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Spanish-American War

The American battleship, USS Maine, exploded and sank under mysterious circumstances in a harbor at Havana,Cuba on February 15, 1898. April 25, 1898 = America declared war on Spain. Theodore Roosevelt, the Secretary of the Navy, ordered Commodore George Dewey, commander of the U.S. Asiatic fleet, to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippine. Dewey fought and defeated the Spanish fleet under General Patrocinio Montojo in the Battle of Manila Bay on May 1, 1898. returned Aguinaldo from His exile in Hongkong

- cleary indicated the intention of the United States to exercise her sovereignty over the entire Philippines. This means that the Philippines would be a colony of the United States. -the proclamation also ordered the American Military commanders in the Philippines to extend American sovereignty over the entire archipelago by FORCE.

Philippine-American War
-known as the Philippine Insurrection" -a nationalist revolt led by Emilio Aguinaldo in 1899 against American War. -This revolt was a direct result of the invasion of the U.S. into the Philippine. -Fighting broke out on February 4, 1899 when American Private Willie W. Grayson shot a Filipino soldier on Balsahan Bridge in San Juan del Monte. The Filipinos answered with rifle fire and the Filipino- American war was on. -American commander, General Elwell Otis, ordered an alloutattack against the Filipino troops. -Emilio Aguinaldo, the leader of the Filipino independence movement, felt especially betrayed. His betrayal ran deep within him, not only because he liked to be called "the George Washington of the Philippines BUT..he had helped the Americans to fight the Spanish and now the Americans were fighting against him. For three years General Aquinaldo and his troops fought a brutal war against the military government that the U.S. had installed. THE BATES TREATY -General John C. Bates tried to win the friendship of the Muslims by negotiating with them on the basis of equality. -August 20, 1899, an agreement was signed by Gen. Bates, representing the United States, and the Sultan of Jolo and his datus, representing the Sulu Sultanate. -it provided that the "Sovereignty of the United States over the whole archipelago of Jolo and its dependences is declared acknowledge" and that "the rights and dignities

-General Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed Philippine Independence from Spanish rule in Kawit, Caviteon June 12, 1898.

Treaty of Paris
-signed on December 10, 1898; ending the SpanishAmerican War. Ceding Spanish Colonies Including Puerto Rico, Guam and Philippines to America for 20 million dollars. BEFORE SIGNING THE TREATY OF PARIS: -President McKinley did not know what to do with the Philippines. He was surrounded by men constituted pressure groups who were for making the Philippines an American colony. 1. the American business interests who wanted the Philippines not only as a market for American products, but also as a stepping stone to Asia's market. 2. the military and naval pressure group who wanted the Philippines as a base for American ships and as a first line of defense. 3. the religious pressure group who wanted the Philippines as a base for Protestant missionaries. AFTER SIGNING THE TREATY OF PARIS: President McKinley issued ASSIMILATION" Proclamation. the "BENEVOLENT

-anounced the American policy regarding the Philippines.

of His Highness the Sultan and his datus shall be fully respected." BATTLE OF PASONG TIRAD -Aguinaldo trusted general, Gregorio del Pilar, and his loyal sixty soldiers to remain behind. -The purpose was to intercept the Americans who were following Aguinaldo's route. -December 2, 1899, American troops under Major March proceeded against del Pilar. Americans were forced to retreat. -The Igorot guided the Americans to the secret trail. The americans slowly and quietly went up the trail and surprised del Pilar and his men. END OF REVOLUTION THE REVOLUTION WAS EFFECTIVELY ENDED WITH THE CAPTURE OF AGUINALDO BY GENERAL FREDERICK FUNSTON AT PALANAN, ISABELA ON MARCH 23, 1901 AND WAS BROUGHT TO MANILA WHERE ON APRIL 1, 1901, HE TOOK AN OATH OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. IN A PROCLAMATION OF APRIL 19, HE APPEALED TO THE FILIPINO PEOPLE TO ACCEPT THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE UNITED STATES. CASUALTIES OF WAR SOME 126,000 AMERICAN SOLDIERS WOULD BE COMMITED TO THE CONFLICT; 4,234 AMERICAN AND 16,000 FILIPINO SOLDIERS, PART OF A NATIONWIDE GUERILLA MOVEMENT OF INDETERMINATE NUMBER, DIED. ESTIMATES ON CIVILIAN DEATHS DURING WAR RANGE BETWEEN 250,000 AND 1,000,000 LARGELY DIED BECAUSE OF FAMINE AND DISEASES. THE SCHURMAN COMMISSION OF MARCH 1899: -investigated the condition of the country interviewed the illustrados. and

2. self-government shall be given to the Filipinos compatible with the maintenance of order and with a wise, just and economical administration of public affairs; 3. protection of the civil rights of the Filipinos; 4. the promotion of the welfare of the Filipinos. TAFT COMMISSION 1900: -to establish a government for the Filipinos and that the steps toward attaining this goal should be in accordance with the customs and traditions of the people. -an organizing commission having William Howard Taft as its chairman. THE CIVIL GOVERNMENT -Senator John Spooner of Wisconsin inserted an amendment in the appropriations act which authorized the President of the US to establish civil government in the Philippines. -July 4, 1901, the civil government was inaugurated with William Howard Taft as the first civil governor, the chairman of the Philippine Commission. He exercised legislative powers. TAFT'S POLICY: -Filipino guerrillas were forced to surrender. -funds of P6,000,000 to help Filipinos start a new life. -purchased the friar lands of 410,000 acres and had them resold to tenants on easy instalment plan. -->"the Philippines for the Filipino" policy. -February 1903, announced that Americans and foreigners should leave the Philippines at once if they "found fault with the way the government was being run." THE PHILIPPINE BILL OF 1902 -Cooper Law/ Philippine Act of 1902. -this law approved all the acts of the President of the US relative to the Philippines.

PRINCIPLES UPON WHICH AMERICAN RULE WOULD BASE: 1. the enforcement of American sovereignty over the entire Philippines;

-provided the bill of rights which guaranteed to Filipinos the right of free speech, free press, and freedom to petition for the redress of grievances. -Dept. of Commerce and Police, Dept. of Interior, Dept. of Finance and Justice, Dept. Public Instruction. -Filipinos were given the right to sent two representatives, known as resident commissioners, to the US congress to represent Philippines. -Filipinos could establish a Philippine Assembly two years after peace and order had been proclaimed throughout the Philippines by the President of the US. POLITICAL PARTIES -FEDERAL PARTY by Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera. Its platform was based on making the Philippines a state of the US. This is later named as Progresista Party. -was opposed by the Nacionalista Party (1901), Liberal Party (1902), and the Democrata Party (1902). -1907, two political parties favoring independence merged and became the second Nationalista Party. It was led by Sergio Osmena of Cebu and Manuel L. Quezon of Tayabas. ELECTION OF JULY 30, 1907 -NACIONALISTA PARTY WON 59 SEATS. THE PROGRESTISTA PARTY WON ONLY 16 SEATS, WHILE THE INDEPENDENCE WON 5 SEATS. FIRST PHILIPPINE ASSEMBLY -Sergio Osmena, then only 29 years old, was elected speaker. -Manuel L. Quezon was elected Majority Floor leader. 2 divisions of the law making body of the Philippines: upper house: composed mostly of Americans lower house or Assembly: composed exclusively of Filipinos.

With the founding of political parties, however, they began to discern the American political patter: issue was outlined, platforms were laboriously prepared, speeches were delivered and political chest funds accumulated. Expenses of candidates soared; the electors tasting for the first time the power of the ballot, began to think in terms of personality and personal welfare. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Direct result of free trade relations, or the operation of preferential tariff arrangements, between the US and the Philippines. Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act of 1909 -all Philippine exports, except rice, were allowed to enter American markets free of duty within certain quota limits. Simmons-Underwood Tariff Act in 1913 -which abolished the quota limitations on Philippine export products like hemp, sugar, and tobacco.

RELIGION -Protestantism then arrived which was the religious belief of the Americans. -On the other hand America in return also adopted Roman Catholic Christianity after the American invasion in the Philippines on July 4, 1946. -At the same time, missionaries of the Jehovah's Witnesses arrived in the Philippine during the American Occupation (1898-1945). For this reason Jehovahs Witnesses Religion was also adopted in the Philippines. SYSTEM OF EDUCATION The Americans spread their culture, particularly the English language to the Filipinos. The Filipinos are given the chance to built public schools. They also send American teachers in the Philippines. There were three levels of education during the American period. The "elementary" level consisted of four primary years and 3 intermediate years. The "secondary" or high school level consisted of four years; and the third was the "college" or tertiary level.

After the creation of a bicameral legislature in 1916, Philippine politics followed the American groove. The electors hitherto innocent began to be corrupted by politics.

TRANSPORTATION Several transportations have been influenced by the Americans in the Philippines, such us the submarine, carretelas, railways, ancient bull carts, cars etc. SOCIAL STRUCTURE Rich- This term is applied to a wide array of elite groups existing in the United States. Middle class-is an ambiguously defined social class in the united states. While the concept remains largely ambiguous in popular opinion and common language use, contemporary sociologists have put forward several, more or less congruent, theories on the middle class. Poor- This measure recognizes poverty as a lack of those goods and services commonly taken for granted by members of mainstream society. Policy of Independence Wood-Forbes Mission (enemies of Independence) 1921, fact-finding commission sent to the Philippines by newly elected U.S. president Warren Harding in March 1921, which concluded that Filipinos were not yet ready for independence from the United States. Leonard Wood and W. Cameron Forbes. The two reported in October 1921 that the islands were not prepared for independence and that many educated Filipinos wished to remain under American tutelage. Lack of sufficient resources Philippine economy is still dependent with the economy of the United States There are still many graft and corruption in the government Philippines is not yet ready to defend itself from other aggressors Problems in taxation and revenues; maldistribution of lands or agrarian and social problems Jones Law Granting of Independence to the Philippines The Hare Hawes Cutting Law

-Hare Hawes Cutting Act (1933), the first law setting a specific date for Philippine independence from the United States. It was passed by Congress as a result of pressure from two sources: 1. American farmers, who, during the Great Depression, feared competition from Filipino sugar and coconut oils; 2. Filipino leaders, who were eager to run their own government. Tydings Mcduffie Law -The Philippine Independence Act. An act to provide for the complete independence of the Philippine Islands, to provide for the adoption of a constitution and a form of government for the islands, and for other purposes. Other effects of the American period Use of Mr. and Ms. Being Frank, Broadminded, Humor and Sportsmanship Equality brothers, sisters Kissing the hands, mano po Family Prayers Women freedom, no chaperons, work, sports and education Health English names English Literature Streets, plazas, hotels, hospitals, movie houses, banks, restaurants, stores, commercial firms, bridges, schools and colleges- English names Newspaper- Manila Daily Bulletin Elevators, aircon, columns- Corinthian, Doric, Ionic, Graeco, Roman, Gothic and Byzantine American Song hits and dance Physical Education Ballroom Dancing Philippine Heroes National Heroes Day, Bonifacio and Rizal Day, Valentines Day Christmas Tree, Christmas Lights, Cards and Halloween Party

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