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For Immediate Release January 3, 2011 Contact: Joey Stansbury 919-771-3736 GREAT SCHOOLS IN WAKE ON THE ROAD TO A TRANSPARENT DAMASCUS The relentless pattern of secretive behavior by the Board Majority is simply appalling, said Yevonne Brannon, Chair, Great Schools in Wake Coalition. In past superintendent searches, parents, students, teachers, community leaders and elected officials all had the opportunity to meet with prospective finalists. Great Schools in Wake Coalition press release, 12-23-10 Raleigh, NC Amidst emotionally charged rhetoric and dubious claims regarding past superintendent searches, Wake Community Network simply presents the facts below. Wake Community Network Director Joey Stansbury stated: Great Schools in Wake Coalition members and their status quo diversity proponents are welcome to their opinions, but not their facts. The facts speak otherwise. January 31, 2006 Board of Education Special Board of Education Meeting Minutes reveal a hurried and closed process in selecting Del Burns as Wake County Superintendent. Noteworthy is that 2010 WakeUp Wake County Board of Directors member Beverly Clark and Board of Advisors members Susan Parry and Carol Parker all served on the Wake County Board of Education during this rushed secretive process. WakeUp Wake County is the parent organization of the Great Schools in Wake Coalition: Internal Applicant Process January 31, 2006 Board meeting to discuss desired profile of new superintendent (Open Session); applications for internal candidates will be received by Board members in Closed Session February 7, 2006 Board meets to determine interviews for internal candidates and decide on questions to pose to the individuals selected for interviews (Closed Session) February 13 17, 2006 Interview process for internal candidates National Search Timeline (If Necessary) February 20, 2006 Advertising nationally begins March 31, 2006 External applicant deadline April 5, 2006 Applications to individual Board members for review April 18, 2006 Meeting on applications to choose interviewees (Closed Session) May 1 8, 2006 Meeting(s) for initial interviews and selection of finalists (Closed Session) May 22 26, 2006 Meetings for final interviews/community visits, choose individual to whom to offer the position and decide on terms of offer (Closed Session) May 26 May 30, 2006 Contract discussions May 30, 2006 Meeting to announce selection of superintendent July 1, 2006 Employment to begin

Likewise, February 21, 2006 Wake County Board of Education Meeting Minutes reveal Wake County Board of Education Chair Patti Head notifying the media less than three weeks into the process that Del Burns was appointed the new superintendent of the Wake County Public School System: Ms. Head shared that February 16 was a very important day in the life of the Wake County Public School System. At 3:30 p.m. that day, the Board announced to the media that Dr. Del Burns had been appointed the next superintendent of the Wake County Public School System. A noteworthy difference between 2006 and 2010 superintendent searches is that in 2010 the search committee went beyond an online survey and actively met with numerous individuals and groups within Wake County. Wake County residents may remember Mrs. Brannon served on the Wake County Board of Commissioners from 1996 -2000. During this time Wake County Commissioners hired current Wake County Manager David Cooke. Given Mrs. Brannons standards of transparency, we welcome hearing how she met and pushed those standards of non-secretive behavior during that process. Wake Community Network could not locate any remarks from Wake County Board of Education member Carolyn Morrison or Great Schools in Wake Coalition criticizing the hiring of Steve Parrott by Wake Education Partnership a corporate businessman with no education credentials. Documentation: WakeUp Wake County Board of Directors and Advisors for 2009 and 2010: About WakeUP Wake County | WakeUP Wake County Great Schools in Wake County press release: Wake County Board of Education Special Board Meeting Minutes January 31, 2006 Wake County Board of Education Meeting Minutes February 21, 2006 ####

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