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Aboard a plane, before takeoff. SFX: Sound of an aircraft, as well as plain elevator music.

Anjali: (Nervous) Hi Im the window seat. Arnab: (Mumbling) Anjali: Excuse me, uncle? Arnab: (slowly moving) Yes, yes Im getting up. SFX: Sounds of shuffling and shifting. Anjali: Sorry, I guess I should have been a little earlier. Arnab: Ha-umm, mmm. Arnab falls back into his zone out. SFX: Airhostess walking past. Anjali: (Heavy breathing) Um, excuse me, miss. Ah, Excuse me! Ohh...Excuse me. SFX: Louder sounds of airhostesses. Anjali: Umm...EXCUSE ME! Airhostess: Yes Maam, please dont scream! Anjali: Im sorry this is my first flight, I was just wondering if you can get me some water. I think I left my bottle in the airport. Airhostess: (tersely) Sure maam. That shouldnt be a problem. Anjali: Thank you! (Under her breath) Bitch. Anjali is breathing heavily. Arnab: Mm-hmm, Have we left yet? Anjali: Not yet, uncle. Arnab: Aing? Who are you calling uncle? Im only 65 you know! Anjali: Huhn? Umm...(too nervous) yes youre right. Arnab: Haan? I cant hear too well you know. Anjali: (Under her breath) All the better. Arnab: I heard that! Anjali: Sorry Uncle, its just-

Arnab: Im not your uncle! Call me Sargeant. Anjali: Okay, SargeArnab: Actually call me Captain, yes captain is definitely cooler. Anjali: Cooler? Wait are youArnab: What? Whats wrong? its more fun that way. What should I call you by the way? Anjali: Umm, Anjali is fine. Arnab: Is that your real name? Anjali: Umm yes? Arnab: (under his breath) How boring. Anjali: (incredulous) I heard that! Airhostess arrives. Airhostess: Heres your water maam. Anjali: Thank you. SFX: Zip of her handbag opens, and pop of a medicine box, pills shaking. Arnab: Youre quite old! Anjali: Excuse me? Arnab: Why so jittery? Maiden voyage? Anjali: Yes. Arnab: Ahh I see. You know when I used to fly planesAnjali: You used to fly? Really? Arnab: Of course! You knowSFX: Airhostess demonstrating the safety procedures. Arnab: Look at those girls, what do you think? Too much make-up? Otherwise quite pretty! Anjali: Whats wrong with you? They are like half your age! A third even! Arnab: Really? I didnt even notice! Though if we were to genuinely fall in loveAnjali: Youre letching at them! Arnab: Im just making an observation. You know girls like to gossip about others!

Anjali: And now youre stereotyping! Arnab: Tell me you didnt think she was being a bitch when you asked for water! Anjali: Shhh! (Whispering) what are you talking about? She was just frustrated yknow? Besides you were sleeping! How do you know? Arnab: Sleeping? Me? Please, I was listening to my iPod. I saw everything. Anjali: (incredulous) Your iPod? Arnab: What you dont have one? Captain: This is your captain speaking! Good morning everyone, were just waiting for clearance to take off, which should be any second now. Skies are slightly cloudy, might run into a little turbulence, but nothing to worry about. Expected time of arrival should be 1500 hours, give or take 20 minutes depending on the skies. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy your flight aboard Air India. Arnab: I love this band. Whats your name by the way? Anjali: I dont believe this. Anjali, remember? Captain: Cabin Crew, arm all doors. Thank you. SFX: Sounds of engines increase. Anjali: Oh my god, this is it. Arnab: Eesh! Your hands are trembling. Have you ever heard the Blue Oyster Cult? Anjali: What? No! Arnab: Well, basically it was band that referenced this cult that apparently spoke of aliens that descended onto earth for every moment in history that required a more than divine intervention, and that they orchestrated the greatest moments in time for mankind! SFX: Sound effects are growing louder. Anjali: What makes you think that that would interest me? Arnab: Dont you find that interesting, that an external effect caused the most pertinent moments in history? Anjali: Im a history major, and no I cant believe that even if I wanted to. Arnab: Sigh, no imagination. Anjali: Excuse me? Arnab: (mocking her) Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me! Do you know how many minutes of your life you could save not repeating that to me? Anjali: Wha-

Arnab: Oh leave it. I never know what to do with you senior people. Anjali: (starts laughing) Youre-youre incorrigible! Arnab: Really? I didnt even notice! And why thank you! Youre name was? Anjali: Anjali? Dont you remember, captain? Arnab: Remember captain? Whos that? Anjali: Arent you? Arnab: I have no idea what you are talking about! SFX: The fasten seatbelt signs are off. Captain: Ladies and gentleman, we are clear with the takeoff, and the fasten seatbelt signs are now off, however we recommend that you keep them on...(trails off) Arnab: Ah perfect, the lights off. I must release this poisonous fuel in my body! SFX: Click of the seatbelt latch, gets up and leaves. Shweta: Excuse me miss? Is he bothering you? Anjali: Umm, wellShweta: If he is Im terribly sorry, hes my father and hes suffering from the first stages of Alzheimers. Its such a shame, hes a great man... Anjali: Oh, Im sorry. Shweta: Its fine, he used to be a fantastic pilot, for this very airline. Anjali: Really? That sounds, amazing. Shweta: Yeah if you could just handle it for this flightAnjali: Its fine, really. Shweta: Thank you so much dear. I would have come earlier; its just that I hate flying, and those takeoffs. So much turbulence! Anjali: Really? (smiles) I didnt even notice.

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