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Frank Kirk Father of Pastor O. I.


Mary Lowe Kirk Mother of Pastor O. I. Kirk

Kirk Family

Life Reflections of Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk,Sr. D.D.

September 29, 1924 July 31, 2012 Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk Sr. passed away peacefully at his home on Tuesday July 31st. He was born on September 29, 1924 in Stranger, Texas to Frank and Mary Lowe Kirk. He was the founding Pastor of the Unity Missionary Baptist Church, and had recently celebrated 49 years as Pastor. He was a mighty man of God, a man of the Word and was known as the Praying Preacher who touched many lives at home and abroad. Pastor Kirk has upwards of 80 Spiritual born sons in the ministry. He was the eldest Senior Pastor in El Paso. Pastor preached his first sermon I Have Meat to Eat That Ye Know Not of John 4:32 in 1956. He continued to be hungry for souls, witnessing in beer taverns, homes, hospitals, jails, orphanages, elder care facilities and prisons. In 1962 God blessed him with dual assignments as founding Pastor of the Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church; and interim Pastor of the St. James Missionary Baptist Church. These two fellowships having the mind of Christ realized that two was better than one, and banded together in 1963 forming the Unity Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Kirk was preceded in death by his son, Pastor David Kirk and his beloved wife of 57 years, First Lady Mary Jane Kirk. He leaves to cherish his memory, four children, Onnie (Margienell) Kirk Jr. , Nashville, TN, Brenda (Herman) Harrison, Round Rock, Texas , Samuel(Cynthia) Kirk Nashville, TN, Linda Kirk, El Paso, TX, Gay Onna (Lester) Miles Dallas, TX, Barbara Wilson, Dallas, TX and Bettie Beard, Waco, TX, his sisters, Bernice Kirk, Marlin, TX and Mozella Debose, Ft. Worth, TX and brother, Willie Kirk, Oakland, CA; five brothers-in-law Kenneth McGruder, Marlin, TX, Alfred (Della) McGruder, Houston, TX, Beverly Hugh (Nellie) McGruder, Angleton, TX, Robert (Annie Pearl) McGruder, Satin, TX, Harvey (Carol) McGruder, Houston, TX, 26 grandchildren, 11 greatgrandchildren, Godchildren, a host of nieces, nephews, relatives, and the entire Unity Baptist Church Family and friends.

Onnie I Kirk Jr. Family


Five Generations of Onnie I Kirk From Left-Right Onnie I Kirk V, Onnie I Kirk IV, Onnie Kirk III, Onnie I Kirk, JR. Onnie I Kirk, Sr.

A Love Letter to My Father

You walked into the hospital room where Mama, Sis. Mary Jane Kirk was lying in bed. I am told as you were pulling up a chair while straddling it to sit down you said, Well Mary, the Lord has blessed us with another boy. Mom looked at you and said, A boy? You do not have a boy, you have a baby girl. Before you could finish sitting down you said, I dont need this chair I am going to see our little girl. And thus the love affair began. How does one put on a piece of paper what you have meant to me? Certainly anyone who has ever had the pleasure of meeting you understands exactly what I am saying. I am so very grateful to the Lord for having selected me to be born into the Kirk household of faith. When I was old enough to understand, I realized you began preaching shortly after I was born; I always wondered if I was that big of a devil that you had to start preaching just to keep me straight. I now know that this was not the case because David and Onnie Jr. were both born before me. As I ponder on what to write there are so many wonderful memories that I want to share but I will only share a few: I remember playing possum by pretending to fall asleep on the sofa at night because I knew once you walked through the front door and saw me you would come and scoop me up in your loving arms and gently place me in my bed and pray over me. Luke 18:1 I vividly recall walking through the shopping mall with you. I was the happiest little girl ever because I had my handsome daddy holding my hand insuring that I didnt stray away. Isaiah 53:6 There would be times that I noticed you would not be eating so I would take it upon myself to fix something for you to eat of course you would graciously turn it down and assure me that everything was alright. At such an early age I did not realize you were fasting and praying. Matthew 6:16 For some reason anytime we were preparing to go out of town for Congress Sam and I would find it necessary to have challenges with one another. It is felt you invented co-whippings if there was such a thing. Proverbs 13:24 I first became your Executive Secretary around the age of 11. Although you were not able to complete school, because at a young age your father passed away, you were always very much aware that you needed assistance when preparing your sermons. You would study and then write your sermons out, and we would sit in your study and diligently worked to make sure you were pronouncing words correctly to the best of your ability. Sunday afternoon meals involved me critiquing your sermon. You would ask me, Daughter what did I mispronounce today? Every time I hear the word earthquake I think of you with joy in my heart. It might be earthquake to most, but it will always be earthquack to us. 2 Timothy 2:15 Before I left home at the age of 19 you called me into your study and shared Proverbs 3:6. It was and continues to be my life scripture. During your latter days on this side of heaven your earth suit endured so much. When diagnosed with Parkinsons you boldly proclaimed Parkinsons is not going to park me! And it did not. I was blessed to be here with Mama during her season and I was blessed to be here with you during yours. It was such an honor to serve you as my Pastor and Daddy. How you were in public is exactly the way you were at home. What an amazing mighty man of God you are. You continued to lead by

example up to your last breath. It is unfathomable to even estimate how many souls were led to the Lord during your tenure on earth. John 9:4 A Few Memorable Soul Winning Moments We were at Trisun it was during the weekend and we had a brand new CNA assisting with you as soon as he walked in he introduced himself you looked at me and told me to ask him if he was a church man. I asked him and he stated no but he wanted to be. You had me read John 3:16 and then John 3:17 and then John 3:18, of course in between the reading of these scriptures you expounded and asked him questions. We prayed with him and he asked Jesus to come live in his heart. That was a Saturday. On the very next day, Sunday, communion was brought to Trisun and he was able to have communion with us; but not only him but a few of the other CNAs/Nurses as well. Again, while at Trisun we were transported to a doctors visit via ambulance. Upon our return trip I am sitting in the back with you we were preparing to exit the highway, you are looking at me and without moving your head you look at the EMT riding in the back with us. Again, you are looking at me and move your eyes toward the EMT. We are pulling into the drive way now and I ask the young man is he a church man. His response is, my wife is and she really wants me to be too. You do not have to surmise what happens next we get in the room and we are reading John 3:16, John 3:17 & John 3:18 and we pray and ask Jesus to come live in his heart. The EMT says to me with tears in his eyes, even in his weakened state he is still telling people about Jesus. Daddy you pointed your finger at the young man and said, Son you need to be sure! Sierra Medical Center, ICU the doctor has told us you are not going to live, you are on a breathing machine and vitals are all over the place; in walks a very attentive male nurse. Now you are not supposed to be able to communicate; you are heavily sedated and report of man you are not aware of your surroundings. I am standing by you on your right side you look at me and your eyes look at the male nurse; you look at me and you look at the male nurse, okay Daddy I GOT IT!!!! Sir? Are you are a church man? No...well he is now!

You taught us so much especially these last few years. You continued to walk, talk and ooze Jesus wherever you were. 2 Corinthians 5:7 You encouraged us is every way possible to Do It the Bible Way. Daddy you did it the Bible Way! It truly is the BLOOD of JESUS that made you whole. The BATTLE is the LORDs and not ours! We havent seen anything yet! Worldwide Mission at Home & Abroad! Now there is just one more thing before I close. I knew that a mule was your favorite animal; however, I never understood why, in fact, a dear sister in the Lord who raises horses even said one time a mule is a freak of nature and the horses choose not to have anything to do with them. I now better understand; a mule is a burden carrying animal. When you would point to the picture of the mule, that was on the wall in your room, and then toward Heaven you were letting us know whatever burden you had the Lord was taking care of it. I saw a sign today, it said, Aspire to Inspire before you Expire. Thank you for inspiring us! I LOVE You Eternally! Brenda Kay Kirk Harrison Your Daughter & Executive Secretary

My Father
On July 31, 2012, My life changed forever. That is the morning that my father passed and I cannot think of anyone that has meant as much to me as a mentor than my father. He was a prayerful, honest, hard working man that loved God, his family and community. He served as a pastor for 49 years at The Unity Missionary Baptist Church in El Paso, Texas and he is now at a place of eternal rest. I admired my Father because he understood his limitations, but he trusted in God to overcome any area where he might have been weak. I admired my Father because he was a man of his word. He told me he was going to do things and I watched him do them over and over again, many times with little or no support. I admired my Father because he was willing to stand alone when he truly believed something was right. I took him to New York and he would not cross the street in New York once the light turned red even if no cars were coming. Though the other hundreds of people would continue to walk and break the law, he would wait, as I do now, until the light turned green again and then he would walk. I admired my Father because he loved my Mother. Mom would fuss and get my father straight and he would quietly take it and then continue to love her more. He was loyal to her and his family and it takes a man to stand when temptation is all around. Finally, I admired my Father because of his love for God. Nothing was more important to him than reaching the world and introducing them to Gods only begotten son. He knew that getting someone to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior was the answer to any problem that someone might have so he passionately spent his life walking in his calling of reaching the lost and bringing them to a relationship with Jesus. Father, I will always love you and you made a difference in my life that I cannot explain. I am so grateful that you were my father and I will follow in those places that I saw you live your life. Thank God that you were

May you Rest in Peace and I am so proud that you were My Father!!! Your Youngest Son Pastor Samuel Eugene Kirk, Sr.


One morning as I prayed for Dad, I started thinking because of his faith my life began. I was born, two months premature, a breech, and when the Doctor initially tapped me, I did not breathe. But my earthly Father being a man with persistent faith asked the Doctor to try again, an on the second tap I started breathing. Just a few months ago, I in turn asked God to tap Dad again. As God restored his breathing, he kept manifesting one miracle after the other. Then early one morning, Dad shared that he dreamed, God made him whole. Monday July 31st, in his final hours he was praising God an dancing as he transitioned from earth to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). The work of the church and the Kingdom of God kept him thriving. When Doctors diagnosed Parkinson he affirmed nothing is going to put me in park! And he continued to press forward with strong fervor in God. Helping me to better understand, Acts 17:28; For in him we live and move and have our being. So, often he would say Daughter, I am not my own, but Ive been bought with a price. In his final days he proclaimed; The blood of Jesus makes me whole, The blood of Jesus will never lose its power The battle is not mine, its the Lords In Heaven, there is no condemnation there, no sin, an no adultery Regardless to the setting he would acquaint with the doctors, therapists, and nurses, inquiring if they had a relationship with Christ Jesus. Even in his weak state, he was ministering and many received salvation. He truly tried to exemplify Christ in every way, not by words only but in deed. And helped me to better understand I Cor 4: 20, For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. Today, I thank God for his quality of life, our Father/Daughter love and dances and the legacy of Celebrating L.I.F.E (LIVING IN FAVOR ETERNALLY)!!!!!

Giving Honor To Whom Honor Is Due

What a privilege it is to give honor to someone who has exemplified the true definition of a Mighty Man of God. I know that you were not perfect; however, in the life you lived you truly let the work you have done speak for you. You were a man of God through your words and your actions; a man after Gods own heart. Doing it the Bible way and being about Kingdom business were two of your favorite things which you not only requested, you did them. You preached and lived the word in season and out of season. Even as I watched and saw you going through as you so humbly put it, you selflessly had a great concern for others and never focused on your pain or problems. Still focusing on others in the midst of your ailment you wanted me to call various members to see what you could do for them, even when others should have been focusing on you. Though, you being Pastor, Dr. Onnie I. Kirk Sr. you would simply state, daughter Gods got me and then you would so graciously come back and ask daughter who has the final say, and I knew to answer Daddy, God has the final say. At a doctors appointment, in the hospital bed, or in the nursing home your concern before any procedure was always, Daughter, ask her/him (to those that serviced you) do they know the Lord? You sacrificially gave and had such a profound impact on a countless number of people. The love you gave stretched across cultures, ethnicities, states, and countries. You stood as such a respected and loved man because of your great character and integrity. You had a strong commitment to God, Unity, your family, and your community. I am so appreciative of the priceless time that God allowed us to share; the happy times, the comical times, the times of going through; and most importantly the opportunity to watch you praise your way to glory. The preparations you made before you departed was a sermon in itself; though you knew not the day nor the hour your message even as you felt your time was drawing near was simply, I hope to see you again wanting all you knew to be prepared to see you again someday on the other side. For me to live in Christ and to die is gain, Philippians 1:21, was one of the scriptures that you meditated on before transitioning from earth to glory. You certainly lived in Christ and because of the life you lived I know you will hear the words, well done thy good and faithful servant. My last words to you before God had the final say were, daddy get some rest and have a sweet sleep in Jesus. Of all the nights that I have been honored to watch you rest, the Lord allowed you to sleep so very peaceful. The blessing is knowing that God makes no mistakes and that He had the final say; you will be forever missed but your legacy will remain. Your Daughter, Diane Banks

Letter to PawPaw from Issachar

May 20, 2012 Dear PawPaw, This is probably the last letter youll receive from me. I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of my family! Me especially am very thankful. Thank you for loving me, disciplining me when I did wrong, correcting me when I made a mistake, and helping me when I had fallen! PawPaw you are so special to my heart. Many times I regret not cherishing the time I spent with you as your grandson. PawPaw God has a plan for you and I wanted to tell you it is for good and not evil, a future and a hope, a plan and a destiny! And PawPaw can you do me a favor? Can you tell the family when you see, Issachar (the baby boy) said hi and hell see them soon! Sincerely and forever yours, O I K /S/ Obadiah Issachar Kirk (The First) Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

To My Birthday Buddy:

87 Things I Love About My PawPaw

1. 2. 3. 4. He had class! I liked the big hugs that PawPaw gave me at the family reunions!" For me, the memory of his smiling way of talking sweetly to me will stay with me forever. I will always remember how PawPaw could be talking to me about something I liked like basketball and then the subject would all of a sudden change to talking about my relationship with God! I love the Lord and I loved him! 5. I loved PawPaws stories 6. I loved the way he looked at us with his loving eyes 7. I loved the example he set for my life 8. I love the way he hugged us 9. I loved the way he loved Christ 10. I loved the way he taught, not by just his word but from his life. 11. I loved the way he smelled 12. I loved the way he dressed 13. I love the way he would wake up and cook us breakfast even when he was too weak to eat himself 14. I loved the way PawPaw cared about people always putting others before himself. 15. I loved the way looked at my Nana, knowing she was right and how he would humbly submit. 16. I loved PawPaw because he always loved me unconditionally. 17. His sense of humor. 18. Nana and PawPaw always matched. 19. His stories. 20. His suits. 21. His smile. 22. He always gave. 23. He loved walking. 24. Always spoke the truth. 25. Always sacrificed of himself for others. 26. He was wise. 27. Very knowledgeable. 28. Loved to be around family. 29. His joyful heart. 30. Patience. 31. Spread the gospel. 32. Brought people to know God. 33. He always read the Bible. 34. His genuine kindness toward others. 35. Loved the way he loved summer sausage. 36. Loved the way he'd tell us stories from the old days. 37. Loved the way he loved to eat. 38. Loved the way he did everything in excellence. 39. Loved the way he loved others. 40. Loved the way he could correct a person without condemnation. 41. He loved every person so deeply, no matter the race, religion, shape, size he just loved. 42. He showed everyone that Jesus could be fun. 43. He was hilarious. 44. He always responded to Nana with a humble, Yes Mary

45. He never raised his voice. 46. He laid his life down for others. 47. I love PawPaws sense of humor. 48. I love the way he adored Nana. 49. I love the way he dressed. 50. I love how excited he was about Jesus. 51. I love how he jumped off stages while preaching. 52. I love how hed greet me with a big hug and kiss on my face. 53. I love how he let us know that he was working hard to get better. 54. I love his heart for the community of El Paso. 55. I love his heart for the youth of Unity. 56. I love how handsome he was. 57. I love how he shared his stories with us. 58. I love how he loved to laugh. 59. I love that he proudly wore any shirts that we gave him from our extracurriculars. 60. I love how he walked us to the McDonalds on TransMountain from his house on Mercedes. 61. I love how I used to have to run to catch up to his long strides. 62. I love that he took us to McDonalds for silver dollar pancakes. 63. I love how hed play checkers with me & say thats a good move daughter right before hed jump me! 64. I loved how he secretly danced in the mirror in our dance studio. 65. I love how he ordered us room service in Hawaii just for fun. 66. I love how he always knew The Word by heart. 67. I love how he allowed so many other kids to adopt him as their Grandfather too. 68. I love how he overcame so many things. 69. I love his grace. 70. I love how completely uncompromising he was when it came to the Word of God. 71. I love that I was born on his 70th birthday. 72. I love that his favorite animal was a bit unconventional, a mule. 73. I love how he took us swimming when we were little. 74. I love hearing about how Nana would fill up the house with food, only for him to give it away. 75. I love how he taught us to walk by faith. 76. I love that he didnt really like talking on the phone for very long. 77. I love that he was the best earthly man I ever knew. 78. I love how he whooped my cousinsbut not me. 79. I appreciate the example he set for others to emulate. 80. I love how he never strayed from the gospel he preached. 81. I am thankful to have had him as a Granddad. 82. I love the way he cared for others. 83. I love his gentle spirit. 84. I love that whenever anyone asked how he was doing his response was always, pretty well for a young man! 85. I love that he spanked my Mom when she was 17. 86. I love that he was a gentleman. 87. And most of all, I love him for creating our legacy.

Tributes & Memories

Tribute From Minister Lonnie Townsend Glory to Our Heavenly Father for His love and Mercy towards all mankind. As I give honor to God and the Kirk Family on the home going of our beloved Pastor, Father in the ministry, mentor, shepherd and friend. I cannot help but to reflect over the years how Pastor Kirk took a young untrained man under his wings and began to share and shape me into the person that I am today. Pastor Kirk was a good man and he tried to live what he preached. He was a strong leader, a hard worker, and a great teacher and he will be greatly missed. There were many of times we just sat out in his car as he would share with me wisdom and knowledge that God had imparted into him and he would impart it into me. He would always tell me to do it the Bible way. I thank God for him, taking me out into the hospital and byways and sharing with those that were going through and praying with them even though he knew that I did not know from Genesis to Revelation. Pastor Kirks heart beat was souls and more souls for the Kingdom. It seemed that in the latter half of his life when most of us hope to ease up a bit, Pastor seemed to go faster! He reminds me of what Jesus said I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work John 9:4. He tried to reach as many people for the Lord in as many ways possible; He would say to me this is what its all about doing Kingdom work. I will never forget his saying when you ask him how he was doing he would say HES GOT ME! We are all grieving deeply and it will take us a while to adjust to our loss, yet Heaven gained a Great Man but I cant help but smile thinking of Pastors joy as he is in the presence of his God. I thank God for him. Once again as me and my family hold back tears of joy, the songs tell us to hold to God unchanging hand. To all the Kirk Family, BE OF GOOD COURAGE! God will see us all through. Sincerely your Brother Minister Lonnie Townsend Sister Delores Thompson and the Unity Missionary Baptist Church Prayer Warriors Luke: 18:1 AND he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint: We thank God for our beloved Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr. a man of God and a man of prayer. Pastor Kirk instilled in us the importance of prayer, and the power of prayer! Much prayer, much power, Little prayer, little power, No prayer, no power. Scriptures on Prayer: II Chronicles 7:14, I Timothy 2:8

Special Reflection from Sister Lessie V. Thompson As I reflect back on some of the conversations that I was blessed to have with my Pastor, I was truly blessed by the wise counsel the Lord blessed him to give me in the midst of lifes trials and tribulations. There would be times when I would be going through and would say, Lord help me. Pastor Kirk would then reply, Hes helping you daughter. 2 Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds) As I laid prostrate at the altar in prayer one day at the Unity Missionary Baptist Church, Pastor Kirk passed through the sanctuary and saw me. After spending time in prayer, Pastor told me, Thats the way to fight daughter. Prayer is a powerful weapon we have been blessed with, we need to utilize it. The word of God tells us to pray without ceasing. Even at our best, we can still miss it. Keep praying and keep loving. Onnie I Kirk, Sr & Aunt Diane

Thanks for the memories, and the ride of a lifetime

Special Reflections from Barbara Lowe

Tribute to my beloved Pastor, A servant and true disciple God used to influence, impart and encourage me to live a life pleasing unto the Father that compel me to live now in preparation of becoming a kingdom citizen. I thank God that my life path crossed with yours through Jesus Christ; theres not enough adjectives in the dictionary to express the magnitude of gratitude I give to our heavenly Father to have had a Pastor like him. I will forever, cherish the memories of personal time the Father gave me with him; a time filled with clarity, love, serenity, and laughter; for those whom did not know Pastor Kirk had a GREAT sense of humor. I understand that greater works is for kingdom citizens and greater works Pastor Kirk were able to achieve through the works of Jesus Christ. But, what I really gleamed and observed in my Pastor was obedience to Christ until transformation. So, I through Christ will remain focus on the word of God and remember to be humble in him (Holy Spirit). In Position for the Shift Dad! As so many called you as well as myself, I will miss you calling me Daughter as you did so many others. For now Ill say, see you on the other side Special Reflections from Sister Debra Young Pastor Kirk is an inspiration to me and those who love and respect him at Word of Life Church in east El Paso. We were so blessed by this model of a man, model of a minister and model of a mentor in ministry. We are still talking about how he showed us wholehearted, genuine praise during the SOS/BOS 10th Anniversary Conference as he shouted and danced around that room at the Marriott Hotel. It stirred our hearts to join in and to keep our personal flame of praise on high and continuous mode for God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. As Pastor Kirk praised and danced his way into the Presence of God, he caused new songs to spring forth for us to praise to and exalt our God through. Like from His words that caused the speaker, Thelma Wells to talk on his statement:"Dr Wells There's Nothing that the blood cannot do" came... There's nothing that the blood cannot do There's nothing that the blood cannot do The blood has saved my soul The blood has made me whole There's nothing that the blood cannot do. Debra Young, family friend & member of Word of Life Church, El Paso, TX Special Reflections from Judge Mamie Bush Johnson Pastor Daddy Kirk was a living example of a true Christian man that served God and mankind. One of his many daughters, Mamie.

Special Reflection from Pastor Manuel Barbosa Templo Emmanuel, El Paso, TX In the gospel of John chapter 1 verse 6 it reads, There was a man sent from God whose name was John and I would like to name Brother Kirk that man sent from God to the Unity church. We loved Brother Kirk since the day we met him. His testimony for us was inspiring and joy! My wife & my congregation from across the street will love & miss him all the days of our lives. We will say the words of the Psalms 23 verse 6, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Our condolences and prayers for his family and the Unity Missionary Baptist Church. Special Reflection from Minister Eloise Jones Breakthrough Prayer Ministries of Alamogordo, New Mexico Id like to say my acquaintance with Pastor Kirk was the most inspirational of my Christian walk with Jesus. Even though he wasnt my Pastor per say, but he was a mentor where God is concerned. Many of times in knowing him, the Holy Spirit would reveal things, about what he would say. Then I would just have to stop and say, Praise the Lord! This is what I learned from him through praying not only for myself, but for others that were ill. I do not have to be in their room or at the hospital to pray for them, because God is everywhere. Things that were impossible for me, are possible for God! I use this now in my ministry. I can hear his spirit saying, You pray. Special Memory by Minister Desi Russell When I was Deacon, Pastor and I had a discussion about people being snakes. When I visited him at Trisun Rehabilitation, he asked how I was doing. I told him, "I've learned to be content in whatever state I'm in. He said, "if you were a snake, you wouldn't be content". Philippians 4:11-14 Special Memory by Katrina Russell My memory of Pastor happened on July 8, 2012. Min. Russell and I had stopped by to visit him at home. Pastor was whispering and asking me to give him a piece of chicken (Brenda would not give him chicken, doctor's orders). He was persistent in his asking for the chicken so Brenda decided to put a piece in the blender. He asked me to go stand by her and make sure it was chicken she was preparing in the blender. Pastor had a great sense of humor. I am forever grateful for the time we spent together. Special Memory by Marian Pryor & Family A great man of God has gone on to be with our heavenly Father. It will be a high celebration of his life, because during his lifetime, he was servant leader, loving husband and father and more. His being our uncle was like a blood relationship not just an uncle by law who married our aunt. Uncle Onnie, my cousins and I will miss you dearly for you lived the life you spoke about and had an unconditional love for everyone. Thank you for the impact you made in my life, Rev. Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr. No worries now, he is resting peacefully.

Special Reflection from Charles and Sadie Peterson St Croix U.S. Virgin Islands Dear Kirk Family We express our Joy and sadness at the going home of Pastor O. I. Kirk. We pray for God's comfort to all. Over these many years, we have sung together, prayed together and watched souls be gathered into God's Kingdom together. We take great comfort to know that nothing can separate God's love, life and presence from us through the resurrected Christ Jesus. May His Holy Spirit guide us through with love, comfort and peace in Christ Jesus as He fills us with Himself Special Reflection from Rev. Bea Banks On her birthday in August 2005 the Lord God Jehovah called our dear loving Mother, Sister-in-Christ, and friend Sister Mary Jane McGruder Kirk home from labor to reward and now almost seven years later, July 2012 the Lord God Jehovah came on and called him home from labor to reward. Pastor, Daddy, and Friend Rev. Onnie I. Kirk Sr. was ready to leave this world and this corruptible body to transfer to his Heavenly home and a body incorruptible. Before Daddy's exchange from corruptible to incorruptible I truly believe he was able to look back and see a well spent life, and just before him a welcome day, just as the Apostle Paul had done. He was able to say "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith and now I am ready to go home and take my rest". Yes, Pastor, Daddy and Friend we will truly miss you, but we sincerely thank God for the time the Lord allowed us to have you in our lives. I know you are resting in peace in the arms of the Lord Jesus Christ. We Will Miss You Prayerfully Your Daughter Special Reflection from Barney Field & Ruben Fierro El Paso for Jesus Pastor Kirk was beloved by the Pastors of Pastors for Jesus; His wise, gentle ways drew people to him like a divine magnet. He also encouraged, and faithfully supported, our efforts at El Paso for Jesus. His loving example set a high standard for us to follow. We'll miss him but take joy in contemplating Pastor Kirk's glorious homecoming. Special Reflection from Rev. & Mrs. James Brown Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow! Psalm 115:15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Our prayers are with you Family.

Special Reflection from Marie Murray To the Kirk Family Pastor Kirk was truly a man of God and loved preaching the gospel to others. I will miss hearing him say good morning Daughter as he patted me on the back. He will always be my Pastor as I grew up under him and his teaching. This is not a time of sadness it is time for rejoicing. Heaven has really received another precious angel. I love you Kirk family & you will forever be in my prayers. To the Unity family, I love you & keep on keeping on. Love Always, Marie Special Memory from Rev. Richard Sampson Pastor Kirk & I were sitting down one day talking about death. He said to me, "There's nothing wrong with dying son, as long as you die right." That made me think about Lazarus & how he died and 2 days later Jesus raised him from the dead. Although Pastor Kirk is sleep, he's only sleep until God raises him up again. Special Reflection from Juanita Cannie I have a lot of memories about my Godfather, but what comes to mind are the last days I got to spend with him. Although he was going through his season, he was still the man of God I have always known him to be. Witnessing from his hospital bed, dancing & praising God, and having me read scriptures or write down the minutes as he had his members come and visit. I am sad that he is no longer with us but I can hear him say "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Phil 1:21. Love your Goddaughter Special Memory from Marylyn Green & Family My fondest memory of Uncle Onnie was during a visit to El Paso with Big Mama. They talked about my cooking homemade biscuits, so that evening Brenda said you better go to sleep because Daddy will be up early reminding you about those biscuits. Surely enough about 5 a.m. the next morning Uncle Onnie said, Niece those biscuits sure do smell good, that was my cue to get up & start making those biscuits & I did. I never saw him frown he always smiled & always had words of encouragement for us. Always in our hearts - Marylyn, Marcus & Jeremiah Special Memory from Pastor Kenneth Green My thoughts and prayers go out to the Kirk family. It was truly a blessing to know Uncle Onnie and to share in his wisdom. He will be missed but he will live in our hearts always. Kenneth B. Green, Pastor, Mt. Vernon UMC Houston, TX Special Reflection from Sister Marjorie Strait Psalm 103: 1 - 3 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; We truly know that Pastor is healed; he has been made whole.

Special Memories from Dory "The one memory that will always stay with me is when my Grandfather showed up for my wedding after my Mother told me that he was ill and might not be able to come. I was grinning from ear to ear when I saw him walk in. Then later at the reception, he ceremoniously got up and walked toward my wife and I after all the toasts had been made. He handed me a bill and I gave it to my wife. He looked at me and said, "Now look at what I'm trying to do now!" He then politely took the bill out of my wife's hand and passed it back to me while smiling. Before she could straighten her face up, he smoothly handed her a bill of the same denomination. He had class! The fellas all told me later how cool they thought my Grandfather was. Yeah ... he was pretty cool and I will always remember how he came through for me even when he wasn't feeling his best! There is a quote by Thomas Campbell that I think is so fitting - "To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die." -- You will live in my heart forever Grandfather! Special Memory from Bria One day when I was about 7 or 8 we were down at Bledsoe Miller for a picnic and my Uncles and PawPaw were on the dock by the water. When I went over and asked if I could fish, Uncle Dory told me no that it was too close to the river. I started crying and PawPaw took my hand and walked me back over to the picnic area. He started telling me stories about how much he loved to fish when he was a boy. Then he told me he still loved fishing and that even though I couldn't fish today, I had tomorrow to look forward to. I felt better after he talked to me about fishing. I never got to fish with PawPaw but now (at age 19) I am good at fishing and I'm glad to know that we had that in common. I look forward to one day seeing PawPaw again on the other side. Special Memory by Jenny I will never forget the first time I heard my Grandfather preach at a revival in Marlin. I was so moved and proud of him! Reflections from Joanne Kirk I am honored to share the great memories I have of Rev. Uncle O. I. Kirk. My fondest remembrance is when he performed our (Ben & JoAnn) marriage ceremony on August 18, 1973. Whenever I saw Uncle Onnie I would say, We are still together. He would laugh and say, Bless you daughter. He would often ask do you know the Lord. I didnt have an answer for him at the time, but today I can truly say, Uncle Onnie without a doubt, I do know the Lord. I give all the praise to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for my Uncle Onnie. Love you and may your memories live on. Respectfully, Jo Ann Diles Kirk

Special Reflections from Kenneth McGruder My Brother-in-law Pastor O. I. Kirk Sr. I remember he carried me to Port Lavaca, Texas to pick cotton one year; I was around 11 years old. We had a good time down there. When they got married my mother was teaching at the school in Cedar Hill and my sister and Pastor stopped by the school after they got married. They lived with us for awhile before moving to El Paso. When he and my sister first got married I went out to El Paso and stayed with them for a few weeks. It was time to plow the corn and he paid me about $2 to plow the corn while they chopped; that was a lot of money back then. I remember going to Good Hope when they first started it down the valley. It was small but I remember Bro. Moore. Kenneth M. McGruder, Marlin, Texas Special Memory from Michael M. Motley The memory that has had a profound impact in my life is when Pastor illustrated to me how light (no matter how small) will always overtake darkness. As he stood by the light switch and turned it off in the sanctuary, there was a small, dim but very visible light. He turned the light switch back on and said to me, Son! You are that light! It is that statement coupled with his, Lead-by- example, exhibition of how to walk in LOVE, that have allowed me to understand what it means to be a True Servant of God. The fruit from his tree are MANY! Sincerely, Michael M. Motley Special Memories from the Decatur Family Words cannot even explain how much Pastor Onnie I. Kirk means to me and my family. He has been the biggest influence on my Dad Richard Earl Decatur III walk with achieving his own goals at becoming a Pastor. He was a kind hearted man and I remember him calling everyone daughter. He was the true meaning of what we call a God fearing man. His sermons always consisted of strength and words of encouragement. As a child I could not appreciate these things but now looking back and having attended church as a grown woman I now understand what he preached. That God is number one and anything is possible through prayer. Although, Pastor Kirk has gone to his heavenly home to be with the Lord its a hard thing to accept. However, he is no longer suffering here on earth. I know he is rejoicing with the angels and singing praises. He has also reunited with his wife the beloved Mary Kirk. Pastor Kirk you will be greatly missed I love you with all my heart. Thanks again for everything you bestowed upon me. Morals I will pass along to my children. Again I love you and you will be missed. Rest in Paradise! Love, Chantell Decatur Nehemiah Whitten Maliyah Decatur-Fripp

Special Reflections from Lateef & Cherica Day Greetings all Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Pastor Kirk and Unity Missionary Baptist Church has been the place where our Christian journey began and we our truly thankful that God allowed it to be so. Life has taken us many different places and down many different roads but we have NEVER forgotten the teachings of our beloved Pastor. Pastor Kirk will truly be missed but NEVER forgotten as we continue to carry the torch of his teachings. Wishing God's Continual Blessings, Lateef and Cherica Day Special Memories from the Adams and Avrilien Family What a GIANT of a man! A pure form of Gods love! He casted an irreplaceable impression on generations of my family. To say we love Him is not nearly enough. The respect we have for who he was in our lives will never dissipate. Pastor, we know your rewards in Heaven are great! The Word that He seeded in our lives continues to bloom and grow. Heaven could no longer wait and your promotion to your Heavenly home has come. The loss we feel is immense but know it is precious in the Lords sight. We Praise God for allowing you to be the benchmark. As we work to make it home, thank you for being our Spiritual Father! We love you! With Love Honor and Respect, The Adams and The Avrilien Family (Torrie) Special Reflections from Pastor Leroy and Marilyn Jones To the family of the late Pastor O. I. Kirk, Sr: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not for me only, but to all them also that love His appearing." 2 Timothy 4:7 & 8 God has seen fit in His infinite wisdom to call home a true and faithful servant, a spiritual leader and mentor. Rev. Kirk has left a legacy for all to follow. We shall miss his words of wisdom, love for God and His people. Our prayers are with you today and in the days to come. Weep for him, but rejoice, knowing that he is at peace with God. Pastor Leroy & Marilyn Jones House of Prayer COGIC El Paso, TX Special Reflections from Brother Frank Dixon To the Kirk Family: May our Lord Jesus comfort you, wrap you in His love for your Father who was my Pastor, my friend, a very special friend, a God-sent messenger who touched whoever God placed in his life. God is all-knowing and all-wise and all-good. May the Holy Spirit bless you. We give God the praise, may He comfort us all.

Special Reflections from Sister Ewell and Family In Memory of Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr. Dear God, you have always been there for me, through every trial and every tear, through every victory and through every joy. I couldnt have made it through without you. I couldnt have lived a beautiful life were it not for your grace and your love. There is just so much to be thankful for, especially for the people who truly made this life worthwhile (Insert from An Old Mans Prayer) I submit this prayer in memory of Pastor O. I. Kirk, Sr. because when I think of him, I think of a man of prayer. He taught me that nothing is too great or too small for God to handle. He has won many battles on his knees and now God has given him the final VICTORY!!! He doesnt have to fight any more. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!! Humbly Submitted, Sister Pamela Ewell & Family Special Reflections from the Jackson Family Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, being a servant and leader expressed his love by being a good Shepherd to the Unity church family and others. His sacrifices and hard labor did not go in vain, our family has grown and developed through his leadership to become Men and Women of God that love God and believe in his Word. Our family expresses our love for Pastor being a part of our lives. John 10: 14 states, I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. Love of Christ. Darrel Jackson Sr., Evangelist Darrell Jackson Jr. & Andrea Jackson Special Reflections from Onika Jones These Tears Ive Cried Pastor Kirk was not only my Pastor but he was my Grandfather as well. In many ways he showed me what it meant to walk in the anointing and the favor of God. Although he was very humble and patient he was one of Gods prime examples on how his blessing can elevate you and takes you places that you would never even think of. I will miss him very much from his sweet voice singing through the church to hearing him speak over Unity pulpit saying its about souls. You know, many people say it would be an honor to meet Jay-z, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, or Whitney Houston and many other famous entertainers in the world, but I feel honored and blessed that God saw something in me little Onika to be able to see Pastor Onnie I. Kirk walk this Christian journey before me. I will always be thankful to God for that, so these tears that I have cried are not full of grieving, sorrow, or sadness but more of joy, happiness, and comfort. Having solitude and strength in that I can proudly say to my Pastor rest on for your trials have been won for you have overcome through Christ Jesus. I love you and I will truly miss you. Love always Your Granddaughter Onika

Friday Night Family & Friends Night 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m Program Begins at 6:00 p.m

Musician David Milner Host: Danny Kirk Opening Prayer McGruder Family Opening Scripture Kirk Family Remembering Pastor Kirk As: Brother Brother-in-law Uncle Cousin Remembering Pastor Kirk As: A Shepherd Bro. Dexter McDuffie An Overseer Min. & Sis. Larry Johnson Antioch Christian Church An Evangelist Pastor Will Woods Altona Baptist Church A Role Model Jasmine Matthews Other Expressions Closing Remarks Benediction with Praise & Worship

Saturday Evening Community and Lovely Sunset District Service 6 p.m Host: Bishop G. T. Garnett II Opening Prayer Opening Scripture Praise & Worship Pastor Kirks Ministry Abroad Senior Pastor of the El Paso Community Moderator Emeritus of the Lovely Sunset District Advisor of SOS Enrichment Inc Northeast Pastors Prayer Coordinator Solo Selections Introduction of Speaker Speaker Closing Remarks Benediction with Praise & Worship Pastor Curtis Joiner Pastor Barbosa Pastor Perry Johnson Sister Bernice Brooks Pastor Walker

Mamie Johnson Alex Badillo Sis. Mary Love Unity Male Chorus Bishop G. T. Garnett II Pastor Wendell Davis

Sunday Celebration Service 2:00 p.m.

Host: Overseer H. B. Johnson, Jr. Opening Prayer Elder Cleo Bell Praise and Worship Praise Temple Old Testament Scripture Pastor Sam Kirk New Testament Scripture Bro. Onnie Kirk Jr. Songs of Inspiration Voices of Unity Expressions Mayor John Cook Loving Our Father Sis. Brenda Harrison Cherishing Our Pastor Min. Lonnie Townsend Pastors Community Barney Fields Impact El Paso for Jesus Special Selection Im Not Tired Yet Sis. Autry Blakes Resolution Sis. L. Thompson Solo Sis. Mary Grimes Solo Sis. Shirley Davis Introduction of Speaker Minister Allen Moton Selections Marlboro Heights Music Ministry Sermon Pastor Shaun L. Moton Invitation & Prayer Family Remarks Benediction

Resolutions & Tributes

UNITY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 4601 Maxwell Avenue El Paso, Texas 79904 Church (915) 757-0426 Fax (915) 757-0451 Website: August 5, 2012 RESOLUTION ON BEHALF OF THE UNITY MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr., D.D.
We thank God and give God the glory for the life, legacy and love of our beloved Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr. , the founding Pastor and charter member of the Unity Missionary Baptist Church of El Paso, Texas. In 1962 he had dual assignments as founding Pastor of Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church and interim Pastor of the St. James Missionary Baptist Church. On June 24, 1963, Unity Missionary Baptist Church was birthed out of the uniting of Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church and St. James Missionary Baptist Church. It was recommended by the late Sis. Mary Jane Kirk that the church be named, Unity Missionary Baptist Church. The congregation present unanimously as well as gladly received the recommendation. Pastor Kirk was a mighty man of God, man of faith, prayer, wisdom, endurance and valor! He was a true and devoted servant of our Lord, Jesus Christ, an awesome preacher, rightly dividing the word of truth, as he faithfully taught and preached the Word of God not only by word of mouth, but by the life he lived in Jesus Christ! He was a pillar in the El Paso community, the Lovely Sunset District Baptist Association, as well as state wide and throughout the United States and nation as he preached and taught the Word of God wherever the Lord blessed him to go. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior as a young man as the Lord used Evangelist Billy Graham to minister the word of God at a crusade. Pastor Kirk worked in love, wisdom, with courage, patience, joy, and self-denial. Only God could have enabled him to serve as he served. His life was an example to all who knew him and he was expendable for the cause of Christ and the work of the Kingdom! The work of the Kingdom was his primary mission. He often would say, It is all about souls! Pastor Kirk taught and preached the gospel, traveling on the highways of Texas, flying over the airways, on the sea, walking in his local community, in the hospitals, nursing homes, and wherever the Lord blessed his feet to tread. He was, not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth Romans 1:16. Our beloved Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., was used by God to birth 80 sons in the ministry. These sons are ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ both at home and abroad. His most recent mandate to the church stresses the importance of World Wide Mission At Home And Abroad. Often he would say, We aint seen nothing yet! It was truly amazing to see how the Lord worked in the life of this mighty servant of God. He led by example. There was not anything he asked the church to do, that he did not lead out, showing how it could be done.

Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: I Peter 5:6 Pastor Kirk walked in humility and the Lord elevated him to serve in numerous areas of the ministry to name a few: The Pastor of the Unity Missionary Baptist Church for 49 years, President of the Sunday School and BTU Congress of the Lovely Sunset Baptist District Association for 25 years, Vice Moderator for 8 years and Moderator for 4 years, President of the El Paso Interdenominational Ministers Alliance, Baptist Ministers Alliances, Board Member of the El Paso Christian Home, active member of the Northeast Ministers and Booker Alumni Association, Executive Board Member of All Things Are Possible and sponsor of Youth About Business El Paso chapter headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee, as well as being Senior Advisor to Sisters of Spirit Enrichment Inc. His humble stature has poised him to be a recipient of salutations from dignitaries of the private, public and governmental sectors and local, national and international levels. In the 1990s an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity was bestowed upon him from Guadalupe University in recognition of his many public contributions and accomplishments. Also there is a street named after him in his honor, Onnie Kirk Avenue which is located on the eastside of El Paso. Several support ministries are in place at the Unity Missionary Baptist Church due to the leadership of Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr. and him being sensitive to Gods guidance. Brotherhood, Mission, Love for Africa, the Food Pantry after the Tuesday Bible Class, and the Little House, 2012 Youth Campaign, Unity Prayer Disciples and Prayer Warriors, and the 3-in-1. Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk was a mighty man of faith and prayer. He clearly emphasized as stated in Luke 18:1, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; Let us continue to pray and keep the faith. He was known as Teacher, Overseer, Evangelist, Preacher, Intercessor, Husband, Father, Mentor, Friend, Confidant, Acquaintance, and Founding Pastor. We salute this mighty man in the army of the Lord, who after doing all still stood for holiness and righteousness. Unity, Family and Saints we are still standing and will continue to stand on the Rock, that Rock is Jesus because of all that the Lord has blessed Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr. to pour into us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Finally the highest tribute that can be paid to mankind is that they are loved by their fellowman. Truly he was loved by the late Sister Mary Jane Kirk whom the Lord blessed them to be married for 57 years, his children, siblings, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, great grandchildren, relatives, church family, and friends. Pastor Kirk loved the church and the church loved him. WELL DONE, WELL DONE, WELL DONE, MY GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT!!! We the, officers and members of the church pray that these words may have in some way comforted the family. Finally we commend the family and friends to the Divine Comforter, who is able to sustain, encourage, and strengthen all who call upon Him. Be if further RESOLVED that a copy of this RESOLUTION be given to the family, and that a copy be placed in the church record.

Prayerfully and Lovingly Submitted, The Unity Missionary Baptist Church Family Sister Lessie V. Thompson, Church Clerk

Marlboro Heights Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.

2901 Illinois Avenue/1606 Iris Avenue - Killeen, Texas 76543 P.O. Box 11568 Killeen, Texas 76547

In Loving Memory of

Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr., D.D.

And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. Revelation 14:13 On July 31, 2012, heaven stood still to welcome home the spirit of Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr. Escorted by the angel of God, Pastor Kirk stood at the entrance to eternity. The lustrous gates open before him, the glory of the Lord shining about him, the angels standing in formation on each side of him; all of Heaven saluted as the Servant of the Lord took his first step onto the streets of gold. To the door of his mansion he was taken, the saints of old gathered round about to greet him. The angel turned to him and said Welcome Home thy good and faithful Servant. Your mansion is now ready; all that is of your delight is contained therein. We do hereby pause today, in humble submission to the Sovereign hand of the Almighty Divine. It is He who has worked this according to His own good pleasure. For who hath known the mind of the Lord? His wisdom is beyond comprehension, His love is unlimited, and His ways are above our understanding. Whereas: Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk lived his life in service to God; his love for God was his strength to seeing to completion the fulfillment of his earthly assignment. His commitment, consistency, and steadfastness was the proof of his faithfulness to his God, his calling, and The Church; Pastor Kirks life has been one of devotion and loyalty to the Word and Will of God, to the Body of Christ, and to the service of mankind. His life was an example to those he shepherded, his fellow ministers, and all who knew him; Pastor Kirk preached the Word of God with ultimate conviction, and sought ever to preach the whole counsel of God; the lives of countless thousands are forever changed and await to be reunited with Pastor in eternity; Pastor Kirk is known throughout the city, state, nation, and world; being an example for all believers to live their life for the cause of Christ and to fulfill the call to greater works in Christ.





Pastor Kirks untiring stewardship as a husband, father, brother, pastor, and spiritual mentor has been both prominent and noble; his spirit of love has brought strength and joy into the lives of all those around him; Pastor Kirk was a man of integrity, of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, continually giving himself to prayer, and to the ministry of the word;


Be It Therefore Resolved: That Pastor Kirk walked with God and that Jesus made Pastor a promise. Jesus promised him that He was going to prepare a dwelling place for him, and that He would return and receive him unto Himself; that where He is, Pastor Kirk would be also; and Be It Further Resolved: That Jesus has fulfilled His promise to Pastor Kirk. Be assured that Pastor Kirk was ready to meet his Lord. He realized the benefits of his preparations in this life, he was content with his record of service, and he was confident of his reception by the Savior; he has received his crown of righteousness and is even now in the presence of the Lord; and Be It Further Resolved: That while Pastor Moton and the Marlboro Heights Church family grieve with you in the home going of our Beloved Pastor, we are resigned to the Divine Will of the Heavenly Father and the Solace of His Word; and Be It Further Resolved: That the Body of Christ has suffered a great loss! The Marlboro Heights family is grateful to the Lord for allowing us the opportunity of knowing, sharing, and serving with this great man of God. His light will forever be a constant glow in our lives; and Be It Further Resolved: That our pastors life has not been in vain; it has filled its place in the world, and will always fill a place in our hearts and memories; and Finally, Be It Resolved: That we extend our love, prayers, and support to the Kirk family and the Unity Missionary Baptist Church family. We are praying Gods comfort, peace, and guidance. We commend you to God who will be an ever source of strength. Together we share your grief, together we bear your burden, together we will get through this season; for in God do we put our trust. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58 Resolved that a copy of this resolution be given to the family and a copy be kept for our church records. Dated this 5th day of August in the year of our Lord 2012. Thy Servant Son Pastor Shaun LeBarron Moton, Th.D.

Marlboro Heights Missionary Baptist Church

Church Resolution in Loving Memory of Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr.

Let it be known that in this time of loss, the Lord is with you every step of the way. Pastor Kirk believed in the path of righteousness, and he knew the one who loved him most was always beside him. We, the members of The Lords House Ministry, want you to know that our prayers are with you as we bid a Christian farewell to Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., a man of faith. WHEREAS, Pastor Kirk was a man of few words, the words he did speak were to uplift us and encourage us all to be who God would have us to be. WHEREAS, Pastor Kirk was a family man and taught his children, grandchildren and extended family to follow the ways of the Lord. WHEREAS, The passing of our brother in Christ is the will of God and the human bonds that fill our hearts with sorrow, will be replaced with joy as we know that Pastor Kirk is now in a much better place. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we embrace the family and church family because all of us have a common bond that will connect us for the rest of your lives. We cannot replace Pastor Kirk, but will attempt to demonstrate his love for you. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Unity Baptist Church continue on in Pastor Kirks absence in your quest to bring more souls to Christ. Do not grow faint in your good doings. Remember to strengthen one another along the way and show your love for one another as Christ loves us. Allow your works to be his legacy. And we remind you to be encouraged by remembering this poem When I must leave you for a little while Please do not grieve and shed wild tears And hug your sorrow to you through the years. But start out bravely with a gallant smile; And for my sake and in my name Live on and do all things the same, Feed not your loneliness on empty days, But fill each waking hour in useful ways, Reach out your hand in comfort and in cheer And I in turn will comfort you And hold you near; And never,never be afraid to die, For I am waiting for you in the sky! ~Author Unknown We acknowledge the family and church family. Your loss is great, but heaven has gained a noble servant. We want you to know that you will always have a place here at The Lords House Ministry, and we will be here to help you in any way we can. Humbly Submitted by The Lords House Ministry in Nashville, TN

In Loving Memory of Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr.

God in his infinite wisdom who never makes a mistake, has seen fit to move from out our midst Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., on Tuesday July 31, 2012. Life is but a stopping place, A pause in whats to be. A resting place along the road, To sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, Different paths along the way. We all were meant to learn some things, But never meant to stay. Our destination is a place, Far greater than we know, For some the journeys quicker, For some the journeys slow. And when the journey finally ends, Well claim a great reward, And find an everlasting peace, Together with the Lord. Whereas, Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., accepted the Lord at an early age and demonstrated throughout his life a sincere obedience to God. Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., served God first, his faithful church family, his loving family, and community. Whereas, the passing of Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., has left us deeply saddened, he will be missed, but not forgotten. Whereas, the words of Jesus in John 14, Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

When I am Gone Author Unknown When I am gone, release me. Let me go. I have so many things to see and do. You mustnt tie yourself to me with tears. Be happy that we had so many beautiful years. I gave to you my love. You can only guess How much you gave to me in happiness. I thank you for the love you each have shown, But now its time I traveled on alone. So grieve a while for me, if grieve you must. Then let your grief be comforted by trust. Its only for a while that we must part, So bless the memories within your heart. I wont be far away, for life goes on. So if you need me, call and I will come. Though you cant see or touch me, Ill be near. And if you listen with your heart, Youll hear all my love around you soft and clear. And then, when you must come this way alone, Ill greet you with a smile and say welcome home. Therefore be it resolved, that the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church want you to know we are praying for you and embrace the family to show our support and love to the family because in the death of Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., we have a bond that will connect us for the rest of our lives. Humbly submitted Dr. Willie R. Thomas, Pastor Sister Ethel Evans, Clerk Sister Shirley McCullough, Secretary

Swans Creek Missionary Baptist Church 2404 Swans Creek Church Road Hope Mills, North Carolina 28348 Pastor Tomi D. King August 2, 2012 RESOLUTION FOR DR. ONNIE I. KIRK
Whereas, God in his infinite wisdom has called from his earthly labor our "Father in Ministry", Dr. Onnie I. Kirk, who passed from this earthly scene on Tuesday, July 31, 2012. The death angel came and bore the bright spirit of Dr. Kirk, away to a land that is free from sickness, sorrow, pain, suffering, and death. Whereas, his Christian life will continue to influence all whom he has encountered. We pay tribute to one of Gods faithful clergy. He was quiet in his manner, pleasant toward everyone and an exceptional "Minister for God". Although, he was failing in health for quite a while, he never complained and bore his illness with grace. He rejoiced at the thought of going home to "God's Kingdom". He knew that his time had come and put his faith in God's hands. He will be missed by his family, friends, and congregation; however, we have relief in knowing that "God's Will was Done". Dr. Kirk left a living legacy of loving service, worthy of emulation and infinite spiritual guidance. These tributes should bear comfort to his loving family. However, when the sun of life reached its zenith, with the brightness of a well-spent life; we can only say that a beautiful life has ended. We can all rest assure that he lived a peaceful and spiritual life, and will receive his rewards among the "Kings of Kings". Be it resolved, that we humbly submit to the will of our Heavenly Father who doeth all things well. We extend to Dr. Kirk's family our deepest sympathy. May God Continue to Bless you. Humbly submitted on this 2nd day of August 2012. A copy of this Church Resolution will be provided to the Family and another copy will be recorded in the church archives.
"For the Lord does not abandon anyone forever. Though he brings grief, he also shows compassion according to the greatness of his unfailing love." ~Lamentations 3:31-32

Tomi D. King, Pastor Loretta Y. Wilson, Church Clerk and Members of Swans Creek Missionary Baptist Church

August 2, 2012 Resolution Of Pastor Onnie I. Kirk , Sr.

We the members of the Maranatha Eastside Bible Fellowship extend our heartfelt sympathy to the Kirk and Unity Missionary Baptist Church Family. We are so grateful to our Lord and Savior for the leadership, encouragement, counsel, prayers and support given to us by Pastor Kirk. His wise and Fatherly manner will be greatly missed. Paul wrote in II Timothy 4: 7-8, Ive fought a good fight,I have finished my course. Henceforth, there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. Knowing Pastor Kirk over the span of 40 years, he truly exhibited the character of the scripture. Therefore, be it resolved that we the Eastside Bible Fellowship Church Family humbly submit to the will of God, and commend the family to the heavenly Father who knows best and will never leave or forsake you. We request a copy of this resolution be given to the family and a copy remain in the church file.

Prayerfully submitted, Pastor John Love Mary Love-Church Clerk

Resolution for Pastor O. I. Kirk, Sr.

To ever thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2) God has reached down into our garden to pluck one of our precious flowers. On Tuesday, July 31, 2012, He called the spirit of our dearly beloved one Pastor O. I. Kirk, Sr. home to be with Him throughout eternity. He was a faithful Pastor at Unity Missionary Baptist Church for many years. Whereas, we the officers and members of the Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church desire to express our love and respect to the departed love one, we make these resolutions, to the family with our deepest sympathy. Whereas, Pastor O. I. Kirk, Sr. served his friends hard and long and his life radiated his love for his master and his faithfulness to his fellow-man. We feel that his influence for living a true Christian life in the hearts of his friends and family as long as they shall live. Resolved, therefore that the sympathy of our church be extended to his children, church members, other family members and friends. May the Lord continue to watch over you is our prayer and may the precious memories of your loved one, which "bless and burn" keep you ever on the road that leads to God.

I Met the Master

I had walked life's way with an easy tread, had followed where comforts and pleasures led, until one day in a quiet place I met the Master face to face. With station and rank and wealth for my goal, much thought for my body but not for my soul. I had entered to win in life's mad race, when I met the Master face to face. I met Him and knew Him and blushed to see, that His eyes full of sorrow were fixed on me; and I faltered and fell at His feet that day, while my castles melted and vanished away. Melted and vanished and in their place, naught else did I see but the Master's face. And I cried aloud, "Oh, make me meet to follow the steps of Thy wounded feet." My thought is now for souls of men, I have lost my life to find it again, E'er since one day in a quiet place I met the Master face to face. Humble submitted by Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church, Midland, Texas August 2, 2012 God is the over Shepherd Rev. Curtis D. Joiner is the under Shepherd

ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH 8500 Dyer Street Suite 34 El Paso, TX 79904 Rev. Larry V. Johnson, Pastor
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me; Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. Revelation 14: 12-13 RESOLUTION

Dr. Onnie Isaac Kirk, Sr. Pastor of Unity Missionary Baptist Church, El Paso, TX July 31, 2012
FORASMUCH as it has pleased our Almighty God to receive unto Him our beloved mentor, Pastor, and Brother in Christ, Dr. Onnie Isaac Sr., we do humbly bow and submit to the will of God who doeth all things well. WHEREAS, Dr. Onnie I. Kirk, Sr. did diligently seek Gods wisdom and guidance as a pastor, teacher, and spiritual counselor, and WHEREAS, Dr. Onnie I. Kirk, Sr. after seeking Gods counsel, did send forth laborers into the vineyard to establish the Unity Missionary Baptist Outreach in East El Paso which later became and is now known as Antioch Baptist Church and WHEREAS, Dr. Onnie I. Kirk, Sr. did continue as spiritual leader and mentor of the Antioch Baptist Church, until the time his earthly assignment was complete

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that Pastor Onnie I. Kirk has transitioned from his earthly home to his HEAVENLY RESIDENCE, that he has arrived in a land where there shall be no more sorrow, and indeed, where age has no meaning. We do bear witness that he has washed his robe, made it white in the blood of the lamb, and has, hereby, boldly presented himself before the throne of God to serve Him both day and night. We, who are present here today, do further state

Thus saith the Lord God: Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. Revelation 3: 12 The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth. Is not my house right with God Has He not made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part? Will He not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire? II Samuel 23: 3-5 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat a copy of this resolution, dated the 31st day of July, 2012, will be given to the Kirk family and Unity Missionary Baptist Church, with an additional copy to remain in the church archives of the Antioch Baptist Church, which is formerly known as Antioch Christian Joy Center Baptist Church, of El Paso, Texas.

Regina Robinson, Church Clerk Antioch Baptist Church Rev. Larry V. Johnson, Sr. Pastor Antioch Baptist Church


948 Freeman Avenue, Port Arthur, Texas ~ Rev. Harvey E. McGruder, Pastor

August 3, 2012
Time is filled with swift transition Naught of earth unmoved can stand Build your hopes on things eternal Hold to Gods unchanging hand.

In His own way and for His own purpose, God has reached down into His world to pluck one of His flowers, The Reverend Dr. O.I. Kirk. WHEREAS Dr. O.I. Kirk is Founder and Pastor of Unity Baptist Church for 49 years; WHEREAS Dr. Kirk has served as a Minister in the Kingdom of God for more than 50 years, serving as Moderator in his Association and Preaching all over the World; WHEREAS Dr. Kirk was Brother-in-law, a mentor and role model, as well as father figure for our Pastor, The Rev. Harvey E. McGruder; We, the Officers and Members of Historic Israel Chapel A.M.E. Church, Port Arthur, Texas, bow our heads in humble submission to the wise Father who does all things well. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. BE IT RESOLVED that our deepest expression of sympathy be extended to our Pastor, Rev. Harvey and First Lady Carolyn McGruder and other family members. We commend the family to our Heavenly Father, who is able to comfort and cheer you; and will dry your tears and heal your broken hearts, if you will put your unwavering faith in Him. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain. (Revelation 1:4). WE RESOLVE that Rev. Dr. O.I. Kirk, who lived a blessed and fruitful life, was truly loved and admired by his family, his church, friends and the many Ministers that he mentored. We know that if a believers earthly house be dissolved, then that believer assuredly has a building of Gods, a house not made with mans hands, but one that is eternal in the heavens. Therefore, we know that while Dr. Kirk is absent from the body, he is present with the Lord. It is our prayer that God will bless and keep these loved ones as they forever cherish the memory of The Rev. Dr. O.I. Kirk in their hearts and minds. Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.Ps.30:5 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be given to the family and a copy be placed in the church files this 3rd day of August , 2012. Prayerfully Submitted, Historic Israel Chapel AME Church Rev. H.E. McGruder, Pastor Rev. Tommiesazine Louviere, Associate Minister

Shiloh Baptist Church

3201 Frutas Avenue * El Paso, Texas 79905 Reverend, Dr. Ponce L. Brown, Pastor - Teacher Pastors Phones: 533-1795 or Cellular 373-6375 915-533-9121 fax August 3, 2012 To: The Family of Pastor Onnie I. Kirk Sr. And the Unity Missionary Baptist Church We greet you in the matchless name of Jesus our Lord. Please receive our sincerest condolence in respect to this great man of God. The scriptures record that the body of Christ is one and indeed we are one. When one is happy we all are and when one is sad we all share that sadness. It is our hope to remind and encourage you that though we are sad as we reflect upon Pastor Kirks absence from us; we also hope together because of the love and power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus that during times like these, there is a fountain of joy on the inside. The writer of the book of the Revelation refer to Jesus as He who was dead and is alive forever more. Furthermore, we are given the promise that if we trust in Jesus who is the Christ, as Pastor Kirk obviously did, we will live with Him forever in a place where there is perpetual life and not death nor suffering. Revelation 21:1-6 expresses it much better than we ever could. Eugene Petersons (The Message) rendering of this text has been a source of strength each time its read. I include it for you all in hope that you also will find strength and joy from this passage. Just know that we are here for you. I saw Heaven and earth new-created. Gone the first Heaven, gone the first earth, gone the sea. I saw Holy Jerusalem, new-created, descending resplendent out of Heaven, as ready for God as a bride for her husband. I heard a voice thunder from the Throne: "Look! Look! God has moved into the neighborhood, making his home with men and women! They're his people, he's their God. He'll wipe every tear from their eyes. Death is gone for good tears gone, crying gone, pain gone all the first order of things gone." The Enthroned continued, "Look! I'm making everything new. Write it all down each word dependable and accurate."Then he said, "It's happened. I'm A to Z. I'm the Beginning, I'm the Conclusion. From Water-of-Life Well I give freely to the thirsty. We Praise God for the time God allowed us to be blessed with this great servants presence amongst us. Now he has received the awesome experience of living for all eternity with the Lord! Praise God! The Lord bless and keep you! With Love and Respect,

Ponce L. Brown
Reverend, Dr. Ponce L. Brown, Pastor Teacher
Church Theme: Growing Together Towards Christian Maturity Establishing a Shalom Community { Jeremiah 29:4-14 * Luke 4: 18-20*Acts 2:41-47} Web Site:* E-mail:


P.O. Box 3648 79923 3400 E. Wyoming Ave. EL PASO, TEXAS 79903 Church: (915) 566-2827 Parsonage: (915) 757-0962 Fax: (915) 562-1436 Email: Web:

How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Word of God, Who sow good seed and meet each need while here on Earth they trod; Who many times must go forth weeping, yet sowing all the while, Who even though he's tired and weak, must go another mile; His love for Christ compels him to find the soul that's lost, And lead the erring one toward home, and bring him to the Cross; And when one wayward soul is won, he goes to find another, To give him faith and love and hope, to call him friend and brother; And if he finds a wandering sheep who somehow lost his way, He prays that God will give him the proper words to say; And it matters not to him how far the wandering sheep has gone, He follows Christ's example, and leads him gently home; And when all his earthly work is done, and as this world he leaves, He goes to Heaven rejoicing, bringing in His sheaves; And as he enters the pearly gates, knowing his race is run, He hears his loving Father say, "Well done my child, Well done." Arvil Jones

To the Kirk and Unity families, our love, prayers and sympathies are with you during your time of bereavement. We ask that you remember that God promised to be with us always because Jesus said, Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. The Mount Zion Baptist Church pays tribute to a warrior who fought a good fight. He proudly served his community, and his church. We will miss you, but we cherish the memories and remember all you have done. We resolve to keep the Kirk and Unity Baptist Church families in our prayers. May God bless you in this hour and lead you into the peace that passeth all understanding. We, the Mount Zion Baptist Church family, El Paso, Texas, humbly submit this tribute, this 4th day of August 2012.
Yours in Christ,

James L. Williams
Rev. James L. Williams, Pastor

LaShana R. Williams
LaShana R. Williams, Assistant Church Clerk

Resolution for Pastor Onnie Isaac Kirk You bid no one a last farewell You said goodbye to none. Your Loving heart has ceased to beat Your work on earth is done. The flowers we place upon your grave May wither and decay But our Love for you who sleep in Christ Will never fade away. Whereas, the almighty God, in His own infinite wisdom, has seen fit to enter the ranks of the El Paso Church Community family, and take one of his beloved Pastors, Pastor Onnie I. Kirk. We the Sun City Christian Fellowship Baptist Church bow our heads in humble submission to a wise God who knows and doeth all things well. With love and high esteem, we offer the following Resolution: We the members of the Sun City Christian Fellowship Christian Baptist Church, offer our sincere sympathy to the Kirk Family and Unity Missionary Baptist Church Family. May you find comfort in each loving memory and peace through your faith in the only wise and almighty God. Whereas, That in the death of Pastor Onnie I. Kirk our community has lost a member whose commanding talents, moral excellence, and strict integrity were of a higher order; and that we will cherish the remembrance of his many virtues as a beacon of light in our pathway to life and worthy of our best imitation. Therefore be it resolved, that we embrace the family and offer continued prayers and support. II Timothy 4:17 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. We further resolve that a copy of this resolution be given to the family and copies be placed with our church records. Respectfully submitted on the 5th day of June, two thousand and twelve. Peace

Earl B Payton
Rev. Earl B. Payton Senior Pastor

Mailing Address: 9609 Rutledge Pl., El Paso, Texas 79924 (915) 757-1719

Bishop Harrison B. Johnson, Senior Pastor Tel: (915) 694-3569 E-Mail:

Church Resolution In Loving Memory of Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr.

According to his tender mercy, God, in His infinite wisdom has seen fit to move from our midst our beloved, Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., by means of death on Tuesday, July 31st, 2012, on to his reward where he will join that great cloud of witnesses in the Heavens. Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also. (John 14) On behalf of Bishop Harrison B. Johnson, Senior Pastor, First Lady Shirlon Johnson, and the entire Praise Temple Family, we want the entire Kirk Family and Unity Missionary Baptist Church Family to know that our hearts are with you as you all gather to bid a Christian good-bye to our beloved, Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr.
WHEREAS, Pastor Kirk was a caring, devoted and loving Man of God who truly loved the Lord, his family, church family and everyone that he came into contact with. He served in several different capacities and roles in his life as Son, Brother, Husband, Father, Grandfather, Pastor, Community Leader, Mentor and Spiritual Advisor. WHEREAS, Pastor Kirk served his church and community with dedication and faithfulness. He will always be remembered as a Man of God with a gentle and humble spirit and one who truly believed in the power of prayer. He was a leader in every aspect of the word which was evident by the numerous sons and daughters that he developed, mentored and nurtured throughout his life in the church, in the community and around the world along with the multitude of souls that were led to the Lord through him. He impacted the lives of many people and everyone that he came into contact with was blessed and touched by this Man of God. WHEREAS, our beloved Pastor Kirk loved to preach, sing praises and offer encouraging words to several and he will truly be missed but never forgotten. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, we know your loss is deep and your sorrow is great, but we want you to know that we share in your sorrow, but more importantly, we recognize that this loss is Heavens Gain and we embrace the family because all of us have a common bond that will connect us for the rest of your lives. We cannot replace Pastor Onnie I. Kirk, Sr., but will attempt to demonstrate his love for you.

No matter what your trials are, or how big your mountains seems; The Lord is there to see you through; Hell go to all extremes. So if your cross seems hard to bear, and you know not what to do; The One who loves you most of all will be there to see you through.

When its all over, we would like you to remember: In case theres a time when you just need some cheer, In case theres a problem you would like us to hear, In case theres a favor you would like us to doWere here if you need us to help see you through.
A copy of this resolution will be entered into the official church records and a copy will be given to the family.

Humbly submitted on this 5th day of August 2012, _____________________________________________ Deacon Adrian Hines Executive Secretary

+ Harrison B. Johnson
_____________________________________________ Bishop Harrison B. Johnson Senior Pastor

To: Linda Kirk, Brenda Harrison, Onnie I. Kirk, Jr. and Sam Kirk this 1st. day of August, 2012 Concerning the Home going of El Pasos Pastor, Founder and Pastor of the Unity Missionary Baptist Church for 49 years. It is with extreme regret that I have to write this tribute because of the moving from this natural life to the everlasting life promised those who accepted Jesus Christ as Pastor Kirk did and is now enjoying. A prototype of what the transition is like when a life has been surrendered to the Lord. As he left singing, shouting, witnessing and dancing in his body and spirit, so should we be prepared ourselves. As he left a rare legacy of divine sermons his last one to me was, Dr. Wells, there is nothing that the blood of Jesus cant do! His sermon continues in this litany: Blood of Christ, only-begotten Son of the Eternal Father, save us. Blood of Christ, Incarnate Word of God, save us. Blood of Christ, of the New and Eternal Testaments, save us. Blood of Christ, falling upon the earth in the Agony, save us. Blood of Christ, shed profusely in the Scourging, save us. Blood of Christ, flowing forth in the Crowning with Thorns, save us. Blood of Christ, poured out on the Cross, save us. Blood of Christ, price of our salvation, save us. Blood of Christ, without which there is no forgiveness, save us. Blood of Christ, stream of mercy, save us. Blood of Christ, victor over demons, save us. Blood of Christ, courage of Martyrs, save us. Blood of Christ, strength of Confessors, save us. Blood of Christ, help of those in peril, save us. Blood of Christ, relief of the burdened, save us. Blood of Christ, solace in sorrow, save us. Blood of Christ, hope of the penitent, save us. Blood of Christ, consolation of the dying, save us. Blood of Christ, peace and tenderness of hearts, save us. Blood of Christ, pledge of eternal life, save us. Blood of Christ, most worthy of all glory and honor, save us. The blood of Christ Jesus flows to give us life and this life more abundantly! Plead the blood and live surrendered to God our Father who sent His Son to show us how to live and how to die. Please accept this memorial and everlasting, ever powerful sermon of prayer and testimony from: Dr. Thelma Wells, D.D. (Hon.), Min. M. President of A Woman of God Ministries Dallas, Texas

Tributes From
The Unity Missionary Baptist Church Senior & Junior Doorkeepers Ministry Pastor Kirk, You have been an inspiration and a blessing to us all. We are grateful for the visions and dreams you had for our ministry. We are thankful for all the love and support you have shown us and the trust you had for those of us you appointed to serve as officers. Under your guidance and leadership we learned to have the love of God in our hearts for our brothers and sisters within the body of Christ as well as those we greeted while serving on the doors in the house of the Lord. We are eternally grateful to God for placing such a wonderful individual in our lives to help and guide us in our spiritual growth. We must now go forward and live and do things as God would have us. Your life and legacy will continue to live on through the Unity Family as we strive for "Greater Works." Take your rest now faithful servant until we are all together again. We love you and we will miss you. Lovingly Submitted, Sis. Pamela Dickerson, President Senior Doorkeepers Sis. Jasmine Matthews, President Junior Doorkeepers Bro. Dexter McDuffie, Overseer Minister Charles Kelley, Teacher Bus on the Street, People in the Park A year ago the Pastor blessed us by having us go to the park and have a Bible class for Whosoever will and it has been a blessing. Prayers have been answered and souls have been saved. Thank you Pastor, we appreciate you taking us to higher levels through the grace of God. You will be missed. Sincerely, Hermana Maria Ontiveres Hermano Hector Rodriguez Minister L. Townsend Hermana Emma Hermana Lorena Figueroa Sister Maria Young

The Mission Ministry Thank you for teaching and leading us how to go & teach all nations about a savior that can save anybody. May you rest in peace. We love you. Sincerely, Sister Paula Roberts Sister Kiki Smith Sister Delores Thompson Sister Lessie Thompson Sister Pamela Dickerson Sister Helen Bonds Sister Robbie Wilson Sister Elma Fulmer Sister Maria Young Martes Numero Dos Clase Biblica: We give Thanks to the Lord for the vision that gave our Pastor Kirk; for putting a class in Spanish. More than 2 years have passed since the class was started; it started with two people, now it has 79 people in total thats how many souls have been saved and blessings are just being sent from the Lord Our God. Thank You, my pastor for seeing something in me that I wasnt able to see. The class has been a blessing for me. Sincerely, Hermana Maria Young Hermana Maria Oliverez Hermano Hector Robles Hermana Diane Ruiz

Pallbearers Saturday Night 8/4/12 6:00 p.m.

Deacons and Ministers of Unity Deacon James Williams Deacon Frank Matthews Deacon Robert Jones Deacon Johnny Pippen Deacon Eddie Swift Minister Lonnie Townsend, Assistant to Pastor Kirk Minister Allen Bonds Minister Aaron Johnson Minister Charles Kelley Minister Delmus Lowe Minister Allen Moton Minister Desi Russell Evangelist Darrell Jackson

Pallbearers Sunday 8/5/2012 2:00p.m. Grandsons

Kevin Reeves Onnie Isaac Kirk III David Austin Kirk Robert A. Kirk Onnie Isaac Kirk IV Omar Israel Kirk Obed Isaiah Kirk Oren Immanuel Kirk Obadiah Issachar Kirk Brandon Kyle Harrison Landon Kirk Harrison Samuel Eugene Kirk II

Services Entrusted to Funeraria del Angel Kaster-Maxon & Futrell

8817 Dyer Street El Paso, Texas 79904 (915) 731-1287

Interment Restlawn Cemetery

Mary Kirk Scholarship Fund

P. O. Box 640298 El Paso TX 79904

The Kirk Family would like to thank our Unity Church Family, the El Paso and Surrounding areas for all of the kindness you have shown. Whether it was a kind word, a telephone call, food, flowers, cards or visits and of course your prayers, know that it was greatly appreciated. We will be forever grateful.

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