Advertisement Is A Legalized Form of Lying

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Most advertisements and advertisers make totally false and tall claims, which is far from reality and they call it creativity. It is nothing but lying and society hastacitly grown to accept it.If the strict definition of "cheating" is taken, as is commonly defined in most countriesacross the world, then most advertisers and the companies would have to be put behindbars for the offence.

It is not entirely clear what is meant by legalised form of lying. There are lies thatadvertisers cannot legally utter, and then there are exaggerations, poetic overstatements, or misleadingly incomplete information which advertisers can get awaywith. A great many of the statements that advertisers make are not literally true, butthen, they are not expected to be taken literally. Our chocolate is out of this world, it isso delightful that you will forget all your problems and feel like you have gone to heaven.OK, maybe you won't, but then, you didn't really take those claims seriously, did you?In most countries, actually lying in an advertisement is illegal. The art of the sale is notin lying, but in manipulating the truth to make it sound like you actually need a productyou don't.

As defined by Sartre, "bad faith" is lying to oneself. Specifically, it is failing to acknowledge one's own ability to act and determine one's possibilities, falling back on the determinations of the various historical and current totalisations which have produced one as if they relieved one of one's freedom to do so.

A barefaced (or bald-faced) lie is one that is obviously a lie to those hearing it. The phrase comes from 17th-century British usage referring to those without facial hair as being seen as particularly forthright and outwardly honest, and therefore more likely to get away with telling a significant lie. A variation that has been in use almost as long is bold-faced lie, referring to a lie told with a straight and confident face (hence "bold-faced"), usually with the corresponding tone of voice and emphatic body language of one confidently speaking the truth. Boldfaced lie can also refer to misleading or inaccurate newspaper headlines, but this usage appears to be a more recent appropriation of the term.

A lie which attempts to trick the victim into believing something major which will likely be contradicted by some information the victim already possesses, or by their common sense. When the lie is of sufficient magnitude it may succeed, due to the victim's reluctance to believe that an untruth on such a grand scale would indeed be concocted.

A term coined by researchers in Cornell University's Social Media Lab that describes small/innate lies which are usually sent electronically, and are used to terminate conversations or to save face. For example sending an SMS to someone reading "I have to go, the waiter is here" when you are not at a restaurant is an example of a butler lie.


One can state part of the truth out of context, knowing that without complete information, it gives a false impression. Likewise, one can actually state accurate facts, yet deceive with them. To say "Yeah, that's right, I ate all the white chocolate, by myself," utilizing a sarcasm that is a form of assertion by ridiculing the fact(s) implying the liar believes it to be preposterous. ADVERTISING IS ALL GLITTER ANDTRUTH.

The stars prmoting the product most of the time dont take its responsibility moreoverthey not even use the product. Advertisers have to depict what the customers like, enjoy keeping in mind the clientsrequirements. As the products increase and so the ads, glitter is a way to ensure brand recall, avery important factor for the advertising firms. Most of the time compnies over showcase there product qualities which is not fair. There are lot of examples like a person eat a chewgum and become so cool that girlsstart following him or take example of a famous perfume where if guys use thatperfume girls start running behind them all these are totally fake. Advertising is a business and not charity. Companies hire advertisers for theirpromoting their products and it is not vice versa.

Advertising firms carry responsibility of providing customers with unbiasedinformation about products. Ad firms have to develop the ethical content into their processes to ensure fair deals. There are advertisement available which show the notice that it is medically provenor they are having proof.


Advertising gets the consumers close to the products. People are aware of the pros and cons of a product. They can make their own decisions of whats good for them. Creates job opportunities for many people. Advertising is a mean of promoting goods. Since more people become aware, there is more revenue. Advertising on TV is a big relief from the daily tele soaps that have nothing but drama. Advertising plays an important role in passing information such as AIDS, contraception etc. people areaware of health disorders and how to overcome them.

Spending so much on advertising is not called for. Instead of this, money can be spent on other issue like poverty etc. Most of the celebrities that are endorsed dont even use the product. It is simply to mislead the consumer. Most of the children products like games; chocolates are simply to lure children even though the productmay not be healthy. By spending a lot of money, the brand producers are not even bothered whether or not their product is beingsold or not. Most of the times, the advertisements are not even ethical. To promote their product, the advertisement can go against any other product of some other brand.

Most of the times advertisements spend so much of money on flashy videos, images, animation etc without havingthe need to help consumers realize how economical can the product be.

Advertising, to summarize is acceptable. Although, it does not make sense to spend a lot of time and money byendorsing big celebrities, end of the day, what matters is the product not the ambassador.

People, due to curiositymay even try and use the product, however, not for a long time. As long as the consumers are aware of the facts,advertising is fine.

Advertiements are somewhat made to attract the costomers and some time theymight only glitter but some times they are also true. Point:"All that glitters is not gold" but then it could be diamonds or easily affordable Americandiamonds. The choice lies in the hands of the chooser. Advertisements are making people aware of themyriad of choices available to them and sometimes also about the things which could be a necessity.Due to fierce competitions, obviously they sometimes tend to deceive people by adding little flaweddetails. But then consumer is also becoming more aware and has ability to choose cautiously. Point:Against:Intense advertising may influence people's mind to the extent that they prefer only thoseproduct which are being advertised massively and equi potent product is overlooked these techniqueshamper the small and mid scale industries to a large extent.

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