Oct Newsletter

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Kinder Prep News

Oc,tober News
are already a rtonfh in - ahd if has been such a joy to feach your children! ThanF you so rrruch for the opporfunity. They are amazing students and cre doing such a greatjob!

l'leeF 1 l'lon. -Veggie

Stravs Wed. - Carrofs Fri. - PB Crccfrs



2 - AnirtalCracFers Wed. - Cucunbers Fri. - Apple Stt'qtrs


This month ve trillbe talFing qbout bats arrd tearning how they use echolocation to find prey' as wettqs, theit'sehse of strrell to firrd fheir babies. We will also be discussing fire safety and fit'e prevention. This is a veny irrportant topic thaf I hope you vill relnforce at home. Then ve witltqove on fo lecl'ning abouf putapFins while usirrg our Flve Senses for exploratlon. Lsten in the t'ronth ve tclF about pets - how fun!. Lcstly we villdo read sone "spoolcy" stonies cnd have sotrre coordinatirrg activities. We wiltatso celebrste l-lalloveen vith some fun ganes ard crsffs. If should be an arrazing rronth!


CrccFens Wed. -Apptesauos Fri. - PurnpFin Huffins


- Grahart CrscFers
- Yogurt



- Wheat Thins

l'lon. - Bananqs Wed. - l'lclloveen - Color SnacF Ft'i. - Pt'efzels

Irnportont Dotes
Ftonday, Octoben 8 -There is No School in observqnce of At renican lrrdian Day. I.Je tlill malce up the class on Tuesday, Octobet'9. Wednesdcy, October $1 is blacF/Orange Shov-N-Tell DaJ. l'lave your chitd cot're dressed in blacF ahd/or orqnge, shqre sot'rething blacF ard/or orarlge, and tre will have a blacF/orcnge snqcF as welMf you nould be witting to bring in q snqcF on that

Oc-tober Skills
In our Lifer.acy/Letfer Time,I villbe introducirrg the letters Hh, Tf,Ii, and W.

day please lef

t're Fnor,r.

Odds ond Ends

In the t'larrdvritirrg Without Tears progran the children qre insfructed to stsrt their letters at the top. When they tnalce c stroFe and need to go bacF to fhe fop, we call that a "frog jump." In the letter forrtEtion informqfion papet'I gave you af the Open llouse you will find fhe correct sequehce chd ferrtinology to use vhen hetpirrg your child form fheir lettet's. Ptease use fhis infornstion to help your child pracfice nriting thein ncme. I vill be sendirrg horre sotqe narre practice papers this trronth. Ptease also help to reinforce that our nqnes only have one capital- qt the beginning.

tirn each day tatFing about

these lettet s t rclce

the sounds qs vrell cs hov we forn fhen.

This t ronth in the llath Center, students vill be sfarting to vrife nunerals 1'4 using the chclFboards and practice Papers. We villalso be vorFirrg on cohnecfirrg these nurterals to quantities. This tqonth's charscter educafion topic is differences. Please help to reinforce the itapot'fance of qccepting differences in others vith your chlld.

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