Yangon Christian College and Seminary

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Volume 1, Issue 6



Dear brothers and sisters, Greetings to you in the name of Jesus. It has been nearly seven months since we started the ministry in Myanmar. We have laid a good foundation for the many facets of the ministry. Up to this point, the college and seminary (YCCS), the literature ministry, the contemporary gospel music ministry and the gospel recording studio are working well. I would like to write a few words regarding the works done so far and some of the outcomes we can see.

Yangon Christian College and Seminary

Establishment of the Yangon Christian College and Seminary (YCCS) is our primary focus. We praise in the name of the Lord for being able to start the YCCS with over 50 students. Unfortunately, three students returned home due to health problems, but the rest are doing fine. As we reported to you before, another 10 more graduate students will come at the second semester which will begin in June. Then the total number of the students will be 58. We will only consider new applications for the Fall in June 2004, depending on accommodation availability. The present 48 students involves Lisu (38), Rawang (6), Chin (1) Burmese (2), and Rakain (1). Approximately 80% of the students are from Christian churches and the rest are from Baptist, Assembly of God, and o t h e r i n d e p e n d e n t c h u rches. Currently, we have hired four parttime teachers for the graduate program and six part-time teachers for the u n2002. We also have other full-time workers in different areas of the ministry. We will be holding a dedication/prayer service for all of them: (1) Di Di as Dean of Students, (2) Titus Fish as a Manager of the Recording Studio, (3) John Ah Khi as graphics designer for the literature ministry, (4) David Zan Yaw as Sound Engineer and Keyboard Player, (5) Rachel Fish as the Librarian of the YCCS

This is the Seminary class. The Seminary students need to obtain 90 credit hours in order to graduate with a Master of Divinity.

dergraduate program. The only fulltime workers at the YCCS are Di Di and me. Di Di is my nephew, the second son of my diseased older sister. He is a graduate from the EBI. He will be soon appointed as Dean of Students. Di Di and Titus Fish (my younger brother Isaiah Fish's first son) have been working with me closely since we started the ministry in August

This is the undergraduate class. They need to complete 167 credit hours for the degree of Bachelor of Theology.

Literature Ministry John Ah Khi works for the literature ministry. He has been trained in computer technology as well as electronic engineering. His knowledge makes him a great asset to us. However, he alone cannot cover all the need for the literature ministry and we need to hire another person as soon as possible. Up to this point, we haven't published any books yet, however we are producing needed materials for the school, the church This is John who works for the Literature ministry. and evangelistic outreaches. In the past two

months, we distributed hundreds of co pies of gospel tracts to the non-believers, especially when we conducted an openair preaching program. We plan to produce more gospel tracts in the future. The tracts have short descriptions about the person of Jesus Christ and Buddhists like to read them. Many came to know Jesus by reading the gospel tracts.

Audio and video recording/editing system

The gospel recording studio is functioning very well. The studio involves five sections, i.e., Studios A, B, C, D, & E. Studio A and B are designed for sound recording/editing system. Studio C is a cassette tape duplicating system and D is the place where we are going to video CD will be needed in China. To date, we have completed recording the first gospel album in the Burmese language. Starting this week, we will record a Lisu gospel album. After the Lisu gospel album is completed we will continue recording in Chin language as well as other languages.
This is the copy machine which were purchased with the money raised by two VBSs in Kentucky. It works i n credibly. It can print 45 pages per min-

This is the studio A, the main digital sound recording system. Titus Fish is in charge with other two other sound engineers. Our studio is named Fish Sound Studio.

produce radio programs. (Studios B and D are not yet set up. We are still working on establishment of these two studios.) Studio E is a video editing system which is currently set up at our rented house. We plan to produce Gospel Video CDs and other Christian videos. We will give you more information regarding the video ministry. In the future, thousand of copies of audio and

This is part of the Studio A which contains acoustic drum and professional microphones for vocalists.

Isaiahs Trip to China

Isaiah Fish and one of the church elders from the Panwa area went to China in February. As we reported to you before the majority of the Lisu (approximately 700,000) in Asia live in the Yunan province of China. There are two major rivers in the province: (1) Mekong river and (2) Salween river (see the picture). The Lisus in China have settled along the two rivers. Isaiah and his friend planned to visit the Lisus in both valleys of the two major rivers. But unfortunately, they were not able to visit the Lisus in the valley of the Mekong river due to a heavy snow fall. They only visited the Lisus in the Salween valley and Tibetan hill. The major cities in the Salween valley from the south to the north are: (1) Tea Ta, (2) Tin Su (3) Man Kwa, (4) Lu Ku, (5) Fu Ko and (6) Ko Shar. Isaiah said that Lu Ku and Fu Ko are the provincial cities of the Salween valley. He also told me that approximately 300,000 Lisus live in the Salween valley. Of the 300,000, only 40% are Christian and the rest are non-believing Lisus. Matthew, who came to meet me at the ministry's conference in Myitkyina, ministers at Mankwa in the Salween valley. He told me that there are 400 Christian churches planted among the Lisus in the valley of the Salween river. To my surprise, he also told me that only 30 pastors preach at the 400 Isaiah and his friend with the Tibetan churches. This means each pastor women in China. preaches to 13 different churches, d emanding a great deal of travel. Matthew said that he also preaches to 11 churches. Isaiah told me that sometimes, the preachers assemble Christians from three or four churches into one place so that they may be able to preach to many at one setting. This also demands some Christians walking two or three miles order to come to the church service. We can see how much This is one of the most fabulous views in they need leaders to take care of the the Salween valley where Lisu cultivate. growing churches there. Dear brothers

and sisters, the most urgent need for the Christians in China is "leadership training. Isaiah also met and talked to some regional Christian leaders along the Salween river. All the leaders unanimously asked us to help them train leaders. They urgently need 370 more ministers to pastor the 370 churches which are already established and more new churches will be coming in the future Isaiah reported to me that there are 4 short-term Bible training centers currently established in the Salween valley. These training centers in China are taught by teachers who have no former training in biblical study. Many prefer to come over to our Bible training center at

classes that day on the topic of "Leadership is a Servanthood". The next day, Sunday, I preached at three churches and was very tired. Every night people came to meet me and talk with me until late into the night. It was a great privilege to see Christian leaders from different places including three ministers from China and I had a great
Isaiah and some Christian leaders met at home. We call this, a tea party. Every poor family has at least tea to offer guests.

proverbs. He said that his sermons and the gospel proverbs were recorded by people at the church. He also said that almost every family brought a cassette recorder to the church in order to record the message.

Gospel Tour to China This is the same church where Matthew The leaders both from secular and preaches. The pastors attended the Christian organizations have invited church when Isaiah preached and r e our music group to China. The Lisu cited his gospel proverbs. This church provincial government organization has is located not very far from the border. agreed to schedule this. This will likely take place next year as this year we do not have time to do it. Fourteen musi- time of fellowship with them. Above This is one of the churches where cians, popular Lisu singers, and myself all, t ey were very glad to hear about h Isaiah preached. He said that there is plan to go when the time comes no limit of time when preaching. Peothe ministry we do for the glory of ple will listen to the message as long God. Believe or not, we are the only as it goes. Pastors Conference in Myitkyina Christian organization in Myanmar, I was invited to a two-week minis- which offers many different areas of ters conference in Myitkyina, the capi- ministry. We just need to keep persePanwa. However, due to the cost for traveling and geographical distances, all tal city of the Kachin state. I flew there vering until we see the fruit of all miniswill not be able to come to our Bible on February 22nd and returned back to tries. training center. They only send key peo- Yangon on the 24th. It was just a twople to the training center in Panwa. Isaiah Welcomed Isaiah and his friend were warmly welcomed by the local people and privileged to preach at several places. He said that the people of that region are eager to hear the word of God no matter how long the sermon may be. Isaiah also told This is one the most scenic views in me that some eager Christians even folthe Salween valley. This is the lowed him when he went to another church where Matthew preaches and church for preaching in order to listen the Bible School is conducted. to the same gospel again. Isaiah has developed Lisu gospel proverbs which illustrate the major events from Genesis to Revelation. day visit. The conference was attended Isaiah always recites them whenever he by pastors from different parts of the preaches. People like to hear his gospel country. I arrived in Myitkyina at 12:00

Some of the pastors who came to the pastors conference in Myitkyina. They represent churches from six areas of the country.

Church Planting and Prayer

New Church in Yangon One of the MACMs major programs is church planting. As we reported to you before, our first outreach ministry was conducted among the Burmese Buddhists in the northern part of Yangon. First, we shared the love of Christ to the unbelievers by offering free tuition classes to the children in the community from 1st grade to 8th grade. Some of the YCCS students volunteered for this. We do not have any property but one of the converts is willing to allow us to build a sanctuary on his property. We just need to fund the building. We are planning to build a sanctuary which is 30 feet long and 20 feet wide. The cost is $1200. As soon as we have the money, we will start construction. This picture shows the region we plan to establish the This church is the first church we first church in China and where the 700 Lisu families are going to plant in Yangon. settled along the Myanmar/China border. Please pray for this need. If any church or individuals are interested in helping us provide the needed New Church in Kachin State We are also planning to plant a sanctuary, please let us know. new church in the Ta Nai area. The Ta Nai is located in the western Kachin A New Church in China state where Lisu, Jinphaw and Shan One of the challenges from China tribal people live. Isaiah and local is church planting. We have been e n- evangelists in the Ta Nai area have gaged in reaching 700 Lisu families that been reaching the unbelieving people have settled along the border area there with the gospel. To this point, 13 which is very close to Panwa. All of families have accepted Jesus and are these 700 Lisu families are non believ- planning to plant a church there, which ers---worshipers of spirits. The area is a is just one mile away from the city of strategic point where missionaries from Ta Nai. We already helped by giving Myanmar can easily go and preach the $400 for purchasing a land plot where gospel. Discovering this opportunity they can build a sanctuary later. This is Isaiah and a Lisu evangelist by the a third church we are planning to estabname of Hi Si Ye started preaching the lish. gospel to the people in that area since November 2002. As a result, six famiRegular Support lies accepted Jesus as their Lord and We praise in the name of the Lord Savior. Currently these six converted for His goodness. Our regular supports families worship at home. from you never go down. Most supIsaiah also said that every week at porting churches give support on a this home gathering, many unbelieving regular basis. Some churches give irLisus come to hear the message but the regularly; however, they always catch house can only hold 35 people. They up with what they have committed. We are urgently needing a place for worare grateful. ship. This church will be the first We will be needing more support church we ever established on the soil for church planting and other activities. of China. After the church is estabIf any uncommitted churches where we lished, a Lisu minister will be preaching spoke are able to support us, please do at the church and reaching the rest of so. We will be very encouraged. Also, the families. Please pray for this need too. The need is $1000 for the church any currently supporting churches, building. If any church or person is individuals, and Sunday School Classes interested in providing the $1000 for who are interested in increasing the sanctuary, please let us know. We their support would be a great blessing to us. Thank you very much. We need you. love you

We appointed Za Li Di as the minister of the new church in Yangon. He did a wonderful job of witnessing to Christ among the Burmese Buddhists.

We also conducted an open-air preaching program twice. Each time, over one thousand Buddhists came and heard our gospel music and short testimonies about Jesus Christ. Additionally, we distributed hundreds of copies of gospel tracts to the people present there, and conducted house to house evangelism. As a result, twenty Burmese Buddhists accepted Jesus and have been baptized in His name. There are over 200 Burmese families living in that area and many more need to know Jesus. With the 20 converts, we are going to establish a church and start a weekly church service. Zar Li Di, a graduate of EBI/Eastern Bible Institute, has committed to minister to this new church. We begin supporting him financially this month. We will be able to reach more people only after the church is established. To be able to start the church service, we need a sanctuary.

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