172 42.2% Unfavorable 122 57.0% 86 44.3% 208 51.0% Undecided 8 3.7% 9 4.6% 17 4.2% Never heard of 7 3.3% 4 2.1% 11 2.7% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

44- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Gender * Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Favorable Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 83 38.8% 105 54.1% 188 46.1% Unfavorable 123 57.5% 85 43.8% 208 51.0% Undecided 8 3.7% 4 2.1% 12 2.9% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

Gender * Name Recognition of Barak Obama Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Barak Obama Favorable Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 127 59.3% 81 41.8% 208 51.0% Unfavorable 81 37.9% 108 55.7% 189 46.3% Undecided 6 2.8% 4 2.1% 10 2.5% Never heard of 0 .0% 1 .5% 1 .2% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

45- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Gender * U.S. President Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 127 59.3% 85 43.8% 212 52.0% Governor Romney 79 36.9% 104 53.6% 183 44.9% Undecided 8 3.7% 5 2.6% 13 3.2% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

Gender * U.S Congress Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 77 36.0% 106 54.6% 183 44.9% Patrick Murphy 121 56.5% 79 40.7% 200 49.0% Undecided 16 7.5% 9 4.6% 25 6.1% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

46- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Gender * Most Important Issue Facing Florida Crosstabulation Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 37 17.3% 67 34.5% 104 25.5% Gas Prices 10 4.7% 10 5.2% 20 4.9% Healthcare 63 29.4% 37 19.1% 100 24.5% Jobs 65 30.4% 58 29.9% 123 30.1% Cost of Education 18 8.4% 9 4.6% 27 6.6% Other 21 9.8% 13 6.7% 34 8.3% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

Gender * Party Affiliation Crosstabulation Party Affiliation Democrat Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 120 56.1% 62 32.0% 182 44.6% Republican 54 25.2% 82 42.3% 136 33.3% Independent 40 18.7% 50 25.8% 90 22.1% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

47- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Gender * Age Category Crosstabulation Age Category 18-29 Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 19 8.9% 14 7.2% 33 8.1% 30-39 18 8.4% 15 7.7% 33 8.1% 40-49 18 8.4% 18 9.3% 36 8.8% 50-59 87 40.7% 64 33.0% 151 37.0% 60+ 72 33.6% 83 42.8% 155 38.0% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

48- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Gender * County Crosstabulation County PALM BEACH MARTIN COUNTY Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 69 32.2% 55 28.4% 124 30.4% COUNTY 68 31.8% 72 37.1% 140 34.3% ST. LUCIE COUNTY 77 36.0% 67 34.5% 144 35.3% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

49- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Gender * Phone Crosstabulation Phone Mobile Gender Female Count % within Gender Male Count % within Gender Total Count % within Gender 53 24.8% 77 39.7% 130 31.9% Landline 161 75.2% 117 60.3% 278 68.1% Total 214 100.0% 194 100.0% 408 100.0%

50- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12


Party Affiliation * Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Favorable Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 110 60.4% 30 22.1% 42 46.7% 182 44.6% Unfavorable 36 19.8% 80 58.8% 33 36.7% 149 36.5% Undecided 24 13.2% 20 14.7% 11 12.2% 55 13.5% Never heard of 12 6.6% 6 4.4% 4 4.4% 22 5.4% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

Party Affiliation * Name Recognition of Allen West Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Allen West Favorable Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 34 18.7% 98 72.1% 40 44.4% 172 42.2% Unfavorable 135 74.2% 29 21.3% 44 48.9% 208 51.0% Undecided 6 3.3% 7 5.1% 4 4.4% 17 4.2% Never heard of 7 3.8% 2 1.5% 2 2.2% 11 2.7% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

51- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Party Affiliation * Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Favorable Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 33 18.1% 110 80.9% 45 50.0% 188 46.1% Unfavorable 144 79.1% 21 15.4% 43 47.8% 208 51.0% Undecided 5 2.7% 5 3.7% 2 2.2% 12 2.9% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

Party Affiliation * Name Recognition of Barak Obama Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Barak Obama Favorable Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 144 79.1% 23 16.9% 41 45.6% 208 51.0% Unfavorable 36 19.8% 108 79.4% 45 50.0% 189 46.3% Undecided 1 .5% 5 3.7% 4 4.4% 10 2.5% Never heard of 1 .5% 0 .0% 0 .0% 1 .2% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

52- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Party Affiliation * U.S. President Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 147 80.8% 24 17.6% 41 45.6% 212 52.0% Governor Romney 32 17.6% 106 77.9% 45 50.0% 183 44.9% Undecided 3 1.6% 6 4.4% 4 4.4% 13 3.2% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

Party Affiliation * U.S Congress Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 37 20.3% 102 75.0% 44 48.9% 183 44.9% Patrick Murphy 136 74.7% 25 18.4% 39 43.3% 200 49.0% Undecided 9 4.9% 9 6.6% 7 7.8% 25 6.1% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

53- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Party Affiliation * Most Important Issue Facing Florida Crosstabulation Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 24 13.2% 48 35.3% 32 35.6% 104 25.5% Gas Prices 11 6.0% 5 3.7% 4 4.4% 20 4.9% Healthcare 65 35.7% 18 13.2% 17 18.9% 100 24.5% Jobs 50 27.5% 46 33.8% 27 30.0% 123 30.1% Cost of Education 20 11.0% 4 2.9% 3 3.3% 27 6.6% Other 12 6.6% 15 11.0% 7 7.8% 34 8.3% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

Party Affiliation * Gender Crosstabulation Gender Female Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 120 65.9% 54 39.7% 40 44.4% 214 52.5% Male 62 34.1% 82 60.3% 50 55.6% 194 47.5% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

54- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Party Affiliation * Age Category Crosstabulation Age Category 18-29 Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 17 9.3% 9 6.6% 7 7.8% 33 8.1% 30-39 15 8.2% 7 5.1% 11 12.2% 33 8.1% 40-49 11 6.0% 15 11.0% 10 11.1% 36 8.8% 50-59 79 43.4% 42 30.9% 30 33.3% 151 37.0% 60+ 60 33.0% 63 46.3% 32 35.6% 155 38.0% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

Party Affiliation * County Crosstabulation County PALM BEACH MARTIN COUNTY Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count 38 20.9% 64 47.1% 22 24.4% 124 COUNTY 73 40.1% 31 22.8% 36 40.0% 140 ST. LUCIE COUNTY 71 39.0% 41 30.1% 32 35.6% 144 Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408

55- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Party Affiliation * County Crosstabulation County PALM BEACH MARTIN COUNTY Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 38 20.9% 64 47.1% 22 24.4% 124 30.4% COUNTY 73 40.1% 31 22.8% 36 40.0% 140 34.3% ST. LUCIE COUNTY 71 39.0% 41 30.1% 32 35.6% 144 35.3% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

Party Affiliation * Phone Crosstabulation Phone Mobile Party Affiliation Democrat Count % within Party Affiliation Republican Count % within Party Affiliation Independent Count % within Party Affiliation Total Count % within Party Affiliation 59 32.4% 48 35.3% 23 25.6% 130 31.9% Landline 123 67.6% 88 64.7% 67 74.4% 278 68.1% Total 182 100.0% 136 100.0% 90 100.0% 408 100.0%

56- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Favorable Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 182 44.6% 149 36.5% 55 13.5% 22 5.4% 408 100.0% 14 41.2% 11 32.4% 7 20.6% 2 5.9% 34 100.0% 16 59.3% 8 29.6% 1 3.7% 2 7.4% 27 100.0% 54 43.9% 47 38.2% 18 14.6% 4 3.3% 123 100.0% 72 72.0% 13 13.0% 9 9.0% 6 6.0% 100 100.0% 8 40.0% 8 40.0% 3 15.0% 1 5.0% 20 100.0% 18 17.3% Unfavorable 62 59.6% Undecided 17 16.3% Never heard of 7 6.7% Total 104 100.0%

57- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * Name Recognition of Allen West Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Allen West Favorable Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 172 42.2% 208 51.0% 17 4.2% 11 2.7% 408 100.0% 16 47.1% 15 44.1% 1 2.9% 2 5.9% 34 100.0% 5 18.5% 20 74.1% 1 3.7% 1 3.7% 27 100.0% 53 43.1% 59 48.0% 8 6.5% 3 2.4% 123 100.0% 10 10.0% 82 82.0% 4 4.0% 4 4.0% 100 100.0% 9 45.0% 10 50.0% 1 5.0% 0 .0% 20 100.0% 79 76.0% Unfavorable 22 21.2% Undecided 2 1.9% Never heard of 1 1.0% Total 104 100.0%

58- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Favorable Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 188 46.1% 208 51.0% 12 2.9% 408 100.0% 17 50.0% 16 47.1% 1 2.9% 34 100.0% 8 29.6% 19 70.4% 0 .0% 27 100.0% 60 48.8% 58 47.2% 5 4.1% 123 100.0% 12 12.0% 85 85.0% 3 3.0% 100 100.0% 8 40.0% 12 60.0% 0 .0% 20 100.0% 83 79.8% Unfavorable 18 17.3% Undecided 3 2.9% Total 104 100.0%

59- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * Name Recognition of Barak Obama Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Barak Obama Favorable Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 208 51.0% 189 46.3% 10 2.5% 1 .2% 408 100.0% 16 47.1% 18 52.9% 0 .0% 0 .0% 34 100.0% 18 66.7% 8 29.6% 0 .0% 1 3.7% 27 100.0% 61 49.6% 58 47.2% 4 3.3% 0 .0% 123 100.0% 85 85.0% 13 13.0% 2 2.0% 0 .0% 100 100.0% 12 60.0% 8 40.0% 0 .0% 0 .0% 20 100.0% 16 15.4% Unfavorable 84 80.8% Undecided 4 3.8% Never heard of 0 .0% Total 104 100.0%

60- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * U.S. President Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 212 52.0% 183 44.9% 13 3.2% 408 100.0% 16 47.1% 17 50.0% 1 2.9% 34 100.0% 19 70.4% 8 29.6% 0 .0% 27 100.0% 60 48.8% 59 48.0% 4 3.3% 123 100.0% 86 86.0% 10 10.0% 4 4.0% 100 100.0% 13 65.0% 7 35.0% 0 .0% 20 100.0% 18 17.3% Governor Romney 82 78.8% Undecided 4 3.8% Total 104 100.0%

61- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * U.S Congress Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 183 44.9% 200 49.0% 25 6.1% 408 100.0% 18 52.9% 15 44.1% 1 2.9% 34 100.0% 7 25.9% 18 66.7% 2 7.4% 27 100.0% 57 46.3% 59 48.0% 7 5.7% 123 100.0% 12 12.0% 80 80.0% 8 8.0% 100 100.0% 8 40.0% 10 50.0% 2 10.0% 20 100.0% 81 77.9% Patrick Murphy 18 17.3% Undecided 5 4.8% Total 104 100.0%

62- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * Party Affiliation Crosstabulation Party Affiliation Democrat Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 182 44.6% 136 33.3% 90 22.1% 408 100.0% 12 35.3% 15 44.1% 7 20.6% 34 100.0% 20 74.1% 4 14.8% 3 11.1% 27 100.0% 50 40.7% 46 37.4% 27 22.0% 123 100.0% 65 65.0% 18 18.0% 17 17.0% 100 100.0% 11 55.0% 5 25.0% 4 20.0% 20 100.0% 24 23.1% Republican 48 46.2% Independent 32 30.8% Total 104 100.0%

63- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * Gender Crosstabulation Gender Female Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 214 52.5% 194 47.5% 408 100.0% 21 61.8% 13 38.2% 34 100.0% 18 66.7% 9 33.3% 27 100.0% 65 52.8% 58 47.2% 123 100.0% 63 63.0% 37 37.0% 100 100.0% 10 50.0% 10 50.0% 20 100.0% 37 35.6% Male 67 64.4% Total 104 100.0%

64- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * Age Category Crosstabulation Age Category 18-29 Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 33 8.1% 33 8.1% 36 8.8% 151 37.0% 155 38.0% 408 100.0% 4 11.8% 2 5.9% 2 5.9% 11 32.4% 15 44.1% 34 100.0% 4 14.8% 3 11.1% 4 14.8% 10 37.0% 6 22.2% 27 100.0% 7 5.7% 11 8.9% 15 12.2% 52 42.3% 38 30.9% 123 100.0% 5 5.0% 6 6.0% 4 4.0% 39 39.0% 46 46.0% 100 100.0% 2 10.0% 1 5.0% 3 15.0% 5 25.0% 9 45.0% 20 100.0% 11 10.6% 30-39 10 9.6% 40-49 8 7.7% 50-59 34 32.7% 60+ 41 39.4% Total 104 100.0%

65- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * County Crosstabulation County PALM BEACH MARTIN COUNTY Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 124 30.4% 140 34.3% 144 35.3% 408 100.0% 13 38.2% 9 26.5% 12 35.3% 34 100.0% 5 18.5% 12 44.4% 10 37.0% 27 100.0% 43 35.0% 38 30.9% 42 34.1% 123 100.0% 26 26.0% 38 38.0% 36 36.0% 100 100.0% 7 35.0% 5 25.0% 8 40.0% 20 100.0% 30 28.8% COUNTY 38 36.5% ST. LUCIE COUNTY 36 34.6% Total 104 100.0%

66- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

Most Important Issue Facing Florida * Phone Crosstabulation Phone Mobile Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Gas Prices Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Healthcare Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Jobs Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Cost of Education Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Other Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida Total Count % within Most Important Issue Facing Florida 130 31.9% 278 68.1% 408 100.0% 13 38.2% 21 61.8% 34 100.0% 6 22.2% 21 77.8% 27 100.0% 33 26.8% 90 73.2% 123 100.0% 32 32.0% 68 68.0% 100 100.0% 7 35.0% 13 65.0% 20 100.0% 39 37.5% Landline 65 62.5% Total 104 100.0%

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U.S Congress Ballot Test * Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Favorable U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 18 9.8% 162 81.0% 2 8.0% 182 44.6% Unfavorable 129 70.5% 8 4.0% 12 48.0% 149 36.5% Undecided 26 14.2% 21 10.5% 8 32.0% 55 13.5% Never heard of 10 5.5% 9 4.5% 3 12.0% 22 5.4% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S Congress Ballot Test * Name Recognition of Allen West Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Allen West Favorable U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 161 88.0% 8 4.0% 3 12.0% 172 42.2% Unfavorable 13 7.1% 183 91.5% 12 48.0% 208 51.0% Undecided 6 3.3% 3 1.5% 8 32.0% 17 4.2% Never heard of 3 1.6% 6 3.0% 2 8.0% 11 2.7% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

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U.S Congress Ballot Test * Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Favorable U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 166 90.7% 15 7.5% 7 28.0% 188 46.1% Unfavorable 16 8.7% 180 90.0% 12 48.0% 208 51.0% Undecided 1 .5% 5 2.5% 6 24.0% 12 2.9% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S Congress Ballot Test * Name Recognition of Barak Obama Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Barak Obama Favorable U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 14 7.7% 183 91.5% 11 44.0% 208 51.0% Unfavorable 167 91.3% 14 7.0% 8 32.0% 189 46.3% Undecided 2 1.1% 2 1.0% 6 24.0% 10 2.5% Never heard of 0 .0% 1 .5% 0 .0% 1 .2% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

69- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S Congress Ballot Test * U.S. President Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 15 8.2% 186 93.0% 11 44.0% 212 52.0% Governor Romney 166 90.7% 10 5.0% 7 28.0% 183 44.9% Undecided 2 1.1% 4 2.0% 7 28.0% 13 3.2% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

70- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S Congress Ballot Test * Most Important Issue Facing Florida Crosstabulation Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 104 25.5% 20 4.9% 100 24.5% 123 30.1% 27 6.6% 34 8.3% 408 100.0% 5 20.0% 2 8.0% 8 32.0% 7 28.0% 2 8.0% 1 4.0% 25 100.0% 18 9.0% 10 5.0% 80 40.0% 59 29.5% 18 9.0% 15 7.5% 200 100.0% 81 44.3% Gas Prices 8 4.4% Healthcare 12 6.6% Jobs 57 31.1% Cost of Education 7 3.8% Other 18 9.8% Total 183 100.0%

71- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S Congress Ballot Test * Party Affiliation Crosstabulation Party Affiliation Democrat U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 37 20.2% 136 68.0% 9 36.0% 182 44.6% Republican 102 55.7% 25 12.5% 9 36.0% 136 33.3% Independent 44 24.0% 39 19.5% 7 28.0% 90 22.1% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S Congress Ballot Test * Gender Crosstabulation Gender Female U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 77 42.1% 121 60.5% 16 64.0% 214 52.5% Male 106 57.9% 79 39.5% 9 36.0% 194 47.5% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

72- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S Congress Ballot Test * Age Category Crosstabulation Age Category 18-29 U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 19 10.4% 11 5.5% 3 12.0% 33 8.1% 30-39 20 10.9% 12 6.0% 1 4.0% 33 8.1% 40-49 17 9.3% 16 8.0% 3 12.0% 36 8.8% 50-59 58 31.7% 83 41.5% 10 40.0% 151 37.0% 60+ 69 37.7% 78 39.0% 8 32.0% 155 38.0% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S Congress Ballot Test * County Crosstabulation County PALM BEACH MARTIN COUNTY U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 64 35.0% 53 26.5% 7 28.0% 124 30.4% COUNTY 52 28.4% 81 40.5% 7 28.0% 140 34.3% ST. LUCIE COUNTY 67 36.6% 66 33.0% 11 44.0% 144 35.3% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

73- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S Congress Ballot Test * Phone Crosstabulation Phone Mobile U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Patrick Murphy Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S Congress Ballot Test 60 32.8% 58 29.0% 12 48.0% 130 31.9% Landline 123 67.2% 142 71.0% 13 52.0% 278 68.1% Total 183 100.0% 200 100.0% 25 100.0% 408 100.0%

74- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12


U.S. President Ballot Test * Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Patrick Murphy Favorable U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 159 75.0% 19 10.4% 4 30.8% 182 44.6% Unfavorable 18 8.5% 130 71.0% 1 7.7% 149 36.5% Undecided 23 10.8% 26 14.2% 6 46.2% 55 13.5% Never heard of 12 5.7% 8 4.4% 2 15.4% 22 5.4% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S. President Ballot Test * Name Recognition of Allen West Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Allen West Favorable U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 12 5.7% 156 85.2% 4 30.8% 172 42.2% Unfavorable 188 88.7% 16 8.7% 4 30.8% 208 51.0% Undecided 5 2.4% 7 3.8% 5 38.5% 17 4.2% Never heard of 7 3.3% 4 2.2% 0 .0% 11 2.7% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

75- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S. President Ballot Test * Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Mitt Romney Favorable U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 7 3.3% 179 97.8% 2 15.4% 188 46.1% Unfavorable 202 95.3% 3 1.6% 3 23.1% 208 51.0% Undecided 3 1.4% 1 .5% 8 61.5% 12 2.9% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S. President Ballot Test * Name Recognition of Barak Obama Crosstabulation Name Recognition of Barak Obama Favorable U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 205 96.7% 0 .0% 3 23.1% 208 51.0% Unfavorable 4 1.9% 180 98.4% 5 38.5% 189 46.3% Undecided 2 .9% 3 1.6% 5 38.5% 10 2.5% Never heard of 1 .5% 0 .0% 0 .0% 1 .2% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

76- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S. President Ballot Test * U.S Congress Ballot Test Crosstabulation U.S Congress Ballot Test Allen West U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 15 7.1% 166 90.7% 2 15.4% 183 44.9% Patrick Murphy 186 87.7% 10 5.5% 4 30.8% 200 49.0% Undecided 11 5.2% 7 3.8% 7 53.8% 25 6.1% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S. President Ballot Test * Most Important Issue Facing Florida Crosstabulation Most Important Issue Facing Florida The Deficit U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 18 8.5% 82 44.8% 4 30.8% 104 25.5% Gas Prices 13 6.1% 7 3.8% 0 .0% 20 4.9% Healthcare 86 40.6% 10 5.5% 4 30.8% 100 24.5% Jobs 60 28.3% 59 32.2% 4 30.8% 123 30.1% Cost of Education 19 9.0% 8 4.4% 0 .0% 27 6.6% Other 16 7.5% 17 9.3% 1 7.7% 34 8.3% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

77- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S. President Ballot Test * Party Affiliation Crosstabulation Party Affiliation Democrat U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 147 69.3% 32 17.5% 3 23.1% 182 44.6% Republican 24 11.3% 106 57.9% 6 46.2% 136 33.3% Independent 41 19.3% 45 24.6% 4 30.8% 90 22.1% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S. President Ballot Test * Gender Crosstabulation Gender Female U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 127 59.9% 79 43.2% 8 61.5% 214 52.5% Male 85 40.1% 104 56.8% 5 38.5% 194 47.5% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

78- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S. President Ballot Test * Age Category Crosstabulation Age Category 18-29 U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 14 6.6% 19 10.4% 0 .0% 33 8.1% 30-39 13 6.1% 20 10.9% 0 .0% 33 8.1% 40-49 18 8.5% 17 9.3% 1 7.7% 36 8.8% 50-59 87 41.0% 57 31.1% 7 53.8% 151 37.0% 60+ 80 37.7% 70 38.3% 5 38.5% 155 38.0% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

U.S. President Ballot Test * County Crosstabulation County PALM BEACH MARTIN COUNTY U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 54 25.5% 66 36.1% 4 30.8% 124 30.4% COUNTY 89 42.0% 49 26.8% 2 15.4% 140 34.3% ST. LUCIE COUNTY 69 32.5% 68 37.2% 7 53.8% 144 35.3% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

79- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

U.S. President Ballot Test * Phone Crosstabulation Phone Mobile U.S. President Ballot Test President Obama Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Governor Romney Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Undecided Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test Total Count % within U.S. President Ballot Test 62 29.2% 62 33.9% 6 46.2% 130 31.9% Landline 150 70.8% 121 66.1% 7 53.8% 278 68.1% Total 212 100.0% 183 100.0% 13 100.0% 408 100.0%

80- Kimball Political Consulting, LLC FL USC D18 9/28/12

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