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Skills Want:

To have a better understanding of print production especially as during 3rd year I would like to be able to work with a printer and be able to swwwend a project to print. Be able to use letterpress and know how to set type it has always been something that I am interested in as I am looking to get my cousins wedding invitations letterpressed it would be good to know how the process actually works. Know the basics of webdesign, and how to code a website as talking to Ella, she would like a website designed along side her logo so knowing the basics will ensure I can design the website better. To have a better understanding of typography, realised through Grahams type sessions just how important it is to understand the basics of typography and as I want a lot of my work to be typographically strong I need to build on the skills I already have. To be a conceptually driven designer and not just someone who can make something look good. After the studio visits I went on I realised the importance of each project is to have a good idea. Be a better photographer not just so that I can photograph my work but so that I can look at incorporating my own photography within my graphic design practice. To be more confident when pitching my ideas or projects during crits, always find myself being far too worried during crits when I know its only with a few other people in the group. Ive said it quite a few times but I genuinely want to work with screen printing at some point during this year, its a skill I would like to learn but only if it relevant to the briefs that I am working on. To have better communication skills when approaching or talking to professionals and generally be less nervous, cause otherwise I look like an idiot. Software skills.. Before I leave uni I want to ensure that my software skills are as good as they can be, I find that Im more confident with photoshop and indesign but sometimes really find myself struggling with illustrator so this is something I need to look at changing. Have better packaging design skills in terms of being able to visualize what a final product might look like. I really struggle to visualize how a 3d product might look and this usually slows down the design process.. Better organizational skills.. More about time management really, especially as this year I will have to manage a series of briefs at the same time I need to be organized as much as I can. Be more confident about collaborating with other designers, find that sometimes I find the idea of collaborating quite daunting when actually its something that Ill be doing more of when I actually have a job. To have some understanding of animation covered it a bit last year with the design for screen module, but I found I didnt really enjoy it as much as I would have liked, maybe with a more relevant subject matter it will allow me to develop my skills within after effects a bit better. To ensure that I can present my ideas in a clear and concise way in terms of design boards, sometimes the boards that I design just dont showcase what a project is really about.. this is quite important as if people dont understand what is being communicated its a complete waste of time, especially in crits or when Im looking for feedback. Time management.. although my time management skills are quite good I feel worried that If I spend too long one brief it might have an impact on the others, so need to ensure my time is spread equally across what Im working on. Have better research skills, know exactly what it is that I need to research rather than just researching random stuff that doesnt have any relationship to what Im working on.. without informed research it just ends up being pointless really. To have improved my type and layout skills especially in terms of editorial design, having the basic skills of type and layout are so important to understand and not just in terms of editorial design. To be able to work closely with printers and build an effective relationship with them, in regards to being able to send projects to print. This is something I will have to do for the rest of my career so now would be a good starting point. Learn how to play Quidditch. Primary research for mine and Beths collaboration. Become a tunnel expert. Incase I dont get a job as a graphic designer.

To have better presentation skills, Im always far too nervous during ppd or design strategy presentations and I always forget what it is what I want to say when really there is no need to be nervous at all. To know how web and print work together successfully, focusing just on print will limit my options once I graduate and start looking for a job. Look into how apps are designed and coded focusing more on the design as again this is something that will be useful once I have graduated. To understanding the basics of webdesign, mainly the coding so I can understand the limitations/possibilities when I design. To have a better understanding of typography as it will be the basis of my design practice during level 06. To be able to have a successful partnership or collaboration with other people on the course collaboration is key to developing my design practice and being able to work with other people. To have better research skills, sometimes in the past Ive just looked past research and then regretted it when it came to designing, its something I really have to work on. To improve my software skills, especially with illustrator, its the one piece of software that I find myself to have struggled with quite a lot lately. Have a basic understanding of animation and moving image dont need so much knowledge about it but just enough so that if I had to work on a digital project in terms of animation or moving image I would at least have an idea of how things work. To ensure my time management skills are up to scratch, If I start falling behind on time it will end up having a real negative impact when it comes to the deadline. Make sure that I am more conceptually driven this year rather than just relying on making work look good.. Its about having a good idea. To be more confident when pitching ideas to the rest of the group, especially during crits or presentations. To be better at working with packaging design, especially when it comes to visualizing the final product, as this is something that often slows down the design process. To improve on my photography skills, so when it comes to photographing my work for my blog or final boards Im not having to rely on other people, will also allow me to use my own photography in some of my briefs. Have better communication skills.. whether it be talking on the phone or with people face to face. I need to get over this whole I cant talk to people on the phone.. To have a better understanding of type and layout, as it is a fundamental part of being able to design successfully. To have a better understanding of print and web and how they work together so it will allow me to work more effectively during certain briefs. To be organized when planning all of my briefs, ensure that I manage the time that I have equally across the briefs and just be generally organized in terms of blogging and keeping up to date with everything. To ensure that I draw more and get all of my ideas out of my head and onto paper before I start designing on the mac, its something that I know is important but sometimes I just look past it.

Work/Products Want:
To design a publication that is about the attack on the Golden Temple in India, 1984. Mainly want to work on this as it links to my dissertation but will also allow me to focus on my editorial skills focusing on both typography and layout for publications, also gives me option to possibly collaborate with the illustrator inkqusitive. To work on the branding and promotion of the local house builder Jelson homes they currently have a strong brand but it needs updating so that they can attract new customers. To design a set of wedding invitations/stationery as it is something I have always been interested in purely because a lot of the time they have really strong typography. To work in collaboration with a fashion designer or surface pattern designer to help brand their collection or business. Always had an interest in fashion branding and it would give me the opportunity to collaborate with someone on another course. To design a successful range of cosmetics packaging, promotion and in-store display, loosely based on the 17 cosmetics D&AD brief I worked on last year, really got a lot from the brief and it would be a good opportunity to work with packaging again. Work on the branding, packaging and promotion for Blazewear heated clothes been working with Blazewear in the past, but on their terns and with their existing logo, want the chance to show them how the brand could benefit from a refresh. Be able to work on a project that is led by retail design and in-store display. Always been interested in retail graphics and want to work on a project that will allow me too see whether it Is something I would like to work on in the future maybe. To work on a competition brief, either YCN or D&AD or possibly both purely because I think I can gain a lot from them especially as I had really enjoyed working on the Swarovski YCN competition last year. To design one of the course yearbooks, whether it be Printed textiles and surface pattern design, photography or fashion. To pitch for the BAGD yearbook in collaboration with Sarah and Beth. It would be a nice way to end the year if we could have the opportunity to design the yearbook. To have the chance to pitch and work on the End of Year Show. Again it would be a great opportunity and a fantastic brief to work on. To design a series of typographic posters based on the TV series Sherlock. Would be a great way to see how well I can work with typography and at the same time be an interesting subject matter. Look at branding a hypothetical design studio (in collaboration with Sarah) It is something that we have talked about before, and is something that builds on last years enterprise module. To look at designing a financial report. Whilst on my work placement I was shown an amazing example of one, and as it is very content driven it could be a challenging project to work on. To re-design the existing Leeds University Quidditch and Harry Potter Association (In collaboration with Beth) Why? Because me and Beth are just too cool. To design a product that works an effective mail out that can be sent to studios that I am interested in.. thought about this last year but didnt manage to work on anything, working on this as a brief would ensure that I actually get it done. Design a series of Christmas cards than can be sent to the studios that I have already visited and to any other contacts that I have made, would ensure that people havent forgotten about me. To design a series of prints based on a particular theme which I havent yet decided so that they can be screen printed. Would work quite well with the typographic poster series for the BBC series Sherlock.. maybe. Be able to design a website that I can either code myself or could be coded by someone else to go live. Speaking to Ella she says one of the key things she really needs is a website. Design a series of patterns for stationery and notebooks, based on the black and white tiger print competition.. Would be a good brief to work as it focuses on the product, range and distribution side of things.

To work on a project that showcases my typography and research skills. Produce a project in which the key focus is web its a skill that I need to have rather just working with print. Produce promotional material or a mail out that can be sent to design studios.. rather than just emailing a pdf it would be more useful to send a physical product and then follow it up with an email. To have at least one project that really showcases my typography skills, would ideally be the poster series based on Sherlock.. Mainly because I think it will work as a good body of work in my portfolio that shows my type skills. To work on a project that has a strong focus on packaging, think the Blazewear project would be good for this as it focuses on a whole range of varied packaging. To collaborate with someone on another course in the college, on some kind of a branding project, whether it be fashion or surface pattern students. To work on a major branding project, think the Jelson homes one would be ideal as it can be developed quite a lot and would need a range of products to de designed. To design a publication that tells the story of the 1984 attack, not only to raise awareness about what happened but utilize my dissertation research whilst being able to focus on editorial design. To look at working on a project that focuses on the idea of product range and distribution, at the moment the black and white brief for Tiger print seems like the most logical brief for this. To look at designing a publication that has a real focus on the typography and layout and focuses on the research that I will have collected for my dissertation. To be able to at least a design a website (even if I cannot code it myself) as part of the branding and promotion for photographer Ella Ruth. Look at either designing a Christmas card or something that is festive that can be emailed to the design studios that I have already visited so that I am able to keep in touch with the contacts that I have made. To create the branding for the hypothetical design studio me and Sarah are planning to brand. To enter one of the YCN or D&AD briefs that have a focus on either typography or packaging. To pitch for the BAGD yearbook in collaboration with Sarah and Beth. To pitch for one of the other yearbooks across the college, whether it be Surface pattern or possibly photography. Also look at pitching for the design of the LCA end of year show. To design and have printed the wedding invitations for my cousins wedding next march.

Research Want:
To ensure that I have enough research for my dissertation I want to be able to work on a brief that looks more into my dissertation project. To research into the history of letterpress and how it printing changed graphic design. To research the relationship between a product and its packaging, how does packaging change peoples perception of a product. The fundamentals of typography, just to better my understanding so that I can use the skills within my design practice. The relationship between high street and high end fashion, how does the branding differ between the two. To research into the ideas behind successful retail design within high street fashion stores. Research more into the enterprise module we looked at last year, as setting up my own studio is still something that might be a consideration, it might not happen straight after uni but it will at some point within my career.. Look into researching in detail the history of typography, did do some research for last years contextual studies essay but it is something that I think would benefit my design practice a bit more. Have a research project that could possibly be based on photography.. would ensure that I could carry out some relevant research but also encourage me to take some of my own photographs. Do some in depth research into a certain brand that produces really high end packaging, might be worth looking into Marks and Spencers packaging. Studio photography, focusing on the different equipment that is needed to take photographs especially of my work. Possible studios that I would like to contact in the future. Events and exhibitons that are relevant to my design preactice or contextual research.

Questions Want:
Will someone give me a job? Because I really need one once I graduate. Just how much has the digital age impacted on print, and how are predominantly print based design studios surviving. Am I good enough? Is it really a viable option to spend around 7500 on a masters degree after uni? What is the meaning of life? Is it a good idea to move back home.. I have a feeling it might hinder my future options. How easy is it to work as a freelance designer? If I dont find a job, it might be something that I have to consider. Why arent there enough women working in graphic design? Because me and Beth might set up a female only design studio. (With a male receptionist..) Just general questions about certain print processes that I probably just need to research to be honest.

How can the body of work in my portfolio be stronger? Always need feedback on how I can be better and showcase my skills better. The idea of doing a masters after uni.. How easy is it to make it as a freelance designer? Am I good enough? Will someone give me a job? Because I really need one once I graduate. Is my portfolio strong enough? Why cant I think of any more questions?

To ensure I have enough research in regards to my dissertation, so I can successfully write my dissertation but also be able to use the research as part of my design practice for a selected brief. Research different print processes so that I am able to talk to printers and know what Im actually talking about. Look into web design coding, and actually the research the basics that I need. To research the history of typography just so that I have the knowledge of type and how it has changed and developed. Although not totally design related I need to look into the possibility of doing a masters so looking into some courses. Look to find exhibitons and events that are relevant to my design practice and contextual research. Effective typography and layout in terms of editorial design as Im hoping to design a publication I really need to look relevant typography and layout. Look at the possibility of doing a masters after uni, so looking into courses and seeing whther it is a viable option. Find more design studios that Im interested in and would consider contacting over the next few weeks. Research studio photography and how I can take better photographs of my work in time for the end od year show and my portfolio.

Portfolio Want:
To showcase that I am a versatile designer who has a range of skills, mainly as I dont want to just be good at one thing and then not have an understanding of other areas of graphic design. To show that I am type driven and that I have a understanding of typography. I see myself as someone who works better with type and want to continue doing so. Have a body of work that reflects my own interests but also shows that I am able to work on live/competition briefs. To ensure my portfolio stands out from the other 43 people in the year.. To have a body of work that I am genuinely proud of, and makes my mum proud too.. Cause otherwise she will not be impressed.

To showcase that I have a range of skills both print and digital/screen based. To make sure I stand out as an individual, need potential employers to choose me over anyone else. To have a portfolio that reflects my passion and understanding of typography. To NOT have any typos. The Buscuits in the enterprise module still give me nightmares. To have a portfolio that showcases that I am concept driven designer, and not just someone who is capable of making something look pretty. Having a good idea is key and its what I need to show. A portfolio that shows that I am a versatile designer.

To ensure my portfolio doesnt have any typos. Cause thats just a complete fail. To have a body of work that reflects my passions and interests. My portfolio to show that I would be able to work in a commercial design environment, as working for a more commercial design studio is something I would probably consider.. if theyll have me. To have a body of work that makes me stand out as an individual, it needs to showcase my personality and who I am and not just who I am as a designer. To ensure that the photography within my portfolio really showcases my work well. To have decent photography of all of my final products and pieces. To ensure everything in my portfolio is well present and consistent, so that it looks well thought out. A portfolio that showcases my design interests. To have some live briefs whether they are client led ones or competition briefs. A body of work that makes my mum proud. Shows that I am interested in print but can still work with and have an understanding of web and design for screen. A body of work that stands out, that has something different about it and gets people talking about my work. To have projects that showcase some packaging design. A portfolio that will get me a job! Also ensure that some of the projects in my portfolio look at the idea of product range and distribution. Have a portfolio that Im proud of. To ensure that the projects show that I am a conceptually driven designer. A portfolio that will get me a job. Or at least some positive feedback. To have some examples of web design or design for screen. To have at least one project that focuses on app design.. A portfolio that looks pretty damn good. Projects that show that I can successfully work on competition briefs. Projects that show I am able to work on live briefs. Have a portfolio I am proud of..

Top Ten Want:

To have a better understanding of print production especially as during 3rd year I would like to be able to work with a printer and be able to send a project to print. To design a publication that is about the attack on the Golden Temple in India, 1984. Mainly want to work on this as it links to my dissertation but will also allow me to focus on my editorial skills focusing on both typography and layout for publications, also gives me option to possibly collaborate with the illustrator inkqusitive. To showcase that I am a versatile designer who has a range of skills, mainly as I dont want to just be good at one thing and then not have an understanding of other areas of graphic design. To design a product that works an effective mail out that can be sent to studios that I am interested in.. thought about this last year but didnt manage to work on anything, working on this as a brief would ensure that I actually get it done and have somehting that I can send as promotional material to design studios. Be a better photographer not just so that I can photograph my work but so that I can look at incorporating my own photography within my graphic design practice. To pitch for the BAGD yearbook in collaboration with Sarah and Beth. It would be a nice way to end the year if we could have the opportunity to design the yearbook. To have a body of work that makes me stand out as an individual, it needs to showcase my personality and who I am and not just who I am as a designer. Research more into the enterprise module we looked at last year, as setting up my own studio is still something that might be a consideration, it might not happen straight after uni but it will at some point within my career.. Design a series of patterns for stationery and notebooks, based on the black and white tiger print competition.. Would be a good brief to work as it focuses on the product, range and distribution side of things. Be able to use letterpress and know how to set type it has always been something that I am interested in as I am looking to get my cousins wedding invitations letterpressed it would be good to know how the process actually works.

To know how web and print work together successfully, focusing just on print will limit my options once I graduate and start looking for a job as I know a lot of studios look for people who have a general knowledge of both. To work on a major branding project, think the Jelson homes one would be ideal as it can be developed quite a lot and would need a range of products to de designed, a lot like the product range and distribution brief we worked on at the end of level 05. To be able to have a successful partnership or collaboration with other people on the course collaboration is key to developing my design practice and being able to work with other people, I think working with people on the course will ensure that any project is stronger as it will bring together a range of different skills. To enter one of the YCN or D&AD briefs that have a focus on either typography or packaging. I think the D&AD briefs are much more focused and interesting than the YCN ones and previous packaging and type briefs have been quite interesting and they are something I would want to work on. Research different print processes so that I am able to talk to printers and know what Im actually talking about. Really need to send a project to print so that I can understand the realtionship you need to have with a printer. To improve my software skills, especially with illustrator, its the one piece of software that I find myself to have struggled with quite a lot lately.. Being confident with most software is something I need to work on until the end of the year. To understanding the basics of webdesign, mainly the coding so I can understand the limitations/possibilities when I design. Although I wont really be coding websites I think having the knowledge is important when you design so you can understand whether your design is practical enough to go live. Have better communication skills.. whether it be talking on the phone or with people face to face. I need to get over this whole I cant talk to people on the phone.. I found that working in the design studio at the end of summer the number of times you have to be on the phone to your client is insane, having a good realtionship with a client is essential, especially if they like talking on the phone. To collaborate with someone on another course in the college, on some kind of a branding project, whether it be fashion or surface pattern students. Ive always been impessed with past collaborations on the course and I think it would be quite beneficial to be able to work with other students. To showcase that I have a range of skills that are both print and digital/screen based. I want to be able to have a portfolio that is not only reflective of my own personal interests but one that showcases I am a versatile designer with an understanding of how print and digital design has to come together in some cases.

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