God The Servant of Man Wallace Wattles 1

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God: The Servant of Man Wallace Wattles


In a certain city, one day, a boy leaped into the air to catch a ball; and to his own astonishment, as well as to that of the bystanders, he did not come down, but kept right on going up, and up, until he passed out of sight into the clouds. On that same day, and in the same city, a child leaped off a table, and oated to the oor like a feather; but on the next day, trying the same experiment, it went crashing through the oor and was dashed to pieces on the hard oor of the cellar. The law of gravitation varied in that city; one day a man might weigh a ton, and the next day only a few ounces; and this was true of all other natural laws. One day, water would put out re; the next day the water itself took re, and burned like gasoline. The laws of chemical action and afnity were not constant; you never could make the same thing twice from the same materials. That was a strange town, wasn't it? You wouldn't want to live there! Now, of course we know that all this is not true. We know that the laws of matter, motion, energy and life are xed and changeless; that they are just the same all over the earth, and on all the planets and stars; that they are just the same throughout the universe. Did it ever occur to you that that is why we call it a uni-verse. Uni means one; it is a universe, a one- i-verse, and not a multi-verse, or many-verse. It is not the battleground of many laws and forces, but the harmonious product of one force and one law. Theologians and physicians have never quite gotten down to this fact yet; it will be a great day for the world when they do. Preachers still insist that it is a duoverse; that there is a devil who is nearly or quite as strong as God; and doctors believe in disease as an entity; a real, evil something, which has power in itself. Jesus pointed out that there was no devil, or contending force apparent in nature. It is your Father, said he, who makes the sun shine, and sends the rain; who clothes the grass of the eld and feeds the birds. This is God's world. The devil cannot make the sun rise or set. He cannot stop the grass from growing or starve the birds; he has not as much power as a scarecrow; he cannot keep the crows out of the corn.

Law is One, and force is One throughout the universe; and now I want to ask you to x your minds for a moment on this one Law and one Force, and consider another thing in connection with it. I want you to think, rst, of our own solar system; of this particular group of planets, circling around our sun. You know that they act upon each other; they attract each other, and we have evidence that this action is very powerful. Consider the attraction of the moon, for instance; of its enormous force, as shown by the movements of the tides. All the other planets act upon us in just that same way, with the varying degrees of power. Suppose three or four of them should happen to get together in the same general direction, and all exert their "pull" on us at once; do you know what would happen? Why, the earth would be pulled out of its orbit, and the others out of their orbits; and they would all go crashing together in one tremendous ruin. Tell me why this hasn't happened; tell me why, when there is an attraction brought to bear upon us on one side, there is always a counter attraction of exactly equal force brought to bear upon us on the other side; who sees to it that this is done, and that the equilibrium is forever maintained? Bear in mind, also, that our sun itself is in motion; that our planetary system, with all the other suns and stars and systems is sweeping on in one tremendous cycle of magnitude incomprehensible; that the whole universe is circling around a center; and remember that each body exerts an actual attractive force upon all the others. Some bodies larger, and some smaller; some moving in large circles, and others in smaller circles; you can see that the combination of "pulls" they exert upon each other must be endlessly changing; and yet the equilibrium must be exactly maintained, for upon the least overbalancing, world will crash into world, sun into sun, and star into star, until all are in chaos. Who regulates all this? Who brings the right world into the right place, at the right time? Is it done by Law? You might as well talk of a law by the operation of which, when one reached a certain corner, the street car one wanted should be always just coming! The study of the universe forces us to one admission; and that is that the universal Force possesses the attribute of Directivity; and by directivity I mean the power to bring the right body to the right place at the right time. Now, can you conceive of such a thing as directivity without intelligence? You cannot do it; you cannot conceive of a blind, unintelligent force as making these endless combinations and re- combinations of Planets and systems; there is a Mind of the universe, and that is God.

If, now, we concede to this intelligence the power to control the movements of the heavenly bodies, we must concede to it all other power; for all the so-called forces are but different phases of manifestation of the One force. The directivity we see in the atoms in the crucible is universal directivity; the power we see in a thunderstorm is the same as that we see in the movement of the stars. Understanding this, we are able to analyze certain phenomena hitherto called miracles. Suppose it to be true that Jesus spoke to the storm, and caused the wind to fall, and a calm to follow; how was it done? He must have reached the Universal Directing Intelligence, and caused it to act, bringing about a re-combination of atoms and elements, so as to produce calm. Granting that he could reach the Universal Mind, the rest is easy to comprehend; and if he did do it, then any man who knows how, and who is willing and able to live so as to create the same conditions within himself can do the same thing. If Intelligent Directivity in the universe will respond to the mind of man, then men will yet control the weather by a word, and stop the earthquake and the cyclone by a lifting of the hand; and why not? If you grant my rst contention, that the universe itself proves a directing intelligence, how are you going to get around the rest of it? If all this be true, instead of man being the servant of God. God is the servant of man. This is in exact accord with the idea of Jesus. "I am among you as he that serveth" and "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." "He that will be great among you, let him serve." That is not our idea of greatness. We never think of the servant as great, but rather of the one who commands the servant; but we are wrong. Suppose I should write here the question: Who was the greatest American? Most of you would think at once of Abraham Lincoln. Why do you always think of Lincoln rst? Because, above all the other men in our history, his soul was lled with the spirit of service. He was a Great Servant; and there is no greatness but in service. In politics we hear men speak of a "great Boss;" it is a misnomer; there cannot be a great Boss. There might be a talented Boss, or a powerful Boss, but never a great one; he must be little, and mean and contemptible because he is a Boss. One might be a foreman, or a master and be great; but never a Boss. God himself could not be great if he were a Boss; he can only be great by service. So, you see that it is not unreasonable after all that the Universal Directing Intelligence should be the servant of man.

Is God dirigible by man? If so, all power, in heaven and earth is given to Man.

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