PROJECT 1 Wireless Network

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REPORT ON PROJECT 1 Wireless Network

Prepared for MIT BN205/MN601 BY

Mahmud Khansur

20th of January 2012

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge the support of our teachers friends and family while developing this report. In addition, we would like to acknowledge that this report was put together entirely by us.








This report is for our assessment in BN205 authorized by our lecturer Mr. Biplob Rakshit Ray The purpose of this report is to analyse and set up a proposal for a wireless network project. This project will cover aspects of the scope, time, budget and a full work breakdown structure of how the project will be implemented and carried out. The project will have specific needs are requirements that will be discussed in this report and will have to be constrained by particular factors of both time and money etc.


The Kunyung Primary School located in Mount Eliza requires a wireless network to be installed that will operate inside the buildings and playground. The wireless network will connect up laptop computers. Students and teachers will be able to access the network from personal devices including laptops, PDAs and other devices. Content filtering from the internet will be implemented in the wireless network and also security from internal and external attackers. Users will have different accounts that will give various accesses to students and teachers.


The project scope is to setup and install a wireless network at Kunyung Primary School in Mount Eliza that will be fully functional and accessible from inside the school building and the playground. The wireless network should be accessible from a wide variety of devices for example laptops, PDAs and other wireless devices. The network needs to cover the geographical area of primary school grounds and be accessible from the playgrounds. Security will be implemented on the wireless network to protect from internal and external factors. The safety of the children is very important as there age is quite futile therefore we need to create a filtering system to prohibit their access and exposure to offensive material. Furthermore access to prohibited websites will be blocked for supervisors and teachers as well. Firewalls and various wireless network security protocols will be needed to protect data and information. Protection from hackers, viruses and malware will also be included in the network setup and design.


An amount of technology will be required to implement this project. Wireless technologies such as wireless routers, access points and switches need to be implemented into the original wired system. Integration with the current wired network, servers and databases is required. The database information needs to be accessed through the wireless connections. Coverage of

the wireless signal needs to be controlled by signal senders to cover the required geographical area of the school. Furthermore, accounts also need to be set up for different users so that privacy and access restrictions are met. There will be a hierarchical levelled structure where higher authority staff will have greater access to the school database and external and internal information. Security measures need to be implemented and put in place to protect the users of the wireless system and the information. This needs to be done up to governmental standards and protection rules for primary schools. The students access to the internet will be filtered and monitored by software and connection protocols.


The network infrastructure team leader has responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the Kunyung Primary School wireless network. The jobholder will lead a team of highly skilled network administrators and will be responsible for all aspects of the network infrastructure from technology and process perspectives including:

Design. Implementation. Documentation. Support and Maintenance.

The jobholder will also be responsible for writing justifications of purchases, making presentations to users about complex topics and interacting positively at all levels of the business. The network infrastructure team leader will provide a team leadership role as well as being hands-on when required. Key Deliverables:

To design, implement, document, support, maintain wireless LANs and security infrastructure that support the requirements of the business from a performance and availability point of view. To ensure appropriate use of technology and to constantly consider more effective and efficient technologies and processes.

Functional: The network infrastructure team leader is responsible for the successful operation of the associated infrastructure, which will include:

Building, configuring, documenting and administering. Owning and troubleshooting technical issues. Monitoring and managing all aspects of technology associated with this role. Capacity planning of network requirements. Creation of documented procedures. Monitoring and patching of server infrastructure. Evaluation of new technologies and processes. Other duties as agreed with the technical operations manager.

School Responsibilities All wireless LANs will be monitored and maintained by the networks and telecommunications group, within information services. Any Access Point which is connected to the School network infrastructure becomes the responsibility of Information Services. User Responsibilities The following specific responsibilities apply to the users of the School Wireless Network. 1. Users of the wireless network are responsible for their own computer equipment. The School accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to your machine as a result of connection to the wireless network. 2. Users have the responsibility to ensure that they are running up to date antivirus software and that the operating system is fully patched with the latest service packs and hot fixes. 3. Users will authenticate on the wireless network for each session. PROJECT BUDGET The project budget was developed based upon the needs of the School for this project. The numbers below represent budget estimates, but were developed through extensive planning efforts. Budget Item Cost Existing Equipment upgrade cost: Servers (new or upgraded, dedicated or shared) PC's (new or upgrades) Printers UPS Back up devices Disk storage Sub total 20000 5000 1500 2500 3000 32000 64000

Network costs: Cabling or wireless LAN, WAN or other network Racks Routers Switching devices Modems Leased or dedicated lines Communications software Sub total Network & Upgrade Hardware $64,000 Network Management and implementation, $30,500 Total $94,500 Time Budget The time constraints and estimates will be achieved through using a Hybrid type estimate. The reasons being that this project has strategic decision making, high uncertainty and its a small internal project. Furthermore the client also wants details and cost is important in the project. We found that this is the most appropriate method to use. Please refer to the Microsoft Project file for further in depth details on time estimation and structure. 7000 2500 6000 2000 4500 5000 3500 30 500


Please refer to the Microsoft Project file for in depth details on the work breakdown structure.


1. Integrating the wireless network with the current wired network Putting a design that will preserve the already existent network infrastructure Choosing the appropriate hardware that can operate with the existent infrastructure

2. Covering the geographical area of the school Placing access points in critical places around the campus to get full coverage Choosing hardware that has efficient radius range

3. Providing internet access to all students and teachers to the network using their personal devices Configuring a wireless hotspot Cloning MAC addresses of newly introduced devices to the network Providing internet access on all deployed access points

4. Controlling user access and securing the network Granting a username and password for users Setting up a firewall

5. Filtering and monitoring the content of accessed and exchanged resources through the network Installing RMON probes on the routers Installing ISA Server to control websites accessed through the network

CONCLUSION To conclude we would like to say that this segment of the report has given us an insight on the structure of the project. We are now able to understand clearly what our budgets will be and how the different tasks will be assigned. Also constraints such as time can now be viewed clearly and assessed in terms of the structure of the project. We will continue on with the project to try our best to meet deliverables and deadlines. Furthermore we need to stay within the budget and the details that the client has imposed on this project.


Gray, C., & Larson, E. (2006). Project management The managerial process (3rd ed.). NY: McGraw-Hill. M.I.T Lecture slides weeks 1-8 for BN205/MN601

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