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General Library Item Name Release Date Expire date Access Content Private Friday Report 2012-09-28 September 28, 2012

Administrative Content
Board Meetings & Minutes Drafts Draft minutes from the September 25, 2012 regular board meeting are included with today's Friday Report. Please send any necessary edits to Kathy Mahan by the close of business Wednesday, October 3. On Tuesday, October 2, at 5 p.m., the board will hold a special board meeting to meet with the Mill Creek City Council members in their chambers. Special board meetings previously scheduled for October 30 and November 6 have been deleted from the calendar. Special board meetings have been added December 6 and December 13 for meetings with legislators on board legislative priorities. Times and locations for these meetings will be confirmed once enough legislators have confirmed availability. In addition, Charlotte Danielson may be available to meet with directors on December 6, which will affect the start time of a special meeting on that date. Updated editions of the Board Annual Meeting Plan 2012-13 and Board Meeting Display Calendar have been posted to the BoardDocs Library. Attachment: Board Meeting Minutes 20120925 Regular.pdf (45 KB) Board Agenda Items Volunteers of America Agreement: The attached agreement between the district and the Volunteers of America (VOA) will be presented for approval at the October 9 regular board meeting. Under the terms of this agreement, the district will provide an unused portable classroom at Heatherwood Middle School for use by the VOA until August 31, 2013 to operate a food bank. The food bank will be supported by community and student volunteers, and supervised and operated by the VOA. The VOA will provide liability insurance covering the district and indemnify the district from claims or damages resulting from the VOAs use of the premises. Attachment: Volunteers of America Agreement 20121002.pdf (13 KB) Change Order No. 8 for Monroe Elementary School Replacement Project: At the October 9, 2012 board meeting, the board will be requested to approve the attached Change Order No. 8 to the construction contract between the district and Spee West Construction for the Monroe Elementary School replacement project for $72,624 plus WSST. This change order includes the costs to purchase, fabricate, and install steel ledger angles to the walls of the first floor to support the second floor structure of the classroom wing. This connection is required for the structural integrity of the building and was not shown on the original contract drawings for the project. The contractors costs for this work have been reviewed and confirmed by the architect and district staff. Attachment: Monroe ES Modernization Change Order No. 8 20120926.pdf (197 KB) Award of Bid for the Everett High School Gymnasium Modernization Project: At the October 9 board meeting, the board will be asked to approve the award of bid for the Everett High School gymnasium modernization project. Five bids were received on September 26, 2012, and the bid amounts ranged from $10,100,000 to $10,539,371. The bid results are currently under review by the project architect and district staff and the results of the review were not available at the time of preparation of this Friday Report item. The estimated bid amount of this project was $10,596,000. A summary of the bids received is attached. Attachment: Everett High School Gymnasium Modernization Bid Summary 20120926.pdf (8 KB) Board Work Plan 2011-12 Report Draft: The August workshop contained a draft of the final report of accomplishment on the board's 2011-12 work plan objectives. This was the only piece of the annual planning workshop agenda that was not completed. A copy is provided here for directors' review. If there are no suggestions for edits to the content by the close of business next Friday, October 5, the draft watermark will be removed and the report posted to BoardDocs.

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Attachment: Board Work Plan 2011-12 Report.pdf (32 KB) High School Math Support Classes (Strategic Target: 1.1.a) Learning Assistance Plan (LAP) funds are providing a full year of math support classes at Cascade and Everett High Schools. Last year, these schools each had a math support teacher for second semester. Students who failed their first semester algebra or geometry class were targeted for support. At Cascade, 80 percent of the students recovered the class they had failed, and 69 percent successfully passed the second semester of algebra or geometry. Based on the success of the support classes, the model has been expanded to provide math support during both first and second semesters. Like last year, students are concurrently enrolled in a core math class. The support class provides additional learning time and assistance to help students be successful in the core class while enabling them to recover the credit from the class they failed previously. Drop-Out Recovery (Strategic Target: 1.1.a) Everett Public Schools has hired a full-time U Tracker (actually the title is "success coordinator") whose primary responsibility is to assist the high schools and middle schools with tracking down the most hard-to-find students who have dropped out of school. This position is a restoration of a position cut in a prior budget cycle. Each week a new drop-out report for each school is generated and an attempt to contact each student is made until we either exhaust all resources or the student is re-engaged in a program that ultimately leads the student to earning a high school diploma. Students are monitored to assure that they are attempting to re-engage in school and an intervention plan is created by collaborating with middle and high school registrars, counselors, success coordinators, and administrative staff. Currently three drop-out reports for each school are being reviewed and updated weekly. These reports are the 2011-12 school year drop-outs, the 2012-13 school year drop-outs, and the four year 2012 cohort drop-outs. We are also gearing up for the P-210 which establishes the districts graduation and drop-out rates for the graduation year of 2012. Staff anticipate that OSPI will open the P-210 in early to mid-October and close around November 16 as in past years, but official notice from OSPI has not yet been published. Scholastic Aptitude Test Results (Strategic Target: 1.1.b) The results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) were released this week by the College Board. The SAT is a widely used college admissions exam. It is composed of three sections which measures students knowledge and skills in the areas of critical reading, writing, and mathematics. When considered in conjunction with other measures, such as course history and grade point average, SAT scores are useful in evaluating whether a student is academically prepared for college. In addition to the core SAT of critical reading, writing, and mathematics, there are 20 SAT Subject Tests in the areas of English, history, languages, mathematics, and science which students can take to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in specific content areas. In some cases, colleges allow students to fulfill core requirements or earn credit in core areas if they achieve high SAT Subject Test scores. Everett Public Schools students in the class of 2012 outperformed other students across the nation in all areas tested this year. For students district-wide, the mean critical reading score increased three points from 519 for the class of 2011 to 522 for the class of 2012. Similarly, the mean mathematics score increased five points from 524 for the class of 2011 to 529 for the class of 2012. The mean writing score declined three points from 505 for the class of 2011 to 502 for the class of 2012. For Everett Public Schools, the SAT participation rate of students in the class of 2012, regardless of the year tested, was 51 percent based on the May 1 enrollment report. This is the same rate of participation as the class of 2011. Similar to state and national trends, gender differences were evident in the mean scores of each exam with males outperforming females by 14 points in critical reading and by 46 points in mathematics, and females outperforming males by 6 points in writing. Mean scores were 27 points higher in critical reading, 30 points higher in mathematics, and 34 points higher in writing for students in the class of 2012 who participated in the SAT as juniors than for those who took the test as seniors. Mean scores for students who took advanced placement courses in any subject area were higher than those of students who completed the minimum required credits for graduation in that subject. Mean scores in critical reading and writing were highest for students who completed advanced placement courses in the arts and music. Mean scores in mathematics were highest for students who completed advanced placement courses in mathematics. In the fall of 2012, Everett Public Schools made the commitment to provide the Preliminary Scholastic Achievement Test (PSAT) to all juniors without charge during the regular school day. This is a critical step in college readiness. Staff will be evaluating the impact of this investment on SAT scores in the future. Attachment: SAT Report 2003-12.pdf (860 KB) Curriculum Collaboration Team (Strategic Targets: 1.1.d, 1.2.b) The literacy, math, science, Career Technical Education (CTE) and Learning Management System (LMS) specialists and directors formed a working group to collaboratively align the common core English Language Arts (ELA) and math standards, new science standards, and CTE frameworks (which are built on 21st century skills). The first meetings have focused on each content area providing professional development to the team on their new content area standards. It is already evident that there is a great deal of overlap among the different standards. The teams goals include looking for ways to collaborate on professional development, curriculum design, and assessment work that takes advantage of the commonalities we are surfacing. In addition, working as a collaborative team will help us develop a common format for presenting the standards in LMS and help teachers make connections among content areas in their lessons. The team hopes to develop strategies teachers can use to integrate content across the curriculum, providing multiple opportunities for students to be engaged in problem solving, providing evidence to support arguments/explanations, computational thinking, and developing strong communication skills.

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STEMPhysics (Strategic Target: 1.2.b) One of the outcomes from the three year Observing Evidence of Learning (OEL) grant was the development of a culture of cross-district collaboration. This is especially evident in the implementation work of our physics teachers. The new physics course, Physics by Design, uses an engineering design instructional model. In the past, physics teachers would be isolated in their buildings, only coming together for implementation of professional development tied to the adoption. Now, physics teachers are using the cross-district OEL professional learning community they formed to continue working together to implement the new materials as district teams. Daily lesson plans, feedback on activities, and assessment ideas shooting across the district provide evidence of the collaborative nature of their work. In addition, the physics team is working with the STEM Center to plan the physics training for our ninth grade teachers in November. This includes developing strategies to support ninth grade teachers in their buildings as they implement the new Physics by Design lessons in ninth grade. Students will benefit from the cross-district and cross-grade level collaboration by receiving the first unit of physics in ninth grade, enabling the physics teachers to cover more topics by the time this cohort of students take physics. Both of these project-based courses incorporate engineering design practices and are part of the CTE/STEM offerings at high school: Physics by Design (pre-engineering) and Coordinated Science (tech foundations). During the OEL grant, chemistry teachers helped implement the first chemistry unit in 9th grade, thus providing more time to learn chemistry when they take that course in later years. Secondary Literacy Professional Development (Strategic Target: 1.3.a) This fall our secondary literacy department is offering a variety of online professional development opportunities to support teachers as they continue implementing rigor and best practices in literacy instruction. Currently, we are offering three, two-part book study courses that will last approximately eight weeks each. These courses include study in the areas of grammar instruction, which will use the book Bringing Grammar to Life, high-interest reading instruction with Readicide, and relevancy in writing instruction in Write Like This. Teachers may choose to participate in any or all of the courses. In part one of each book study, staff members will read the book, reflect on implications for practice, participate in collegial conversations, and provide each other feedback regarding implementation of best practices taken from the book-study. In part two of each course, teachers will have the opportunity to collaborate in creating lessons, implementing best practices, and participating in collegial discussions in which they reflect upon the effects of the implementation on student achievement in their classrooms. These courses are designed to facilitate peer support as teachers create lessons, and as they prepare to teach the lessons. After implementation, teachers will work together to reflect on this process and its implications for future instruction. Throughout these courses, the secondary literacy department will serve as a resource for teachers as they continue to implement best practices, and provide increased rigor in their classrooms. Teacher-Librarians and School Libraries (Strategic Target: 1.3.a) Teacher-librarians held their first professional learning community (PLC) meeting of the school year. Of primary focus for the meeting, the teacher-librarians shared their examples of their commitment expressed in the groups mission statement: The mission of the Everett Public Schools libraries is to ensure all students and staff members are 21st Century learners and effective users of ideas and information. This mission is accomplished through Collaboration, Instruction and Action. Examples included: Engaging teachers in school libraries by initiating and/or supporting the work of professional learning communities (PLCs) in their schools. Supporting elementary teachers and the goals and implementation of Good Habits Great Readers (GHGR). Redesigning library spaces to accommodate the needs of diverse students and a wide range of classroom needs. Pre-teaching and re-teaching key informational literacy lessons. Collaborating with teachers to promote research and technology skills, through the use of online databases and specialized search engines. Partnering with local public libraries. Providing access to students and staff before, during, and after school. Encouraging a love of reading, inquiry, and lifelong learning. Elementary Literacy (Strategic Target: 1.5.a) The reading cadre, consisting of reading specialists from each of the elementary schools, met for their first professional development day of the year. At this meeting we provided information on ELL, the instructional reading maps, and literacy goals for 2012-13. These teacher leaders will meet regularly throughout the year, in large group training sessions, and in small group literacy coaching PLCs. They are ready to launch year three of implementing Good Habits, Great Readers and will receive a review on lesson study when we meet again in October. Math OEL (Strategic Target: 1.5.a) After a successful math Observing Evidence of Learning (OEL) pilot last spring, we are beginning our first year of Math OEL for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, and high school teachers of the Algebra 1 course. This STEM partnership between Everett Public Schools, The Boeing Company, Center for Inquiry Science at the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), and Western Washington University provides four days of professional development for each participating secondary math teacher per school year. This professional development is built on the proven success of OEL-Science, is focused on rigorous math content, applying research on teaching and learning, and centered on the common core state standards for mathematics.

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The funding, a Boeing grant to ISB, spans a three-year period which allows us to incorporate this model into our district goal of promoting professional growth and raising student achievement in mathematics. As an example, the first two-day math cycle will include ten 6th grade math teachers. The first day planning session will focus on a key math concept that will be taught the following week by one of the teachers and observed by the others. On this day Dr. Jessica Cohen, Western Washington University assistant professor of mathematics, will assist teachers in developing a deeper understanding of both the math concept and how students learn. The second day of the cycle is a group observation of the lesson, followed by a de-briefing and a collective generalization to practice important tenets of the lesson. This two-day classroom-embedded professional development model will be repeated in late winter. Each grade level will follow a similar format for two cycles during the year. NCAA Eligibility Center (Strategic Target: 5.4.b) Similar to the Washington Student Achievement Councils college admission standards, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) sets eligibility standards for high school graduates hoping to compete in Division I and Division II college athletics. High school students must submit transcripts and standardized testing scores (SAT or ACT). Students must also meet a minimum GPA requirement based on approved NCAA coursework. The NCAA also requires high schools and school districts to register and complete an approval process by completing a lengthy questionnaire and submitting documentation such as school schedules, school calendars, course descriptions, and sample transcripts. Everett Public Schools is registered as a school district with coursework approved from our three large high schools. This fall, the Sequoia High School/Port Gardner principal and the humanities curriculum specialist have been working to have Sequoia High School and Port Gardner School approved so that student athletes who have taken courses at those schools may be eligible to compete in college athletics. Everett Rotary Next Generation Project (Strategic Target: 5.4.b) This year will be the first year of implementation of a new partnership between the Rotary Club of Everett and the district to support AVID students at Everett and Sequoia High Schools. This partnership will provide AVID students with opportunities to interact with, and get to know, Rotarians who will serve as career speakers, study group facilitators, CE guides and mentors. The Rotary Club will also provide $25,000 this year for field trips and college visits, targeted summer school tuition assistance, purchase of college in the high school credits, and scholarships for graduates. Implementation of this project spans the course of the next four years and will serve approximately 240 students each year. Attached is a detailed description of the program as well as a copy of the four-year implementation plan. Attachment: AVID Proposal Draft with revised budget 20120928.pdf (21 KB) Attachment: Rotary Signature Project-Implementation & Evaluation Plan 20120928.pdf (21 KB) Public Records Request Update Rodman Reynolds: Mr. Reynolds submitted a request for the September 21, 2012 edition of the Friday Report including the staff contacts and community contacts information within the executive content area. He did not request copies of any of the attachments at this time. This information has been transmitted to Mr. Reynolds. Miscellaneous Attachments, News Releases & Articles Attachment: Kent SD Filipino-American History Month Proclamation 20120928.pdf (292 KB) News Releases Points of Pride Budget Articles Field Trip Requests Attachment: Cascade HS FT Presidental Inauguration 20120928.pdf (426 KB) Attachment: Jackson HS FT Girls Cross Country 20120928.pdf (360 KB) Attachment: Jackson HS FT Varsity Boys Basketball Tournament 20120928.pdf (266 KB) Directors' Dates to Remember Tuesday, October 2 - Special Board Meeting - 5 p.m. - Mill Creek City Council Chambers Tuesday, October 9 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, October 16 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 23 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, November 13 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room November 14-17 - WSSDA Conference - Spokane Tuesday, November 27 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Tuesday, December 4 - Special Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. Thursday, December 6 - Special Board Meeting - Time TBA Tuesday, December 11 - Board Meeting - 4:30 p.m. - Board Room Volunteers of America Agreement 20121002.pdf (13 KB) SAT Report 2003-12.pdf (860 KB)

Everett High School Gymnasium Modernization Bid Summary 20120926.pdf (8 KB)

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Kent SD Filipino-American History Month Proclamation 20120928.pdf (292 KB) Board Meeting Minutes 20120925 Regular.pdf (45 KB) Community Contacts

Executive Content

Monroe ES Modernization Change Order No. 8 20120926.pdf (197 KB)

Peter Scott and I met with Mr. Rey Pascua, a representative of the Filipino-American community, AVID Proposal Draft with revised budget 20120928.pdf (21 KB) who has been meeting with Rotary Signature Project-Implementation & Evaluation Plan 20120928.pdf (21 KB) superintendents across the state to discuss FilipinoCascade HS FT Presidental Inauguration 20120928.pdf (426 KB) American History Month (which is October) and to Jackson HS FT Girls Cross Country 20120928.pdf (360 KB) promote events and share information about FilipinoAmerican heritage. He provided us a Jackson HS FT Varsity Boys Basketball Tournament 20120928.pdf (266 KB) copy of a proclamation adopted by the Kent School District to use as a sample in case the board should wish Board Work Plan 2011-12 Report.pdf (32 KB) to do the same (see the miscellaneous attachment section above). The YMCA of Snohomish County is developing a process to implement its strategic plan. As chair of the strategic plan oversight committee, I am facilitating the work of this trustee committee. We met once this week, and will meet twice more prior to November. The Third Annual Sports Hall of Fame Banquet was held at Comcast Arena in the Edward D. Hansen Conference Center. Molly Ringo, Peter Scott, Sally Lancaster, Ian Freeman, and I were among the hundreds who attended. Sally accepted a plaque on behalf of the 1940 basketball champs. Kim Mead and I held our first regular meeting of this school year. A major topic of our conversation was joint work to support the successful implementation of the collaboration time on Fridays. The Snohomish County Superintendents group met in the Lakewood School District this week. Among our topics were the new system of calculating Annual Measurable Objectives, management of the Denney Youth Center program, charter school positions taken by boards of directors, and the changes in collective bargaining agreements in the county. Bob Bolerjack met with me to discuss a wide variety of topics, including areas of potential educational program support with the PUD. Phil Gore, Gene Sharratt, and I participated in a telephone conference concerning the superintendent evaluation project. JoAnne Fabian and I met with AVID vice president Mark Tanner, who is in town visiting our AVID sites and those in surrounding districts. Mark invited board members and the superintendent to attend the AVID conference in December. Staff Contacts My first full round of school visits for the year was completed this week; I've visited each school at least once. I visited with staff and students at Sequoia, Jefferson, Mill Creek, Madison, Lowell, and Evergreen this week. Superintendents Cabinet discussed proposed revisions to procedures for non-discrimination, affirmative action and sexual harassment prevention and reporting; considered plan-do-check-act training plans and roles; updated the cabinet annual meeting plan; confirmed assignments and agenda items for upcoming board meetings; discussed planning for the upcoming Superintendents Leadership Team meeting; and made final decisions about topics and dates for quarterly Cabinet strategic implementation workshops. Peter Scott and Robert Polk met with me to review athletics program participation, program evaluation, soccer expansion, safety training and equipment evaluation, and other related topics. A team of seven finance and facilities leadership staff met with me to review the status of the operating budget, the capital budget, and additional functionality for the accounting software that bridges the two operations. Staff are preparing the imminent close of the 2011-12 fiscal year. Terry Edwards and Bob Sotak met with me to review our STEM cooperative agreement and determine direction for a cost-benefit analysis of grant acquisition. I had the pleasure of presenting a coin of distinction to a fifth grader who recently reported a case of bullying.

Last Modified by Kathy Mahan on October 1, 2012

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