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North Working At Realizing Dreams!)

at Williamstown Middle High School


Fullling a Need

Based on the FY2011 funding level and an average per-student cost of $1000, 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) can serve 5,654 students in Vermont. That is only a small fracGon of the 24,715 kids in Vermont who are eligible to parGcipate in a program, if more funding were available.

41% of Vermonts school-age

children are on their own aBer school

20% parGcipate in Vermont

aBerschool programs

76% of WMHS middle school

students parGcipated in ONWARD! during the 2011-2012 school year

Mission Statement The mission for ONWARD! is to provide quality aBerschool programs led by commiDed, eecGve, compassionate instructors and professionals who will facilitate student learning in Common Core Standards, promote 21st Century Learning Skills, and nurture the social, emoGonal, and physical development of school age children. Program Highlights ONWARD! provides students with high-quality opportuniGes outside of the regular school day. Thanks to a 21st Century Community Learning Center grant, almost all of our programs (and daily snacks) are cost-free for students and families! RecreaGonal and enrichment clubs and workshops, sports, o-campus excursions, academic support and tutoring 3:00-5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, 180 days a year Over 100 student parGcipants each year Programs led by a combinaGon of community members and school sta Aliated with the NaGonal ABerSchool AssociaGon, the ABerschool Alliance, and the Vermont Center for ABerschool Excellence Serving Williamstown students since 2008 h)ps:// Parents and police ocers will tell you that the Gme from aBer- school to when a kid goes home is frequently a Gme when kids get into trouble. This is especially true when we have an economic situaGon today which oBen requires both parents to be working and no adult is at home. I am a great supporter of aBerschool programs and teen centers and I hope that in the not-to-distant future we will have federal funding available which will enable every school in the country to provide them. - Bernard Sanders, U.S. Senate

For more informa>on, contact: Jennefer Jolls ONWARD! Site Coordinator Williamstown Middle High School 120 Hebert Road Williamstown, Vermont 05679 (802) 433-5350

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