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The first Adelaide Mind Body Spirit festival was held over the long weekend and Im sure a great time was had by all. It was fantastic to meet so many people, to experience all of the dif ferent energies and be among such an amazing group of peo ple. This festival has been operating in the eastern states for many years and, while we have our own Mind Body Psychic festival in June and various psychic fairs throughout the year, its won derful to see Adelaide opening up and embracing the new potentials offered by spiritual groups and busi ness from all over Australia. I would like to give special thanks to my two assistants, Douglas and Sarah (my sisterinlaw who is pic tured with me below), who gave up their time to help me set up, pack up and man the stall. Their support was greatly appreciated as was the support of those who helped behind the scenes, including my family who watched this creation grow over the last three months. To those of you who have just joined my mailing list, welcome, and I hope you enjoy the free Conscious Breathing ebook and the monthly newsletter. More information about my work is available at my web site as well as many articles, audio, workshops, products and services. Love and blessings, Keryn Lee

To Cristy H. who is the winner of a

$25 Gift Voucher

This can be put towards a healing session, private consultation or workshop.

Cristy was one of many who entered the draw simply by joining this mailing list during the MBS festival.

Whats New?

Discovering You
This is one of the most intensive workshops Ive ever offered. It has elements of the one day Con scious Living workshop I used to teach and some elements of the brand new Master Class all sewn in to two amazing days. It will be an opportunity to release everything that no longer serves you (old habit patterns, past lives, old programming and belief systems, and so on) and really connect with your soul in a very pro found way. This is important as we move forward in this era of new consciousness because we cant take our baggage with us. We must let go of the past if we are to fully merge with our soul and become Divine Human Beings. Deep transformation is possible without the strug

gles and drama of the past because New Con sciousness is about ease and grace. Its about allowing changes, not forcing them. Its about re leasing stuck energy and breathing in new poten tials for your future. Discovering You encourages you to become more selfaware which is the first step towards making choices about what you want and dont want in your life, then you can begin to create consciously using the New Consciousness tools offered. This workshop also helps you connect to your own inner wisdom and knowingness which allows a greater level of selfempowerment and confidence in your own abilities. Discovering You covers a lot of ground in just two days and will provide many tools that will help make significant shifts in your life, and can be used long after the weekend is over.

An empowering and transformational workshop that will change your life

Release stuck energy, past lives, old belief systems,

habit patterns and past programming

Learn to create consciously and effectively without

using affirmations and other old tools

Learn a variety of New Consciousness tools Develop selfawareness and trust in your own wisdom Connect with your Divine Self Discover what holds you back from creating the life

October 27th & 28th 10am4.30pm at ETERNAL SPIRIT

100 Goodwood Road, Goodwood

you desire Learn how to access new potentials

($370 when booked before Oct 10th)

Release & Renew

There has been an influx of new energies coming in to earth over the last few months and this will certainly continue in the months to come. You may find yourself in situations where you are forced to confront very deep issues because as we make way for these new energies it becomes necessary to release anything that no longer serves you. Some of these issues come with a great deal of pain and the cellular memories of times where we were treated poorly, whether in this life or past lives, and it can be easy to assign blame to others for our circumstances. But a conscious creator will accept their part in the cocreation of all events, they will know that they are God also, and see the opportunity to integrate an aspect of themselves that has not yet been brought into balance. The harder it is to accept responsibility for any situation in your life, the greater the opportunity to truly heal and transform the wounded parts of yourself. This month, as we release the old and allow in the new, take time to breathe consciously, to bring yourself back into balance and truly let go of the past.

Whats New?
Now Available Online The New Consciousness Book of Ascension
This book cuts through the hype and offers a New Con sciousness approach to as cension, because the path taken by past Ascended Masters has changed and we need new teachings to take us beyond the old paradigms. You will learn simple tools that can bring about profound transformation, and you will discover the simplicity of ascension and what holds people back throughout their journey.

A Kiss from your Soul

Audio CD $12.95
Conscious Breathing is a gift that you give yourself every time you take that slow, deep breath into your belly and connect with who you really are. This recording invites you deeper into you through the energies of the voice and music, and it will give you the opportunity to reunite with your soul in a very sacred way.

Master Class 2012

Learn to release the past and let go of anything that no longer serves you Integrate wounded soul fragments and connect with your soul self Expand your intuition and listen to your own inner voice learn to use new consciousness tools for transformation and much more

Starts November 17th

Surrey Downs Community Centre Monthly Saturdays 13.30pm

0408 857 620

Whats On?
Weekly Conscious Breathing Class
Join in this beautiful sacred space in which participants are supported throughout their path of awakening. The group environment supports the shifting of energy through the breath and offers simple tools that will enhance your experience of life. A very empowering selfawareness group suitable for begin ners or advanced.

Wednesday Evenings 7 8 pm and Friday Mornings 10.30 11.30 am

Surrey Downs Community Centre Phone or email me to book your place

0408 857 620

See website for more information, free articles, audio and video, books, services and more or phone Keryn on

When you own who you are, when you take responsibility for everything in your life and when you truly believe that you are the master of your reality, your life will change in the most amazing ways.

0408 857 620

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