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CODE NO: NR/RR210205


Set No. 2

II B.Tech I Semester Examinations,MAY 2011 ELECTRO MECHANICS - I Electrical And Electronics Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) By conducting load test, how the torque and eciency of a D.C. series motor can be determined? Explain it with a neat circuit diagram? (b) A 250V, 14.92 KW shunt motor has a max. eciency of 88% and a speed of 700 rpm. when delivering 80% of its rated output. The resistance of its shunt eld is 100. Determine the eciency and speed when the motor draws a current of 78A from the mains. [8+8] 2. Design a simplex wave winding for a 35 slot, 4-pole d. c. machine with 35 Commutator bars. Give the brush positions and the winding scheme. [16] 3. (a) Explain the purpose of laminating the armature core of a d. c. machine. (b) The diameter of a commutator ring of a lap wound d. c. motor is 25 cms. The brush width is 1.8 cm and width of mica insulation is 0.2 cm. If the speed of the motor is 200 rpm, determine the time of commutation. [6+10] 4. (a) Dene i. critical resistance and ii. critical speed. (b) What is the practical procedure to nd critical resistance and critical speed of shunt generator? [8+8] 5. (a) How can you nd stray losses in a D.C. shunt motor. (b) In a eld?s test on two mechanically coupled similar series motors with one running as a motor and the other as a generator the following readings were obtained. M otor : Supply voltage :440V Armature Voltage :390V Armature Current :50A Generator: Terminal Voltage :330V Armature current :40A Armature resistance of each machine : 0.6 Find the eciency of each machine. [6+10] 6. (a) Describe singly excited magnetic eld systems.

CODE NO: NR/RR210205


Set No. 2

(b) The magnetic ux density on the surface of an iron face is 1.6 T, which is a typical saturation level value for ferromagnetic material. Find the force density on the iron face. Derive the formula used. [6+10] 7. (a) Compare merits and demerits of Rheostatic Control Method and Flux Control Method. (b) A 4-pole series wound fan motor runs normally at 600 rpm on a 250V DC supply taking 20A. The eld coils are all connected in series. Estimate the speed and current taken by the motor if the coils are reconnected in two parallel groups of two in series. The load torque increases as the square of the speed. Assume that the ux is proportional to the current and ignore losses. [6+10] 8. (a) Derive an expression for the torque of a DC motor. (b) Explain the armature reaction in dc motors. [8+8]

CODE NO: NR/RR210205


Set No. 4

II B.Tech I Semester Examinations,MAY 2011 ELECTRO MECHANICS - I Electrical And Electronics Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) By conducting load test, how the torque and eciency of a D.C. series motor can be determined? Explain it with a neat circuit diagram? (b) A 250V, 14.92 KW shunt motor has a max. eciency of 88% and a speed of 700 rpm. when delivering 80% of its rated output. The resistance of its shunt eld is 100. Determine the eciency and speed when the motor draws a current of 78A from the mains. [8+8] 2. Design a simplex wave winding for a 35 slot, 4-pole d. c. machine with 35 Commutator bars. Give the brush positions and the winding scheme. [16] 3. (a) Describe singly excited magnetic eld systems. (b) The magnetic ux density on the surface of an iron face is 1.6 T, which is a typical saturation level value for ferromagnetic material. Find the force density on the iron face. Derive the formula used. [6+10] 4. (a) Dene i. critical resistance and ii. critical speed. (b) What is the practical procedure to nd critical resistance and critical speed of shunt generator? [8+8] 5. (a) Explain the purpose of laminating the armature core of a d. c. machine. (b) The diameter of a commutator ring of a lap wound d. c. motor is 25 cms. The brush width is 1.8 cm and width of mica insulation is 0.2 cm. If the speed of the motor is 200 rpm, determine the time of commutation. [6+10] 6. (a) Compare merits and demerits of Rheostatic Control Method and Flux Control Method. (b) A 4-pole series wound fan motor runs normally at 600 rpm on a 250V DC supply taking 20A. The eld coils are all connected in series. Estimate the speed and current taken by the motor if the coils are reconnected in two parallel groups of two in series. The load torque increases as the square of the speed. Assume that the ux is proportional to the current and ignore losses. [6+10] 7. (a) How can you nd stray losses in a D.C. shunt motor.

CODE NO: NR/RR210205


Set No. 4

(b) In a eld?s test on two mechanically coupled similar series motors with one running as a motor and the other as a generator the following readings were obtained. M otor : Supply voltage :440V Armature Voltage :390V Armature Current :50A Generator: Terminal Voltage :330V Armature current :40A Armature resistance of each machine : 0.6 Find the eciency of each machine. [6+10] 8. (a) Derive an expression for the torque of a DC motor. (b) Explain the armature reaction in dc motors. [8+8]

CODE NO: NR/RR210205


Set No. 1

II B.Tech I Semester Examinations,MAY 2011 ELECTRO MECHANICS - I Electrical And Electronics Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Describe singly excited magnetic eld systems. (b) The magnetic ux density on the surface of an iron face is 1.6 T, which is a typical saturation level value for ferromagnetic material. Find the force density on the iron face. Derive the formula used. [6+10] 2. (a) How can you nd stray losses in a D.C. shunt motor. (b) In a eld?s test on two mechanically coupled similar series motors with one running as a motor and the other as a generator the following readings were obtained. M otor : Supply voltage :440V Armature Voltage :390V Armature Current :50A Generator: Terminal Voltage :330V Armature current :40A Armature resistance of each machine : 0.6 Find the eciency of each machine. [6+10] 3. (a) Compare merits and demerits of Rheostatic Control Method and Flux Control Method. (b) A 4-pole series wound fan motor runs normally at 600 rpm on a 250V DC supply taking 20A. The eld coils are all connected in series. Estimate the speed and current taken by the motor if the coils are reconnected in two parallel groups of two in series. The load torque increases as the square of the speed. Assume that the ux is proportional to the current and ignore losses. [6+10] 4. (a) Explain the purpose of laminating the armature core of a d. c. machine. (b) The diameter of a commutator ring of a lap wound d. c. motor is 25 cms. The brush width is 1.8 cm and width of mica insulation is 0.2 cm. If the speed of the motor is 200 rpm, determine the time of commutation. [6+10] 5. (a) Dene i. critical resistance and ii. critical speed.

CODE NO: NR/RR210205


Set No. 1

(b) What is the practical procedure to nd critical resistance and critical speed of shunt generator? [8+8] 6. (a) Derive an expression for the torque of a DC motor. (b) Explain the armature reaction in dc motors. [8+8]

7. (a) By conducting load test, how the torque and eciency of a D.C. series motor can be determined? Explain it with a neat circuit diagram? (b) A 250V, 14.92 KW shunt motor has a max. eciency of 88% and a speed of 700 rpm. when delivering 80% of its rated output. The resistance of its shunt eld is 100. Determine the eciency and speed when the motor draws a current of 78A from the mains. [8+8] 8. Design a simplex wave winding for a 35 slot, 4-pole d. c. machine with 35 Commutator bars. Give the brush positions and the winding scheme. [16]

CODE NO: NR/RR210205


Set No. 3

II B.Tech I Semester Examinations,MAY 2011 ELECTRO MECHANICS - I Electrical And Electronics Engineering Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the purpose of laminating the armature core of a d. c. machine. (b) The diameter of a commutator ring of a lap wound d. c. motor is 25 cms. The brush width is 1.8 cm and width of mica insulation is 0.2 cm. If the speed of the motor is 200 rpm, determine the time of commutation. [6+10] 2. (a) How can you nd stray losses in a D.C. shunt motor. (b) In a eld?s test on two mechanically coupled similar series motors with one running as a motor and the other as a generator the following readings were obtained. M otor : Supply voltage :440V Armature Voltage :390V Armature Current :50A Generator: Terminal Voltage :330V Armature current :40A Armature resistance of each machine : 0.6 Find the eciency of each machine. [6+10] 3. (a) Describe singly excited magnetic eld systems. (b) The magnetic ux density on the surface of an iron face is 1.6 T, which is a typical saturation level value for ferromagnetic material. Find the force density on the iron face. Derive the formula used. [6+10] 4. Design a simplex wave winding for a 35 slot, 4-pole d. c. machine with 35 Commutator bars. Give the brush positions and the winding scheme. [16] 5. (a) By conducting load test, how the torque and eciency of a D.C. series motor can be determined? Explain it with a neat circuit diagram? (b) A 250V, 14.92 KW shunt motor has a max. eciency of 88% and a speed of 700 rpm. when delivering 80% of its rated output. The resistance of its shunt eld is 100. Determine the eciency and speed when the motor draws a current of 78A from the mains. [8+8] 6. (a) Compare merits and demerits of Rheostatic Control Method and Flux Control Method.

CODE NO: NR/RR210205


Set No. 3

(b) A 4-pole series wound fan motor runs normally at 600 rpm on a 250V DC supply taking 20A. The eld coils are all connected in series. Estimate the speed and current taken by the motor if the coils are reconnected in two parallel groups of two in series. The load torque increases as the square of the speed. Assume that the ux is proportional to the current and ignore losses. [6+10] 7. (a) Derive an expression for the torque of a DC motor. (b) Explain the armature reaction in dc motors. 8. (a) Dene i. critical resistance and ii. critical speed. (b) What is the practical procedure to nd critical resistance and critical speed of shunt generator? [8+8] [8+8]

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