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Conceived, Adapted and Directed by Pamela Reckamp

In 2008, while in church listening to the reading of Christs Passion on Palm Sunday, and the rote recitations of crucify him, I began to imagine the story in a way only theatre artists can render. I knew if audiences could see the Passion in an up-close, personal setting a la, the medium of theatre it would have a much greater impact on them. I began collaborating with my colleague Dianna Thomas and we spent the next 18 months doing research: reading other Passion plays, attending many Holy Week events at churches of different denominations, discussing what elements of the production were crucial to the creation of the piece. In August of 2009, slowly, Dianna started writing scenes. A change in circumstance led to Dianna having to leave the project in December 2009. Knowing she would not return, and knowing the play would surely change within the confines of rewrites and a rehearsal process, I felt I could not use her work. I wrote the entire first draft of PASSION in about six hours.

Well, I didnt write PASSION. The story is adapted from the bible, with absolutely no text created by me. That was one of the crucial elements. Other important ideas were the arc of the music, projections of prophecies fulfilled, the role of the audience, and the physically demanding job of actors moving and creating pictures that would sucker-punch someone in the gut. The production was originally scheduled for Lent of 2010. With the loss of Dianna, there was no way that could happen so Lent 2011 gleamed in the future. Alas, without a venue a mere three months before the production, it was best again, to wait. I continued researching the historical aspects of the time of Christ. I found music to complement the story arc. And the pictures in my head became clearer and clearer. I was restless to produce the piece but found serenity in a note from a friend: Like the Sistine Chapel, great things are not created in a day, but take years to complete.

Life moves along and the venue, the Skip Viragh Center for the Arts Blackbox, becomes available. Moving forward is the only option. Dates are booked for Spring 2013 and thus begins the heavy-lifting aspect of producing: 1. Compiling databases of religious organizations 2. Casting 3. Fine tuning the script 4. Gathering the design team 5. Acquiring funds 6. Getting the word out Now, we can make art.

To create a visceral theatre piece with stylized movement, music, text and imagery.

To involve the St. Louis community in every aspect of PASSION.

To humanize Christs suffering and death, and to feel joy at his rising.




The Story of PASSION is adapted from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Text, dramatic elements, and plot points come from these books.

Characters without spoken word in the Gospels are given text from these books. Prophecies found in the Old Testament will be projected overhead.

Jewish Prayers and song lyrics round out the text used in PASSION. This adds an historical element as well as poetry to the piece.

New Testament

Old Testament

Additional text

Taize music features one line of music as a chant. It is simple in text, music, and theme. PASSION begins in this simple way.

Spiritual music contains multi-part harmonies which speak of struggle, faith, and hope. Its a way of sharing religious and emotional experiences through song .

Classical music, often written for the glory of God, highlights the climax of PASSION the crucifixion. This music emphasizes difficult harmonies and a complex rhythm.




When you sing, its like praying twice.

Enters the space with palms as Jesus arrives in Jerusalem and the story begins.

Becomes a part of the crowd participating in the trial and riot. The other players are mingled with the audience.

Witnesses the crucifixion as an onlooker. Simon of Cyrene is pulled from the audience. Can sing with Magdalene at the tomb.




A Chuppa

The tablecloth

Linen band

Wrappings from the tomb

Tenebrae means shadows in Latin. A traditional Tenebrae service includes a number of readings, typically seven to fifteen, with a candle or light of some kind representing each of the readings. After each reading, a light is extinguished. The last of the readings tells of the Passion of Christ, after which, the final light is extinguished and the gathering place is left in complete darkness. There is a great noise, such as a book being dropped or the tearing of a curtain. Slowly the lights return to signal the hope of the prophecy of Easter and Jesus resurrection. PASSION is set upon the structure of a Tenebrae service. To mark each betrayal, each step on the path to Jesus death on the crucifix, seven lights are extinguished ending with the death of Jesus.

How can you help?

Commit time to the project by doing crew, working on mailers or making phone calls.

Donate money to provide artist salaries, pay rent, or cover printing costs.

Rally the troups at church, work, wherever, to get a group of 30 people to come see PASSION.

Production Needs

A donkey is needed for all performances. Jesus will ride in on him with disciples following.

People to assist with front-of-house duties such as box office and ushering.

Production crew to run scene and costume changes, run lighting and/or sound.

How to Play Along

Tell everyone you know about PASSION. Have them tell two friends. And so on, and so on.

Like us on our Facebook Passion Spotlight Theatre page and the Facebook event page, PASSION. Send it to your friends.

Follow us on the PASSION blog as we build our audience, funds, and the production.

Spotlight Theatre
Spotlight Theatre is a registered 501 (c)3 not-for-profit, company. Founded in 2001, the company has produced ten mainstage productions, a cabaret series, and seven TEEN (Theatre Educating and Entertaining Now) productions. Spotlight hires both union and non-union actors, professional designers and depends on a strong base of volunteers. All donations of money or services in-kind, are deductible to the extent allowed by law.
I always go back to theatre. Its probably where Ill draw my last breath. Peter Gallagher

Who? When? Where? How Much?

Spotlight Theatre presents

March 14-23, 2013
Thursdays thru Saturdays at 8pm; Saturdays at 4pm

At The Skip Viragh Center for the Arts Blackbox

On the campus of Chaminade College Preparatory School 425 S. Lindbergh, Frontenac Missouri

Tickets: Singles $25, Groups of 20 or more $20

More info: 314-412-6848; or email

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