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Example T .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Definition: Ought ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Definition: Universal Health Care: ............................................................................................................ 4 Definition: Health Care .............................................................................................................................

5 Definition: Guarantee ............................................................................................................................... 6 Definition: Universal ................................................................................................................................. 7 Definition: Its............................................................................................................................................. 8 Definitions: The ......................................................................................................................................... 9 Definition: Citizens .................................................................................................................................. 11

Example T
A. Interpretation: Universal Health Care is all types of health care. Universal (adj): The American Heritage 09
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/universal 3. Applicable or common to all purposes, conditions, or situations: a universal remedy.

Health Care (N): Merriwam Webster Dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/health%20care

Health care the maintaining and restoration of health by the treatment and prevention of disease especially by trained and licensed professionals (as in medicine, dentistry, clinical psychology, and public health)

B. Violation: The aff doesnt guarantee all types of health care, only______________. C. Standards
1. Limits-My interpretation makes the aff defend all forms of health care, rather than picking an choosing, any other interpretation allows the aff to pick and choose any random form of health care they want, making it impossible to be neg. 2. Topic education: My interpretation gives meaning to the terms Universal and Health Care, D. T is a voter for education and fairness.

Definition: Ought
Ought (Aux V): Merriam Websters Dictionary.
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ought -used to express obligation <ought to pay our debts>, advisability <ought to take care of yourself>, natural

expectation <ought to be here by now>, or logical consequence <the result ought to be infinity>

Ought (Aux V): American Heritage Dictionary 09


2. Used to indicate advisability or prudence: You ought to wear a raincoat.

Ought (Aux V): Dictionary.Reference.com

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ought 1. (used to express duty or moral obligation): Every citizen ought to help.

Definition: Universal Health Care:

Universal Health Care (N):
From US Legal Universal health care is a system that provides organized health coverage to all citizens of a governed region and is publicly funded through taxation. The health care systems under universal health care are built upon
the principle of universal coverage for all members of society, by combining mechanisms for health financing and service provision. US legal dictionary. http://definitions.uslegal.com/u/universal-health-care/

Universal Health Care (N): LEE K. BROWN, et al. 09.

Approaches to Achieve Universal Health Care in the United States AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE VOL 180 2009 Universal access to health care (sometimes shortened to universal health care): One of the better definitions has been crafted by the American Medical Womens Association and states Access to health care should not be linked to a

persons employment, place of residence, sex, age, marital status, or health status. Health care should be available to all persons on the basis of medical need rather than financial ability or employer contracts

Definition: Health Care

Health Care (N): Merriwam Webster Dictionary: http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/health%20care
Health care the maintaining and restoration of health by the treatment and prevention of disease especially by trained and licensed professionals (as in medicine, dentistry, clinical psychology, and public health)

Health Care (N): Business dictionary


The act of taking preventative or necessary medical procedures to improve a person's well-being. This
may be done with surgery, the administering of medicine, or other alterations in a person's lifestyle. These services are typically offered through a health care system made up of hospitals and physicians.

Definition: Guarantee
Guarantee (tr. v.): The American Heritage Dictionary 09.
www.thefreedictionary.com/guarantee 2. To assume responsibility for the quality or performance of: guarantee a product. guarantees a good crop this year.

Garuntee (v): Collins English Dictionary 09

http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/guarantee 11. to ensure: good planning will guarantee success

Definition: Universal
Universal (adj): The American Heritage 09
http://www.thefreedictionary.com/universal 3. Applicable or common to all purposes, conditions, or situations: a universal remedy.

Universal (adj): Collins English Dictionary 09


1. of, relating to, or typical of the whole of mankind or of nature

Definition: Its
Its means possession Encarta, 9 (Encarta World English Dictionary,
http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?refid=1861622735) its [ its ] adjective Definition: indicating possession: used to indicate that something belongs or relates to something The park changed its policy.

Its means belonging to Oxford English Dictionary, 89 (2nd edition, online at Emory)
its, poss. pron. A. As adj. poss. pron. Of or belonging to it, or that thing (L. ejus); also refl., Of or belonging to itself, its own (L. suus)

Definitions: The
The implies there is only one as in the USFG. Cambridge Dictionaries Online, 2007.
used to refer to things or people when only one exists at any one time:

The means all parts. Merriam-Webster's Online Collegiate Dictionary, No Date,

http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary 4 -- used as a function word before a noun or a substantivized adjective to indicate reference to a group as a whole <the elite>

Definitions: United States

United States is the country that geographically occupies the 50 states it encompasses.
The American Heritage Dictionary, bartleby.com/61/, 2000 United States of America... A country of central and northwest North America with coastlines on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It includes the noncontiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii and various island territories in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. The area now occupied by the contiguous 48 states was originally inhabited by numerous Native American peoples and was colonized beginning in the 16th century by Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England. Great Britain eventually controlled most of the Atlantic coast and, after the French and Indian Wars (17541763), the Northwest Territory and Canada.

United States is one nation Words and Phrases Second Series, 1914, Updated 1964, Volume 4, 1905, pg. 1074.
The United States are for many important purposes a single nation, and in all commercial regulations we are one and the same people.

Definition: Citizens
Citizen (n):
Merriam Webster Dictionary http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/citizen 2a : a member of a state

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