Id Objectives

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Student Name: Dana Fredwell GOAL: Learners will create a personal narrative that includes an introductory sentence, three-four

detail sentences, and a conclusion sentence. 1.0 During the first week of online instructional time students will prewrite (brainstorm) using a graphic organizer. 1.1 Students will open a saved and shared graphic organizer to organize information.

1.2 Students will brainstorm a personal problem or dilemma. 1.2.1 Students will brainstorm the solution or moral.

1.3 Students will add at least three details to their graphic organizer. 1.3.1 Students will brainstorm actions and events that relate to their details.

1.4 Students will brainstorm descriptions of their events. 1.4.1 Students will brainstorm descriptive words that describe their senses (hear, feel, touch, taste, see).

2.0 During online instruction students will compose a rough draft that includes an introductory sentence describing the main idea, at least three detail sentences, and a conclusion sentence. 2.1 Students will use their graphic organizer to write an attention grabbing introductory sentence.

2.2 Students will include their main idea in their document. 2.2.1 Students will use their prewrite to determine their problem or dilemma.

2.3 Students will add at least three supporting details that support their main idea. 2.3.1 Students will write three events that lead to the solution or moral of their problem or dilemma.

2.4 Students will use their graphic organizer to write a conclusion sentence. 2.4.1 Students will describe how they solved their problem or dilemma and write about how it changed them.

3.0 Students will edit their own document and their peers to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure with 100% accuracy.

3.1 Students will use spellcheck, and peers to edit their document for spelling errors. 3.1.1 Students will edit at least three of their peers documents for spelling errors.

3.2 Students will edit their documents by reading them out loud using appropriate pauses and expression related to the punctuation, then fixing their document with 100% accuracy. 3.2.1 Students will share their document with their peers and listen to them read it aloud listening for appropriate pauses and expression. 3.2.2 Students will read at least three peers documents out loud using appropriate pauses and expression as it relates to the punctuation used. 3.2.3 Students will give constructive feedback to help the writer make adjustments to their document.

3.3 Students will use grammatically correct sentences 100% of the time in their document. 3.3.1 Students will read their document out loud to their peers the exact way it is written and ask their peers if it sounds like a conversation.

3.3.2 Students will share their document digitally and their peers will read it aloud and make suggestions and changes using a different color font.

3.4 Students will analyze their sentences so that there are no runons and sentences with the same subject are combined correctly. 3.4.1 Students will read their document aloud to ensure that they can take a breath in the appropriate places correcting any run-on sentences. 3.4.2 Students will combine sentences that can be combined to create compound sentences.

4.0 Students will make revisions to their writing using a thesaurus, and adding descriptions to add interest for the author. 4.1 Students will look for over used words in their document. They will use an online thesaurus to make changes. 4.1.1 Students will use the thesaurus to find replacement words to make their writing more exciting for their audience.

4.2 Students will use descriptions in their writing so the audience can paint a picture in their mind. 4.2.1 Students will use descriptive words describing what they see, feel, hear, taste, and smell to help their audience paint a picture in their minds.

5.0 Students will write a clean final copy that is 100% free from errors.

5.1 Students will share their final copy for one last edit from an upper classmen (5th grader), to ensure it is 100% free of errors.

5.2 Students will make any changes to their writing before submitting it to the instructor.

5.3 Students will share their document with the instructor for final approval.

6.0 Students will publish their perfect final copy to the class blog for the world to see.

6.1 Students will add a personal picture to their document. 6.1.1 Students will use the classroom camera to take a picture that represents their personal narrative. 6.1.2 Students will use the insert picture option to insert a picture into their document, accessing the Dropbox shared folder to find their picture.

6.2 Students will share their published personal narrative with the world. 6.2.1 Students will sign on to our Google Site and upload their file.

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