Software Engineering Question Bank

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Software Engineering Module 1

Introduction Answer the following. Each carries TWO marks: 1. 2. 3. 4. What is a software product? What is a software process? What is software? What is a software engineering? (Or) Give the IEEE definition of software engineering? 5. What is system procurement? 6. What is system design? 7. What is system integration? 8. What is system decommissioning? 9. Name the two type of software product? 10.What is a generic product? 11.What is a customized product? 12.Name the different types of software process? 13.What are the different types of system and its environment? 14.What is project organization? 15.What is work break down? 16.What is project schedule? 17. What is system engineering process? 18.What is a system? 19.What is system engineering? 20. What is deliverable? 21. What is a milestone? 22. What is the difference between system engineering and software engineering?

Answer the following. Each carries FIVE marks: 1. What is a software process? Explain the different types of software process? 2. Explain system and its environment with neat diagram? 3. Explain different phases involved in system engineering process? 4. Why the system engineers must understand the environment of the system? 5. What are the activities involved in system design and explain with neat diagram? 6. Explain any 5 project planning activities? 7. Explain project scheduling? Answer the following. Each carries TEN marks: 1. What is system-engineering process? Explain different phases involved in system engineering process? 2. Write a note on: Management Activities Project planning Activity organization Project Scheduling

Module 2
Requirements and Specification: Answer the following. Each carries TWO marks: 1. Define requirement engineering process. 2. What is requirement definition? 3. What is requirements specification? 4. What is software specification? 5. What is feasibility study? 6. What is requirement analysis? 7. List the two types requirements analysis.

8. What is non-functional requirement? 9. What is requirement validation? 10.What is a Formal specification?

Answer the following. Each carries FIVE marks:

1. Explain software requirements document.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Explain requirement validation. Explain requirement evolution. Explain requirement definition. Explain requirement specification. Explain the different types of non-functional requirements.

Answer the following. Each carries TEN marks: 1. Explain with a neat diagram the requirement engineering process. 2. Write a note on: a) View Point Oriented analysis b) Method-based analysis 3. Write a note on Formal Specification.

Module 3
Software Design Answer the following. Each carries TWO marks: 1. Define software design. 2. Define software process. 3. Name different levels of design process. 4. List out the different process activities. 5. What is Architectural design? 6. What is Abstract specification?

7. What is Interface design? 8. Mention the areas where the interfaces design focus. 9. What is Component design? 10.What do you mean by Data structure design? 11.What is Algorithm design? 12.Mention the different types of design strategies. 13.What are the features of a good design? 14.What are the characteristics of design quality? 15.What is cohesion? 16.What is coupling? 17. Mention the different types of cohesion. 18.Mention the different types of coupling. 19.What is System structuring? 20.What is Control modeling? 21.What is modular decomposition? 22.What do you mean by repository model? 23.What is client-server model? 24.What is abstract machine model? 25.What is the difference between centralized control and event-based control? 26.Mention the types of modular decomposition. 27.When an architectural model is called as domain-specific architectures? 28.What are the two domain-specific architectural models? 29.What is a generic model? 30.What are the characteristics of object-oriented design? 31.What is an object? 32.What is object-oriented design? 33.Give an example for object-oriented design. 34.What is Object-aggregation? 35.What are the differences between passive objects and active objects? 36.What is function-oriented design? 37.What are the activities that are used in function-oriented design? 38.What is data-flow design? 39. What are the different notations involved in data-flow design? 40.What is system design? 41.What is detailed design? 42.What is data-dictionary? 43.What is concurrent system design?

Answer the following. Each carries FIVE marks: 1. Explain design process. 2. Explain the different process activities. 3. Explain the levels of design process with an illustration. 4. Explain different design strategies with an illustration 5. Explain cohesion. 6. Explain coupling. 7. Write a note on system structuring. 8. Write a note on control models. 9. Write a note on domain-specific architectures. 10.Write short notes on : a) Object b) Object classes c) Inheritance 11.Write a note on object identification. 12.Explain object-oriented design with some examples. 13.Write a note on object aggregation. 14.What do you mean by design evolution? Explain 15.Write a note on concurrent objects. 16.Write a note on function-oriented design. 17.Explain data-flow design. 18.Explain structural decomposition. 19.Explain detailed design. 20.Write a note on a comparison of design strategies. Answer the following. Each carries TEN marks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Explain design quality in detail. Explain architectural design in detail Explain control models in detail. Explain modular decomposition in detail. Explain in detail the domain-specific architectures. Explain object-oriented design in detail. Explain object aggregation, service usage, object interface design and design evolution with illustrations. 8. Explain function-oriented design in detail with proper illustrations and neat diagrams.

Module 4
Software Reliability Answer the following. Each carries TWO marks: 1. Define software reliability. 2. The formal specification and proof do not guarantee that the software will be reliable in practical use. Why? 3. Reliability should always take precedence over efficiency. Why? 4. What is software reliability metrics? Why is it required? 5. Define software reliability specification. 6. What is statistical testing? 7. Give an example for permanent, non-corrupting. What is its reliability metric 8. Give an example for Transient, non-corrupting. What is its reliability metric 9. Give an example for Transient, corrupting. What is its reliability metric 10. How do you achieve reliability in a software system? 11. What is fault-free software? 12. Mention the different aspects of fault tolerance. 13. What is a recovery block? 14. What is exception handling? 15. What are the situations where forward error recovery can be applied? 16. What are the different levels the reuse of software can be considered? 17.What are the advantages of systematic reuse?

Answer the following. Each carries FIVE marks:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Write a note on software reliability metrics. Explain statistical testing. Explain reliability growth modeling. Write a note on data typing. Explain exception handling. Write a note on software reuse.

Answer the following. Each carries TEN marks: 1. 2. 3. 4. Explain software reliability specification in detail. Explain the ways to achieve reliability in software system in detail. Explain defensive programming. Explain software development for reuse in detail.

Module 5
Coding and testing Answer the following. Each carries TWO marks: 1. What is the objective of coding phase? 2. What is structured programming? 3. What is information hiding? 4. What is the different programming styles used in coding? 5. What is verification? 6. What is code reading? 7. What is the purpose of code inspections? 8. What is unit testing? 9. What is the difference between verification and validation? 10. What is validation? 11. Define Testing. 12. Define Module testing. 13. Define System testing. 14. Define Acceptance testing.

15. What is need for Test planning? 16. What is Black box testing? 17. What is structural testing? 18.What is Interface testing? Answer the following. Each carries FIVE marks: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Explain Top-down and Bottom-up design. Write a note on structured programming. Write a note on information hiding. Write a note programming style. Write a note on verification. Explain code reading. Explain code inspections or reviews. Write a note on unit testing. Explain test planning. 10. Write a note on Interface testing. 11.Write a note on Test cases. Answer the following. Each carries TEN marks:
1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Explain Law of Demeter for object oriented programs. Explain Static analysis in detail. Explain Symbolic execution. Explain Proving correctness. Explain Metrics in detail. Explain Testing process. Explain different test strategies in detail. Explain Black box testing in detail. Explain structural testing.

Module 6

CASE Answer the following. Each carries TWO marks: 1. Expand CASE. Define CASE. 2. Mention the different types of CASE tools. 3. What is Platform integration? 4. What is Data integration? 5. What is Presentation integration? 6. What is Control integration? 7. What is Process integration? 8. What are the different memory organizations? 9. What is knowledge modeling? 10. What is the difference between semantic and syntactic knowledge? 11. What is project staffing? 12.What is privacy? 13.What is outside awareness? 14. What is personalization? Answer the following. Each carries FIVE marks: 1. Write a note on CASE. 2. Explain Integrated CASE. 3. Write a note on Platform integration. 4. Write a note on Data integration 5. Write a note on Presentation integration 6. Write a note on Control integration 7. Write a note on Process integration 8. Explain Management implications. 9. Explain project staffing. 10.Explain Working environments.

Answer the following. Each carries TEN marks:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Explain CASE classification. Explain CASE life cycle. Explain Cognitive fundamentals. Write a note on Group working.

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