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EDI Documentation DOC-1.5 EDI

QAD Proprietary


As of 3/22/2005

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Mrz 22. 2005Project No: 10007

Created By: Modified By:



Olivier Jalet

Date Created: Last Modified:

November 24, 2004

EDI Product: AutoPro Version: 1.5 Revision History

Rev Effective Originator


March 22, 2005 Revision: 0.01 Total Pages: 34 Date Approved {Enter Date}

Reason for Change



Original version

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Table of Contents
A. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................................4 A.1 General Description / Business Context...............................................................................................................4 A.2 Business Need Addressed.....................................................................................................................................4 B. EDI FORMAT..................................................................................................................................................................4 C. TRADING PARTNER....................................................................................................................................................5 D. EDI GLOBAL...................................................................................................................................................................8 D.1.1 General Global parameters.............................................................................................................................8 D.1.2 EDI file name parameters.............................................................................................................................10 D.1.3 Optional General EDI..................................................................................................................................11 E. IMPORT .........................................................................................................................................................................11 E.1 Generic Import EDI parameters..........................................................................................................................11 E.2 Generic CUM Calculation EDI parameters.........................................................................................................13 E.3 VDA....................................................................................................................................................................14 E.3.1 4905 (LT)......................................................................................................................................................14 E.3.2 4915 (ST)......................................................................................................................................................15 E.3.3 4913 (ASN)..................................................................................................................................................16 E.4 EDIFACT............................................................................................................................................................17 E.4.1 DELJIT 96A (ST).........................................................................................................................................17 E.4.2 DELJIT 97A (ST/PUS)................................................................................................................................18 E.4.3 DELFOR 96A (LT)......................................................................................................................................18 E.4.4 DELFOR 97A (LT)......................................................................................................................................19 E.5 ODETTE..............................................................................................................................................................21 E.5.1 DELINS (LT)...............................................................................................................................................21 E.5.2 AVIEXP (ASN)............................................................................................................................................21 F. EXPORT..........................................................................................................................................................................21 F.1 General Export.....................................................................................................................................................21 F.2 Exp VDA.............................................................................................................................................................22 F.2.1 Exp 4913 (ASN) v2.0...................................................................................................................................22 F.2.2 Exp 4913 (ASN) v3.0...................................................................................................................................24 F.3 Exp EDIFACT.....................................................................................................................................................28 F.3.1 Exp DESADV 96A (ASN)...........................................................................................................................28 F.3.2 Exp DESADV 97A (ASN)...........................................................................................................................29 F.4 Exp ODETTE......................................................................................................................................................32 F.4.1 Exp DELINS v2.0 and 3.0 (LT)...................................................................................................................32 F.4.2 Exp AVIEXP (ASN) v3.0.............................................................................................................................33

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A. Introduction
A.1 General Description / Business Context
This document intends to regroup the EDI import/export documentation describing the necessary setup for every case for both import and export EDI files.


Business Need Addressed

When speaking on EDI there is 3 main existing standards: VDA, ODETTE and EDIFACT. Each of them has their own language using tags to identify the record type. The purpose of this document is not to describe all the segments with all the possible values but to describe the mostly used.

First of all, to be able to import an EDI format the system needs to be setup to accept it. To create a new EDI format or verify which format are setup in the system go under: Base/Attribute/Class Code. Select Class name edi_msg_format and menu: Members/Valid members. Now create new Member such as VDA4913-2. See example below

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When the EDI file format are setup in the system, it is then necessary to define a trading partner to tell to the system what to do when an EDI file is coming in. For example if a VDA 4905 file is coming into the in directory from the EDI import process (see further to determine the directory). The system following the sender Id and receiver Id from the EDI file should be able to identify the associated customer it is addressed to. To setup such an import, go under EDI/EDI Maintenance/EDI Maintenance. Under the tab partners create a new record.

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The Import flag specifies that this is an import. The site specifies which site in concerned by the import. Then you have the choice between Supplier (to export schedule or import ASN), Customer (to export ASN or import Schedule) and groupage (usually used to export data). The receiver Id and Sender Id are usually the key to identify if the message needs to be imported or exported. A sub Id can be also used (second field). NAD fields are used only for EDIFACT purpose. Sometimes a customer may have a centralized system which sends the EDI file with the same receiver and Sender Ids. In that case an extra information contained in the EDI file is necessary (NAD fields). It is then necessary to setup mandatory NAD fields (those we are sure to find all the time in the EDI file) and for which the value identifies clearly the customer. For example NAD+CN:

If correctly setup the system may then load/export the EDI files. But sometimes it is not so easy because the way of working from some is different than the others. Thats why it is necessary for every EDI import/export to specify a certain number of EDI parameters. It is also necessary to have

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created the necessary Sales Order header, shipping control and ship to (not described in this document).

D.1.1 General Global parameters
There are three levels of EDI Parameters: The first are the EDI_GLOBAL parameters. They are used in all EDI imports and EDI exports. The second are the EDI parameters linked to a Site. They are used in all imports and exports for that Site. The third are the EDI Parameters linked to an EDI Control record. That Parameters are used only for that import or export that is configured in the EDI control record. In the program the Parameters are loaded in a temp table. That temp table is used in the code always when EDI parameters are used. The EDI_GLOBAL Parameters are The first to be loaded. Then The EDI Parameters linked to a Site are loaded. If there are parameters with the same five keys field value as loaded EDI_GLOBAL parameters it will take the Site linked Parameter. Then The EDI Parameters linked to an EDI Control record are loaded. If there are parameters with the same five keys field value as loaded EDI parameters it will take the EDI Control linked Parameter. In EDI imports the Site is not known when the file is received. The Site linked parameters and the EDI Control linked parameters can be used only after the first lines of the files are imported. Note that it is not possible to overwrite EDI_GLOBALS Parameters like INDIR (import directory) with Site linked Parameters. It is only possible for parameters Site is identified. Some EDI parameters can be set globally to be applied automatically to all the import and export.
EDI Parameter

Effect Why to use it EDI files are imported from the directory specified in value1 of that parameter. Imported EDI files are moved into the directory specified in value1. Value1 specifies the directory where log files and lock files are generated. EDI files will be exported to the directory specified in that parameter. Temporary directory used to export EDI files. When process complete, moved to value1 of parameter FN_PATHNAME Directory for exported files. The EDI processes writes a messages to the logging Db. There are four kinds of messages: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR. Each message is sent with a severity level. In the parameter serevitylevel you can specifies minimum severity levels for that four message types. Only messages with a severity level greater than or equal to the specified level are written to the database. Value1 is the severity level for DEBUG, value2 for INFO, value3 for WARNING,

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value4 for ERROR Value1 specifies the debug log filename. That filename will be extended with the date. In that file are messages without taking in account the severity level. When more than one EDI import process runs (also Appserver processes) they write message into the same debuglog file. With that parameter they will wait for each other. When setting up this parameter, the waiting processes write date and time and the appserver process id to another file. There is no lock mechanism for that second file. It is then possible to loose information. In EDI files it is common not to find linefeeds. Setting up this parameter will create a file with linefeeds in the inhist directory. The filename of that file is the same of the imported file but with the extension in. The EDI import process use a temp table and splits it in a small messages and affect Appserver processes to import the message per small piece of message. This parameter avoids this process making the import process in only one step. That might be necessary if the import process uses too much system resources when importing an EDI file. Use in order to have two EDI import processes with two different import directories. It is normally not possible to import files with the same format but different EDI Ids (receiver and sender Ids) for the same EDI Control (trading partner configuration). For instance it is not possible to set up twice a DELINS import for the same trading partner configuration. This parameter enables it. Set the parameter as Key2: tradingpartner_edi_id, key3: tradingpartner_sub_id, key4: JC_edi_id, key5: JC_sub_id. Value1: tradingpartner_edi_id, value2: tradingpartner_sub_id, value3: JC_edi_id, value4: JC_sub_id. Set up this parameter to call an alternate program to import or export messages. If no trading partner ID is specified in Key4, the application calls the program specified in Value1 for all trading partners.


Key2: message format, key3: program that calls the program specified in Value1 key4: tradingpartner_edi_id. Value1: Alternate program


Set up operators in this parameter as recipients for notifications from the EDI processes if errors occur. Multiple recipients can be set up and all will receive the e-mail notification. Value1: E-mail address for the operator Value2: Operator name or the environment Value4: Keyword for the message type: SMS, EMAIL. For SMS, the message is only the e-mail subject. Value5: Minimum security level for WARNING and ERROR messages. If left blank, the EDI process also sends notifications for INFO messages.

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Set up the sender e-mail address of all e-mail messages generated by the EDI processes. If this parameter is not set up, the e-mail sender is always equal to the email receiver. Skip the JIT schedule calculation for better performances No trimming of customer part Id for every EDI is done. Component plants usually dont use the JIT schedule, so performance issues it would be interesting to set this parameter up. Force the system not to remove the spaces before the customer part id. This is important when importing an EDI file because the system may not find the part. It is also important when exporting ASN as the spaces must remained as the customer needs to retrieve its own parts from the EDI file. Usually the UOM setup for each SOD is EA (each). But when exporting an ASN to a german customer, he may require having ST setup instead of EA.




Replace the UOM used at any SOD level by the value setup. Works only for ASN VDA 4913 export.

D.1.2 EDI file name parameters







In Value1 of this parameter, specifies the delimiter that separates the parts of the generated export file name. If you do not set up and link this parameter, it is created automatically by the export program. In Value1 of this parameter, specifies the extension of the generated export file name. If you do not set up and link this parameter, it is created automatically by the export program. In Value1 of this parameter, specifies the character that fills empty fields in the generated export file name. If you do not set up and link this parameter, it is created automatically by the export program. In Value1 of this parameter, specifies the length of the trading partner ID in the generated export file name. If you do not set up and link this parameter, it is created automatically by the export program. In Value1 of this parameter, specifies the EDI standards organization ID in the generated export file name. If you do not set up and link this parameter, it is created automatically by the export program. Possible values are: o V VDA o ODETTE o X XML o E EBCDIX o I Inhouse In Value1 of this parameter, specifies the message type ID in the generated export file name. If you do not set up and link this parameter, it is created automatically by the export program. Possible values are: o A ASN o D Delivery schedule o I Inhouse

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In Value1 of this parameter, specifies the name of the application counter for a number in the generated export file name. If you do not set up and link this parameter, it is created automatically by the export program. You will not have to set up the counter itself because the export program creates the counter if it does not exist.

NB: Regarding the FN_COUNTER parameter, it creates automatically an Autopro counter. The current value and the increment value can be changed by the user through Base|Global Data|Counter.

D.1.3 Optional General EDI




When this parameter is set up, the file is always exported with the sender EDI ID specified in Value1 instead of the EDI ID specified in the EDI setup or the site setup. When this parameter is set up, the file is always exported with the sender sub ID specified in Value1 instead of the sub ID specified in the EDI setup or the site setup. When this parameter is set up, the file is always exported with the receiver EDI ID specified in Value1 instead of the EDI ID specified in the EDI setup. When this parameter is set up, the file is always exported with the receiver sub ID specified in Value1 instead of the sub ID specified in the EDI setup.

NB: Usually those parameters dont need to be setup as the sender and receiver Ids should come from the sender and receiver Ids setup at the EDI control record (trading partner).

E. Import
When importing an EDI file, many customers and sales orders can be involved. Depending on that, the user needs to setup EDI parameters to correctly split the requirements using a specific field such as dock code, plant code... The idea is to have a minimum of EDI parameters setup when only one Sales order is concerned by an EDI load.

E.1 Generic Import EDI parameters




Set up this parameter to ignore customer purchase orders that contain only zeros or blanks and do not create sales order details for them. If this parameter is not set up, only empty purchase orders are ignored. When this parameter is set up and a schedule with the same release ID is imported twice, the second schedule is created with an incremented release sequence. If this parameter is not set up, the second schedule release overwrites the first. When this parameter and EDI_DOCK_UPDATE are set up, the dock in the sales order detail is set to the value of this parameter. When EDI_DOCK_UPDATE is not set up, there is a warning message when the value of this parameter is different from the value of dock in the sales order detail. Do not mix it with the EDI_DOCK parameter. If this parameter and L_EDI_DOCK are both set up, the dock in the sales order

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detail is set to the value of L_EDI_DOCK. This parameter has no effect if L_EDI_DOCK is not set up. Same as previous but for only one dock. If this parameter is set up, all bucket times are set to this time. The format is always hh:mm. If this parameter is set up, the Cum Required Quantity of the schedule is set to the Shipped Quantity of the sales order detail. If this parameter is set up, the Shipped Quantity of the sales order detail is set equal to the Cum Required Quantity of the schedule. When this parameter is set up and there is an error when re-importing a schedule that was successfully imported before, the program deletes the first schedule. Warning Use caution with this parameter. After the schedule is deleted, there is no current schedule for the sales order detail and a newly imported schedule will not be the same version as the one that was deleted. This parameter copies all bucketsfrom Prior Cum Required Date to Start Date of the current imported schedulefrom the last schedule to the current imported schedule. Only works with DELINS, DELJIT and DELFOR. Maintain forecast details from current schedule. Same concept that l-renault but keep the info of the post period concerned by the incoming schedule. (usually the L-renault and L-renault-plus params are combined) This parameter changes all imported week buckets today buckets. Allow the automatic Sales Order Details (SOD) creation for every import for missing sales order details. In some cases it is better no to setup this parameter as the user may want to keep the control of the SOD creation for some customers. Then it is possible to create this parameter as a generic EDI parameter and assign it to the desired customers. When schedule type is ST, calculate the new prior received quantity following the previous release Id from the schedule and check if its equal with the one coming from the EDI file. When Schedule type is LT, calculate the new prior received quantity following the previous release Id from the schedule and check if its equal with the one coming from the EDI file. When Schedule type is ST, set prior cum required quantity equal the last receipt cum quantity. When Schedule type is LT, set prior cum required quantity equal the last receipt cum quantity. For DELINS and DELFOR, Check if a prior cum required date or quantity is available otherwise generate an error message. When the ship delivery pattern code setup as value1 is used in the EDI file, an error message is generated. Ignore the part with Id beginning by an element from the list setup in value1.






l-cum-recp l-cum-recs l-cum-pup so_cum_acct ship_dlvy_pattern_cod e IGNORE_CUSTPAR T_BEGINS

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When the SOD is not found, and the MULTIPLE_SITE setup, the system will try to find a match with another site. If a Sales Order details already exist for the customer part Id but a different Purchase Order reference, the system does not import/create the schedule and generate an error message. Load the Kanban info from the EDI file into the schedule. Specific parameter pour FIAT. Avoid launching the calculation for supplier schedule when importing an EDI file. Avoid launching the calculation for receiving schedule when importing an EDI file Avoid launching the calculation for production schedule when importing an EDI file Avoid launching the calculation for JIT schedule when importing an EDI file. Ignore any import with the combination sender and receiver SSID, SFID defined as followed Key2=sender Id (SSID) Key3=sender sub (SFID) Key4=Receiver Id (SSID) Key5= Receiver sub (SFID) Any import with the combination SSIDs, SFIDs defined as followed Key2=sender Id (SSID) Key3=sender sub (SFID) Key4=Receiver Id (SSID) Key5= Receiver sub (SFID) Will be changed using the following values: Value1=sender Id (SSID) Value2=sender sub (SFID) Value3=Receiver Id (SSID) Value4= Receiver sub (SFID) So when you have to import 2 EDI files having different SSID/SFID for the same kind of message for the same entity (customer or supplier), you only need to setup one EDI Trading partner record and this EDI global parameter.


E.2 Generic CUM Calculation EDI parameters

Parameter Description Param Key Param Value Use Description

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Schedule import Get prev requirements from the middle l-renault-middle <blank> = Always LT = Long Term ST = Short term Schedule import Get All requirements from prev release. l-renault-all <number of

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To use when user wants to maintain the requirements from the previous active release with date between the new ones incoming. (*)

This is to simplify. It is the same as use l-renault, l-renault-plus & l-renault-middle all together

days> like for l-renault

Schedule Import Calculate Cum Qty


When NO Cum quantity information arrives in the message, the process calculates it basis on the previous release. It takes the prior cum quantity and adds all the Daily and Firm requirements till today (or today - <days indicate in l-renault or l-renault-all params>) (**)

E.3.1 4905 (LT)
EDI Parameter

Effect Allow the system to split the

Why to use it When requirements come from the

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requirement with the USE_SO parameter

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vda4905-shipto-dock vda4905-customer-shiptodock l-def-po l-ford-level l-mon-date l-cummul

(has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the customer plant code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment 552 or 512 pos 68 When MULTIPLE_CUSTOMER setup (has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the dock code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment 552 or 512 pos 68. Possible value can be ALL if more than 1 Sales order Header belong to a same customer but only one is concerned by a specific EDI import. Set the trading partner ship to shipto Id + dock code value. If setup and not null, replaced the vda4905-shipto-dock value by the value setup in value1 Overwrite the PO reference from the EDI file. NOT USED. Force the system to take in account only the past due date into the calculation of the cums. NOT USED Set the bucket to W or M following calculation. NOT USED Import the dock code from the EDI file into the customer schedule.

same EDI file to different customers, you need to split them using a criteria (dock code or plant code) When more that 1 SO is concerned by an EDI load and that the key is the plant code.

l-cummul-ship l-def-int l-load-cum l-for-po EDI_DOCK

Not necessary as it is imported automatically.

E.3.2 4915 (ST)

EDI Parameter

Effect Allow the system to split the requirement with the USE_SO

Why to use it When requirements come from the same EDI file to different customers,

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l-def-po l-ford-level l-mon-date l-cummul l-cummul-ship

l-def-int l-load-cum l-for-po

(has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the customer plant code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment 552 or 512 pos 68 When MULTIPLE_CUSTOMER setup (has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the dock code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment 552 or 512 pos 68. Possible value can be ALL if more than 1 Sales order Header belong to a same customer but only one is concerned by a specific EDI import. Overwrite the PO reference from the EDI file. NOT USED. NOT USED. NOT USED. Force the system to take in account only the past due date into the calculation of the cums. NOT USED When VDA period is 333333 or 444444, when setup to YES, ??? NOT USED

you need to split them using a criteria (dock code or plant code) When more that 1 SO is concerned by an EDI load and that the key is the plant code.

E.3.3 4913 (ASN)

EDI Parameter

Effect If this parameter is set up, the shipper is imported as a confirmed shipper. If this parameter is set up, the customer bill of lading ID of the file is used as BOL ID and MBOL ID in the application If this parameter is set up, the value is a prefix of the BOL ID and MBOL ID of the imported shipper. Select the PO Header to use fro the import, defined in value1 when the value from the segment l-csg-3921 is equal to the key1. Combined with the param LOCATION_HEAD. It forces the system to set the location header Id to the one setup in LOCATION_HEAD.


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If not setup, location Id is set to stock When set to YES or TRUE, retrieve the Supplier item number from the PO. Retrieve the components of the received part. When a record is setup in the Jack table Combined with CONFIRM_RECEIVER , set to yes, allow the receiver creation Combined with CONFIRM_RECEIVER , set to yes, allow the receiver to be confirmed automatically

E.4.1 DELJIT 96A (ST)
EDI Parameter



Effect Allow the system to split the requirement by dock code. When L3P_LOGISTIC setup (has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the customer plant code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment NAD+ST When L3P_LOGISTIC setup (has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the dock code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment LOC+11. Possible value can be ALL if more than 1 Sales order Header belong to a same customer but only one is concerned by a specific EDI import. Set CUM Required = Shipped when importing Set CUM Shipped = Required when importing copies dates from today to future from the last schedule to the new one

Why to use it When more that 1 SO is concerned by an EDI load and that the key is the plant code.

When the customers dont work with cums. When the customer sends first a forecast for 2 weeks and then send another forecast for the 2nd week only, usually the system replace the current schedule and lost the forecast for the 1st week. With this parameter, the current schedule is modified and keeps the info from the 1st week.

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maintain forecast details from current schedule

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NO-SCC l-caldel

First segment after last item, possible values: ZZZ: no specific segment UNS UNZ First segment per item, possible values: UNB LIN UNH There is no SCC segment on delfor file Load the Kanban info from the EDI file into the schedule.

Same concept that l-renault but keep the info of the post period concerned by the incoming schedule. (usually the L-renault and L-renault-plus params are combined) When the data are not sent using the standard way.



EDI Parameter Effect Why to use it

E.4.3 DELFOR 96A (LT)

EDI Parameter


Effect Allow the system to split the requirement by dock code. When L3P_LOGISTIC setup (has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the customer plant code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment NAD+ST When L3P_LOGISTIC setup (has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the dock code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment LOC+11. Possible value can be ALL if more than 1 Sales order Header belong to a same customer but only one is concerned by a specific EDI import.

Why to use it When more that 1 SO is concerned by an EDI load and that the key is the plant code.

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Set CUM Required = Shipped when importing Set CUM Shipped = Required when importing copies dates from today to future from the last schedule to the new one

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When the customers dont work with cums.



maintain forecast details from current schedule



NO-SCC l-def-po l-cum-pup l-cum-sup l-cum-recp l-cum-recs l-for-po l-period l-longterm l-shortterm p-cum-req s-cum-req

First segment after last item, possible values: ZZZ: no specific segment UNS UNZ First segment per item, possible values: UNB LIN UNH There is no SCC segment on delfor file

When the customer sends first a forecast for 2 weeks and then send another forecast for the 2nd week only, usually the system replace the current schedule and lost the forecast for the 1st week. With this parameter, the current schedule is modified and keeps the info from the 1st week. Same concept that l-renault but keep the info of the post period concerned by the incoming schedule. (usually the L-renault and L-renault-plus params are combined) When the data are not sent using the standard way.


E.4.4 DELFOR 97A (LT)

EDI Parameter Effect Why to use it

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Allow the system to split the requirement by dock code. When L3P_LOGISTIC setup (has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the customer plant code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment NAD+ST When L3P_LOGISTIC setup (has no effect alone), allow the system to split the requirement against the dock code (key2) to a specific SO header (value1). Plant code info can be found in the segment LOC+11. Possible value can be ALL if more than 1 Sales order Header belong to a same customer but only one is concerned by a specific EDI import. Specifies for which dock code (key2 must be equal to the value of the segment LOC+11) the SO Header (value1) to use to import the schedule into the correct Sales Order Header. Set CUM Required = Shipped when importing Set CUM Shipped = Required when importing copies dates from today to future from the last schedule to the new one

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When more that 1 SO is concerned by an EDI load and that the key is the plant code.




When the customers dont work with cums. When the customer sends first a forecast for 2 weeks and then send another forecast for the 2nd week only, usually the system replace the current schedule and lost the forecast for the 1st week. With this parameter, the current schedule is modified and keeps the info from the 1st week. Same concept that l-renault but keep the info of the post period concerned by the incoming schedule. (usually the L-renault and L-renault-plus params are combined) When the data are not sent using the standard way.


maintain forecast details from current schedule



First segment after last item, possible values: ZZZ: no specific segment UNS UNZ First segment per item, possible values: UNB LIN


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UNH There is no SCC segment on delfor file

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EDI Parameter Effect Why to use it


EDI Parameter


Effect When created Ship from is initialized to the value from the CDT segment value. NOT USED. NOT USED. When set to YES or TRUE, the system uses the Sellers Article No, else uses the Buyers Article No. When created, allow the system to accept more than one quantity of Articles in Pack. Send an acknowledgment by email. Specifies the receiver counter to use for this supplier. Specifies the container counter to use for this supplier. (automatically created if not existing) Specifies the tag counter to use for this supplier. (automatically created if not existing) Select the PO Header to use fro the import, defined in value1 when the value from the segment l-csg-3921 is equal to the key1.

F. Export
F.1 General Export
EDI Parameter GLO BAL Effect

USE_FORMAT_ + Sales Order Reference


When an ASN export is already setup for a customer, it is possible to setup another format to use for a specific Sales Order. Note: the EDI parameters for that message type need to be setup at the same level that the default one. Value1= new format to use

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Value2 = sender Id (SSID) Value3 = sender sub (SFID) Value4 = Receiver Id (SSID) Value5 = Receiver sub (SFID)

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Put a tag MFGONLY in the name of the exported ASN file name. Used when the user does not want to send ASN directly to the customer but need to export an ASN for the financial system.

No No No

Put an EDI Groupage Id from the value1 into the EDI file name. Use to replace the Vehicle Id from the BOL.

F.2 Exp VDA

F.2.1 Exp 4913 (ASN) v2.0
The version 2.0 is an old version used for example by JCI Madrid.
EDI Parameter
Createsetup [GLOBAL or not]

Effect Create automatic EDI parameters (beginning with fn_...) for the customer export such as customer ASN counter, customer ASN file name,

l-711-trs-counter Value customerId_fn_counter

Used to export the transmission nbr in the ASN (seg 711 Pos. 24 & 29)

Why to use it Used to avoid waste of time setting up the system. The most important one is that it creates automatically the ASN transmission counter for this customer. Formerly used for generic ASN export, some of these automatic parameters are not used for VDA (described later). This parameter used the counter automatically created by createsetup. It has to be defined as the fn_counter (automatically created by createsetup) EDI param is not used by VDA.





Change the value of the Shipped date & time segment 712 Pos. 31 & 37 (Carrier delivery date & time) Export the prepayment of freight value setup, in the 712 segment pos 55. Export the customer location value setup, in the 712 segment pos 70 Specifies the default UOM to use when the UOM is not setup

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at the SOD level. Replace the UOM used at any SOD level by the value setup

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Usually the UOM setup for each SOD is EA (each). This can not be changed because programs work with EA. But when exporting an ASN to a German customer, he may require having ST setup instead of EA.



Export the type of dispatch value setup, in the 713 segment pos 25 Export the customer plant value in the segment 713 pos 49 Change the default value for the preference status segment 714 pos 115. Used for specific export following the defined value: GroupSord: group by item id on 1 line segment 714 PCKH: export the package header Id into the segment 715?? Export the pallet details into a new 715

For the customer it is necessary to know which plant is concerned as nowadays the EDI import process is more and more centralized.



The customer may request to get the Item grouped on 1 line.


A 715 is always exported for each box/container. Some customers require the pallet detailed. As a result you have two 715 segment records.



REPLACE_DOCK_ + shipto Id

l-713-Customer-Store 713_PO_REFERENCE_FROM_SO H

If the value of this parameter is set to effective then the carrier date and time values are set to the ASN sent date and time. When the l-712-warehouse parameter is setup, then the gross weight of the BOL is replaced by the fixed value from the l-712-bruttoweight value1. Replace any dock code from a specific ship to Id by the one setup in the value1. Set a specific customer location at the segment 713. When set to NO or FALSE, replace the PO reference (segment 713 pos 31-42) coming from normally the SO details, by the Sales Order

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As of 3/22/2005
Reference. When setup to YES or TRUE, create the 718 segment (not mandatory). When Net weight is equal to 0, and the param setup to YES or TRUE, put spaces instead of zero. Force the system to cut the BOL Id when its size is greater than 8 characters. The BOL Id is moved from 713 pos 6 to pos 110

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Because its length is suppose to be greater than 9 characters.

F.2.2 Exp 4913 (ASN) v3.0

EDI Parameter
Createsetup [GLOBAL or not]

Effect Create automatic EDI parameters (beginning with fn_...) for the customer export such as customer ASN counter, customer ASN file name,

l-711-trs-counter Value customerId_fn_counter

Used to export the transmission nbr in the ASN (seg 711 Pos. 24 & 29)

Why to use it Used to avoid waste of time setting up the system. The most important one is that it creates automatically the ASN transmission counter for this customer. Formerly used for generic ASN export, some of these automatic parameters are not used for VDA (described later). This parameter used the counter automatically created by createsetup. It has to be defined as the fn_counter (automatically created by createsetup) EDI param is not used by VDA.



l-712-warehouse UOM-REPLACE-UOMId

Change the value of the Shipped date & time segment 712 Pos. 31 & 37 (Carrier delivery date & time) Export the prepayment of freight value setup, in the 712 segment pos 55. Export the customer location value setup, in the 712 segment pos 70 Replace the UOM used at any SOD level by the value setup

Usually the UOM setup for each SOD is EA (each). But when exporting an ASN to a german customer, he may require having ST setup instead of EA. For the customer it is necessary to know which plant is concerned as

l-713-Type-Dispatch CUSTOMER_PLANT

Export the type of dispatch value setup, in the 713 segment pos 25 Export the customer plant value in the segment 713 pos 49

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nowadays the EDI import process is more and more centralized.




Change the default value for the preference status segment 714 pos 115. Used for specific export following the defined value: GroupSord: group by item id on 1 line segment 714 PCKH: export the package header Id into the segment 715?? Export the pallet details into a new 715

The customer may request to get the Item grouped on 1 line.

A 715 is always exported for each box/container. Some customers require the pallet detail. As a result you have two 715 segment records created, one for the box, one for the pallet.



REPLACE_DOCK_ + shipto Id l-713-Customer-Store 713_PO_REFERENCE_FR OM_SOH

CREATE718 712_nett_weigth_zero_as_s pace MFG_INTERFACE_ONLY _ + Sales order Ref

If the value of this parameter is set to effective then the carrier date and time values are set to the ASN sent date and time. When the l-712-warehouse parameter is setup, then the gross weight of the BOL is replaced by the fixed value from the l-712bruttoweight value1. Replace any dock code from a specific ship to Id by the one setup in the value1. Set a specific customer location at the segment 713 pos 70-76. When set to NO or FALSE, replace the PO reference (segment 713 pos 31-42) coming from normally the SO details, by the Sales Order Reference. When setup to YES or TRUE, create the 718 segment (not mandatory). When Net weight is equal to 0, and the param setup to YES or TRUE, put spaces instead of zero. Put a tag MFGONLY in the name of the exported ASN file

Used when the user does not want to send ASN directly to the customer but need to export an ASN for the financial system.

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To export some data like the CARRIER info, you need to define a carrier address usage at the ship to Id or at the MBOL level. To be able to add any address type to a ship to or Master BOL: Base|Attribute|class code Add the CARRIER member to the class addess_type.

Then Add the SHMHBOLH and SOMHBOLH members to the class address Usage.

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As of 3/22/2005

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Then youll be able to add a CARRIER address to a ship to (SHIP-RECEIVE|Shipping setup|Ship To)

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Idem for the Master BOL through SHIP-RECEIVE|Master Bill Of Lading:


F.3.1 Exp DESADV 96A (ASN)
EDI Parameter





Effect Identifies Customer working with CALDEL (like PSA) Define the qualifier for the Gross Weight and export it. Possible values: AAD Define/export the qualifier for the Conveyance tte Nbr. Possible values: CRN Define/export the qualifier for the Seller/Supplier NAD segment. Possible values: SE Define/export the qualifier for the Shipto/Consignee NAD segment. Possible values: CN Define/export the Code list responsible Agency for Consignee, possible values: 5: used only by PSA

Why to use it Export Kanban reference

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As of 3/22/2005
10 Define/export the Code list responsible Agency for Consignor, possible values: 10 Define/export the Code list responsible Agency for Seller , possible values: 10 To Define/export Pallet label, possible values: AAT Define the quantity per pack. The value depends on the packaging. To avoid Extra NAD segments export To Define/export PIA segment To Define/export IMD segment To Define/export ALI (Country of Origin) Identifies Customer working with L3P/GPI (Renault) To Display ALI +++ 67 (Header segment) Includes the segment PAC for each Pallet in PAC loop Includes the segment MEA for each Pallet in PAC loop. Possible values: G To avoid DTM containing the Despatch date To avoid a MEA segment with the total qty of PCEs To avoid segment RFF with MBOL code To put NAD segment with consignor code To put RFF segmentwith Internal Supplier code To display the Item & pack data in the right way

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To export specific data to that kind of customers.


F.3.2 Exp DESADV 97A (ASN)

EDI Parameter Effect Why to use it


QUAL_none-pack-level QUAL_outer-pack-level QUAL_buyers-item QUAL_cumulative-quantity

Specifies to change the default Qualifier for the inner pack level, segment: If not setup exported value 1 If not setup exported value 4 If not setup exported value 3 If not setup exported value IN If not setup exported value 3

QAD Proprietary

QUAL_package-ref QUAL_carrier-ref QUAL_seal-ref QUAL_Container-ident QUAL_Railcar-ident QUAL_Trailer-ident QUAL_doc-ident

As of 3/22/2005
If not setup exported value CW If not setup exported value CN If not setup exported value SN If not setup exported value CN If not setup exported value RR If not setup exported value TE Specifies to change the default Qualifier for the Dock code segment (LOC). If not setup exported value 11 To Specify the qualifier of the NAD+MI segment. If not setup exported value MI If not setup exported value ST If not setup exported value SU If not setup exported value OB If not setup exported value 12 If not setup exported value CN If not setup exported value MB If not setup exported value 137 If not setup exported value 11 If not setup exported value 132 If not setup exported value G If not setup exported value N If not setup exported value SQ If not setup exported value AAX If not setup exported value A0105 If not setup exported value 351 If not setup exported value CZ If not setup exported value BU If not setup exported value 92 If not setup exported value 92 If not setup exported value 92 If not setup exported value SA If not setup exported value DR If not setup exported value 52
Identifies Customer working with CALDEL (like PSA) Identifies Customer working with the L3P logistic (like Renault) The Bol Id is then exported in the BGM segment.

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QUAL_Material-issuer QUAL_Ship-To-ident QUAL_Supplier-ident QUAL_Ordered-by-ident QUAL_despatch-quantity QUAL_CAR-REF QUAL_MBOL-NR QUAL_MSG_DATE-TIME QUAL_DESPATCH_DATETIME QUAL_ARRIVAL_DATETIME QUAL_GROSS-WEIGHT QUAL_NET-WEIGHT QUAL_NUM-UNITS QUAL_Consignmentmeasurements QUAL_UNH-ident-nbr QUAL_BGM-msg-type QUAL_NAD-consignor QUAL_GIR-buyer-ref QUAL_NAD-agency-CN QUAL_NAD-agency-CZ QUAL_NAD-agency-SE QUAL_PIA-Supp-item QUAL_PIA-Dessign-rev QUAL_QTY-pack


Export Kanban reference


QAD Proprietary


As of 3/22/2005
Function to link to that message, such as BGO, ... If not setup exported value 9 When CAL_LOGISTIC, L3P_LOGISTIC or this parameter is setup, the DTM segment regarding the dispatch time (shipped time) is exported. Used to export any value in the ALI segment of the header, or replace the ALI segment if the parameter value begins with ALI. If empty then ALI+++67 is exported. If not defined nothing is exported. To avoid to export the MEA+AAX segment. Avoid to export an extra RFF+MB segment with the BOL id exported. If DESADV_NO_MBOL_RFF is not setup, then the value of this parameter is exported in the RFF segment. If this param is not setup then the BOL id is exported. Do not export the NAD segments. To export the consignee segment (NAD+CZ or qualifier definer upper) To export Supplier segment (RFF+ADE) Export the TOD segment with the Fob point value. Values exported in the first TDT segment

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Values exported in the second TDT segment

To export every details for each


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item. If not setup, then not all details are exported. To export extra MEA for the pallet info and if not empty, overwrite the qualifier value of the MEA segment for the Pallet gross weight. To specify the value to be exported in the PCI segment (default 16). To export the GIR segment To export the PIA segment
To Define/export IMD segment To Define the cum shipped unit of measure (default is C62) in the QTY segments. Specifies the qualifier in the RFF segment (default is ON) to export the PO reference by item. When

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DESADV_DETAIL_BY_ITEM is setup and not empty export the pallet detail for each item
Specifies the action value in segment UNB Specifies the Material Issuer Id (segment NAD+MI) Specifies the Supplier Id (segment NAD+SU)



F.4.1 Exp DELINS v2.0 and 3.0 (LT)
EDI Parameter

Effect Reset the sub receiver Id


Reset the sub sender Id

Why to use it If no value is setup for the sub receiver Id in the EDI partner control record, then the system pick the default one from the site. In order NOT to export this field, just create this EDI parameter with a blank value. If no value is setup for the sub sender Id in the EDI partner control record, then the system pick the default one from the

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site. In order NOT to export this field, just create this EDI parameter with a blank value.
one-msg-per-sched l-mult-pdn l-unb-0026


Create one message per schedule Works with l-unb-0026 Specifies an additional comment to process that file (from the supplier point of view) to be exported in the header (last field of the header). To export only Item having this status. Avoid to export the UNH 0054 segment If equal to YES, export the DEL segment with past due date at the header. Same as above but for each line. Used to Specifies the Specifies the tag counter to use for this supplier. (automatically created if not existing) Specifies the container counter to use for this supplier. (automatically created if not existing) Export all POD from a purchase order even the one having no requirement Specifies the BDT segment value Export the expected arrival date according to the transport days from the purchase order. When the bucket Id is M, set the date of the requirement for the last day of the month from the month of the requirement date. When the bucket Id is M, set the date of the requirement 28 days later than the requirement date. When the bucket Id is M, set the date of the requirement 1 month later than the requirement date. Export the CUSTOMER_SUPPLIER_ID value into the CSG segment instead of the site Id. Export the SAD_7153 value into the SAD segment instead of 03


To export a schedule it is mandatory to specify a supplier address at the supplier level in Base -> Supplier -> supplier (use the yellow button to add an Supplier address type).

F.4.2 Exp AVIEXP (ASN) v3.0

EDI Parameter

Effect Specifies the container counter to use for this supplier. (automatically created if not existing)

QAD Proprietary

UNH-0020 AVIEXP_SDT_3036 CDT_Consignor CDT_Consignor_(Sales Order Reference value)

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AVIEXP_CSG_3035 CSG_Final_Delivery_point DTR_Means_Of_transport DTR_Party_Name DTR_Transport_Number DET_Mode_Of_TransPort DET_Incoterms_Code DET_Terms_Of_Delivery_ 1 DET_Terms_Of_Delivery_ 2

Specifies the tag counter to use for this supplier. (automatically created if not existing) Export in the segment SDT (Supplier Detail) in the sub segment 3036 (Id) the specified value of the parameter Specifies the Duns number of the Consignee (segment CDT), if not defined take the default value form the Duns number from the site Address. Specifies the Duns number of the Consignee (segment CDT) for the Sales Order reference specified in the parameters name, if not defined take the default value form the Duns number from the site Address or from the CDT_Consignor Edi parameter. Export in the segment CSG in the sub segment (id) the value of the parameter specified in value1 Specifies the final delivery point (change the dock code value) Specifies The DRT Means of transport value Specifies The DRT Party name value Specifies The DRT transport number value Specifies The DET Mode of transport value Specifies The DET Intercoms code value Specifies The DET Terms of delivery code 1 value Specifies The DET Terms of delivery code 2 value

QAD Proprietary

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