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The Face of Velma

for Kell Robertson

Larry Goodell

Placitas, New Mexico 2012

dedicated to Kell who would appreciate this endeavor as he got a kick out of my work as I did his: his odd magazine photograph sparked The Face of Velma but the demands envisioned at the time of writing proved too great and I went on to other works . . .

a duende book
2012 larry goodell po box 571 placitas, new mexico 2012

The Face of Velma

Kell D. Robertson, Jr. in a letter 25 January 1974

This rare photo of the Goddess Velma was stolen and smuggled out of a Market St. cave by Playboy anthropoligists. The savages call her "honey" and "bitch" and seem to worship her most on full moon nights. Her face has never been seen. The priests say if anyone sees Velma's face they will be struck dead with disbelief.

The Face of Velma


21Dec73 2Jan74 11Jan74 26Jan74 27Jan74 2Feb74

suggestion of items to make as a set to perform these poems all suggested items can be on the collapsible table simple white robe Jesus fan stick cross (painted white) bubble gum candle with bobeche football helmet (crown is optional)

(table can be lifted off legs)

(candle with bobeche) (bubblegum)

(helmet with possible crown, poem text has Eros mag cover)


(put on white robe) perhaps it is said perhaps not in bed it isnt knock out a paper waste to surround it with yr head crumple the newspaper up in yr hand & spread it out the words be pronounced to pronounce be's an awkward station stance poised like a ribbon poised like a dance heavy infantry induced to re-up to madness madness to an insane man bounced around inside the head to sing song sing & sing a bug & dance the Razor Jig perhaps it is said in bed we knock

our hairy heads together to come up with some we burn in the bud and old for the pronounced few up & down in old cranky get-you-there elevators to ring the rub & rub the ring with magic eardrum vexations an organ in the pew to play & play with play with you when you are holy sleeping sing the organ out in pitch (pick up fan with picture of Jesus on it) to round the fan found feinting unfolded from a funeral home I am yr Jesus Lord Jesus eats our Leavened freaks & eats us with his Jesus Jesus eats unleavened freaks & eats his eats his Jesus (pick up stick cross) Jesus eats as eats is Jesus eating beating Jesus eating hotdogs one a thousand eating up the mustard mustard greens turns turds green & eats his grinning Jesus grinning greening groaning Jesus wipes his bare in in time bare booby & booby tits & wipes his aching dime eats & swears he wont get worse & crumples up the paper Jesus seersucker sucks the eat out Jesus duster picks the fan up off the floor & fans his fat bottom bottom bought I a pickled farmer called his asshole Jesus Jesus eats & holds his own & scratches where the nightshirt ends & writes his Xmas song


rubber knees rub her knees wipe her on the Lord hes so fine hell wet in time & knock her on her boards


(take off robe & brown white black womens bathing suit is on over other clothes)

Jesus sees the woman sailor wave the call her waving after my songs have rants rants & pants shes passed out in the Ford oh Gerald yr eyes are jelly you will make a fool for him our master coming in the crack disaster ask her where she fell in soporific hell he eats eden et & bet he cant eat any harder rolls his own & whacks his bone to test her tried & done with Up from the boards the Sailor Wave washes out his navel hair sucks his bones & waves his hair & ties his tongue & done with


Pitches him over knowing hes home too bad to die & gnaw his bone the dogs an eatin hairy fairy farting tulips big & gorgeous as yr lost easter bonnet frills & ugly pills & vomit plastic noodle vacuum cleaners basket waste & carriage coolers bend his moist & burn him out to flap a plastic coat & tie & rubber over IUDs & place them in the sky Roll em laugh in latitudes & brandy peoples equal pie slaughter the cooey doll sisters on 42. perhaps he ate his hat & more than that he ate him more than that he ate his where its at & gat ul cers ulcerous lord fell down on her window shade & went up when she fell down he at a stone too many silly ninny isnt finny fell he face on backfire laughter sought his laughing brother my brother has orange trees.


the leaves all left over copy me Dover New Britain New Mex New Mexico the Sun where horses go my brother has an orange & eats his trees between me & makes her moan & all forgot their deadly darkened brother who apes the whole country city where the roads do stretch I come upon you midnight clear to put the weight where it resounds & let it can you surround & round them up in this locale local yokels only a smudge against he Xmas tree & smudge against the plastic gorge & nose job done in Dallas this 3 foot foot of ground we dance in circles closer without a tree we come one over up from the mound. Pitching woo the wave my life & you.

(take off bathing suit, start chewing bubble gum)



(brown robe possibly, put on football helmet) Perhaps it is always as I say it is always as I say as I say it all is as I say I say I say I say said seen seed screen scene obscene dont kiss me on the mouth a pertinent impertinence you're forcing the force & the Force is by God the Daily Tribune trumpets & Goddamns to Hell with Character

(take it off, put on Jack hat & blow bubble with bubblegum)


we want the other side of trumpets other side of drums other side of the rum bottle other side of the gum I'm stuck to yr table & you stomp back & forth the Giant that Jack Built and I dont like it this isnt a fairy tale this is the tale of the hairy fairy this is fairy Harry's tail a tail to hang yr doorknob on I speak in robes & the sewing machine jams I meet her eyes & the Giant storms around the table bangs on the floor his hairy gum somehow we will gum up the whole organ works jam up his petunia organism his weak trumpet flower his marching organ plastic case hermetically sealed Eros magazines his boot comes off stuck to me I grow inside his leather he hops around the world ranges round bangs tympani drum loose head thun der rain Storm


Kiss me on the Mouth You Back seat Bastard You rumple hoop All your marching bands are armed the same the same trum pets snares cymbals fifes go down the same marching field snapped back by the goalie Stomp out back break down the football field fall into the pocket In the corner there Argyle Butcher shed yr hairy bald pate & lose in laughter high in the organ pussy I arrange on this table I a range on this table out to the mesa & down thru the reservation to the River March there take it off & carry all yr donuts with you stick yr candle thru them & change yr organ band bad bananas fluctuation cream dont tell me take it off when I did that last century


simply follow round the circle where you led me anyway simply follow where the fire & heaven rings circle round the jays stealing dogfood & Taylor Mead reads again the rector in the room squared by his friends rounded by his woman in him croons to the season FEE FI FO FUM I smell yr iridescent gum chewing with the bluing that yr mamaw used to rinse the clothes & everything came out nice & bright you juggler vein you be nice quickie & dine & I die & I unstick yr sewing machine sew away like crazy you hulking football oaf sooner or later when the later's sooner we'll be closer to a dope twitch adverb in other words dont lift yr imaginary skirts when you're out there playing in the dirt you begin with a crash & end with a smash & there aint much time in-between you secret submarine


Ive got yr number on those poles I carry down the field call me water boy ? I'll call you tinker toy & if yr fist ends in my mouth I'll gum it to the sound you'll hear when you're down & sittin with a daisy growing up between your padded legs "oh what is that if I cd only feel it" you can I am the same I was when you felt my vibrant breasts go thru yr system before you washed me down with protein bull semen orange rubbers what every boy has dreamed a night out on the town where you fling yr daisy up the stairs & excesses sexes excesses yr only drawn martini drawn & quartered with the livery stable lying down with the old cow between yr spurts of joy juice the spirit builds the house & the house confines the spirit & Bartok arises thru fusion of pianos to old Hungarian earth peasant Spirit & knocks down the house to build it build it around an already older life tables float slowly to the ground (lower table to the ground exposing stuffed erect prick)


Poem of Ecstacy
(put on white robe, ly down with noticeable hardon) he is very erect over the land which is multimedia below him imagine a prone priest there are no priests inspite of gurus no gurus inspite of priests no priest eaters inspite of themselves no whirling ferbishes soiled white covers soiled green doors soiled great Manongahela raptures on the carpet take up the carpet pile ripped out in round the world yarns pad under ripped out floor wheel whirlers pulled up to the gums (get up) masticating the heap urge wanting the dual functions of sculpture to pile in hazy elbows rimmed chassis whirling mighty hymnal breasts the virgin of the virgin mary oh seduced enraptured Mary mary I marry yr Mary to Mary to Mary merrie a long time men oh women a long time merry merry a while a whirler a long priest an upended priest a priest with no elbows enraptured past guru raped beyond rapture guru grease finger bottoms poked tomorrow lying about the head lying about Viet Nam lying about the propellers on the planes lying about Mary lying about parties lying about removing the faces from the dolls lying about lying about lying about lying lying rinsing the horse sweat from her sleeves lying about what it all comes to POKE PROD lying about lying with her Jesus mother hump fucker poor Anne Anne a lovely Anna enraptured closer to the flame closer closer oh rub me well terminated terminated terminated terminated terminated.


Opening the opening of the hands blowing the flame thru delving into the Sorcery of Medieval times I am a wandering Performer Sorcerer-Strings hanging from my heart, counting back, the Earth rays at the bottom of the Sun the Sun a sunny waste a waste Chicago a Roswell robe a boy from small town in a town much larger smaller entering feudal times & coming out thru History with a- capital letter letting him know that she knows what he knows & building places where she shdnt or safer wdnt wdnt flow down the motorcycle trails wdnt end up with the Father at the Sun's daughter flowing with the noise until there is no question there is any answer it Ing Ching Paradise sliding neath her legs where the warmth is slow & instant instant delivery meets the Stone King & falling down the Sun on the backs of His Rays falling down all day all day falling the blue piercing clouds (open stuffed yoke & opening thru pulling back the curtains & stepping thru & put over head) pulling on the ropes & calling her 'cousin she comes to you fatter & knowledgeable tho the crying shame she's not to blame


living in a small town with a drying up husband following her mother equal to the grave her husband drying under a solid waste dropped from the mouth I swim toward her dive in the dying out her slightly lipsticked lips dying for the right to light in her whip the silly ninnies till their back hard shines whip the Mudheads back caterwauling silly bodies flesh eel strands squeezed from aquariums drying on the shores all come alive when they walk up the mountains follow out the sun & come, for more wisdom I followed & I heard I had a friend & he had a friend who had another friend & she said she wasnt our friend until we dying thru her came back again the men in company the men in friends the men caterwauling out on the limb gave them a hand & followed out the limb (take off) until the dying bud brot him coming back again (put back on) between the softness of the clean cedar wing legs crossed & covered over opened up to her hand & he dying swam thru to meet her on the other end of her father of her mother of his stranded there between generations back where they stood on the cow & came over on the Ocean where he now stood to follow out the calling of his man to her man to her & her wanting what there was & thankful in between the food that she ate came up from his dream & was more than he cd handle that man in his dream so he took out the heart & the liver of her so that man cdnt harm her any more


I in the dream left her there collapsed so when he came back we were dancing out a feud the one & only feud between him & me & he found her dead tho he didnt show it & I feared in the growing nightmare he came back from the Woman he had loved to harm & I had to do her in to stop her pain (take off yoke) & he later came up to me with my fountain pen the point all smashed smashed in the dream & there was no harm to me but the dream the dream I coming after now shall we eat or have a feast equal into each one we who meet the difficulties over in the meeting that we meet that is all gone now & over Christened & over done & Buddhaed given little gurus to play with & mistaken for the Sorcerer in Swaddling clothes the birth of Rebirth out exhaust pipes flowing down the hill on wheels that don't exist flowing in my dream where the red stream ends & curls up the vase into the giant trees of a fairy tale walk & discovery in the park the trees will rot back in the country where they exercise their nearness to meet in standing meet with them as they coming nearer (put on lyre headdress) hear it singing with the oldest carving on the wall hear it nearing to their hearts the desert giant fall in winter summer coming come the strings of my harp


I sing & sing down from & thru the worst medieval times where youve seen me glowing in the cases in museums the minnesinger out, the skald, the poet gleeman singer out to sit with the King & starve his singing sun out from his gloating throat & sit down at the same table with the King & worship up the Queen & out the sacred silly dance just as one as Is the other colors on the floor rising- with the head of the stoned Christian martyr to give him back to the trees where he came too sober to laugh at the proceedings to laugh at his heart we all took part in the sewing of the tapestry & dance back thru the walls where the stones are laughter & everything under her the chalice & the grave the singing like a moment when the land under foot is Indeed yrs to love the walking under foot & down in to it the walking under foot & eye foot & foot down where the altar floated to the ground. (take off lyre headdress)



Flowered ever in Sufinxed, Gerard Gerard Gerard Medusa, all of my Classical Training come undone Come undone to Spring! More Beer More Classical Beer! More washing out the Undies on time at the Classical University Exit Oh Laundromat with a Moderne Twista, Twista Sequential "Well I went up & camped out & this Bear came up & I socked him in the jaw He yelled & I got up & dressed then I run outside & jumped in the truck the truck was going 90 mph down a cliffside I said I done had my truckins with bears big bears big bad bears it was carrying big good bears & big bad bears so I shot off his collar & took him back to the Zoo where his girlfriend was howlin Where's my Naked Bear the One with the Episcopal Hardon. What are you doin big bad bear? I'm not a big bad bear? What are you doin there some big bad bear? He says, Why did the Cup run away? She said Come to the Cup, & the Cup brings the Plate & the Cup ran with the Plate & the girlfriend bear to the train & when they got to the train the train ran real fast to New York City


& they got some pichurs & went to get more pichurs & they looked at um where they lived & one bear drived the pickup truck with his hands & the train went alongside with the other bear & they went to get pieces of paper to draw on & then the train went faster than the pickup truck & they went to a different Roswell the kind that the cowboys live in & then they just slept there & then they go home just like we did. the good bears, the bad bears, all the people but not us.

(down home)




(wear cape with flaps covering pictures of Velma)

Open up the ducks of the rhumba, the flyers of the caboose, the spread of the ultimate spread come out on all sides which means you cannot characterize Earth, or sing any part of it without trying, or trying too hard lying, lying with yr faces South like Jack Spicer lying on. the beach with his drink incoming messages carrying them to the North & spreading them all around "The priests say if anyone sees Velma's face they will be struck dead with disbelief." jerking off in the corridors of the dead striking the gray sound of the day the dead take over the rubber knot not to sink too hindwards not to sink too hare seeing the rabbit in the moon is the rabbit's foot still there ? in my hand is Velma's face I will not strap me to a tree her any way May pole, her old stump in the woods, the perfect chaining woman dangling breasts dangling participial ache oh turnip won't be true I ate the Egg of God & it was Albumen aplenty I knowed Christ died for are broke sins & done washed his tomatoes Sparkling white 'tomatoes from the Gurney catalog


I carry yr staff fell horizontal East to West with the faces of the crowd on it don it tie it back to hang & fly me to the moon check on tossed out rubbers there & broken down miracords & ogilbys to boot broken stashes horny apples golden tum-tums sinking back in to dead dust under the Motown bed come to life like Injuns fight, the Goddess Velma sticks her thumb between the wary traveler's knees this is the secret of the poet, down deep he just aims to please dies to dying break out adverbs anything to set the trees back blooming & taking on their female fruit he'll spoon & spoon & Spoon Oh from East to West I carry Velma, Goddess of the Moon Goddess of the things that please us Goddess of the Caesar's nose & Hog bottom's waste pit little doily plastic shags that rug around the coffee pit & turn the dollies on they strut & turn a flip & dance around & sink into the TV set to come back from the moon This rare photo of the Goddess Velma was stolen, smuggled out by Playboy anthropologists, writes Kell D. Robertson guitar reporter poet land & life gut singer from the Bar "Her face has never been seen."


How to raise & rise & rose & enjoy in the picking cleaning putting up you saw her when you saw her in whichever way you say I saw her when I won her in whichever one I may to be the one she let him go & visit where the mountains say we're awfully far apart but some day we may to cross the arms & pull the shirt up off the head & backwards throw the devil to the wind to wind & window feed & sit & smoke asunder pull it up let lie let lie back when the friend in deed is friend in need of friend a friend to be marriage couples to her mother was her aunt her mother's brother was he quicker than her uncle or just sat there lazing off any movement Is disaster for her carefully kept face any movement toward her works her honest elbows quickly lifting quickly pulling feeling flop down lie down silent as the fall we turn & hold each other at the start of the beginning start & end again Open up the tanks & let the tankers out Open up the flies & let the flies out Open up the sacred pit where she lay too long & comes out preening for the Sun to make her into song I am serious as the hounds at hell's gate or the wafer that the Priest devours before the trembling multitudes I am that heart & face the face she shows me in her sarong Rita, Gloria, Harriet, Too Cruel Suzette Katie, Carrot, Colonel, Duck Butt, Jonathan cracking nuts Eat the feast of Chile when the temple sinks in the ground


becomes these round walls this banner on my back this march from the Orient to get where we began next to our neighbors with their plowshares out next to the open door we close with the night we found her in the tower coming screaming down the stairs turned into laughing laughing when we got there after all She was interested in saving face & brushing things underneath the toilet Upon the throne of Modern Times when Newspapers in the Homes opened up to the ad that everybody read I was Velma now you know Coca-Cola, Royal Crown, Seven Up, Dr Pepper Mr. Haywire Orient Fish Salad Days Cleopatra Queen of the Nile Rocked here by the boat on time for once everybody serious as she got off the boat & carried her faces to the starving shore on the Rio Grande it is Mighty Spectacular & down deep she turned them over One two three four five & there are many more save one & that face darling is your face well said & so to bed. END

(stuffed lingam-yoni is from the Bowl of Ometeotl, an earlier much more complete serial performance poem, and I am wearing the female yoke with lyre headdress, the lingam is part of the lyre but is being returned)












ADDENDA: More Seasonal Lyrics by Larry Goodell

Siegfried fried his eggs on a star Christian donkeys drunk in a bar knock-kneed saviors fly from the East arrive fatter by the hour. (or) We three kings of orient are plastered on a silver star. All night long our song is sung we curse as we eat our dung.

Rubber the night with I U Ds & pull the joyful dud. Its kiss the Lord & poke his tot & rub the Mother till shes hot. Oh Heaven & one make two & when we do were thru to throw old Jesus out of court & wear his shoe.


Silent night, holy night, all was calm, all was blight. Mary still feigned her virgin name, Joseph drank and cursed her shame: Jesus was a bastard, he and his brothers three.

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem I sought your warm embrace and all I found was prejudice and curses for my race. I found you in the dawning light you felled me with your stones my faith is shattered in my breast and all I have is bones.


Kell Robertson Portrait by Karl Michener-Rodin

a duende book
(out of necessity) po box 571 placitas, new mexico 2012

The Face of Velma

for Kell Robertson

Larry Goodell

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