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Tina Barney

What we analyzed about her work in general

Barney sets her subjects in an surrounding environment where they dont stand out much. The photographs dont seem that staged. She tries to make the subjects seem natural with an ar?s?c element. She inten?onally tries to catch her subjects o guard to liA the mask that some might portray if staged. They seem based on social or public events.

What we analyzed about this photograph

The body language between the three subjects in the photograph tell us a lot about the story behind this image or the situa?on. The soA tones in colour used in the photograph is a stark contrast to the heightened atmosphere of the story we are seeing in the image. The use of natural ligh?ng in photograph lls the room and works well with the soA tones of colour in the photograph The way the camera is posi?oned feels intrusive However, the window is open maybe others can hear the argument. The window can be a metaphor that the boy wants to escape out of the house through the window.

What we analyzed about this photograph

The boy is giving o quite a strong emo?onal body language and there is an intense central stare on the subject from the man on the leA and the woman on the right. However, we believe the woman is not the mother because of her distance from the boy which is portrayed through her gestures and facial expressions. The boys gestures suggest this conversa?on they are having in the image is a scenario that has been had before, he looks fed up of hearing the same story. The boy is the main focus in the image, purely because his body language is stronger than the other subjects in the image, this leads us to believe the story behind the photograph is down to him. The gentleman in the image is one of the only sec?ons out of focus. Maybe this leads the viewer to think that he isnt a member of this family but an outsider.

The colours in the image are monochroma?c meaning they are all very similar colours. It makes you think more about the context of the image because the feeling is not given o straight from the colours. We get the feeling that the boy is looking for a way out although the window is open the woman is blocking that escape and the gentleman is blocking the other door so the boy is cornered and there is no way out. The argument is over the parents wan?ng him to be how they want him to as appose to what he wants to be himself. The portrait behind the boy suggests that it could be himself but at a younger age. The camera becomes another subject that is blocking his need to escape the awkward situa?on. We guess that the situa?on is awkward by the way the boy is standing. The POV of the camera is of us the audience and since we are part of the society it makes it more dicult for the main subject as were suppor?ng the parents as well.

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