TP ACM 2 Amine Equivalent

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TP-ACM-2 Edition: September 14, 2010 Original Issue: October 8, 2008

Test Method for the Determination of Amine Equivalent

This method determines amine equivalent of amidoamines using potentiometric titration.

1. Weigh 1.5 - 2.0 grams to the nearest 0.1 mg into a 250 ml beaker. 2. Add 110 mls of 80/20 IPA/DI Water Solution and 4-6 drops of Bromophenol Blue Indicator. 3. Titrate to the potentiometric or visual (yellow) endpoint with 0.5N HCl.

A solution of the surfactant is titrated potentiometrically with HCL to determine the amine equivalent of amidoamines. End point may also be determined visually.

Amine equivalent = Sample weight (g) x 103 N x ml

Safety Precautions:
1. Proper personal protective equipment should be worn during transfer of materials so that injury due to spillage is avoided. 2. Review MSDS for each material before handling.

1. Bromophenol Blue Indicator 2. Isopropanol/DI Water Solution80/20 by volume 3. 0.5N HCl aqueous solution (aqueous)

1. Potentiometric Titrator 2. Combined glass pH electrode (Metrohm # 6.0262.100)

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