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Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Noida


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School of Management
B-30, Institutional Area, Sector-62 Noida

Report Work


Introduction Minor Project provides an opportunity for the students to learn independently, to present a study project and show how can one identify, define, analyse and recommend ones own solutions with an integrated knowledge of domain area.


Guidelines and requirements for Minor Project. The purpose of Minor Project is to give students an opportunity to carry out an in-depth study on any particular project topic (pursuing one area of interest in depth). The project report should provide a clear understanding of the project topic (as per the area of interest), the objectives and scope of the project, the methods used to collect data, collate and analyze the information obtained and then present the final findings and conclusion of the study. The evidence presented and logical reasoning should support any recommendations made. The Minor Project work would be evaluated in two parts Internal (40 Marks) and External (60 marks). The Internal assessment of the minor project will be continuous through out the semester. The various parameters used for evaluation of the minor project are discussed under Minor Project Schedule. External experts would be invited for the internal final evaluation and on the basis of his recommendations the final assessment of the project will be done. External Examiner will be invited for the evaluation of Final Presentation of The Minor Project work (60 Marks).


Project topic 2 | Page

The topic of the project should be brief but informative; it is important to select a project topic which suits well to the students interest and encourages them in drafting the report easily with proper understanding of the main objectives of study. Ensure that your topic selection is on the right track before starting your project. Not having a clear plan of your topic, sometimes it will lead to the wastage of valuable time and energy.



An abstract is a short summary of your completed project. If done well, it makes the reader curious to learn more about your project. The abstract should be of about 200 words that outline briefly introducing the topic of the work thus highlighting the main areas of the study followed by expected conclusion. *For Abstract ...........................Refer Annexure 1

SYNOPSIS A synopsis outlines the main points of project report. The synopsis should include:

Objective Scope of the Work Data collection Expected conclusion Limitations of the project *For Synopsis ..........................Refer Annexure 2


ORGANISATION OF PROJECT REPORT It is strongly recommended to follow below guidelines for the preparation of the final report.
i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Cover page............................................ Refer page no. 12 Acknowledgement Students Declaration......................... ...Annexure - 3 Supervisors Certificate .........................Annexure- 4 Executive Summary 3 | Page


Contents List of tables ..........................Annexure - 5 List of figures Introduction Theoretical Framework Practical Application Analysis Conclusion and Recommendations Limitations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Body of Minor Project Report: Chapter 1.Introduction: The introduction starts with a broad basis and then narrows it down to your particular field of study, explaining the rationale behind each step. Introduction
1. 2. 3. 4.

What is the Project Definition /Objective of the Project Scope of the Project Outline of the Project report

Chapter 2. Theoretical Framework: The purpose of Theoretical Framework is to understand the concepts, models and theories of the study area and then can either like to enhance / modify or reinforce the study or do something totally new using other concepts and theories.

Theoretical Framework: 2.1. In-depth study of the topic of ones domain area discussing all the concept, theories and models related to your study.

Chapter 3. Practical Application: This chapter discusses the implementation of theory/in-depth study one did in his/her project. The practical application can be shown through either case study approach or through factual data of any company. The practical application should reflect the current trends of the industry. 4 | Page

Chapter 4. Analysis: This chapter represents the analysis of study through models, comparison sheets and thus coming out with findings of the analysis.

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Recommendation: It will provide the final conclusion based on the findings of the analysis. It will depict the implications, suggestions and the recommendations made on the basis of the study.

Chapter 6. Limitations: This chapter will identify the limitations of the Project. It may also indicate the scope for further study if any.

References: List the books, articles, websites that are referred and useful for study on the topic of the specific project. Harvard style of referencing can be followed. Referencing scheme:

Books Name of the Author ;( Year of publication); Name of the book; Name of the publisher; Place of publication, page no. referred. For example Khan P.K (2006); Management Accounting, Tata McGraw Hill; New Delhi; pp 30-39. Journals /Magazines Name of the author; Title of paper/article; Name of the journal/magazine; No. & Vol of publication; period of publication, page no. referred. For example Sharma J.S; HR in IT Industry in India: A empirical study; Indain Journal of Industrial Relations, No.2 Vol 23 July-October 2006; pp21-35

Internet sites

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Students should provide the complete link of the website referred and along with the date and time when assessed. Do not just mention the address of the search engine. For example assessed on Monday 7th August 2006, 6:30p.m


The report should be typed on good quality white A4 size paper.

Page Specifications Left margin Right margin Top Margin Bottom Margin

: 1.25 : 1 : 1 : 1

All pages should be numbered and number should be placed at the centre of the bottom of the page, not less than 10mm above the edge. Font: Times New Roman Font Size: a. Main Headings:16 pt-(Title Case) b. Sub Headings:14 pt-(Title Case) c. All other Headings: 12 pt- (Title Case) d. Main Text: 12 pt-(Normal/Sentence Case)

Paragraph Alignment: Justified Line spacing: 1.5 line spacing throughout Text should be free from hyperlinks or unusual formatting, which usually comes when matter is copied from web pages. Do not break table or diagram in two pages, if a table is too large to follow: Break the table and write at the bottom of the table(where you break the table)-continue to next page Smaller the font size ( in case of tables, the font size should not be less than 9 pt in any case)

Divide the text in sections and present them with points like:

2. Bank Selection criteria 2.1 Convenience 2.1.1 New Age Technologies ATMs Limit sections up to four points only

Write table/exhibit title above the table/exhibit and figure title below the figure. References for table and figures are to be given below them only. 6 | Page

All tables, figures and appendices should be consecutively numbered or lettered, and suitably labelled. The final Report should be submitted in hard Bound.


Project report should be appropriately numbered. It is usual for Page 1 to start with the Introduction. The sections prior to the Introduction are usually numbered with small Romans, i.e. i, ii, iii. It is easier if appendices are numbered in a separate sequence (suggest A, B, C) rather than as a continuation of the main report. Minor Project is an individual effort of student. Under no circumstances two common reports from the student will be accepted.

2. 3.

Submission of documents/draft report/final report

Students must give the sufficient time to supervisors to go through their documentation. It is the responsibility of the student to submit all the documents/reports and presentation duly approved by the Supervisor to Project Co-ordinator on or before the last date of submission.

All the presentation shall be submitted to the Project Co-coordinator before the commencement of the presentation. Once the presentation begins, no presentation (soft copy) shall be accepted.

Non-conformance to this may result into non-acceptance of the report/presentation.

*Student Contact and Progression Form..................................... Annexure -6

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Schedule of the Minor Project Work.


EVALUATION COMPNENT Minor project details intimation to students

PROPOSED DATE 9th August 2012 23th August 2012 28th August 2012 3rd September 2012 24th September 2012 4th October 2012 15thOctober 2012 1st November 2012 16th November 2012 As per University Schedule

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09

Approved Minor project abstract submission Approved Synopsis submission Synopsis Presentation Approved Draft report submission Midterm draft presentation Approved Final report submission Final presentation Final report submission to the department (Hard Bound) External Presentation

Evaluation of Minor Project Report Timely Submission of Accepted Abstract 05 marks. Timely Submission of Accepted Synopsis 10 marks. Presentation of Approved Synopsis 15 marks. Timely Submission of Midterm Draft Report 10 marks. Timely Submission of Final Draft Report 10 marks. Presentation of Final Draft Report 15 marks. Final Internal Presentation 20 marks Timely Submission of hard covered Report 15 marks Total 100 marks. This will be compressed to 40 marks.

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Guidelines regarding Submission:


It is the responsibility of the student to get the documents and presentations approved before or on the scheduled date. Failing to get the approval of the concerned guide will be considered as not submitted.


Half mark will be deducted on daily basis for abstract and one mark for synopsis if not submitted on scheduled date or time.


One mark will be deducted on daily basis for mid-term and final draft report, if not submitted on scheduled date and time.

Progress Review and Presentations

Internal project guide on weekly basis will review progress of the project report. Student must maintain the attendance record of meeting the project guide as per Annexure- V

Presentation: It is expected that Students shall follow the Schedule and submit the Reports as per the dates given. It is mandatory that all the students must be present in all the presentation. Failure to do so would be viewed seriously. Attendance of all the students will be taken before the commencement of the Presentation. All the presentations should be made through power point presentation only

Duration of the Presentation:

Synopsis Presentation: 5 -7 Minutes each student Draft Report Presentation: 15 Minutes each student Final Project Presentation: 20-25 Minutes each student Students must give the sufficient time to their respective guides to go through their documentation etc. All the documents and presentation duly approved by the internal project guide/Supervisor shall be submitted to the Project Co-ordinator on or before the last date of submission.

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All the presentation shall be submitted to the Project Co-coordinator before the commencement of the presentation. Once the presentation begins, no presentation (soft copy) shall be accepted.

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Study to measure Consumer Satisfaction of Mobile Internet Service users (Reliance Net Connect Vs Tata Photon)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements For the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (SEM)

Under the guidance of Mr. SANJAY OJHA

Submitted by


Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Noida

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Dwarka, Delhi - 110075

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ENROLLMENT NO: __________________________________________________________ NAME OF THE STUDENT: _____________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________ SUPERVISORS NAME: ________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATION: ______________________________________________________________ SUPERVISORS EMAIL ADDRESS : _____________________________________________ Project Title: _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

Date and Time of submission of the report Recommendations of the by the student to the supervisor supervisor

/ Rejected

Signature of the supervisor with date

Approved/Not Approved HOD/HOS

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Minor Project, 2010 Project Synopsis
ENROLLMENT NO NAME OF THE STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS SUPERVISORS NAME ORGANIZATION : _______________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________

SUPERVISORS EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________ PROJECT TITLE: __________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ .

Date and Time of submission of the report Recommendations of the by the student to the supervisor supervisor

/ Rejected

Signature of the supervisor with date Approved/Not Approved HOD/HOS

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Please prepare the Synopsis as a separate document with the following sections along with the above identification information Broad Academic Area of Work: Cover Page with ID No. Name, Course Number, Course Title, and Project Title.


i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Objective Scope of the Work Data collection Expected conclusion Limitations of the project

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This is to certify that Thesis/Report titled which is submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree MBA-(Software Enterprise Management), to GGSIP University, Dwarka, Delhi comprises only my original work and due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used.

Name: _____________________

Signature of the Student

Enrolment No:



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This is to certify that thesis/Report titled . which is submitted by . in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree MBA (Software Enterprise Management), to GGSIP University, Dwarka , Delhi is a record of the candidate own work carried out by him under my/our supervision. The matter embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted for the award of any other degree.


Signature of the Supervisor

(Name of the Supervisor)

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Examples of List of Tables

LIST OF TABLES TABLE I II III Redundancies in the Food Industry, by age, 1980-1987 Employees Attitudes to Motivational Factors, By occupation Employees Attitudes to Motivational Factors, By gender PAGE NUMBERS 3 6

Examples of List of Figures

FIGURES I Maslows Hierarchy of Needs PAGE NUMBER 5

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Vrooms Expectancy Theory




Enrolment Number_________________________________

Name of the Student_________________________________

Sl. No.

Date of Visit

Review of the Work

Signature of the Supervisor

No. of Visits in a Month Note: (i) It is the responsibility of the Student to maintain the attendance record on regular basis. The Attendance Report must be submitted to the Supervisor on 1st Working day of every month without fail


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IMPORTANT NOTE Please note that any content in the MINOR PROJECT should not be the direct cut copy paste from internet sites,books and magazines .

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