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Monroe Elementary School Student and Family Handbook 2012-2013

Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible

MONROE ELEMENTARY MONROE FAX ATTENDANCE LINE 970-613-6500 970-613-6520 970-613-6577


OFFICE HOURS 8:10 a.m. 4:10 p.m. Daily SCHOOL HOURS All Day Kindergarten Grade 5 8:20 a.m. First Bell 8:33 a.m. Second Bell 8:38 a.m. Third (Tardy ) Bell 8:38 3:40 M, T, TH, F 8:38 2:10 Wednesday Early Release

Class begins at 8:38 a.m. If you arrive after 8:38 a.m. you are considered tardy.


A significant part of a students educational experience is derived from classroom participation, activities, discussion and relationships. Daily attendance is required for the student to attain the maximum benefits from the educational process. It is the responsibility of the student, and his/her parents or guardians to maintain the students attendance in accordance with Monroe Elementary School and Thompson calendars. It is the responsibility of school personnel to keep accurate attendance records, to notify parents, guardians, or legal custodians of non-attendance, and to process all absences in accordance with district policy and procedures and in compliance with the school attendance law.

Absences are the non-attendance of the students in one or more class periods during the day. Excessive absences, either excused or unexcused, shall be addressed by school and district personnel. Appropriate intervening measures shall be taken. Excused absences are defined as: Absences caused by illness, injury, or physical, mental and/or emotional disability, or non-emergency medical/dental appointments (a doctors excuse may be required for extended absences) Religious observances generally recognized by an established and bona fide religious organization Family emergencies or hardships Absences required by a legal body Other reasons specified by law Excessive absences are those absences which, though excused under the previous definition, occur in such quantity as to affect academic performance and grades in a significant way.

School Office: 970-613-6577 Absences MUST be reported to the front office, even if the teacher has been notified of the absence. This number may be called at anytime to report an absence or tardy. Please leave a message which includes the following:

Name of person calling & relationship to student Students name

Date(s) of absence Reason for absence Teachers name

Telephone calls will be made to parents whose children have not been called in on the attendance line or confirmed absent.


Below is the course of action for student absences and tardies: 4 absences in 1 month or 7 tardies = 1st attendance letter home 7 absences or 14 tardies = 2nd attendance letter home/meeting 14 or more absences or 20 tardies = Attendance conference w/ truancy officer & attendance contract


A tardy is considered arriving at school after 8:38 a.m. All students who are tardy (arriving after 8:38 a.m.) must report to the office for a tardy slip. Parents/guardians of students must sign the In/Out Sheet located at the front desk when taking/returning students during the school day. Only the contacts (18 or older) noted on the registration form will be allowed to take the student for the day. Parents or guardians of other students will not be allowed to take another student out during the day without verbal/written notification from their parent or guardian. When taking your child for an appointment, please do not ask to have them wait in the office. We will call your student down to the office while you sign them out. It is very important that students remain in the classrooms to participate in the classroom instruction. Please allow time in your planning. Students will not be allowed to sign themselves in/out or return home once the school day begins. Parents/Guardians must show a Drivers License/I.D. at the front office in order to check out their student.

Parents and volunteers are welcome at Monroe Elementary!

To ensure the safety of all students attending Monroe Elementary, all visitors must check-in at the front desk (between 8:33 a.m. 3:40 p.m.) and receive a visitors badge.
Volunteers must be pre-approved by the district in order to volunteer in Thompson schools. To inquire about the process, please visit our district website at

STUDENT MESSAGES If you have an urgent message for your student, please call the office and
leave the message with one of our office personnel.

We will deliver non-urgent messages to students by the end of the school day.
When there is a change in routines or circumstances out of the ordinary please make arrangements with your child/ren ahead of time (before 8:38 a.m.) to avoid confusion and a disruption to the classroom.


We have established a parent dial-up service to communicate with our families. With this service, you can expect to receive reminder phone calls about important calendar events. Our intent is to use this frequently to keep you informed on a regular basis. Please be aware that if your phone has an operator intercept with a message regarding no solicitation, the auto dialer will not be able to contact you.


Although teachers have telephones located in their classrooms, they have been directed to keep their ringers turned off during instructional time. If you want to reach your childs teacher, you may do the following: 5

Call the classroom number and leave a voicemail. You may call the office, and they will deliver messages to your students teacher at the end of the day. You may call the classroom teacher before or after school.

You may also reach your students teacher via e-mail. Your students teacher will give you his/her e-mail address, and you may e-mail them at your convenience. You may expect to hear back from them within 24 hours.

If you have a concern or question with regard to your childs classroom or classroom teachers policies, the recommended communication procedures should be followed. 1. Start with the classroom teacher. 2. If the classroom teacher is not aware of the situation, they can refer you to the appropriate individual. 3. If a resolution has not been reached at that level, you may then contact the building administration.


Please mark names clearly and permanently on coats, backpacks, lunch boxes, etc. Students and parents should check the lost & found bin periodically. At varying times throughout the school year lost items will be displayed and unclaimed items will be sent to a charitable organization.

Field trips within our city and to nearby points of interest are scheduled by various classroom teachers throughout the school year. These trips are designed to supplement different aspects of the classroom curriculum and to introduce students to resources in the community. Parents will receive notice of scheduled field trips well in advance. It is a district requirement that a parent sign a permission form for all field trips. Students without a permission slip will not be allowed to accompany their class on the field trip.


It is everyones responsibility to ensure student safety while students are walking to and from school. Please give your student these safety reminders when walking to school: Always walk to school with a buddy Never talk to strangers or anyone you dont know. Always look both ways before crossing any street. Cross the street at the intersection where you see a crossing guard.

When a child arrives at school with his/her bicycle, he/she should walk it directly to the bike rack at the Northeast side of the building and leave it there until they are ready to go home. For safety reasons, children are not permitted to ride their bicycles on the school grounds. The school expects all bicycle riders to refrain from riding over school lawns or private property. Children are expected to follow traffic rules applying to bicycle riders.


Skateboards, rollerblades and sneaker skates (heelies) are not to be brought to school, or used on school grounds. Students wearing sneaker skates will be asked to remove the wheels and parents can pick them up at the end of the school day.

The drop-off zone is strictly for a 1-2 minute stop; please do not park in No Parking Zones. We appreciate your consideration with these efforts. We are asking that you do not bring your child to school before 8:20 a.m., as there will be no supervision before this time. At 8:33 a.m. students will be allowed into the building. At that time, students come in and put their coats and back packs away.

If you have to drive your child to school, or if you are simply driving through the neighborhood near a school, please remember the following traffic safety information: 1. Watch for children running into the street, particularly from between parked cars. 7

2. Be alert for children at designated school crossings and other crosswalk locations. 3. Obey speed limits, especially school zone speed limits during school hours. Take your time! 4. Do not stop, stand, or park on or near crosswalks or other designated NO PARKING zones in the vicinity of a school. 5. Use designated student-loading zones to drop off and pick up your child. 6. Do not block school bus loading zones, crosswalks, intersections, or traffic lanes while waiting to pick up your child. 7. Respect the NO PARKING and NO STOPPING OR STANDING signs. They are there in part to help ensure the safety of your children. 8. Never drop off or pick up your child on the far side of the street from the school unless you plan to escort them across the street or guide them toward the crosswalk. 9. Do not make U-turns in school zones or within crosswalks. 10. Consider car pooling to reduce the amount of congestion around the school.

Please follow the guidelines listed below: -Straps on tank tops must be the width of 3 fingers. -No net shirts unless another shirt is worn underneath. -Shirts must cover stomachs and backs -No undergarments may show -Shorts and skirts must come to the fingertips when the child is standing with his/her arms to the side. -No clothing that features alcohol, tobacco, drugs, profanity, or any other activity prohibited by the student code of conduct. -No hats or sunglasses in the building (unless its a special day designated for hats).

Your child will be seen in the health office if ill or injured at school. The health aide, or office staff, will determine if your child needs to go home for illness or injury. If your child needs to go home, you will be contacted as soon as possible. The school has no facility to keep ill children for long periods of time. Therefore, it is essential that you keep the school informed of any change in address and/or telephone numbers.


The physical education program and recess activities have many educational, healthful and social values. Therefore, the health service department recommends that all students participate in the regular physical education program and recess activities unless there are sufficient medical reasons why a child cannot safely participate in these programs.

A recess break is provided for all children at their lunch period. Additional recess breaks are at the discretion of the teacher. Recess breaks are held outside. Precipitation, wind speed and low temperatures can cause recess breaks to be held inside. Monroe policy is that whenever any combination of these factors takes the chill temperature below 15 degrees, the recess breaks will be inside. Because of the temperate Colorado climate, children are generally sent outside for recess. Children should dress appropriately for the season, and should wear warm clothing and boots during cold and wet weather.

Be Safe

*Line up quickly when the bell rings (or whistle blows) *Keep rocks, snow, and sticks on the ground *Chasing is not allowed *Use playground equipment appropriately

Be Respectful

*Include others in games, teach them if necessary *Take turns and share *Solve problems with positive words, tell an adult if needed.

Be Responsible

*Return loose equipment to storage bins



The basic premise of our behavior program (PBiS) is that we want to simultaneously teach and reinforce with our students our standards for behavior in our school. This includes student behaviors in the classroom, in common areas, at recess, and on the school bus. The three primary components of this program are: Common language and expectations established with the entire school community, communicated regularly with the students. On-going teaching, reinforcing and reminding students about the expectations and standards for positive behavior. Regular recognition of students efforts in all aspects of their day-today behaviors during the school day.

Program Implementation:
We will start our school year with a token system that rewards students in all locations throughout the school day including the cafeteria, classroom, hallways, and playground. Students will be issued a Mighty Mustang award for their positive behaviors, and with their teachers help, they will keep them in their classroom. As students reach their individual goals, they will have an opportunity to cash-in their awards. These rewards can include a special privilege, class reward and recognition from an administrator. Whole classrooms also have an opportunity to earn Yee-Haws for their positive behavior. These will also be redeemed for a special whole-class reward. For students who seem to have difficulty remembering our behavior standards, theyll receive a Minor form, which is simply a reminder that they need to slow down, think before they act, and be safe in our school. Our goal is to promote a safe and orderly atmosphere for learning. These gentle reminders are intended to help students identify an area where they may be struggling to follow the school rules. This program is in addition to our district-wide discipline policy which is intended for more serious disciplinary offenses. If a student is extremely disruptive in the classroom, threatens to physically harm (or actually does harm) another student, or uses words or actions with the intent to harm another, they will receive a Major referral. If a student receives a Major referral, the school administration will adhere to our districts due process standard which includes a thorough investigation into the incident. Parents will be notified in the event a Major referral is written to a student. Please refer to our Discipline Definitions matrix attached to the handbook for more information.


Classroom Behavioral Standards:

Teachers will also be implementing our Positive School-wide Behavior Intervention Support System, but each classroom or grade level may have an additional policy explaining in depth the particulars of their policy. We want to work with our students to make sure they know our school-wide and classroom behavioral expectations and each grade levels policy will clearly reflect that philosophy.


Students will receive trimester report cards. The reports dates are as follows: Parent/Teacher Conferences: October 22nd 26th. You can expect to receive your students beginning of the year assessment results, as well as an update on their current classroom performance. 1st Trimester Grade Report: Report cards will be sent home November 9th Parent/Teacher Conferences: February 11th 15th 2nd Trimester Grade Report: Report cards will be sent home on March 15th 3rd Trimester Grade Report: Report cards for all students will be sent home on May 30th.

At Monroe, we believe that assessment is the key that drives instruction. We implement all standardized assessments mandated by the district and the state, as well as daily and on-going informal assessment that allow us to further monitor your childs progress. K Reading Inventory DRA2 = Kind 3rd grade Acuity = 3rd 5th grade Writing Assessment Math Assessment Aimsweb = Kind 1st grade MCAP = 2nd grade Acuity = 3rd - 5th TCAP Reading/ Writing TCAP Math TCAP Science CELA testing x x x 1st x X X 2nd x x x 3rd x x x 4th x x x 5th x x x 3 times per year 3 times per year 2 times per year (K-2) 3 times per year Once Yearly Once Yearly Once Yearly Once

x x x 12 X x x

x x x

x x x x

English as Second Language Yearly Only *The TCAP testing window is as follows: 3rd Grade: Reading-February 27-28 Grade 3, 4, 5: Reading, Writing, Math, & Science (5th grade only) - March 11 22

BREAKFAST AND LUNCH The Thompson School District participates in the National School Lunch Program. With the help of the program, we are able to offer nutritious, wellbalanced lunches at all elementary school locations. We also offer a Universal Breakfast Program, free to all students when they enter their classrooms each morning. Each breakfast and lunch menu is planned by our food service staff. We try to take into consideration menu choice popularity by the students and also provide variety and occasional introductions of new menu choices. Our menus are planned using the ChooseMyPlate ( concept as a general guide for choosing a healthy diet. Portion sizes vary according to the age and grade level to better meet the nutritional needs of our students. Cost: Elementary School $2.50 Reduced K-2nd FREE Reduced 3rd-5th $0.40 FREE FREE Milk $0.50 The Free and Reduced Price School Meals Application is available from your school office or by contacting Nutrition Services,2890 North Monroe Avenue, Loveland, CO 80538 (970) 613-5117. Meal Accounts: Meals can be paid for in three ways: online at prepay by check cash daily A note will be sent home when the students accounts get low.


SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Elementary Schools Some of our most important rules, which have been established to prevent behavior that could be dangerous to life, safety and comfort, follow. Please talk with your student(s) about these rules. It is important they understand that to continue riding the bus, these rules need to be followed. WAITING AT THE BUS STOP: Arrive on time, but not too early (five minutes before scheduled time). Students arriving too early are unsupervised. It is always wise to wait at home. Stay off private property. Nearby homes and yards are not part of the bus stop. Do not play or stand in the street. Remember, no matter how late the bus is, all stops will be made. Sometimes, buses may be late because of mechanical failure or weather. SAFETY RULES FOR BUS RIDERS Line up for the bus while you are waiting for the bus. ALWAYS stay out of the street. Listen and do what the bus driver says. Stay sitting in the same seat on the bus. Keep your head and hands inside the bus. Use a soft voice on the bus. Wait until the bus stops before you stand up. IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS

Main Number



Contact Information: If you have a change of address, phone number or emergency contact person please notify the school secretary. If someone other than the parent/guardian is to pick up your child from school be sure to send a note to the teacher or office. Unless the school is informed ahead of time, students may leave the school grounds only with those persons listed on the emergency card. This is for your childs safety. School Closing/Late Start Communication: If the school schedule is changed for inclement weather, emergency or other situation, announcements will be made on the following: Thompson School District website at Thompson School District School Closure Line at 613-6788 Thompson School District Transportation Hotline at 613-5192 local television and radio stations KHPN (1570 AM) KIIX (1410 AM) KUSA Channel 9 KOA (85 AM) KLMO (1060 AM) KMGH Channel 7 KCOL (600 AM) KTRR TRI 102 (102.5 FM) KCNC Channel 4 Late Start: The superintendent may announce a late start schedule for opening of schools if weather or other emergency conditions are severe, but not serious enough to close schools. If a decision to start schools late is made, it will be announced no later than 5:30 a.m. In the Thompson School District a late start means that all bus routes and school starting times will be delayed by 90 minutes: all bus routes will be run as usual only 90 minutes later; all school start times will be delayed 90 minutes, including morning preschool programs; an When the district is on a late start schedule, all schools will be dismissed at normal times and all afterschool bus routes will be run in the normal order and at 15

the normal times. Cold Weather Procedure: When the weather is particularly cold or wet, the school will open a space. Elementary School Parties: In an effort to be fair to each child and to ensure that there is no pressure or expectation that would make individual students feel uncomfortable, guidelines have been established regarding parties at school class: there shall be no individual birthday parties at school; no more than three parties shall be given on school time during the year in any grade K-5; the times and dates of these parties shall be mutually agreeable to the school and the sponsors

Discipline System Definitions
Increasing Intensity of Problem Behavior MINOR

Student annoys or makes fun of another in a hurtful way.

Bullying/ Harassment

Bullying is one-sided, intentional and repeated. Someone purposely hurts, frightens, or threatens someone else. Someone purposely leaves out, ridicules, spreads rumors, or makes offensive comments to someone else. Fighting: Actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (i.e., hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, etc.) intending to hurt another. Verbal messages that include swearing and/or name calling in a racial, discriminating or demeaning way. Student deliberately impairs the usefulness or damages property. Continued willful disobedience or refusal to follow staff redirection.

Physical Contact/Play Fighting

Inappropriate Language

Physical Contact: non-serious, but inappropriate physical contact Play Fighting: Actions where students are pretending to fight or mimicking fighting actions (see description of fighting across) Verbal messages that use words in an inappropriate way Improper use of school equipment/or property. Behavior causing an interruption in a class or activity. Disruption includes sustained loud talk, yelling, or screaming; noise with materials; horseplay or roughhousing; and/or sustained out-of-seat behavior.

Fighting/Physical Aggression

Abusive Language

Equipment Misuse Discourteous/Disruptive

Damaged School Property Defiance/ Non-Compliance


Dishonest (truth misrepresentation)

Student stretches the truth (consider what is developmentally inappropriate).


Lying: Student delivers a message that is untrue Cheating: Student dishonestly uses anothers work to complete their own Stealing: Student takes an item (from another person or place) that is not their own Student has accumulated 3 minors within a quarter. Minors are attached. Student is using or possessing alcohol or drugs or tobacco

Other Minors
Chronic Class Tardiness
Student is tardy to class more than 4 times in a quarter.

Other Majors
Accumulation of 3 Minors Use/Possession of Alcohol/ Drugs /Tobacco


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