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Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters: FAQ/Walkthrough by lynx10 Version: 0.

7 | Last Updated: 2011-08-12 | View/Download Original File Hosted by Return to Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters (PC) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click here to recommend this item to other users. Chantelise (PC) FAQ/Walkthrough Version 1.0 - 08/12/2011 By Kelvin Soh ( ==== CONTENTS ==== A. Introduction B. Version History C. Walkthrough + Treasure/Boss/Monster Guide i. The Plains ... Tutorials 1 & 2 ... Tutorial 3 ii. Terran Ruins ... Path to the Ruins ... Ruined Main Gate ... Grand Staircase ... Hall ... Cave ... BOSS: Terran Golem (Deepest Caverns) ... BONUS: Insect King's Lair iii. Ignan Ruins ... The Mountain Path ... Volcano Path ... Lava Pools ... Entrance to the Ruins ... Halls of Flame ... BOSS: Volcanic Crab (Mural Room) ... BONUS: Colliseum iv. Aquan Ruins ... Wetlands ... Bridge to the Ruins ... Spiral Corridor ... Underwater City ... Silent Church ... BOSS: Electrojelly (Guardian of the Ruins) ... BONUS: Waterways v. Zephyran Ruins ... Forest of Miasma ... Emperor-Bug's Tomb ... The Windmill Bridge ... Engine Room ... The Tempest ... BOSS: Atolian Wyvern (Mountain Summit) ... BONUS: Floating Gardens vi. Sealed Palace <Coming Soon> vii. BONUS: Familiar Forest <Coming Soon> D. Miscellaneous i. Magic ii. Open Questions ...Fishing ...Survival Dungeon E. Credits F. Concluding Remarks =============== A. Introduction ===============

[TU1] [TU3] [PA2] [RU2] [GR2] [HA2] [CA2] [TE2] [IN2] [MO3] [VO3] [LA3] [EN3] [HA3] [MU3] [CO3] [WE4] [BR4] [SP4] [UN4] [SI4] [EL4] [WA4] [FO5] [EM5] [WI5] [EN5] [TE5] [AT5] [FL5]

[MA1] [OP1]

Hi everyone! If you're here you've probably picked up Chantelise already. Great choice, buddy, and I'm sure you'd have just an awesome a time as I had. I don't want to type too much here (who reads Intros anyway when there's the handy Ctrl-F) but I just want to point out that all the enemy names I will be using are coined by myself to describe the enemies. I am not aware if there are official names out there so do drop me a mail if you know of it. To use the guide, each section of the main walkthrough is divided into two parts. The first part deals with general strategies for clearing a level as well as strategies for defeating new monster types as they appear. Meanwhile, the boxed sections will describe how you can unlock the hidden treasure of each level. So that's all from me for now. Feel free to email me at about anything, be it to point out errors, seek out clarifications, suggest new strategies or more. I've also included an "Open Question" section which I think will be interesting if someone will tackle them. Look at that section for more detail. ================== B. Version History ================== Version 0.7 (08/12/2011) -- Zephyran Ruins completed. 1+ dungeons more! -- Fixed some formatting issues on the Contents (Hopefully!) Version 0.5 (08/09/2011) - First version released. 3 main dungeons covered, 2 more to go. ======================================== C. Walkthrough/Treasure Guide/Boss Guide ======================================== PROLOGUE == THE PLAINS == +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Tutorials 1 & 2 [TU1] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The game starts out with a tutorial session. It does a pretty good job at explaining the mechanics behind the game so I won't have much to add to it. Besides, the gameplay basics are fairly simple and should be easily understood even through just trial and error. First up Chante will explain the controls of the game. She will then follow that up with an explanation of how the magic system works in the game. The only point that may not have been brought up is that there is no way of rearranging the order of the magic stones after they are picked up. Chante will always use the LATEST magic stone first (i.e. the last to be picked up.) This needs to be kept in mind when picking up the gems, adding a tactical element to the gameplay. Also, the spells listed in the "Spell List" option on the pause menu are simply the basic spells of the game. Other combinations of magic stones will produce a variety of "modified" spells. Experiment a bit with the magic system to learn more (or, head over to the magic section at M-A-1 without the hyphens) for a more detailed explanation.) +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

- Tutorial 3 [TU3] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Just to be clear, "Tutorial 3" refers to the part of the game where you first gain full control of Elise after the initial tutorial. The nomenclature used here follows how this area is named in "Practice mode" which can be accessed once this stage is cleared and the world map is available. Basically, the premise of the whole game is, just like the controls, very simple. Initially, the exit to a certain area will be locked. Defeat all the enemies in the area to unlock the exit. From this stage onwards, every area will also have a hidden treasure which will only reveal itself after a certain condition (unique to each area) is fulfilled. As the tutorial level, this area should be a cinch. Simply hunt down all the green slimes (the minimap becomes particularly helpful,) defeat them and we can proceed to the next area. __________________________ | TREASURE: Golden Pedestal| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Face down the powerful enemy" (0 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | To the east of the area (east with reference to the minimap) lies a | | small slope that will lead you to 4 purple slimes. As hinted at by the | | priest, these slimes are powerful: powerful not in the dangerous way (they | | do not attack as far as I can tell) but because they have really high | | defense, both physical and magical. | | | | It will hence be next to impossible if you're just starting out to | | obtain this treasure. Without any equipment and with Chante only able to | | use 2 magic stones, Icicle Edge (2 blue gems) is the only ability that will | | damage the slime (at least, from the various methods I've tried.) There are | | 4 slimes, which will mean we will need to find 8 blue gems in the level in | | order to clear out the slimes. I guess 8 blue gems isn't technically | | impossible, but the probability of that has to be pretty low. | | | | Be patient, however, and you won't have to wait that long to obtain this | | treasure. There's no rush to get this treasure as well as it is simply, | | well, treasure. This provides just gold, unlike the equipment some of the | | other areas provide. | | | | Equip Elise with some gloves (even the most basic ones) and dealing with | | the slimes will then be a piece of cake. These gloves can either be bought | | at Aira's shop, or, better yet, as the treasure from the "Grand Staircase" | | area (Search G-R-2 without the hyphens) in the Terran Ruins (the next level | | we are about to explore.) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER ONE: THE FAIRY AND THE SWORDSMAIDEN After the conversation with Aira, the shopkeeper, you are free to explore the town. That is not much around though. You can go back into the shop to buy or sell items. I recommended saving up all money for Ferromins, which increase Elise's maximum HP because most equipment can be obtained as treasure from the various levels. It is still very much down to a matter of personal preference, though. There may be better or worse ways to spend your money from a purely optimization outlook but this will almost surely not affect anyone's ability to complete the game. So just enjoy the game and play it the way you want to.

The next step is to talk to all 5 of the villagers. Unfortunately, they are not able to provide much information, not unlike your typical JRPG townsfolk. Note: you will need to finish talking to all the villagers and not walk away halfway through the conversation(s). Head back to Aira's and your next stop will be the town's fortune teller, located directly opposite Aira's shop on the west side of town. Head over there to unlock the next "dungeon", the Terran Ruins. == TERRAN RUINS == +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Path to the Ruins [PA2] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note on dying: If you die halfway through a dungeon, remember to choose Story Mode when you head back in order to progress through the game. You will have to start over from the first area. Thankfully, exits that you have previously unlocked remain unlocked and you can just run straight for the exits for previously cleared areas (the enemies respawn though.) Choosing the individual areas in practice mode is helpful only for farming treasure/gold or for learning how to get through an area (especially helpful for bosses.) In addition to the blue slimes previously encountered, this area presents a new enemy: caterpillars. For now, they have just a rolling attack. This makes them slightly stronger than the slimes but shouldn't be too tough to handle. If the "note on dying" above hasn't made it clear, it is NORMAL to die in Chantelise. The starting HP of 30 is pretty low and healing can only be done through random food drops or when Chante can use 3 magic stones at a go. Thus, don't feel too bad if you have to restart even this first dungeon a few times. I most certainly did. That said, this area is relatively straightforward. Getting hit by the slimes or caterpillars is usually more a result of impatience (and going all gung-ho into fights) rather than because they are especially tough enemies. Proceeding to the next stage should thus not be a problem. ____________________ | TREASURE: FERROMIN | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "If you wait long enough, something strong may appear" (1 HP)| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The key to unlocking this area's treasure is just as the priest says: | | wait for a while and a purple slime will appear. This is the same slime as | | the ones in tutorial 3, only there is only one of them to deal with this | | time round. Thus, this makes it possible for even someone who has just | | started out to obtain this treasure. (If you have already obtained some | | gloves, go ahead and equip them to defeat the slime to claim your | | treasure. | | | | Without gloves, the key is to have 2 consecutive blue magic stones such | | that Chante can cast Icicle Edge. Getting 2 to drop shouldn't be tough | | given the number of enemies so the key is to simply save them up and make | | sure the spell is ready when the slime appears. Defeat the slime to get | | Ferromin for a nifty upgrade of 10 max HP. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Ruined Main Gate [RU2] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Once again, another relatively straightforward map. The one special thing about this area is the presence of a treasure chest (in addition to the hidden one

discussed below.) This is found to the west of the area BEFORE crossing the bridge. It is slightly hidden in a small cave but shouldn't be too difficult to spot. This chest contains a Souvenir Charm that improves Elise's magic defense. This, in addition to the wooden shield in the hidden treasure chest will help quite a bit in clearing the dungeon. Also, there will likely be an abundant of magic stones lying around after clearing this area. Before heading into the next, it will be useful to stock up on the gems. 6 "attacking" (i.e. non-yellow) gems will be ideal, though 2 consecutive yellows for Super Armor may be useful too. ________________________ | TREASURE: WOODEN SHIELD| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "If something looks suspicious, hit it" (1 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The something suspicious the priest alludes to is the southwestern | | pillar past the bridge (i.e. the 1st pillar on the left.) I don't see how | | this pillar look suspicious actually, but there you go. Hit it to get | | a wooden shield for a defense boost. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Grand Staircase [GR2] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After the relatively "hack-friendly" areas, this level presents a bit more of a challenge. There is a new enemy type around: floating eyeballs. They will prove to be one of the more irritating enemies of the entire game. For one, they float, which means you have to jump-attack if you don't want to use magic. Their magical attack is also especially painful, making the Souvenir Charm available either from the previous area or Aira's shop a rather wise equipment choice. Thus, using magic against these floating eyeballs helps a lot. For this area, a single magic stone attack (i.e. Fireball, Aqua Splash or Thunderball) will be sufficient to kill them. This will make the battle much simpler. Extra magic stones can also be found by breaking barrels and torches (which is a part of the hidden treasure unlocking criteria too. Talk about win-win!) However, if your HP is still near full at this stage, you might want to practice learning their attack patterns to effectively use your physical attack because you will be doing that quite a bit in the later levels. Another enemy that will likely pose a problem as well is the caterpillar. In this area, they do not use their usual rolling attack. Instead, they employ a magic flame attack where a flame hovers slightly on top/in front of them. Touching this flame will cause Elise to suffer magic damage (once again, the Souvenir Charm will help.) Killing them effectively will thus require magic magic or careful, well-timed physical attacks (avoid attacking physically from the front as Elise will move forward for the last stroke, typically into the flame.) _________________________ | TREASURE: LEATHER GLOVES| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Treasure loves hiding in the dark (2 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | To find the treasure, the trick is not to look into dark areas of the | | stage. Instead, it is to make this area dark. That's right: destroy all 9 | | of the torches in the level to make the hidden treasure appear (fortunately | | or unfortunately the level doesn't go dark for real when you do destroy all | | the torches. Now with these gloves which boosts physical attack, those of |

| you who want to obtain the treasure in Tutorial 3 and haven't done so can | | go ahead now! | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Hall [HA2] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In this level, we get introduced to yet another new enemy: the skeleton. The trick behind it is if the final blow to it is a physical one, it does not die permanently. Instead, it will simply crumble into a heap and revive in a few moments. To kill it, we will have to use magic (or equip Elise with a magic crystal which can be obtained later in the game.) The starting area in this level consists of a mass of yellow slimes, two skeletons and a few floating eyeballs. With this barrage of enemies, it will be difficult to target the skeletons first because of the magic waves from the floating eyeballs as well as the difficulty in aiming magic with so many enemies in the screen. My suggestion is to first destroy the floating eyeballs either with jump attacks or magic (lock-targeting seems to have a preference for flying objects from what I've played. That said, I do prefer the jump attack option though you'd have to be decently accurate.) After they are dealt with, the next targets will be the slimes. If the skeletons get near, temporarily disable them with your physical attacks. Once the slimes are taken care of, the rest should be easy. The slimes would have dropped loads of magic stones to kill the skeletons with (that, and skeletons themselves drop magic stones sometimes when hit with physical attacks.) There are some flame caterpillars up the stairs too though you've handled that before, haven't you? If you're interested in the hidden treasure in this level, you might want to save up some red and green magic stones too. ______________________ | TREASURE: FOCUS STAFF| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Try destroying the thing that feels out of place" (2 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This treasure can get a little irritating to obtain, though not too | | much. The thing that is "out of place" is a barrel that is on a platform | | towards the southwest of the room. To get near it, climb up the stairs and | | head east. The path should lead you to a chandelier-like object hanging | | in the middle of the room which you can jump onto. From here, you have two | | options. | | | | OPTION 1: You have already obtained the Winged Boots from the Halls of | | Flame. In that case, equip it and air-dash (jump up and press jump+attack | | in mid-air) onto the platform containing the barrel. I will consider this | | the easier option in terms of ease to pull off but you will have to wait a | | while before the Winged Boots can be obtained. | | | | OPTION 2: Use magic. This can get a little irritating as it will likely | | take a few tries to pull it off. Before mounting the floating "chandelier," | | grab as many Red and Green magic gems as you can (I haven't got it to work | | with blue gems because of the arc Aqua Splash takes when it is cast.) Jump | | onto the platform next and aim for the barrel from there. I have managed to | | hit it when Elise is position to the left facing the barrel. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Cave [CA2] -

+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ No new enemies this time round. However, this area still pose a pretty tough challenge because of the number of enemies stocked in the tight areas of the level. NOTE: Do not do anything yet and read the treasure section below immediately if you are aiming to get the treasure in this level. The enemies include slimes, floating eyeballs, rolling caterpillars, flame caterpillars and a skeleton at the end. Basically, you'd just have to be careful and be patient by slowly slaying groups of enemies. Area-of-effect spells may be pretty useful here. They are Cluster Bomb (2 Reds), Blitz (2 Greens) or single spells augmented by green or yellow magic stones. ______________________ | TREASURE: SPEED BOOTS| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Try slaying the strongest enemies first" (2 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hopefully, you have an ample amount of HP because you will have to run | | through the horde of enemies in the cramped space without killing anyone. | | What the game (or priest) considers the strongest enemy in this level is | | the skeleton right at the end of the area near the exit. Especially | | irritating are the flame caterpillars which you'd have to skillfully avoid. | | | | If you do not have any magic gems equipped at the start of the level, | | your options will be to either use a magic crystal to defeat the skeleton | | or get a magic stone either from the skeleton itself or barrels. I'd | | recommend the former due to the number of enemies usually surrounding the | | barrels. Make use of the minimap to plan your route of advance well too. | | | | Your reward will then be Speed Boots, something which you cannot buy | | the shops. Not a bad reward at all! | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BOSS: TERRAN GOLEM (DEEPEST CAVERNS) [TE2] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT: 1 STAFF + 1 SHIELD Congratulations: You have reached your first boss fight! The boss battles in Chantelise certainly harkens back to the old days of identifying attack patterns and weak points of the enemy. And just like the old days, you will probably take a few tries before you defeat the boss. Running through the different areas from the start after every defeat is pretty boring and tiring (even when you don't need to defeat all the enemies again) so you might want to give the Practice Mode a try and make sure you can defeat it at least once before doing it "for real" in the Story Mode. In this level, to the west on the minimap lies a (non-secret) treasure chest. Keep your treasure hunting spirit in check though as it contains a health-restoring Ham Sandwich rather than any treasure. Moreover, it's gone forever once you open it once so leave it alone until you are truly desperate. Other than the treasure chest (and the boss), the other items in the room include barrels, torches (which sometimes block the way) and slimes, all of which give magic stones which you'd need aplenty. Basically, the Terran Golem is the epitome of a tank. It's high physical resistance deems Elise's attack pretty much worthless so you'd have to rely on Chante's magic (this is where equipping a staff comes in handy.) Meanwhile, it

deals physical attacks so a shield is useful. Speed boots may come in handy in running away from its attacks so equip yourself based on your preferences. The Terran Golem has a few attacks. When you are close to it, it may launch a spin attack (which is always preceded by the boss blinking.) There is no reason to be close to the boss for any lengthy period of time because you shouldn't be physically attacking anyway so this attack shouldn't be a factor. For the boss' other attacks, the jump-step/dash (press the attack and jump button simultaneously) is absolutely essential to avoid them. The Terran Golem's mid-ranged attack involves slamming one of its fist (if it still has any left. See below) into Elise. This is harder to avoid due to the proximity. It executes its long-ranged attack, meanwhile, by launching into the air and slamming its whole body down. Learning to time to dash at the right time is thus key to defeating this boss. You may also want to consider using lock-on targeting on the boss. This facilitates magic and makes it easier to avoid attacks because you are able to spot it better. However, movement becomes slightly more difficult because of the constantly moving camera when the Terran Golem moves (this affects your ability to pick up your magic stones of choice.) That, and you'd more likely get dizzy spells because of it. When targeting, note that you can target three different spots on the boss: both its arms and its main body. If you want a quick battle, just aim at the main body. Attacking the arms first weaken its attacks (it can't use its fist attack when it has no fists!) and unlocks the hidden treasure of the map. Meanwhile, spam magic to defeat the boss. The Terran Golem is particularly susceptible to lightning (Green) attacks so use whatever Green magic stone drops to their fullest. The strongest spell Chante can currently cast against the boss is a Thunderball augmented by a Red magic stone (i.e. pick up a Red first before a Green and then unleash the spell) so use it whenever you can to defeat the boss. A tip to fighting effectively is to time your spells at the right time such that the boss will not be moving much at the moment the spell is unleashed. Otherwise, Chante may send the spell in the wrong direction, potentially wasting the magic stones used. After the fight, Elise will can the ability to equip up to 3 different items. Sweet! ___________________ | TREASURE: FERROMIN| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Torment the enemy before you kill them! Yes, torment! (3 HP)| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | As I've mentioned briefly in the above explanation, the key to unlocking | | this treasure is simply to destroy both arms of the Terran Golem BEFORE its | | main body. Conceptually, the idea is simple: lock-target onto the arms and | | fire away. However, the execution may not be so simple. As the boss is | | continually moving, the spells may end up striking the main body of the | | boss instead even when you may have locked onto the arms. Thus, care will | | be needed to execute the spells such that we do not kill the boss before we | | destroy the arms. One trick is to wait until you are behind the arm | | targeted before launching the spell. Once one arm goes off targeting the | | next will then be much easier too. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BONUS: INSECT KING'S LAIR [IN2] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

Note: "Bonus" stages are unlocked in every major dungeon after collecting all the treasure from the previous areas. They are not part of the story mode, but more enemies to slaughter and more loot are always welcome, aren't they? The main enemies of this level are 3 giant bugs. They have massive HP but actually aren't that powerful or tough to defeat. Before they are slain, many of the other smaller enemies will respawn so that is a bit of a bummer. All in all, this shouldn't be too tough a battle if you slowly chip away at the bugs' health by using magic and physical attacks. They may also drop the treasure "Insect King Shell" upon death. ________________________ | TREASURE: BACKSCRATCHER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Remember to keep your head cool (3 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | This treasure is pretty straightforward to obtain. Notice the pool of | | water to the east of the area. How can we keep our head cool? By submerging | | it in water of course! The pool of water is of varying depth but it | | shouldn't take too much moving around it to get deep into it to unlock the | | treasure. The backscratcher is a pretty nifty item, allowing Elise to pick | | up items and magic stones without having to press the attack button and | | bending over to pick it up (to view it from a different perspective, the | | Backscratcher enables the picking up of items and magic stones just like | | one picks up coins: by just walking pass them.) This is useful in some | | levels where the time taken to pick up a magic stone may cause Elise to get | | attacked. However, I personally do not find the Backscratcher particularly | | useful due to Elise's limited equipment slots (the other equipment usually | | offer better characteristics) and the difficulty in queuing the right | | spells when there are a lot of magic stones lying about. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER TWO: WELCOME TO MY MANSION OF... WAIT, WHAT? After you are done with the Terran Golem, return to town and visit the fortune teller. After the dialogue, several options are open to you. If you talk to the townsfolk, you will sometimes hear about the presence of a priest in the town. His place is now unlocked, though rather inconspicuously as it is not marked on the mini-map. It shouldn't take too long to find it, but it is the building on the middle-left on the north side of town if you're wondering. The priest will give you hints to unlocking the hidden treasure in each area thought that comes at a cost of maximum HP. However, there is nothing to stop you from loading the game from a previous save game after unlocking the hint (or better yet, I have included each hint in this FAQ at the hidden treasure parts of each level walkthrough.) The dialogue with Elma also unlocks a new dialogue at Aira's shop. After that, you'd find that the shop has stocked up on more items. 2 new areas are also unlocked in the world map: the Familiar Forest where you can find a shopkeeper as well as Ignan Ruins, your next destination in the story. The shopkeeper sells a few items that are different from Aira's so you might want to check it out. The price of common items are the same between the two shops though. Isn't there anywhere we can complain about price-fixing? == IGNAN RUINS == +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - THE MOUNTAIN PATH [MO3] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This area introduces two new enemies: mushrooms as well as bees. The mushrooms

are relatively straightforward enemies and can simply be seen as slightly stronger slimes so they shouldn't take too much figuring out. The bees, though have a few tricks up their sleeves. Flying enemies are usually already bad enough because of the difficulty in hitting them. In addition, the bees inflict paralysis (Elise's movements become slower) if they manage to attack you. Moreover, it seems as if they are able to respawn indefinitely. To stop them for good, you will have to defeat their hives, pod-like things usually hanging at a certain height. Destroy them (there are 2 in this area) to stop the respawns. It may be tempting to try to rush straight for the hives but I will suggest taking a slower approach to avoid being overwhelmed. Slowly kill the enemies along the way before reaching the hives. The hives can then be taken down with magic or jump attacks (the former is much more effective though.) This approach may involve killing some bees only to have them respawn but I believe the reduction in HP lost is well worth it. ________________________ | TREASURE: COMMON SHIELD| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Nature provides the drums, you provide the beat" (2 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Reading the priest's hint, I was initially afraid we'd have to play some | | rhythm minigame to get to this area's hidden treasure. Thankfully, that is | | not the case (actually, come to think of it, a rhythm minigame will | | actually be pretty cool.) All you have to do is hit each of the 5 boulders | | (3 on the ground level, 1 on each of the 2 higher platforms) once with a | | physical attack and you'd be able to unlock this area's treasure. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - VOLCANO PATH [VO3] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This area consists of a circular path climbing to the top of a mountain. The enemies in the initial area shouldn't pose a problem at all. However, the game adds a bit of tension by having boulders constantly dropping down the path as you make the climb. They aren't that difficult to avoid if you stick to the side of the path and even if you do get hit the damage isn't too high. Near the top of the level the boulders will stop coming (signaled by the end of the barrier on the right of the path.) Keep a lookout on the left for a small cave area which contains a treasure chest with a Focus Staff in it. A new enemy type will also be introduced near the exit: some sort of hermit that hides into its shell if Elise gets too close. The easiest way to dispense with them is to stand a moderate distance away and cast some offensive spells. The hermit's attack is a spherical projectile. The damage isn't too high but it does knock back Elise which can be pretty irritating when you encounter hermits among big groups of enemies. If you've run out of magic, hitting the hermit in its shell form will occasionally cause some magic stones to drop. It is also possible to hit the hermit with physical attacks. This can be done only when the hermit comes out of its shell for a split second to launch its attack. Timing it is tough, however, because of a lack of tells for the attack so one option will be to simply keep whacking the shell continuously if you need to store up on the magic stones and are unwilling to use them on the hermit. _______________________ | TREASURE: TOUGH GLOVES| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Break the barrels" (2 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Break the barrels? Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Unfortunately, | | soon realize that there is not a single barrel in sight up the linear path | | of this level. That is because the barrel is so conveniently hidden on a |

| ledge that is only accessible by falling from a certain spot near the top | | of this level. On your ascend up the level initially, notice a tree being a | | bit out of place near the entrance. That actually marks the spot of the | | ledge which is just to the top and left of the tree. Make a mental mark of | | where this tree is on the minimap as you'd be using it as a guide later. | | | | Near the top of the level is where you'd need to aim for the ledge | | described earlier by falling down. The place to fall from is approximately | | five steps or so (whatever that translates to) from when the barrier to the | | right of the path ends. It will probably take a few trials before you'd be | | able to land on the ledge (Speed Boots make the climb less painful I guess) | | but once you can't really miss the barrel. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - LAVA POOLS [LA3] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ In this level, you'd continuously get red slimes spawning from the lava pools. Note that they have no impact on clearing the level so don't give them much heed (though you probably will want to kill them anyway when they're in the way.) From the starting area, you'd have two paths: one to the left leading to a broken bridge and seemingly dead end and one to the right blocked by some barrels. If you're NOT interested in the hidden treasure for this map you can just smash through the barrels to get to the other side of the map. Otherwise read the hidden treasure section below to see how you can traverse the area without having to do that. The new enemy in this area are floating fireballs. They do some rather nasty magic attacks if you get too close to it. Moreover, upon death, they explode, damaging Elise if she is too close. Thus, the trick to killing these fireballs will thus be to use magic from a distance. Depending on your equipment, it may take more than one spell to defeat these enemies which may put a constraint on the availability of magic stones. One way to ration some magic stones is to first give the floating fireballs a hit with your physical attack before dealing the final blow with a magic spell. Practice and experiment a bit to see what fits your play style best. ___________________ | TREASURE: FERROMIN| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Don't destroy things just because they're in your way" (3HP)| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The things that are in the way are obviously the barrels towards the | | right of the initial starting path. To unlock this treasure, leave the | | barrels alone and clear the enemies on the initial area first. The way to | | get to the east side of the map will then be through falling from the | | platform past the bridge from the path on the left. You will need to jump | | past the broken bridge once and then, from the top of the platform, jump | | down towards the bridge on the ground floor (you may fall into the lava if | | the jump down didn't gather enough distance. Be warned though: make sure | | you've cleared the enemies from the previous area as you can't go back to | | kill them once you've made a successful jump down. | | | | After getting down, continue slaughtering the enemies left in this new | | area. After you're done (remember: the red slimes don't count) proceed back | | to the barrels and smash them, which will unlock the hidden treasure for | | this map. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+

- ENTRANCE TO THE RUINS [EN3] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The starting area to this level consists of your standard fare of mushrooms and floating eyeballs so deal with them first. Once you're done with them, climb 3 flights up the stairs. To either side of the landing is a small gap which you'd have to jump across to get to a pile of skeleton bones. Get close to it to revive the skeleton and proceed to kill it. More skeleton bones will be below this current platform. Once you're done clearing them, repeat for the other side. As there are quite a lot of skeletons to clear in this room, some of you may be interested to buy and equip magic crystals (which can be bought at Aira's or from the shop at the familiar forest) so that Elise's physical attack will be able to destroy the skeletons for good. Otherwise, you probably have to be a bit patient and slowly accumulate magic stones to down all the skeletons. After all the enemies in the level are defeated, a giant floating fireball will appear in the middle of the room. Basically the mechanism to defeating it is similar to the normal floating fireball but with this new enemy having much higher HP. Once again, remember that it is the final blow that you want to strike from afar. So save at least a magic stone to do that and deplete its HP with physical attacks first if necessary. _________________________ | TREASURE: STANDARD CHARM| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Some treasure like tight enclosed spaces" (3 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Remember that you had to jump across a narrow gap to reach the lone | | skeleton near the top? That is where the secret of this level is hidden. | | This secret is a silver hermit hiding in the tight space to the right of | | the level. To get there, either drop into the gap after climbing up 3 | | flight of stairs of simply move into the tight space from the ledge with | | the mass of skeleton bones. Defeat the silver hermit to unlock the treasure | | chest for a standard charm. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - HALLS OF FLAME [HA3] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Upon entering this area, you will immediately see a new foe: the armored knight. The knight is so armored that neither your physical attack nor magic seem to work on him. You'd probably have guessed that the key to defeating him will be through a weak point, which is his back. Getting around to backstab him, though, takes a bit of technique and practice. (Note: you might want to kill off the pesky eyeballs in the same lower area before trying to kill the armored knight.) To get around to the back of the knight, stay very close to him initially. Then, when the knight starts to raise his sword to unleash his attack quickly move in behind him and start whacking (you'd probably only get to use a 3-hit combo before the knight recovers though sometimes you can perform a few more combos before that happens.) It will probably take some practice to get the hang of the timing to pull it off. You'd also have to do this same maneuver a good number of times before the armored knight will fall. If it's any consolation, at least there aren't that many of these enemies through the entire game. After dealing with the armored knight, you'd want to still stay on the bottom floor and not climb up the inviting flights of stairs yet. Head north and continue slaying the other enemies in the area past the corridor until you reach a dead end. This will save a bit of backtracking later so climb the stairs up and proceed to clear the enemies on the upper level.

Another new enemy type awaits: some sort of floating ghouls. For most of the time, these ghouls are translucent and will be impervious to any attack. After a certain period of time, they will turn opaque, meaning you can now hit it with either a jump attack or magic. Be quick, though, as the ghouls unleash a fire attack shortly after they turn visible (they will not attack if you are able to strike first.) Before you've got time to put in more than 1 or 2 hits the ghoul will turn invisible again, completing the cycle. Also be careful of 3 gaps in the passageway on the northern side of the upper level. Fall in before defeating all the enemies on the upper level and you'd have to go one big round to get back where you were. When you're done with all the enemies in the upper level, drop into the rightmost gap onto a platform which has the exit on it. Now get ready for the next boss fight. _______________________ | TREASURE: WINGED BOOTS| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Do one lap without stopping" (3 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The lap in question is the square-shaped outer perimeter of the level up | | the stairs on the second floor. It is very useful to clear out the enemies | | before you attempt getting the treasure. The tricky part to completing the | | task of running the lap without stopping is no doubt the 3 gaps you'd have | | to jump across on the north side of the map. Be mindful that the distance | | between the 3 gaps varies so pay close attention to what's ahead to execute | | the jumps. Otherwise getting this treasure will simply be an exercise in | | execution rather than figuring some obscure hint/trick to unlock it. The | | Winged Boots unlocked here lets Elise dash in midair, paving the way to | | complete some other hidden treasure challenges later on. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BOSS: VOLCANIC CRAB (MURAL ROOM) [MU3] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Recommended equipment: Water Crystal + 2 gloves OR 2 staves + shield/Speed Boots Once again, the boss fight is no pushover so be prepared to die a few times and perhaps make use of the practice mode to nail down the attack plan. For the recommended equipment load out, you may wish to consider investing 20 grand for a water crystal if this fight is still causing you considerable challenge after some time. The water crystal, paired with 2 gloves to boost attack will enable you to do acceptable damage against the Volcanic Crab when you use your physical attacks. Otherwise, I will suggest going with 2 staves such that the main damage will come from Chante's spells. This can be paired with a shield to boost defense or Speed Boots to make avoiding the attack slightly easier. When you initially try to attack the boss with physical attacks, you may find that it does no damage to it at all. And unlike the armored knight from the previous area, it's back is impervious to physical attacks too. Magic do damage the boss but it does not seem to be dropping magic stones when the attacks aren't dealing any damage. The weak spot of this boss is behind its pincers. In order to deal physical damage to it, you'd have to strike there. In its usual position, the Volcanic Crab has its weak spot nicely hidden. To expose it, you'd have to lure it to attack Elise with its pincer. Do this by positioning Elise close to the boss and in front of it. This will cause it to raise either one of its pincer to

strike. This attack is pretty quick so you'd want to move back before the pincer is even raised (you might need to experiment a bit to determine the timing to do so such that you can lure the attack but not get caught by the attack.) Once you've avoided the attack, move in to the area near where the pincer was to attack. Without the Water Crystal the physical damage will probably be pretty low but hey, at least you're damaging him! Moreover, this attack will cause some magic stones to drop out sometimes. However, the rate of gathering magic stones is pretty low just by this method. To speed up the fight, you'd want to knock the Volcanic Crab into one of the four lava pools. Notice that when you manage to successfully land a 3 hit combo, the boss gets pushed back by a bit. This will be how you can get the boss to land into one of the pools. When that happens, the Volcanic Crab will be spit back out but in an overturned position. Take this time to whack the hell out of it. The likelihood of the boss dropping magic stones increase exponentially in this position too. The Volcanic Crab is weakest against water, so at this stage your most damaging spell against it will be Icicle Edge (2 blues.) Other spells may not inflict as much damage but just cast it anyway; the damage will still likely be higher than the physical attacks. Other than the pincer attacks, the boss also has 2 other longer range attacks. One attack involves the Volcanic Crab shooting a string of bubbles right in front of it. This should be very easily sidestepped and pose not much of a problem. In the other attack, the boss will shoot out fire from its back. Small flames will then land randomly on the level. This attack is easiest avoided if you can move far away from the crab (the spread of flames is centered about the crab.) Note that the flame also remain for a second or two after landing so be careful not to touch them after you've initially avoided them and are moving back towards the boss. When Elise is not facing her. This is how you get the lava pools. However, if Elise is too close so the boss directly, it will also swing around to face to line your attacks such that it will be forced into do take note that the swinging motion can cause damage be mindful of that.

Otherwise, focus on landing the attacks as explain earlier and cast Icicle Edge whenever possible to finish off the boss. Once again, I can't emphasize the need for practice enough in order to be able to complete this stage. You might need to farm for gold by fighting the monsters from the earlier levels if you haven't been doing it as more Ferromins are always helpful as well. _________________________ | TREASURE: STRONGARM BAND| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Well, don't just drop it anywhere" (4 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Well, don't just drop it anywhere. Drop it everywhere! is probably what | | the priest will have said if Twitter wasn't invented (OK, that didn't go | | too well.) So basically, what you need to do is to force the Volcanic Crab | | to drop into all four lava holes in the level. | | | | Forcing the Volcanic Crab into the lava holes work the same way as | | damaging it with physical attacks. First, stay close to the boss to lure it | | to attack with his pincers. Before waiting for the tell (as it will likely | | be too late by then,) move back such that Elise will not get hurt by the | | pincer attack. Next, immediately move towards the Volcanic Crab and more | | specifically, towards side of the pincer that attacked to launch a 3 hit | | physical attack combo. If you've aimed at the correct spot, the boss will | | be knocked back (this will only occur if ALL 3 of your hits deal damage.) |

| Use this knockback maneuver repeatedly (and of course, aiming in the | | correct directions towards each of the 4 lava ponds) to unlock the | | Strongarm Band treasure. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BONUS: COLLISEUM [CO3] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. Some of the enemies in this level are indeed plus-sized. To clear this level, you'd have to defeat them (the normal sized enemies will respawn from time to time if the giants are still around.) You have encountered all the enemy types before so I don't think there is any need for any further explanation of how to defeat them. Besides, our main aim in these bonus stage is just to get the treasures, isn't it? _____________________ | TREASURE: CAT STATUE| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Try going out of your way to be in dangerous places" (4 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | With the level consisting of just a room with some lava at the side, | | aren't many dangerous places, are they? Well, except for the perimeter | | ledge preventing you from falling into the lava on the perimeter of the | | room, that is. So jump onto the ledge and wait. It takes quite a lengthy | | time before the treasure shows itself, though. Enough time to make you | | wonder if you're doing it wrong (no, you do not have to run round the whole | | perimeter or pull of any crazy stunts like that.) The enemies in the level | | also make the wait feel longer than it should be and you might have to run | | along the ledge occasionally to avoid some attacks. Eventually, the | | treasure will unlock, giving you a very handy Cat Statue (which attracts | | coins for you.) | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER THREE: THE BLUE ROSE In a nice touch, you will get to control Elma for this chapter! Conveniently, she totally transforms into Elise with the only difference being their hair (I was actually hoping for some new gameplay mechanics but I guess this will have to do.) Note also that Chante can now cast spells using up to 3 magic stones. This unlocks a new set of spells using 3 of the same gem type. You can also enhance your level 2 spells and get up to 2 enhancements for level 1 spells. Of particular note is Heal, the level 3 water spell. Now you don't have to wait for a random food drop to heal yourself when your health gets low (though you'd no doubt find that waiting for the blue magic stones get equally excruciating at times. If you want to, you can also head over to Aira's or the priest for new dialogue that expands just a little on the overall story. Otherwise, it's time to head out to our new dungeon: the Aquan Ruins. == THE AQUAN RUINS == +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - WETLANDS [WE4] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The starting area in the Aquan Ruins is pretty simple in premise: a wide open area with groups of enemies littered around. If you're interested in the hidden treasure for this area, don't wander off into the water just yet and read the treasure section below to find out how to get to it.

The two new enemies introduced in this level can potentially do quite a bit of damage while you get used to their attack style. They are two types of fishes: the yellow fish that has a dash attack that inflicts paralysis and the red fish that has a slightly stronger jump attack. They are found in water, though you might want to lure them to land (which they will get on) sometimes so that you can move more freely to engage them. Be careful of large groups and try to attack either enemy from the side so as not to get hit by their attack and you should be able to clear this level. Also, remember that you can now use level 3 spells so use Heal (3 blues) when necessary for a handy health boost. ________________________ | TREASURE: MERMAID SHOES| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Don't you hate the water, sometimes" (3 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The priest's hint pretty much gives it away for this level: avoid water | | and you're done. Get to the level, though, and you might find that this | | may be easier said than done what with so many enemies hidden in the water. | | The good news, then, is that you do not have to defeat all the enemies to | | get to the hidden treasure. Simply get from the starting area to the | | finishing area without getting wet and you're good to go. I find the | | easiest path to be on the right. Jump onto the lily pads and onto a log at | | the end which connects to the final area near the exit. Having Winged Boots | | on to airdash will help a lot. Do so and the treasure chest should appear | | containing some Mermaid Shoes that let you walk in water as fast as on | | land. This will come in pretty useful when you're having to run through the | | Aquan Ruins after deaths. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BRIDGE TO THE RUINS [BR4] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The starting area consists of some slimes which you should be able to dispose of in no time. As you approach the bridge, 2 floating blue bombs will then greet you. They are just like the floating fire bombs from the Ignan Ruins so remember to use a spell to land the final blow. They are weak against fire so a single Fireball spell (1 red) should be enough to kill it. Past the blue bombs 3 armored knights. You don't really want to fight them together so try to lure each knight forward first before engaging. The last of the 3 knights also has some slimes for company so you might want to kill them off first before dealing with the knight. _______________________ | TREASURE: FIRE CRYSTAL| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Try crossing the bridge" (3 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | To get to this area's hidden treasure, you'd need to cross the bridge | | without touching the bridge itself. How do you do that? By traversing on | | ledge on the side of the bridge of course. Either ledge is acceptable and | | Elise just has to be on the ledge from the start to the end without falling | | off to unlock the treasure (you can still retry for the treasure, albeit | | from the start again if you fall.) | | | | Of course, this will be a whole lot easier if the bridge is straight. It | | is not, with some regular kinks that demand some finesse with your controls | | to get through. As long as you have defeated the enemies around the area | | this shouldn't be too hard. Alternatively, you can also equip the Winged | | Boots to airdash past the kinks in the path to unlock the hidden treasure. | | The result for your hard work is a Fire Crystal, especially handy in this | | water-based dungeon. |

|_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - SPIRAL CORRIDOR [SP4] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ An extremely straightforward level: no new enemy types are introduced in this area and the path consists of just a spiral corridor (how apt a level name!) Before you ascend, however, you will want to move to the left to open the non-hidden treasure chest for a Music Box that unlocks the "Sound Test" option from the title screen. Otherwise, this level shouldn't pose any more difficulty than the others you have encountered. If you want something fun/different to do, try equipping the Winged Boots and lure each and every enemy into the center part of the screen. They will fall to their death into the pool of water in the center and you can complete this level without having to even launch a single attack. (This should so have been the hidden treasure challenge!) ______________________ | TREASURE: PRETTY WAND| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Immerse yourself in the lake" (3 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | For once we get a straightforward hint from the priest but the lake in | | question isn't the pool of water smack in the middle of the map when you | | first enter the area (no, you'd receive damage and respawn at the start if | | you try to immerse yourself in that particular "lake.") Instead, notice a | | horizontal strip of land with a small circle in the middle on the minimap | | that you do not have access to if you just went by the level normally | | along the spiral path. That is where the "lake" you need is. To get onto | | the area, climb the spiral corridor to near the top of the level. You | | be able to see it from there. Jumping there might be a little difficult as | | a pillar blocks the most convenient location to jump from. Either take a | | few tries to accomplish the jump or use the ever trusty Winged Boots to | | make light work of it. Once you reach the pool of water, touch it to unlock | | the secret treasure; you do not even need to immerse yourself in it! | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - UNDERWATER CITY [UN4] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ A new area inevitably means new enemy types. Making their bow in the Underwater City are blue fishes that shoot bubbles. They shouldn't pose too much of a problem except for the fact that the bubbles tend to get in the way when you're attacking them, dealing damage to Elise/Elma. The fact that they almost always appear in groups (and relatively large groups at that) doesn't help. To take them out effectively, do not rush your attacks and wait for an opening before defeating them one at a time. Also do not attack from the front but from the side or back of them instead to avoid the bubbles. Another new enemy is the jellyfish. As far as I can tell they have no attack in particular. Touch them, however, and you take damage in addition to being paralyzed. They shouldn't be too hard to kill with some magic or a well-aimed jump attack though. _________________________ | TREASURE: MAGIC NECKLACE| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Punish that trickster" (4 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Now we're starting to get hints from the priest that aren't really | | helpful at all so we're on our own in finding the hidden treasure here. If |

| you've hunted all the treasure previously, at least you would have learned | | that the game hardly places anything funny/out of the ordinary without a | | purpose. In this particular level, the thing that stands out will be the | | cemetery. Once you've cleared the skeletons in the area (you can opt to | | leave them alone but that will only make your fight to come that bit | | tougher) jump onto every tombstone in the cemetery. This will cause a giant | | skeleton to appear. Defeat it (it has a triple combo attack in addition to | | high HP so do take a bit of care in attacking) to unlock the hidden | | treasure. Tornado (3 greens) work especially well against it. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - SILENT CHURCH [SI4] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The starting part of the level is relatively straightforward with your usual enemy types that you should be able to deal with no problem (there are much more jellyfish here so do be careful not to touch them.) Try not to move too much to the north when clearing out these initial enemies as the new enemy here is a giant blue bomb with a long range ice attack. The ice projectiles will constantly be launched when the bomb appears so be sure to be constantly on the move left to right when that happens. Once you're done with the other enemies, lock on to the giant blue bomb (this helps you strafe to avoid the attacks more effectively) and unleash any magic you've got. As to be expected, fire attacks (Fire ball or Fire Wall) works especially well against it. __________________________ | TREASURE: SILVER GAUNTLET| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Punish that trickster, again" (4 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | The trick here this time round are the unlit torches that line your path | | towards the exit. Destroy all 6 of them and a giant blue fish will spawn. | | It isn't too difficult to defeat (it attacks with a dash attack not unlike | | the yellow fishes) so do so to get the Silver Gauntlet. Nice! Of course, | | precautions to take for this task will be to clear out all the other | | enemies in the area before triggering the arrival of the giant blue fish. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BOSS: ELECTROJELLY (GUARDIAN OF THE RUINS) [EL4] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Recommended equipment: 2 staves + 1 Charm/Speed Boots This boss can be a little irritating and dizziness-inducing if you haven't figured out the trick yet but shouldn't be too hard once you've done so. The Electrojelly has two legs at its side normally. When you hit either with a physical attack, the boss will withdraw the leg into the center. Hit both and the Electrojelly's "cap" will be lifted, allowing Chante to hit it with its magic. Fire Wall (3 reds) work especially well and a couple of them should be able to down the boss. Other magic also deal decent damage so hit it with all you've got after you've triggered the boss' vulnerability. The Electrojelly's attack include slow moving bubbles that it will shoot out occasionally. These are usually relatively easy to hit if you are moving in one direction constantly. Also, be careful when you're trying to hit the legs or picking up magic stones such that you avoid the bubbles. To make things movement tougher, the boss also has a wind move that causes you to be pushed along (the wind can be either clockwise or counterclockwise) if you are within a certain large radius of the boss. The final attack is the toughest to avoid. It involves the Electrojelly unleashing a line of electricity from any of the legs that are still at the side. The boss will then spin around once. Jump to

avoid it (in addition to spinning around, the legs also move up and down in a periodic motion. You will have to jump past the electricity when it is in the "low" position.) Thankfully, the mechanic to defeating the boss involves hitting the legs so you will usually be left dealing with only one line of electricity. In this case, you can run away to avoid it if you start out directly opposite the start of the spin. _____________________ | TREASURE: FERROMIN G| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Be sure to go inside, little lady" (5 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | I don't get the priest's hint this time round at all (I'm thinking there | | may be a mix up between this hint and fro a later stage but enlighten me if | | you can figure it out.) That said, some of you may have already gotten the | | hidden treasure to unlock while you're trying to figure out how to defeat | | the boss. The trick here is to jump to avoid the electricity attack of the | | boss a few times (I believe 4 times is the magic number.) To do this, as | | I've explained in the main section, notice that the legs also have a slight | | up and down motion in addition to the spinning move. You'd have to jump to | | avoid the attack when the legs are in the "down" position (otherwise you'd | | just be jumping into the electricity chain for damage.) To make things a | | easier, you might want to hit one of the legs so that you only have to | | jump across one of the electricity chains. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BONUS: WATERWAYS [WA4] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Unfortunately, completing this level is more on endurance than any particular tricks, making it a bit of a chore. The key here is to notice that the blue porcupines spawn constantly so don't really bother about them. The enemy to defeat here will be giant floating ghouls littered throughout the gigantic map. The game makes things easier by removing the ghoul's usual fire attack. Instead, they simply summon skeletons (which will die under physical attacks this time round.) Defeat the ghouls when they're visible to unlock the exit. Meteor Impact (3 yellows) work well against them. To where the ghouls are effectively, look out for the red enemy blip on the minimap that appear even when Elise isn't nearby (the other enemy blips corresponding to the porcupines will always be near Elise.) ______________________ | TREASURE: COIN EMBLEM| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "This time? Be merciful" (5 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Finally a hint that makes sense! Basically, you'd have to run from the | | start of the level to the exit without a single enemy dying. That's right, | | it doesn't matter if you've killed the enemy or not. Usually the poor enemy | | pathfinding that lets causes it to drop off platforms into oblivion helps | | you along your quest. This time round, however, it will probably frustrate | | the hell out of you. This is because porcupines constantly spawn near Elise | | and the exit lies on a platform in the middle of water: a perfect recipe | | suicidal enemies out to make sure you do not get the hidden treasure. | | | | Speed Boots and Winged Boots will help in accomplishing our objectives. | | From the start of the level, stay on the upper floor and proceed along the | | long path towards the exit. If you have the Winged Boots equip, jump off | | the upper level only at the last possible moment and air dash towards the | | exit platform. Hopefully you'd be able to do so before any of the | | porcupines sacrifice themselves gloriously to stop you in getting the | | hidden treasure. It will probably take a few tries. If you do not have the |

| Winged Boots, go downstairs only at the last area before jumping onto the | | platform. This way will make it more likely for the porcupines to be dead | | before you get on the platform, unfortunately. At least your reward for the | | tedium is pretty awesome: a coin emblem that improves gold drop rate. | | Awesome for when we're just a bit of gold away from that Ferromin. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FOUR: ON THE NIGHT OF THE RED MOON Before we move on, note that Elise can now equip 4 items. Cheers to being able to customize Elise according to your play style! Also, the fishing minigame/side quest is now unlocked. Go to Tutorial 3 (in the Plains) and you'd notice a person standing near the lake to the west. Talk to him a few times to get a fishing rod and also learn about how fishing works (as the game itself mentions, it works just like any more traditional golf video games.) You can now go fishing at various pools of water or lava throughout the different levels in the game. Collect a certain number of fishes and you'd be able to trade them for treasure/items with the master fisherman here. Once you're ready, head over to Elma's to unlock the next dungeon: the Zephyran Ruins. == ZEPHYRAN RUINS == +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - FOREST OF MIASMA [FO5] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ After 3 dungeons, I'm sure you're more than comfortable with how this game works so I won't belabor explaining how to clear the initial enemies in this area as you've already encountered them. The new enemy type here will be some green slimes. They sound easy but can prove much more of a hassle than the other slimes because of a poison mist attack. This mist works kind of similar to the fiery mist from the caterpillar, with the exception that this poison mist has a pretty long range. Hence, once you've triggered the green slimes' appearance near the northern area of the level, you probably will want to defeat them before continuing the slaughter of the other enemies. The trick here is to note that the green mist comes out from a specific area of each green slime (I guess you could say it's their 'front', only we can't tell the difference by looking.) Thus, snake behind the slimes to avoid being hit and give them a few whacks to make light work of them. Also particularly irritating in this level (and dungeon too if I may add) are the green fishes hiding in the lake on the west. Unlike the yellow fishes, their dash attack isn't as sudden so it's hard to know if they are attacking you of simply just moving around. As such, it is very easy to get hit by them. Their damage is not insubstantial too. Thus, just as with so many other enemies, approach them from the side or back to attack to avoid damage. You'd want to get the hang of it as there will be a lot more of these green fishes later on. ________________________ | TREASURE: POPULAR CHARM| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "You should take a break sometimes, child" (3 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Unfortunately, taking a break here doesn't mean simply not doing | | anything and just standing around. And there I thought this is going to be |

| the easiest hidden treasure ever. So, see if you can think of an activity | | that's even more leisurely (some may say boring) than just standing around. | | That's right, it's fishing! Clear the enemies nearby the lake on the west | | side of the area, equip your fishing rod (get it from Tutorial 3 in the | | Plains if you haven't already done so) and play some golf. Oh, I meant | | fishing but I'm sure they're equally as leisurely. Successfully catch a | | fish to get a Popular Charm. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - EMPEROR-BUG'S TOMB [EM5] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ As I've mentioned in the previous section, there will be a lot of green fishes in this dungeon. The sheer number of them in this area alone is probably enough to take over the world! OK, so I exaggerate but you get my point. I shall reiterate again how important it is to attack from the side or the back to avoid damage. That, or you can combine shields and the super armor spell (2 yellows) to at least negate the damage you're taking. Mermaid Shoes to help movement may help too. After clearing the fishes in the water, proceed on to the north-eastern part of the area to get onto higher ground. Follow the path and clear the enemies along the way. Before you make the jump at the end of the path to the ledge leading to the Emperor Bug's fossil (the thing in the center happens to be a dried up giant bug if you haven't noticed,) make sure you have a few magic spells at your disposal. This is because your final enemy in this area will be found on top of the fossil will be a giant green bomb. As long as you've remembered to stock up on magic stones it should be a breeze. You will also want to jump when moving from one "segment" of the fossil to the next as there are gaps which Elise may fall through. I'm sure you do not want the long climb back onto the top, do you? ______________________ | TREASURE: FERROMIN FX| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Don't get any bug guts on you, now" (3 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | To get the hidden treasure for this level, you'd have to get to the end | | without falling in water. The Winged Boots become ever vital again as a | | result. First, from the entrance, head right and jump onto the second | | platform. From there airdash towards the area just beside the Emperor Bug's | | fossil (you probably have to airdash twice to reach the area.) The tough | | part is done while you're here and you're just a few jumps away to the exit | | to your reward. You may fail a few times due to the airdashing part and | | because platforming itself isn't done that well in the game so I'd suggest | | completing this hidden treasure challenge in practice mode where you can | | restart easily rather than in the story mode. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - THE WINDMILL BRIDGE [WI5] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ No new enemies this time round! There's nothing especially tricky in this area either so I don't have much to say for this round. Getting to the next area will simply be a matter of execution in killing the enemies. To the north of the level is a broken bridge. If you already have the Winged Boots, then why not go ahead and equip them to airdash across the gap for the hidden treasure straightaway (no need to look at the boxed section below anymore!) Otherwise, the "normal" way to traverse the level will be to the east

which will bring you through a lower level filled with lots of hermits and a few other enemies. Otherwise just try not to lose too much health because the next stage will be much tougher. ________________________ | TREASURE: EARTH CRYSTAL| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "You don't want to go anywhere TOO difficult, now" (4 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Yes, it's the Winged Boots in action yet again this time! And it's | | easily one of the easiest hidden treasure in the entire game. Simply head | | north right at the start of the level (don't go over to the lower area | | through the east side) to the broken bridge. Then have your Winged Boots | | equipped and airdash past the gap to the ending area. Viola! An Earth | | Crystal awaits! | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - ENGINE ROOM [EN5] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Equip some Charms for this area as lots of powerful floating eyeballs await you in the Engine room. The most challenging part of this level will have to be on the bottom level where the floating eyeballs are paired with a mass of green slimes. As a result, it is hard to move around with all the poison mist the green slimes spew, making it especially tough to hit the floating eyeballs or avoid their attacks. Thus, one suggestion is to target the floating eyeballs with spells. Unfortunately, spells other than the homing Water (1 Blue) may hit the slimes before it they reach the floating eyeballs so this strategy may not be so effective. Another option will be to simply kill the slimes first. Of course, this is easier said than done because of all the poison mist around. Super Armor (2 yellows) may be helpful as it protects against the knockdown the poison mist usually inflicts. Once that effect is taken care of, the poison mist actually inflicts pretty low damage so you may want to sacrifice the little bit of HP to get rid of the slimes first before focusing on the floating eyeballs. Otherwise, the level will just consist of more floating eyeballs (in addition to some floating ghouls and a couple of green bombs) so defeat them to gain access to the next area. The exit is located on the topmost level. It can be accessed by first following the path from the entrance down to the bottom level. Next, climb up the stairs at the south, go past a gear platform and up the stairs to the path that will eventually lead to the exit. _________________________ | TREASURE: HALLOWED CHARM| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "When all else fails, try slaying all the monsters" (4 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Remember the mantra that if anything looks redundant, it's probably part | | of the trick to the hidden treasure? It sure never fails. The seemingly | | redundant part of this area will have to be the stairs on the southern part | | of the level. You'd have used the first flight of stairs to proceed towards | | the exit but the stairs continue going up for one more level, eventually | | leading to nowhere. But I get ahead of myself. The first part of this | | hidden treasure challenge is to get onto the gear-shaped platform after the | | first flight of stairs I've just mentioned. This will trigger a monster to | | appear: you just can't see it yet. Now back to stairs that lead you to a | | second level that holds nothing. It does lead to nowhere, but turn back and | | on the way down you should just be able to spot a silver Hermit lying on | | top of the gear-like platform. Lock on to it and kill it with a spell or | | two to get a Hallowed Charm. | | |

| Note: The method described isn't the only way to get the silver hermit to | | show itself. There are lots of other ways to go about it but I guess you | | just need one to get the hidden treasure. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - THE TEMPEST [TE5] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ A slightly confusing layout coupled with some tough monsters mean that you may be restarting the dungeon due to this level for a couple of times if you're not careful. First off, there's quite a few floating green bombs around so you may want to ration your usage of magic stones in order to deal with them. You may also want to consider equipping some staves so that you'd use minimal magic stones to kill them. Alternatively, hitting them with some physical attacks before dealing the final blow with a magic spell works too. Also, make use of the skeletons (and there are plenty of them) around for an unlimited supply of magic stones by killing them with just physical attacks with no magic crystal equipped. This ensures that they will keep reviving, letting you constantly generate magic stones as you attack them. Unfortunately, this "farming" of magic stones could feel quite tedious as many of them will simply drop to oblivion due to the narrow paths in the level. You'd also notice that the initial area loops around regardless if you take the right or left path at the first intersection. To get to the path linking to the other enemies and the exit, you will have to jump off onto a lower level. There are two places where you can make the jump. One of them is around the central part of the level. From the entrance, take the left path at the fork and continue running. Continue straight (rather than turn right) at the next fork and you should see some stairs to the left. Jump there and you'd have reached the area required. The second place you can make the jump is by turning right rather than going straight at the second fork (still take the left on the first fork.) Go straight, and at the area where you're supposed to turn right by a right angle, turn left instead to face north. Jump forward and down to reach the bottom area. On the bottom area, to the east of the map will lie a giant floating green bomb. Before you approach the area you should make sure you have a few powerful spells (I managed to kill it with an Icicle Edge spell (2 blues) augmented by a red magic stone followed by a Fire Wall (3 reds) with a Pretty Wand equipped. Translation: it has pretty high HP so make sure you've got enough magic stones to get the last hit in with. There are skeletons around so you may want to keep them around to generate some of them. The giant bomb also has an attack that casts a column of lightning on a certain area. Be sure that Elise is constantly on the move to avoid getting hit. _______________________ | TREASURE: ESKIMO SHOES| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Just aim for the goal, child!" (5 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Just aim for the goal: reach the exit by 30 seconds. This is pretty | | tough so I suggest that you complete this hidden treasure mission through | | the practice mode rather than the story mode because any slight hiccup in | | execution will mean that the hidden treasure attempt is botched (my | | personal best time is a pretty close shave at 27 seconds already!) To do | | this, I believe that both the Speed Boots and the Winged Boots are |

| essential. Have them equipped before you enter the stage and run | | immediately after starting the level. Take the path on the left at the | | first intersection and follow the path until you can see some stairs to | | your left around the central part of the level. Jump and airdash your way | | onto the stairs, climb up and continue running towards the exit. You should | | just make it if there isn't any major miscues along the way. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BOSS: ATOLIAN WYVERN (MOUNTAIN SUMMIT) [AT5] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Recommended equipment:Strategy 1: 2 gloves, Earth Crystal, 1 charm/staff Strategy 2: 2 staves, charms or gloves I have highlighted two recommended equipment load outs on top. Strategy 1 involves the use of physical attacks. The Earth Crystal adds a lot of damage to your attack here, so it is an absolutely vital part of the strategy. Otherwise, I'd suggest a magical route and equip 2 staves instead. You will slide around in the icy areas of the map so some may want to equip the Eskimo Shoes. Personally I did not find the sliding around too irksome though so you may want to use that equipment slot for some more useful item instead. The Atolian Wyvern will initially be flying above Elise and Chante. It has two main attacks: a poison mist attack as well as an attack consisting of two thunder balls. For the first attack, simply stay far away from the boss and the attack will not reach you. You can then navigate around the remaining mist as it disperses. For the second attack, be on the move constantly and you should be able to avoid them. The boss' routine while it is in the air is pretty simple: after launching an attack, it will move to the other side of the map and launch another attack, ad nauseum (pretty literally too if you have the Atolian Wyvern locked on and repeat the running away movements for a few minutes.) To deal non-trivial damage to the boss, you will have to get it to land on the platform. To do that, you simply have to damage it a little with magic. The boss' attacks become harder to avoid as the Atolian Wyvern is now closer to you so do read the individual strategies on when to make it come down. It may be a bit tough to target the boss because of the slimes and floating ghoul in the level so here are some strategies to do them effectively. One option is to lock onto the boss right at the start of the battle. If you press the lock on button within the first few moments of the fight, you will almost surely be locked onto the boss. Do not move the analog stick or shoulder buttons (assuming you're using the default controls on a gamepad) after that and you're set for the whole fight. It is tougher to lock onto the boss in the middle of the fight however. The key to do it effectively is to be near the boss and facing it when pressing the lock on button. The trick will then be to make use of the boss' routine to get it close to Elise and Chante. Stay far away from the boss when it first makes an attack (move around a bit if the thunder ball attack is used to avoid it but still stay in that vicinity.) Then wait for the Atolian Wyvern to fly across the map to near where you are standing, face the general direction away from the circle and lock on. With some luck and skill you should be able to lock onto to it. Note also that there are two lock on "spots" on the boss: its main body and its head/horns. Unless you are going for the hidden treasure, always aim for the body only (I suggest simply defeating the boss first in the story mode and only going on to the hidden treasure on practice mode as the hidden treasure challenge is significantly tougher to accomplish.)

The trick to bring down the Atolian Wyvern is simply to hit it with magic. Any offensive magic regardless of damage caused will do if you manage to hit its main body (I've noticed you will need a few more hits if the magic hits the head/horns instead.) It takes a little bit of timing to get the magic spells (you'd want to use level 1 spells since damage doesn't matter) to hit due to the constant moving of the boss. The trick is to launch the spell close to the boss and with the path not blocked by any pillars. You also need to launch it early when the boss has just arrived at a new location (camp at the boss' next location first) so that the boss will not fly away before your spell hits it. Strategy 1: The Earth Crystal is extremely powerful against the boss, making the fight a really short one if you have it equipped. Thus, you can already make the boss come down with a magic spell from the start already (get magic stones by beating the slimes if you don't have any.) More conscientious players may want to have 3 yellow magic stones picked up (for a powerful Meteor Impact spell) before getting the boss to come down. When you got the boss down, cast Meteor Impact if you have saved the 3 yellows. Otherwise, go up to it and attack with your physical attacks. Elise should be able to deal massive damage with the Earth Crystal. You will want to stand slightly to the side of the Atolian Wyvern but not too much such that you are hitting the wings. This is because the boss has a spinning move that deals damage if you are behind or at the side of the boss. It causes knockdown so ideally you don't want the boss to use that move. Instead, if you are still relatively in front of the boss, it will use its thunder ball or poison mist attacks. These attacks are considerably tougher to avoid compared to when the boss is in the air but still avoidable if you get the hang of jumping to the side whenever the boss launches the attack. Continue pummeling the Atolian Wyvern with your earth-enhanced attack and you should be able to defeat it in no time. If you were not quick enough, the boss may fly back up into the air. Simply force it to come down again with a magic spell and continue what you've done to end the fight. Strategy 2: The alternative strategy is to capitalize on the boss' weakness against Meteor Impact (3 yellows.) About 2-4 Meteor Impacts will be enough to defeat the boss (of course, you will need the boss to be down on the platform before casting the spell.) As the boss' attacks become harder to avoid when it is down on the platform, you will want to store some magic stones first before getting the Atolian Wyvern down. So keep whacking the slimes while avoiding the boss' attacks (and the floating ghoul's attacks too) to get magic stones to drop. Ideally, you'd want to have 5 yellows equipped followed by a red/blue/green magic stone (pick the red/blue/green gem last!) You will also want a yellow magic stone already on the platform. Then cast the level 1 fire/ water/wind spell to get the boss to land on the platform. Proceed to pick up the yellow magic stone (for a total of 6) to cast 2 Meteor Impacts. You will then want to stay far away from the boss to avoid its attacks before it flies back up again (adventurous players with still a lot of HP left may want to attack it with physical attacks after casting the spells.) Repeat this at most twice to defeat the boss. An alternative strategy is to have more than 6 yellow magic stones out on the platform before calling down the boss so that you can defeat it before it even gets the chance to fly off again. This is definitely a possible option. However, picking up the magic stones will likely make it much harder to avoid the Atolian Wyvern's attacks so weigh the pros and cons of each tactic according to your play style. _______________________ | TREASURE: SOUL PENDANT| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Now you must claim the Dragonslayer's Proof, child" (5 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | To get the hidden treasure for the level, simply inflict enough damage | | onto the head/horns of the Atolian Wyvern. Unfortunately, some of the |

| strategies that work on the main body of the boss does not work too well | | here so this challenge is slightly tougher and might warrant having to | | it in Practice Mode rather than the Story Mode. For one, Chante's level 3 | | spells seem to have a problem aiming at the horns, resulting in damage to | | the main body most of the time. This is not something you want as you want | | the boss to still stay alive. Physical attacks constitute one way you can | | inflict reasonable damage on the horns. However, the opportunities to use | | physical attacks aren't that prevalent; the only time you'd get to use them | | is when the boss bends its head over for the poison mist attack, leaving | | itself vulnerable to a couple of jump attacks. What I found most useful was | | using Icicle Edge augmented by a red magic stone. It does decent damage and | | usually hits the target. An alternative will also be to first complete the | | story mode to unlock Chante's ability to use 4 magic stones and summons | | some spirits. Make sure you have the boss down on the platform and am | | locked on to the head/horns and let the spirit do its damage! |_____________________________________________________________________________| +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - BONUS: FLOATING GARDENS [FL5] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ It's no surprise to see yet another simple premise for the bonus stage; after all, it's the treasure that we're after. To complete this level, simply kill off all the floating eyeballs. Remember to stock up on charms to reduce the magical damage you're bound to get. _______________________ | TREASURE: CANE'S STAFF| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Priest's Hint: "Pass through without any tricks, little lady" (6 HP) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Once again, try to look at anything that looks out of place in this | | level. You'd notice a weird looking pillar at one corner of the map. So | | move over there, play around with the camera and you will notice a hidden | | platform on the lower level. Jump down there and you will be free from the | | floating eyeballs for some time. You should then see planks of wood. Your | | task will be to platform all the way to the end. The priest's "without any | | tricks" refer to the fact that you have to touch every wooden plank so you | | can't airdash your way to the end unfortunately. The first jump should be | | relatively easy but the others may pose a problem. A way that works is to | | equip your Winged Boots, jump vertically up at every wooden plank and Air | | Dash towards the next plank. This should work for all the planks until the | | end. | |_____________________________________________________________________________| _______________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER FIVE: FORTUNA FAVORS THE BOLD To be Continued... ================ D. MISCELLANEOUS ================ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Magic [MA1] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The magic system in Chantelise consists of using magic stones that you can pick up. There are 4 types: Fire (red,) Water (blue,) Earth (yellow,) and Wind (Green.) You can hold a maximum of 6 magic stones, after which you'd have to cast some spells before you're allowed to pick up more.

--- Elemental Weaknesses --Fire is effective against Water-based enemies and vice-versa. Similarly, Earth is effective against Wind-based enemies and vice-versa. To determine the elemental type of the enemies, (other than by observation: most enemies are colored based on their elemental type) lock-on to them. The lock-on indicator will be colored based on its elemental affiliation. Use this to your advantage. --- Augmenting your spells --In addition to the spells listed on your spell list, spells can be further enhanced if you cast a different colored magic stone after the main spell. To do this, order is important. The basic spell cast depends on the first magic stones activated. An example should work best to illustrate how this works. For instance, Blue-Blue-Red will cast Icicle Edge (level 2 Water spell) enhanced by Red (increased damage.) Meanwhile, Blue-Red-Blue will cast Water (level 1 Water spell) augmented by Red (increased damage) and Blue (status effect.) Keep this in mind when picking up magic stones! The basic augmenting effects of the four elements are listed below :-- Red: Increased damage/stats -- Blue: Status effects -- Yellow: Piercing/Bouncing spells -- Green: Area effect These are just the general effects of augmenting. Experiment and cast the augmented spells yourself to see the actual effect! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ - Open Questions [OP1] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ My plan for this guide is to finish the FAQ/walkthrough up until the beating of the final boss and the hidden treasures in every level. However, the game contains more than just the main game and hidden treasure, most notably the fishing side quest and the survival dungeon. Thus, this section is a call for anyone interested to write on these sections. I have listed some questions that may be relevant in the writing of the parts. This may be interesting to some of you because there is currently no FAQs on them yet on so doing so will definitely increase our level of knowledge on the areas on the site at least. So take up the challenge! Write on it and submit your own FAQ or send it to me and I'd grant co-authorship when I add it to this FAQ. == Fishing == -- Where can each fish be found? -- What are the requirements for each treasure from the master fisherman? == ---Survival Dungeon == What are the mechanics behind the survival dungeon? What strategies can one use to advance in this mode? What treasures can be obtained here?

<Note: A quick Google shows that there is information available about these topics on the web. In particular, Devastator has written a particular comprehensive guide for the non-Carpe-Fulgar-localized game (see links below.) Nonetheless, I still believe that writing on these questions is still worthwhile. The reason is twofold. First, it will be a guide on the localized version on the game. Next, it will be something new to, making it much easier for people (like me) who tend to use it as the first (and sometimes only) resource to find more information about a game.

--- Devastator's guide --Main page: Fishing section: Survival Dungeon Section: The_survival_dungeon ========== E. Credits ========== --- --For the wonderful site and hosting my FAQ. --- Chantelise Board --For some strategies that didn't occur to me (specific citations provided in text) --- Carpe Fulgar --For localizing the game so brilliantly, and allowing us to experience a game we would never have been able to otherwise. --- EasyGameStation --For the wonderful game, of course! --- Notepad++ -- Text-editing software used to type the FAQ. --- Devastator -- Found his guide when googling about fishing and the Survival Dungeon for the Open Questions section. A great, comprehensive guide for the Japanese version of the game; definitely check it out! I would also like to thank all FAQ writers out there for their inspiration and dedication and all other people who may have helped me in a way of another through my writing process. ===================== F. Concluding Remarks ===================== This FAQ has been written in the spirit of "passing it on." So often a free FAQ comes to the rescue when we are stuck in a game, so hopefully this will help some people the way many FAQs has helped me. I gain no profit from this FAQ and it is only fair that no profit is obtained directly from the use of it. To make use of the FAQ for non-personal use (e.g. hosting, etc) please just drop an email to to ask. ============ End Of Guide ============ (C) Copyright 2011, Kelvin Soh All brands and product names are trademarks/registered trademarks of their respective holders. Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters: FAQ/Walkthrough by lynx10 Version: 0.7 | Last Updated: 2011-08-12 | View/Download Original File Hosted by Return to Chantelise: A Tale of Two Sisters (PC) FAQs & Guides

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