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John Balkam Professor Holtom

MGMT 299: Leadership 9/26/12 Warm Clothing Drive at the McKenna Center

Background Two communities that have helped me to grow and become the person I am today are Georgetown University and Gonzaga College High School. They are both Jesuit schools in the District of Columbia, and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to call these places home. This project will be a chance to bring these two communities together to help those in need in the nations capital. I plan on running a warm clothing drive at Georgetown and Gonzaga, with the clothes to be donated to the Father Horace McKenna Center at Gonzaga. The McKenna Center is located in the basement of St. Alyosius, and serves as a mens drop-in center, soup kitchen, and is also a hypothermia center in the bitter-cold months of the winter. As we approach the fall and winter, there is a great need for warm clothing for the poor and homeless of the District, and the McKenna Center exists to serve these people. This project has the potential to be highly impactful and rewarding for all involved. Discussion I have taken a number of steps to get this project off the ground including: Contacted the director of the McKenna Center, Tom Howarth to confirm the ability to run the project, discover the needs of the people served, and discuss a possible date for the event in November. Talked to two friends on the faculty at Gonzaga, who will help me spread the word of the drive on campus with students and be resources throughout the process. Inquired with my fellow board members of Hoyas for Troops about co-sponsoring the event and helping to collect the clothing. Planning to visit the daily meeting held for men at the McKenna Center to talk to the men I would be collecting clothes for. Idea is to get a grasp of exactly what they need.

In order to plan, execute, and follow through with this project, a few more actions must be taken. Among them are: Nail down an exact date to hand out clothing at the McKenna Center. Prepare and send out flyers/announcements for the drive. Will state day of event as well as locations to donate clothes, explanation of what type of clothes to donate. Visit Gonzaga to make appearance on morning announcements and/or solicit volunteers for the drive. Also inquire with Gonzaga Mothers and Fathers Club for help. Send out e-blasts to Georgetown and Gonzaga community. Table in red square, leavey, etc. several times between now and event to collect clothes.

Recommendation I have no doubt that this will be a fantastic project. As long as I have some committed people working with me, we can and will make a difference. This is something that I am passionate about being a man for others and giving back to those in the District who are need. Finally, it will bring the Georgetown and Gonzaga communities together in a common cause to serve the poor and homeless of D.C. AMDG For the Greater Glory of God

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