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Erica D.

Department of Biomedical Engineering 245 Upson Hall Ithaca, NY 14853

EDUCATION: 06/2008present 08/2012 05/2008 Ph.D. Candidate in Biomedical Enginering, Cornell University Adviser: Brian J. Kirby M.S. Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University Adviser: Brian J. Kirby B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: 05/2008Research Assistant, Micro- & Nano-uidics Laboratory, Cornell University Adviser: Brian J. Kirby Microuidic capture and analysis of circulating tumor cells from prostate cancer blood samples. Undergraduate Researcher, Cellular Biomechanics Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University Adviser: Philip R. LeDuc Minimal prole, three-dimensional (MP3D) polymeric devices designed to apply mechanical stimulation via long-term, physiological attachments to single cells while allowing for simultaneous imaging of intracellular calcium signaling events. Undergraduate Researcher, Complex Matter Physics Group, Cornell University Adviser: Itai Cohen Epitaxial growth of thin lms modeled by depositing density mismatched colloidal microspheres, in the presence of a depletant polymer, on microtemplate patterns. Undergraduate Researcher, Shape Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing, University of Oklahoma Adviser: Shivakumar Raman Form tolerance analysis on three basic shapes (sphere, cone, and torus) using a model combining optimal sampling strategy, sampling size and tting algorithm. Undergraduate Researcher Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Adviser: John D. Ash Regulated alternative splicing in M-Opsin, S-Opsin, and twelve other phototransduction genes studied in Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) transgenic mice.





HONORS/AWARDS: 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2009 2008 2008 Travel Grant from International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS) Travel Grant from Cornell Diversity in Programs in Engineering (DPE) Travel Grant from Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Bioanalytical Sensors Poster award, Cornell Nanofabrication Facility (CNF) Annual Meeting Poster award: second place , Sibley Graduate Research Conference National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Cornell University Sloan PhD Fellowship Poster award: third place, Cornell Biomedical Engineering Society

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS: [1] WC Ruder, ED Pratt, NZD Brandy, DA LaVan, PR LeDuc, and JF Antaki. Calcium signaling is gated by a mechanical threshold in three dimensional environments. Scientic Reports, in press. [2] BJ Kirby, M Jodari, MS Loftus, ED Pratt, G Gakhar, JP Gleghorn, SM Santana, H Liu, JP Smith, ST Tagawa, NH Bander, DM Nanus, and P Giannakakou. Functional characterization of circulating tumor cells with a prostate-cancer-specic microuidic device. PLoS ONE, 7(4), 2012. [3] WC Ruder, ED Pratt, S Bakhru, M Sitti, S Zappe, JF Antaki, and PR LeDuc. Three-dimensional microber devices that mimic physiological environments to probe cell mechanics and signaling. Lab on a Chip, 12:17751779, 2012. Lab on a Chip Top 10% article. [4] JP Gleghorn, ED Pratt, D Denning, H Liu, NH Bander, ST Tagawa, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Capture of circulating tumor cells from whole blood of prostate cancer patients using geometrically enhanced dierential immunocapture (gedi) and a prostate-specic antibody. Lab on a Chip, 10(1):2729, 2010. REVIEW PAPERS/BOOK CHAPTERS: [1] ED Pratt*, C Huang*, BG Hawkins, JP Gleghorn, and BJ Kirby. Rare cell capture in microuidic devices. Chemical Engineering Science, 66(7):15081522, 2011. *Both authors contributed equally. FUNDING: 2012 2009 2008 Cornell CMM Young Investigators Award, $25,000 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, $90,000 Cornell University Sloan PhD Fellowship, $56,000 Grant Lead PI Fellowship Awardee Fellowship Awardee

CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: [1] BJ Kirby, ED Pratt, SM Santana, JP Smith, JP Gleghorn, H Liu, NH Bander, M Jodari, M Loftus, DM Nanus, and PA Giannakakou. Functional assays of drug-target engagement on high purity ctcs correlate with patient progression. In Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Fall Meeting (BMES), Hartford, CT, 2011. 2

[2] ED Pratt, SM Santana, JP Gleghorn, H Liu, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Circulating tumor cell release by use of novel immunocapture chemistry in gedi microdevices. In Proceedings from 2011 MicroTAS Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 2011. [3] BJ Kirby, ED Pratt, SM Santana, JP Smith, JP Gleghorn, M Jodari, G Gakhar, M Loftus, H Liu, NH Bander, DM Nanus, and PA Giannakakou. Functional assays of drug-target engagement on circulating tumor cells captured from patient blood correlate with patient progression. In Proceedings from 2011 MicroTAS Meeting, Seattle, WA, 2011. [Podium Presentation]. [4] M Loftus, M Jodari-Karimi, ED Pratt, G Gakhar, M Rubin, ST Tagawa NH Bander, Novaro, BJ Kirby, DM Nanus, and PA Giannakakou. Molecular and functional analysis of circulating tumor cells in castrate resistant prostate cancer using a geometrically enhanced microuidic device based on psma immunocapture. In 102nd annual AACR meeting, Orlando, FL, 2011. [5] M Jodari-Karimi, M Loftus, JP Gleghorn, G Gakhar, ED Pratt, ST Tagawa NH Bander, PA Giannakakou, BJ Kirby, and DM Nanus. Capture and analysis of prostate cancer circulating tumor cells (ctcs) by use of geometrically enhanced dierential immunocapture (gedi). In Genitourinary Cancers Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2011. [6] JP Gleghorn, SM Santana, ED Pratt, MS Loftus, M Jodari-Karimi, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Cancer cell assays by use of immunocapture, subcellular imaging, and cell release in gedi microdevices. In Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Fall Meeting (BMES), Austin, TX, 2010. [Podium Presentation]. [7] JP Gleghorn, SM Santana, ED Pratt, MS Loftus, M Jodari-Karimi, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Cancer cell assays by use of immunocapture, subcellular imaging, and cell release in gedi microdevices. In Proceedings from 2010 MicroTAS Meeting, Groningen, Netherlands, 2010. [Podium Presentation]. [8] MS Loftus, JP Gleghorn, ED Pratt, NH Bander, DM Nanus, BJ Kirby, and PA Giannakakou. Analysis of circulating tumor cells from castrate-resistant prostate cancer patients captured via a microuidic device using the prostate specic membrane antigen antibody. In Proceedings of the 101st American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting (AACR), Washington DC, 2010. [9] ED Pratt, JP Gleghorn, SM Santana, MS Loftus, M Jodari-Karimi, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Cancer cell assays by use of immunocapture, subcellular imaging, and cell release in gedi microdevices. In Gordon Research Conference on Bioanalytical Sensors, New London, NH, 2010. [10] JP Gleghorn, ED Pratt, MS Loftus, BE Levy, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. High eciency capture of circulating tumor cells from patient blood using geometrically enhanced dierential immunocapture. In Proceedings from 2009 MicroTAS Meeting, Jeju, South Korea, 2009. [Podium Presentation]. [11] WC Ruder, ED Pratt, T Cassino, J Huard, JF Antaki, and PR LeDuc. Examining links between oscillatory calcium signal transduction and stem cell phenotype. In Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Fall Meeting (BMES), St Louis, MO, 2008.

[12] WC Ruder, ED Pratt, NB Brandy, DA LaVan, PR LeDuc, and JF Antaki. Investigation of calcium mechanotransduction by quasi 3-d microber mechanical stimulation of cells. In Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, FL, 2008. [13] WC Ruder, ED Pratt, NB Brandy, DA LaVan, PR LeDuc, and JF Antaki. Multimodal perturbation of intracellular ca2+ using dorsal cell adhesion. In 52nd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society and 16th IUPAB International Biophysics Congress, Long Beach, CA, 2007. [14] WC Ruder, ED Pratt, NB Brandy, DA LaVan, PR LeDuc, and JF Antaki. Probing intracellular ca2+ signaling through mechanical stimulation of focal adhesion complexes. In Proceedings of the Biomedical Engineering Society Fall Meeting (BMES), Los Angeles, CA, 2007. [15] WC Ruder, ED Pratt, NB Brandy, DA LaVan, PR LeDuc, and JF Antaki. Stretch-activated calcium signal propagation following mechanical stimulation of focal adhesions. In Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference, Keystone, CO, 2007. [16] I Cohen, M Buckley, S Gerbode, ED Pratt, and J Keeling. Epitaxial growth of thin colloidal lms in presence of depletant. In American Physical Society March Meeting (APS), Denver, CO, 2007. OTHER PRESENTATIONS: [1] ED Pratt, S Santana, M Loftus, M Jodari-Karimi, M Blattner, PA Giannakakou, NH Bander, M Rubin, DM Nanus, and BJ Kirby. Circulating tumor cell molecular analyses and release using novel linker chemistry. In Cornell BMES Retreat, Ithaca, NY, 2011. [2] ED Pratt, SM Santana, JP Gleghorn, H Liu, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Circulating tumor cell release by use of novel immunocapture chemistry in gedi microdevices. In Translational Cancer Research Symposium, Ithaca, NY, 2011. [3] ED Pratt, JP Gleghorn, SM Santana, MS Loftus, M Jodari-Karimi, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Capture of prostate circulating tumor cells from whole blood using geometrically-enhanced dierential immunocapture (gedi). In Cornell Engineering Research Conference, Ithaca, NY, 2010. [Podium Presentation]. [4] ED Pratt, JP Gleghorn, SM Santana, J Smith, M Bono, MS Loftus, M Jodari-Karimi, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. High eciency capture of prostate ctcs using geometrically enhanced dierential immunocapture. In Sibley Graduate Research Conference, Ithaca, NY, 2010. [5] ED Pratt, JP Gleghorn, Y Yi, MS Darshan, BE Levy, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Microuidic device for the immuno-capture of circulating prostate tumor cells. In Innovations in Nanotechnology for Cancer Research Symposium, Ithaca, NY, 2008. [6] ED Pratt, JP Gleghorn, Y Yi, MS Darshan, BE Levy, NH Bander, DM Nanus, PA Giannakakou, and BJ Kirby. Design of a microuidic device for the capture of circulating prostate tumor cells. In Cornell Biomedical Engineering Society Retreat, Ithaca, NY, 2008.

[7] ED Pratt, W C Ruder, and P R LeDuc. Mechanical stimulation of cells through fabricated micropolymers. In Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Bioimaging, Engineering and Technology Convocation, Pittsburgh, PA, 2007. [Podium Presentation]. [8] ED Pratt, S Gerbode, J Keeling, and I Cohen. Epitaxial crystal growth of colloids with short range attraction. In National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN) Research Experience for Undergraduates Convocation, Ithaca, NY, 2006. [Podium Presentation]. [9] ED Pratt, S Gerbode, J Keeling, and I Cohen. Eects of disorder on template-directed colloidal crystalization. In 1st New York Complex Matter Workshop, Ithaca, NY, 2006. [Podium Presentation]. [10] ED Pratt, D Park, M DelRio, J Aguirre-Cruz, and S Raman. Eects of multiple factors on sphericity, conicity, and torisity. In University of Oklahoma Industrial Engineering Research for Undergraduates Convocation, Norman, OK, 2005.

TEACHING & MENTORSHIP EXPERIENCE: 08/200912/2009 07/201105/2012 Teaching Assistant, Physics of Micro- and Nanoscale Fluid Mechanics, Cornell University (MAE 5240/6240) Responsibilities: Weekly oce hours, homework design, guest lectures. Julia Wang B.S., Biological and Enviornmental Engineering Honors Thesis: Novel pump for capture of circulating tumor cells from peripheral blood. Funding: Cornell Engineering Learning Iniatives (ELI) grant

SERIVCE AND OUTREACH: 2012 2007 2006 2005-2006 2003-2004 2001-2003 2001-2003 1999-2003 Faculty Search Student Committee Co-Chair for Cornell Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering faculty search Service Vice President, Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity Greek Council Rep/Student Service Advisory Council Rep for Alpha Phi Omega Editor for Thought, collegiate research journal at Carnegie Mellon Co-founder of childrens reading club at City Rescue Mission Docent and Volunteer Archivist Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum Librarians Volunteer Assistant for K-4 reading time at Oklahoma Downtown Library Science Outreach Volunteer for childrens programs at Science Museum Oklahoma

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