ABC Evaluation

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By August 2011, ABC will successfully develop and implement an entire orientation program for incoming and existing Angels as evidence by FINISH BASED ON EVALUATION MECHANISMS. (Participation in an orientation at ABC will) 2. SOMETHING TO DO WITH INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY AS A RESULT OF THE ORIENTATION PROGRAM 3. Angels will achieve personal goals developed during orientation as reflected in their quarterly evaluation.

Evaluation Criteria: Describe at least 2 specific process evaluation methods. Describe at least 2 specific impact evaluation methods. Describe at least 2 specific outcome evaluation methods.

Process: WHAT DID YOU LIKE/WHAT DIDNT YOU LIKE HOW WOULD YOU CHANGE IT? WHAT WORKED WHAT DIDNT Angels evaluate overall program (after section of program) Focus groups- Small group discussion among program delivery staff or recipients. Focus on their thoughts and opinions regarding their experiences with the intervention. The process evaluation is formative in nature and occurs throughout the actual during the fist phase of the program (refer to experience in figure 1). The process evaluation will help to determine the quality and characteristics of the meeting. Because time is limited the process measures can be pithy. At the beginning of the orientation, the facilitator can collect quantitative data with a sign-in sheet to record the number of people present, and their ages. During the activity, an ABC staff member who is not facilitating this portion of the orientation collects qualitative information through observing comments and interactions among the participants to determine the level of participation in the meeting. The facilitator Prior to the conclusion of the meeting, VFC staff will facilitate discussion regarding the process. Two questions will be addressed, Name two things that went well today and Name two things that could be improved. Impact: LEARNER OBJECTIVES Increase and motivation and goal attainment (at first evaluation section) Increase in knowledge base of Angels (at first evaluation session) o How can you apply what you learned to a new situation? o How will you act differently in the future? o How could you apply life skills learned through this practice in the future? Impact evaluations helps determine if the program achieved the desired objectives. Impact evaluations serve to improve the design of the program and policies derived from the meeting (Fazio, 2005). Following the meeting and periodically thereafter, partners should take stock and determine where the program stands helping Angels reach their goals. This is a key step in empowerment evaluation. In this process, all leadership members of the partnership should rank the program and following collaborations on a scale from 1-10 as seen in Appendix F. According to Fetterman (2008), participants are better able to perform this activity when the program is broken into smaller parts allowing participants to rate pieces of the program and partnership. The taking stock process should be initiated by the facilitator immediately following the meeting. This process will serve as an indicator as to how the meeting went, accustom all community partners to the evaluation process, and create a baseline for further developments. Both initial and subsequent meetings should end with three activities. First, the facilitator should readminister the meeting questionnaire. The pre and post questionnaires may be compared to determine the changes in attitudes toward community partnerships. Second, members of the partnership should create a plan to move forward. This process should be initiated by the facilitator at the end of each meeting and the plan should establish goals to determine future directions, develop strategies to attain their goals, and discuss a system to indicate whether the partnership is progressing. For SH, goals should entail the key first steps to creating an official partnership, such as submitting a grant for joint funding. The development of strategies and further evaluation is a process that should occur throughout the formation of the partnership following the initial program. Finally, the facilitator may end the session by asking a participant to sum up the meeting. Through asking a partner to summarize the meeting, the facilitator is able to understand not only what information was gleaned through the process, but also the partners perspective on the information presented. Impact evaluation occurs from after the meeting to a few months out. The above listed strategies may be used to evaluate the immediate results of the meeting and the initial stages of the partnership process and allow SH staff to improve on the meeting plan throughout the process.

Outcome: PROGRAM OBJECTTIVES Increase in productivity (6 months) Increase efficiencyless overtime work by adult employees/volunteers (6 months)

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