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KENT FA Coach Workshop

Behaviour Management Coach Workshop

Remember the only persons behaviour you can control is your own. So
1. What messages does your behaviour give out to others? 2. How do you control your emotions and behave like an adult? 3. How do you use your body language? 4. How do you speak to the players?

The Three Rights

When faced with challenging behaviour prevention is better than cure! The Three Rights everyone has the right to:1. Be safe 2. Be respected 3. Learn

Plan ahead 1. Organise sessions that are interesting, challenging, varied and fun 2. Cut out stuff that gives you the most grief e.g. Queues 3. Have arrival activities to occupy players as they turn up 4. Avoid potential chaos by having designated areas for equipment, another for water bottles and another as a talking and listening area

Three types of people

In your group there will probably be three types of people.

1. Those who want to get on with stuff

2. Those who want test you out 3. Those who watch how you deal with the first two groups before they decide which way to go Dont get paranoid testing out adults is perfectly normal child behaviour. A question when you take on a new group none of whom you know whose name do you usually learn first?

Stay calm you are the adult

Control your emotions and ask yourself some simple questions

1. Is the behaviour really breaking any of the three rights we have all agreed? 2. Is the behaviour compromising safety, learning or self esteem? If the answer is no ignore it and focus all your attention and praise on the ones who are doing things right. The question is whats the message? There is a little of the attention seeker in all of us and the message is if you want my attention do it right.

What if the challenging behaviour continues

Intervene if the challenging behaviour continues and is compromising the three rights.
1. Have a plan and stick to it 2. Keep control of your emotions 3. Dont fight battles you cant win

The plan
Be incremental and add pressure gradually 1. Use the glare 2. Use the glare with your arms folded and an aggressive stance 3. Any time the child re-engages with the task or group give appropriate praise 4. Try to focus on the work not the behaviour e.g. well done John. Now you can learn this. 5. Go over to a group where one player may be mis-behaving and say something like Its a two touch game isnt it? They all agree. I thought so. Well done. Carry on with it then. Non verbal signal is Im watching 6. If things carry on the coach may have to employ other strategies like time outs 7. If you find yourself addressing particular behaviour issues try to use we rather than I and refer them to the three rights 8. Try to refrain from getting into verbal tennis. Remember you are the adult so try to control your emotions 9. If all else fails you may have to speak with the child and the parents together and agree a solution to take forward

Reality check

Problematic and challenging behaviour will always occur from time to time Have a plan and stick to it Control your emotions Remember the only person whose behaviour you can control is your own

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