Geologic Time Prelab Questions

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Christopher Herlihy 10/1/2012 Earth Science Lab Professor Senft Geologic Time Prelab Questions 1.

Relative age is the process of using rock layers to figure out the age of another layer that surrounds it. 2. Absolute age is the geologic age of a fossil, or a geologic event or structure expressed in units of time, usually years. 3. Principle of Horizontality- Rocks are deposited in horizontal layers Principle of Superposition- Rocks on top are the youngest; oldest on the bottom Principle of Cross-Cutting- Rock that is cross is older than the formation (faults, cracks, rocks) that did the cutting Principle of Inclusion- Rock that is included in (surrounded by) other rock must be older than the surrounding rock Principle of Faunal Succession- Fossil assemblages (groups) found in sedimentary rocks are diagnostic of rock age. Extinct assemblages never in appear younger rock 4. When layers of rocks are deposited in a continuous succession through time without any significant break in deposition they are conformable. But if deposition is interrupted or there is an episode of erosion between depositions then the boundary between the older and younger rocks is unconformable, in essence part of the geologic record is missing. 5. Disconformities are usually erosional contacts that are parallel to the bedding planes of the upper and lower rock units. Since disconformities are hard to recognize in a layered sedimentary rock sequence, they are often discovered when the fossils in the upper and lower rocks are studied Nonconformities Is the contact that separates a younger sedimentary rock unit. From an igneous intrusive rock or metamorphic rock erosion occurred to expose the older, deeper rock at the surface before it was finally buried by the younger rocks above it. Angular Unconformities angular unconformities is the contact that separates a younger, gently dipping rock unit from older underlying rocks that are tilted or deformed layer rocks. 6. The law of Fossil Succession states that fossil organisms originate, coexist, and disappear from the geologic record in a definite sequential order 7. Index Fossils are commonly found, widely distributed fossils that are limited in time span. They help in dating other fossils found in the same sedimentary layer.

8. Radioactive isotopes generally mean a natural or artificially created isotope of a chemical element having an unstable nucleus that decays, emitting alpha, beta, or gamma rays until stability is reached 9. Half-life is the time required for a quantity to fall to half its value as measured at the beginning of the time period. 10. 11,460 years having two half-lives.

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