Struggle of Cansel Malatyalı

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Struggle of Cansel Malatyal


I continue to resist with an indefinite hunger strike on the 208th day of my resistance (14 September)! * I was taken under custody twice in 20 hours with the orders of Chamber of Civil Engineers (IMO) on the 207th day of my resistance. * My resistance tent and my belongings were pillaged. * A unique wall of shame was constructed in front of IMO building in order to prevent me from opening my tent. * More than 10 security guards were employed in order to make pressure and intervene. * The employees of the Chamber are being threatened with getting fired, just because they said "hello" to me. * They forced the other chambers and confederations to make press declarations with lies, slanders and demagogies, without their presidents even knowing this. * IMO administration is carrying out a black propaganda against me. I am sick and tired of their lies which say that I am offered a job but I rejected it. * IMO and the torturer policemen of AKP government, so far, has taken me under custody 6 times together with my brothers and sisters, husband, son and the revolutionaries who supported me. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! I WON'T KNEEL IN FRONT OF THE OPPRESSORS!


Struggle of Cansel Malatyal

Hello, I am Cansel Malatyal. I am a worker, married and mother of two children. Four and a half years ago I started working in the Central Office of the Chamber of Civil Engineers (CCE). I was working as a janitor and I was serving tea for the CCE staff as well. I always arrived at the workplace even before the working hours started and I have been working devotedly. But despite that, on January 31st, 2012 I was given a piece of paper which states that I was fired by the decision of the Board of Chamber because of my poor performance. I didnt keep silent in the face of the injustice. Thanks to the support given by my labour union, my family and my friends, I am in a sit-in since February 20th 2012 until today. In the first two months I carried out the sit-in from the morning until the evening. Now after two months, I am sitting in round the clock. My demand is to continue working. Until today, my resistance has been the subject of tens of newspapers, journals and web sites news and columns. I have participated to newscasts in 4 different TV channels. Many representatives of the unions, associations and democratic mass organizations visited my resistance tent. I have collected almost 1500 signatures for my demand to return to my work. My labour union and the circles that have been supporting me made several press declarations in front of CCE. Although thousands of people heard my voice, the managers of CCE turned a deaf ear to my words and attempted to blacken my sit-in to crush my resistance. First they issued a statement, in which they claimed that I had rejected their work proposals and that my purpose had been to sling mud to the chamber. I was told to abandon the resistance before the General Assembly of CCE Ankara Branch is held and they said that only then I could be employed again. When the representatives of my labour union proposed to sign an employment contract, CCE rejected this. Afterwards, my labour union, TezKoop-, issued a press statement that refuted the statements of CCE.

What I have experienced in the previous week shows the extent of intolerance towards my resistance. The director of the central office, Zber Akgl had his car driven upon me and upon the supporters of my resistance. In this incident my brother was almost crashed by the car and we were attacked by the guards and some employees. After this incident which was also shown in the TV newscasts, the police forces, who didnt intervene in my resistance, started to attack against it. I was forcibly taken under custody three times, my tent was confiscated and I was fined because of polluting the environment(!). I erected my tent again after every attack and carried on my resistance without interruption. It is clear that such kinds of events are harming the CCE, although I dont have such a purpose to do so. Is it acceptable for an organization like CCE, which claims to have a proworker perspective, to mob its employees, to arbitrarily fire them, to drive its cars on its workers who claim their rights, to allow the policemen to intervene against the resisting workers? You should stand by with your chamber and a worker who works for it. This shamefully anti-worker practice should be stopped at once. These are my demands. And I will continue this resistance, which I am willingly and devotedly carrying out since February 20th 2012, until I take my job back. Cansel Malatyal

Mobbing Victim Starts ndefinite Sit-n (20.02.2012)

ANKARA (DHA) The Chamber of Civil Engineers (MO) employee Cansel Malatyal who has been fired after being a victim of mobbing for four and a half years started an indefinite sit-in today in front of her workplace.

Commerce, Cooperative, Education, Office and Fine Arts Workers Union of Turkey (TezKoop ) Ankara Second Branch President Mustafa Barn said that MO fired Malatyal on the grounds of performance incompetency and while a lawsuit filed by the chamber against Malatyal was pending. Malatyal said the lawsuit against her was unlawful and that she encountered countless acts of mobbing which are not on the records. Malatyal is determined to continue her act during working hours until she gets back her job.

Woman Struggle to be Reinstated to Work (13.03.2012)

Tez Koop- Union member Cansel Malatyal has been staging a sit-in for 23 days in Ankara

Tez Koop- Union member Cansel Malatyal has been staging a sit-in for 23 days in Ankara asking to be reinstated to her job. She was dismissed for rejecting the repression of the administration. I want to be a voice and a drop of water in an ocean, says Cansel Malatyal concerning the resistance she has displayed in front of central office of the Chamber of Civil Engineers since her dismissal on 31 January. Malatyal who has been responsible for tea making and cleaning works of the Chamber for the last 4,5 years faced continuous pressures before she was dismissed on the grounds of underperformance. I used to do the work of three persons, says Malatyal denying the Chambers excuse and says the followings; They opened investigations against me in the last one year on the grounds that I didnt do my duty. I refused this allegation which was the last reason they could claim against me. I was dismissed because I objected to the pressures of the administration. At first, manager Zbey Akgl banned me from using the WC. He docked our daily food allowance and forced us to buy our food with our own money. When I therefore reacted to the implementations, the pressure on me increased more and more. He insulted me in the face of all men and forbade me to leave the tea-making room and speak with other workers. They forced me to resign and dismissed me when I didnt, says Malatyal and notes that all other executives of the chamber were aware of the pressure put on her. Union members were also dismissed from other Chambers, like that of Architects, Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Geological Engineers and Food Engineers, adds Malatyal. After asking for support from unions and professional chambers, Cansel Malatyal started a resistance in front of the building at the 19th day after her dismissal. She has continued the

sit-in from 08.30 in the morning till 19.00 in the evening every day for the last 23 days, regardless of severe winter conditions. Following the meeting between the Union and Chamber President Ali Ekber akar in the first days of her act, akar agreed to hire me back on conditions that I would end my resistance, said Malatyal. Concerning the attitude of Chamber workers towards her, Malatyal says that; They remain silent and dont give me support because of the pressure put on them by the Chambers administration. When asked Isnt it difficult to resist alone? Malatyal points out to young people who stand by her during her resistance and says that; I am not alone here as I am supported by different institutions like Revolutionary Workers Movement, vme, Kzlbayrak and Alnteri magazines. On the other hand, Cansel Malatyal has refused all job applications she has received since the beginning of her protest act and explains the reason as follows; I was dismissed from my work in a dishonorable way and I therefore demand a work here, not in another place. I want to get back to my work with my honor. Malatyal, knowing that her resistance will last for a long time, expresses her determination about not giving up her protest. D.F. - ANF / ANKARA

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