Inventor To AB Coaster Assignment

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aaassseee::: 222:::111000---cccvvv---000000000333888---AAALLLMMM---TTTPPPKKK DDDoooccc ###::: 777888---222 FFFiiillleeeddd::: 111111///222222///111111 PPPaaagggeee::: 111 ooofff 444 PPPAAAGGGEEEIIIDDD ###::: 111444555777


nis assiBnoumt by WALLACE BROWN of Chester, New Jctf:ey sml RODERT
W. NELSON ofRow1ett, Tcxas (coUecdve1y, "Asslpors") to TRJS1'ARPRODUCTS.

INC a PeDDS)'lvanla corporadOD (QAssigoeeD);

WHBRBAS, Asst&notS have jofntly
a new, Drigblal mel usoM

Invention entitled ABDOMniAL BXERCISE DEVICB C"Iuvend.ou"). for Which

United Sima pal9nt applicatiun 19 being tued f\Ilthcr Identified by Cislo &
Doclc;et No. 0617617 ("Patent Appl1cation")i WHEilU!AS, Assignors believe themselves to be dle orlglnal, Orst.. and joint lnventots of the htvcntion discloSed and claimed in &BId Patent Applic;;atloni IJJld

WHBRBAS, Asslgncc desires


acquire by faanal. recoldat,le assignment the Application, in

entire right, title, and i1ltercst bt and to said Invention. md said

the UDite6 States B!Id throughout the world.

NOW, THBRBFORB, for gOod and vaJuab1c COtl.9ldcratlorl, the receipt and

suftlcioncy of wbicb are hereby aclaIowledged, Assignors hereby seU, assign. and
transfer to Assisnee, the entire rJ.gJn, title, aud il1lel'e1t in and to said mventJon, a.ud

said Parent AppUcation for said luvc:utioD ttl the Ulllted Stares ao.d thtoughout tne

worJc1.. including the e:1.cluSlvc right to file 81IY provisional,

011 Ule

condnuatlon. continuation-in-part, reiAsue, foreign, or other appUClltiOll. based

Invendon direet1y Itt the oame of A9signee and to claim

prior:ly rights to whlcb

such appUcattOll! are entitled under Jntc:matlODa1 conventiona, r.xeanf:!., or otherwise.



!aaassseee::: 222:::111000---cccvvv---000000000333888---AAALLLMMM---TTTPPPKKK DDDoooccc ###::: 777888---222 FFFiiillleeeddd::: 111111///222222///111111 PPPaaagggeee::: 222 ooofff 444 PPPAAAGGGEEEIIIDDD ###::: 111444555888

Further, Assignors agreo that, upon reqlest.8Dcl wlalOUI funber compansatlon. but &tno expenao to AsSipofS, tbey ancl their legal repl.'GSGlUlUves aId assigns will do alilawfulaccs, hlclwUng the c:xec:ntion Qf pspm e.o.d the smug of tc!tlmony. that lDay
'be necessary or desirable for obtalDing, wsCaiDill8. telssufDg. or enfbrolug saicl Patent

Appl1catl0ll in me United States and tbroughout the worlel for said IIlventioD, and fur

pert'earing. rectndtng. or maintaIniaS the title of Assignee. its SUCCe9SCIr& and assigns, to
SAid Invention. and sald PateD1 Application

rued, and any patents

fur said

Invendon In the United States and throughout tlle world. Assignors represem and wamnt that they bavc nOI granted ani wlllllot grant to otIlers BDy rtgbm IDconsisulnt with d1c rights granted herein.
Ass1gnoIS authorizc and request the Conunlssioncr of Patents '1IIc1 Trademarks of
the United States and of all foreign countries to fssuc any Patent grao,tcd for said

Invention, whtdlet' OD. said Palent AppUeatloD, or on any

filed provislODl1l.

uon-provlslooal. divisional, contimJation. contInuarion-in-psrt, Jeissuc. or other

appHcaIlou. to ABslgpeo. its JUc:ccsSOl'S and assigns. 89 the usisn= oC tbe entire interest
in said IQve.uJion.


!aaassseee::: 222:::111000---cccvvv---000000000333888---AAALLLMMM---TTTPPPKKK DDDoooccc ###::: 777888---222 FFFiiillleeeddd::: 111111///222222///111111 PPPaaagggeee::: 333 ooofff 444 PPPAAAGGGEEEIIIDDD ###::: 111444555999

IN WITNESS WHBREOP, As9Ip.ot hereby'OleS

tbls A:ISIgnIqent on the

elate first abOve writteu and p set forth below.


/'J. - II


Wallace Brown

Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1 2006 Raben W. Nelson


!aaassseee::: 222:::111000---cccvvv---000000000333888---AAALLLMMM---TTTPPPKKK DDDoooccc ###::: 777888---222 FFFiiillleeeddd::: 111111///222222///111111 PPPaaagggeee::: 444 ooofff 444 PPPAAAGGGEEEIIIDDD ###::: 111444666000


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