Red Bank Squadron - 01/01/1942

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Ice Yacht Race* Are Postpoiied t
-' Rain and-warmer Wither- of
last week-end , forced a postponement of the scheduled ice yacht races between the cial-lehgerj of the Monmouth Ice Yacht club of Red Bank nd the defenders of the HudsonHighland Ice Boat club, ' ^ The eVenU, best twoof three heats, for the Eastern championship pennant offered by the Rumson Country elubr*were-to have been sailed on Orange Lake, near Newburgh, New York. Several Red Bonk Ice yachtsmen had planned to make the trip.' Commodore Frank Blaledell is awaiting word from' the Highland-Hudson club of tho postponed dates.


Warden Funera I Home Has 25th Anniversary

Red Bank Morticians Have Long Record Of Service

Tax Group Against New? School Proposal

League Also Opposes Bro&d .. Street ^Tp River.. Extension ^

Zager, Smith Pass Bar Exam

Robert Martin Pleads Both Men Clerked With 'Not Guilty Of Murder
Red Bank-Law'Firm


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It ' O

Abraham J. Zager of McLaren otroet, son of Mrs. Rose Zager of : Hudson avcnur and Thomas J, Smith of Asbury Park received word thl morning that they had passed Turner, according to th ohltf, hM The Taxpayers association of Red the state bar examinations, taken at - Robert Martin, colored resident of The Worden funoral home, 60 East Bank-at-a-meetlng-last-nlgJUn-tliB. -Trenton lnOctober.-BpthLyaung men Newark, yesterday pleaded not guilty admitted that he murdered the wo~ Tront atreot, yostcrday completed of-theTnurder-of-Mra,-Edna-rAj5Zmanr- ynnn, hut rrpriltart Martin with instiofflccs of its secretary, Alston Beck-' have been.'serving Hh^ir clerkship. 25 years of service In Red Bank and nan, Jr., went flatly*on record as with the law firm ol .Parsons, La- RiverJale avenue, Shrewsbury town- gation of the slaying.' Examination" vicinity-under the management of ship; when arraigned before justice of the body disclosed Mrs. Aszman opposed to the construction of a new brecqut Sc Borden, Albert W. Worden. Associated with of fie Peace Fred Quinn. The charge had been struck over the head with ichool In the borough and to the Mr. Worden, In the flrm as partriera was . made by George H. Roberts, an ax and was probably still breath.. roposed extension of Broad street are his three Bonn, Harry C. P., chief county Investigator. Ing when dumped Into the grave. o the rjver. Resolutions setting James~A7~and~~Bbber t":~F." Wordon. 'orth" the'"organization's objections Mrs. Aszman's station wagon, Maratin was implicated In the During the quartor1 of a century A'ere-sdopted. slaying, Chief Roberts said, bjf Rob- familiar sight around Red Bank, WBJJ period the-home haB had charge of ert Turner, 23, colored, who had been recovered at tho New York end of The greater part of the session Methods of Fighting over 4,100 services. 'employed - on^theAszmanfarm. the Holland tunnel several days titer ''aj devoted to the discussion of the Turner- according to the chief, has the murder, but all trace of Turner ichnol question, which Is pending beThe Wordon funoral home la'.one Fire From Incendiary was lost: ~" fore the board of education. The confessed that he killed Mrs. Asz-" of the most modern of Its kind In state, department recently warned man October 3 and hid her body in Martin has denied, Chief Roberts the state and can accommodate Bombs Demonstrated tho local body that It would witha shallow grave dug In a cornfield on said, being with Turner before the more than 100 persons at services. hold approval of Red Bank high the farm. Mrs. Aszman's. 13-year-, murder or having seBn him for sev^In, the homo, besides the rooms for A mass meeting in the Interest of school as a secondary institution of old son, William, found the body the eral'years prior to It. ' the accommodations of clients, Is a air raid defense at Highlands, was learning unless drastic changes were following day. . ., .Turner was questioned in Albany casket display room, and a spotless held last night in the auditorium of made to its physical education plant. white preparation room with tllo Qulnii held Martin for grand jury police headquatterB from i p. m. A newgymnasium, it was , stated, the grammar school of that borough floor ard with all modern appuraction without ball. -Turner was due Saturday, to 1 o'clock Sunday mornwould be necessary. At a recent and largely attended. Herbert E. Edwards tenances. The " automobile equip? at Freehold to day from Albany, New ing, according to tho chief, before , Harry N. Johnson, chairman of the meeting of the board three proposals ment Includes two modorn casket York, where he has been held, since he broke. _ His Identification had J ranglng"from-theadditlon f-auch-a local defense council, presided and gymnasium to the building of a comTto^Be^Tdastrnaster ; coaches, both Cadillacs; a modorn Dccmber_ll^pn_a L ^harge _of_taklng_ been established earlier by the Fedintroduced the speakers. Mayor Al- plete new school were considered. service car and four sedans. a stolen car across state lines. His eral Bureau ~6f Investigation through:" Elaborate Program fred N. Beadleston of Shrewsbury, ^Members of the Taxpayers' group arrest came about -when he was fingerprints. The establishment has boon at tho stopped for. speeding: and failed to regional defense director, reviewed at last night's meeting pointed out Turner had been employed by Mrs. BaBt Front street address for 22 produce a license. Investigation dis- Aszman, whose husband, Oscar, 1B an years. Before directing tho flrm Harry B. Clayton, of tho well the duties and accomplishments thus that neither the local board nor the closed the car had been stolch and East Orange butcher, to assist her himself, Albert W. Worden was asknown flrm of Clayton 8c Magee, will far of the various local councils un- state department had actually recthat the driver, according to the on her truck farm about four months A I J B E R T W. WORDEN ommenled tho construction.oft a new bo the honored member at the sup-der his jurisdiction. chief, had' a police record. before the slaying. When appreCaptain Mershon, head of chem- school, Richard S. Bicknell, chairper and social time to follow the of tho Defense Council of the River January meeting of the Monmouth. cal warfare at Fort Hancock, gave man of the school committee, deChief Roberts atate.d yesterday he hended In Albany, Turner v n i drivBoroughs, a member of the Red clared although, tho faction favoring could n.ot say what.part each man ing a car -which had been stolen la Boat club Monday night at the club a demonstration of fighting lncendi ' Bank defoneo council, and a former house. played In the case. ; The interroga- MIohigan. ' ' ary bomb fires; Chief Kaiser of. the .the new school had set tho cost at . . approximately $602,000, the actual .. ABRAHAM J. ZAGER tion of Turner has been .carried on Although residents of the sparsely member of tho board of education, 'ISkeet" Clayton, as he is familiarly Fort Hancock fire department urged cost, when finance charges, arc conat Albany by Detective William S. settled neighborhood In which tha former vice-president pf the Redknown by his hosts of friends, has that precautionary measures be takMr. Zager gradtiate'ci" from Red Mustoe for tfte prosecutor's office and Aszmans lived combed the .Area Bank building and loan association, been a meirtber of tho club for about en In the line of cleaning up attics sidered, will amount to about- a million 'dollars. Building costs, he said, Bank high school In June, 1934. He It was Mustoe who advised the chief throughout the afternoon and night, former member of tho board of 25'yeara, and has been active on theand cellars. T were, already up from 30% to 60$i was president -of the senior class, that Turner had made a'confession of lie* disappearance, It was not untrustees of Rlvcrvlcw hospital, and auditing and othor committees. .Members of .the. Highlands flre de- over such costs in . normal times. a,XTOPIUBT"director of the- Chamber H r b e r t . E . ~ Edwards, popularly, partment attended the meeting In BUIIdlng-at-thiu tlmo/ho .doclarad president of the; student council, to him and Claude Patterson, state til the following morning that her " r son discovered the grave. ^ . of-CbmmeVce. known as "Herble," will; be toast- uniform"." Tilsywlli-be givon inslrucr would not only,bo in/practical from manager of the football team and a police detective. He is a post president of tho Mon. master and' has arrant^A.A surprise tlon in methods of fighting incendi- the viewpoint of taxation but would member., of Jhe...national honor society., mouth and Ocean Counties' funeral in tho lino of entin!W|Wgnt by Aary bomb flres at classes to be held be unpatriotic and wasteM-. He went to Bucknell university,. directors association, a 'former vice- well known "artls{JS^^|^|ar fea- on three week days and a Sunday Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, on a scholpresident of the State Funeral di- ture of the "seiec- at Fort Hancock under Fire Chief R. said rectors association, a member.of the tlons by a celebrafl lonlst, K a i s e r . ' > "'" hePresident theV. R. H. Stout any arship, graduating In June, 1938, with believed consideration of a bachelor of arts degree. A( college, National Funeral directors associa- Ernie Dare of Fords.' talking Fire Chief-elect Howard Monahan tion, and is affiliated with tho Amer- movie treat will also be provided by will Btart a first aid defense instruc- building, program at this time, and lie was director of the Intramural especially any plan to Spend a mil- Athletic association, manager of the ican Institute of funeral directors. Theodore D. Moore, vice president, In tion class to be held Thursday nights lion dollars, was redlculo|^^> ~t -varsity football team, served'on the A dozen years ago Mr. Worden the showing ot the timely picture, at' 8 jb'clock In the school. Men arc The text of the i'esolut|b"n^Dlldws: junior prom committee and was a purchased the William J. Sutton "Coast Guard I" Action." askeal to register for this class with WHEREAS, there is a proposal by delegate from, the universi^jj* ' n e /^"Skeot" Claj :.:-' career thus far Wllllata E. Kohlenbush, borough residence and lot adjoining the funto erect new schools in the eral home on the east, and has lived will be covered m a story of his life, clerk ttad secretary of the defense a faction of Red Bank at an estimat- model conference of the leagtfepf naborough including some more Intimate and couocll.\ tions at' Rutgers university In 1938. there ever since. ... ed minimum cost of $602,000. which, He was a - member pf the Christian personal knowledge, to be gleaned Slxty-fVvV women have registered from a "speech" by "Gus" Mlnton with Mr. K&hlenbuBh for first aid de- with' interest, will aggregate at least association, president of-Sigma Alpha on a cruising trip to Canada In the fense instruction?Belng held Fridays a total of $1,000,000 over a 20-year Mu social fraternity, member of period, Fair Havon mayor's yacht "Jean." HARRY C. F. WORDEN BE IT RESOLVED, That It is the Sigma Phi Alpha honorary political from 2 to t p.^m.' PJans are being .Mayor Charles R. Eugllsb, at the Edgar V. Donlse, club secretary, made for night classes for those un- unanimous Opinion of the members science fraternity, a member of the final' meeting of the borough counwill be back in his accustomed place able to get j o the day sessions. Boclated, with his father-in-law, the of the Taxpayers association of Red freshman track team and vice presicil for 1011, named committee of and .will receive a hearty welcome late Coroner Harry C. Pay, for three Bank that, such expenditure would dent of the intei'-fraternity council. three to take charge of the rationing . from the club members upon his re- In addition to his local duties Chief be unnecessary and burdensome on Mr. Zager is attending the Universyears. jMr. Fay was active as a of tires In accordance -with .regula-/. Mote "Sentries of turn home and complete recovery Monahan Is conducting PIMSM at tho citizens of Red Bank and request ity of Newark law school, He expects mortician for more, than 25 years Mlddlotown Tuesday nights, at tions Issued by Price Administrator from a successful major operation. to graduate In June of 1S42. Since before ho passed away in Deeom Keansburg Wednesday ^nights, at the abandonment of the project. Leon Henderson,, which go into ef the Air" Needed President Benjamin L. Atwater Rutherford W, Woodhead, chair- graduating from Buclcnell, he hai bor, mi feet January 5. will preside at the business session Fort Monmouth Monday afternoons man of the street committee, report- been employed as a title Bearcher .by 150 Children Were Mr. lforden, who married Miss and will start a class at Rumson soon ed that he had investigated the proCaptain Robert A. Kennedy,- overParsona^Labrecque & Borden. Last Sara E. ;Fny in December, 1012, has . Arranging of a schedule for thepreceding the evening's festivities. after the first of the yearT posal to extend Broad street to the Thanksgiving, Mr. Zager married the Present Yesterday seer of the poor, was named chairtrained 'his sons to tallow in his manning of the local air raid obser- Membership' applications will be act' river and had found at least five-ob- former Nettle Kaplan of "Red Bank. man qf the committee. The- other ed on, reports of committees will 1)6 footstep . All throe are graduates vation post will bo completed at a ; jections that Tnight be madu to the of the1,, fed Bank High school, and meeting tonight at tho American made and .other business transacted. Mr, Zager is.another of The Reg- Louis Corlito, proprietor of Louis' two members are Miss Lucy Hartplan. First, ho said, at least half man, secretary at the municipal Tho "teed" as .usual will be proHarry i nd James are graduates of Legion home of Shrowshury.. post, isters staff of bright newsboys who tavern on route 35, Middletown, en- water works plant, and William Wlot the Sheridan hotel and three oththe E^iouard training school'for Rlvorslde avenue. Ensloy White, lo- vided by Mart P. Havllaud and Carl er buildings facing on West Front are climbing: the ladder of success. .tcrtoined 150 children- yesterday af- koff. Headquarters of the commitembalr ir at New York city. Rob- cal defense chairman, will be tho Brown, club steward. street would havo to be 'removed, re- For many years he "peddled" The fernoon at his 11th-annual Christ- tee will be in th'e Chestnut street speaker. Post Commander Jacques ert gru uated from Rod Bank High sulting in loss in taxes-whlch would Registe'r on the street of his home mas party. Luncheon. was served municipal building. and candy and fruit waa distributgchor" In February, 1938, served J. Norell, in charge of recruiting the not be compensated by new ratables. town. Mr. Henderson's regulations, formAlterations to Be His second objection was that a 'Mr, Smith attended Villanova col- ed. Entertainment was supplied by threi ars as ,an apprentice In the-observers, has asked that residents Eddie King of Asbury Park, and his ally approved by President Roosevelt, sizeable capital cuHey" would be lege, and gra/luated from' Newark profot,. > and business, nnd Is now of Fair Haveii, Rumson, MIddletown n ban the issuance of purchasing cerMade in 1942 ' . necessary for the projict^ Third, the univel'sity law school June, 1940.' Af- stars of the future. a studi It for a scholastic year at and vicinity attend. speaker reported, the -opening up of Dancers who took- part In-the en- tificates for new tires or tiibea except the Cl: irinatl, Ohio, CoIIcgo of Em- At a tileetlng of the county defense ' Wellington Wilklna,. Jr., told The . The borough council,- at Its final tho street would create a serious ter his graduation' from Villanova, tertainment were Misses Frances Os- to those coming within seven distinct council Friday night In tho Legion Register this morning- that he had balming. Mr. Smith became' associated ^with homo, Frederick Kriisor of Keyport Instituted sulV'agalnst Buddy Baer meeting last night, practically made wind condition on lower Broad the Central Railroad of New_ Jersey bo'rn, Peggy Butterfleld, Marlon El- classifications. All supplies of newwas] named county chief observer of qf California, Jerry Casale of Ocean- a New Year.'s resolution to Improve street, affecting business adversely. In the engineering department. He mer, Ann Tilsley, Marie Breslln, shoes and inner tubes have been tho 12 posts now in operation on a 24- pDrt and Izzy Klino of Chicago, oc- the council chamber In the borough Arguing for his fourth point that was later employed by the state high- Betty Rlley, Bernlce Younlzzie, Jean "frozen" until the rationing date; Tho car owners who will b able hour schedule. In the absence of cupants of a car which struck a carhall. The matter was brought up there would be no way department as assistant civil en- Mary Nelson and Josephine Younizto get new tires aro those whose veCounty Legion Commander Robert operated by Mrs. Wilktns, at Eat-by Councilman Thomas M. Gopslll, as a result, Mr. Woodhead pointed gineer. He continued in the highway zic. . . '-' out fifthly and finally that there arc hicles are essential to services for chairman of tho polico end borough Thlxton of'Matawan, W. c. Eldrldgo ontown Christmas eve. Mr, WilAssisting Mr. Corlito were Mrs. J. ample facilities by which to reach department,.progressing through sevhealth safety and In Industrial and of'Freehold presided. kins. said his wife had suffered In- hall committee, and, while no defl- thp river at the present-time. Mr. eral divisions until 1930 when he was C. Compton, Mrs. Harry Barnard, commercial operations of a limited A request was made that all per-juries to her side and shoulder and nite_ action was taken, members Woodhead recommended that If the appointed right of way agent with Miss Alice Cornelius, Mrs. M. Osborn, nature. They-are: sons spotting an airplane landing in. that the Wllklns car had been dam- seemed* agreed on taking some steps proposal is presented to the borough the legal division. He has represent-' Miss .Barbara .Weir, Mrs. H. Butter1. Physicians, surgeons, visiting to make tho council chamber a bet- council in the near future it shouldfleld, Mrs. H. Lohsen, Mrs. J. Ayers, a remote field or secluded placo re- aged considerably. ed.. the highway department'in neport It to their nearest air raid bo opposed by the association at that gotiations for right of- way along Mrs. R. J. Runyon, Mrs. J. Knlffen, nurses, veterinarians. Baer, heavyweight boxdr who will ter plifbe in which to meet.;, Mrs. Rudy Reckshiegel, and Mrs. 2. Ambulances. . Councilman Gopslll's Idea Is to time post. More volunteers* aro needed to meet Joe Louts for th,o world's heavy. many ' of the recently constructed Chester Henry. 3. Piro fighting Equipment, police fill the quota of sliy sentries. vehicles, garbage removal trucks weight championship next'. month,' tear down the balcony in tho old A resolution petitioning both the highways In Monmouth county. Tho results to date of observation and his two companions were pro- meeting hall and to Install a false Children prosent. Included Ruth and mail delivery cars. Ho Is a member of the Phi Kappa SolenskI, William Carroll, Matthew council and school board to refrain post work were discussed and con4. Public service vehicle! with a ceeding south of South street, Eat- roof. This, it Is expected, will !mstructively criticized by Col. H. Nor- ontown, at the time of the crash. provo _the acoustics of the hall, from making any capital outlays in Upsala fraternity at Villanova, a Taylor, Virginia Schwartz, George capacity of-10 or^nore passengers on their 19-12 budgets In view of the member of the Pltnoy senate at New- Grennlnger, Arthur Krause, Davo regular transportation routes, ichool man Schwartzkopf, former head of Mrs. Wllklns had come to a halt at which aro definitely bad, as well as present national emergency ' wag ark law school, and a member of-the ROchellc, Freddie Lazzatl, Eddie busses or .cars to carry workers to the state police. tho Intersection of South street and to improve tho appearances of the adopted. The text of' this resolution Asbury Park council, Knights of Co- Tkach, Haakcn Isaksen, Barbara and from industrial plants. I Wyclcoff avenue. The car In whlcl room. 5. Trucks for lco and fuel dollverfollows: lumbus. In politics, he has been ac- Holdsworth, Peter Christiansen, utilities) Baor wan. riding was driven by Cas- ,-Newspapermen who cover the WHEREAS, wo aro now engaged tive In the Democratic party, being Mary Grennlnger, Kenneth Baker, les, road maintenance, public services, meetings are also being considered facilities, essential repair nle. Baer, Cnsalo and Kline all sufformer president- of the Shore Dorothy Keller, Duanne Downcs, Eu- waste and scrap dealers, common in a total wur and it is imperative J fored mlnpr Injuries and were treat- In the schemo of things arid some that all our nfforts bo devoted to the Democratic club of A^brtiy Park. gene Krohn, Daniel Leo, Nahcy Letts, carriers and transportation for raw j cd at Monmouth Memorial hospital. sort of desk or table arrangement purposes of national defense; thoreMargaret Black, Katharine and Flor- materials, seml-Anlshed or finished Mr. Wllklns will be represented In will be made for their convenience. ence Taylor, E.thel Bennett, "Joseph goods, which nro not moving dlreotlj' court by- the-'-firm of Parsons, La- Councilman Gopslll stated after th BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tax ? Davis, Mildred Bennett, Mary Smith, to the household for ultimate conmeeting. Tho promise of better Payers association of Red Bank rer Mrs. Thos. McCarthy - brecque and Borden. Anna -Smith, Donald Downcs, Lcroy sumers' use. sontlfig arrangements, and finer spectfully .petition, tho mayor arid 6. Farm tractors or impleborIsaksen, Gerald King, Ann Baker, ments, except trucks otherpleasure acoustical facilities, onahlo tho ro council and school board of the now or Found by Husband ough of Kcil Bank to make no Charles Selinskl, Leo Davis, Robort cars. porters to look forwnrd to a very capital outlays In their 3942 budgets '(; ' rAME3 A, WORDEN Sellnskl, Barbara Bennett, Betty 7. Industrial, mining and construchappy New Year. and, wherever consistent with good King, Jonnnette Bennett, Harry Sel- tion equipment, except trucks or The funeral of Mrs. Thomas McThe council, after making tern government, to cut existing approRaymond Jones and Han entered tho business as a inski, Walter Wilson, Jenn Hcyer, other automobiles. Carthy, 34, of 7 Forrest avenue, Rumpriations to the end that moro funds partnc Fobruary 1, 1935, and James Mrs. Herman Geld, 45, of Rose- porary appropriations for the oper- niay bo available for dnfenflo and the Michael Egan Join Up Jean Mnler, Gnil Hcyer, Ruth Krleg- As to tho'prohibition against salo beep , a partner in the firm* In son, whoso death was due to asphlx- wood terrace, Linden, was killed ation of the water and sower depart- burden of taxes for othr-r,than,decr, Lorraine Ahvard, Margaret Den- for uso on cars delivering to coniatlon by gas, was held Saturday afment until tho 1042 budget. Is adoptF ' " . /, 1030. Robert was BBDOternoon at tho Wordon funoral homo shortly after midnight last night in ed, adjourned for tho year. The re- fense purposes may bollghtened. Two Fair Haven young men have nis, Margaret Hesse, Betty and Dean sumers. It was explained that thoi'o S-' a a partner.a little over a on East Front street. Rev. Hofbort an auto accident at tho Intersection Knlffen, Dorothy Cuslclt, Mllllo and wero factors to relievo any altuntlon While o. Mr. nnd Mrs. WordenSr.Cralg, rector of Trinity Episcopal of routo 30 and Main street, Key organliatlon meeting will ho held olutions*in tho mood of passing res- joined tho colors, both in branches Ruth Hallldny, .Frank Wilson, Don- Involving tho dollvory of milk, bakthu organization concluded' of the nil- serylcc,' Raymond Paul ilso o a dnugh'tor, Ohrlsta Joyce, church, officiated and burial was in port. Her htubnnd is In South Ar*- Friday night. Ha meeting by passing tho following: Jones of Glllcsnic avenue, whose* ald. Bront, Jack Horncr, Donald ery products and clepartrrtent store s old, who Is n pupil in theFair Vlow ccmotory. Tho boarorB boy hospital'' They woro on their ' goods. "Resolved, that'tho Taxpayers asso- father la pontmnster, observed his Moore. or'> o stroot publlo school. woro Francis Murphy, William Gay- way homo from Union Beach, whore ciation of Red Bank wish tho citi- 20th birthday Saturday by enlisting The pooling of delivery facilities' Mclvln Yard, Mary Comerford, 'orden was born at Asbury nof, John Carton nnd John Murphy. tlvey operate tho Ponny Arcade \ln zens of Hod, Bank a healthful and as a flying cadet. For somo tlmo past J.ean Hcsue, Chcstor Granson, Charles was ono sUKKostcd solution, esped has rosidod at Rod Bank prosperous Now Year." the young man has been "rnrln' to Hesse, Thomns Msowsky, Irving cially where there Is duplication of Mrs. McCarthy ivns found dead In tho summer. 12 i. Ilia mother, Mrs, Annie tho. bathroom by her hUBband upon go," but ho could not apply for en- Hesse, William Dobronky, Eleanor routes such n.i In milk And laundry Funeral arrnngemonts In charge The'annual^Christmas trco pnrty C. V.. Ion, HVCB with him. A BIS- his roturn nbout 11 o'clock Wednes- of Nin Bodlo funeral homo are listment as a Hying cadet until ho Schwartz, Demos Anthopuloa, Arthur I Borvli'os. Homo of the blggr flrmii ^ tor, Mr,. J. Gordon Oottor, lives at day morning from Bayonno, where yet complete. Interment will he In of tho Exempt flccnion'fl association wan 20. H when Saturday arrived Stqncr, Joaoph' Rhetiban, ' Rli'lmrd I wero said to havo had largo stock* o was held Christmas morning at the Colorado. Mr. Worden at- he had nccbmpnnlod his brother to n Klversldo' cemetery, Jtonell'e Parli. he left, i-nrly for New York .city and Manuel, Sophie Anthopulon, .Hazel , of 'tires on bnnd to curry them along Corlton theater nd wns we'll attended tho Red Bank puhjlo schools uhlp, on -which hln brother Is a nonwas accented, . --.-Mrown, Harold Schwartz, Robert j (or Nutnti tlmt'. tended. Bnnta Clnun, appearing on and shortly alter ho rntcriid his man. EJfforls to revive hor woro of Only ietrt'adiMl,.recapped or plhnr NEW CATHOLIC CIIAOT.AIN. Jonnfl I a graduate , of Humiiori Schwartz, Mildred Brown, John n the stage of thn (heater, presented teona ho brcamo asiioclntod with no avail. Schwartz, Frank and OPOI-RH Hufl|i, iiHed tiic-'i aio exempt from die raHigh school and afterward complottho Hod Bank Register ns an np- \ Surviving, besides her husbnnd, ; Lieutenant Colonel Philip Colohm each boy and girl with a present, ril two yenrii In Momiioulh Junior Lew Demnrco, William and EUKOIIO Intlnns nt prnnimt. Concert January 7 prentlcn in (lie mechanical dopart- who Is employed at t h e Fair Havon this week was named to the chap- enndy nnd an oi'nngn. Motley, Shawnclta, Frank, Sylvia rollogo nt Long Hrnnell. The dlntrlbiitlon of bankets to the mont. l a t e r ho served several yonrs tavern, are hor paronts, Mr. and Mrs. lain ntaff of Fort Monmouth to tako PKKTIG NAMED AIDR nt River St. School Tho other FnlrHnvrn young man and Lnla Jncknon, Martha Hansel, on tlio 'ropoi'forlnl staff; Aftnr lin Honry Smith, who live In England. charge of Calhollo service at the needy on Chrlitman wn' carried out to enlist Is Mlrhacl Kunnniv.Egnn, 'SB, Wllllnm Bartn, Frank Tr'czzn, -Josso Llmilennnt Normnn Fortlf, Fort ail usunl, The firemen mndo up WBB Red Bank correspondent for Mrs. McCarthy had boon concornod No. 2 Cnthnllo chnpcl. Father ColoTlio Hampton institute quartet, of Mnplo ^nvimrte, non. of Mrs. Mary Johnson, Howard and Haiold liiiker, sovornl iiowapapors In tho county. of Into over the safely of hor pnr-han was recently transferred from baskets of foodstuffn received from well Imnwn radio and. recording nrt- E^an and tin1 lain MlclinnJ Egan, Ho Teddy Luwlur, Uobliy Letts, Herman, Monmouth pout nthli-tln !olllcar, Oils Mr. Worden him always boon pro- onts In England, nnd tho dny herFort Mills, near Mnnlln. At Fnrt schoolchildren and froin children at- Htn, will pi'ciionl a rm'ltul nt Hit! unlisted In tlu> .Army Air corps De- Tommy anil Mlcdaol HiMimlilt, Jolm wi'i'lc WIIH nnmml nlilo to Ltoiltnmint gresslvo In tho inaiwiitemont of thn body was found a ealilogram arrived Monmouth hn will ' lie nNnlntod by tending the annual food matlnco, as Itlvor street school WndneHduy night, cember 18-and'WHS n<>h,t (O Maxwell- Iloyce,- lCddla Htolini', Anthony I)iv Colonel Curtis, Fort Momiioulh pro> Lieutenant Feitlg Marco, Jonoph DoHano, I'i'li'i', .Tnlin voit niaiKhnl. well' as from contiiliutlouft. funeral homo ami lias kept pnoo stating they woro well and nafo. Jaiumry 7, at H;!l() oVInrlc under the flpld, Ahibniua. Father ncmmlng. will t-iititii] hlrt post n nthMlo nfflM with tho tlmis. The homo has un-> Win. McCarthy enirto to Nnw Yorlt IUIH|>II'('H of tlio committee < manni,"*lin in a Hrudtmtn of Fair Haven Dunlol and Tony Trezza, T.nulH Cn.i- eot' anil nbio ns coniih of the footTO MCIKNKK JMKJH, dergonb cxTonslvo alterations from Pity eight years ago, I from England New years Kv* (Jrlolifntlon. luout ami board of tnifltrcti of the f^rnnuniu- lichool unit Urd Hank Hl^h nun. Un.vmoml anil Ilnrnld Powoll, Imtl mill (losing tnnmn, Como earlystay late. Everytime to time. The nrod for a mod- nnd moved to Humnon nix years Ooot'Ko X. IIUKK, who has been up- Wefitnldo Youiitf Men'n ('hiinjlu'n aa- ncluinl, mill lilli'llili'il Ollln Slntn unl- Kvann H.iizzi-11 and Jtisepli McKnrg, orn funornl home, ho feels, Is gront- ngo, Rho was employed nn a nnleo- thing you deslrn for Now Years eve. pointed to llcimnn nil dogn In Holm- noclatloi!. viiriilly for two yi'ui'H, He plnyod eats, nnvoltles nnd umltUr today than It wns yearn ago ho- vvomnn In Vogol'n flir storo on Ilnmit Freo Mohmoiilh Tavern, nolne Mon- dnl towntihlp, >vlll Hit nt hln home, 1 store Tin) quiil-ler ni|iit'Mrnln a nrhool roolbnll wllh (bo Ohio Htaln friMihOAI'TAIN KVANrt .PKOMOTKll. nro, 70-72 cnune tho trend In to hold services ill cot, Red Hnrik.,|_ Houth alrcnt, dally fiinn 12 nimn (o wnll linuwn for itn ninKei'H. MIBH Dor- iilnn (rum nnil nlflu with Ihn Red nioulh street, Ked Bnnlc. AdvertiseCnplnln Robort K EvlillB. Foil " - | * ~ In tho parlorn Instead of in (lin 0 p. in.i linglnnllig Monday, .Iii'miiu-y othy Maynor, well known Noiiio HO- Hunk Quiull'anRlpH. ment. HltAnl.ll l.rtffn.. Mnnmntitn pout Inlrlllgnncn olllcnr Rporlnlj'Offer, homes nn In Iho pant, Forly-sovnri 5, until Friday, January , Inclusive luaiui, I'umplntfd lior ntuillcn nt 111 In Wo will Inntnll/ our new nyutcr Illnrk-Out Wlndniv Hluidni. "Whlln <:lllfH of Dover." and publlo rclatlonn iililcrr, thin por cent of al| sorvlcos dlrccttd by This ls*ln nocordnncn with thn IIXMHI Institute. Thn qimrtr-t him given rimA iino-hour daylight lr rnl't whltn hllnil In ymije home on approvAbsolutely no light enn fro through Honr 'roinniy rioiHoy'H rrcoril of the father nnl nous during tlio pnt al; $,1.nn enehf llnvoly whHo dunk -ln Ilic win-Id iM'i'i' niul n Inr/sn mill- iiliovi\" .'ir> i'1'iit'i I'lich. "I'llriiflc'/i Tumi" wnek wan prbniotfil to the nlllc" of drill will bn hold at Fnrt MtinIhoiw ni-vf "Woodstock" ilark green law reginilliiu tho lt'sMnitloii of year woro hell at tho funornl home, tapcH nnil they lharmonlio 'In miyRhiMleii, ,10 cents each; will (It to shut dogs. Mr. Ilugg will lin plmuipil-I i'ir In hxprctcil In turn out whim ming by Amlrmvn Hliitm-H. (lot (uinin Ihn war department chlnf (if lnff iiiouili'I^iiilny nflornoon, It w Mr, Wordon'I* a, inrunbor of sov- 'Vomn, Call ,im loilny and livn them ctut light on mont windows. National Intnrpi'nt tho law foi- anyone dnnlrlng tlm group liinlti'ii 11" liii'nl npprniranci". nnw mroulu fin- Ninv Yniirii ovo. Nu- <it VViinliljiKtini, 1). C, (!u|ilaln ICvnnn nnnniiiiiiail id thn post thin Mniiilii'i'ii nf the himi'd of tiiintimn, llniiujFh It 10. l'l'own'n.Ailvcrtlnii- has buen at Knit MonmoiiUi nlnr.n ornl frnjornnl organizations, nn el-for thn Now YonrI National B nnd 10. B ft, 10. Prown's.Advortlnomcnt. unit, mtiriilnir. No ilnflnlto time U Ontobnr, 11)10. Hn out moil the- nimy iMinpnniiiini of llm iniinlriiln, I'IIIIIIIHI. inent. dor of tlio I'liHiylnrlan church nnil icrtn'/i.-Ailvcrlifdomoiit, i bfien nut fgr (hi drill, llowsvnr, (ltli tlm rating of unwind llniitniiof .Iiilin AY- Allen clinli'inuii, Mnynr n formmv prondont anil aocrotnry of Not; OINO, K (>nl. llitol v whoii (IK, nluim I* nounittd alt 1 RK Mmiuy VuM Oil. Cocktail Rlnia, two for 15 MIIIII; Unlv]'nnl Credit Axtuu'y, 527 (llmi'li'M It. lOiiidliih, Miic. Wiilln'r Hull- avalliililo fur n> Ilimiu'lnit of uld loann uut, Imvlng tnhtrn ll.U.'l /!. ul IFiHthn hoiud of (MsteoB of tho church; rlvlllim trollln will ) liallml > I cnli jilnn: cnnvenlnnt and nld-fanhloneds nnd all tlin rent; full llniiKH iivimuo, Anbni-y I'ni'li. 1'i'f limn, Minn Naiu'y Hlrld, (iliarli's l.i'vni'il unlvmnlly, Caplnln Kvnnii will a.director of tvh Yoiinif Mtin'n Clnlrlliiiiii'itli nil moiinit th* p4t. A l! ' 7 | conln pur , Rnllnn. linn Now Ynntn <ivo nolnnmaknrs, fa- cnnt colli'ctlini, no iiiurK'. H Millnli'i', .1. Wlllliini lli'lni, Ji'Mio N. or ni^\' i'<miitrii(-Umi. lloynton llod hn riiplitrnil liy l.lflltclmnt Thliiimn K (Inn nsDontntlii, n illroRlnr of Ihn , ilnynlnn, H 111 iililliionii tiling', vm-n, rlc, Nullo'iml 5 A 1(1, I'rtnvn'K, rucrn; hnnU /infl ftntlnNml ('llf IIWM mid Jolm VVcnlbiuiik, llolily. ' ' Nml Mmchiuiln Tin t company, tnmnmcr fnncn & UavlH, Hliono Noil Hunk 10,1. Advertisement, Uaiili, |iliuiiii IIH2.Ailviii-tiJioiiKmt. ifqupul. Adveillsomont. Advortlnementr t. I
. ' . . (i .

Instigated Mrs. Aszman'Slaying, _ Ghargea Turner In Confession -;

Mass Meeting~At~ Highlands In Aid Of Local Defense

Monmouth B.C. To Honor Harry B. Clayton Monday

Mayor Names Tire Rationing Board

Captain Robert A. Kennedy Named Committee Head

Defense Head To Address Meeting

Xmas Party At Louis' Tavern

Council Chamber To Be Improved

Suit Instituted Against Boxer

Rumson Woman Dies From Gas'

Woman Killed In Crash At Keyport

Two Fair Haven Young Men Enlist

Annual Christmas ^ Party Well Attended

Negro Quartet To Appear Here

Fort Monmouth Air Raid Drill

Pace Two


of Mr. and Mri. Ernest Woodruff, of West End. The engagement was made known Christmas day. No date has been set ior the,wedding.

at the Leonardo Field club. After pastor, Rev. Walter Cowen, pera short wedding trip the couple will formed the ceremony. reside at'463 Norwood street, East The attendant! were Mr. and Mrs. GKABTHOUNIHAN. * Orange. The bride's traveling ault Charles Touts, Jr.,'of Portaupeck, was green gabardine./-'.. '. Miss Rita Clara Graff, daughttr HATHAWAYBARCUKE. pf Mrs. Philip Ambrose, of Drum- Tho bride gave her maid of hon1 or and bridesmaids marquisette At a ceremony at the horn* of her Mr. and. Mrs.- Fred G. Dunnell of mond. place, and Harold Raymond bracelets. The bridegroom gave the Hounlhan, BOH of Mr. and Mra. Timgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Oceanport announce the . engagebeat man and ushers wallets and Schlck of Eatontown, Miss Lydla merit of their daughter. Miss Jeanne othy R, Hpunlhan f Hudson ave- key ring seta. Hathaway of Eatontown, was marDunnell, to Lieut. Paul T. Little, son nue, .were married Saturday mornTlie bride Is a graduate of Middle- ried Christmas day t o Private First of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little of Ing at 10 o'clock at St. James' Dan Cupid Rides With Santa Claus Bergen place. The ..couple will be church by Monslgnor John B. Mc- town Township High-school and is Class John Barcurae of Fort Monemployed by the Publlo Service \dit_ mouth. Miss Hathaway Is the daughCloskey. married In February. And Gives Out Diamond Rings Miss Dunnell is a graduate of Red The church was decorated with Newark. She ia a member of Delta' ter of Mr. and MrB. Earl Hathaway of Eatoptown and Private Barcume Bank High school and Red Bank ponlsettlaa and laurel. Mrg. H. Ray- Phi Alpha sorority. Corp. Falke Is stationed at Fort Is the son of Mr. and Mra. Arthur Business Institute. She Is employed mond Phillips was organist, and Ovotuhadowlnjr other holiday acBragg with the 112th Field ArtlllBry, Barcume of,Onelda, New-York. .^ .at the ..laboratories at Fort Mon Michael Bergln sololat. ttvltlej, the announcements of the mouth. ., The bride was given In marriage tiattery B." He is a graduate of engagements of many young women Rev1. Dwlght Parsons of Little SilEMUR ..Ambrose,. Mlddletown township, high school. Lieut. Little is stationed at Fort by her step-father, E R . of Rod Bank and vicinity takes a p , ver,, retired Presbyterian -minuter, Bragg,- Nprth Carolina. He Is a Her wedding gown of crisp' viTiHe prominent place In the social news performed the ceremony. Mrg. graduate of Red Bank Catholic High faille taffeta, was made on princess . ' -' SODENCOULBOURNE. iof the week. The work of Dan CuSohlck was the bride's only attend"school and St. Bonaventure's college, lines with long tight fitted sleeves. pid was made known a t . fajnlly ant and William Barcurne, brother Miss Florence' Sode'n, daughter of Now York state. * r gatherings and dinner parties ChristThe yoke .of the gown was marqui- Mrs, Ida'Soda'n of Shrewsbury, and of the hr|degrbom, was best man. mas day. Along with the announcesette, and 'taffeta,, boWs-wore placed Sgt. Thomas Stant Coulbourne, son The bride was attired in a powder - BIZZARROBLASI. ments of the engagements, also on the full skirt; Her yell was a of Mr.,an_d Mrs. Michael Coulbourne blue street length dress with navy .cornea the report of wedding; dates full clrcle<Qf tulle, and was held In of- Federalsburg, Maryland, were blue accessories,' Mrs.1 Schlok wore Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bizzarro.of JtoV Janualry_and February. Bridge avenue-oniChristmaa_eve,ansz placejwith a clusterof white violets, married Sunday, ' December 21, at a black crepe street length dress . nounced the engagement of their and her shower bouquet was white Christ Episcopal church, Shrews- with gold accessories. V '" KCBLIMAO DONALD. daughter, Miss Johanna Marie Biz- roses and baby's breath. bury, by Rev, Carroll M. Burck, roc : . Mrs. Barcume i s . a graduate of -Christmas eve, Mr. and Mrs. Alzarro, tQ Richard-Eroiloilclc Blast, tor. Mrs. John Osborn of Tlhton Long Branch' high' Bchool and Is \ Ired Kubll of East Sunset avenue, employed In the bookkeeping departson of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Blazl of Fails was-organist. announced the engagement of their Long Branch, at a family- party a t The bride was given in marriage ment of the Big "Z" market at daughter, Miss Ruth A. Kubll, to their home. by her brother-in-law, Albert Cosen- Long Branch. She Is an Instructor Albert T. MaeDonald, son of Mrs Presbyterian - si The bride-to-be la a graduate of tlno of Long Branch. Her white In the Eatontown sKatherlns MaeDonald . of Wallace Red Bank High school. Mr. Blofll Is satin period-styled gown was church Sunday-school and recently received, a medal for 15 years' p*t*' a Long Branch High school graduate. f) <fi with a bodice of seed pearls and-a' i rtMt: _,.__ No date has been set for the wedcourt train. Her long tulle veil fell feet attendance at Sunday-school. fe MIBS Kiibll an'C Mr7 MaeDonald. '."V " i from a coronet.of orange blossoms, Private " Barcurae attended ,One|da ding. "....- : : 'tir Red Buik High school graduand her bouquet was white carna- high school and, before enlisting. In i ates,,. Miss Kubll Is employed by the: army, wVs In the general con-, DISBBOWPOOLE. tions. Blgelow. Sanford company, New trading business with his father. ; V < Miss Loulae MacStudy of EatonMr. and Mrs. Harry. P. Dlsbrow, Tork clt>, and Vr 'IrtfTVnii d Is town was maid of honor. Mls3 InJr., of Keyport, have announced the A : . O"BRrENWOLFFE,". grld Jackson of Leonardo'and Miss ongagemant- of thelr daughter, MIs's MISS AUDREY WILLIS Thelma Coltnorgen of Little Silver Miss - Mary O'Brien and. Walter Annetto Dlsbrow, to Alfred Charles wore bridesmaids. T h e maid of Wolffe, both of New York city, were Bank High school," and is employed Poole, son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles i honor .wore a blue lallle gown, and married Tuesday by Recorder Danlol by the Texas company. He Is Scout- A. poole of Holmdel. carried pink snapdragons.. The S./Weli?and. at-LIttlo Silver borough Miss Dlsbrow-ls-employod in-the master of Boy Scout troop S O i i / K bridesmaid's gowns were pink faille, hall.. Mr. Wolffe is an engineer, emShrewsbury. The couple will be law offices of Ezra Korkus at Key- r and their bouquets were yellow chry- ployed at Fort Monmouth. . - , ' ; ,, port, and graduated frorif-Keyport jmarried Saturday, January IT. l f * 1 santhemums. All wore wreaths ot High school In 1940. Mr. Poole grad r sweet-peas in their hair.' uated frqm Mlddletown Township SMITHSCHOOLEY. high school In 1937,-and attended The best man was Corp. Albert Announcement Is made of the en- Drake's Business school at Perth Joseph, and the ushers were Corp. f gagement of Miss Madeline Geddes Amboy. ! * * ' > * i Honry Cuffley and'Corp. Daniel DaSmith, daughter of Mrs. Maxwell B. I vis, all of Fort Monmouth. Smith-of Monmouth Beach, and the REAMERHENDRICKSON A buffet supper for 50 -guests was late Maxwell B. Smith, to William Mrs. Helen Maxson. served, at the church parish house. John Schooley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr*. F. "Courtlandt Reamer of MRS. HAROLD"R.-HOUNIHAN. Decorations were in Oliver and 'William D. Ashmore of Linden place, Wallace atreet, has announced the Appoints Captains green. Miss Smith Is a Star of the Sea engagement of her daughter, Miss Miss Alice May Johnston of Fair The couple are on a wedding trip Mr.' Helen'Maxson of Oceanport, Acadery graduate. Mr. Schooley Katherlne Reamer, to Robert L. graduated from Red Bank High Hendrickson, son of Mr. and Mrs.Haven wa> maid of honor. She. to tf^deralsburg, Maryland. After, chairman of tho first aid corps of school, and from Rutgers university Albert Hendrickson of Mlddletown. wore a baby pink faille" taffeta gown, February 1, S g t and Mrs. Coul- that borough, has announced that In 1940. He is a member of Zeta Psi Miss Reamer la a senior at New made with a long torso waist and bourne will reside at the Vail homes, the various divisional captains, nave 1 been appointed and, ..organization fraternity. JHo Is stationed at Fort Jersey College for Women. - Mr. bracelet length sleeves. Her short Shrewsbury. <. plans made. ' Mrs. Grace Wolter Is Disc, a member of the 114th Infantry. Hendrickson, who la a Rutgers uni- pink illusion veil -was.'held In place -_DAVIB-=rETEIl8EN. r with a oluater fit Christmas -green co-chalnnffn." * versity graduate, la employed -with violets, and ih carried, a muff of Captaina i&re Mrs. Gertrude Davis p the General Electric- company ol GROSSMANWILSON. MIss-Edlth Charlotte .Davis, daugh green, holly. ,, d I t for ti Lynn, Massachusetts. ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Davis of and Mrs. Isadora Chester fo ti}t^ ,|v MISS RUTH KUBLI Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Grossman Thomas Bly of Shrewsbury was Oceanport, became the bride of Pri- .Gooseneck area,,,and Mrs. wllllotsv, bf Asbury Park have announced tha best man. - Carlton Bryant -New- vate Leonard Anthony Petersen of Ulnian, Mrs. Marguerite L ui COTTONTOOP. fcraployed by the New Jersey Cen- engagement of their daughter, Miss comb of Elizabeth, the bridegroom's Fort Monmouth, son of Mr. and Mre. Mrs, Glen 'jkbuie,' Mrs. Rondo C. tral Ballrpad at Jersey City. Norma Grossman, to Robert T. Will Mr. and Mra. George W. Cotton cousin^ and Frederick J. Johnston, Emmett Petersen of Todora, South DeNyse, Mrs7 Harry Postel and Mrs. 1 son, 2d., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert of Westminster , Massachusetts, and of Peters place- wore ushera. t '.' Dakota, Christmas J a y before ah-al- Alex Hyman for Oceanport. VITAI^FOWLEB. T. Wilson, Jr., of Rumson. The be- ot River road, Fair Haven, have anEach captain" will select five workA reception followed the ceremony tar of polnsettias and evergreens at trothal was made known at the nounced the engagement of their '. Announcement of the engagement Grossman home Christmas eve. at the Norwood Country club, West the Oceanport .Methodlst'church. Rev. ers to cooperate with her In an emdaughter, Miss Mary Virginia Cot- Long Branch. The bride's moths* ^lbert S. Wolstoncroft, pastor, -get- ergency, one of tho members of each tof Miss Ruth B. Vital to Harden C. group to use her car as an ambuSVjwler was made Christmas eva by Miss Grossman was graduated ton, .to George Toop, son of Mr. and wore a street length beige crepe 1 the ceremony.; '., Miss Vital's parents, Mr., and Mrs.from Asbury Park High school. Mr. Mrs. Frank Toop of Rumson. No- dress with a corsage. .o Talisman g of fhg bride was given in marriage- lance. She Is to see that her car la marriage WUaoa-la^a..^ra.duat ~ol^ Rumson date has been set for the wedding. IWUllam F. Vital, of Rumson. Mr. roses. The bridegroom'* mother D y n e r father. She wore along white at all times equipped with the necesMiss Cotton graduated from Hum- wore a ITowler Is the son of Mrs. William High school, and Is director of Bobby crepe dress ol apple green, J. . v._. rtfn f g , made'princess atyle.wlth sary first aid supplies, gas and oil gown, p In good running" order, K. Fowler, Sr., of Sea Bright, and Wilson's orchestra. No date has qruhlgh achool In 1939 s.nd attend- and a corsage of Talisman roaes. ki dl t i h t and la Rondo'C. DoNyse, captain of g ^ __ edWitman Junior college at New- d Weetheart neckline and.long tight Mrs. the late Mr. Fowler, forpier mayor. been set for the wedding. The couple are on a wedding trlpyii 0 6 ves, tad a shoulder length white the clothing unit, will see that a ark, She Is employed by the Chase N o date has been set for the wedSMITHANSON. National bank at New York city. to New York. The'brlde wore a_fur illusion.vell-with white ostrich plume supply oC clothing of various sices ding. co^t, & brown crepe dress with pow-| headpiece. Her slippers were white Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith of Mr. Toop graduated from Rumson der blue accessories and a powdeij satin. She carried a trailing bou- for mon, women and children will Mlsi Vital U-a graduate of Rumi o n High school, and New Jersey Bergen place, Red Bank, announce high school and Is taking a course blue feather* hat. Her corsage was quet of small white chrysanthemums be stored at de-contamlnatlon depots.. Beauty Culture academy. She Is the engagement of their daughter, at Cape Aircraft, Inc., at Falmouth, blue orchids and blush pink roses. and white roses. Dn David Diamond and Joseph employed at John's Beauty salon, Miss Elinor Cardelisf^, Smith, to Massachusetts. The bride gave her attendants Miss Margaret-Stryker.was maid Emmons, director of the Long B e d Bank. Mr. Fowler attended Francis L. Anaon, son of Mr. and gold lapel pins. The bridegroom of honor, and wore .a rose* taffeta Branch board of health, visited the Sea Bright schools, and Is employed Mrs. Herman Anson of Freehold. No gave the best man and ushers, gown, with matching" headpiece of Mary BnnU home, Portaupeok avedate has been set for the wedding. at Fort Monmouth. gloves. various old-fashioned flowers. She nue, and approved It a t a casualty The bride-elect Is a graduate of Mrs. Hounlhan Is a graduate of wore silver slippers and carried a station for the Portaupeck area, Keyport High school. Mr. Anson la BKIAINGHAMGBEENTVOOD. Red Bank Hlgh-schoolrandl-em- bouquet^of- pinkroses- and Snap- however, the station must be approvemployed at the Karagheuslan rug ployed as dental assistant to Dr. dragons. ,'., ed by the local council. Dr. Dla^. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Belllngham mill at Freehold. Morgan P. Collo of! Broad street. Corporal Richard Ganslen, former mond will be In charge of the stabf 133 Seventh avenue, Atlantto High She is a member of the evening Columbia college pole-vaulting star, tion with a staff, of registered nurslands, announced the engagement of . HUMPHREY-HANSON. group of the Red Bank Woman's was best man. Donald Carvln, es, orderlies and clerical workers, their daughter. Miss Thelma Dorobrother-in-law of the bride, was ush- Mrs. Maxson, superintendent of the club. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Humphrey, thea Bellingham, to G. Allen GreenOpening of New BusiMr. Hounlhan Is stationed at Fort er. A banquet for members of the Mary Ennis home, bos made an ap'wood, son of Mr. and Mrs, Stephen former residents of Somervillt, now Bragg, North Carolina, He Is a Red immediate families was served at the peal for a volunteer suburban car IQreenwood of Broad street, Shrews- living at' -Atlantic; Highlands, have nets at 41 Broad Street Bank. Catholic Hish achool. Kradu- home of the bride's parents. Private tor use as an ambulance and delivbury, Christmas day. No date has announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Viola M.-Humphrey, ate, and before his Induction Into and. Mrs. Peterson will reside at ery car in the event of an emergbeen set for the wedding. Set for Next Monday tho army was a salesman for the Oceanport. ency. Miss Bellingham and Mr. Green- to Philip V . Hanson of Portland, Maine.' - _^_ ' McKlm-Layton7 Chevrolet company. wood are graduates of Mlddletown A. A, Welter of Branchport aveHEXWIflDREES \ nue haa ottered bis service station, f Miss Humphroy ! physical educaTownship High school. The brideA modern delicatessen which 1B elect Is employed In the Atlantic tion director at Edgewood Parkjun said to compare with the best Miss Kathryn Marguerite Helwlg and will see that someone is on duty ITTFAXKE. / Highlands office of the Jersey Central lor college Briarcllfi Manor, New throughout tho state will bo opened of Shaker Heights, Ohio, and Wil- at all tlmoB In case of an emergency. Wearing her sister's wedding veil, liam Francis Droes of Dayton, Ohio, Power and Light company. Mr. York. She is a graduate of Arnold by the proprietors of the Brevoort The first session of the Red Cross | Greenwood Is employed by tho Gen- college, New Haven, Connecticut; food markets Monday of-^next week Miss' Gertrude Catherine Schmltt, now stationed at Fort Monmouth, first aid corps will be held Thursday | and Somervllle High school. eral Baking company. at 41 Broad stroct, in the building daughter of Charles Sehmltt of East were married at a candlelight cere- night of this week a t . the Portau-| Mr.' Hanson <! a graduate of the formerly occupied by the National Orange, became the bride of Corp. mony at the Lutheran church Fri- peck fire house. All xnothors are Portland School of Engineering, and Grocery company, opposite The-Beg- Raymond Thomas Falke, son of day evening at 7:30 o'clock. The^ especially urged to join the class, Joseph -Falke of Leonardo, Saturday Ister huilding. Mrs. Nellie M. Scudder of Waverly Is employed at New York city. '^WSi^to^^^ The new business establishment morning at 10 o'clock at St. Agnes' \ . place has announced the engagement church, Atlantlo Highlands: The' will carry the finest In delicatessen LABATTWEUJS. of her .daughter, Mist Alice Scudfoods', fresh eggs, fancy cheeses and ceremony was performed by Father der, to Joseph Carlone of Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. James P. LaBau of Tlalnor, rector of the Lady of the AT No date has been set for the wed- Fair Haven have announced the en' freah fruits and vegetables and Valley church, Orange. The childing. gagement of their daughter. Miss American and'Jewish staples. . Michael -Hartmoycr, ' who for a dren's choir of St. Agnes' church Miss Scudder Is manager of the Elizabeth C.; LaBau, to Edward V. sang. Dugan Brothers bakery on Broad Willis, son of Councilman and Mrs.number ofvyoars has been manager of the National Grocery company The bride was given In marriage street, and Is a Mlddletown Town- S. Vincent Willis of Fair Haven. store, which recently vacated the and ship High school graduate. Mr, Miss LaBau is a graduate of Rod store to be opened by the Brevoort by her father gown,wore an Ivory satin Wedding made with a Carlone graduated from Chatham Bank High JBChool and Red Bank proprietors, will manage- the delica- sweetheart neckline, trimmed with High school, and attended Seton Business instituted* She is employed Hall college. _ , In the offices of the New York Life tessen department while Joseph seed pearls, and a full skirt falling Frank, who formerly was employed into Her veil of tulle fell Insurance company, Ntw York city. by Schneider's market on West from a train. of orange blossoms and ' Mr. Willis, Is stationed with Bat- Front street, will be In charge of lilies a tiara valley. She carried a McNAIXYEMEBY. of the tery . Field Artillery, at ^ a r . and Mrs. John H. McNally of Fort E, l l l t hNorth Carolina. No the fruits and vegetables. Both are prayer book, covered with a white Bragg, Rumnon road, Littlo Stiver, announce date has been set for the wedding. well.known throughout this section orchid. and both have a vast knowledge bf \im. engagement of their daughter, The maid of honor, Miss Jeanette their respective businesses. S-JIlss Evelyn Mao McNally, to Vic-. Sharkey of Leonardo, wore a vicLEONARDCROYDON. ititor Emery, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ira Edward Cordca and Albert Kurtz, tory blue taffeta gown and carried See nnd Hear Television Broadcast of Celebration "kt Jl>. Emory of Blngham avenue, RumMrs. William E. Willott of Mlnne- proprietors of'.the Brevoort food an old-fashioned bouquet of tea Rainbow Koom, Now York, 11:4S P. M. to 12;S0 A. M. Ijion. No date has been set for the slnk park, Mlddletown township, an. markets, In December opened a roses. Tho bridesmaids, Miss Grace Lweddlng. ~ nounces the engagement of her branch store at 21 West Front Waldmann of Leonardo and Miss Fun For All ' Young and Old . jwtaTho bride-elect is employed In the daughter, Miss Doris H. Leonard, to street'In the building formerly oc- Clalro Luth of Bronx, New York, ROUTE 35, MippLETOWN WRed Bank ofllco of the Now Jersey Stanley O. Croydon of Marlon street, cupied by Schneider's market. The wore gowned alike In dresses of J'Bell Telephone company. Mr. Kmery son of Mrs.; Olivo Croydon. vacancy in the stpro adjoining the colonial red taffeta, <- Their bouquetB Cover or Minimum Is a contractor and builder. wore made old-fnahlonod style, and Miss Leonard Is a graduate of Brevoort market at 39 Broad street Mlddletown Township High achool, gave leeway, for the proprietors' to were of Tnllaman'-roses. NMAI-LEY. and Mr. Croydon is a Red Bank lease the store at 41 Broad street Thomas Conk of Brooklyn, New > York, was best mniT. Russel Iglay Mr. and Mru. Frank McCarron of High school graduate.' Both are nnd expand tho business. employed by tho Central Railroad of Leonardo, and Fred Falke of Lincroft Christmas announced tho A'system of undorgroun"d~~wator Lconnrdo, the bridegroom's brother, engagement of their daughter, Miss of New Jersey at Jersey City. pipes feeds the Koyal Palms lining woro ushers. Julia McCarron, to John Francis Blacayno boulovard In Miami.'' NATALE-iDACOHTRY. A reception followed ths ceromony. Malloy, Jr., of Konnsburg. lioth Mlns ~ McCarron. and Mr. Galley are graduMr, and Mrs. Elpldlo Natale of (t<n of Mlddlotown township high Rlvorsldo Heights have announced achool. Mr. Mallcy Is nssoclntod with the engagement, of their daughter, hi* father In the Glendalo Dnlry of Miss Martha Natale, to Ooorge Kaansburg. Daughtry of Long Branch, Mlaa AT THE Natale Is a graduate of Mlddletown MAB8EYGENTn,K. Township High school; .and', li emNORWOOD GOLF CLUB Mr. and Mrs. John Masaoy of Mld- ployed by Slgmiind Klsnor company. dletown have announced tha engage- Mr. B&URhtry Is omployed by tho LOCUST AVENUE, WEST LONG BRANCH ment of their daughter, Miss Rita Central Railroad of Now Joraoy at Fmturlnj; WITH THE Masscy, to'Joseph Qcmtllo, oon of Jersey City. No date has been anMKLINDA DOtORES GAYI.ORD Mr, and Mrs. Frank Gentlla of Ilcd nounced for tho wedding. nd hir Rhumba and Rhythm Band Rhythm Slngtr CROWD AT Bank. M i x Massey is nsnlntnnt postmaator nl Mlddlotown vlllnge nr.TTY IIANNOW WADHWOIITKKHOFT, FOMOY S I S T B R S t>otolTlco, Mr. Gontllo Is proprietor rormarlr of llottl Ntw Yorker 3 Stiowa Nl|hllyNavar a dull f Gentile's market nt New Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Wndsl'ATIUCIA DnXON momant jnoutli. No date has been net for worth of Leonardo announced the 1 engagement ol their daughter, Minn Novtlty Enttrtalmr the wedding. . Popular Prlctf !nrolyn Inez Wndsworth, to Harry Miilui tliln tlm lia|i|)lcnt' Nmv Yrnr'n Kve you lmvo MAKK YOUK William Kroft, son of Mr. nnd Mra.' fvrr liuil. lluvo tho Ilino of your life! I'olloiy tlm August C, Kroft of Irvington, on Councilman and Mrs, R. Vincent Kim; < ( mrrryniultorii (o Jonriili'i. Mrnt your frlvndn > inR <wo nt thn homo of Mln Willis of Fair Ilavon annnunoe tlm Wadsworth's grnmlpnrnnt*, Mr, and hrrr. Them will l > dlnlnir, wining nnd dancing '111 w ngagfmant of their daughter, Mlaa Mrs. Cnlcli Burton of Newark. (ho wen small hour*; nlno nolsrinnlfcrs, favors nnd $3.50 Per Person' ItfclutfinR Audrey Florence Wlllln, to William Miss Is n grndimte of urnrliK's. (Vlclinile Nrw Yrnr's Kvo With V\ JDdward Lagf, Ron, of Mra. Hilda Mlddlclown Township high school, rull Connie Dinner- Fuvori . IlaU . Nolso Maker. X*gK nf IVd Ttanlt. nnd Mr, Kroft graduated from MorA't- Mla Willis Is a grndimto of TlumC'n(rlng to Ilnnqucln nml Trlvnto FnrUcs don High loliool and Tied Hunk el'IItgh school, Irvlngton, COUNTRY J3ulne Inatltuts. She Is aiorotary AI/VINOwoonm/rr. '.%$; (Utirman A. Manning, lcioal attorney. Cilia In a pnst president, CLUB Mr, anil Mrs. Vlncont Alvlno of (Mid n nctlvc incnilxir nf (tin ned xeunt avumifl luivo announced lha tfenk Junlitt' Wfimnn'a club. '% For Reservations Phono L. B. 7 6 0 ngaRcmont of llmlr ilnughttr, Mltii For Reservations Phono Eat. 1392 htff la a gruduiU of Rd stiUr. Alvlno, to John Woodruff, son

Many Engagements Mark Yuleiide Season



Airplane Spotter At 97

IIIIIPP^ |||1P ^

Oceanport Corps Is Organized

Mrs. Layinla Mount Mlnton, 87-ycar-old great-groat-grandmother who nursed soldiers returning from the Civil war, dally scans the skies in Highlands as a volunteer airplane spotter. She says "I'll see t h e finish of this war. It'll be liefore my 100th birthday, too." ,i ^ ^







Delicatessen To Be Combined With Brevoort Market

60 Broad St.


Red Bank



Hedges & Butler Scotch


Pete's Chatterbox

1928 VINTAGE Largo Bottle,

New Year's Eve,






100 Prdof 5 Years Old

Pint Distilled and Bottled by Gooderham & Woertz


HiBIcrest B o u r b o n 5 YEARS OLD WYjNDALE R Y E 5 YEARS OLD



BARCLAYS Red lal el


Rhumba Room




Mc^orppat Racing Arid

Both Sports Have Been Of Great Aid t o Navy In Youth training
orboa i . . . . "Motorboatlng, as a sportand recreation, will continue during 1042, taking its funas time/la found (or i It"' .writes Ira Hand, secretary of the \ \ National Association of Engine and aBoat manufacturers,NationalBwcop' t j "takes official and well known In Rod 'iBank, whcro ho addressed tho Jlonmquth Boat club a few months ago.


Local Doctors Settle Bus Suit


"Although many of tho country'" leading drivers and owners of highspeed racing craft are on actlvo or ^reserve duty with, tho armed forces, "regattas will carry on," according to Mr. Hand, who adds, "During, the first .Worjd^ war years' of * 1017 and . 1018 the Gold Cup and other championships were held and every effort w|U be made to preserve these traditional fixtures. Tlieiu Includo. tho National Sweepstakes regatta on the North Shrewsbury river at Bed .Bank." . ,' Mr. Hand's article continues: High ranking Navy and Coast Guard officers have deplared that-the sport of boating-la important for national morale. Also, Boating already Is providing an invaluable reservoir of men partially trained for sea service. Boat building and tho manufacture of gasoline and Diesel marine motors and allied equipment all constlute a vitally Important phase of our defense effort and the pleasure boat Industry is proud of the essential part It Is playing. Throughout the nation tho manufacturing skill that once .went Into the production' of recreational craft is being dovoted^tp the turning out of all manner of iriS tcrlal. S Patrol torpedo boats, mlnesyreep-_ ors, assault boats, cutters, bulldog boats, submarine chasers, navy tugs, army work boats, crash boats, plckot boats, box boats, tenders and many other types are sweeping down the
ways. '

MrB. Rose Z. Angel!, 'director of the' Nor were these the only dlzxy doHunterdon county weisire board, had ngs. kept for two years. Next day, desA iteamroller rolled uncertainly (The Bod Bank BeeliWrVan fc'toughT i!te_cl!Dcd wings, the homing ducks own the streets In.Hackennack. The Kutontown at the atortl of William O. "etraccd the winding two-mile trek river was arrested on a charge of Private Char!eii,Miulon, M, * nvii and G. Edward Smock) Monmouth;. soldier,-"returning I K * . F . , nd' quacking happily, returned to runken driving. The borough council will have Its ilo Christmas furlough to taw om j heir favorite pond. Packed With Pathos, Patrolmen Maurico Ahearn of Now final mooting of the year tonight. Franklin, MassachMotU, VfM-I TrPatroImen George Knowles and man sleeping L. ro-organlzatlon meeting wilt be Carl Anderson of Princeton,. walk- Market found a of a nre which be- illcd Sunday momlne na two Comedy or Romance icld Thursday at noon. At that time rtbeir early morning beati-Vspled ilde the embers the automobile he ompanldns, both members ot' Wfr ad built of Councilmen-elect.Ralph Lewis and a thoroughly irritated, skunk wKh'its rlrs. Helen inside The man told po-' iost'8 replacement center band, wr Browni Henry OdollXvlil be sworn lntoofjlce. eriougly( when their a i go.EVtti'o -headlines, h d a l d i n V a , . pickle jar. lice he had built the flre to keep ioute 38,injured two mile* southW I The new officials succeed Councllmeri: where she hadboen!. about of ^bwck^k.diftlywi'oided, while the warm and dozed off. He was given ho Koyport stato- police station BI\4 ry Lewis Herring, cbnlrmnn of the fln- Mr; Braii4'whd*J).esj?^LttK^fiie . aCN.cjy, ue o r a - J j i held up by '.The r ilunged down a, 16-foot embankment* ahoe eommlttee, and Percy Dangler, 112th Field -Artillery, is hottia Indefin- mance; A outraged 'cow searched the animal "was jar into manyits tail, . warm coll In jail, . ' mashed the pieces. an chairman of tho road committee. itely to In Dover.a Boy Scout,.acting as a rfason was driving the car. He died police said, icwer system for a(calf, and Mayor Robert H. Higglnson will be Seriously be with his mother.,whoMs tangled with a. pickle Jar. a skunk Mr. S., the the situation,took no ad-, latrolman for one day, served a ihortly after being admlttod-to /antage of but grateill. starting the second year of tils first ; larking ticket on Charles Holstead- ost hospital. The Presbyterian' church Sunday For each "big" story there was an !ul!y bowed bia . thanks and ambledregular term as mayor. f . . -'_ . r\ r; .regular Roxbury township police Riding with hint wore Private* school bo held ithor packed with, pathos, com'Bdy away. . The board of education will hold tonight Christmas party willo'clock. :hief. The .ticket was squashed-by a iVilllam Macaro, Wantagh, LOOK Iir r ts January meeting Monday night. The- at the chapel at 7 Sunday .hisromance, to which tho people in 8. Deputy Tax Collector Peter Post, !oy Scout acting as Judge, Methodist church busy contributed. as Bergen county constable, set out Forest Willis of Long Branch, lit .ond, and W. E, Flanagan of Rich, The board of health, will alio meet school Christmas entertainment was arrled-dn stata dally .tasks'amidthey mond Hill, New York. Thoy wot* Dr. William p.'sayi'o.and br, VValtheir the i, fullflll this assignment the hard that his pipe in his usual custom. humbing their way back to th po^ held Friday- night at tho church. ;er A. Bullman ol Red Bank last onWith night. tho start of the now year, Members of tho primary department destruction and tragedy that stalked way, He broke Into, tho Westwoojl Wh'ammo! The pipe exploded with a when Mason picked thorn up n a week settled their law suit In the Kenneth. VanBcunt will assume the ho world. home of Mr. and Mrs, August Stroi-, , Jersey Supremo court against ilro chief's poaitlon, to which.ho was rendered various recitations and sev- Hero are some of those other stor- chert, took $23.72 Irom a bureau to oar. Willis, dazed, told hospital at- he Koyport cloverleaf. Troopers ;ho Pennsylvania Greyhound Linos, recently' elected. Mr. VanBrunt suc- eral 'ChrlstsnaB. ^musical selection^ les."D'you remember them? meet an overdue, tpx bill and left a endants that he was mlaslng a .22- that Masonwho Investigated state* probably had fallen: were sung by the choir. A play, en- 1, Tho Aurora Borealis .picked up duly executed receipt. It was all legal, caliber bullet which he carried in.a no. . '', Ely Miller, torm isleep at the wheel as a result of. October 27th, 104(1, Dr. Sayro and ceeds Chief J.been a busy whose Chief titled The Proud World Scorns, was and ' transmitted over radio station He claimed. The Strelcherts sued obacco pouch.' . of office has. one. presented by a cast "of eight. They WAAT in Jeracy City the ."strictly and recovered the $23.72 and ?474.29 Alexander Tozz! of Somervllle shot his long trip. -The"injured wonr Dr. Rullman met with an accident Miller Is also superintendent of bop were Mrs. Thompson Senn, Jr., Ray- private" telephone conversation of 'or punitive damages. An appeal is at a rabbit and missed. Tears im- rushed to IBe-post hospital In the t thecorner of. 49th street and 10th ough roads. avenue, New York city, with a bus of s- Attending a family dinner at the mond Hill, Harriet Ferry, Mrs. W. two yoiing ladies discussing their pending. mediately flowed down his cheeks. Keyport flrat aid ambulance. Maoara md Flanagan suffered Internal ln tho Greyhound company. Dr. Sayre homo of Mrs. Edith Lewis on Christ- Lester Whitneld, Mrs, Arthur Forhl- coming "blind" dates. Telephone calls U. S. , District Judge William Someone hud replaced his shells with u r l e s . '.. . - , . was driving his. automobile af'tlmt mas- day were all of her children and cola, Joycelyn Mounf and Ethel and poured into the station offering to fill J Smith signed an order directing John tear gas cartridges. time and Dr. Rullman'was riding as her IS grandchildren. The group ln- Evelyn May. Thompson Senn, Jr., no. future date. Two gentlemen alJ. Dunne, a ?20-a-week mechanic, to Mank 'draft' stories wore printed, was Santa Claus. ' passenger. cluded-Mr_and_Mrs,--Ralphte, . The Women's society of tho Motho- so were heard hashing over their pay off $3,580 judgment to a_West A Trenton induction .board was con_It_was ollegod_ln-tho-!aw-Bult t of anfl Mrs. Frank Mr. Dr, Sayro's car was damaged and Mr. Mrs. Charles Lewis,ITaParro, Mrs. dlst church will have, a Christmas amatory questsbug the previous night. New York bank at the rate ~ of $1 a fronted with a youth who gave his hd Mr. and 2, love gave, an O'Henry that he Buffered personal Injuries; Theodore Lewis and Mrs. Ida Ferry party at the church tonight (Tues- twistThothe storybook romance of 19- week. At,"~triat ratd final payment name as Olaf Jeh'ova. He refused to n (Tim Bed -Bank RItlir cl * *<rojri Middletown from J. O. Knlht and Wll to would be made in the year of '2,009 register, ho said, because he was ' ' " Dr. Rullman's suit was based upon of Eatontown and Mr. and Mrs. Al- day.) year-olii Josephine (J6'sie)-Philips of A. D.. This was topped by Middle- "eternal," and therefore ageless. Je- liom B. Waters) Mri:"Ahhabelle-Dennls.and daughhis claim for' personal Injuries sus- bert Wagner of Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. A. Russell of X u < ^ ter Miry "spent Christmas with-Mrs! Garfleld andWilliam (Sailor Bill) sex county Judge fclommer Kalteis- hova was arrested, Clark Shotwe! tained. Mr. .\and Mrs, Stephen S. N. who Ohio, and Ijlr, Buisen's Waranowicz Tho doctors were preparing to go entertained their daughters Aumack Dennis Bon-!n-law"and- daughter, Mr; Langford, U. They parted, met on a sen, who ordered Vance$2 weekly on of Weatfleld consumed 77 bananas in Springy 'were Christmaa . guests ,o of Long then were South River to one week to' gain five pounds neces- mother to trial at Freehold after tho noil- Branch nnd Oakhurst at Christmas and Mrs. A. A. Farad la at Brooklyn park bench. finally married with the of $7,711 Judgment pay reunited and awarded to Mr. sary to pass the army physical. He Rev. and Mrs, William B. Spqfford.Officers to be installed by members aid and blessings of the general pubdays, when settlement of their case and Mra. Anton Knoblock in connec- made it . . . Mrs". liussell is the former Marcla the Sons and Daughters of Libwas effected between their attorney, dinner.' 1 A-.famfly . -'- _ tion with tHe auto,death of -their A 19-year-old daughter of a Brook Spoffofd.. Theodora D, ParsirtiB, and the Insur- <ray~"tttith'eparty was held Christmas erty ' lodge ' next Monday -nlghi lic and'the U. S. Navy. home-of Mr. arid Mra, are Harriet-- Ferry, daughter. . Final payment on that lyn miniatec drifted on an innertube Dr. and Mrs. Wylie Pate nd s n councilor, '3."Love.took' a-different twist.when ance carrier for tho bus company, Harry Irving. Those- attending, Iff are visiting Pate's fain* whoroby tho two local" men woro addition to Mr. and Mrs. Irving's 19 Mrs. fedlth Lewis, associate council- Mrs."Mary E. Cavanaugh ot;Rosclle judgment would be strung out to the for more than 17 hours In-lower New Robert Pennsylvania.Mrs. " . ".' -ear 2,016-."or; Mrs. Allco Hill, vice councilor; compensated fortheir damages. bay. Rescued, she expressed ilytn. grandchildren, were Mr. and Mrs. MIss.Madellne Wright, associate vice testified .she had .--overheard--her .10. Maybe three neurologists from York she had been punished for go- Mr. -and Mrs, Richard Coblenjj John T. Ganlgy, Mr. and Mrs. John councilor; Mrs. Jessie Taylor, record, spouse whispering sweet nothings In- Harvard Medical School were right beliefbathing at Cedar Beach, Pdri spent Christmas with Mr. Coblena' Irving and Mr. and Mrs. Russell EI- ing secretary.; Mrs. Dorothy Davis, to the ear, of. another wbiiian while when they advocated at^an Atlantic ingparentB at Wcstfleld. .. . grum of< L6ng Branch, Mr. and Mrs. associate recording secretary; Mrs, she crouched in the.1rear trunk of the !ity meeting that every bottle of Monmouth, when forbidden. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman spent ] family sedan for 5 ,!. uncomfortable whisky sold In the U. S. should bear Tho Ralston population of 21 rcsi Christmas with Mr. Newman's par-, Mrl and Mrs, John Patrick and Olaudo Hyslop, Mr. and Mrs, James RuthLewis, financial secretary; Miss hours. Mra. Cavanaugh was granted Irving, Mr. a label giving "directions for its use." dents took their civic pride seriously, onta at Plalnfleid. daughter Fatty attended a gathering Brunt' and and Mrsj Irving Van- LutleTAlgor, treasurer; MrB. Florence a divorce for extreme cruelty, . A Staten Island man summoned Their postoffice, constructed in 1776, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hance, Jr., : of the Francis family at the home of Eatontown. Mrs, Anna Brown of Gullaudca, guide; Mra. Bertha Sent 4. Edward F. McMahon of Roselie police to a Bayonnc tavern to search was threatened with permancn1 and daughter of- WoOdlyna'"''r' man, Inside guard; Mrs. Walter related this saga of a solo honeymoon Mrs. Geore MesslcU ofLarsdale, P all the patrons for $600 which abondonment when ^the postmlstres holiday guests -ol Mr. Hance'a par- ' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth' VanBrunt, Dangler, outside guard; Mra. Maud, nsylvanla, Christmas day. which began with an icy dip into the business from' her this place. , ' been stolen from The Mlddletown township schools Mr, and Mrs. Stanley VanBrunt, Mr. Adams, trustee, (18 month term) Rarltan bay near Morgan-, Exhausted lleved had the cash intact in him. Po conducted because ''the roof of "own onts atLincroft, ^olmdel, Mlddletowii thi The lice found a home- premises and Mrs. Jacob VanBrunt enjoyed Mrs. Hill, representative (two yea will re-open Monday morning. by his awim, he was rescued by boat- made money belt which had slipped old building leaked ' and the wlni auxiliary of llonmouth Memorial The Ladles auxiliary of the fire their Christmas dinner together at term) Grace Dangler alternate repre- men and landed in. Atlantic City, and lodged into the trouser scat" o: came through the rents in the walls.' hospital will hold its first meeting of. I company "will Install officers Tiles the home of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth sentative (two year term). Then he hitched a ride on a truck r the. thoroughly abashed' eumi>lruii&.ht' They^formed-n.hlstorli'nl soflloly, col- Iho-yunr -Wednesday-mornlngi" J"3I^"| day night, January 13, The auxiliary VanBrunt. with .New York plates^ .fell asleep and . . , And how about this one: tw> lected funds and started restoration uary 7, at tho home of Mrs. Field' will have Its annual dinner, Thursday . The regular meeting of the Sons :: . j and Daughters ..of-JMberty_was not "wolie" lip 'irnrlorTdaT "Hitchhiked par! Bridgeton gentlemen, out motoring, by shingling the roof. Final declslDi Mount. - -KE1TOR.T GIRL-ENGAGED night, January 16, at tho Virginia field" last night as several members way h^ine, then wired for bus fare.- cheerfully pushed Mrs. Helen G, of location rests with federal author- An all-day meeting of the- Needle* : 'fen-room. . ' ' work guild will be held Tuesday, < 5. Clare, a Wisconsin cow, gav Hoffman's stalled automobile to thi ities. Mr. and Mrs.' J. J. Morley of KeyThe Jolly Seemsters will meet Mon- attended the Past Councilors parly a station. They pushei church, attending from day night at tho homo of Mrs. Wanamassa. Those and Mrs. Arthur port announce the engagement o: birth to a calf enrouto from the mid- nearest filling enthusiasm Mrs. Hoff- And so 'will people continue to llyi January 6, at.the Reformed by Mra. jl| with so much RiffrfeShihOTlta will be* served l Eatontown were Mr. their daughter, Edna L. Morley, ti west to a Union dairy, Deprived Thomas Paul. and laugh and love.desplte a Work Franfies Grosslngcrp- Mra, Phllljii car smashed over fuel Emma Brown, Mrs Mrs, Carrie March of Maplewood Fliedner, Mrs, Mrs. Agnes Aumack, John D. Boyle of Elizabeth. Miss her offspring, she made a break fo: man'sturned, over, on itsa_alde. pump war. '."'-' then, Mrs Leonard, Sr., and Mrs. Henry Starke. j Lowls, was a'GhrlBtmoa day visitor at the Edith Florence Brown, Mrs, Ciirrle Morley' Is a graduate -of Keyport freedom and wandered Into" the sty- Hoffman was given first aid treathigh school. No date has been fie gian^ The Red Cross workrooms will xir'i home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Mrs; Schick,' MrB. Thomas Zlngale, Miss for the -wedding. : : ; j Newark "for 12 hours. After her res- ment and the two samaritana wcr Thousands of acres of gypsum open Wednesdayi January 7. Scattcrgood. . found guilty of disorderly conduci sands in the Tula-rosn. Basin, .No The library will re-open1 Friday of: cue, she had to be shot when sh The 600 club will meet Thuradayp: Lutlo Algor and Miss Aline Brown, and reckless driving. They had In Mexico, give tbe: appearance of drlf this week. . ; .. . -next Week at the home of Mrs. Harry The Christmas entertainment pro- The road to better and bigger.busi- ran amok in Elizabeth, cd snoV piled from 10 to 100 fee The Baptist church choir'gave a ; l 6. A farmer swapped a load of ha) dulged unwisely, tho judge said. Cayton of Shrewsbury avenue. Red gram of the Presbyterian Sunday ness leads through The Register's-ad high. cantata nt the church Sunday night. ;'| for six. common white ducks whicV Bank. school.was held Sunday night In the Vertislng columns,Advertisement


Sunday school, room'. Those .taking rart Included Joseph Miller, JaneCaffyn; Marilyn Wood, Michael and Milton Caffyn, Ethel West, Edna and Edward Elgrum arid, Jean -Miller. Jean Miller rendered a Hawaiian guitar solo. Special jmreft was provid-, id by the choir. Perfect attendance )lns were distributed by tho superin.endent, Carl WhltehurBt. Mrs. Walter Brand,.-arrI,y.e.d. home.

The Ten "Other" Stories 1941

Soldier Killed, Two tlurtlnl Crash

Middletown Village

River Plaza

Engines "and generator plants, wooden and metal small boats, searchlights, life preservers, stoves, horns, bells, rope, paint, radios, Ignition systems, bolts, direction finders, blnaclb lights, compassesand o myrlad-of other necessary accessor' lea are moving into an accelerated production. Along the same line and covering Junior sailing in particular, which will prove of special'interest to the many young and older sailors of Red Bank and vicinity, Is an article by Cornelius Shields, treasurer of YRALI3,who- writes; ' There Is every reason for yachts men to look forward to a reasonable amount of cruising, racing and day. sailing next season. Becauso smal yachts will use practically no material required in defense work, th< sport would Boom to fit very woK with tho administration's dcslro to encourago sports for relaxation. 1 "Yachting, though, will have to bi on a restricted basis, In England, Germany and Italy, for example, where tho sport has been active since thd outbronk of tho War, sailing, has been confined to tho harbors, estuaries and lakes. Tho expcrlcnco in those countries indicates tlioro Is good reason for Americano to plan on .putting boats Into commission. Painting and carpentering work on boats should be dajro now, sincethere mny bo some shortages of shipyard labor nextTinrlng. Chromium .-. will bo Impossible to obtain except for dofonso work by spring. Now rigging and fittings will bo unobtainable and oven ropo mny bo illlllcult to buy. Tho elimination of thosa sopclttl "fitting out" expenditures will make a sizable reduction in operating coBta, and provo a plcnsnnt surprise to tho yachtsman. Yachting hns probably been more " Valunblo to dofonso than any other dingle nport, hy having developed splendid sailors and olllcers for tho navy. Their exporlonco In small boats hns glvon thorn Invaluable fundamental imowlodge of tho hnndllng of ships. For this reason Junior sailing should bo. given evory encouragement. It ofrors a, wholesome hobby and may be valuable training for defense. Tho courngo and skill of hundreds of private boat owners | n tho evaouBtlon of punkerquo la n object lesson In yhohtlngro potential dofenss

I've often thought that reading two or, three White Sale ads is like looking at a
. . . ' , i ' . ' "

list of appetizer* on a menu. There's all the reit of th^ meal yet to cornet, Thai1* ieKy I usually watch the papers each 'day for news of some of the other savings on linens, blankets and similar things I need /or>my Home and family*


Savings on Luncheon Sets

r' :.rrm/ wmi.6 NAPKINS.
DETAILS: Sturdy linen with atti borders of cotton in red, green

Cannon Cavalier Percale Sheets

Tir/A SIZE, 72xWli"t FVLl SHE, BlxW,' X MGVVARLY 1.79,
Uf. Plain tfeni.LJ.79 LS9 rialn Jfom_1.79 1.59
Plain II"" ','"> Plain Htm-. .55 Plain Htm-. f.n-i ,41 ,41

Cannon "Fiesta" Towel EnseiWe

20xi0" tiATIl TOWEIs-nEGULAMY i<ie.

value. Bumming up It nroms desirable thnt (iirsmall-boat sailing ahould nnd will he carried on as much on possible without interfering with dof


72x1011' Jfmjtl(cft/_J.vo

Sea Bright.
Francis f ! ' p W has J o | n( , t i the United'Otntea Mnrlne Coi-p, n n ,i w m . leftvs next'vfcok for military gorvlce. ; ": Mr. nnd Mrs, Charlw Pmi e n (!f '< Philadelphia woro Cliristmns guosU of Mr. and Mra. Willinm Tumler of tbo Downnoa noaoh hotel. Me, Pullon, who Is Mrs, Turnlor'o father. In i\slitant manaRor of tho Acndnmy of Mualo In Phlliidellihla. ' At an adjournod mrotlng a( u, 0 Him Bright mayor and council Friday night, * ronoimlon was aJOpto(r approving the snlo of W.Wfl ot nr, $80,000 bond I'Mio '> l l l n '! nlnkIng fuuil eu'miiillu'i' ^ounijiimon 8ol Nolmnrk anvl Juhn W><IU'voted galnnt lh ronolutlon, ' H o r g i u tlon of Hie mayor nnd rounoll Uk-plnc<i nt noon Now Ytar Jny, Mr, IB; W^ Kmyi wlfo "t tho h(, r . OUgh clOllt. Wl'O >I8 I"11111 OOMDliilrl to her bed wllh IUne,' I" now

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Page Four


CHARLES li: THBOCKMORTON Many -'former associates, friendi and relatives paid their final tribut to Charles H. Throckmortoii- of 1 New Course to Open .Brown'place, at services Friday afWednesday, Jan. 7 terhoon at the Worden. funeral.home, conductc6TT5y "iHarOld A. Johnson of Lalip.;fl.venue, Christian Science readMrs. Robert Ilsley, chairman of the -World Wide Guild w i l l . b e the! Etta Strykep.' _The Boys' club will er. The retired banker passed away PRESBYTERIAN. hospital recreation corps of IKe guests. meet Wednesday" at 7 o'clock tinder Tuesday morning of last week in MRS. TERESA B. FITZ8IMMONS county chapter,, Red Cross, anThe pastor, Rev. John*A. Haye tho leader, Charle'g Mason, in the so- Rlverview hospital at the age of 72. Mrs. Teresa R. Fitzslmmona, 60, of nounced yesterday that thero is nn will spoak to tho congregation Sun cial room. The. intermediate choir LUTHEKANj . The -active escorts, were Seely B, Union avenue, Union 'Beach, died urgent need for women to take Gray day morning on the subject, "Ar will rehearse Thursday night In the Tuthill. president of the First Na- Christmas morning in the South Am? Lady courses. These women asslt Watch night service will be he Open Door-No Man Can Shut,". church, and" the junior choir will tional, bnnk of ,Eatontown,-,who rep- boy hospital after a short Illness: She at hospitals at Fort Monmouth, Fort Rev. and Mrs. Hayes, Ifarthi Wednesday at 11:15 with the pasto meet Friday night at 8, o'clock in the | resented tlie Monmouth County was born. In Centervllle and was tho Hancock, FItkIn and Monmouth MeRev. Walter Cowen, in charge. Spec Hayes and Miss Ida M. Bullock wii parsonage and all members are Bankers' association; George W. widow of the late George tfltzslm- morial. , ...... . _ ' lal prayers will be .th to thank members of the congrega- blessings of God uponoffered for am urged to be present. Rev, arid Mrs.! Bray, psst:' district .governor of the mons. . ' ^ The new course for Gray Ladles the people tion and to express their' apprecia- nation during tho coming year, M. L.. WilllU.'.thank .Jthe people' of.! R C ' O Bank Lions club; Edgnr N. Mrs. Fitzsimmons Ja survived by opens Wednesday morning, January tion for the many beautiful Chris the church for their expressions of | McClees, secretary of The Merchants two sisters, Mrs. Mary E.. McMann of 7, at 9:30 o'clock at the county chapfeature of the service will be mas cards and greetings they havi candlellghtlng reading, in which fo good will, .. , , Trust company, and A. Trumbull Woodhaven, Long Island, and Mrs. ter offices at 107 Monmouth street. received. ' Smith, ot the Second National Bank Margaret Fitzpatrlek of Bayshore, At present there are more than 40 candles will symbolize Faith, Hop METHODIST. and Trust company, both of whom Long Island, and one brother, Jack Gray Ladles In the county chapter Lovo and Peace, followed by "alien ^Members ot the Intermediate and Dalr of Union Beach. corps. At the army hospitals they Senior Christian Endeavor societies prayer by the congregation. Th "What Is Your Choice?" will be were former banking associates Funeral services were held laBt help boys to write letters, pla.y cards devoted Christmas eve to the lng- church bell will be Tung heraldim the sermon topic for Rev, Kenneth | Mr. Throckmorton. 1 the New Year, while the bencdlctlo R. Perihchiet's messuge Sunday! Mxv Throckmorton was born a Monday morning at the Holy Family and other games with them and read ing:' of carols. They sang several morning at 11 o'clock. The music ! Eatontown, son, of the late Samue church, Union Beach, where a high to patients. At other hospitals thoy f'seasonal hymns at the Rlverview is pronounced. Following the servl' I hospital early in the evening, t]ip sandwiches, coffee and cake will b will bo under the direction of Mis. I and.Cnthcrinc Patterson Throckmor mass of requiem was celebrated by do similar w.ork. served in the Sunday-school rooi Clinton Wilber, Jr. and will-include '<">.. s n d resided at Long Branch Rev. J. J. Lucltt, Interment was in Vmet in the church auditorium for Classes In Morse code, conducted - - - -jjlull "Sour of singing which was am and an Informal social hour will fo' - - - - in C," Bach;" offertory an- many years before moving to Red the family plot In St. Joseph's ceme- by the chapter, will bo held.every "Prelude tery, Keyport, under the supervision - ' -: . pHfled from the church tower so thai low. , , them by the choir, "Build Thee More Bank, where for more than 40 years of the John E. Day funeral home of Tuesday night from 8 to 10 o'clock at the county offices. The class Is neighborhood could enjoy thf ' The church council met last nigh Stately Mansions," Andrews; "Post- ho was prominent In banking circles. Keyport and Red Bank. . open to both men and women. The -musical -presentation. The youn at the church. ' - lude In F," Roberts. At 6'30 tile Ho was cashier of the old Second Nadirector is Herman Schrelber, a people were accompanied at the 01 The Sunday-school will be conduc Methodist" -Youth Fellowship wiii'l tionai bank nnd.nrst president of the MRS. JAMES P.' MARKS. member of the Jersey Amateur Ragan toy Mrs. Warren H. Smock, wh ed Sunday, January 4 at 9:45 a. meet with George Wilson, leader, AU 'Merchants Trust company. He was , also a past president of tho Mon-..-.." also played several organ selections The CommonjService of the Lutherai f Mrs. Anna Bailey Marks, -wife of dio club. throughout the program, Thoso. tak- church will be'conducted by tho pas young people of high school age and mouth' County Bankers', association^ James F. Marks of Brooklyn, New over are Invited to attend,^ At "7:45 and a charter member of the. Red; York, and'a' slater of Mrs. James H, ing, part In- tho singing were 'thf tor at 11 a. m. The gospel an< | Misses Grace Wooahead, Barbara epistle lessons for the 2nd Sunda; p. m., the evening worship will begin Bank Lions His wife,, Mrs. McGrVth of Slechanlc street, Red were Sunday visitors at the, home of Bergen, Gloria Moore, Martha Moore after Christmas will be read, and th with the prelude, "Impromptu In B Grace Brady Throckmorton, survives Banlcj died December 16 in New Mr. Plltzeckor'a parents. ' It pays to advertlso In The fieglster, ~~ . is; Virginia Smjth, Carol Ford, Christmas responses sung by cho flat Major," Schubert; anthem, by the him. Interment took place In Fair York city. . -, Mil* Edna, Kraus and Cheater. SuElizabeth Conover and Howard Un- and'congregation. The .subject of thi choir, "The' Lord -is My Shepherd," Vieu' cemetery. Mrs. Marks was born in New pienskl spent Sunday with Miss Former U. S. Senator Hamilton P. Kraus' slater and hiUband, Sergeant :gerer, Thomas Morrison, Walter Con- sermon will be, "The Christian ii MacFarren; contralto solo by. Mrs. York and was well Known In R,ed Ritie Mflcdonald; postlude; "Alleover, William Moore, . Robert R. Face of Buffering nnd Trials." JOHN - M EAStEY Bank, having visited this seotlon an- Kean, who maintained an estate at and Mrs. Stanley Holt at Highlands. gretto,"- Beethoven. "Determined to Deal, died Saturday . night In'/St. p a c k m a n , William h. Ford, Albe: The Central District Sunday Schoo A business meeting of the Women's The funeral of John Measley, 71 nually'since 1908.-She- was employed will Gifford and James Lyle Davlaon. Workers will meet Monday, Januarj Go. Forward,"eveningbe tho . sermon who-dled- suddenly .at his home, 16 In the New York custom house Luke's hospital,. New York, after a auxlllary-of-Communltjtflre-companytheme at the hour. . six weeks' illness, Mr, Kean, who : -.Members of the two C, E. groups 5 at 8 p. -m. at St. Paul's Iiuthera The church school will convene j Bottln road, early -Sunday morning liquidating department. One other In recent years divided his time be- will take place at Ocean View Comhild their regular meeting Sunday church at Elizabeth. . Dr. Samue! Sunday morning at 9:45 o'clock with i of last week, was held Monday night sister and four brothers survive, munity, fire house, Tuesday afterafternoon at the church, and th Trexler, president of tha board A solemn high moss of requiem tween* his homes at Elizabeth and noon, January 13, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Mr. Coddington as general superin- at the residence. Rev. M. L. Wille'.W, Toung People's C. ; Society In the foreign missions of the "United Luth tendent. There arc classes for all .pastor of Keansburg Methodist was offered December 20 by Father Deal, served in the senate-from 1831 Eliao Kraus is president. . evening. There will not be a meet- eran church, will address the work age groups, departmental worship church, officiated, and the vocal solo- Brennan of St. Patrick's church at to 1935.' Conrad Rech, Jr., who has been In Ing of the Junior Christian Endeavor ers and speak on his recent visit tc programs and lessons taught by com- ist was Frank Grenger of Kcans- Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where camp In South Carolina and waa group Friday, but hc rnembers will the Lutheran churches of South petent teachers. buig. His selection was "The Old Interment took place In the family home on a furlough, returned to cam.p America. reconvene January 9. The executive board of the Wom- Rugged Cross." Many close friends plot. Saturday, His wife, who has been en's Society lor Christian Service will i and relatives paid tribute to his spending some time' at their home ;The monthly meeting of the'boan EMBURY METHODIST, meet Friday, January'2 at 11 o'clock. I memory and there were a number MRS. EARUE O. WHEELER . here,- returned with him. of trustees^ was held last night, a Little Silver. Following box luncheon the business of floral tributes. 8:18 o'clock at the office of AlexanMrs. Joseph P. MacLean has reMrs. Delia May Yesterday morning the body was Earle. O. Wheeler Wheeler, wife of der D. Cooper on Monmouth street. 'Rev. Harold P. Wayman, _pastflt, turned home after spending Christof Fair Haven t H y t y y mas with her son and his wife, Mr. will-pr.<MichLSunday_at_Jl.a, in., th ard Hlgginson In the chair. All of- conveyed by-auto to Hammonton, oad, Falr Haven, died early ThursMojur-C, A-Oiborn presided, h J 4 -whoro Jut -w-a-4Hjj- r wml h and Mrs, Joseph M. MacLean, and -Eugene M. Magee of Fair Haven, aecohd .'In a series of sermons from i l " w r i r day liiofnlftg'lh'Alleiiwooil- hoopllal. children - Joseph P,-^'.and .daughterassisted the church quartet Sunday the Book of Mark, his special theme at this time. The monthly meeting vlco was held at; 2:30 o'clock Jn tho Sho was 43 years old. Margaret of Jersey City. Other guests morning as tenor, in the absence o being, "A Pi-ayer -Before Sunrise." of the organization will be held, in afternoon at the home of a son, HorMrs. Wheeler was born in Newwere Mr. and Mrs. Charles White of A4 LeRoy Baker, who Is out ol town Church school convenes at 10 o'clock. he church Monday, January 5 at S ace J. Moasley. Rev. Ralph Fortune, rk. Before taking up her residence, Old^Frienda and New Little Silver, Miss Eliiabeth MacLean he fctr the Christmas holiday season. Th Lord's Supper-will be adminis- rclocky with -Mrs. Higglnson In pastor of the Hammonton Baptist at Fair Haven she resided at M6 and Harry Zebley of Jersey City. church, officiated, The active escorts ucherii Surviving besides her { red . -There will bo no mid-week wor.: terd 'at the . 7:30 o'clock evening ^ttThimble club meeting will be were two sons, Lcsllo. Measley of band are are mother, Mrs, May\soOver tho week-end they entertained Ship service tomorrow night. service. There will be a guest speak Happy_ New Year ! Mr, ana Mrs. Earl de Cordova of At. Mri and Mrs. Ralph B. Edgar have er at the 6:45 senior Epworth- league ie!d^January 7, at the homo-of Jlrs. Keansburg, and Horace fJ.J two sons- 'in Bourdreau of Metuchen V lantic Highlands. -transferred their membership to the meeting. J'. Many of Madison avenue, at 2 ! L"!' ion, Kenneth Whooler. Grace Methodist church at New-' A Watch Night service will be 3'clock., The hostesses will be Mrs. Side .avenue, Red Bank, and Oliver The funeral was held Saturday^a Mr. and Mrs, Paul LeFever and Brighton of Black Point road. Rumburgh, Now York. . held in the church New Years-eve William Macdonald, .Mrs. Mary Mc- sen, and two grandsons, Willard and crnoon at the" Mount Memorial fun children, Carol, Lois and Frances, ral home with Rev. Kenneth R, spent the Christmas holiday,,with W. Albert Doremus, superintendent from 11:30 to midnight and, will be -oach and Mrs. Mesereau. Carltoa Measley. The Alpha Kappa PI class of the Perlnchief, pastor of. the Bed Bank Mrs. LeFever'a parents, Mr, and Mrs. "TIME TESXED* ol the church school, announced Sun- receded by a social time from 10:30 Interment by the Worden funeral :hurch school, taught by Mrs. C. C. G. Rlttenhouse of Paulaboro. day that the church school classes of o 11:30 o'clock. home'was in the family plot at Oak Methodist church, officiating. Burial MEMORIALS - ivas In Old Tennent cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. William Finn and The monthly Epworth league meet Rogers, will meet in the church par- Grovo cemetery, Hammonton. Mrs. Doremus, Class' No. 5, and of son Billy and daughter Mary passed, ,,'Japhia Clayton, Class No. 10, had ing will be held next Monday at 8 ,or Thursday, January 8 at 8 o'clock. Monuments, Markers, The official board meeting of the MICHAEL J,IMURFHX" Christmas with Mr. Finn's family of perfect attendance Sunday, Deceni- ?. m. at the home of Harrison ShamMRS. JOHN A. CAREY hurch will,be held Tuesday, JanuBrooklyn, and Mrs. Finn's parents, Ma.usoleumi. , Michael J. Murphy, a retired lieuThe Woman's Society of Christian iry 13 at 8 o'clock with the minis'.er Mrs. Nctta B. Carey, wife of John enant of the West Orange police deM B and Mrs. William Settgast of ' The superintendent also stated that Service will hold Its quarterly even- iresidlng. Important matters will A. Carey of Middletown, died suddenHAMILTON F. KEAN *! Long Island. 10 DRClilMOND M.A0E , partment, died Friday at the home beand the rest of the school, officers e presented for discussion and all ly Friday night at her home on Mra. Joseph P. McLean returned his daughter, Mrs. Anne Dolan of are anxious to get the. birthday of ing meeting Wednesday, January 7, re urged to beT present. ' Phono B. B. 24. The former senator was wldel: King's- highway. She was -42 years Burlington avenue,- Leonardo, after it 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs, very member ol tho, church school. known in Monmouth county. Having home Christmas night after spendLast Sunday evening, the Metho- old. an Illness" of two weeks. Ho was 81 a keen interest In agriculture and ing the Christmas hojlday-wlth her Beginning the first of- the new year iVilliam T. Sawyer on Silyerton ave- list youth.of the churoh wero in RED BANK Mrs. Carey was born at Elmira, ears old and had been a resident of .. J son and his wifej^MrT and Mre>-Jothey'hope-to be able to begin to rec- lue. charge of the service. The Methodist New York. Surviving, besides her Leonardo 25 years. He came to this stock raising, he sponsored and par- seph M; McLean>ind children of jerognlie every birthday with a card. husband, are two daughters, Joan country 71 years ago from Ireland. ticipated in many flower shows and Frank A. Rogers" was unanimously 1HAPEL OF HOLY COMMUNION Youth Fellowship and tho college roung people who were homo for and Jean; her mother, Mrs. Henry N^ The..L.funoral.jvas i-held Monday displays here. His Deal home, situelected to serve as president ol the T^Falr Haven (Episcopal) Dhrlstmas vacation participated. Miss [Ball of Elmira, and several.brothers morning at St. Agnes church^' with" a ated a distance back from Ocean aveYoung Men's Bible class at a meetnue, Is almost hidden by the heavy Wednesday, December 81Follow- ane. Beers extended words of greet- [,ard sisters. requiem high mass by Rev. Michael shrubbery antl large , trees ' which ing Sunday morning. Mr. Rogers ng the lead of President Roosevelt Ing to the group which were re-1 T l l e funeral ivas held Sunday afCallahan. Interment " by tho adorn the spacious .grounds, Is one of succeeds Harry C. Fay Worden of specinl service of prayer and In iponded to by W. Alfred Henderson, ternoon at her late homo with Rev. !Falr Haven, who has been president rcesslon'wIII be held Ntfw"Years i medical student at Temple, unl- William-B. Spofford, rector of Christ Martin funeral home was in Mount the shore's showplaces. Olivet cemetery. o{ the Bible group for the past year. vo at 11:30 o'clock, Mr. Kean had been active In Re eraity. Clinton Wilber, .Jr. and Episcopal church at Middletown, offi; Others elected are William L. Ford, Thursday,- January 1Feaat-.of. the Scorge Wilson lead the'group In a ciating-. Rev. Guy Shlpler, rector of publican politics for many years, Preas vice president, to succeed Mr. Rog- Mrcumclsion,. Holy Communion at 8 MRS. AGNES BAILEY vious to being elected to the senate ihallcnge and responses were made St. Paul's Episcopal church at Chaters; Samuel T. Harvey, Jr., secretary, m. Mrs. Agnes Bailey, 25, of Aumack ho served on both the stated and na>y Patty Kuhi, Jane Adams and Ed- bnm, assisted. succeeding Mr. Ford; Hubert.M. FarIn response to the President's vard Tawnsend. Mrrand Mrs. Rich The. bearers were .three brothers, avenue, Union Beach, died December tional committees and was a delerow, Jr., assistant secretary, to suc- iroclamation the church will be gate-at large to the 1916 Republiceed Mr. Harvey;-James-Xyla Davi- ipen all day January 1 for private rd Warner sang n duct, "Love Di- Seymour, Robert arid Henry. Ball, 2 In her home after giving birth to can national convention. Again within the mem1 son, treasurer,- to succeed Robert M.- (evotlons-and special prayers .to.A).- ine, 1 All Loves Excelling," by Garet Conover Frank and Frederick in infant earlier in tho day. She was ory of many of us our naG. Adams.; Burial, in charge.of the ho daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mr. Kean wns a member of a New Close; Harland Gray, assistant treasIghty God that He will give faith I t l i , and" the'"senior choir reri- Mount Memorial home, was private. tion looks forward to the ears and was born In Irvlngton. York banking firm and at one time urer, succeeding Mr, Davlson; and nd courage to the people of our ffrpd the anthem, "Create in Me a Her husband, Steven Bailey, son, nnd was rated as one of New York's B 0 grimne>$ of war. It e4n Heart." '. Emll S, Singdahlsen, Chaplain, tcTre- and and to all those who are striv er father, are survivors. ! MRS. WILLIAM- GRANT wealthiest men. teems not quite fitting A Father and Son coveroddish will : place Dr. L. F. Mackenzie. The. new ng for the maintenance of justice Funeral services were held -lnst He was the father of U. S. Rep held by the Cub Pack D the local f ; officers -will take over their duties. ind libefrty In the world, Mrs. Margaret Flood Grant, sister that we wish you, on the 'riday'afternoon In the home of Mrs. Robert W. Kean of Livingston. He is '.. next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Sunday, January 4Morning pray- hurch Tuesday, December 30| This of Mrs. Nellie Normile and William larenc?. Aumack . of Park avenue". also survived by a wjdow and an threshold of 1942; the ill be the Cubs' ^Christmas celebra- Flood of Fair Haven, died Sunday ; The retiring; president was In r and sermon at 9:30 a. m. Churchuiual "Happy New Year," lon. Den mothers will prepare cov- night In St. Elizabeth's hospital at 'ntermeftt was in Cedarwood ceme- other son, John, president of the Nn. , charge of tho final gathering of. the chool at 10:30 a. m. :red dishes for the dinher. ' year and all recited the Lord's prayfor happiness and war do Trenton. She was the wife of Wil- iry under the direction of H. S. tlonal State Bank of Elizabeth. . 3edle of Keyport. er In unison. Mr. Worden wan at the A Watch Night Service on New liam Grant of Rnhway and was 60 CHRIST .CHUBCH, - not go hand in hand. We \ piano for the -group hymn singing ears evo will begin at 10 o'clock years old. Shrewsbury. pray instead, "God give ui '-._ CHARLES SHIPPEE throughout the program. Robert R. rith an hour ^of sociability with Besides her husband and brother ST. JOHN'S CHAPEL, victory!" . Blackman read the morning's scripames and refreshments. The de- and sjster In Fair Haven, she Is surCharles Shippee, 27, of Beacon v Little Silver. tural lesson. o t l o n a l h o u r , b e g i n n i n g at-11, will be I ' v e d b y t h r e e s o n s , J o s e p h E v a n s ' o f oulevard, Beacon Beach, Keansburg, The Holy Communion service, con- ir c h a r g e of t h e minister,'" Special N e w a r k W i l l i a m G r a t With determination and Newark, William Grant, J ^f ^R h ied Christmas of Injuries suffered Members of the auxiliary of Ver. James Lyle Davlson, L.Utle^Silver, ucted at Christ church on Christ- ibservanco of "n nqjihtl of prayer for way, nnd Lawrence Grant of iFort n an automobile accident. His wife; non A. Brown post, Veterans of Forcourage and with the help bservanco n nqj-ihtl prayer for ^\irpok(> to fellow members of tho group ms eve, was repeated Sunday morn- h e first day of the year" will bo I Lewis, Washington; thrca daughters, Mrs. Gertrude Senior Shippee, is sur- eign Wars, hold their annual holiday he first d a y f t h " ill b of that Power which hai on the subject "The Miracles of ig at 11 o'clock. Dr. Dorr of Long nade at this meetjng. All, members"1 M r s - Henry Dombroski .and MrB. viving. party for members' children at the never failed our nation, Christ,11 taken from the claBs' study iranch rendered tho'offertoT$>i solo. Funeral services were hold in tha post home on Mechanic street Sunnd friends of tho church"'are Invltrd IF r ( 1 < i Schmidt of Cnrteret, and Miss Holy Communion service will be hook, "Bible Study by Doctrines" by there will come to us soon be.present. There will be .sfiecl.-i! D n r l s Grant of Neptune, another sis- John D. Crane and.' Sons funeral day afternoon. Post members and lebrated Thursday morning:, the Bev. Henry T. Sell. that time when we again tcr, Mrs. Edward Fay of Rahway, home at Kearney Saturday, followed their wives participated, and each uslc. ast of- the Circumcision, at 9:30 The newly elected president, Mr. I and two other brothers, Patrick and by Interment In' Arlington cemetery. child was given a personal gift, a box may fittingly, say, "Happy 'clock In Christ, church. Rogers, will speak to the young men Edward Flood of NewaTk, of candy and fruit from Santa Claus. ST. MARK'S SCHOOL New Year!" The church school festival of St. next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock Refreshments were served. The funernl will be held tomorrow , Keansburg on the topic, "The Humiliation and 'ohn's chapel will be held tonight morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Day Tho auxiliary has given a ejjeck Holy Communion will bo held In Tuesday) at tho chapel and the Exaltation of Christ." for $50 to the post for alterations to ip morning of Januaiy 1 followed i funeral home on Riverside avenue Ihrist church Church School Festival the post home. The check" was giv* ^ 6O EAST FRONT St { litany and -intercession at noon nnd at 30 o'clock nt St. James church 'ill be Friday night. Both programs where a high mass of requiem wil en to tho commander, Arthur HansBAPTIST x accordance to tho wish of. Prcsl 1 stnrt nt 7:30 o'clock. 11 Qlrl Murlnora of tho Girl Scout son, by Mrs. Jennie Thompson, auxbo celebrated. Burial -will be Jn cnt Roosevelt that prayers bo of'Missionary Sunday will be observMariner ship Albatross .and sea iliary president, at a recent joint p red on this day for peace, Conlir- Mount Olivet cemetery. RALTIST ed In tho various departments of the scouts of the Son Scout Ship North meeting. intlon clnsses for children will be church school when It convenes" SunLeonardo Star hold a Christmas party last TORMAN PARKER Threo ,turkeys disposed of on th 4 o'clock Wednesday nnd Friday. day morning at .9:45 o'clock. week at tho Prcsbytorian church Mitl-wePk prnypr niepting will he Services for Fornran Parker of Various group games wore played co-operative plnn were awarded to Tho service of Holy communion old Wednesday, December 31, at 8 Motto of Oakhurst, Newman Springs road, who. died and refreshments, propttrcd by tho William Do La and - George Decker > will bo observed at tho worship ser- 'clock, with rememberance of the John Lncliman Monday nfternoon of last week at girls, were aervodr vice nt 11 o'clock. Rev. C. A. Thunn yst year/and prospects of tho comof Red Bank. Monmouth Memorial hospital, were (Tin- IU'd Hunk lU will preach on,"Meditation for Dark g year! x Those attending from the Albntross Mny llm.. . t . v . b.n told ltumson hum Ho rliclt Kiiiidit Hurry held Friday afternoon at the WorDays." This Is tho Scrlpturo passage how muc^ Ih. ymp.thollo Sundfty-schonl January i will beirknti, 1'ieil l-'itiiR ty. WnlHT orlicris1 den funeral ' homo on East Front were Madcllno Grubb, Joan McHugh, / ENGAGED used by Prime Minister Churchill In conlfderaffon of Day's Mortutl Mr. lltitlicnbt-iK) ,Marcolla Macintosh, Doris Hallenn at 9:45 a. m. with classes for all slrcet.. Rov. E. A. Miller, pastor of ary hai meant to family. hla spcerh lo the Congress of tho. inglng from the craclln roll (o nn balto, Parol Bruce, Barbara CarpenPlivnto First Claw Jtihn E. Shea, Jintontown Methodist church, was In How . th, beauty and dlfnlty Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Ilyer.of HazUnited States. Tho organ prelude/ dult Blblo class, to which all lire 1 .xpr.ixd mad. tha caramony ter, Iiorls^Allen, Georgia Rolllo. Bnr lot, nnnounco the engagement of will bo "Molodlo" by. Fi-lml;, thePc ,elcomn. Morning hour of worship he is stationed with llm 112th clmrgo. truly a fittln.-lrlbul.. Tlili Mputatlon that wo built will bo a BOlo by'Maynnrd Eiiveimd, nd this Lord's Supper will taltn plnce "Jdd Artilfjy ;U Foil Blii^a, I^orth The bearer:) were George Hnckott, barn Bnumnn, F. Bnllurlnkel, Marlon their daughter, Edith Ann, to Remla tha raault nf handllnf ovary "Hear My Prayer," HnmWcn; nnd ;t.ll n. nl. JiJnlor .Chrt.stinn Endeav- :ni(ilina. Is upending n lon-dny fur- Gem-go Williams unil Domlnkk and O'Connor, Helen Black, Jnnet Grubb, ington Morris Murphy of Klmlrn, mlnula dulall exactly aa you h wilh his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. l'hlllp Blnaco, the offertory anthem by the choir, r norlety will mret iH 0:30 p. in, Interment wns In Jnnet Strothman and Nnncy Wl]linm New York, Tho wedding will take P.onjo hava o/i.n dwnrd Shell, Si-, son. ' plnco In -Juno. "God Shall Lend Israel" by West, Fair VIPAV comotcry. ' boen rtforred to ua bec.uia nlor ChrlHtlan Enticnvor will be Lieutenant und Mra, Frederick"H. Tho sea sco\it.i prcnent Inthay ware told that Dayi la .Mr. I'arkcr wnn a life-long resiThn young penplr wjll lioltl .their eld at fi:3() ji. m. KvcnlnK flcrvlcp Vnlsh, .Ir., left Thursday for Camp lh placa whtrm ympatny l dent of thin locality. He Is svirvlvcd cluded Harold Wnrdoll, Wltncy more thin a more word. ill bu belli nl 7:45 p. m., tit which weekly meeting nt 6:30. leltRon, Houth Catohtm, whole LU;ll- b hl.H l( M M by hi Mrs. Mary A. RldgWuy Durot, Tom Slnnott,, Fred Rtnnoi service thn Belfonl choir will he A mans meeting will bo lmld In tho nant WnlHli l Hhitkmi'd with llio Piu-ker, Grover Parker, nnd Frank McHugh, Chnrlc.i Sclinnck, Prayer meeting, social hour and church at 7:30 Sunday evening under present timl will present a .special -'(I Cuv:Uiy, lC.-wx troop. Thulr d.uiphlera, Mm. Anna E. On- Dick Weir, Wnlloy Bcclter. Rodnoy tile dlroction of tho National Dofnnso proKram of Chri/iUna.H inU-sfc, inicr Imin,. lieio Ls helntj occupliul borno unil Miss Myrtlo D. Pniker, Gordon^ Kohcft Ilo\vnr<\, Wllllnni lly- watch night service will bo held toCouncil. Tho nnrnkpr'fl topic \Vill lie Wpdnr.idiiy evening, .Innliaty 7, at iy Mr. unil Mrn. John Dill. lira. Dill mer, Ilnhcrt Hnfner, Mnlcolm nittcr, morrow nlglit at tho Haptlat church. l)"th of E.itonlown. "Tho Indtvldmir nnd the Church In 8 o'clock a specinl e.ffuiL will hp Prayer meeting will be, held from 0 tlin fui;ii(>r Mlsn Margaret Tullcr, Dirk VnnNesl nnil'.Walter Grubb. FUNERAL HOME National Dafense." Thn addieim will inadu to hnve a wcll-attondpil wcivlrn to 10 o'clock. A uncial hour will bo UKIIIPI- nf Mr. mm Mrs, J. Ditnlol MKS. VVII-I.IAM WICEU UKOWN be followed by n question nnd nnn- elncc, this ocrljrH during HIP unlvrrsenjoyed from 10 to 11 o'clock, and ullrr of Jtcij. Hunk nnil L!ncir7fl. 85 Riverside Ave., Phono 332 Red Bank wtr period. Thn public Is Invited. nl wrrk of jirayrr. Tho funeral of Mra, Florence P. Mi-iO'Traillm Kellogir hus chiiotl tho wiiteh night nervloo wlllf bn hold SOI Maple FInc Fhons 1351 Beyport The miinlrn) prelude will bo "Itor liuiiif! hi-ii! ntid l.i rinu' living nt r.rown, wifo of Wlltlnm Word Rrnwn from 11 to 12 o'clock. Tho church miinre" by Hrhm-ll nnd the MKTIIOIUST t. WoHtlniiy Iwtil, Mew Ynrk <-lty. nf Oraugo aveimn, Fair Haven, who Will bo open New Vem-s dny from 10 offertory will bn "I'ocmo" bj> Fllilch. Tli Fiench cliih ' will meot next Mrs. Niillsnn Kilii'iii-dii h:u ro- tll<M, Tiifsduy muni.t.K of 1"-il week BclJiild Boidlnrs from tho nrnrhy nrmy iiMil.iy n l tlin h o m o of Mrn, Wllllnm a. in. to (I n. in,, In keeping with President Itansovclt's request to rSiinliiy-Rrhool will Im hrld M l>;30 urncil fiom II 'iitontli'/t .liny at I'lnc- wiifl Iiptit I'Tldny inornlnj,' nt thn , Keenhnn, pouts will a^nln ho rntertnlnrd KutWditlch Quintal homnAon Front ft. jn. flundny, }ln)y Communion will llrt, Nmtli C'll'dllnii, urqivy nvnnlnfr nt "open houne," All, air ruld and flrn^wnrdenf) have mrtko New Yenrn dny n day of HfV. ^rctVM S, Crniff, Kilgar A. Knii|ip, Jr., Is sponilliii; er for peace. Thii Phllnllira society will bo cnlflhrated nt 10:45 , m. Thn. Kp- io CliiLsiiiuiii hnlliliiyjt with Ilia pnr- iT-rtoi' of Trinity -Kptucopnl church, been urged to nttr'nil nn Important Ralph Morfonl left Friday on Tuesday evening, Jnnunry (I nt (hn worth lenjruo will Inrpt In thn even* il.i. Hi' i.'i'u ntiKliiiit ut VViintnilnK- (iMvlntlntf. 'J')i hotly wns conveyed meeting Friday night,.Jilnunry 2, In two wrcka' trip to Florida, i'tens of ialhfaction from out fia/rant ftat/f home of MTH. Wmden Orncinwi on ing nt (1M.1, nnd Hrv I'luil .1. Myoifl, r M-IKXII ittvltiliii.'ilmiyj CniniiHitlcut, by fiu.oiiiub.Ii) to Jironklyn for burlnl the nudllorliiin of tho Leonnrdo luihtiir, wll pi'fiicli on "Thi' I'nweiThoniuH Donlon of Now York spent grummnr school, Uiuls Onllowny Hnrrlson nveniic. Mr. umlj'fll/i. J'ildiiii Jlurvcy nnd tu (iriMMiwooil (Muneloiy, of Din (Jiinpcl" ut tin- i-vi'iilnt; uprheuds the locnl nlr inlil group, while. Iho holliliiyji with' his mother, Mrs. him an incnlivi lo ,,* to J,p,L> mori waui to nnJif Mr.*), a.rown wn.n burn In lliooltWpdncmlny oventnjr, Jnnnnty 7 nt vk-i- nt 7:30 u'clnoli. 'ii, lOliliiir-VJnrvry, .Ir., nf New York Norn Donlon, 7:30 it Red Vronit flrnt old cauvnt1 will The IIiitimiI wnti:h nli:hf .'ii'ivlur Iy, vjunt tin- wi'iik-oml vlnltlnn lyn. Sim had i!Hldi>d nt 11 d llatik flri company members mo Urn Kdwln Ciuldlngton of the Moody bo started lo which evnynne In Invit- Will Im hold lit llio I'hliich Wi'dnr::for l!-l yi'tim licfon- ini)vln.{ to l',dr wnctlenK, ii-nil.H luii'. lOlnui- GiistafHou of Monmmilh Illbln school, ClilcnK", had chnrg of ed. Thrme who dojilre to enroll Aiiould Vy" p***onnl ttri'ict. Walter Ciirli., u Im | H In Monimiutli Jliivcn 11 yearn :iy,o, Hurvtvin^, bnfflve Iholr nnnina to Hiv. 'I'hunn nn iuy nlfiht tiri^hinltiK jit IO;-I,7 p, rn,, Mi'inmliil lioii|iltii| with tnilji iiiju- nlch'M her l.iiHbfind, nro a dau^litt1 r, nvrnue, who In flt/itlrii!<! ftt Foi'l tho fieivlco Hiaulny night nt thn Unpnoon > ponnlldrt, Thii. canrnn will with nn (ilil-finiiltini'il hymn fdni!. A nirliln In hl.'i h'lr. In lln|>l nvlnj;. M l.'i-i Klorrrtco Vnn 11runt Ilrnwn of Haneoek, ban been promote^ fioin tliit cbiircli. Minn Mildred Carry of rontlnue for 11 wmlis nntl thonn wlm |iryi>r mccllnc will Im ln-ld ninnt: irttvcn; n_non, Wltltiun '"urnrr llrulrnnnt I" i-nptnln. In tlin meillnnl thn niriKhnm Illhln Infitltutf, Nnw I'm-li-r 'rdimii'.v, wlm wnii. liiki'ii In attend neoitnot Inlm thn txninliintlnn v/lth llm wcrvliT, llrv. Mr. MJIIMMI Miininniiih hoii|iltnl I'Vlduy with 1 llriiwn of Nullty; thinn cianilrhll- corpn, He l/i n roglnlereil pliyflliMun, Vork,-wiin nololnl, will juimih on "All ThlnK" Nr-w." linleti they wlnh lo do in. ,Than Anlinr hnn rosumed hlii Lrunar Ilultnr nnd fanilly of Mnnami' n broth?!' nnd two elntcrit,pndiiiinnln, In lmpi(jvln|f. Hq was ' ' ' " " ' '"" *.\ - -. wlm iiccrnafully | w tlio ,oxjmiUlaiiiotlth avenue nrp (in n vncatlon trip K dutlen at Quariyvlllo, I'enntiilu'ii III wlilln liome un u fiuliniiili all of whom llvo 'nt Hrauklyn, llon. will IKCCIVO a certificate. ' to Florida, fIn Is auditor nf tho Kylviinln, nftrr spending the ohlldnyn limn Vml llvnuit. North (.'iiriilliin. Ooiinly Oiin company. wllh hln pnronls. Tlie Mary Mount rhniitet TIIOMAK If. KAUM;Y Mr, nnd Mrn, li'rank (lhc/./,l of Kunt Ml "ii Jdunnotto Hinlth, llbrniinn, A mooting of the Iadlr*' Aid sotyfdn flnIM, will,moot Vttit Hutidny J{i-v, Mnlcolm //. WH- Jllvur mini pnlcilnliiccl diuln/; llm y ThoinnH Itvmy Kmny, BO, a rm|- will rnlurn Hundnjr from CDIII l)prln|[, ciety will bn liolil Tliurfliluy aftor.In*, January D m1 will have lll k on "M "Mulling All ('Illlntiifci Imlidiiyn, Mm. I Hi.:./]' ,ilu. ilont of NuvfttUitc ninny yen in, illcil Illtn, Iiilnlnlfr. New YlirK, wlmin Ithn In niifnillriK inon, .Tmuiury B, nt tho homo of Mr*, 226 Th J l mm )ntr- ter un >, Mtti, A, Muli^imi uiu. hint WeiUwmhiy tttlnnumn nt nv tin S B W ' " * * " III* relallve. tii* .ri l|ptau|ln( How York lllno(i nf nvo niontlm with | himrt i TJm Imlliluy viKiwdun wllh next Mon- luwnnl W. Kiibnrln. '''ho lioitooocB library -will Ri) will bo Mr, liohnilii, Mra. ICthol Cud......> M rj>^:.'.., llt <llngton MM, W(||Umfoit.'

[Items Pertaining To


Our Local CHiirclies

for a largo New'York banking institution many years.- : Surviving are'his wife, Mrs, WUhelmlna Blackwoll, and a sister residing ln_Asbury Farkf Funeral services were- held Saturday afternoon In St. Thomas Episcopal church, Red Bank, and interment; In charge of A. M. Posten and Sons, Atlantic Highlands, was In White RldgeceWS"tery/Satontown. .

Women Needed For Gray Ladies

Former Senator Hamilton Kean Dead

ny City. Othni ffuesta wr Harry Zebley and Miss EHiabeth MacLean ot-Jersey City and Mr. and MM. Mr, and U n , J u n u Kewcomba Charlef Whit* of Little Silver, have returned home alter a week's T-iit: and Mrs/Choifette Horster nvisit with Mr. and Mra. frank Hill* tartalned at; their homa oo Chapel bauer at Newark. Hill road Sunday for Mark Ellis and. Mr. and t i n , John MeMsbon ara Daniel Fllcklnger of IndlwiapqJIt Intha pac<mtd_pf a daughter, born Wed- diana, (who are stationed at Fort, neada^oT Jait woek at Monmouth Monmouth. Memorial hospital. Mrs, McMalion la Mrs. George Schmltt of Highland! the jormer MIB Elltabeth Hyan. and Mrs. Harry PalmatlBr o LeonMr. and Mra. Richard Caaey have ardo motored to Nyack, N. T v Thursday where thoy visited Mrs. TaHna*' moved to Port Monmouth. 5 jlohn Leonard baa returned- to tier's sister-in-law , Mrs. William Hanna. Mrs. Polmatler received a , Brtinchvllle after opondlng the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Adelaide letter from her son Harry, Jr., wlio l Is stationed at Hawaii. Leonard, and slater, Mary.! A turkey which was disposed ot -Mrs, John Hoffman Is about Bgoi on tho cb-operatlvo plan Monday, after an illneas ot several daya, A business meeting of Middletown evening, December 22, for tha organ township high school Paront-Tcacher fund of High Point chapel, was wpn will be held In the high school audi- by Mrs. Lillian Finch of Oakhurst Word of the death of Mr. Hchoene torium Thursday evening, January 8, at S-'SO o'clock, A demonstration will of the Bronx, a former summer ret- i ldent of Roop avenue, has been re- I be given, by Miss Evelyn Dettmer, domestic science teacher In the high celved by friends at this place, Mr. I school, oh how Various dUhea are Schoone died Thursday,; December I prepared and served, A talking mo- 18, and burial took place Sunday, De- J / tion picture, entitled "Meat and Ro- cember 21 in Woodlawn cemetery. Rev.' and Mrs. H, P. Rumford of j mance," will be ehown. Refreshments Ovorbrook, FannSylvanla, ara spend- / will bo served by the Leonardo disIng the Christmas holidays with Mrs. trict members. ' i) Rumford'B parents, Mr. and Mrs./ '. Mr. and Mra, Irving Teeple have re- Walter Bills and son Grandon. ^ turned after spending a. week .with Mrs. Frank .Bllllnghom Is visiting Mrs. Teeple's brother and hla wife, her sister,- Mrs. William, Wallace of Mr. and Mrs., Wilbur OUne, at Bel- Nutley. Mrs! Bllllngham pant christleville, ' - - ' -. ' . mai with her daughter and her hu-" Mr. and Mrs. George PllUecker band, Mrrand, Mrs. Welding Ward'of and son George of West Orange Brooklyn.


> u



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*L i l t .

l U J i ' t t l

4 l * a .

Thomas (Hanson & Son

With Courage


Veterans' Auxiliary Has Holiday Party


Nautical Groups Have Christmas Party





New Monmouth



L'f f (

fount rrlemoriaf\JJome

M aa

A a .flai^r ^ ^ J

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party Thursday evening at ths for December Was 100 per cent. Perchurch. The table was decorated fect records were made by: K*d Bank Reglcter can be bought with V miniature Christmas tree and Eighth rdVaUri. Cioeti, Una UtUi, it from M M . Edna H. W. Paieu*) Ernest JL..Atn<J. Jr., ion of Mr. In Hail a red Santa Claus was the favors. Marjoria Small>, Anna Dan, Anna Diand Mr? Ernest A. Arend ot Broa4 - Hailet dlrl Scout troop held their Gifts were exchanged and refresh- Marao, -John Warnoekt Jamec Stornelllo, Salvatortt LaSiplo. HarqJiLDI^brow, Donald street, ia homo for the holiday! from Christmas party Friday evening at ments served, Mrs.'Alonzo F. Lay ton Mfltlgcr, Gaorge Dunn.- ll v v ,, -, Sartnth g-radAntolnetti Moccl. -Br"the Florid! military academy at St. the home of Carol Carhart and Anne will entertain In January. Those atCarhart. The house was beautifully tending were Mrs. H. Alvln Walling, nlca Boree, Harold Dean, Kajnh PIMUX, P r t h f f l l l Bicbard. Orton, Joltph Ahlam, William ' . Mr. ana' Mrs, -Louli U of the decorated wltht red crepe "piper and Mrs. Robert T. Wpolley, Mrs, Lillle Phillip'. Sllth gradiPhilip Arn.lll,' I.orraln. .Sheridan hotel apartments pent tinsel by the decoration committee Bruhner, Mrs. Norman White, Mrs. Christmas with Mm. Prate's parents, consisting of Dorothy Ege, Carol' Thomas Aathbone, Mrs, Dyson Wood- Bailer. Shlrler Diibtow, ptr Dunn, Joih Hubbl, Mary (.aSaplo. Carhart and Ruth Smith. Favors houjs, Mrs. Anbury Walling, .Mrs. . -Mr.and-Mn. B,Bucol of-Babway. :, Filth gradeThohiai Cihill; Jeanlx CeU Xt, Frank InnacelU, who has been were made T>y" Winifred Zucker, Ernest Ludwlg, Mrs. Hudson D. Car- llni. IiOiilia SlanD, Wllm* VinFelt. Fourth gradaCaral^n Piiteux, Gloria n stationed at Fort Brags', North Car- which decorated the table. Games hart, Mrs. Francis Woolley, Miss Slano, Jean B h BmhiiK, Carmen C C Coghano, olina, with the Red Bank battery were played during the evening and Beulah Thistle, Mrs. Frank P. Sproul, R b Robert Dlitbrow, Harry .Kneute. l prizes awarded to Mary Lou Farry, Miss Annie Cowles, Mrs. Harry . Third gradeElltabith Cihlll. Mary Caand who has been spending a. furhlll, . Joiephlne Davlno, Linda J}librow, lough with members of his family at Severity Ellery and Marjory Knapp. Cowles, Mrs. Samuel H. Walling, Mrs. Barbara .Nawlln, Edward Bbba, William . 48 Bank street, left.Friday for the Christmas gifts were exchanged by Daniel A. Clark, Mrs. Ernest Walling', 'E^ehan, Second gradeBnnle Arnell* Charlee air depot at "Wellston, Georgia, to the scout's and leaders. Mrs. Chinery, Mrs. George W. Hannars, Miss Ida Smaller, Helen Dean, Hole Enfantl Diane ' " . which military station he has Vecent- leader, was presented with a gift by Voorhees. Shaw. *. , : Mr. and Mrs. Ernest' E. Peseux ly been transferred. Lt. Innacolll Is the girls. Following the games reFirat gradeAlbert Cogliano, Carmen accompanied by Mrs.' Innacelll, who freshments were served by! the com- visited Hiss Louise M. Heuer at the Favlno. Ronald Newlln, Kenneth VinMeerbeke. Floyd Walker, Audrey Barkalow, 1-enjoying several weeks off from mittee, consisting of Winifred Zuck- Be'rkeley-Carteret In Asbury Park Carol Dlibrov. K.thVrln. Enfantl. , . , . -her professional duties at Fltkln er, Mary Lou Farry, Helen Zurek and Sunday. BjjtlhliinOerald Fonter, Frank Terfj, Anne Carhart, The cakes were made Antoinette Knfantl, Jbnn Plney, Jean Harley Emmons of Neptune shot, . hospital, Neptune. by the girls' mothers; Which, were en- a ten-point buck deer weighing 200 Srrlco, Tereie Pirozzl. iMIss Mildred Hsndrlckson of Newman. Springs road, accompanied by joyed with Ice cream and candy. The pounds at Reeveytown the last day James Delatuehj recently attended a game committee consisted of Norma of the season. Those In the party Christmas dance at the Waldorf-As- Bahrenger, Anna Terpatra and Mary were Mike Moriilln of Uetuchen, Rutoria, New York, given by the Berk- Ann Smale. Those attending were dolph Peseux and William Terry of (The Red Bank Register can be boiuht eley School for Women,- where she Is Norma Bartrenburg, Anna Mae Terp- Hazlet. In Fair aven from Joseph Piccolo, Gar* Allen M, Webster, who attends den State Grocery and Mr. Welntraub) a student. Miss Hendrlekson Is so- stra, Mary Lou Farry, Beverly Ellery, cial director at the school and preaWjJoanne Travers, Marjory Knapp, Ellzabethtown college, at Elizabeth' ... Mr*. .Fred Maffee of Fair Haven Winifred' Zucker, Carol Carhart, town Pennslyyania, is spending the dent of her class.. road, * who has been, a, surgical paAnne Carhart; Helen Zurek, Dorothy Mr, and lire. Charles Clay of Wal- Ege, Ruth Smith, Neva LeJeuna, holidays with his parents, Mr. and tient In Monmouth Memorial hospital Mrs. Angelo M. Webster. lace and Washington streets and Mr.Barbara Woodhouse, Elizabeth,. Hazlet Boy Scout troop held a for two weeks, returned home last and Mrs. Thomas Irving Brown of Franklin, Mrs. Edmund Carhart, week and 1 recuperating rapidly, River road, Fair Haven, motored to Mrs. Alfred'Chinery and Mrs. Ernest Christmas party in the Hazlet fire Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clay of First house Thursday evening. A ChristPalisades Sunday and spent the af- E, Peseu*. street- and Lexington avenue entermas tree was decorated by the boys. ternoon and evening with .Mrs. Clay's tained, at Christmas dinner Mr. Clay's brother-in-law and slater, Mr. and Mr, and Mrs.'Clarence,Pedee of the Games were played and refreshments brother and slster-ln>law, Mr. and Holmdel turnpike entertained at of elder and doughnuts were served Mrs, Jamco Blgglo. Christmas dinner two soldiers from by the committee In charge. Glfta Mrs. Charles Clay of Bed Bank. Mm, Edith R, Smith and daugh- Fort Monmouth, her mother, Mrs. were exchanged among the scouts. After dinner the two couples motorter; Misa Jean Smith, of Upper Broad Scott, and brother, Walter Scott from The scout leader, Alfred W. Chinery, ed to Neptune where they called street, woro Christmas guoats of Mr. Headden's Corner. - . was presented .with a gift by the upon the grandmother of the Clay and Mrs. John F. Boland of Tucka- ..Mrs. Anna Maher," William Unger troop. The scouts distributed two brothers, Mrs. Isabella Soden who hoe, New York. On Friday Mrs. and Charles Uhger of BethanyrMata- baskets In- Hazlet. A 10 pound tur- Is In her 97th"year. Mrs.- Soden Is Smith and her daughter motored to wan road spent the Christmas holi- key was disposed of on the co-oper- hale and hearty with defective hearPasadena, . Maryland, _ where they day with' Mr. and Mrs. James F. ative .plan and' Won by- Wanda In? her only -affliction...... were week-end guests of Mr. andMaher and family in Brooklyn. ; Tho re-organlzation meeting of the Peseux. . i_ Mrs. Charles W. McLaren. Cart'Gloss, Jr., of Hartford, ConMr. and Mrs. William Bell, Miss mayor and council will take place at Corporal George W. Olmstead _re- necticut,'- pent_ChrIstmasj.w_ith_h!s_ Anna Cowles, _MrIand!.Mr8._Harold noon ;New; Years day. turned by plane Saturday night to parents here. Woolley, Mrs. Francis Woolley, Rev. y Fort Knox, Kentucky, after having , Mr; and" Mrs. John Dolson of and Mrs. George W. Hanners and lowed Its custom of a number of enjoyed a 10-day furlough at his Brooklyn were Christmas gueata of family took dinner at the Carolina years and played host Christmas home on West Front street. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dolson of Beth- tea room In Asbury Park 'Sunday. day to 600 children. Parties were Mr. and Mrs. Amory L. Haskell any road. Tibbetts held -In- the Plsk street and Willow and daughtort. Misses Anne T, and Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Wat- of Mr. and Mrs. George -E. spending street schools,' where Santa Claus Aberdeen, Maryland, Is Margaret R. Haskell, of Whippoor- son of Detroit, Michigan, are visiting holidays with Mr. and distributed gifts, candy and fruit, will road, Mlddletown township, gave Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smale and fam the ChristmasD. Carhart. The more serious" problem of providMrs, Hudson a large family dinner Christmas day William Peak of the U. S. navy, ing fuel and clothing-was handled iiyat the Waldorf-Astoria, New York. stationed In New' Hampshire, Is in tho usual efficient and generous Miss Helen L. fales and Mlsa Ethel Mrs. Harold Kite and Infant daughj spending his furlough with Mr. and way by the company's welfare board 9 1 Mount Mozar of Prospect avenue ter have returned, home from the Mrs. Frank Hyer. Installation uof officers will take Rlvervlew hospital, Red Bank. were Christmas holiday guests of Stanley Storzlnger and Arthur Wil-~||_place at the next meeting of the Miss bales' father, Henry Fales of Mr, and Mrs.. Henry VanDecker, Hams of Locust Valley, Long Island, Ladies' auxiliary of the fire comMr. and Mrs, Peter VanDecker of , Framlngham, Massachusetts. visited relatives in Hazlet and Key- pany Thursday night of next week -" Mr, and:-Mrs." Jacob--Ptowir of POJnntea Plain's,. Mr, and Mrs. Peter port Tuesday; ' ' :-. at tlnrn.rBirouiie. Sanford of Paterson were Sunday Waverly place left Monday for' their Edward Little" of Philadelphia annual winter visit to Miami, Florida. guests of Mr, and Mrs. Georgo Em- Mr. and Mrs.-Harvey Smith and mona of Bethany road. family have moved .from Telegraph spent Christmas with his parents, ,. Mr. Frown before leaving, made ar ., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hertle and Hill road to Red Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Little, Sr. rangements to have The Register forMr. and Mrs. John S. VanMator of Thirty members of the Sons warded to them while they are in the daughter Odlftte of Bethany" road tunny South so they ' cair k,eep In spent the week-end with relatives in Bethany road left by automobile last Daughters of Liberty lodge attended New Brunswick. week to spend the winter In-Orlando, the Christmas party last Tuesday touch with the happenings in their Mr, and Mrs. William R. Lupton Florida. night. Each member received a gift home town. and family and Mr. and Mrs. Augus Miss Ida M. Walling of Keyport and refreshments were served. Mrs, Mrs. Hermla Lechner, teacher of tus Wlndhurst and daughter1, of Pryor won the merchandise club physical education at Red Bank high Marylyn Lea, Long Island, spent Sun- was a Christmas day guest of Mrs. award. school, and director of Camp Echo day with Andrew J. Latham and Emma T. Rudlger and son Bertram. Matches in the Women's Bowling Ernest E. Peseux, Jr., a student at Hill for girls at Clinton, Is attending family. Trinity college, Hartford, Connecti- league will' be resumed next Monthe seventh annual aquatlo forum Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mowery and cut, Is spending the Christmas holi- day night on the Fair Haven'tavern at Fort Laudordale, Florida, She is daughter Carol, Miss Joan Darling, chairman * of' the women's Aquatic Mrs. Esther Dean, Mrs. Marie Hertlo, days at his home on Bethany road, alleys. A community Christmas party was Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Stadler forum and is attending panel discus- Miss Stella Bailey and Miss Marie sions aMd the swimming clinic at the Bailey were Sunday guests of Mr, held this year by the Hazlet fire com- and daughters and Mrs. Catherine pany in the fire house. A large Otis attended performances of "Panconvention. . and Mrs. W. Plerson Dean. Miss N. Gaddls Heller la ap'ehdlng '( The Crescent club held their Christ- Christmas tree decorated the fire ama Hattie" and "It, Happened Oh this week with Miss Florence B. mas party at the church Friday even. house, and gifts were distributed to Ico" Monday at New York city. Mr. and Mrs. City Crawford of Ruthrauff of High Low farm, Mld- Ing. The favors were yulelogs, and over 150 children. Games were played, and prizes awarded to the lucky Washington, D.. C, and their childletown township, ' . . the table decoration was three large Corporal Austin ,B. Pohl has re Yulelogs. Gifts .wore exchanged by winners. Each child also received dren, Sarranne, David and Harry Crawford, are spending the holidays turned to Camp Gordon at Augusta, the members. Mrs. William Urstadt candy and an orange. ' The large tree at the entrance of with Mrs. Crawford's parents, Mr. Georgia, after spending two weeks' will be the hostess January 8. Those the fire house is again Illuminated. and Mrs. Henry E. Butler. furlough wltlf relatives here,; attending were Miss BesBle Hopla of Frederick Burghard, Jr., a freshMr. and Mrs. Warren Bookwalter West Palm Beaclu Mrs. Curtis Clay, Mr. Terry's Santa and reindeers can of Les Gertrudes apartments, Broad ton, Mrs. George Emmons. Mrs. Eve be seen on his home on the Scabrook man at Princeton university, Is , street, were gueats Christmas day of lyn Lufburrow, Mrs. Esther PCBOUX, Manor property on the Holmdel spending the holidays with his par ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Happ of Jer- Mrs. William Lambertson, Mrs, turnpike, Mrs. Louise Mount, Mrs. Emma sey City. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Opper James H. Ward, Mrs. John H. Bah- Rothbart and Mrs. Emma T. RudlLouis Wigdorwltz of Drummond renburg, Jr., Miss Vera Tomblespn, spent Christmas day with Mrs. Opplace, a student at John Marshall Miss Genevleve Morrell, Mrs. Mildred ger attended a party at Veterans per's sister, Mrs. W. G. Freeman of college, Jersey'Clty, Is spending the Palumbo, Mrs." William Barnea, Mrs. home at Menlo Park Sunday last. New York city. Mrs. Opper'reMrs. Emma T. Rothbart. was re- mained- in New York until Saturholiday week with his parents here. Cyrus Ross, Mrs. Paulino McCleaster, cently elected senior vice president of day, visiting Mrs. Harry Eckes. He will return to college Monday. Mrs. James Neldlnger, Mrs. William William T. Jones, Jr., ot Maple Urstadt, Mrs. Roland Emmons, Mrs. the Major General Welgel auxiliary avenue, Is confined to his home with Theodore G. Bailey, Mrs. Maitland In Perth Amboy. The installation If you want printing drJne on time 'Influenza. Mr. Jones Is a atudent at Walling, Mrs. Joseph Marine and exercises will bo held Tuesday even- give The Register a trial. For over, Ing, January 2, Seton Hall college and together with Mrs. Walter. Smale. 60 years The Register, has been deHazlet Public school attendance llverinc printing when promised. his brother Edwin, also a student at ''.The Friendship CIBBS of St. John's M. E. church held their Christmas Advertisement. Seton Hall, Is spending his Christmas vacation at home. ' Sergeant Norman Lamb of Rector place, who Is stationed at Fort DIx, spent Christmas day at hl home. Mr. and Mrs.TKrederlck dlersch of Branch avenue, are parents of a daughter, born Christmas eve. at -Rlvervlew hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marascio of Bridge avenue are parents of r daughter born yesterday at River view hospital.

Pace Fiva



'Tops' forthelNevi/ Year

ROB i O Y Sparkling

Fair Haven

Case of 12 CJuart Bottles

" " " / : " " " " " " / ' .

.Single Bottle 10c SLVo.u:.

You can buy any Rob Roy beverage with confidence, no) please you as well as (or better thanjiany otter brand, rerJrti the unused portion in original bottle and we will replace the item absolutely FREE with any brand we sell regardless of price,' Open Wedneftf " 'Ill 7 P. M Claud Ntw rar'

Rob Roy Ginger Ale &Sparkling Water

Supreme Enriched
Unequalled for truly tasty sandwiches. Most economical!'

Larger Loaf

Sunrise Tomato Juice

Made from, specially grown tomatoes. "Grade A " quality.

46-01. can

CUFFEE 2 lb -45c
Superb blend of +h world'* finest' coffees.


Fresh Rye Bread ' ' 10tf Kraft, toaf C h e e s e 1 2 " NBC Ginger Snaps ;'," NBC Uneeda Biscuits 3 *< Snosheen Cake Flour "". Plllsburv Flour. 2 4 ' ^

C & Daie_& Nut Bread 2 Fancy Pumpkin * ^ 2 M:.J Pumpkin Pie Spice Fancy Stuffed Olives.? PeppermintPatties".' Cream Dinner Mints

BosculCoffee Doughnuts 12"12*

ASCO Sparkling


Ginger Ale 3 . r 25* i t Paper Napkins V 7 <

V-8 Cocktail 4 t T 2 9 * Fancy Layer Figs ,*; 11* Pitted Dates ^ ^ B :12* Peels I Z / *-39* FruitCake 1 3 9 * ^ 6 9 * 1 Mince Meat , 1 ^ 2 ^ . 1 5 * PlumPuddingH.E:N133*S Fancy Mixed Nuts " 23* FRESH FILBERTS - 2 5 * Selected WALNUTS*-22*

Kraft Loaf Cheese 2-37

Velveeta, Pimento, White an<~3ifkired American, Velveeta, Pimento.

Pillsbury Farina; - k Pillsbury Pancake Flour Prudence Beef Stew Prudence Lamb Stew Gold Dust Powder. Fairy Toilet Soap

.23^ <=!<.,

"Grade A" Tomato Juice DHEmE Mayonnaise '

French's WORC$RJHI


i^i. can

Selected Currants Prudence Corn Beef Hash. Sfaley Cube Starch

WAofe or Shank Half

Actually below today's wholesale cost because these were ordered when pork prices were exceptionally low. Serve one of these choice fresh hams, for your New Year.

U. S. Choice BEEF

Pepsi Cola

Gold Seal "dated"


TURKEYS Chuc^k Roast

Sliced Boiled Ham Th> p|(c#
For Your Celebration!

Pioneer PRIME Northwestern

Large Size

Carton of 12

(Thi Bed Bank Register ear. h* bought In flhrtwiburjr i t Sharabba'a1 market and at Greenwood'e itore)


George Coudrier, who Is a member of Blittery E of the 112th Field Artillery, is home on a brief furlough. Corporal Thomas Bly, who is with the same outfit, is spendjng his furlough with relatives here and at Long Branch. Harry Brady, Jr., who Is stationed with the army at a Massachusetts cfunp, is homo for "the Christmas holidays. Philip Brady, a senior at Fordham university, is also spending the holidays at home. ;Tho borough council will hold Its wind-up meeting of tn year tonight at the school house.. The Presbyterian church services on Sunday are at 9:45 o'clock, Sunday school, and 10:45 o'clock, morning prayor. Several hundred pertons either attended or purchased tickets for last night's party at the Singing Wheels arena for tho benefit of the Shrewsbury unit, of the American Red Crons. Mrs. Laurlts S. Ylviaaker'was chalrmnn. A financial report will be available at a later date. i Private George Poole hai returned to Fort Jnckaon, South Carolina, after spending his Chrlatmai furlough at home. William Ylvlsaker, a student at Princeton university, Is spending the holldnys with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Ylvlaaker. Mrs. Rohort Clsurow, who suffered a fractured vertabrt several weeks ago, la much Improved and Is on the rond to recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Haydon Smith returned last week'from their wedding trip to Sea Inland, Georgia. Mrs. Bmllh Is tho former Itonalle Nielsen". 11EOIBTKI1INO

Bologna * ib.27tf V, Ib. Liverwursf Assorted Meat Loaves Skinless Franks - lit Deviled Crabs Cottage Cheese * 13* each 5 * Dill Pickles '"12* Potato Salad ire:?:!,!': 14 Sliced Herring ;;,M7* Potato Chips Center Slices Smoked Ham " 45tf


Fresh Ground Beef Plate Beef J Z ' L Breast of Lamb Loin Lamb Chops Fresh Pork Cutlets Smoked Tongue Legs or Rumps of Veal Boneless Rolled Veal -37< * 22* 12* Ik, 13* * 39* * 39* "29* i, 29* " 29* * 39*

Gold Seal Silver Seal


49 r,45*


Richland Roll ,

Winner of Over 500 Prtzti

Jj^uetib? Sweet Cream

Butter.1. 41c
A m e r ric i ica g r a a t . t t .t t i t p r l i i l l n g i prlii-wlnnlng

Small Smoked Tendered Hams,Sv;, 29c

Worrell's E-Z Cut Hams ^ U 2 Z I ' ,
.FEATHER CUT...our sensational young cherub's brunh curls, wonderfully becoming to almost nil faces I


butler. Your tabla dnervat the bett. d h bt

Smoked Butts

Toilet Tissue

Fancy New Potatoes


4 - 15c

8CIS8OIIS WAVE CUT . . . next-to-naturnl wnv rut Into your Iwlr. OARVEH CI1IH. OUT . . .' nn ninnr.lnr little fmlgtt nrlimll.V enrvrn the curl" Into your lmlr!

l b


I 5 c Grapefruit
Fancy Sound Tomatoes

Florida Tangerines E X . 1 5 ' " 2 5 *


Fresh Sweet Calif Peas

2 i - 2 5 * ' . Yellow Turnips i

33 * - 1 0 *

pnekatfty Oe

Juicy Florida Oranges 15 ?- 25c


Mfjinbera of the Atlantio Highlands dofonoo council are dUtrlbtitlng questionnaires for roglntorlng all res- ! Idsnts In that borough! Tho council lias ogi'dod to purchase equipment for Installation In the emorjfancy nmnuiancie wlilch will be used to unjilmnt th squad. SUBS'!


10 Monmojuth S t JUST OFF BROAD R e d B a n k
For Your appointment Phone Red Bank 1515




Sunday morning when hit by a car in Long Island city. A daughter was born-last T-uesday (Tha Bed Bank Wlt.r-ean U boutht to Mr. and Mrs; William Hazelton at In Bait Kctnaburft from [aador* WaMfng) Monmouth Memorial hospital. The Mrs, Christian Jensen entertained infant has been named Nancy Ellen. the Ideal Beach C. I,' A. Tuesday (: Miss Gloria Seulthorp, daughter of | By RUT(H B. LBWIfl. ternoon at her home. The group also Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sculthorp, and Assistant Program Director held their Christmas party at this Mlas Hildegardo Loux, daughter of time and exchanged gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Loux, who are Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reardon, Jr.; Casagrande-Tomaino spending their holiday vacation at FAST entertained Mrs. Louis Stcots and Mr. their here, will" return next Th dance held Christmas night Reardon's parents, Mr. and Mr*. JC. Week to Duke university, where they Wedding to take a 8 greatly enjoyed by mor than Reardon, ( Sr., and ' son, - Jack, on are students. ' 10 service nien and 100 junior hosChristmas day. Place at 2:30 O'clock Mra,'rre Sorenson and-son, Arssea. Silhouettes of Christinas treei Miss Dorothy H. Berth, daughter thur Holmes, returned home Saturid stars decorated th wal(, a large of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Berth, has day from Fltk(r> tiospi^il. inter-plece. of polnsettlas and . The wedding of Miss Eleanor Lor- The public school, which closed Deset the date of her coming marriage roajnBra suspended from the ceil- etta Casagrande, daughter of Mr. and .cembcr 23 for the Christmas vacato1 Frederick Jorgensen, Jr., for janu-l ig and a -large Christmas tree Mrs. Louis Cas'Sgrariife~bfj 186 Mon- tion, will reopen next Monday. ary 18.?" Miss Berth announced her ( lmined by the Neighborhood^ Gar- mouth, street,, and Patrick Joseph engagement to Mr. Jorgensen, who Is George P. >n club added much color to the Tomalno, son of Sir. and Mrs. EinlHp city, former Williams of New York from Pennsylvania, several yreeks resident, spent .Christnice hall. Sergeant Jack Glrrards' Tomalno of 24 Allen place, will take mas, day- with Mr. and Mrs. Jack ago.' '" ',-: I ' - - ' .'.. chestra from Fort Monmouth fur- place next Sunday-afternoon at 2:30 Parcons.' The Joint Sunday-schools of the sbed their Usual peppy music and o'clock in St. Antliony-- church'. Rev'. Mrs, Marian Junghans spent the Keansburg and Keyport Lutheran Ided a Christmas touch by swlng- Salvatore DiLorenzo, pastor, will ofweek-end with Mr.-and Mrs; A. H. churches held a Christmas party in g aome of tha old, familiar Chrlst- ficiate. l Smith of Hopping's Crossing. ., the.ew chapel In Keyport last Satas tunes. -Mrs. U J&. Seely, Mrs. 1 Major John F. Drake, who Is staurday atternvoh. " , C. Vanlnwegon and Mrs. Verna Enthusiastically following the example aet by their Red Bank cotioned In Maryland, spent tho holiraiier were chapcrones. .. . Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Oberlander of workers, employees at tho Sigmund Eisner company's 'Newark plant day with his family on Lincoln aveService men and junior hostesses atKeyport hail their daughter, Gall, nue. . . are pictured as they shouted unanimous leadlrmatlon of their famous indlng tho lire side hour Sunday christened last. Sunday- In" the; KeyLoyalty Pledge.., In their reafllrmatlon, thoy solemnly pledgedas Mr. and Mrs. John Edward Mcere delighted with a short program port Lutheran "church. Mrs, OberMahon are the parents of a daughworkers in a war Industryto "demonstrate to the world the capaci' plano-logues given by Mles'Dorls lander Is the former Ruth WiUM of ter born last week In Monmouth Meurst of Mlddletown. She is one of ties for production which ore the American heritage." this village. , . morial hospital. lr moat talented junior hostesses, Photo shows employees cheering during rising vote which showed Mr. and Mrs. George Ruppell spent ho also played for the community John Mount, who was seriously in- ] action to be unanimous. . : ' the last week-end In Hartford, Con ng led by Private Paul Krause. jured several weeks ago, is still in \ necticut whero thoy visited thblr Irs. W. B. Ruthrauff and Mrs. Emll a cast and may avoid an operation United States. After dinner tho daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and anjul were patronesses Jor the afwhich was planned. .' . | Mrs. George Burklme. V ' group went to the Boathouse! rnoon-and served punch sndcakea -Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hagemler were ith thft-asslstance of junior hosPrivate W,arren E. Porter, Fort The Afternoon Card, club of ,the Christmas guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. The Union' Beach first aid squad Rlley, Kansas, formerly of this bor- Men and Women's Republican, club Leclne of Mifhtclair. " : 16568. .* Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Meetie of elected new officers for the now year ough. Is novy in one of the U. S.are having a covered dish luncheon nt their regular meeting held last Army Units, haying finished his basic and Christmas party on this Friday Due to early "bed check" a small Valley drive spent part of the holi- , . , ... George-Pouzenc, training at the Cavalry Replacement In the club's headquarters on Thomproup attended card night Monday, days in New York city. Monday evening. [rs. Marcus .Higglnbotham and Mrs. ' son avenue. Dr. and Mrs. E..D. Rabus of Max- ] K {T' w "? named presldent, Joseph Training. Center. [arrlet Church are in charge of president, Alfred Staff Sergeant Lowell V. Klatt, son The firemen and auxiliary held welton park spent the holiday with I lodiiej, . vice *>cnuii pain apciik [lie iiuuuaj *>ILII ridge and other-card-games, every Maler,'treasurer and first lieutenant, Mr._andlMrs, Emll Klatt, received gala Christmas party for tha chilI Mr. and-Mrs. Walter Rabus of Mont- Edward Zahn, captain, and William of citation for^gallant conduct during dren: of this, vicinity last :Monday 'eeh. a clalr. Twenty-five junior hostesses from Craig, second lieutenant"" a' Japanese" attncIc~on:Hawaii whore night. Refreshments were served .Leslie Joy, son of- Mr. and'Mrs. Hie Red Bank U. S. O. acted as Otto Johnson of DtK street while he- Is now stationed. Before enter- and gifts distributed. Entertainment Fred W. Joy of Plattmount, took the Banning partners for the first dance examinations for flying cadet last I driving his car across Route 35 on Ing the, U. S, Army, Sergeant Klatt was furnished and it was reported given at the new U, S. 0. emergency week In New York and Is awaiting ajChlngorora avenue collided "with a was a member of the Newark flre that there was a record attendance. Senter Monday night. It was the call to duty. car driven by Frank A. Dell of Main department. The Men and Women's Republican [rst dance the men from the 113th The work rooms of the local Red street,. Matawah last week. There The Union Beach Regular Repub- club held their Christmas party last tave enjoyed for many months and Cries, located over the flre house on were no injuries. The Keyport police lican' club will conduct an annual vic- Saturday/evening In the club's headi they are unable to leave the post, MISS ELEANOR CASAGRANDE Mount' avenue, will be reopened Jan- are investigating. quarters. Gifts were distributed to tory celebration this,coming Saturey were very appreciative. They uary 8," when It is hoped, with the The Ironside Club held a Christmas day night In Julian's Boathouse., It all those present. The bride-elect, who will be given i u prnlshed their own music. A" group The, Tot's Doer Association held 1 family girls from Aabury Park and I^ong in marriage by her father, will' be (holiday rush.and workers duties less- party on December 21st for the chil-' is planned to have continuous enter- their. Annual Children's Christmas J that will report attired in an ivory satin gown, prln- ened, **""* many ""' """' ' dren of the members. More than 50 tainment, lunch, dancing and rebranch alBO attended. party last Saturday evening. There for duty. The need for help, is great children attended and received gifts freshments. M ' was- a record attendance ' of mote Fifty-nine men were called for at cess style, wlthi square nee!:,- long in all defense duties. Sewing and be U. S. O. club by resldentcbf Red pointed sleeves,and train. Her tulle knitting may be done at home as by Santa Claus. Songs were sung and The Ladles' Aid of' the! Grace than B children. Gifts and refreshO refreshments served. , . veil will'fall, from a coronet.' Sank and vicinity and taken out to i ll' Methodist church held a Christmas ments were served to all. Movies and Miss June Glblin of 56 Wallace well as In the work rooms. ajoy - Christmas ,dlnnrs,.?..;We _arThe Junior Guild of St. Mary's party last Monday in the home of entertainment were also provided. anged for 75 soldiers under Cbjap- street,"whiT'wus MUB Ca.sagrande>fl Episcopal church installed the new Mrs^ John Lyons _of Koyport. In-JUshewskl to alng. carols Christ- classmate at Red Bank Catholic high officers"last~week; "Tile- ofllccrs-are ""Automobiles- driven, by" Mary Bow; The will of the late Mrs. Bridget las eve. The numes.: t Monmouth school, will be .maid of- honor. She Mrs. Clifford Bray, president, Mrs. man of Bayvlew avenue and Alex- Joyoo of- thin village-was-recently adlemorial hospital let the men t|pg will wear powder blue velveteen and William HeH, vice president, . Mrs. ander Ellison of'.Keyport collided re- mitted to probate although Mrs. Joyce died on December, 10, 193B.' Her (Tha Red Bank R.giit.r can be bought Lester Stoney, Jr., treasurer, and a many parts of the building. Stop* a skull cap. Miss Genevleve Tomalno, cently. The accident occurred at the rere. also made at the Alfred Vail sister of the prospective bridegroom, Hn Lfiicroft from Charlei Toop) ' * Mrs. Chester Vanderbllt, secretary. intersection of Ninth and Florence daughter, ^Ilss Margaret Joyce and a rilcco, Mary Cahey were appointed &fr. and Mrs. Dante Daverlo and The executive committee as appointtomes and the RIvervlew: hospital, and Miss Mary Ann Guinco of Belkfter the carol sing the men went In mar, a cousin of the bride-to-be, will son Robert had as their Christmas ed by Mrs." Bray Is composed of MrS. avenues. Both the Union Beach and executrlces. be bridesmaids. They will wear dinner guests at the Lincroft Inn John Hyner, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. the Keyport first .aid squads gave Misses Hilda Mead and Corrlne lartles to the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Irtbur White,-,Mr. and Mrs. Benja- heather pink' velveteen "and" skull Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Champlin of Lester Stoney, and Mrs. Herbert emergency treatment to Mr, Ellison Stdher of Weehawken are guests this whose car overturned by the Impact, week of Miss Brondar McDonald. din Black and St. George's church caps. Louis Tomaino will be his Red Bank, Mr) and Mrs. Thomas Walling. pinning him behind the wheel. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carroll are larlsh house, where they were en- brother's best man and the ushers Irving Brown of Fair Haven, Mr. and A "home defense"" dance will be The Epworth League of the Grace entertaining John Carrol, brother will be J, Vincent Mastrla of Morford Mrs. Harry E. Smith of Little Silver ertalned. held by the Union Beach flre com- Methodist church, held a Christmas Robert Carroll of South Carolina. of Immediately following the dedara- place, a cousin of Mr. Tomolno, and and the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs, pany January 10, In Bamman's VilMr. and Mrs. Dayld P. Wilson have Jon of war, troops wore stationed Ernest Donato of Allen place, an Sylvester Zlcchinelli of East Elm- lage Inn, One-half of tbe proceeds pageant Jn.-the church last Sunday. Tha flre siren will be brought to a announced the engagement of their hurst, Long Island, Mrs. Zlcchinelli t varlhu bridges and on other spe- uncle. '. Is A niece of Mr. nnd Mrs, Daverlo. will be applied toward the purchase high pitch and then stopped and then daughter, Miss Doris Wilson, to ial duty throughout this area. The A wedding dinner for the lmrriedlof flre equipment and the balance of Jnited Service Organisation went ate families will be held at Lincroft 'A meeting of the Ladies' Aid so- tha proceeds will be., given to tho repeated for two minutes for.the of- Charles M. Everaon, son of Mr. and ficial air raid alarm. The air clear Mrs. Fro'd Eversori of Union Beach. nto action nt the aaraa tlmo to pro- Inn, niter which-the couple will leava ciety will be held Thursday after- local defenso: council, signal will be the sounding of the No date has been set for the wedding. ide for the needs of the men. .Some on a honeymoon trip to Florida. Up- noon,' January 8, at the homi of Mrs. Melvin Hopla and William Lam- siren continuously for riot more than t the needs were razor blades, on their return they will reside on Lionel Barker, South street, Red' bertson were approved by the countwo minutes on Its highest pitch. Bank. ' azors, towels, soap and warm clotti- Bridge avenue. .cil as members of the police reserves. People who want to live In desirng, and home relief for the families Francis Mauser left Sunday for Miss Caaagrande was graduated at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCoy of able homes read The Register want > some of the men, In other places. Red Bank Catholic high school and West Virginia, where he will take a f Route 36, held a farewell party last Twenty-five theatres In London ads regularly. That's why vou will lantcens were provided and arrange- Mr. Tomalno is a graduate of Red five-month advanced course in aviget your houao filled quicker with the nents made for Immediate emer- Bank high school and Drake Busi- ation under the supervision of tho Saturday night for Steve Callum of were open In October thin.year, com- right kind of roomers when you use ;ency .service. From all indications ness college, Perth Ajiiboy. They are Civil Aeronautics authority, Mr. and Elizabeth, who is leaving January S pared with threo during the samo The Register want ad columns;Ad. . . vortlsement " he work of the U. S. O. will be ei- both, employed in her father's store Mrs. James Hennehane entertained to join the armed forces of the months last year. tanded and its whole pattern of at Monmouth street and Bridge are- Tuesday, night at a spaghetti dinner, 'f" - fork changed. at which Mr' Mauser was guest of .J PRESENT honor. A farewell party was given 1 for him Saturday night at Mr. and the ^closing of the year we Mrs. William Warneker's. He repnd that from September 7 to Deceived & purse-as a farewell gift from Bember 27 wo have the names of (,740 service men registered in our' The next class in first aid Instruc- friends present.' . tuest. book. New York state'leads tion will be held Monday night, JanLieutenant Frank Kaiser, son of ... frith 1,000 signatures, California aec- uary 5, in the West Keansburg school Mr, and Mrs. Fred Kalse'r of this (ind wtUV425, Illinois third with 378 and Thursday, January,8, In the Haz- place, has been transferred from nd Pennsylvania fourth with 333. let school. These classes are free to Fort. Bragg, North Carolina, to an All states in the union are represent- the public and all interested persons army camp at Tampa, Florida. Mr, ed In the count. Mississippi nd Wy- are urged to attend. The American- and Mrs. Fred Kaiser spent Christ"ibjnlhg'''"hKve" the' smallest number. Red Cross and the Rarltan township mas with Mrs. Frank Kaiser and pi.,Two 'service men from San Juan, .defense council are sponsoring the children at "Southern Pines, North' offPuerto Rico, one from Cristobal, classes. Carolina. jieCanal Zone, one from Nome, Alaska, ' Mr." and Mrs. Charles Mack of Tho flre company was called out >bne from London, England, one from Stone road are entertaining Mr. arid Sunday night to a flre in a barn on ^Amsterdam, Holland and one from Mrs. George Kurtz of Dumont. the state Juuplta] property, Marlboro y e 4lunich,' Germany have registered. A Christmas party was held In the jjr In that same space of time 238 home of William Tllt^of Laurel ave- township. A Christmas party "was given at Li,eirJfi from Red Bank and out-lying nue. Many relatives nnd friends atthe grammar school Monday afterfljjf ommunltles /have 'qualified as junior tended. gjjiostesscs ,to: take part I n j ; ^ S. O, .The West Keartsburg fire company noon, December 22. Shirley Corson ^activities. Special TJ. S. 0. pins have and the Ladles' Auxiliary held 'a giant as narrator told the history of the Seen given io Miss Nora Swenson of Christmas party for the local chil- various carols sung. Miss Doris "TlUlantlc Highlands and Miss Patricia. dren last Monday evening. About 100 Hurst, musio supervisor~of Middle,Beely of Elatontown In appreciation 'children were present. A light lunch town township schools, directed the ibf time and effort' spent on Junior was served and gifts distributed to singing and accompanied the singers on the piano. After the entcrtalnhostess activities committees. all. '.--.. ment, visitors \vere invltea Plans are well under way for the William EiJisar Glger, 17, son of an exhibit of pupils' worn. .o view Construction of a dark room for the Mr. anil' Mrs. Robert Giger, of Route large- number of men Interested in 36, was graduated last week from the photograpUy^ttendlng the club. For naval training station, Newport, R. Borne photograpTfy Is a hobby, for a I. William Glgcr enlisted through the A ROLLICKING, FROLICKING greater number it .'is a profesalon. recruiting .OIIICR in Newark. How a hobby can become a profes- 1 The West Koansburg flre company ^ The Red Bank Raalitvr rnn ba bought GOOD TIME FOR EVERYONE! sion Is well Illustrated in Private has answered many falls hut It was In OccnntiortfttHarry Mazza'i nnd E. W. JDudle,/. Balliss. Dudley la ono of discovered that all wore small Worthlty. ;the most popular men in the club, meadow fires, Mr. and Mrs. William Nelbergall Ho was born In Roswcll, New Mexentertained Mr. and Mrs: R a y ShorMr, and Mrs. Nr-il PIGonnnro of mnn and , children Carolyn, Evolyn ico rind moved nt an early age to Lop Angeles, California. The prox- Creek ronil ontrrtninrd i-plnOves from and Rnye for Chrl.stmna. Jmlty to Hollywood prohably aided Brooklyn, who visited them on John Laurlno, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. imd abbetteil his Interest in camera Christmas dav. Edward Laurlno, has enlisted in the a person includes everything! >vork. Before graduating from hlRh army. ' school ho with a partner were In picMr. and Mrs. Glen Rousn entertained ture business. According to Dudley . soldilr from Fort Monmouth on Tin: rfrcatest, iiioxt siicctacitltir Xrw Ycttr'n they took picturos of everything, i Chrl3tn\aa day. ' .,' ,Iliu,k Itmlslfr /i'l'i,' I'rlrhriilion ilir Xnrlli Jr'ntfi/ Shore htm hou.sps, ' cam, landscaping' In ITli. lt,,l llifhlnnrli (nun cnn ! buuulit Atlunlic William I,HI, Lieutenant and Mrs. J. Lloyd end construction work, But Interest ,1. I*emburi:, A. K:rt1i, Homco'i Fllnn t SINci'cr srrn!-J<'H)"'thr, ncrnxiiiii I he Klnlrh/ (Jri/sSmith left Saturday for an indefinite Jn flnrt equlpjrnent. rather ran away lion mil Mr. WilllununnI In! Hull room trill lukr. on I lie informal stay In Missouri, Mrs. Smith Is the wltft tho profits^ Before Induction at A cablccram from their son HcrHkln nf thr "liifi Tup." Thrrr will he, shirFort. McArthur, Cnllfornla, Dudloy hert, pilot s l a t i o n e d nt Pearl Har- daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George C. wan In charge of the developing ma- bor, conveying g i e e t l n g s a n d , news D. Hurley. ulioirs . . . (i (/ntii.ii/ of iill-xltir nets . . .duneMiss Lillian Wlnant spent Christchines (or tho Pathe labratorv. nt_ thftl-hews*wife, w a s received last in-!/. . . iioliri)iuhr.i. . . I'UX, FIX. FUN! Hollywood. At present he In in the Wednesday by Mr. nnd Mra^ H a n y mas with Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Wood y ^ A nmrvrlmis niiihii/ihl s/.i/irr ami '/ A. M. Training Film Inhratnry at Fort Poste f M m o i l n l pnrkwny: and Posten of Mcmoilnl pnrkwny: nd of Brooklyn. Monmouth as cutter, Mr, and Mrs. Albert SchoenWn, Sr., made a very ppy Christmas for hirttkfnst are. incluilal! y happy Wo feol that nil women who served entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Shields, h.i hostesses and canteen workers the parents. "Am Safe nnd O. K, ifr. nnd Mrs. Albert Schoopflln, Jr., Chrlatmns ovc and Christmns day Don't Worry," road the wowigc, Mrn. Katherlno Dlaliesloo, Miss MarMore tnnn $110-was rcnllzcd from lon Illnkeslee, Albert Schocpfln III, ilrjorvo a flpuclal vote of thanks. DON DEVITO a Chrlstmua ilinner haskpt disposed John Shields nnd Wllllnm Kdwnrds FUTUH.K of on tho co-operative plan by thp on Christinas day. Snninl T>ant:\n^ ohih, Tim fund wns And His Orchestra New Years-day dance, January 1 Lieutenant nnd, Mrs. Howiird Jnc Fire side hnur.-Bundsy, .linuiuy 4. Riven n Chrliitmas gifts to Jnclt Ro- ejuet left Haturdiiy to reside In Miswnn nnd Ellznhelh Hnlgnnind, memFntroneM Presbyterian .Chureh, Red bers <it tho chih, who woro Injured souri, Bunk. Mr. and Mrs. William Denning of New dancing C]AA# for beglnnem lr, n nutn nocideilt lint month w LoiiK llrnnch, Mr. and Mrs, LoHoy nnd advanced students, Mabel Cole- returning to their homo* from Beautiful Souvenirs Doran of Port Monmouth end Mrs. donee In Nnvcalnk library hull, ronn, teacher, For the Ladiei A Christmas present In the form Mary Hall wore dinner guests of Mr. PltiK pong tournament January 12. of a eon arrived ChrlBtrnan (lay (or and Mrs. John Olivers Clirlstrnns dny. Mr. and Mm. Nnthanlel linker of Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo It. Divln and Kormrr It^ttldent Dund, this iilncu at Monmouth Memorial son James, of ,.IOatantaWn, Mr. nnd Make Your Wood A, Arrowsmlth, former irian- hospital. Mm. a. K. Kinkada' 'anil children Reservations Early Rev, John A, lluyeH, pn^toi of Hed Clinl'li-n, Kime'ii)) anil Oi'lirgn were Kor of the iMng llrnnch Ice com]iany, illcd nf a Heart nttnek Inxt Kil- Hank Prcnliylcrlun CIIIIITII, di'llviii'il Kiicnf.i til Mr. nnd Mm. (Jooi'sn Pnvis for "RinBi<lo" 1 dny on hl farm tu Mnrrlstnwn, thn fieiinun on "What In Mini .'" at of'Wolf Hill nvrMiiie on Chrlstniss Table. whrrid h< Hnd lived In retirement Inn a largely i!(p.nt!cd union (Mvlc of dny. jinfit nlno yonrs. HU only survivor U the Mptluidlit. Haptlit nml PienhyOrennport ail l>f>rtniipck lire comIfl'lnn churi'liert Hunday i>\'rnlnj{ injmnlrp, illslrlhuleil cnnily, fruit nnil n brother. _ Cflllul Ilnptlnt, e.hulcll. toys In the chlldrnn of tlin borotmh "Tnlilnic Acount nf Hlurk" wn.i on chilnlnins ilny. nnskets of fruit TUo Date on the address on your paper shows the topic of tho Humlay morn Ing wpro nlso glvim to the sick. wunn voui ubaorlptlon expires. Vtilt sermon clollveied In Cciilml llnptlut Tho YOIIIIK Womnn'n club nd also nailer, Ilka mn>t aoir-rr,*patini| pub- c l m i c h liy dm pantoi, Ili.v. Wllltim) Uio Wnlfnid cnniiiiltten illMrlbuteil ilrntlon*, | i operated on a cmli-lh. It. HchlllltiKci'. . hiinlirln to tile Mi'li nml nenly fn nrtvnnco bnals. If your flnul <1nte U UoHln Matuliri, a foiini'i- leNidnnl, Illrn tor Clirlnlmns, drawing near, tend In your check Jot renewal today no that vou !!l who In now llvlnir n t .liirknou Mr. nml -Mrs, Krod <1. Itn>lr of ified l<nng Iilniitl, tccnlvml n I'oilniipnelc, unlortalnril Ihn Cnrpon ' not Imtsa any tuuiui nf ynui /vmi( lWghtt, not fractured arm anil other Injuries tur family Christmas, ttwpper.Advei tUmnt

Goings On About: The U.S. O. Club

Will Be Maffied In St. Anthony's Church Sunday

Reaffirm Loyalty Pledge

East Keansburg

We Wish You
good health and happineu, peace and contentment in 1942. We look forward,to your continued patronage and pledge our keenest efforts to serve you well.

Union Beach.










Complete Now Show 'Starts at 11:10 P. M. RING CROSBY - MABY MARTIN






o i tlnuoui Now Yenra Day


Requeit Featura Stturdiy Nlltit

West Keansburg












S T A R T I N G A T . l l i S O P . M.

Atlantic Highlands

AM, 8.EATS Z~r. (IncniillnB xnx)




tonrinuous suT

Shrewd, careful buyers rend Tho Register's ClneiAdvertisements. Here you find the seller wh6 wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy.





American Lives and American Homes have been shattered

We gave generously and unselfishly to lessen the Horrors of War in other Lands. N O W you arecalled upon to take care of OUR


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AMERICANS are NOW neecfing blood-

plasma, surgical dressings, service canteens, nursing, medical aid and all other services of the Red Cross.

The REDCROSS is the A R M Y BEHIND THE A needs YOU R SUPPORT GIVE abundantly* You cannot deiaj your duty to the AMERICAN FORCES and CIVILIANS in NEI

1 1iii&iiiii i 1 1 1 1 iiiiiii I llllllllll



1 1

mm 1 ill

1! Will WHS w BIB ill

War Fund Headquarters Second Floor, 101 Monmouth St. Red Bank, N. J.

This space cheerfully contributed by Your Home Newspaper The Red Bank Register


Looking back ovr th metropolitan and 'local : ii*ipapen of the past yar, w could not help but nptlce that Red Bank and Immediate vicinity played a large part In the year'* sport* program. True, we have no large stadiums or big time promoters who operate locally, but nevertheleas, the natural drawing power of this shore area once more has earned It* position In sporting history. ThlB fact Is a tribute to the civic interest and also to the personalities of the local people who hatfo made th vanti th successes that-they were.?;..'.. ' . .

Ghezzi's Victory In PGA tops SMe Golfers For 1941

Three New Jersey Linksmen Retained Their State Titles '


Timely Notea ' ' on the Great Outdoor*
;. ,BV S T E W V A N V I J E T .

Red Banker* Row At New Orleans

Red Bask was represented Saturday at the opening of the annual New Year's Sugar bowl- festival at New Orleans. -With Alex MeClees at bow a*nd Pta Cartmell at number two, (both Red Bank high school graduates) tha Rutgers university crew, easily defeated the- Orleans Rowing club In the sixth annual Sugar Bowl rowing classic. Rutgers covered the mile and one-quarter courie> In record time of T minutes and 4 seconds. . .Private DIck.Gahslen of Farmingdale, who Is "stationed at Fort Monmouth, spent his Christmas furlough at New Orleans'where he placed second' to Cornelius Warmerdan of California In the pole vaulting event of the track and field meet at the festival. Ganslen, eic-Columbla university star arid ohlder of many National and Metropolitan records, leaped 13 feet 6 Inches, IB Inches below the^wlnnlng jump. Ganslen represented the Shore A. C. of Elhoron.

Red Bank Routed In Shore Tourney Final

Asbury Park Victorious, 35 to 17 Vetterl In Action Briefly For Maroon

New Years Greetings F e l l o w effected will take similar measures. New Jersey's state championship Ed Klslln, Red Baifk guard, iparked Sportsmen, Conservationists a n d L o v - In order to make sura of this preWhile a native Bon traveled wes' ers of the Great Out-Doors.. I n these' diction, why not all of you, send In basketball team, ,the Asbury .Park Red Bank's futile attack with seven to pluck the National P. G. A. cham- troubled times m y wish, for t h e c o m - your 60 cents, either to renew your high school Blue .Bishops, showed tallies. ' " \; . pionship,, three New Jersey linksme: ing year IsMay y o u all ba able to old membership or to become a new their class Saturday night In drubAsbury Park outecored Red Bank retained their state chamjilonshi; spend Just a little of your spare time member In. the New Jersey League bing Red Bank high school's fast 8 to 2 In the flrit period, Red Bank'* this year In another'hectic season o: In t h e peaceful, health giving, good of. Surf Anglers. 1042 membership breaking but less capable quint, 3D only points resulting from -a long men'a golf competition. to 17, to capture the annual Shore set (hot by Monroe Cagle. Red Bank fellowship to be found close t o na- cards and buttons can be had at my ..' Big yic Ghezzi, Deal Country club tilre, p u t In t h e ojton away from all office. round robin tourney. "On'ouccesslve added five points In tho second half, pro,-is the man of the hour in Jer- the- troubles of .'si world a t warr Saturday nights before large crowds but trailed at that point, 19 to 7. In Perhaps the most successful Individual competitor from ,this locality sey golf today; lor it was he who sur Where for a f e w short' hours, a t lii the Asbury Park high school audl. the third quarter Aabury Parjt butThe total kill of deer has not ye prised (he nation by winning thi least,.'you will be able (o forget the been released for the state. There WM Vic Ghezzi of Humson, who upset'all expert predictions Tn^defcatingtorlum,' the Bishops routed Manas* pointed Red Bank, 7 to 0, and then , United States Professional champion- bloody struggle f o r existence that Is can be added'to lt a prime six poln1 quan, Long Branch and Red Bank. scored nine points In the final chapByron Nelson for the National Professional Golfers' association title at ship at Denver,-Ghezzi swept through going o n all ardurid u s . ; J buck shot by Michael Schwartz o Only Intermittent substitutions by ter to the Maroon's four. Denver. _ Another golfer -who attalnod prominence this year was a powerful field, conquering Byron ' ' . . In tha preliminary game, Long Coach Chippy Coleman of Asbury I n tho year a h e a d of us w o will Leonardo. ank Walsh of Humson, who regained his state P.G.A, crown. Nelson fna thrilling final that wen! With the closing of the deer seaPark kept the score of Saturday's Branch routed Manasquan 37 to 27. m i s s m a n y familiar faces on t h o surf, T h e t w o most important attractions of this.section were the 11th two extra holes, The deal'star thUi out t o s e a nnd i n t h e woods a n d son/brings to an end" the principal game at such a low total. Goach Carl Long Branch lout Its previous games annual National Sweepstakes motorboat regatta and the 54th annual in- became the first ever Holds, Many of y o u will be scattered activities . of the- sports calendar. Smith of Red Bank also made good to Asbury Park 'and Red Bank and to win the coveted title. use of the opportunity to gain exper- Manasquan dropped, all three games, . to a l l points of t h e globe where y p u However, there Is still plenty, left to vitation tennistourney at Sea Bright..: The ^weeps regatta, drew th do/if a fellow will oply go'out and ASBURY PAHIJ. ience for his reserves and substituted will distinguish yourselves In t h e greatest number of entrants of any regatta of tho country this year.- At lopk for it and If he U rugged enough at will. Included in Red Bank's linemanner becoming a true sportsman* Coleman, f _.._ 5 2 II td stand it; ' We understand good a Whole the two-day race program was a big success'but oddly enough, The Fowler bowling team defeated up for a brief period, with his Injured Quatralie, f. ..u.7.;.-..... T h o s e of u s w h o remain will uphold catches of yellow perch' are being d Bank may go down In the record books as the scene of the last Gold the ethics of sportsmanship, no t h a t niado In the head waters of the St. George's of Perth Amboy In. three left hand tightly bandaged, was Tom Tlllman. f w h e n you, a g a i n , return to take your JTorth Shrewsbury below the reser- games Sunday night on .the Fowler Vetterl, outstanding Central: Jersey liaroiks, U .... Cup classic, annually one of the most important motorboat racing events. QoldbatK, f. rod nnd gun in hand, there will be voir. Live shrimp U the best bait. alleyi^ at Heansburg. Smith and conference center of last year.". This year's race, the 38th running, was shifted to the North Shrewsbury G. Smock, o plenty left for y o u . Red Bank's defeat was no surprise, Williamson, . They are hard to secure at this time, Dowens of the Fowler team . were river from Detroit but only Zalmon G. Simmons with his My Sin, 1839 but did Illustrate the power of tho Anots, s : ... of Ihe year but we have been told hlghwlth scores of* 209, -. winner, took part. . _ _ ; If the high costs of operation do not silence tin Asbury Park 'team. For Asbury. Park Manson, g. , FOWLERS. At this " has been my pracy thejf can be had 'at "Scbtty'a''" across Smith ....., ..: 206 185 IB* If. was the fourth straight win since Vtrano, g, hydroplane superchargers, defense needs will absorb essential parts. : tlce to reafllrm my p)atform for the thfc river. .:.... Kclm ......._!. ....^ 188 176 iee Its opening night loss to the school V. Smock, g. .. .",... -.-. At Sea Bright, Bobby Rlggs hit his stride, captured the men's single? coming year. _-I will, continue, as in Dowen ... s * U187 200 ' M0 Soon the river will be frozen i II > ..H .. ' ' 171 100 215 alumni. Red Bank hoa won three 'title for the fourth straight year,'and went on to win every succeeding tho past, to fight for and promote the that's i the time a small army of Clark .... . RED DANK. - . 1 5 7 171 183 and has lost three and will resume regulation and protection of wild life huskies get but -their..eel. spears and Hacker .. tourney he entered, including the National Championship at Forest Hills. play next Tuesday night against Ma.trla, f i:. and in particular the conservation start jabbing in the mud-for these 93S 887 Mrs. Sarah Palfrey Cooke won the women's singles title at Sea Bright South River in Its Central Jersoycon- Merer, t. ..... _... of.-our .much abused-aalt water re- tasty wlgglers. For a novice at this remit AMBOY. ^.. : nd TWM 1 also arinember o f the winning: women'ff d6uuibs"teamr a"nd"tlin Stanclk . 188 168 - I B S ference opener. The game will be losta, I. --..-. sources. For istany yeara I have been game it is -hard work, but for the Hydo ..;. 1(6 played at Red Bank and will, be'fol._winning mixed doubles team. Mrs. Coofce, later in th6 year, was rate trying to-impress on the people /of old-timers who know all the tricks Dlablk .. -'".. ni lse 132 lowed on Friday of next week by the tilt number one woman player in the country. New Jersey, how with the lack f of ft requlres~yery-little effort. I have Turek ..... . _. ,./ is) ' 17! IDS annual game with the school alumni. 1 8 16g 170 G protective measures' our salt water often watched them and this is the Volosln ....... 171 ;.;...-. Jim Coleman, Jr., son of the shore Ish supply is falling prey to |tln way they go at it. Tor lovers of the horse, dog orntifiy of the numerous pets, this greed of man. Surely no one'can 170 ~8S6 "Sis school coach, led the scoring Saturvicinity offeted the Rumson Horse show^, tho Professional Horc- After cutting a hole in the ice day night with 12 points. Bill Wlldispute this statement. Especially If about a foot In diameter they will men's show at Shrewsbury, harness racing (with porl-mutud rt)U will givo a' moment's thought totest the mud with the spear to see If A newly born kangaroo measures iamson, lanky center, took ths run- betting) at Freehold, the Monmouth County Hunt race meet tit ner-up honors with eight points and .he results of the 1941 fishing }ea- It is the rlght consistency. This is barely an inch in length, SefereeYohn. Chapel Hill, -(where bookies were officially barred); junior horse ( lon. , ' . very important because If it 13 too shown at Chapel Hill and Elberon, the hunter trials of tho MonBlueflsh have already entered the hard the eels will not bed in it. They ' mouth County Hunt at Phalanx, the ifonmouth County spaniel ilasa of the vanishing American wild will then start in jabbing straight field trials at Vanderbyrg, the Monmouth County Kennel club Ife. -Anyone who fished tho Atlantic up and down gradually widening tho : ., show at Knmson and Mrs. Gcrnldlne I* Thompson's pot show nt loast last season or who tried to buy- circle to cover every Inch of the botBrookdale farm, Llnerof t. a fresh blueflsh i n t h e ' market tom within reach of the long handled knows that. - Where once, not- so spear. This 'is not all. At each Events which -were utrictlyof local interest, also had their place 1 many years ago, the shore line of the stroke they will twist the spear In Importance. Bed Bank high school's basketball ream didn't winan 'crsey coast abounded with these their hands In case an eel'ls imbed-~>in.-hiit-l>-oaphircd.-cight_.enna&ciitlvR gampa -Including a 78 to 54 win nagnlilcenOlsh today they over Weehawken, the score of which set a new record for Monmautr xceptlon rather than the rule. The spear head. They have developed a County high schools. The Catholic school five managed to halt a 30 iame applies to many other speciea. rythmatlc action with all their mus1 game losing streak that had extended through two and one-half seasons 7he moat noticeable being the weak- cles coordinated and can keep It up VIC GHEZZI ' Rumflon high school captured tho Central Jersey group two state _BO811irESS ISBN'S. LEAGUE -. RED-BANK EECRBATION. Ish and ^t.riijod bass. all. day without), tiring. They have, BAYSHOEE BOWLING LEAGUE J. Ac.rra 146' 178 215 C3I basketball championship. Chailey Whitehcad, . Plalnfield Therefore I pledge to" wage a con- also developed" a. sense of touch, so Nordy -...187 106 180 G4J BAIBD-DAVISON CO. MARKET Veteran players took honors In local tennis tournaments., John Hlg- Country Club sho'tmaker, also carved itant'fight against the forces of'ml- flhe^^that when the spear__comes In liana :. 19R' 178 15 , 187 181 gins won the July Fourth tourney at Shrewsbury, and Paul LeFever won himself a niche In the state's "hall of lorlty-greed that work to ove'rthrow contact with'an eeT'no longer-than a Lafayette S l l l e t 976 1071. Sutherland 206 202 15 , ,.. 150 1ST 1 L. 4 L. SHELL SERVICE. Blackman 180 201 15 the Red Bank Municipal tourney and the Shrewsbury Labor Day com- fame' by winning the' state amateur he balance of naturo with the hope pencil, they can feel him. One thing Minor ... . . 190 170 J. Ruffinl 170 204 172- S4 Forwell DavlBon 147 165 15 championship for the fifth t l m e ^ a >f, a t .least,, helping to'secure the. to remember is always puWh tho cut Dlllone ... .. .__ 195 197 petition. . . . '"... D. Ufayetts 135 202 1S8 680 Schrondor 221 147 17 , ; 208 16S feat unparalleled in the history of nactmen^ of laws to'put an end "to pieces"of Ice down under the surface AtrnlniB . , ' S5S 406 865. 1121 . Baseball season saw the return to power of a. locally bred team in the tournament. While a bitter con- his destruction'- and to establish a of the ice so it does not become a - ..'.:..-.- -' ' "osli ~BOI ~n<- 939, 909 10H IKDEPENDENT HOME MODEUNIZERS LOO CABIN TAP HOUSE. the Red Bank TownerSi and the complete collapse of the Imported stars, troversy raged over the inellglbllity 'rogram of common sense which will danger 'for skaters and ice boats*- - ROXY'S FLEET. Iiufflni 1 0 2 ' 170 lDr J. Tuttle 182. 2 3 a - 258 B7I the Bed Bank Pirates. The Towners received little support, however, i s of Mike Cestone, Montclnir mailman, Itlmately be'responsible in restoring Fried eels are a dish for epicures. H. Walling '..._ .; 188 158 18 J. Menrtopano 11* 196 19 Gcntllt, J '102 2 l 5 101 508 Dummy' 100 100 10 _ 11.4. 168:. thftlr game3 were played Sunday afternoons^The Pirates^ support -wanct" who won the Metropolitan a,muteur Iiese sple'ndid flgh so that genera- The following rcclpo conies from Stelnhnrdt 215 Kull :.. 182 212 181 'H~"m H 1271 considerably and even the moro Vabld fans muttere~d *~bafKs ab'out th< tournament, Whitehead pushed over ions to come, will be able to enjoy Norman D. Jones, of the Fish & Miinzl 162 A. Grob 177 161 191 Hanson : 2S6 MEGILL-JERNSTEDT. . h|g adversaries with cnae at Ealtugrol hat which rightfully belongs to Wildlife.Service. It is contained in Nordy high prices and poor brand of ball. . . 213 169 Meglll 202 208 160 J 7 I 222 780 - 8 0 1 _ 255 a paper headed "Holiday Pish Dishes ^ t e n Jermtedt ISO,,180 168 6 2 ! . At the start of the season the Pirates were represented by a unit o and-then crushed.Karl Kellckman of hem. MERCHANTS TRUST From Aboard: Prepare eel by removalleged college stars, who bore the f stamp of approval of the Brooklyn Bock Spring, 14 and 12, in the 36-hole ~948 PfttterBon : 190 167 "God has given us the earth for 871 307 337 1105 Rice : 161 171 Dodgers j[arm syste'm. This group was unsatisfactory, and In turn the final. NAT'S JEWELERS ' ARNONE BROS. ir life. It is a great entail. I t be- ing skin, which Is done most readily Layton 100 131 Tex Tomalna '191 100 103 544 --. 1*9 202 Bucs were'represented by a. commercial league team of North Jersey, the Cestone, a -public links star, had ongs ns much to those who come af- if eel. is immersed In boiling water Souizo llrett 177 U S 199 152 J. Coles 152 .181 177 G1U ^ Cut In one-inch Bokr Bay Parkways of the Metropolitan league, nnd flnally, the'Union City won the Metropolitan championship er us as to'us; and we have, ho right for a minute. Allen ..:. , 100 17S Gnraflnc VI 172 182 23< Reds of the same circuit. None of thC3e combinations could produce at Montclair a fortnight boforo tho iy anything we do or neglect to do, lengths a n d w i p e dry. D i p In beaten U. Tomatno , 343 8 7 1 ' 340 1064 .. * ." i s 1 ;. 1S1 265 'ARNONE BROS. .. state affair started, and it was a blow a Involve them in unnecessary pen- e g g a n d roll in sifted bread o r crack- T. Totnnino "two good games' In a row. : ' . - -; *' ^_^ ARNONE BROTHERL J. Coles.-. 201 205 2lr, 821 crumbs. D e e p fry in olive oil . 150 1G8 Fort Monmouth's football team, made up of "jlars o: to many when his ineligjbillty be- lties or~io deprive them of benefits ' 859 1 0 U 995 J. A51io . Tex Tomalne ..'. 195 181 148 524 M. Arnone _.:....J . 185 182 with a b a y leaf arid o n e or two came known. Eager to play in the hat are theirs by right." standout high school players from "the-far flung corners of the United rOltSGATE FARMS F. Arnono 103 M l cloves of g a r l i c at 360 degrees. When \dalc : 200 SS6 386 363 1145 States, and couched by a nve-man staff of collego graduates; brought big State event and aware of the New It. M U E U 223- 135 I will continue to give you sports' MUELLERMOSER, , Jl'lrriM 216 147 w ... ., i time football to this section and attracted large crowds weekly. * Tho Jersey,State Golf association ruling ilcn an honjst nnd accurate account brown r e m o v e a n d drain. E, Mueller ...' 188 201 210 G O O Mimalian .-. 194 '222 which bars public links players from Signalmen won 'the Monmouth county conference title, the Metropolitan hunting and fishing activities In I, Moact 175 208 170 663 Dllnkwntcr 172 188 077 773 D e e p s e a fishing boats are still Army camp' championship and flnally the Secbnd Army corps nrea crown. entering, Cestone took out a last-min- Jonmouth county. hneWer ' 180 178 SANDERS ' Dohrn _ ;. 183 159 ute membership at the private Jump....U1. ... 185 173 363 ' 400 880 1152 m a k i n g dally trips to t h e codfish ?cnteripan I wish to thank all the sportsmen 'rounds. D e c e m b e r 22 t h e market Hackett 159 I6!l MUELLER MOSER. w ing Brook Country club, Asbury 931 910 Wymbn .T. _ 133 J.71 . E. Mueller iSli 2 0 ( 153 544 Park. But, to no avail.- The execu- md others who have so kindly con- report s h o w e d 34,470 pounds Of cod JlorrlH ......._ _.I....i 156 BKOOK-S INSURANCE. G. Moser 214 Z15 22S 655 Hunter _ 190 157 tive committteo of the N. J. S. G. .A, .rlbuted Items to tWIs column during taken i n N e w Jersey w a t e r s . This Bahr 179 189 Ei-nns 138 1S2 HO 400 420 STO U B S refused Cestone's entry because of he past year. I feel particularly in- figure e x c e e d s all other s t a t e s for l l O ok : 179 148 ebted to you because.! without your. hat day. W o still have o u r rod'and E. O'Rourke HOME MODERNIZEK. another .rule stating that: "entries \nderson 169 - 193 811 H. Kull 238 188 ITS 500 p I would n o t have been able t o tacklo kit ready for a n o t h e r go off iVootlward fiom contestants will not he accepted 179 ' 201 TEIXEYS E. Conover 176 194 180_ 8S0__: Mttrtllro 184 '' ~ except as representatives of member, urnish renders with current happen- shore. Nordy _ 808 SS6 168 414 882 861 1149 clubs at which contestants play reggs. . ' Great rafts of ducks have appeared Snyiler 167 163" SQUARE BAR/ I wtfl.only make ono prediction: I In the North and South Shrewsbury ularly.'1 Thus, .the question of suAlvino , 1R4. 116 HIGHLANDS' BUSINESS MEN. ISO 167 Macintosh _ ..iredlct during the year of 1942 that rivers. They seem to know just the Mahler 233 195 premacy between Whitehead reran ~ GK 1J5 165 152 178 and I the sportsmen and the people of' the right time to arrive. Tho right tlmo lubley . Gestone still remains unsettledand 'State of Now Jersey will secure the IDEAL DINER. hern 178 162 for them but not the right time for 001 770 872 Kohlcnbuih '.:.: 184 222 245 probably will be _for & long tim< AdMr ~ 222 232 passage of Bill A-42, making striped tho gunners. Starting tho season a ..rown BIG DIP Ahern 180 179 169 ....:.... 102 173 Re . 134 157 Dummy _ 135 IDS lit Cestone scored ' an overwhelming bass a game fish and that as soon month later jvould bo a big help in If ague 109 180 Rllbley, Sr, ~ 906 SOS 146 1111 170' victory in the finals "of the Metropoli- as it becomes law, all other states the central zone, Snntelle 201 158 Mohr ..: 187 158 147 ATLANTIC LIONS OL.UB tan at-Montclair. He defeated MarDornn .... 150 157 .(Inert 167 180 Morris _ 115 161 tin Issler of Rock Spring by 0 to 8, 792 814 177 IcConnell 122 HO Trenton, December 29, (AP)Busy ESSO JUNIORS. Cestone .also figured In another state New York, steered Onwego to fifth 'ardner ,_^ ___ .'...^'_L.'..'. J6B 178 813 Rubley, Jr. ;.... 238 101. 117 l 176 152 T S 9 porta .fields and crowded gymnas' iacliig-from.some of its good friends triumph when he nnd M'aurrie place with 1,911 points in nine races. PETE'S CHATTEHBOJC Kadenbuih . 164 147. I7T 119 Pingitora 14H 156 lums, wJilch In years past havi clamoring for Us to go far out on a O'Connor of Branch Brook topped These boats abo competpd at Rod omeo ..JS Rnmandettl 161 104 11 , 170 188 187 Cook 1R4 183 Bank.turned out rich national contributions flimsy limb and dub'somc contender Ghezzi arid Walter Jacobs of Deal Rlttermnn 137 157 '168 Znmbrsno, T . 150 1G9 a state tltleholder. But we again re- 2 to 1, in the finals of^.the pro-amaD. Rona i 180 196 160 781 in the form of sound bodies and aler Ayres ;.. ... _ ^. 194 .174 sjgjed tho -pressure and' feel wo have teur championship a t Montclair. Oborn , 160 161 LENOX TAVERN minds, lent'quiet but vital co-opera established a sound policy of: not 162 ISS ilth Won In the country's war and defense handing out such an honor when the LIONS CLUB. Repeaters besides Whitehead.:were 167 100 842 793 J. Walllne Fehlhaber " . 120 18! ,175 effort during the memorable year teams do:not have an opportunity to Frank Walph, Rumson pj.o and Aug... 160 170 SHREWSBURY DAIRY CO. Parker ...:..: _ 156 167 U S HorTmun H 4 IBS 164 McDonald ... 134 145 RCISB 1M1. ' ust F. Kammet', Sr., of'Balhisr-oJ play through to a. championship derkB ' non _ 140 148 160 .. 170 204 Acntme 1S9S.182 In an inconspicuous way, never ap> termination; ,No man or group of Walsh retained his 'State P. G. A. Runyon wn ; 142 188 191 Play will -start during (he first 166 1-19 well 148 178 H I Snlflon _ _ 802 167 parent at the time ol its happening, men is sufilciently wise to arrive at championship with a par-shuttering week of January In two Inter-comGrooms _ 181 MID'DLETOWNERS the gridiron, baseball diamond, court such a decision fairly wfton proper 72-h' of 283 at White Beeches, pany basketball leagues now being 85 715 160 219 and-track have helped prepare the evidence of relative strength of teams Haworth. Kammor successfully deformed, one for the Signal Corps Re- Mead 807 R37 WHEELERS. 185 183 Harster FACTORY STORES INO. Mahler _. 189 fended 'hla state ounlor'fl champion17T 113 185 nation by storing up physical assets has not been produced. 1 placcmont Training Contor and ono Domenico ..... [atta 174 174 T. Minor ...-. . 154 for the permanent garrison of the Neu assets which our association has .&. 15K Ifi6 Titles, we believe, are s not so im- ship at "Essex Fells with a 30-holc Dlttis 126 . 200 18S Aumaelc 17B Murphy Qulmby '.'.i 1 7 3 . 200 post. . iulhey ... ' dedicated Itself to build up and prc portant thnt they may be filled ar- acoi'e of 155, 17f George Schrafft of Newton, Massa162 167 Qunckenburh MazzHgoppl _ 161 200 166 Burke.../. ;. 166 165 A comparative newcomerJaclC chusetts, who with hla- Chrissie IV, Schedules for the company games rv bltarily at the expense of others who ; 1|18 150 s.. ",r321 US 909 Gettls ~ Minor I l l 11)5 .209 , Mitchell, pro at the Spring Brook won the coveted National Sweep- will be made up and distributed by may have a juat nnd good claim, After watching tho schoolboy ath ATLANTIC SUPPLY Country club, Morrist'ownconiplpte- stakes trophy on the North Shrews- the headquarters units to tho various l t >). 821 letlo parade for more than a score of O'Rourkt' :.. 167 1 5 0 U S In its attempt to sponsor a proRASSAS DROS. pset the dnpe by winning'the FORSGATE FARMS, 190 156 SlBtt ery years, I am moro flrmly convinced gram bringing tho best competition State Open championship at Forest bury river at Red Bank lnst August, companies. Games will. be ' played NelV J. 189 218 Mewi 149 191 159 141 1S4 <lly and several others who competed In two at a time on the now courts of McGulM :.. ^. :... 144 216 than ever that championships are not to the greatest numbers, the associ- Hill,- Bloomfield, Mitchell, nn expert 160 rker 1>2 1>6 11 Shtlly Reiner 181 164 the most Important thing to a boy ation, using Us old measuring* stick Iron player, put .together four steady the regntta events, me among the the post gymnasium. TJjJs will al- Kustner ilummy ,_ 135 136 135 Buchanan ..:. ":..!""!""! I 4c ISS Dummy ."_ 195 186 185 Crisprl! ... or his' team; "We have fostered a pro- of school enrollment, made a rocias- rounds for a total of 281. He sot tho Middle Atlantic speedboat drivers )oiv~the playing of eight games 'each ISO ISS 860 ', -' Adalr -i . 1 5 0 124 ISS Sn|nndra .. preparing to hetid South for the win- night. 178 1B5 gram designed to develop character, slflcatlon- effective ' lost December 1 [mco from the second round on and Lt. Norman Fertlg planB to have sportsmanship and study doilies,*MS which for tho first time established a withstood the last-round challenge.of ter regatta circuit in Florida next ?61 121 748 816 0S2 877 tho champions of each' league .meet WESTINGHOUSE. FOWLER ORIGINAL LEAGUE weir as playing flnessce and ability. real group No. 1 to provide for bet- Johnny Kinder, defending champion month! . PURITAN DAIRY for the post title after tho close of O'Neill _ _ 176 164 188 joorlfly . 175 151) The voluntary response of Amer- ter 'contests for Ihe smaller schools i-om Plninfl'cld,- who finished 'second Chrissie IV topped the field j ; i i Dummy : ... 1SJ U S US SHdman / . MS 127 the regular season In the spring. ica's youth, many of them recent per- 38 of them. FOLEY, tionnl honors in the 225-cubTc-mch 'lummy _ 1JB 185 136 Wl ' 188 108 with 283, LraBilala 211 172 . 167 leionl .. Dummy _ 185 185 ^_ formers on our high school fields, Is .... 155 hydrutpirtne division thla year, having Baseball, filling for a' time an schoChambcrlln ._ 151 Stcnrni M. Fohlhabur ...... 140 ' 112- 225 Frank, Kringle of I.indcn, anil Ale ii perfornmtice record of 92.8 per cent. xeassurlng in a lime of 'national lastic competition in New Jersey-was Covorl 149 trials. National security In the mod-concerned, has enjoyed an encour- Tcrnye! of Jlonmouth county Selirnfft, who drove with consistent >'D>y 235 198 716 704 7 4 1 , 807 833 920 6 ern, mechanized pattern demands aging rcnnlssrtnce, thnriks largely to urcd the Stato pro-pro best-hall brllliiince In 13 races, amassed a total Iltcker ., .'. 189 HENRY'S MARKET . . 191 P. Moors nulllln 202 191 , 100 ataxntna, skill, courage, and co-ordin- scctlonn] tournoys somo championship nt the Knoll, beating of 4,825 points In iTgiiitns throughout . . (iaruttb 101 2J2 14S 19H The condition of William Gunyon ation of mjnd and miiBclc which arc enterprising newspapers. Those tour- "barley Gray of Upper Monlclnlr anil tho country. Other drivers who plan miiuitoiii l a s :>:i?.. loj tullt beat on the playing (Mils, War naments have kept the nmc alive In Tommy Hnrmon of Montclnir by .2 lo complete in Florida .nnd' who wero of Jollno avenue, Long Branch, who 0S5 Srhurker 101 12 172 ' irlfl Hoiifll _... 108 185 MS brings many changes In our habits tho schools, nnd Interest Is on tho nd 1. CARIIART, ' In tho Ked -13ank regatta, are wns injured In an automobile accl and mode of life, but one thing It rlso again. 159. 159 Dr. Otto TOIIIPC and Jack Tralnor Joseph J. Tngfjnrt of Clinton, Ohio, dent, In'Red Bunk Christmas day, Hilllivan ..... 00] 1012 878 Atlantic Highlands'borough counH I * 165 this mdrnlng wan reported to be good. ihould. riot disturb, in its Rood fundaCITARELLA'S MAIIKET 125 The bnselmll trend, however, Is not f the Trenton Country c"lub won the and Kenneth AlacKenzle of New Ha- Mr, .Gunyon suffered a fractured rib. Dummy II will moot No\v.Yoar day at 11:30 . 125 It. Cll'nrella '. 200 198 17S mental* at least, Is our/scholastic , Connecticut, who had 75 and 60.2 190 Slate amateur heat-boll title on thnlr drawing from 'the ranks of tennis, 160 iinfTer : _ inn 12B leg i. m. to wind up the bualneia of and cuts on tbo face and also from /uckerman Dennett < ' 157 119 : Bports program. Hambrlno IB! 1T0 HI track nnd golf onthuslnsts. iiome course. .Their final-round vle- per cent, respectively. ho pant year. Tho reorganization shock. Ho wivs admitted to Hlver\ rnb , . . . . 171 100 101 . The year past was no exception to "minor" sports now nre a pretty well |ms. wrro Ken Wnlcott and Jolni V7J6 MIOH will follow. , , whoso Toiiimyn'nn HI vipw hospital., ipcller 201 2111"- 10S V* progression of better conteats lllshnd pnrt of the nthletlc cur- irammpll, club mates.' UNION IIEAC11. Dr. Thomas C. MoVoy, Republican, took the first. hent in tho National iplayed by moro competitors, The a'n- riculum Jn moat Injured In thn snmc accident but 141 Tbd State Junior, chaniplonship .prpsliiket* i-veiit nt Ited Bank and , :.... m U0 * CASAGRANDE-UNJTKD "' ' , will start onothor term n.8 mayor. He .'' nual banketball tourney, copped by not seriously, wn Fruit Covert of Younjr i-ent to Arthur Wllllains of Spring: it new competition murk of 73.170 Was unopposed lii tho NovomberIrott 192 164 157 1.S7Fair Haven, who received bruises of Rtrann . nn alert Asbury Park team In the big Inlp,' who defented Ki'ed Cnlder nT /anPorn .,.,; 142 190 142 ilectlon. Waldron P. Smith, re-olect> Ins an hour for the clnsa IIIBI Sepllnwmer .... l!8 group IV class, was tors from Invajii 17.1 152 211 tl Republican councilman, and WIN '115 lontclnir In,', Inn finals at Horli trnibcr, collected I,o00 points in live his face nnd knees. Covert wns ncv ... uo >tuilkl 1H4 152 10S , fttsuxdpolnt' of > competition and atwllng Iprlnf?, A tosfl of a coin Rave tho rices nnil MiicKcnzle, driving Peo, n treated at Rlvervlew hospital. ilerrltt 101 182 17J lam I.ybnrgor, Ropubllcan, both un' 111 tendance. There were plqhty of lion1 'ntherrnml-ann title lo iOrneat V. 01-cuhir-lin'h hyili uplum , imrnod 063 opposed, will ,be sworn In for three77S ors, and they wero distributed from H2 20 ~m homnB nnd his t atcpHon, Joe, i|f points In four rni'ca. Also to bo flPen ear torms as will Loron JO. Parsons, DOWENS. Candldntcn for the JIOHL boxing ORII.I-l CONSTRUCTION ih top to the bottom of tho ntntc, rtlilgewood. Paul' Calahrase <if Old on (ho Krnpnfrult circuit tills winter IUWCIIB . . . . 141 116 Arnnrio .-. 0l 127 167 Democrat, who was oloctcd to tha wlh some winners wenrlng champion- team liavn been iioked by Lt. Nor- Orchard' nosi'il oil I his hrnther, Jnc, will IK'. .luck Cooper of Kunim.i City, Carilnpr ... 206 Cuatu 155 190 1511 :ouncllmanlo board without opposU mtin 1'VrtlK, nthletb (tlllcer at l''ort no B suiunieil I.y Unltfil'Slntoi Contt and Mahawage lit. hlp laurel* for tho first Him-. Oanlno 1S.I 171 107 tlm wl<ll<'il|i flint nil' of the L'iTi-culilc-inci. llrnn .im 170 ]lr/o 107 HO 175 Ion for tho ono-year term; He anil Gsoifetfo Survty. The fall football crop <? n buiup- MomiKiutb, to report to the athletic t rinlnflehl, Maharty .. _. 168 208 [>Ulco in tho post Kymmifllmu, us soon The cndrilp-mnstrrs division and -populnr In National Huoisa 180 U S K g rohn H, flplcor are tho only two KoiUrBl OfTlca Iltiildlnir'. Ctiurch anil ' r, There wim mi exceptionally targe IIH pofifilhlp. Men who beoomo candlThumpnon 181 tie was won by Mike Knrlnn of HwoopstnUes rh'i'lPH bfl'r, who had Democratic members of the new Vflioy Streetii. number of excellent tenmii playing Jatcn for Ihe pout boxing team will fountain Wd'iri ' "BTB T O S "ui council, Ilin .clliitlnctlon of placing neennd ami NKW VOHK CITY 709 jmnrtrr, more open, brand of foot- not bo ppiinlltcd lo cntnv nny.interIIF.VKHMKU:. SANI)V HOOK llilril In the iiflli'lnl alnniltnui (not to MONMOUTH OLAHHIO, ball Uian ever before, (Selection of Imttnllon eompotltlon after I''rbrunry Wish W . l . r I.IIVT Watm J. Clark .... FHACTIIKKS I.V.V.. mi niiiTH i i E C o n n . hi1 ronfiiiiotl with jtcrcrnlajtc pnrregional and dlvlglonnl t lt lint H wns, IB. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. ...'.: J. 122 HOME MOUKHNI7.KIIB, rlilny fiirinnnccJ, by winning fiil.O per cent .. 7:11 IllS no uiuol, one of the assoclntlun'ti No l'S Mnnr* ..._ ,. HI ncllllloM nro now nvnllablo In the Conovtr 10 17J | | 7 OPIH'RI' T. Ilnlmoii of I,clj;hlnn nvr- if his races'with Tiijm III and .1H.2 HMunlny .. 7:sr. I Mr. anil Mrs, Charles Behme of tit 1 headaches of the your. Knr tho tryinntiHlum for dally workouts for v a rMii , .. Rill Kull ..: 159 181 1 J | 4KB norden atrect, ltnBburg, are paru r fmettii'oil hlsi Jrtf Krltlny whrn ho |IIT cent of bin ntnrtn with Tons IV. Sundny m first time In weighing gridiron Illlr ho iiinilldiitrp, Thcno inon oro also M l HI nti of a daughter born Sunday at ( 150 tlB 1084 Fourth plurp, nn announced by Eric ... !lh',9 10 :it 1 claim*, the northern section of the eligible to continue tholr competition 'HM lilt by n f a r cm ltuiili' 3fi, n e a r l i m y Trrp. fnirii, Mr, I Inlini'ii, who Jrm-nlonf, Ainerlciin 1'IIWIT llont nnMKCilU,- JERNBTEDT. Rlvervlew hospital. ' 101-10 l l : ? t 4:50 , state waj divided Into two purls, IM- n tlm many iichcdulnd bntiallon 850 929 871 W.lll 144 101 JS7 102 'nn mlinitti'il to Itlvrrvli'W liuspltnl iijfliitlou nit.'lM}{ conuHlnMon necre11:2S Dill A son wna born Friday at RiverIng tomAwhat tha nssoclntlou's title niitehos until tho middle of FebiuItALPlrH. Jrnitdt 210 111 114 ,11 liei'n lin in sillll n pntliint, MInn nllf- niy, went to n newfomor Jn blj< tlino Illuli ml low water at Atlanllo Hlgli- Kin* lew hospital to Mr. rm lira. Bar1R7 117 \ problem. amis. I'otl Mitiimimlh ami Ktnnsburg Al Stliulman iry. )Tjt. lTorllg Is row nirangiiig 'I'cd from /ihorU anil friini a t'onulliil i e 111 .IS 4 4"? 49! 12(7 clay Henderson of Drosd ilreet, Keynt'iiiK 'thin yrur- Alljort Hilnkpian aina s s ani|y tlmik. |v'. After group and division RM nutolicn Imtwcrn tlm post leum and lumfny 12R M LOO CAIIIN TAI' 1IQU8K, on of tbo bi'nln. port. if Jluffnlo, Now York, who tolnllod Cor h l | h anil low wlr at Kornort. add II. fteliulman 111 117 IgjUjf-mplonshlpB Were awarded, th -. number of soivlcc trnmn of other Tuttla ~ , tin Jur, 2 t l mo 1 mlnutas' to fianilt Hook. ieknhuH . 17ft 144 1,800 polnifi In'dKht rncrn wllh in tooU IU customary verbal forts, Mnaxopan 1H7 141 lot Americt lead* th worli ta atetf f o r high n.l M walr a t Had Hank H pnya to adveitlx In The Roister. >'IBCU1U XJill Bourni'of LarchmonU i ,"7JI ud I bojra and B mlnutta to Btrujjr Jloolb l 411 l i t l i l t

Fowler Kegler* Defeat Perth Amboy

Results, Standing of the Teaitfs

Bowling Activities o

Official Gives Review Of Schoolboy Sports

Walter SKort Says Championships Are Not The Most Important Thing

Chrissie IV To Be Raced By Owner In Two Florida Waters

National Sweepstakes Winner and Several Others to Compete

Basketball Leagues At Fort

Long Branch Man In Auto Accident

To Meet Thursday And Reorganize

Call Candidates For Army Boxing Team .

Tide Table


0OUNSELJ,OItS AT LAW, ' Vhllfl.ld Dulldln,, Rad Bnk John J. Qulnn Tbomu P. Ooiimui n<Mat J^MeOus-Homird tl. L*mi -WlllliTp-l.Ruii.ll, Jr. Brnait F a u n s

Page Nine Rtiyal Arch Masons , Hold Annual Election

. Hiram Chapter No. 1, R. A. M. met December 23 in annual convocation. Pusoai, LnbrecqUB A Borden, The following officers were elected or Giyen Same At Gov. appointed: COUNSELLORS A t i A W . Moat excellent k'sh prlelHerbert W. W.ll.c. St, Rtd Bink Edge in First War Barber. , " Tbtodort'D. Panoni Edmund/j. Cantons - Excellent klnirNelson E. Sowers. Theodor* J> Labrtcqua Excellent scribeHoward S. Jedrey, Sr. xcellent scribeHoward Jedr Trenton (AP)Action w u crowdTreaiurer A. Trumbull l.Smith. T A T l S i h ' Hilton E\ Combi Frank F. Grofl / SecretaryHarold V. B.'Voorhi.. ecretaryHarold B.Voorhi.. Robtrt H. Ualda WHIfcm'R. Blair, Jr.. ed and fact on New Jersey'! defense ICaptnili-al-liaalX. New tori Deremu*. i i l l X N iD front last week aa ttal* state, with L . John T. Lovatt, til Principal ttojournerRobert A. WilThe rt e( hulling a ready !upr!ti Cdmpjisn 1U many Important war industries liams. * . Royal arch cnutalnKir] Y. Slmrox. moved to talie ,1U place In advancing' U0BB18 VOBTNEB, . /* * sift! A sift poiHiscA by the makco cl First veilJ. Kdward Wilson. the nation's resistance of aggreslon. / CirliAid Public Accountant Second veilT. lillbert Shultl.; / AUDITS TAX REPORTS QD GHAMPAGNE. Her. It * Cturnpajne a The-state legislature, showing that Third VeilWllllim A, Barren. . All Broad Strait, Rad Bank. N. J. l could buckle down and get things ' ChaplainRev. Carroll M. Burck, / . Tl. Hti Bank 113* dry ! Jry cn be.. .Within it> ipirMinj^"jolden f Tylcr-^WIlllnm Curchln, J r . done promptly, and "efficiently In an This is the: 12th year for Comptnemergency, spurned politics In turnJeptlu If ciptivateJ delicatt bouquet tnat is truly ; ion Smith as treasurer and the 2'st "DR., L. W, CARLBON ing over to Governor Charles Edison exquisite... it \\u > to\t, cln flavor that Mrelftj year for Companion Voorhls as sec"wide" wartlme~p6wer<i such as wcro SURGEON CHIBUf ODIBT retary/ held last by Walter K. Bdge when tll paUte. Nturally fermenteJ iri the bottle, FOOT AILMENTS Past High Priest Slmcox W'as prohe was the state's, chief executive Olflca Bourn Uillj Uiso am. to 0130 p.m sentcd with a past , high priest's during World war No. 1; The legis\ p\ course, /our wine" dealer will recomrnena Evening*! Tuesday and Taundar apron and .jewel, a_s s.\ token of hlfl lature Is Republican-controlled. EdiFor appointment phone 2412 yoar'a work in that office. . son l a a Democrat, A ' M E R: I C A N AM Hiram chapter was instituted at 60 BROAD S T . BED BANK, N. J. The wartime powera bill gives the Trenton as Hiram Chapter No. 4 of governor authority to press any state the state of New.Jersey. By. authorDR. MILDRED HULSART departmentt oor agency Into the war ity of the Grand Chapter September effort and utilise" any 'New Jersey SURGEON CHIROPODIST, 9, 1857, the numbgr was changed to resources In aiding the struggle. The No. 1. -'Hiram Chapter was author-' Foot OrthDpedlosISIeotro-Theropy measure had been passed by the Senized by authority qf the Grand Lodge* - - 'Offlca flourat Dally-S a. m, to ft p. m. ate December 8, but was held up iri to meet in convocation at Eatontown the House while leaders .consulted iiirgjJ!^^ Evanlngll Tuoidnj. Tburidlj, Saturday under, date-of February 25,-1856, and Otoficl Wcdncidsj aftrnoon.. Phont 90S with the governor on his desires relftirthM; order of the Grand Chapthe special 138 BBOAD ST., BED BANK. N. J ative to assemblymanpower. agalnut ter it Red Bank January 1, Only voting 3881, where. It has since been meetthe' proposal waa Robert G. Howoll Ing with regularity. _ _ (R-Cumberland), who criticized the . bill ejs too broad and Indicative of Scouts' Christmas the surrender : of the legislature's Navesink's School powers to the executive deportment." Party For Children Civil Engineer and Edison, designated by Republican Besides the little TrouGirl Scouts of troop 27, Boy Scouts Attendance Record legislative chiefs to handle the of. troop 00, and their- leaders, Miss reyor state's defense rtlns without Inter- Leona Tumidlskl and John Rlckard bles that came in 1941, 'SURVEYS INNING Tho percentage of .attendance for ference,'said he believeathe bill was of Colt's Neck^ sponsored a cbmmun-' December at NaVesink school waa necessary tp cut through red tape lty Christmas party loet week 'at the' - Buddy Bacr (right), who Is scheduled to Meet Champion Joe Lbuls there were a lot of STRUCTURAL DESIGN .00. Pupils neither absent nor tardy and-to further an efficient defense* Atlantic township* scTidbl fdi'~ tlnr Lfo^rthe heavyweight titlo January 9, Is examined In Lakewood by his were: < " Steel Reinforced Concrete program:-;-; : jQo_ed_Times_tooi_H o^e children of this community. Miss manager, AnclCHdflmanrzsrterrBuddy-received-faclal-BOratchea-in-anBUf DINGS DAMS The governor, in hla role of de- Ann Cerrato played "Oh, Come All. automobile collision near Eatontown. Baer Is. training in Lakewood Hurley, VIJ-RII Knliiht, E. O'NtRlTTUrry Phillip., Walter Schlndltr, Wllllum Slofor the match and his Handlers said he would keep his date with the fense chief, made an Increase In the Ye Faithful," "Silent Night," "It yours will be a Very rum, Stanley Stewart, Thomas W.Hllnnu!, ', 20 Buttln Bond, "Brown Bomber. ' '. ' ' i state police force one 'of his first Came Upon a Midnight Clear," and Connie Wrlpht. recommendations In the emergency. "Whispering Hope" on tho guitar. Fifth GradeLorralnn Aneti, E. BuffaFair Haven, N. J. e. Holmes Criuvford, Janet Hurley, He said 100 more troopers were Miss Ingiid Siemmcrlng played the Keyes, Violet MaxHtin, needed because many members of piano and sang "Away In a Manger." Work StartB At Fort I,nurenee Luther Fills, DnvlJ Swan,William Phllllih, Criithe force had been set to doing tasks Hne WilliamK. Following a' community sing,' a Fourth and Third GradesDavid Wllrequested by Federal agencies, par- play/' 'entitled "A Glirisrmas TreasOn $400,000 Project irnfi, Chnrle^ Airee, Joseph A'tklna, Le#. ticularly tho FBI.. ure" was presented by tho Girl ' Itrokaw. Thomns Coopur, Brltton Mor' Without delay the legislature ap- Scouts.- The cast included Nancy i, Robert Sotlen, Anne Drower. Jean GHU Several business agents of unions Afftncria' (iant. Victoria Houston. propriated $206,208 to muke the ad- Rlordan, -Peggy New, Betty Wylie, connected with construction projects lowny. UOHO Johnson. Mornlrr RoKer, OlorU Miuy dition to the constabulary which now Nettle Cerrato and Viola BurkeLt. at Fort Monmouth have assured the- ifTuloc, l.oiralno Dunne, Florence O'Neal, has 320 troopers and 72 civilian Tho director was Miriam Kankas. office of the cbnatructjfng quarterinilancc! Winn, workers, Kdl^on Just as promptly Ann Corrato was nnnouncer, Folmaster here that there will be no Sccotiil-CradcGcrnldino Kalas, Lillian KVyos, Wilbur put his signature on the measure lowing the play tho girl scouts sang State Department . stoppage of work by members of Wrlnht. June Winn, Herbert Cole,- ' imtlrit biicuniff law ic8-than-24-hours i h J i t l ; Plml OiniicWinilell Dlclcirioii. Bobafter he made the requeot, TFTharged W i t t T " " Work was started last week on a ton, Marlon Gi-esory, Jean Johnson, M -ROUTED, rBoynton recited tho poem, "The T-IIOLMDELThe chief executive sent a special Night Before Chrlstmna." score of temporary frame buildings llyn Kalss, Beverly Morris, Lilly Belli .... message to. the lawmakers, urging a Supervision of Law bri post property north of Oceariport Pitts. KiJ5i!iJSi)Sia)Si3JS!Wsi*hiJK^^ - .. Gifts,~frult and candy were then united front In meeting develop- presented to tho youngBters by Santa avenue designed to 'provide living WfW!8rliI^^ WW!SrSr^it^*SlB^^ ments stemming from" the' war. -He Claus In the person of Martin Rilcy. quarters and school and recreational Rigid enforcement of the new dog facilities for B O men. The project stressed that economy now was program closed with the entire O The more Important than ever. .assembly singing "God Bless Amer- licensing law, purposely intended to will cost about $400,000. The conResponding to the plea, tho Sen- ica." Many thanks of appreciation eradicate the menace of rabies, was, tractor is Ehret-Day company of Asate junked for the session, at least, were extended to all those who so promised today by the State Depart- bury Park, a firm which holds (Sona pair* bf bills, which would have, generously- donated their services, ment of Health, which Is charged tracts for military construction in provided foc'distrlbutlon of a $5,000,- toys, fruit, candy and'helped ihpther with supervision of the new 1941 II- Pine Brook, West Belmar and on 000 Christmas gift In highway funds ways to make this party a success. censingjaw. the post Itself. to (bounties and municipalities for Troops are occupying quarters for Beginning January 2, licenses will contains .the promises of great things for road purposes. be issued by local authorities for dogs two companies completed Saturday Said Senator Haydn Proctor f6r the ensuing calendar year. AnyIn thj Signal Corps Replacement Red Bank and its Citizens. (R-Monmouth), chairman of the dog, 7 months old, or which posses- Training Center.near Katontown. Senato Highways committee holding ses a set of permanent teeth, is rethe measures, approved In the AsMay we, at this time, wish you the best of quired to have a municipal license. sembly December 8: "The state's Firemen to Get Three Wells. The Legislature of 1941, by Chapter monies must be conserved until 151, in revising previous licensing everything for the coming year? IN THE NEWS ' there is a The Keyp'ort borough council has 16 MONMOUTH ST.our financialsound determination of statutes, specified that municipalities, needs in view of the by ordinance, may have a maximum agreed to the request of tho fire deLBt/ the AP Feature 5cwce war."' RED BANK feet of $2, or'a minimum fee c-f $1, partment for the construction of Proctor said state fiscal officers "Be a hero" is the translated In* for each dog licensed. A fee of 25three wells from a natural water had advised him that passage of the scription across-the newest Russian cents will be added to the local 11- source to be used in fire fighting j bills, as urged- by several county and stamp which is a red 30-kopeca 1B- j censo, which will 'be turned over to case of failure of the-regular whaler, RED BANK'S LEADING municipal . executives, * would leavo Issuc, Announce- I the state treasurer for state control supply system. -The.emergency "wa-. ELECTRIC SHOP' the state with an Immediate deficit Red Bank ment of the Issue of rabies,. The statute "requires that ter, supply system used In Red .Bank 18 White St. Phone 612 of $fl,00,MO. ,says " the new licenses tree to be Issued during the will also, be considered as a model ' postage stamp la month of January for the Initial reg- for..Keyport. Buy B dollar record ' ^^fter-....YOtlng the governor' the -> broad .emergency authority and passto honor the istration. _ ' , . . Get One Free ing numerous defense' bills, both courage and heroNo. 1022D No. 13830 The police in each municipality will Houses of tho Legislature quit proK*y*>,w(WiKPab ^ m of the S o v i e t conduct a dog census beginning Febvisionally until January 13 at 11 a. mmKimsm ruary 1. Those neglecting to obtain T h e d e 8 l g n I sa 8ffiWSWSi'!^^ drawing of a sol- licenses for their dogs will be subjebt dier and his to a penalty of 55 to 550 for each of,fense. mother. Sho Is said to be urging In addition, the law also calls for BEST WISHES FOR her son to be atho licensing of kennels at $10 for hero In his light those accommodating ten or. less against Nazism. dogs, and $25 license fee-for those acThe son' has a rifle hanging over his commodating more than -fen dogs. shoulder. Pet hop5 are required' to pay & $10 Also from Russia comes a new re- annual license. No fee will be charged lease in a set of two values to com- for dog shelters or pounds. memorate tho fifth anniversary of Standardized forms for the licenTO MY MANY FRIENDS sing procedures h.aye been Issued by tho .stato to municlpaT'Clorks, or other officials, designated-by the local IN RED BANK AND VICINITY governing bodies, which will perform the licensing duties. Monthly reports of licenses issued will be'forwarded to the Stnto Department of Health for checking purposes. Municipal forms heretofore in use will not be accepted by the State Health DepartFormerly of the Sterling Furniture Shop. ment. ,

Wartiine Powers For, Governor

m., ah hour before-sthp 1442, lawmaklng. body tart functioning, The Senate, however,' planned a special meeting early In January to dlippsa. of BOmo 30 executive nominations, some of which hava been "hanging fire for months. Before- recessing for the holiday* the Legislature completed action on numerous non-eohtroverelal measures, which wore approved by Edloon without delay. They included bills to require the registration of all powerboats with the State Board of Commerce and Navigation; to permit the State Publlo Utility Commissioners board to grant temporary permits to bus companies operating routes in defense Industry areas, and to extend from December 28 to February 2 the' duo date for some 14,000,000 In railroad franchise taxes. Meanwhile tho first detail of New Jersey stato guardsmen, called to guard vital state highways, bridges and other facilities by Edison, was to bo relieved next Sunday by replacements from tho .First, Fourth, and Tenth Guard battalions, Tho governor ordored that the guardsmen remain on active duty for twoweek stints to reduce any hardships which' might occur from their being away from work. Because of t^he order barring use of armoring from other thaiL milltary purposes, the State Farm Show set for January at Trenton has been cancelled. " _.

Baer Injured In Auttf' Accident


Have ye heard this one?

L. W. Lancaster

Health'Board To Rigidly Enforce Dog License Law



Piano Co.

TKe Ne<tu Year

Allen Electric Shop


Very Happy New Year $


Happy New Year
This is our sincere wish to each and' every one of you.

and May the New Year

bring you Health, Happiness, Prosperity, and a lasting PEACE.


Dr. Henry H. Bair, a veterinarian, the Lenin museum. These are In a Is in charge of the state supervisory work. He has offices at Room .1004,' blue-green 45-k and red 15-lt value. Broad Street Bank building, .Trcn' Stamp catalogue officials say they tc-n. !, will not list enemy Issues oven for "The Legislature of 1041 enacted reference. the now rabies control law," said Dr. J. Lynn MahalTey, state health direcPostmaster General Frank C, tor. "Its objectives are the control Walker announced that nlr mails for and eventual-eradication ol rabies in tiio Netherlands Indies, North Bor- 'dogs, a menace to which Now Jerneo, Savwak, Straits Settlements, sey unfortunately has been subjected Malaya, Burma, Unpcciipled China to for several yeaTB~past, and the Near East countries-of Pal"Wo havb extended considerable estine, Turkey and Syria, will bo re- co-opernllon to local authorities In routed from trnnfl-Paclflc to trans-At- setting up the machinery for enforcelnntlc service via the-South Atlnntla ment of tho new law. If there is route nnd Africa. . ' strict enforcement of tho statute we "Dispatched will bo through Miami will be a long way toward the eradlcto] Lagos, Nigeria, in Africa by,wny ntion of rabies In dogs.. Tho licensing of Port of Spain, Trinidad, Belcm. and Bnthurst, Gambia, Africa. system will be the first step In the At Lagos, Nlgorln, direct connec- compilation of a dog census. The tions will' be made Vltli existing elimination of the strny dog is the British nlr mall service operating problem In breaking tho chain of Inbetween Lagan nnd Singapore and fection of rabies. Also, the health department's veterinarian Is InnlRO the NcUierlnndfl Indies. structed to fcrretoiit evasions of the law, where there may bo laxness on Tho throe-penny current King Gcorgo stamp of Great Britain re- tho part or local official!, The morcently appeared In pnlo violet Instead Itorliifl features of the law, however, of dcop purple, probably In' lino with lead 'in to the belief that there will dyc-savlnB effort" going on In mnny ho whole-hcnrted co-opcratlon by local olllclnls (n the end that rabies places. mnyv be controlled stnte-wide. Venezuela noon wlll'lamio new alr- ."Local fundsfrom dog lleensan are mnllH and regular stamp*, according dedicated In tho municipal treasuries to tho "Olllclnl Gnzotto" of Caracas, for enforcement of ,tho net locally, Tlioro will bo 18 nlrmnlln nn<t tonnnd tlie 28 cont lea for tato supervision Is llkowlso dodlcated In the acregular stnmpa In tho soln. counts of tho stnto treasurer tor atato control purposes." Hnttlcn for $1,00(1, The ' board of freolioldern hah boali agreed to pay Howard Height, forPresident Lincoln made the first mer sheriff, $1,000 In settlement of of the presidential proolnmallonn his salary clnlm nKnlnn(. tho- county. under which Thanksgiving has boon HdlKlit nerved five inonlhn, from coltlirntnl nnntinlly since n a na Juno 14, 1938, to Novombor 15, 193H, tlonal hnllriny, nn fllierlff undor an nppolntmont by Governor Mnoro nnd put In a clnlm ACCESSORIES WA31IIN0 of $3,125, llvn-twolfths of ft y*nr' salary. Tho frooholders refusnd to pay tho claim on tho ground tho nppolnlmonl wna llloKnl, tho law stating that n nlioi'lIT cannot succeed Conoco SorVico Station hlmnelf. Mr, llolght liml norvoil a (orm IMA VVIUTR BTHKKT, nB slii'ilrf before (lenigii II, Itoljei'tM, who was namoil county elorlt to BED UANK, N, J, uccacil tho Into Joseph JtfcDermott, PHONE POUS1IINQ





Buy United States Defense Bonds and Stamps



Page Ten
&IEWEYL.>8N0W; Will be Glad to Ahnwer'Any, Questions:on Food
Copyright BY BiDKEI



' ( - '



Food^af' course,.must be well seasoned to be worthy of : Us piquancy +

Volunteers for Emergency Plasma Bank

Chicken Fricassee Special And Yet Economical For Homefolks AndGuests

When Sunday comes rolling around as it does' overy seventh day the AFTERNOON SNACK housewife usually spends more time FOR THE CHILDREN - In preparihR Something vory special as the whblo family Is home (and a few relatives besides). . Tho first thing the children do on Now if economy is essential as U their return from school Is make a Is with most of us, ono can take 4 dash for the kitchen and peek in chicken and make It stretch pver to this and that to see Just what they far by serving chicken fricassee. will sample. It would be a poor ad .This is very, very good if properly for woman's cooktmTl'f her children prepared and when served with didn't do this. So she should really dumplincs it Is almost the last word be pleased about It. Just try having some bread: like this once ana - in fine feeding. . . soc what-happens;._.. CHICKEN FRICASSEE COCOA BREAD 5 pounds chicken 2 stalks celery 1 yeast_caXe ' . 1 onion, chopped 1 cup hot milk 1 carrot, diced .. . ' .Jjcup sugar .--"1-3 cup flour . ' . , 2 tablespons butter '. .1 tablespoon salt % teaspoon salt > . % teaspoon peppor -.. -. .-1-ogs .slightly-beaten 3 cups flour ' 'Clean the chicken, place in a stew U cup cocoa .. pan and-'coyer, with boiling ' water. PlacB yeast wtlh one teaspoon of -Add the celery, carot and onlonand cook over a slow fire for about two sugar In Vi cup lukewarm water unhours. Add the salt and pepper nna til dissolved. Put butter, salt and cook about another hour until ten- sugar in mixing bowl. ~When softder When the broth cools, remove ened and lukewarm add dissolved _t the_fnt and place it in a. large frying yeast and beat egg; beat until p pan, stir In Vlfie flouri-nd--strained- woothrStlr-in-the-flpur and coconH b broth (warm water may be added if lenead light to form a soft dough, necessary) in which the chicken has adding more flour If necessary. Covbeen cooked. Remove the skin train er and set in until dout the bird-and cut in sections and ble Its bulk. Toss, on'floured board, p place In the gravy. Serve with dump- form into loaf and place In breadpan When double Its-bulk place In li lings made as follows: . moderate oven, ;,350 F., for ?. hour, VA cups sifted flour or until well done. 1 teaspoon salt % cup milk 1 eSft When substituting1 shortening for To the beaten egg add salt and buttor in a recipe, use the same milk and- stir Into the flour to form quantity shortening as butter called a smooth, batter. Drop by spoonfuls for, adding one teaspoon of salt for into boiling salted water and cook every cup of shortening used. - 15 minutes. Drain in coDander.

A Special Treat For A January Graduate


Hot Of f the Griddle

B, SUSAN SNOW . In a small kitchen there la hardly room for a elok with more than ono drain board.' Where space permits, however, the sink with a drain-board on both aides Is far better for speed and. order in dishwashing. The dishes inay then-be stacked At the right-hand aids Immediately, on being brought from the table, washed and placed on the left-hand drain to bo dried. . y Boiled beef and pot roasts lend themselves to morning" preparation and are still excellent on reheating with gravy. Fruits which are to be cooked need not be absolutely ripe. In fact, they rotain thoir form better when cooked It..they are just a little un der ripe. Peaches, however, peel better when ripe. 'Berries which are overripe may be saved by cooking and using'" m 'vaauces and - drinks. Rhubarb should have an unwrlnkled skin. When cooky dough la to oe relied or. a floured board with a floured rolllng-pln, care should be exercised to use just the right amount of flour. There must bo enough flour to keep the dough together without sticking t\> the board or pin, so that the copky will cut easily and can be easily lifted with a spatula from the board, yet not so much flour as will make the dough tough. More flour will be needed than the recipe calls for in some instances and, in. such a case, add it slowly, a little at a time, until the right consistency Is reached. Flour board lightly ais in ile making. Some of this flour will oo Incorporated in the dough but try to limit this to as little as possible. It takes longer to make rolled "dough cookies than the other two kinds and rtic dough Is x more troublesome However, such a dough makes a large quantity of cooklefi at a time and they stay" fresh longer than the other varieties. . ..

Charles Betz of New street, Sea Bright, was one of the first Individuals to answer Monmoutli Memorial hospital's appeal for donors for the emergency plasma bank. Because plasma can be administered without typing, and may be kept for a" longer period of time than whole blood, It Is very Important that a bank be built up for emergency. ' ...' Still more volunteers are needed. Any Individual over 21. years of age may offer his blood by calling at the emergency rpom at Monmouth Memorial. ~ ;


U'.egg whites) M cup butter or other , ' shortening 1J4 cups sugar - _ 1 cup milk 34 teaspoon lemon extract 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten ^ift*"rlour"bnce,""iiieaaui'e,;ttdd- baliing-^powdor nnrt.-ajUt. .and.'slft together three times. Cream butter thoroughly, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy. Add flour,-alternately with milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add cmon extract. Fold In egg whites quickly and thoroughly. Bake In two jreased 9-lnch layer pans In moderate oven (375 F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Spread Luscious Lemon Frosting between layers and on top and sides of cake. Decorate top of cake with tiny colored candles and silver dragees. 3 cups nlftcd cuke flour S teaspoons double-ncting * baking- powder ' V\ teaspoon salt

St. Mary's Guild Has Holiday Party

Members Exchange Gifts, Play Games

USO Campaign Ends for This Part of the County

Total Collected Is $12,602 Judge Brown Thanks Workers

Mrs. Raymond Pullen, dressed as" Santa Claus, distributed gifts to members of St. Mary's guild of St. Frcoh p co stand- George's dhuroh of Rumson," at the stand ing or canned fruit," mixed with cut- annual' holiday pAHy 9asV nlgh'f In th up marshmallows and chopped nuts Ralph hall. A covered dlah buffet Tho final meeting of the U. S. O. ' . Cord of Thanks. . and held together with whipped supper was arranged and prepared financial campaign was held at the We take this means of thanking cream Is a good dessert, simple to by Mrs. Stephen Johnson, Mra. Ma- U. S, O. club on Broad street last prepare and delicious to eat. The bel Bedford, Mrs. Edmund W. Cllno evening, with Judge Thomas Brown ovoryono who was so kind and gen* BROILED OYSTERS orous to us In this hour of our great pineapple arrd marshmallows should Whichever your popular brand of presiding. In addition' to Judge boroavement caused by tho death of oo prepared early. In the day and and Mrs. Joseph Lease. . oysters mav beone should surely 30 large oysters left standing In the refrigerator to Members played games and sang Brown, who acted as chairman for our fathor; especially Rev. Wlllltts, make the' most of them during oys- Butter blend well. Tho cream and flnuly carols around; a large Christmas troo the campaign, those attending^ wore Wprdens and Frank Gronger. ' ter seasonthere are so many things Salt and pepper chopped nuts are added Just before In tho hall. Others present were Rabbi" Arthur Hershon, Mrs. A.. J^ LUSCIOUS LEMON FROSTING to be-done with this plump, bivalveChildren of John Measley, Bread crumbs, if desired serving. plain things ana fanciful th n g s - Dry the oysters on a towel, sprinRev. and Mrs. H. Falrfleld Butt, 3d, White, F. Howard Lloyd, Mrs. James .7Advertisement. 1 tablespoon grated orange sim'plo things, arid more complicated kle them with salt and pepper and Mrs. Barry VanBrunt, Mrs. JamcB Gravinni, Mrs! William-Turner,.Jr., 2 tablespoons lemon jtilco rind thingsfor example: Form cold mashed potatoes into Felt, Mrs. Richard McAllister, Sr., M.'V. B. Smock and Captain Russell lay them in an oyster broiler (a fine 1 tablespoon water 3 tablespoons butter medium-sized ' balls and flatten ori Mrs. Walter B. Connor, Mrs. Philip Wheeler. mesh broiler). Brown on both sides. ' OYSTES CROQUETTES . ' Dash of salt 3 cups sifted confectioners' op and bottom. Roll in flour and Serve on a hot plate with melted Robertson, Mrs. Judge Brown 1 pint oysters . fry in butter or chicken fat, just Peters, Mrs. Harry Walter Johnson, his opinion that stated that it was butter poured over them. The oysters 1 tablespoon fat , . may be rolled in bread crumbs be' Lida Ramsey, Mrs. when a campaign Too Late for Classification cover Add orange ring to butter; cream well. Add part of sugar gradually, enough to to keepthe bottom of tho Mrs. B. E. Vrom'an, Mrs. John Weir, is conducted' to solicit funds from 2 tablespoons flour -;, . the fora broiling, If desired. 1 egg yolk blending after each addition. Combine lemon juice and water; add to skillet and Fry brown potatoes from Mrs. Edward Errlckson, Mrs. Arnold tho public for a charltablo tor. llko APAtlTMENT for rent, threo rooma and sticking. on one aide, 1 teaspoon salt. BAKED OYSTERS, CRUYERE bath; heat nnd wnter furnlalvd. Phone creamed mixture, alternately with remaining sugar, until of right con- then turn with a spatula and brown Hewitt, Mrs. John G. Filler,-.Mrs. purpose, those who-contribute are 105r, US ' 1 tablespoon parsley sistency to spread, Beat after each addition until smooth. Addvsaltr on the other side. If the potatoes L. A. Scott; Mrs. Ira D. Emory, Mrs. entiled'to,a complete report of tho T, Jonca or Riverside avenue.. Apply W. , 1 dqzen oysters your own broker. IVi tablespoons Jemon juiceMakes enough froatlng to cover tops and sides of two 9-Inch layers, or seem dry or It la desired to increase William Vital, Mrs. E. W. Jeffrey, money collected, expenses incurred Swiss checao - Egg and crumbs WE WANT middle aged respectable whlta quantity a whole egg and Season the oysters on the half top and sides .of 8x8x2-lnch cake (generously), or abov' 3 dozen cup the with flouraddmake potato dough Mrs. William Coulter, Mrs. J. Harry and the net proceeds applied to the couple .ns enretrtkeru In now hom In Clean the oysters. Heat in their mix to ' -.. . .... Rltscher, Mrsi John Humbort, Mrs. objectlvo of tho campaign. "By'BUCh country. Write, giving re fore neon nnd ealcwn liquor until the edges begin to shell with salt and pepper, lay on cakes. dry enough to form into b a t a Oscar Anderson, Mrs. Harry Ely, a practice," continued, tho Judge, nry to Caretaker, box 611. Red Bank. curl, stirring nil the-tlme. Strain the each a very thin slice of Swiss It Isn't often that the January graduates receive much attontlon and liquor and chop the oysters. Rub to- cheese, put a small bit of butter on such a pity because it's just as hard to graduate In January as In JUne. When a portion of a cup of shorten- Mrs. William Carhar t and Misses "distrust Is dispelled and public con- THREK iitandard Uo metal .Venetian blinds, like new, $3,Co complot*. Phon* gether the fat and flour. Add the top, and bake in a very hot oven for This year, surprise the young Miss with a speclnl party plus a very ing Is called for In a recipe, -fill the Elizabeth Scowcroft, Louise Truax fidence and response Is sustained for Jj oyster liquor and cook until thick. six minutes. .Serve in the shells on the campaign at hand and others Red Ilank 217E. measuring cup with water to amount and Josle Llgler. Then add the chopped oysters and a platter, garnished with quartered specinl graduation' cake. " MIDDLE- A(*ED man winhoK"-position at that may bo undertaken, whilo a of difference between fat called for the well-beaten egg yolk. After tak- lemona. plflnt or bank reliablef 1 failure to maka.a full,report breeds llco experience. guard; tober, O. Box poand a full cup. Add fat to bring i n g from the (Ire, add salt, minced Addicaa P. 452, ..BAKED OYSTERS, LOUIS water, up to the full cup measure. 'distrust. Bad. suspicion' that impairs Port Monmouth, N. J.* parsley and the lemon juice. When 1 Throw off w'ater'arid "tb'e ~ required stiff, mold into desired shape. Dip 2 dozen oysters ocrlouflly public confidence on camamount of fat remains. For example, Lj 12 shallots, chopped fine in crumbs, beaten egg and crumbs paigns of a patrlotio or charitable if % cup of shortening Is wanted, I n s t a l l again, then fry in deep fat (375-390 Bread crumb3 nature." F.) from two to five minutes. Serve Paprika fill cup "4 full of water, add fat un, Ne\vly-clected officers of the Star The Judge also cited several Inwith horse radish sauce. ' ' eaces the Butter il the water reaches the full cup p )f Bayside council, paughtcrs of stances that showed the enthusiasm evel. You then will have Season the oysters-on the half shell Cleaning oysters is no great probcup of America, of West Keansburg will be and response which came from sevat. lem, but a grand ideato do this with salt and pepper, sprinkle with installed Friday night, January 9. eral communities throughout the -merely pour the oysters into, a strain- the finely chopped shallots. Put onePrinted linoleum, Is a cheap pat- The new officers are: er, set over a bowl; and save the half. teaspoon ofbread _ crumbs, campaign, ' In presenting tho ruport Roasting A Leg Of Lamb rcrned variety which will not stand liquor that drains through to be used mixed with a little paprika on each of* the total, amount received by the CouncilorVivian Oberman. -A ' hard usage. in cooking, or making *soup or sauce. oyster. Put a small bit of butter on U. _S. O. in the northerly part of Vice councilorMary Rarp. Then examine each oyster and with top ot each, and bake in moderately The last few Monmouth county tho Judgo menAssociate- councilor-7-LaurR MREOII. hot oven .for about ten minuteE. great change in years . have seen a the fingers remove all particles ot Kltchenware receives such concooking and cookABsoclnto vlcir "councilorMH-Knvet tioned tho amount of work each-disshell. They are then ready to be used Serve in the shells, with one-half ing utensils. Thero arc those, howHappy stant use that there Is not much 'oerBter. , ' 1 lemon to each person. trict chairman had done. Mention in any desired way. economy In buying any article priced ever, who are not In the least inConductorLouise Urooka. was made of F. Howard Lloyd of too low. to Insure good workmanship terested or affected by changes ct WardenClara Muck, " and good material. Matawan/who to data had collected Inside sentinelKny-Phllllpa. any kind. They were taught to cook New NON-ALCOHOLIC Pant counclolrVlrclnln Wledncr. Mrs. Bridget Boyce of East KeanBAROMA OF BUCKWHEAT $410. Also Mra. Margaret Opdylto of by perhaps the grandmother, so to Past associate councilorEdna FoulkB. Keansburg, who received $583.77; this day they spend unnecessary burg, who died December 10, 1036, A few drops of ammonia will cut COCKTAILS WITH CAKES ACTS AS A hours preparing a dish that, like so left her estate to her daughter Mar- a hard-water nlm from water. The council observed Christmas George Pickering of Union Beach, Year many with a party last Friday night fol- $187.34; Mra. Fred Bedle of HighBREAKFAST BELL HORS D'OEUVRES cut. now days, has a-grand short garet Joyce and niece, Mary- Caney, . equally. Both were appointed execuCasserole meals of lamb, veal, or lowing a business session."' lands for having received $543.09, trices. The will was made March 16, chicken lend themselves to morning Meat cookery is a gbol example of and the Red Bank theaters, $802.40. were to tell guests that the AH Ycnr On crisp, cool mornings, the smell preparation' and take care of the . this and wo will speak of lamb In 1923. For all this Judgo. Brown exof something special coming from drinks served before dinner hap- that It Is of excellent quality and .is vegetable cooking at tho same tlnie; the kitchen-makes anyone want to pened to be health cocktaila, prob- available all year around and Isn't .Wililam Corry of Monasquan, who so that last-minute heating Is all presed his appreciation and thanks Through v get out of bed and Investigate. Why, ably the guestfi would squirm and a heavy meat that one la apt to dis- died August 22, 1941, left everything that Is necessary for the evening for the fullest co-operation and help the smell of buckwheat cakes will 'wonder just what kind of a house card for tho course of the summerr to his daughter, Dorothy Corry, and meal. rendered in support of the campaign. they were In. However, If these fine Recorder Frank J. Hall of High- The committee also voted that a make even Junior set up and take Tho old method for roasting a left named her executrix in a will dated notice, which every mother will ad-- drinks are served in the usual way, of. lamb is to brown it well in a hot May 1,1937. lands reserved declBlon last''night word of appreciation bo sent to the Vith'hors d'ouvres they will be a oven, then reluce the hear, add a litMy many customers are mit Is next to, impossible.TEMPTING AND TASTY- until next Monday following a hear- various newspapers for tho support Jerusha H. Bodlne of Upper Freegreat success; tle water and baste occasionally hold township, who died Nqvembi BUCKWEAT CAKES ing of drunken driving charges given to the campaign. certain to enjoy 1012 all HEALTH COCKfAILS (which Is hot .work). The new meth- 20, 1941, loft everything to her husagainst William Lehman of Union 1 quart lukewarm water AU.thoso present expressed their od itsn't in direct opposition to this band, William, for life and then to Stuffed Steak Recommended as No. 1 1 teaspoon salt Beach. year long, for they know thanks and appreciation to Judgo but new rulps for meatTcookery saya their children, Ethel Oubberley and 1 egg yolk 3_'i cups buckwheat flour Lehman was arrested last Tuesday Brown for tho successful campaign Ideal Cold Weather Diah that the higher the oven tempera- Frank S. Bodine, equally. Mrs. CubVz cup flour 2 oranges the enjoymont that come* night by Officer Kyrll Parker after which ho had conducted and also to ture the greater the shrinkage. Vi ounce compressed yeast \!> lemon, juice his car swerved out of control whllo ,the public for their generous supTherefore, thp roast goes into a hot berlcy also receives all jewelry Im2 teaspoons honey from stylish, well-fitted 2 tablespoons -molasses When comes o.ven, is . peaa-ed, the temperature mediately, The will, executed De- dish thatitwill bo to recommending a leaving the ramp of tho bridge and port. Beat all both tempting arid Dissolve the yeast in a little warm and serve. together thoroughly, chill greatly reduced nnd so the meat cember 15, 1923, names the son and ' corsets that combine comtasty for a cold night, some might 'crashed' Into tho railroad crossing Following Is a cfimploto list of the water with one tablespoon sugar, No. 2 cooks something like this: daughter executors. immediately think of such a dish as gates on Bay avenue. community contributions at tho close add to 'tho rest o[ the water and Roast Leg of Lamb: Do not re... fort with real economy 1 cup prune-Juice . * Ulysses Grant Johnson, Highlands chill 'con carno or some might sugmix' with the flour, salt and-buckof tho campaign with their chairmovo the fell from tho leg of lamb borough clerk for many years who gest an oyster stow, but leavo It to DDES IN HOSPITAL. wheat to make a thin batter. 1*1 : 1 tenspdon lemon juice men: (the fell la the thin papery covering died January 22, 1940, left ever-y-, a man and he would probably augMny this mcssageTis an ;t cup milk "raise over night; next morning add on the outaldo of the lamb). Sprinkle gest 'something with a stuffing and Sugar Charles Haas, 69, of 17 Second Fair Haven, Tony Hunting, $300.40; molasses and bake on a hot greased lnvltntlon for you to come Mix juice1 with sugar. Add milk It with salt and pepper and place it thing to his wife, Mae, and appoint- lots'Of good gravy. Well, wl)y not? street, Highlands, died last night In Freehold, Walter J. Schlveroo, $1,180.-griddle in small .cakes, browing on ed her executrix. Tho will was Have you had a stuffed steak lately? rack In an 95;. Highlands, Mrs. Fred Bedlo, Both sides, Serve real hot with sugar gradually, Shake well, chill and on a tho skin .side open roasting pan drawn September 17, 1929. with down nnd the out It Is very different from, a fltuffed Hazard hospital, Long Branch, whero $342.09; Holmdcl, Mrs. Marshall Gcor, In nnd join 'them. serve. e or syrup. flldo up. If th '. fat covering is thin, Isaac Mottua of Englishtown, who fowl of any type, and is good right he was taken 12 hours before, Ho $8; Keansburg, Mrs. Mildred Opdyke, lay strips of bacon. across Jhe top. died December 7, bequeathed three- down to the last scraping up of thoi had been confined to his homo for $583.77; Koyport, Arthur McFarland, Do not ndd water. Makr an incision gravy: " . some time with a heart nllmont.. Mr. $138.73 Little The Ethel Mount Mozar School of Dancing and insert a roast ment thermometer fourths of his estato to his wife, Haas was a painter by trade nnd had bee, $008.70; Sllvor, Louis R. BuckSTUFFED STEAK Matawan, so that tho bulb reaches tho center* Mollle, nnd tho rest to his, daugh117 Prospect Ave., r Red Bank, N. J. lived at Highlands about 10 years. Lloyd, $410; Mlddlotown F. Howard of the fleshiest part of the miudo, ters, Annie , Schmulson nnd Hilda Township, 2 pounds flank or round steak rhone Red Bank 2220 His wife died n few years ago. taking caro thnt it does not touch Wllhelm, In equal shares. The wife 1' cup crumbs Theodore J. LabrecqUe, $2,023.54; Rod CORSET SHOP fat or bone. Place the roast In a wns named executrix In a will dated ] i cup stock or water All Types of Dancing: for Children and Adults, Clanscs nnw forming. Bank,'M.'V. B. Smock, $2105.20; hot oven, 500 F., and scar for 30 mln November 21, 1841, / A L U M N I DEFEATS IHJMSON. 1 teaspoon salt > 0 Drimimond Place, Red Bank Rumson, George Dwlght, $2,3; Sea The PROSPECT HIlLL DAY SCHOOL, ules or less if bacon has been ndded. Bright, Mayor Walter Sweeney, Lydla A, Smith, widow of Horace Vi teaspoon peppor Oppo.ltV Cllr Hall . When lightly browned, reduce tho Pro-School (playschool ami kindergarten)Mornings, except Saturday 1 tablespoon chopped onion The Alumni defeated tho Rumson $21.13; Shrewsbury, Edwin L. Best, temperature "to thnt of a slow oven, G. Smith, Port Monmoutli, inherits 1 fitnill turnip, diced 3 high school basketball team last $405.60; Union Beach, Gcorgo Flckor300 F., and contlnuo roasting at tho one-third- of her husband's estate A cup chopped celery . low temperaturo until done. Tho outright with tho privllogo of imlng ] night to 33, whllo the Fair Haven lng, $187.34; Theaters, $802.47. 1 small carrot, diced i^WWrtiBWWWWISr^^ roast will bo well done when the tho Income and ns much of tho prinAthletic club took tho Rumson JV's .. Flour thermometer roglstcrs 182 F. or Total collected- nnd sont to Now 24 to 14. The Alumni took slightly under done nt 175 F. Allow cipal as is necessary for llfo, or-, un- Tho meat should bo cut from one- Into camp,at the start and held It York, $12,002.88. half Inch to ono Inch thick, Wipe tho lead about 30 minutes per pound for til her romnrrlapo. Should ho reroasting lamb. marry she in still-ollgiblo to rccolvo tho steak, removo tho flkin nnd lay throughout tho gamo. Fair Haven moat out flic Income from tho two-third share thedressing of flat on a board. Make led thij> Juniors at hnlf-tlmo, 8 to 8. IIOMK ON FimLOUGIIB. a tho crum1hsJ,,.stock or hut forfeits all right to tho princl- water, salt, popper^, chopped' onion pnl; She Is also bequeathed all fur- and a small amount of colory and TO. BE HOSTESSES. Corporal Justin' Sponce of Lake nlturo nnd household effects. CUCUMBER SLICES spi-cad It on tho meat. Itoll the aleak omio- who Is a member of Bat, Bat grain It Is Misses Ann and .porothy Budcl- tery "E" of the 112th Field Artillery Upon tho denth of Mrs. Smith the with thobo cutso that when grain cut It may across the of mnn of Nnvealnk River road, Mldnt Fort Bragg, North Carolina, is Peel cucumber nnd scorn length residuary is to bo divided equally tho meat. Place tho dlccd.yoi;otables wise- with tho tlnen of a fork or .with nmong Mr. Smith's brother, Hufus In a roasting pan and on them lay dletown township, will bo hostcoson homo thin week on n furlough. Ilo a worm for tho purpose; then slice E. Smith, nnd Laura D. Howne, Bcs- the lolled steak. Add two or throe at an Informal pnrty tonight for will return to camp Wednesday of vory thin. lo Holwln, Nancy Whltehond nnd cupa of water, depending upon the members of tho young people's or- noxt week. Prlvnto, Wllllnm Hponco, Lemons may bo scored tho aamn Alldn Taylor, hla sisters. Mm. Smith slzo of tho pan. Covor nnd bako In ganizations of tho Lutheran church. a brother of Justin, will roturn l)omo way as cucumbers", then nllccd, or wns nnmed executrix, Tho will wns a Blow oven (350 F.) for throo hours, This.will ho lh* annual Chrlstmnn Thurodny from Fort Knox, Kenthoy may be sliced arid sprinkled with dated December. 8, 1023. Mr. Smith or until tender. party for tho groups. tucky, whero ho In connected with finely chopped parolcy. Both c'uciim- died December 2. tho medical detachment of tho ODth If you profor to cook this meat'on bor and lomon arc npproprlnto Bur1 top of tho ntovc, melt onn-hnlf cup nimorod roglmont. Bolh boys nro 8KNT TO OFFICIOUS HCIlOOl.. Mm. Mlrlnm-C. Moyor, I.och Arnishes for flah. In bottom of A flat on of Mr. and Mrs, Wllllnm Bpcnco. bour, who died November, 10,' lef t of miot Iron tho heavy aluminum botIMPORTED WINES, CHAMPAGNES tomed or ketQoorgo Hallanan, Jr., of River everything to her hunlmml, Ilorbert tle, flour tha ment thickly and Jay DAT OF PIlAYEIl. Switches aro a desirable conven- J, Moyer, nnd nppolntcd him execu- tho roll in the kettle, Turn from road, Itumaon, who has been staAND CORDIALS ionco In all rooms, particularly tho tor. Thif will wns dated September n!<le to nlde until It Is well browned, tioned at Fort Dlx, linn rocolvad')an dim! control typo for ntnlrways, ono 0, 1039, ' J . tl.en ndd hot water nearly to covor appointment to OMlcorn' school and Rev. Wllllnm Cnlvln Colby pastor Sales Service switch" nt till) honil of thu ntnlrn nnd nnd nlmmer slowly for thrco hours. loft thin morning for Fort Rlley, of tho Kumaon Presbyterian church, other nt the foot, but In tho niUhWhen tho nieat l cooked, rcmova It ICnnnan, whero lie will receive lilfl linn announced thnt ho will hold a. VIHIT1NG AT KUMHON room or othnr plnccs whom tho hnnd from the Ucttlo or ronntlnn pad and schooling. public nervlcn Thurmlny morning nt mny bn wot when turning on tho broth, using one to two Mr, and Mm, Robert Hartnhornn thicken the of flour to each nup uf 10:30 o'clock In obnorvnnco of tho I I I U they aro a itocosslly, tablespoons nnd family of Mnrylnnd nro spend- Rravy. IIOMJ! rOH IIOMDAYH. Day ,of Trnyor no proclnlmod bV , j . , ing tho holidays with Mm. HartsPresident Itoosovolt, Tho clillroli home's mother, Mrs.1 Pnul Harrison MOW HIGHLAND'S ItESIDKNT. Minn Norma Smith, who In em- will remain opon the rent of tho dny You can imvo " by lining a nmall ployed In Washington, I), (",',, njinnt for tho convenience of other wor16 Monmouth St., Red Bank oven ovor ono ffna burnor on top of of NnvoMmk nvonuo, Kumnon. 184 Monmouth St., M>P. I>PO Phone R. B, 556 -Mr, nnd Mm. Clifford Mnrlln nm the Christmas holltlayn with her flhl|>cin. tho Move, It will bmko small dUl Phone R B, 3 9 nucconofuily nnd will aavn much p J ier nro 27,000 fnotorlej In A i u - parent* of a ton born nt Hazard ho- pnrentff, Mr. nnd MTV, Kverott Bmith Irnlln. of River road, Fair Haven. nnd koop your Ult^hen cool. pltal Saturday^ H pays to rulvcrtlHo In Tho Kostator,

To MaKe TheHVfost Of The Juicy Bivalve


Modern Methods In Meat- Cookery

Settling Up Of County Estates

Bayside Council To

Decision,- Reserved In Highlands Case

9 4 2


Our Supply Is Complete

To Serve You Over the

New Year's Holiday

Wines and Liquors




Page Eleven

Pupils Give Christmas Play

Parents Visit School ami See Students' Work
Th> pupils of the - River Fiats. grammar school presented varied entertainment at 'a meeting of the . River Plaza, Parent-Teacher association Monday a t the sohool. After the meeting the .parento vlslUd lndlvld. ual classrooms In: which, were displayed articles made by pupil* aa Chrintmas glfta for their, parents. A. community sing of favorite caroli was led by Miss Balsloy with Charles Qotsohalk providing accompaniment on the ehool solovox. Mr. Qotsohalk also played a number of Cbr)tmas carols and Victor Herbert ' melodies as solos. The Introduction of the program was given, by James Wllcoxon, followed by/seventh and elgbth grade pupils singing "Silent Night." A play, "The Christmas Story," wae given, Grades three and four participated ,' In o n e one, "Thavflhopherde Watch" and-sang two carols, "The, First Noel" and "Angels We Have Heard O n High.'J Scene two,-1The Say lorJB Born/Bjfas given by the first and second grades,. The children sang "Awy In a Manger," "0, .Little -Town of Bothlehem" and "Under the -'-Stan," carols. "' A group of boys, pupllB of the fifth and sixth grades, sang "Hark the 1 Herald' Angels Sing" and "Joy To the World" In scene three, "The Heavens Rejoice." A trio of eighth grade boy* sang "We Three Kings" In ccene four, "Tho Wise Men Bring JHftl." Eighth grade glrlj sang ah old French carol In the fourth scene, "Bring a Torch." The pupils and audtence sang tho" hymn; "Op Come All Ya Faithful" in tha final scone. Phyllis Ostrolenkj a .pupil, entertained with, a ballet solo dance in the second half of the program. Mr. Gottschalk played hls:!group of solos and the program. closed with the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner." . . -_.j.








(The Bad Bank Register can be bought In K.rport from Costa Brother., Mr*. Florence Mlee, Gu. Senaon, Mri. Clara ' Sussraen and Mr a. M. flofeky) ! _ ' J i s B b j w _oj; _tho Keyport JiU.rare. cliib will ba entertained tomorrow afternoon by Mrs. Harvey Brouwer at her home on Maple placo. Mrs. Josoph Kleckner will present a book ro view, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Henderson were'week-end guests of their sonin-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Fluke of Brighton, Massachusetts. Mrs. Charles Hlltbowskl has returned from a visit In Florida. . . A son was born to Mr, and Mrs. John W. Foster, Jr., lost week. Mr. Foster is the former Miss Ruth Ackerson of Hazlet. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCleaster recently entertained Mrs. James Glenn of Reading, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Bessie Hopla of West Palm Beach, Florida, Is spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Judson S. Hopla, Sr. -_ Matthew Foldman has enlisted In . the U. S. Army and Is stationed at Fort Dlx. " - * Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Portier of ; Berne, New York, havo boon visiting thn latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. VanBusklrk. Clifford Larkin, a student In the Moody Bible Institute at Chicago, Is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold O. Larkin. 'Louis G. Chloman, Jr., a studont in the Theological seminary at Holland, Michigan, has boon vle-ltlng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Chlsman, Sr. . . * * , - Ernest TF: Walling has returned . 'from the Perth Amboy hospital where he was a surgical patient. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Schultz have as their guest the latter's mother, Mrs, F. C. McCormlck of Altoona, Pennsylvania. Wallace Yates has returned from two years' stay in Miami, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Hondrlckon spent Christmas with -the latter's mother, Mrs. Alex Cadoo, Jr., of Summit Conover Armstrong, a student In Franklyn Marbsall collage, Lancas- ter, Pennsylvania, Is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Armstrong. Paul T. Ash is employed in the engineering department of tho Bondlx aviation plant on Long Island, . p r i v a t e Stanley Walling has returned to Fort Knox, Kentucky, after & two -woeks' visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo W. Walling. . Mlsi Stephanie Wallace, a studont in Crexel university, Philadelphia, is visiting nor paronta, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen Wallace.

Little Silver
(The Bed Bank Il.iister can ba bought In Little Silver from Union Nans stap4 at the depot and George Qunck.nbush's) ' | Mrs. William T. Sawyer of Silverton avenuo entertained at a bridge I party Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. V. Parker Wilkinson of Little Silver point'are loavlng this week for Fluiiiia, v-lioro they will spend tho balance of tho wln t e r . -' Mr, and Mrs. August Schwcors of Little Silver point havo been entertaining their son-ln-lnw and daughter. Lieutenant and Mrs. Itoger Calyln Powor, Jr. Tho couple woro married December 13 at Wilmington, North Carolina. Ho la in tho marine- corpu. A Watch Night sorvlco will bo held New Years evo in Embury Methodist church from 11:30 to midnight. Rov. Harold P. Wnymnn will bring a brief message, Preceding the service, a social hour from 10:80 to 11:30 will bo passod. Thero will be, gamoB and ontortdlnmont in charge of tha senior Kpworth league. Mrs. Mary Crnlg, mother of Mrs, Frederick Hurley, Is n patient in nlvervlow hospital, Mm. Julia Moore Is 1 1 at her homo 1 on Church street. . Rtv. Horbort M. Smith in spondIng a few months with His son, William M, Bmlth, suporlntondont of i tha Long Branoli snhnols. ' Mr. and Mrn. nobort Kolly of Llt' tlo Bllvor point spent thn Christmas holidays with Ills parents at IlaHImorc William V.Agtuw and familyhav

horn*, any CASH (or rottl old tirpewrltera. addlna: ma- :UAURICE SCHWABTZ. ChrTllec, P l y TRUMPET or cornet Instruction, advanced 2 HARDING road, near Branch avenual WE HAVE a compute.Hat of houiet and LOST, dark sr.en auto rob* lQat some* PHOTOGRAPHS talcn In your three 8x10 apart menu for rent In thli vicinity. See chin*, chick writer or other ofnee equip. and beginners, '.Solos rendered. " Bmce mouth and International truck aalea and 18.00 doien, lurgo front room, Heojrd floor; prlva.t* where near St, George's thuroh or Bum: . lubjeett cardiI1.2G and mint; <rlll call. Joi.pb it. serplco, 107 E. Anderson, 2Q Lennox avenue, Rum son, ath; available January 1. Hot water Roliton Waterbury, Realtor, 22 Wet coptai aon road. If raand pnone Rumson 761-J. IS.00} Church itreit. Belford,up. J.Herbert Monmoutb atreat. phone Red Bank <>. . ervlc* headquartere. Phon* Red Bank phone Rumson 687. GHei, N. ncatlnjr sygtem (oil burner), automatic gun Front street, phona 8600. ill : V water henter; central location. Phone R*d SMALL bungalow for rent furnished or LOST; brown bag In Bad, Batik on Tuec* USEU'itovfi, itov* und furntct parti, re- WATER PUMPS, new and rebuilt, for tale USED CARS boVgbt, sold and exchanged, CESSPOOLS and lepilo tanks cleaned In a Bank 156S. unfurnished; electricity bath} no iraa, E, da/ evening,. December 38. Reirard. Pontlac salts and tiervUcf terms. Hi M. Pklra, Undtrwoodtyptwrltan, Jidlroni . tump repalrt of all kind.] plumbing and aanltary and odorlcis method; top toil, Return to lUgiater office. < and ioren, lewlntc mtichlnei. 8x11 rug, m\x beatlnv. F. O.. Hunt. Mlddletowh, phon. A. C. Rasiai Brothen, U-21 Mechanic gravel, grading and moving done) trucks LITTLE SILVER, furnished room In p r i - E. Alexander, Shadow LaVe Park, opDOsltS River PIAia chool, lted Bank. dining room chkiri. Open evenlnss un> Mlddletown St. itreet, phone 1065. * ' for I hire. Loula Becker, 18 Worthley i vate Homo; ten minutes' walk to F o r t til ChrUtmm; Sundays till noon. 116 itreet, phone Red Bank I2H-W., Monmouth,; short distance to railroad s t a for rent, reasonable, wltk Shrtwibufy ivenui. Rtd Bank. . REWAJID for topar ring lost SaturHORSES,, wanonij, plowa, harrowa. USED CAR values We have several untio,n:*bus passes house; board'* optional, HALF HOUSEProspect avenue. Red Dank. garage. 70 paid . repoiiessed1 cars . from . motor 'hono Red Bank 365. apraadara, aprayari, * du.Ura, .combine., day, D*canib*r 30, riear M.rcbanta BUY and aall iecond-hand eloth; *uu(t TRAILER home for iftla. furnlihtd and bay and Brain machinery, cultivator and finance company and'loan company'which HALT, of double houJe on Hspte avenue, 1 Truat Go.t.'.tone) a pale 7ellow color, be In good condition. L. - Berber, tOD ready to HOI eJlo water lyitem, wired lawn mowera. Conovir Broi.. Wlckatunk. enables us to offer great value* In a numall Improvements; newly decorat(t ber of late modal usad cars, all makes Sbrewibury avenue. Red Batik. ' Phone LARGE furnished room,"overlooking rlv*r; .,_about one and _* quarter Inchea in for Ilsht and txtrai. ' Phone Itumauo prlvate.Jiath and shower., 87 Bait Front throughout, W. T. Jones, 1B1 Uapl* ava s _ . HUTCHED vralk'ln box, 10x12, for lale; and model a, ' Look -over our,stock of 4H8-W. . 1084 lanrtH. Return to R.* .office.* ' itreet. Red Bank', phone 900.* nut, phone Red Bank 1955, or your own ncell.nt condition; with compreuar or Bulcke, Chevrolet!. Chryslers, Dodtfet, USED LUMBEIlWalnicotlnr. wlndowi, .vlthout Uargain for quick buyer. Phone Plymoutha, Pontlaci, etc. Save with buy- FOB MORTGAGE loam ae R. V. H- H. broktr. , ' " '--.,doori. frames, 2x4's In qutntltlei; 2x3'i, Ing your :usad car at William J. Levlne's. ' Stout. 2 Linden place, tied Dank. HOUSE3 and itores for rent, R . V . R. H. LOST, paw book No.'14,849. lUturn to 2X6'B, 2X8'I, 2x10'e, up to 28 fMt; also Red Bonk 820. S76 Broadway, Long branch.* APARTMENTS ' Second National Bank and Truat Co., three 51-foot girder* t rtaionable price. Stout. 1 Undeo pi see, IUd Bank. Red Bank. John D. Patterion, Ftrit and Navealnk DISCONTINUED Imparlal nasbabli wall- 19S7 BUICK sedan, In good condition fof 0. 3. WELDING SHOP. 69 Black Point paper for every room. In ^oiir, boms) road, .Rumson,, N. J., general acetylene HIGH CLASS apartment for rent,Vflre, SIX-ItOOH house for rent, all Improrsavenues. ~ R. F. D., Atlantic Highlands, ' a l t . Apply W. T. Jones, 281 Mapl valuss to | 1 0 , on sals for 11.98 per room roruna and bath; garage; ideally located >nd eUctrlo welding. Evening!, Saturdaji, tnents; attic, garage; near high ichooll pbon* Hlshlanda 1177. lot. Quantities and pattern* are limited. avenue, Red Bank, phone 1956. on Broad street, Red Bank; newly dee- best neighborhood j references; moderate Sundays and holidays.' FOR SALE PAINT direct from factory and nave S O Klarln's Paint Store, 26 M on mouth itrseL PACKARD sedan for oale; model 002/1 orated ; heat, hot and cold water.' For ap- rent. 60 Bertton place, Red Dank. pointment phone Eatontown 77. per cent on all materials* paint, far* 10)2; good RICHARDSON * BOKNTON . CO.. iteam nlahn, wall texture and wall piper. At- FOR INSURANCE on your car. home or phone 'Atlanticcondition throughout. TtleJ ARTHUR E. BOYCE, palntlntc contractor; BUNGALOW, completely furnished. In Hlshlands 821-J. practical palnten, paperhanseri and boiler' modll .1-S-s", 250>foot capacity. lantic Paint Co., 119 W M . Front street, hazards of sny kind, phone or call Kay Fair Haven i Frigldalrt. electric w u b i r decorator.. Ui>job \oo larse or too FURNISHED apartment, five rooms, bath; and automatic hot water. Inquire 80 Ward Apply W. T. Jonti, 181 Maple aver.u.. Had Sink, phona 225X-W. . H. SUIimtiTi, State Highway, Eatontown 7. closed porch; garage; available now to araall. Wall paper^arrTpia'paUcru. on r- end ot March. Phon. Atlantic Highland* avenue. West Pack, Bumeon, U. J,, or call phone Bed Bank 1BB5.. 'lA-riliablo ofllcafor reliable Insurance." ^ ^BUSINESS NOTICEjt For eatlmate call- RumaoTTTHfiT- i,. Rumion 640-M.' TRAOTOna and aulpment,-rw l mied .uuJ Q and modem furniture, rugi, rebuilt Conover Broiw WlcWatunlt, N. MANURE for Hiei well rotted) top aoll, silverware, jewelry, coins, stampi, caah CENEKAL CONTRACTOB land oaaipoola ESTELLE Decorating Serylcei paper THREE-ROOM apartment for rent on the ATLANtrO "HiGHLARDB^Ftve" bouUful i bin* atone, m d gravel. Honor, Bee J. Phone Holrodei -1S1. y.ktr-round bungaJowt now being built rtffUtsr, sewing machines, guns, fan, books, cleaned t carting and grading-, top eoll, . Ins, plain and decorative palnungs; belt ' river front; tile bath, hot w a i . ' r ' a n d Blower,, phone Rd Bank JST2. x for ocoupancy It O. A. VICTOR amplifler and record In 2 etc., bought andiold. .Town Furniture Ex- manure, flM-dlrt, cinder*, trrav*! and a'and- materials and workmanship at moderat* heat. Joseph Sesta, 134 Riverside avanu.. and will be ready private beach. March 1st.. Located on" Eaiy set, two. speaker*; like new; cost |2&0. change, 85 Honmouth itreet, 'phone B28. Eitlmat*. slra. Phon* Red Bank M t a pricea. Phone 682, 20 Mount atreat, B.d Red Bank." AFGHAN, crocheted, beautiful colon, for Sell leia than half. Hazel's Tavern, High- Red Bank. commuting; walking distance to atatlon, . I ' \ : " Oaear Becker. 47 8*coad atreet. Fair Ha- Bank. ' sale; 48x72 Inchti; aleo knicken, brantl way 85, Keyport, N. J.* hopping center,' school* land chiirchei. >en. M. J. new, dark brown, alt* 16, f l , ,'47 Linden IIUMSONFive rooms and bath; garage, Reasonable rental to proper parties. Te!iUSED fiimltura for sale. Anderson Broa. I ' \ place, R e d Bank,* ; ' - , eloctrlc range, .Frlgidalrej -J66t^a<lalta phone owner, H. Hauler, Atlantic HltfhJlBSTAURANT-chalrs and tablea for ^ule; Inc.,-200 Monmouth street. Red Bank. JOB PEINTmo-^Wben rou Deed but'PLOORSSandlns ,and aorfaclng contru. nly. 45 EasC Rtver'roadT ' Apply Tor* landi.O.Bl.or will sell restaurant and pUxariit, loti. , Have rour old floon. and atalre '.i.lneaa earda, l*ttrbeade. - *nT*lopa, . borg, 03 East' River rpad, RumjlDn, N. J, USED furniture lor iaM. Andtnon Broa., cated at 06 Bridge avenue. Call at 92 USED. LUMBERWalnicotlng, .windows, made like nw by experienced workmanbillhead., bookl.t., poster*, programs, doors, frames, 2x4's in quantitiesi 2x8'a, hlp. Satisfaction guarant.ed. For *atl> Inc., Z O Monmouth atreat, Red Bank, River street, Red Bank.* O REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2xfi'i, 2XH'R, ZXIO'B -up to 28 foetj also N . J . ' : . . or a n t i n g In t h . lln* , MODERN thre-room furnished or unfurHOT AIR heater for sole; pipe, furnnce, three 51-foot airderi a t reasonable prire, mat* call Red Bank 603. J. Hbrl, connished npai'tmants-;-re?nt-|40-t %$U."ti and rtnt with ol printing t r j Th* Register. Work ol complete, with register!; must ba re- John D. Patterson, Flrnt and N&veilnk tractor. River road, Rumion. N , J..-or 276 Ocean LIST your property for sale Riverside aveMarie WE BUY and aejl antlqoia,. Gwendolyn moved by purchaser, Call RtdBank S8150. t i e better kind don* whan promised avenue. Long Branch. Inqulr* Shaheen, nue. RedCox. realtor, 183 Red Bank 2Si. avenueH, U. F. D-, Atlantic Hlghlandi, Bank. Telephone ' Ualoney, Eatontown, N. J phone ,654.CESSPOOLS cleaned and dut, drain! In156 Brighton avenue, West End. rhone Hlghlanda 1177. ' . and at rttaonabl* orlcaa. \ atsiled, wood aawlng, estlmatea given; 1337 FORD. Tudor, In excellent condition; SHADOW LAKE PARK, choice reildenttU WE BUY and nil naw ana uied twpewrlt- . motor recently overhauled. Phone Rum- NIN&PIBCE antique oak dining room all kinde of well work. Howard Tilton, 90 ploti for iale; lake frontage. E. B, era, deaka and other ofllce equipment. aon 764-J after 6 p. m. Center 'atreet, Itumaon, phone Kum.on MOVWa ' DONETwo large v Drockway. .APA.BTMBNT for rent; four roomn suite, four-piece modern 'dining room 6X8-J. Alexander, P. O. I>d Bank, N. J., or any Tetleya, 17. Protd atreit, Bed Bank. . vani; I I S full load any part of New springs, mattreesei and and hath, fine location; furnlihtd. realtor. - . i BURDGE'S WAREHOUSE, 126 Broad suite; beds, antique combination Jersey. Phone Ked Bank 3213.' bureaus; also Available Immediately; ISO. Allaire* ntrcet and rear on C!ay itreet. Open and bookcase. John ALBEtiT E. SNY-DBR Real .itat and In. WE HAVE a complete list of house*, RALEIGH bicycle* for lale, the dealt made evenings. We buy < and set! household and Naveslnk awenuei, D. Pfittereon, First aurance, room . 12.' Patterson building. HOOVBR eleanere repaired;- brushB*-ra& Son Agency, Inc., Realtors, IB lionfarmi. eitattt, bungalow* and lotg ln In England. Bxcluolv* agente for MonIL F. D., Atlantic Red Bank'; and Conover place, Rlver.lde Rd Bank and vicinity. For bargains ( mouth and Ocean0 countlea. Mahna Broa., goodi of ftvftry description. New and sec- Highlands, phone Highlands 1177. . moutVAtr.f,et,vBed Bank, phona S460. brlatled. Allen Blectrlo Shop. IS White Height!, Mlddletown, N. J. RoUton Waterbury, 22 W o t Front itreet, Rout* 85, Eatontown, phone SO l 816 Main ond-hand.* atreet, phon* 111, Red Bank. \ phon* 8600. atreet, Lakewooil, N. J , phone t a o . GLASS D lea boat, built l u t year and NINE-PIECE antique oak dining- room W. R. HAMILTON, contractor; dtivowayi ETAIRINGFur. repaired and \estylsd NEWLY, decorated nve-room-apartmont, suite, four-piece modern dining room built and grading. Sod, top 'soil, fll uied * ones. Owner moving South. J. heat and hot water furnished; sood lo- --, Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. YOUR old furniture mad* better than sew, H. White, 159 Hudson avenue, Red Bank, suite; beds, springs, mattresaes and dirt, manure, sand, 'grav.l, cement blocks I at mod.rat* price*. Storage- free. Voaprayad or rubbed nnlaheai all brancb- phono -438-M.* bureaus; also antique combination desk cellar, dug, ceupoola and dralna built; :!'., 24 Broad street, Bd Bank, \phone cation. Inquiro 22 Drummond dace. Bad In t i e matter'of the estate of Michael Bank, phone 1607 At 6:80 p ,m. ea in cabinet rnaklnsi eatlmatea and'Planand bookcase. John D, Patterson, First general trucking. 64 P.mberton' avenue. Oglensky, deceased. nlng cheerfully done. Call ui. Red Sank R. O. A. VICTOR amplifier and recording and Naveslnk avenues, R. F. D., Atlantic JDceanport, N. J... phone Eatontown 177-M, Notice to CrsdltorB to Present Clalma' 2857, set) two sneakers; like new; cost 1280. Highlands, phone ninhlancls 1177. If no answer, call after 6 p. m. Acalnst Batat?. . ' ' CESSPOOLS cleaned and built I .eptlo Sell less than half. Hazel's Tavern, HighREAL ESTATE WANTED Pursuant to th* order of Joseph L. Don** tank, cl.aned and Installed; drain* InY0UN<3 fat gaiae tot lalt. dreaaed and way 35, Keyport, N, J." ahay, Surrogate of the County of Mon1,200 FEET, 2-lnch galvanized pipe, FOR INSURANCE of all kind, ae* a V. stalled. Phone any .time day or night, alive; aJio binding atock, Phone Red valves and "fittings for sale. Apply W. T. R. B. Stout, 3 Linden place, Rd Bank. Rumson 7.0-J. Harvey C. Tilton. 1 Bruce WANTED, farms of flv* aer.s and mbr*. mouth, made on the twenty-fourth day of Bank 890-W. December, 1941, on the application of GRADE Nubian billy goat'for talt, alx Jones, 231 Maple avenue, phone Red place, Rutnaoo. . "\ LIstlhRB wanted: have huyers. Wllll Anna Oglensky, admlnlntratrlx of the e i - monthi old; also pheasants, quail, S k 1S5S VACUUM daanira repalrea 11 any make. T. Fletcher, broker, Barnwat. N. J. WANTED, furniture, modern or. antique, guinea hens, bantam* | or will exchange for tatfl of MlchaeLOffUnaky, doctaied, notice- ~ Allan Electric Shop, 18 Whit. ttrMt, brlca-brao, ruga, platola, aUyer, a*w- othar pheasants, valley- quail, Comlih Is hereby given to the creditors of sold Red Dana. ' - .\ \ MISCELLANEOUS Ing machlnea, offlc* and- ator* equipment/ chlckena, Silkies. deceased to exhibit to the subscriber, dWalter B. Sollnger, AUTOMOBILES PAtMTEB, paper hangr aW\dacoraUiri alio maehlnarr of - all kinder Itorei and lilionef EalonUjwn" 9H.* '-" ~-; ralnlitratrlx .as a/oressldr - REAL ESTATE FOR RENT demands against., the saidthetr^debtHisuitl''''' atlmatea .. iiara'.. w r l - WANTED,- -Amttlcftn -antlqu* (urnlturj i furnacaa. Beit pricaa paid. Friedman, SE estate,. under . South Main atreet, Aabury Park, phone STOVE and furnace wood for sale at $0.00 1QS2 PONTIAO alx-cyllnder four-door <ne. . All work -guaranteed. .Avarag* old illvtr, china and Elasi; family por*> MODERN eight-room house all Improve. oath, "within six months from the date of alx-cyllnde the aforesaid order, or they will be fordan In good condition. with plenty of roiim labor for papering 18,50 and up. tralti. L. Richmond, 42 E u t Main itreet, condition, per load. Call Kea-nibur* 677-fi. ments; newly redecorated. . Beady for tver barred of their actioni therefor Joseph Hoffman, 112 Drummond. place. R*d Frethold. N. J,, phon* 17S. transportation; full price SfiS. William' mmediate occupancy. Inquire Gulf S*r- against the said Bubncriber. \ 1:, . . OFFICE OF RAV STILLMAN. Batoatown. PULLETS foi-.aJe; 14, nice wndlUon: lay- J. Levine, 976 Broadway, Long Branch.*' Bank,-pbon*-1607.-Ice station, Lln croft, N . J . , between t Dated Freehold,. N. J., Dec. 24, 1941* open Tueaday and Thuraday evenlnga Ine; and ready to lay; also rabbits and CHEVROLET IBJM,; 1938. for sale; small PIANOSA. B, Dlrhan, piano moker, deal- WANTED; ipot tfaih (or new'Broied ttc-- nr and 7 p. m . " ""::"""" --.-ANNA-OGLENSKY. ,. from 7 until 0 for convenience of thole feed. Muller, Rout* 86, two miles north trio motor*. " Douslaa Electrlo Co.. SB e r , tuning, repairing, renovating1. Shop "mileage, In 'good condition; selling on Red Bank. N. J. Intereatedln dlicuilng their iniurance or of Red Bank bridge.* E u t Front atrwtt FUdjBank. THREE-ROOM bungalow f o r r t n t or for Harry B. Kotler, E*q., account of ounar going In service. Cost and showroom, Drummond place, \| I Ba real e i u t e problenu. Telephone Eaton\ lease; all Improvement*, hot water heat! 55 Broad Street, $500; will sell cheap. Mr*, Moran. t 911. town 7, , FAIRBANKS-MORSE] alactrlo waUr.nutnp Lakeside avenue, Rum on, N. J.* WANTED, thre* or four musicians to acreage; two-car .earaje, chicken eoope, Elliafaeth, N. J./ with 70-galIon . tank for tala; perfect^ UADELON PROAL, anUquas bought play at prtvaU party Saturday night, larze celtar. Phona Holmdel 6881, Proctor. VO3B upright, uaed, lultable tolr atudint, condition. Inquire Weiss, 05 Featherbed 1940 CHEVROLET half-ton pickup In e x and aold. 101 W*et Front itreet Bed January I. .Phone Red Bank 749 after 7 only 146 j Luington upright, daed, quite Lane, New York City. cellent condition; appeariChee -like newt Bank. M : , . p. m. wood, 1125; pianette nilnet, dobr sample, will sacrlflce for quick action; i486. Act mahogany, a Terr sood bargain, tin-. quick for this bargain. William J. L*rlne, SUPT1O TANKS and ewipoole 1UaanwU WANTED, two or thm-room furnished WAREHOUSE,terms. Grlfllth Piano Oompanj, 27B Bo- BURDGE'S Clay street, rear. 126 Brosd 37 6 JBroadwny, Long Branch/ also dry wells i dralna Instilled ; Getlstreet and Open evenapartmont for two young businesi wornbart etre.t.* Stara-Boabuelt, Perth ing*. We buy and sell. Very nice secondmat.a gives. Osear B.oker.1 17 j S*ond n, ntar business district. Call at Kent Amboy, N. 3. Open evening!. hand bedroom, suite, living room suites, U E A E credit memo for {S6E for street, Fair Eaven, phone Red Bank 14t4. CLeaneri, 25 Broad. attest, Ked Dank, 8 RuffB of all description*.*sale at big discount for quick disposal. CUSTOM plowing by acr* or. day's work; a. m.-8 p. m. any day except Sunday.* MONEy TO1LOAK on drat mortgage, new For particulars call Red Bank 2828.- . first elaa, equipment. Phon* R*d Bank or exlatlng conatruotlon. Ray H. CUU- CIRCULATINa gas heater, twa regulators, for one m>n, State Highway. Eatontown. Phone B10-J-1. or call at O. Larkin'.. Red Bank, WANTED, portable garase mower. or two splendid heat, economical t r u n alio cars; also power lawn Write Eatontown 7. Offlc* open 1 Tueaday and Trlgldalre, three-pUce antiqueo 'set, ;furni- 1938 CHEVROLET udan delivery, excel- R. F. D. 1. j Wanted, box 611, Bed Bank.* lent ear for butcher, baker, grocer, etc,; Thuraday eveninga 7 to B. ture, floor lamps, vases. 1 Forrest avenue, will lacrince for quick action. Any dem-EXPERT paper hanging and Interior dec. Rumson, N. J., near River road.* onstration. Many other good buys. Wilorating; day or contract; reasona-ble G. M. C. dump truck for rent. Sidney THE HAZLET Lumber lard lnvltea you liam J. Levin*, 87 5 Broadway, Long prices for good' work. Horrls & Davis, VanScholek, 02 Highfleld-1 avenue,- Matato coroe In and conault ui about your wan, N. J . . building or alteration probleraa. Our Mr.HOOVBR vacuum cleaner, model 26 (cur- Branch.* Pine Brook road, E&tontown, K. model) uaed about one year: meFerrelL will olltr jrou helpful advice and Phone 1937 FORD business coupe for sale; good MOVINQ DONETwo larg* Brockwar flgur* th* lowait poulbl* coat of your chanically terfeet; guaranteed. requirements. Ho obllfa,tlon on your part. evening!, Red Bank 3989. condition; $260. Phone Red - Bank Tana; 116 full load any part of New FARM PRODUCE of courae. We carry a cumulate atock of Jersey. Phone Bed Bank 9218. 1219-M.* . lumber, mill work, wall board, roonnz and FURNACES Daniel. Mills. Highlands. New maion maUrlali and bulldera' hardware, OLD FLOORS and stain made like nenr; HAV for aal*, mbied; also firat'and s.c1929 PLYMOUTH sedan furnace* at Fre* and prompt dellverlea anywhere. Lo- naces repaired*reasonable prices; old fur-< dltlon; appearance like In excellent conP. C. Donn.r Farm, floor sanding and hand ronnlehing; 2^c ond cuttings, *"OBtttJ cleaned and, recon^. nwr; radio and cated on KeyporUHolmdel road, at th* dltlonid; thero*tgM?and draft control*. Ask Phon. experienced workH u l e t railroad itatlon.. Fhon* Kayport Furnaoe bapiBUtmntno^eBtlinates free." -08 heater; will" lacrince 1.135, Act quick, si. aquar* foot and'up;Uorson, - 2D ^Mat Bolmdal. 181. lor BUI .Cook. Holmd.l . . William J.-Levlne, 875 Broadway, Long manship; Myron E. 1108. . . avenue. Red Bank, phone 8194-J. Branch, N. J.* , Highland avefliue,,phone' 119B-R. ABOUT 100 bushels of ear corn.' also 1,000 bundles of stalk., hand tied. Phon* NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT NOTICE OF SETTLEMENTOF ACCOUNT 167-M. Eatontown. Monmouth County Surrogat*'* Offlc*. rH<5V'erI:from Rumion Into their new Estata of George O. Waterman, deceased, In th* matter of the estaU.of Kt 3. Hen. Estate of Elsie C. \Veassll. deceased. 1 home on Borden place, Little Silver Notlc*' I. hereby given that the a t - FARMERS and truck growers will Had a Notlcs Is harsby given that the accounts drlck.on (alto known : a. Katharine J. point of the subscriber, 'administrator of the as. counU oi the aubscrtben, trustees! of the ready market (or their produce by adHendrlck.orr); deceased. estat* of dsceaatd will said deceased, will James Wilde, ion of Mr. and Mr. Notice to Creditors to Present Claims tate ofby the Surrogate ofbe audited and and atatad saidthe Surrogate of be audited rartl.lni ln Th* Regl.tar'a clauld.d colstated the County of by the pdunty' umna. -- '* ' against estate. , Alexander E. Wilde of Woodbine Monmouth and.reported for Battlement to of Monmouth and reported for settlement Piirsu&nt to th* order of Joseph L. Donavenue, has returned home from ahay, Surrogate of th County o f Kon> the Orphana' Court of said County, on to the Orphans' Court of Bald County, on Thursday, th* twenty-aecond day of JanuMonmouth Momorlol hospital, where mouth, mada on th* twenty.alsth day of ary, A. D. 1942, at 10:00. o'clock a. m,,.at Thuraday, the fifth day of February, A. D. SITUATIONS WANTED November, 1941, on the application of J. which time application will b made for JO42, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at which he wan taken for observation. Harold Hendrlckaon, administrator of the the allowance of commissions and counsel time application will be mada for the alLess loudly now, you may atlll hear an occ&slonil Mr. and Mrs, Humphrey Mill r estat* of Kate 3. Hendrickion (alid known fees. lowance of commissions and counsel feea. JUNIOR college student wants part time mpoyment: maximum hours 8 to 8 Hendrickson). deceas.d, Dated December 18, A, D. 1041. DaUd December t. A. D. 1941. and her mother, Mrs. George Quack- as Katharine J. given to the creditors of agitator blantlng away at the American system nf o'clock. Fhone Keamburg 710-J. notice Is hereby THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK .enbush, visited Mr. Miller's son-in- said decsaeed to exhibit to the aubacrlbar, FERNANDO A. WESSELL, AND TRUST COMPANY businesswhich depends on big factories, big net76 Branch Avenue, Red Bank, N. J., law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Run- admlnlatrator'ae aforesaid, their debta and WHITE WOMAN wish., day's jrork to do, OF-RED BANK. Administrator. demands against the aald eatate, under or would do laundry, In or out Call soll Wymbj of Riverside Heights, oath, within alx months from the date of Elchmann & Seiden, By: Ralph S. P e a r c , works of dealers, trade-marked goods, heavy adverat 271 Mechanic street, s l u r 6:00 F. M. Truat Officer, and another son-in-law and daugh- the aforesaid order, or they will be forever 57 8 Newark Avenua, ." Red Bank. N. J., fhone Bed Bank 127.. ter, Mr. and Mrs. William Bean of barred of their actions therefor agatnat the Jersey City. N. J., tising and low prlcei. . " / FLORENOK HOWARD BROOKS. Proctors, " jj Marlon street, Red Bank, Christmas aald aubaorlber. / . Shrewsbury, N. J., HOUSEKEEPER for elderly gentleman or Dated Frhold. N. J.. Nov. 26, 10(1. / day. lady. Phone Rum/ion 1084. 3. HAROLD HENDRICKSON. NOTICE-OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Applegate, Stevens, Foster' " Trustees. 99 Warren Street, Keyport. N. J. . Agitatora complained for years that- "the masses" Estate of Hannah W. TrafTord, deceased/ 4 Reusellle, Rev. and Mrs. Harold P. Wayman Notlcs Is. hereby given that tho accounts Red Bank, N. J., were visitors Monday at the home HELP WANTED Monmouth County Surrofata'a Office. of the subscriber, auccessor .x.ciitor of iths Proctor.. i ; were Injured by thiiByitern; and that we'd all o ot her parents', M < and Mrs. Her- In th matter of the estate of Richard W. ostnte of ssld decenneri, will ho audited and r Striker, deceased. stated by the Surrogate of the County of NOTICE OF ANNUAL STOCKHOLDERS' GAS attendant wanted; itate experience; bert W. Rlchtnan of Rlverton, richer If we went baclc to the old cracker-barrel days. Notice to Creditors to Present Claims Monmouth anil reported for settlement to Qualification". Write Gas, box 611, Rod MEETING. Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Johnson of Against Ettate. the Orphans' Court of .said County, on The annual meeting of- the Stockholders Bank.' Purauaht to tha order of Joseph I*. Don- Thursday, the nineteenth day of February, Bast Orange spont Christmas with of The Merchants Trust Cornpany of Red ahay, MonBut In spite of the complaints, little factories her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louie E. mouth, Surrogate of tho .County ofday of A. D. 19.2, at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. at Bank, N. J.. will be held at the banking MAN wanted for Rawlelgh Route In Mon.made on the twenty-atxth which Urn. application will b,e, made for mouth county. Company representative ffiastmond of Church street. December, 1941, on the application of the allowance of commissions '.and counsel house. 28 road street. Red Bank, New will arrange to interview. Write at once, which have made dependable goods grew Into big Jersey, on Tuesday, January 13th, 1042, ,/i The - senior and junior choirs of The Second National Dank and Tmit fees. at 10:00 o'clock A. M., for the election of giving street addresn and phone number, Company of Red Bnnk, administrator of Dated December 21. A. D. 1641. Embury Methodist church rendered the eatate of Richard W. Striker, deceaeed, directors and for the transaction'of euch ttawlelgh'i, Dept, NJL-281-I61, Chester, factories. Dealers Insisted on'having trade-marked THEODORE D. PARSONS. Pa. the Christmas cantata "Sine; Mes- notlc* is hereby given to the creditors of . IB Wallace St.. Hd Bank. N. J,, other business as may properly be brought before the meeting. goods which their customers could recognize. And siah's Birth" Sunday evening. Ray- said deceased to exhibit to the subscrlbor, Successor Executor. Red Bank, N. J., December 29. 1041. E NEED ' first otasi domestic help for administrator as aforesaid, their debta and ' mond Conklln directed the choirs demands againat the said eatate, under Fanflons, Labrscque & Borden, ' Secretary. positions in the- best households. Apply Red Bank. N. J.. tho heavy advertising helped to give us our modern at once at Monmouth Employment Agenand Mrs. Louis E), Kaatmond was oath, within six months from the date of ' Prootorl. cy, 22 West Front street, phone 3500.the aforesaid order, or they will be forPUBLIC SALE. ' organist. newspapers, magaalnoi. and radio.. . ever barred of their actions therefor BurdaVs Warehouse, 12S Broad StrMt, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT against tha said subscriber. Red Bank, N. J. REAL opportunity awallfl an Industrious William E. Wyckolt, deceased. Dated Freehold, N. J., Dec. 2, 1041.Eatate ofis hereby given that the accounts For unpaid storage the following houseyoung man or woman, Ecasonablc hours Notice HOME GEOWN' GRAINS. THE SECOND NAT1OKAL. BANK of the subscriber. Bole executor of the hold good, will be placed on sal* Thursday, and wagee. Apply Torapkina Ice Cronm Who built tbis system? The meases built it, by AND TRUST QOMPANY .state of ssld deceanad, will ba audited ant! January ISth, 1942, at 10:S0 a. m. Prop- Co., Hrond and Monmouth street, IUd OP RED BANK. ntatsd by tho Surrogat. of t h . County of erty of Mrs. B. Sercont, Mr. and Mrs.Bank.* The propor uso of home grown Insisting on craclteri they could recognUe In tha . By: Ralph S. Pearre. Monmouth and reported for settlement to Gullford W. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs, David concentrates in the dairy ration Trust Officer, the 'Orphans' Court of snld County, on R. Maltee. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore .Kane, MAN wanted for year round \rork on popackage, on automobiles, soups, soaps, chewing gum, should be given consideration by all Itd Bank, N. J. Thursday, tho nln&Uenth tiny of February, Mrs. Muriel Rubert, Miss Mildred A, F. tato nnd (train farm. Must bo.experlA. D. 1042, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., at llrownell and Mr. and Mrs. James J. Cot- eiiced tractor operator and know farm madairymen, according to Richard O. Applegate, Stevena, Foster ' L Rauasille, cigarettes and all other articles that carried wellwhich time application will bo made for trell. . chinery ; over 86 preferred. -Write Mnn, Rico, assistant county agricultural R.d Bank, N. J.. the allowance of commissions and coun.neh ox Gil, Hod Bank. agent. I t la well known that savProctors. fees. known trade names. ' ' . Chancery 1/2S 1 Dated-December 21, A. 1). 1941, ' i ings can bo made by the use of WANTED, middle aued Proteatant lady, Chancery 1-23 SHERIFF'S SALE.. 1 . A. AI.VIN WHITING. I homo grown grains, but often theae 1 By virtue of a writ of rl. fa. to1 RIA dl- unencumbered, for lone middle niteri SHERIFF'S SALE. ' II. Buena P l a c , Red n>nk. N . J . , savings are reduced b y falling to -' By virtue of a writ of fl. fa. to m . dijrfcted. Issued out of the Court of Chnn- man; Komi homo anil.location; one aeuklnk' So tho agitators have had to pipe down. They ' ; ~ -. Sole Executor. cery of tile State of New Jersey, will be Kooil homo In preference to hliilf wnniii use them In tho correct proportion rected, issued out of tho Court of Chan- Alston Heekmhn, Efla., v and hard work; moro as companion, Ailned Bank, N . J., " I - exposed to sale at public vondue, on havo discovered that "the masses" were not so easy to other, fends In tho grain ration cery of the Statfl of New Jersey, will b . MONDAY, THE 26th DAY OF JANUARY, dresH Uood Home, box 51 i. Red Bank.* Proctor. * and according to the type of rough- .exposed to sal. at public vendue, on 111 1942, MONDAY. THE liTH DAY OF .JANUto lond nstray after all.Courtesy Nation's Business. Monmouth County Surrogate'. Court.. age which Is fed. between th* hours of 12 o'clock MAID wanted for general hounework; iefARY, 1042, . In the matter of tho estato of Horace (t. o'clock (at 2 o'clock) ln th* afternoon of erenccB. Phone Red Dank 349 WednesSmith, doceaned. . '-'said day, at t h . Court Hou.a ln t h . Dor- day. Roughage, bolng the choapest feed between the hour, of 12 o'clock and S Notice to Creditors to Present Claims oiigh of Frethold, County of Monmouth, o'clock) In "Tho Masses"- also, Insisted upon a. Home Nowashould bo fed In large quantities, In o'clock (at 2at the Court th. afternoon Analnst Eatato. of said dsy, lluuse, In the N.W Jersey, to satisfy a d.creo of said HOUSEMAN, white, yountf noon; clcnn: other words, let cows have all they Borough ot Freehold, County o( Monl'urauant to tha-order of Joseph L. Don. court amounting to approximately mtint drive; permanent position, uoud papcr that was a "news" paper ln every aonse of the mlary. Write ntatlnff rcfereirt^en to Housewill clean up. Now if tho roughago mouth. New Jersey, to satlsy a decree ahny, SurroKnto. o f the County of Mon* mouth, made on the twenty-fourth day n C man, box 511, Red tttink.:, la of low protoln content such as of said court amounting to approximately December, 1QO. on -the application of word All the following trnct 'or imrcel of land timothy hay, corn stovor^and corn All those c.rtaln tracts or parcels of Lyilia A. Smith,' sole cxocutrlx of t h . and : premise* hcrelnnfter particularly deV. sllngo, then a -high protein concen- land and premises licr.lnaflcr particularly sstftta o( Horace 0. Smith, deceased, notics scribed, situate, lylpi; and being In the ROOMS FOR RENT Is hereby given to the creditor, of sold Horoush Ked altuate, trate must be fed. Such a concen- described, of Ocean,lying and beingofIn th. rieconneil to exhibit to the mUcrlliar, sole Monmouthof and Hank, In' the County of That's why t h e Register hai the largest paid-lnStato of New Jersey, Township In the County Mpntrato 'might contain IS to 20 per mouth and Slat, .of New Jersey, known exrclitrk ' as nforessld, their debt, and hounded an the went by Division Hjrct, THK MAP 1*133. fi8 Maple avenuo, one ot . advance circulation of any Monmouth County nswscent protoln. On the other hand, If arid designated as Lota Noi, 16 ami 17, dcmnncln agnlnst t h . unltl -eitnt., und.r northwardly by a mnilwny, onntwnrrl hy Red Uank't most convenicriL locutln, oath, within six monthi from thn date of~ other ,land, .-of William A. VanKcMnl.'h,, Block 18. roughagoa such M clover and alfal- sat Manor on a map entltl.d "Map of Sun- Ihe aforrsnltl order, or they will he for. *soulhwnrd--by lanil of imw or formerly RttraclWo r o o m n rates rena(inahla. Phono Subdivision." pnpor being distributed ln this community. ''v Red Bank 1884. Mr*. II. V, Dowstra. fa hay or alfalfa silage are fed, the Southeaaterly rorn.r v.'r hnrr.d of their nctlons th.refor- Tunis-Pnttonon, t h . lot hereby roitvieyi'il L o l N o 1B l n m ngnlnat t h . said subncrlher. Is Intended to be forty-four foot 'wlile thon a concentrate of low protein , . ' " M "'* ! ""own tionk; (inlet Dated Freehold, t>. J., Doc' 24, 1041.front on Dlvlslnn Street-ami thlrtiy-ttKht nOOMit, 93 South street, Red at nil tlmun. contont may uo led. This grain ra- on aald map, said point being dlitant one and comfortable} hot wator feet wide on thr. rear, on the wcnt!nlilc of I.YDIA A. MMITII, f ' f.el Eaaterly tho corn.r tion might contain 12 to U per cont hundred by the, Eauterly from of Oheilmit It. F. D. No! 1. KeyiiorL.N. J. aid VanScholekToilier land anil .Intdntlptt Also Htfht hnuiekeeplntr room. Plenty of formed line klnti ipneo. Moilcrnte tulroB. Phone to bo nlnety-nvo and nlx-twelfllir> frrt protein. This adjustment of rough- Avenuo with the Northerly line or 3n>J.r, liohtiila b,,, lunir ulong the north nlilo'of miur. Titnl Allrtullo Hliihlnuils, N, J., ago to grain will not only' save Sunset Avenue aa laid down on aald 1'attemnn ln,nd . and nlnety-dv. fePtA rflx IVtictorit. map. running thenc* (I) Northerly money but will improvo the herd 'I'"* !"> K ," l " l) ' line o f l i t No. 16 In inclien long ulong nniil rundwny 1 1 'Hie IItNlSlIKU rooms for rent, niichtty or 11 aald Block 18, on* hundred fMt until II NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT north aide i>f said lot, wFkly 1 clean, cro venUlatiuit. MIIlicaltli. Subject to tax s a l . cnrtinralo IMIII ! r loncy'i Cottnue, 137 Urond street, Katon'"'""cts the Southerly lli.i of Lot No. Ktnte of Clnncy i). Hnynton, il.cvnsad. 11 In M Uloek IB: thence (21 Smith Not Irs U horohy ulven that the nrrount* Realty Company for lli:i!) tn\a4 in town, phone && After the dairyman !<now whnt nfty-nlno degrees, eleven minutes Knit the nliproxlmate amount 'nf S!ir>H,ll tof siibfltltulcd * ! o n i t !"" """Ilierly Una of of Ilio RuliflcrlliciH,iler.enscil/wlll truitces of gether with Interest tlioreon anil nii>tN nf porcontnffo of 'protein his grain ra- f / u Hit' r'tnte (if sniil he ntldlted Lot No. H theiire Hold liy Khron TWO tluht hoiiHuktrpli.ti rnnmn nvitilnMc tion should contain, then ho can fig- Hnuth.rly 21) In aald . Mock 1 | In* of (Jl nnil utaleil liy Ihc S u n i i i . t . iif the County *nl: lax inlo crllDritle taxp. In Ihe nl'- JnnilRi-y lnl.; for nno nr two Ittiil alonsr t h Westerly l/il nf DtonntflUlh anil repurlcil fnr Hettl.ment Hoalty Company for 1H0 imonatile, D Lftko nvenur, Reit Dunk," O urn out hls^grnln mixture. To do No. ; 18 pnr.H.r with t h . first cnur.a on. In the Orphans' Court nf nald County,.on jiroxlmato amount rf * ^7 7.7.% tuiK'thcr feel to t h . tills, he must havo n. tnble which himilred Av.nue: Ihenc, Norlh.ily ll.,r ot ThuiMlsy. tlio twenty-ninth iirty of Janu- with Intorrst tlirrron mill roils nf Fnle; Sunset (4) North llftj, anil unpaid tax.n for Mir. rntlre year of T M I I K B fuinlHlicil r n o m n fnr r u n t r n r l l u h t glvns' the protein contont of the n n* and , | e V , n minute my, A. II. 11142, nt 10il)0 o'rlork n. m,, U141 In thp a|Mllin^lmHt^ iifiiiiunt of h o i u c h e i i p l n K i . o r will r o u t t t e p m u t o ; i>titlmn n|ipllcntlrm .will Its m Mn. A.foods ha Is going to uso and he along Ik* Northerly point o( of I... rtt. wlilrh nllowlwiee " of cnmml^slona , a d . 1144.57 with InlM.'-l mill ;uunillU tlliiie- v n t e t m t h , t w i n l i o d i ; "inmlnonB c o u p l e p r e for t h . anil nil* fifty to tha or utac* on and any further tnxoi mid nBHttiRnimitn f e r r e d . 47 H n r r U o i i RVCIUIO, Rail Ilnuk.* should know the prlba of the feeds ginning. aountel fiien, . with thereon which may ai'rrui* up Dated Dtrcmlier IS, A. II. 1041. he will have to buy. The use of as to the tlnlA of .ale, lass any sums wlilcll VUdlC, comfoitablo room In i>r.vul? aa th* property of Anna Hln, MATH! II. HAMILTON. milch home grown grain as possible taken In execution at th* suit of OLa home i ooil location i nenr litint uitnuu. Try,,n, North Cnrollna, may lip l>nlil on.aroount thereof. Hiikh U. Kelaeil' na t i l . pru|i.ity nf liiliionn man |irrftnc.l. K H HIM lux H Will tond to lower the cost per ton, Sll'V'.i" " f W ""'the last will M, llUHIU'lT 1IOJTON, daily, Indlvlilually, .to., als., cut, Red Hunk. . and tMtament of Anguat Ileln, ileceaaul, fl Diutiunonil l'laco, Hail Hank, N. I,, < at til* "lilt nfelNelllo Inken In so tlioy should prodomlnato In tlin etc., and to bo aolil by I.. Conk Miibsllluled T r u s t i . s . anil lo b . sold by ration, whlld concentrates purchased , , JOHN T. I.AWI.EY, Shevlff. ONH litrufi furtih]i*(l <room o n flint flour, JKIIII K, 'I'oiilan. KJIII,, JOHN T, I.AWI.uV, Hh.rlir. nom- Imth : .vlenty of hent ntul hot. \vihould ho thn ohennnat per pound of ! M Ktnlth HI,, Dsleil ntremlioi II, 1041. Un'btlrhan prtvllrii^ If lUitlreil. Mr*r. Uolle anil Wallslng.r. Sol'is. l'srlh Amboy, N. J., digestible nutrients. llnnii, l.sltrly k Kmarsnn, Kol'is. (II lints) Nftwoitn Burlnn rodtt.r l l 2 ,, Pjoolor,

But 'The Masses" were

not so foolish, after all!

(tr iin.i)

' -

r. n a i l


Ex-Sheriff's Suit Against County Is Finally Settled

Press Club Has More Financial SupprerParty - " Aid For Erosion The annual holiday party of the Momnouth^County^Women's^Press Control Work club was held last night at the mem-

lr I

bers' homes. Miss Honora Knapp of Mm. Earl S. Snyder, chairman of Rumson was hostess for cocktails, Additional $3,600 UlS Atlantic Highlands Red Cross Mrs. Vincent J. McCue, Haddon park, production group, announced yesterbuffet supper, and Miss Ruth M. Given Long Branch day that the workroom, located temStraus, Reckless, place, des.sert. . porarily in the fire house on Mount by County Board Bridge'Was played at Miss Straus' avenue,- would ' re-open Thursday, home and prizes were awarded to January 8., The room will be open Mlsq Elsie Brower, Mrs. William D. The board of freeholders at a brief from 9 to S o'clock. Mldgley and Mrs. Matthew Feldman. adjourned meeting yesterday at Volunteers are. needed for tnachtQft The members exchanged gift*. ^Freehold made,' an additional $3,600 work, band work, cutting and owOthera present were of Long Branch Howard Lawn, Lawyer, Thomas, Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. Dorothy available to the citycontrol work in ing:. Workers may remain all day or D'. Bralnard, !or beach erosion as long u they wish, or may taKe Mrs. Monte B. Jones, Mrs. Ellsworth he municipality. The county agreed Accept! $1,900 for work home. N. Tllton, Mrs. Harry J. Carlin and leveral weeks ago to participate in Almost 150 women have already Misses Virginia Bobbitt, Helen PoW- .he program to the extent of IS per. Volunteered to knit for the Red Howard Height ers,' Helen Alexander and Louella cent of the total cost, 1200,000. ' Cross, and small groups gather each Frey. , Th additional appropriation was Thursday at the workroom to knit Howard Height;, of Sea Girt, prommade' necessary, a resolution' introOthers take work home; The inent, Democratic* official and former duced by Freeholder Dorman Mogarments are taken to the -workroom sheriff of Monmouth county, last Faddln of Long Branch explained, when finished) and new material in week accepted $1,900 as a settlement because the lowest bid for the work distributed. The distribution of new of his suit against the board of free.5 J24,OOO more than was anticipated material Is made Thursdays. holders and against the county of when the bulkhead and jetty plan ' The group la disposing of a port- Monmouth for live months' salary was devised. able electric sewing 'machine on the due him from June 14, 1938, through "It further appears," the resoluco-operative plan. The machine Is November 15, 1938,, while . fulfilling lon seta forth," that the contract on display in the window. of Mrs. the unexplred t e / m of that office. jannot be divided without a'serious May V. Bowtell's real estate office on' Howard M.LawnoLthe law 0fflcB Helen Wright Speaks loS5~to~ whatever-wprk-is don.e-underT First avenue. The award-will be of CJuinn & Doremus, Red Bank, aclie contract which must bo awarded made Thursday,'January 29. ; ; ' cepted the settlement for the ex- toMary Stillwell by the stats board of commerce and f^An appeal has been made for scis- sheriff. The trial was to have benavigation before January 1,1942." sors, chairs; strong tables)and other gun before Judge Robert V. Kln- Group on Anniversary The money is made available articles useful 'in a l i e d (/ross work- Kead and a jury In the Supreme through an emergency appropriation. room. The group Is anxious to bor- Court at Freehold. Miss Helen M. Wright, state presiParticipating In the Improvement row a sewing machine. Anyone deJune 14, 1938, Howard Height was dent of the Children American Rev- jrogranv undertaken to protect sirous of donating or loaning any of appointed by the governor, Harry A. olution societies in speaking; at the Long Branch shorefront, arethe the the above mentioned articles should Moore, to act as sheriff to fill out seventh anniversary -meeting of tato and got In touch with Mrs. Snyder, whose tha unexpired term of George Rob- Mary Stillwell. society, C. A. R., at iounty. municipality as well as the ] ; ',""' . telephone is Atlantic Highlands 120. erts who, in turn,'had been elevated the Molly Pitcher hotel yesterday, Recent appointments made by Mrs. to county clerk for the unexplred emphasized the Importance of sav- Mayor Alton V. Evans of Long Snyder include Mrs, John' M, Pills- term of Joseph McDermblt, who died ing such articles as stamps, news- Branch conferred with the hoard beVary, sewing Inspector; Mrs. Edward in office.' The office of sheriff pays a papers and card board cartons for 'ore the resolution was offered.. It was seconded by. Freeholder Joseph D. Rabus, supply manager; Mrs. salary of $7,600 a year and Mr. defense purposes/ Her topic was Henry M, Scott, cutting supervisor; Height served as .sheriff until No. 'Conservation as L Defense Meas- C. Irwln of Red Bank. The board will meet again today, Tuesday, to iMrs. Arthur Snrambach, knitting in- vember 15, 1938, period of flvo ' J "" "" wind up its 1941 business and pay spector; Mrs. Marlon T. Hazelton, She urged the children to join the bills.months. During that time Mr. -, bundles; Mrs. Elizabeth S. NIell, Red Cross, and said there were many packing and recording, .and Mrs-Height' claimed that his salary was ways they could, assist with the $625 a month, or a total of. $3,125. Bowtcll, publicity. Tho board of Freeholders refused to work, such as running errands and sanction the payment of the salary tying and wrapping bundles. She on the ground that Sheriff Height also told the C. A. R. members, and could not validly fulfill the office members of Monmouth chapter, slncB he, i n effect, was serving as Daughters American Revolution, to use every spare moment for knitting sfierifl in awo successive terms. Branch to Be Known as Prior to the election of George H. or sewing for national defense pur-1 " Roberts, Howard Height had been posea. .. Bundles for Bluejackets. Sheriff, And the ..board at freeholders Miss-Wright closed wltb.-saying, argued Mr. Height could not be ap- "Keep an open mind of faith, and The entire organization of Bundles pointed In view of the constitutional keep It free from harrowing details." 'or Britain has been mobilized for provision of tho state of New Jersey The meeting was conducted by the all-out aid l o the United States, navy, Worshippers to Form that a sheriff cannot succeed himself C. A. R. society junior president, and the Red Bank branch of the'orin office.' Mr. Lawn's contention, Robert Campbell. Mrs. Theodore N. ganlzatlon, will now beknown* as Intercessionary Line however, was that the constitutional Parmly, regent of Monmouth chap? Bundles for Bluejackets. Mrs1. Walprovision against successive office ter, opened the session. From 9 to 5 O'clock ier A. Rullmari'ls chairman. holding pertained to successive elecThe junior president' asked memspeaking of the tions but had no relevancy in a situ- bers to bring canceled stamps to the- Mrs. Rullman insaid, "Our first project yesterday Rev. H. Fatrfleld Butt, 3d, rector ation where the'secondterm was the.. Jnnuary meeting for a collection to of S t George's church, Rumson, has product of an appointment because be sent to England. There manu- ask for the American navy Is the production of vast numbers of knitissued ft special appeal to parishion- of an unexpired term. -~--: facturers extract dye to be used for :ed garments of specifications Issued ers and friends of the church to Mr. Lawn claimed there not defense materials, and proceeds from iorm an intercessionary lino at the been two successive electionshad Mr. the sale of the dyes go to English ;o us by the United States Navy deby church and offer prayers New Team Height because the second eleotlon hospitals. A prize will be given to partment, and Bundles for Bluejackday from 9 a. m. \to 5 p. m.; Rev had resulted In George H. Roberts the person who collects the most. ets will hereafter stand ready to anButt stated that this will be done so becoming" sheriff .and the constitu- Mrs. Jacob B. Rue, Sr., and Mrs. wer.any appeal which is made to us that "peace may coma to a world at tional provision had no'effect If that Bruce Campbell will collect stamps on behalf of our own forces. war." ' . " office became vacant. Then the gov- from Monmoiith chapter members.;"The work.of Bundles for Britain," Holy Communion will be observed ernor would be free to appoint any- 1 A report of the junior group of she continued, "will go forward as New Tears day at 10 a, m. Rev. without regard to the constitu- Monmouth chapter at the local XJ. S. usual, that is giving out wool, as we one Butt will offer prayers for peace for tional limitation. O. club was given by Miss Anna must not relax our efforts on behalf-j """""' tho army, the navy and the country. of Great Britain. Thousands of garThe suit was further complicated Louise Campbell. She also told of ments were given to the sailors on President Roosevelt has proclaimed Red Cross work done by the -group. New Tears day a national day of by the board of chosen freeholders Other group members reporting the destroyers turned, over to Great prayer and similar services will be arguing that the wages, should not were Mrs. Fred Moller and Mrs.Britain, and we have been steadily held in other churches of the na-ba paid to Sheriff- ^Height because Frank Kuhl. sending supplies to the men In our during the sheriff's'first/term In oftion. own* navy, though It does not seem fice certain monies of the-sheriff's Preceding the meeting Mrs. Parm- to have been generally understood by Mayor James C. Auchlncloss of office deposited in the Broad Street ly was hostess at luncheon for Miss, y those outside of our organization." Rumson h Invited Rev. Butt to National bank at Reft Bank had Wright, Mrs. Willnxd Ivea Klmm, nahas open the reorganisation meeting of been-frozen when that hank failed tional honorary president of the C. Wool may ba obtained from the ofthe borough council New Tears day and the freeholders argued that the A. R., nnd Miss Catherine Stout, a fices of the local branch on Broad' gued at 12 o'clock with a prayer. sheriff should personallyibe charged chapter vice regent. "V" shaped street, in the same building with the ,. Mrs. Butt, the rector's, wife, will with the monies deposited in the corsages of chrysanthemums were Lysbeth-Geran shop. be official hostess for the annual closed bank. given to each guest. New Tears eve party at Ralph hall Mr. Lawn pointed out that a con- A former junior state president, on that night. A light supper will siderable amount of this money had Edward Fields, and a member of be served following tho traditional been recovered by the county In the Mary Stillwell society, spoke briefly. recital on the Mary Owen Borde/ form of'dlviclends paid by the Btoad A telegram from the national C. A. Councilman and Mrs. Harold S. Memorial carillon by J.Stanley Far- Street National band, and in addl- R. junior president, was read by Miss Allen quietly observed their 25th -far at 11:30 o'clock New Tears eve. tlon pointed but that this bank was I Barbara Parmly. <!hurch members and friends will be a legally, designated depositor of ^Announcement was made of a wedding anniversary lost Wednesgueats. monies from the sheriff's offlce and tricky-tray party to be given by tha day night. They were married Dethat the sheriff was under a duty to junior and senior members of thecember 24, 1016, in tho parish hot\se deposit monies In those banks. When C. A. R. Friday, January 16, at 7:30 of the Trinity church by Rev. Robthat was done, the attorney argued, o'clock at the Red Bank Woman's ert A. MacKellar. Because of the Christmas holiday lils duty ended and he .had no reclub. Barbara Bergen, Lucille Stlee sponsibility when later the - bank and Worth Cunningham, Jr., have rush, Mr. Allen, who is proprietor of Allen's electrical supply store on failed. . '-.- : " . ' been appointed to a committee In White street, was engaged most of Tho counterclaim against Sheriff charge. Height was abandoned and $1,900 Frances- Dix- played .some-selec- the day and night In his store and ' Ft. Monmouth Officer was paid to Mm.,by the board for tions ~oii the piano. Her sister, Alice consequently was unable to hold ' Sent to Washingtonsalary during the appointed term. Dlx, sang several Christmas songs. . any special celebration, The couple Mr. Lawn represented .the success-, Private William Marka ofi""'Forl received many gifts and messages of _ congratulations from relatives Brigadier General Charles M. Mil- ful plaintiff and Snyder, Roberta & Monmouth, who put on the recent and many friends. liken, placed In. command of ..the Plllsbury of Atlantic Highlands, rcp- show "Clarence" at tho U. S. O.'club, Mr. Allen; besides being a member Fort Monmouth Replacement Traln- resontod the board of freeholders entertained with humorous sketches, The junior group of the society of the borough council, Is active In lng Center less than two. mQnJtKs and Monmouth county. had. refreshments at a table decor- the Community Chamber of Comago, was transferred tp the office of ated with red and white ribbons, In merce nnd ia vice commodore of the the Chief Signal Officer Saturday. the center of which was a white enke North Shrewsbury ice boat and Although no official announcement yacht club. with a birthday inscription of red us to General MUUlten's successor, Icing. i t . Col. Frank E. Stoner was .ordered to Fort Monmouth from San HELD AFTER ACCIDENT. JlWoinlo and It is' believed .he fill KBANSBURG LAD HURT. . Philip L. Krug fissumo the command of. the .Re- Rudolph Riskamn Heads .Arthur Wesermey, 17, of Keans- held In $1,000 ballof Leonardo was for" grand jury placement Center. burg, was released Christmas day action Friday night- by Recorder General Miliikeri was one of the Headden's Corner Co. from Rlvervlew hospital, where he Charles H. Hupp of Middletown founders of the army corps signal was removed ~tho previous Tuesday township, following arraignment onschool ninny year^ago when It w.-.s Tho Middletown Township Fire following a minor accident on route a. charge of assault and battery with known as Camp Alfred Vail. When company No. 1 .of Hcadden'a Corner 35 at Mlddlotown. Wcscrmcy was an automobile. \ H e was charged by Ofneral^Mllliken was put in charge gave...its annual kiddles' Christmas ^a, passenger In a car, owned and Patrolman Oscar Krouger with havOf the. Signal Corps post thin fall, party a short time ngo at tho flrc driven by Douglas Foulks of Keans- ing struck George V. HolmeB, colJio was named Brigadier-General, house. The firemen entertained mote burg, v/htn'tise car was hit in the ored, of Lclghton avenue, Red Bank, having formerly held the rank of. than 100 children. .Toys, candy nnd rear by an auto, owned and driven on route 35 Christmas day. Holmes Colonel. fruit were distributed,; by Oliver Mnclntosh of Eumson. suffered a broken leg. ' H e replaced Brigadier General Twenty residents of Headden's George L. VanrieUBen as hea^of the Corner and vicinity have signed up Replacement center when General for fire reserve duties. They will reVanDeuoen was named head of the ceive instructions at classes at' the entlro'post. . , fire house, starting after the first of the year. The Instructors will b Arthur Sodcn, chief of tho township flro department, nnd Cnptnln Gabriel Simpllco. tioth men graduated recently from the Keyport flrc school. .More than 100 chickens, 4 head of Rudolph Rlsknmn wna elected prescattle, 2,000 pounds of potatoes and ident of the company at th,o last approximately 25 tons of hay were meeting. The new ofllccrs will be destroyed by fire Sunday ntsht in Installed at a meeting Wednesday a* two-hour blazo that razed a large night, January 7, nfter which a hot tarn, owned by tho state hospital at ronst beef supper will be served, ~ Marlboro nnd located near tho hos- Other officers are:. VICB preBJilcntWnlter I'nltfrnon. pital on tho former John Helser SecretaryDnvld Simpson. / . properly. Marlboro firemen, first on TrenurrjItlcKfird KIIKIC. IT HAS BEEN OUR Good Fortune to do bus!, the sceno, remained .on guard until TmnteeaJjCOrl'"lnn, Ihrt'o yrnrn : Arthur Soilen, two yearn: Kntnk HlrM, one yenr. almost noon Monday. CnptnlnCnbrlel Slmplldii. ! ncis with the finest folks on earth and the Spirit Other companies that joined with J-'Irflt lieutenant-Arllmr SoiU'n. Mnrlboro In fighting tho blazo wore .Second llnntennnt(JemWl IIUKIUI. of the icnton brings renewed appreciation of old Third lieutenantWlllinm Kane. Holmdcl, Morganvlllo, Freehold and KnKlneerLrn J'lnn. Llhcroft. Tho blaze was vlslblo as ] llL MihtmiU John associations and the value of new friends. Here's far away us Rod Bank. Second niKflllantIlarlnn HOKBII. .

of the, fira apparatus In <su of anMrs. J. H. Lefferson. Thursday, January 8, there will ba a meeting of emergency. . Herman 8htlr~ and_ftimlrjL tt the Ladlea' Sswlng' elub at tha home of Mra. Wornov Snedeker.' Monday, (Tha Bed B Bed Bank Kejliter c m <> iouaht Smithburg and Mr, and Mrs. Jacob je Imi JMtkn" lalert)"' )"' JMot Stern and daughter Pearl-of'Holm- January 12, will bo the second ConHerbert MacOIoud, son of Mr, and sistory locjal. '-' Martin Rijey hi5~anndunced the del were guests of the Plotklna Sun- -Bunday January Iby there will-be a Mrt^ Cecil JR.^MacC|oiid_of._Westl_L_ r day venlng. B"ronrSree\ observed hia 18th birth- , engagement of hid daughter, Am reception of those wishing to attend r. ,S Fred" Hatcharfl of New York. Mr. and Mrs. C Reteau Conover the Evangelical Confirmation class. day Christmas day with , Miss Beatrice Flotkln was a guest are spending two weeks In Florida, All. those wishing to attend these Herbert will graduate from Rod at, a .formal cocktail, party and .dln- Those who have attended' the Buna- meetings are urged to notify the pas- Bank high school In June. rier-dance giveiL by the Hayoldah mer cpnferenceo will attend a re- tor as soon as possible. The first Guests present were Miaaes Betty, club of Asbury Park Saturday night. union at 80th St. Reformed church, session Is scheduled for January' 22 Cecelia, Evelyn, Virginia, Arline and New York city, Monday evening. The at tha parsonage. ' "Che affair was held at the Norwood Nancy MacCloud, Donald MacCloud, party will leave at 4 p. m. Country olub,.Long Branch. Frank Kuhl, Jr., Samuel Chandler , Private Benjamin Richard Is home and Robert Bonham of Rod Bankt \ Mrs. Ella Conk spent Sunday af- A<consistory meeting will be held on Christmas leave from Fort Bragg, Mrs, Addis HacOlourl, Herbert's ternoon at her son's home at RedJanuary 5 at the. home of Elder North Carolina. -"- "^-"' . grandmother, of Portaupeck; John Bank. Flock. A fellowship netting -will be Peterson of North Long Branch; Sunday afternoon the firemen of held January 8 In the chapel. On Atlantic. Township gave Instructions January 7 there will be a meeting ..In'tha West Indies,-flah eyes,"are Frank Simmons of Freehold, and Bill (J native delicacy. . . . . ^ Curtln of Tonawanda, Nw York. ' to the young boys on the proper use of the Helping Circle at the home of


Herbert MacCloud Is 18 Years Old

Conservation For Defense Stressed By State CAR Head

And How It Affects Tires = For Your Garv v
With die declaration of war between the United State* and the-Axis, powers;Hthe,..long?:: threatened danger of our, principal sources of East Indiei rubber supply has become an unpleasant reality. From Malaya and the Netherlands comes 75 per cent of the world's rubber and these two countries are now under attack by our enemies. Today, Japanese troops are attempting to penetrate southward through the jungles of Malaya and to land by parachute on the Island of Sumatra in a, desperate effort to occupy these _ vital rubber-producing areas and thereby slow the wheels of American industry. In this critical hour, when rubber assumes a position of grim importance to our national welfare and to our ultimate victory, I canjjot help .thinking of the statement made by^-my father more than 20.years ago when Wdeclared that "Americans should produce thefr own rubber." T o him the dependence of this country upon' a single, concentrated area for any basic raw material was economically unsound, and it was hi* premonition: of diflicultie* in tha future that led to iha cjtebjiihment of the Firestone' Rubber plantations'iii Liberia, which are' now being worked to the very limit to produce-every possible pound of rubber for our country.

Americans Should Produce Their

St. George's . Plans Prayers For New years

Charity Group To Aid U. S. Navy

Rubber in Modern Warfare


Rubber is indispensable in modern warfare. and scout cars, tanks and trucks, ,

How to Make Your Present Tires : Last Longer

Naturally, it is going t o take time to develop these additional sources of rubber. In the meantime, it is the patriotic duty of every loyal American to help to conserve the present supply by making the tires that are now o n his car last longer. You. can add as much as 50% to the life of your tires by observing such simple precautions as keeping .them inflated to recommended pressure, driving slowly and avoiding quick starts and sudden stops.


barrage balloons'and gas masks are only a few of the many essential. war materials that require rubber. . ' W ^

The Reserve {Supply of Rubber

Mr. and Mrs. Allen . Observe Anniversary

General Milliken Gets New Position

Keenly aware'of this strategic importance of rubber and anticipating the day when the United States might be cut off from the Far East, our. government, in -co-operation with the rubber industry, began more than two years ago to build ^^~~ Nation-Wide System of up a reserve supply. After Pearl Harbor, it Factory-Qontrolled Retread Plants became necewary to take drastic steps to protect - F o r a number of years, the Fireitone this precious store of rubber and on December 11 .organization has recognized the merit and our government issued an order prohibiting the economy of retreading tires, and as a result, we sale of tires and tubes to anyone not having a have built up a nation-wide system of 132 retread priority rating of A-3 or better. These temporary plants, strategically located, to provide retreading restrictions will end on January 5, and they will service for our dealers and stores and their be superseded by new regulations which are now customers. T o meet the present emergency,., being formulated. How long such restrictions will these plants are operating 2 4 hours a day, 7 days remain in force will depend upon the course of a week. By the process of retreading which w e future events. 'Naturally*,.when our Allied forces have'developed, as much as 8 0 per cent of the are victorious in the Far East, shipments of rubber mileage built into the original tread is added to to the United States will be resumed. But in the the life of the tire and the quality of workmanship meantime, steps are being taken to relieve the , and material is such that we are able to extend our present situation. life-time guarantee to every Firestone retread.

Facts About Synthetic Rubber

The. first of these is the expansion of facilities for the manufacture of synthetic rubber. There are a number of large plants now under construction, and the one for which w e are responsible will be ready for production in the first part of 1942. Nearly ten years ago, our organization began experimenting with various types of synthetic rubber, and in May, 1933, w e produced the first synthetic rubber tires ever manufactured for Uncle Sam's armed forces. As more synthetic rubber became available, we consistently increased our production of synthetic rubber tires. The molt important elements needed for the manufacture of synthetic rubber are butadiene and styrene, both by-products of petroleum, which commodity the United States is fortunate in having available within its borders in unlimited quantities.

New Victory Tire

Still another step which w e took some years ago and which will serve our country, well today, was' the establishment of extensive facilities for reclaiming scrap, rubber., Today the Firestone organization has the largest rubber reclaiming capacity in the world and we have the advantage of long experience in developing products mado from this material. One of, these ! a new type of tire ..made from reclaimed rubber, which will give reasonably satisfactory service when driven at moderate speeds. We have named this product the "Victory Tire", and it is now in production in our factories. We also have in work a new type of tractor tire made from reclaimed rubber to r help agriculture continue to play its vitally important part in the war effort.

Firemen Give Kiddies' Party

The Patriotic Duty of Every Car Owner

In the laboratories of the Firestone factories, . our scientists and engineers are working night and day to find ways of uiing to best advantage the present rubber supply. Equally important to the successful conservation of rubber is the c o operation of American car owners, whole patriotic duty it is, to get the maximum amount of service out of their tires. * , Ever mindful of our responsibilities to our country and to 'tne car owners of America, the Firestone organization is making full use of all of its experience, all; of its resources and all of its technical skill, to inept,tha needs of both,

Brazilian Rubber Available

Another possible emergency source of rubber is the valley of the Amazon River in South America. From that area, 45,000 tons; were shipped in 1912 and it has been estimated that perhaps as many as 300,000,000 wild rubber trees exist in this region. These are not being tapped at the present time because the price of rubber it lower than the price which would provide the incentive for the natives to blaze the jungle trails,. tap the trees and bring the rubber to market. In addition, there is a possibility that some rubber can be obtained from Guayule shrubs, which can' be raised in this country and Mexico.

Potatoes, Cattle,* r, Hay, Lost In Fire





Edward Dnnahuo nnd Rnymnml O'Noil, Jr., HVB new member* of the .Medical patients this' weok at company. . n.lvervlew hospital are Mrs. Josephine Anderson of Nnveslnk avenue, T IIUMSON Itumson, Mrs. Ruth I>nyton of Rldgo load, Rumsan, Mra, Frances Llchoy Joseph J. Knno of Navcfllnk aveof Outrun Hjroot, Keyport, and John nue, Hlghlanda, wna lined Jl nnd J2\'of Mlnnclnk park, cOBt last night by Hecordor Alfred , ; : Suffering from a fractured ankle, F, KlnK on a charSo of falling to Michael Bapranowltch of Port M stop at tho corner of nivor road, and n'QUllt wna admitted to the hospital Mlnghnm avenue. Hli,|;lwm nvonuo lt Wodnendny as a aurglcnl pnllont. la a stop street." Tlio uumrnon!! wna ( , Othnr aurglcnl patlentn are Mlns Aud- lecuod by Pollccmnn Hnlh Johniinn. my Btrykor nf Lodint point, and Mr. '., Boia Cptujty p | W u t front street. It pay* to 4vrl|s In Tin Ugl*lr.

"' ' ,


Klre liollccThomna Fltld. Ueona Del. iow, William Cloiicy.

wishing: you a very enjoyable New Year, with the hope it will bring you and yours the fullest measure of happiness and prosperity^

The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company


4 5 BROAD STREET, RED BANK Phone Red Bank 3262-3

Y'Firestone has jiut publiihed a new booklet entitled "How to Get More Mileage) From Your Tires." You can secure a free copy from your nearby Firestone dealer or store, or write to the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio.


i ' i


^RED-BANK, N, J,rTHURSDArJANU4RYa,-1942, Well Again
_JPflrt Monmouth Boy Enjoys Furlough -


London Officer To Talk atMumson on Air Raids

Constable Scott Also To Show Three Bombing Pictures Tonight
Films of air raUs "t>Ver London will bo shown at 8:15 o'clock tonight (Tuesday) In tho auditorium of Rumson High school by Special Constable-Herbert H. Scott''of the British police forco, ; who also will describe methods of protecting life and property against bombings. Ponstabla Scott's, appearance tonight has been sponsored by ths Rumson defense

Appointed New Store of Sun Ray Graduates From Johnson Naval Academy Township Committee Drug Co. Opened, Today
Well-Known Chain Secure Larger Quarters Here Vice; President Of Keansburg Bank Takes Sheriff John T. Lawley'* Place

Appropriate $650 For Defense Work At Little Silver

- -



council and his pictures and message are considered of such vital . importance at the, present time that . Rumson officials- have oxtended an invitation not only to the residents of Rumson, but aloo~fo the borough officials, defense councils and residents of neighboring communities and to the commanders of Fort Monmouth and For.f Hancock, Councilman J- Edward Wilson, ppltce commissioner of Rumson and chairman of the police reserves, gave an outline at last week's council meeting of tho pictures to be shown He said one is entitled "War and Order" and will show the work of the London police and the Air Raid Precautions, Another film,. "Stop That Flro," uhows" citizens how to fight incendiary bombs. The third ;fllm,' "London, ,.^ira.' Raids," -scenes of the- great fire December "29, 1040, when 100,000 Nazi bombs ' wore dropped on.the English city In 414 hours. Constable Scott, Mr. Wilson said, will describe what it fools like to undergo this experience; The films will last B0 mthuteB and his talk 30 minutes, after which he will answer questions. Mayor James C. Auchlncloss said that Constable Scott, who has been through more than 100 bombinga, came to this country at the request of the' Now York Police department to instruct tho police of that c|ty. The mayor, who was instrumental in engaging Constablo Scott to speak at Rumaon, said that Mr. Scott told him the greatest prob lem In the first air raids In London was to avoid the panic -produced by the terrifying noise made by the descending bombs. These panics resulted in considerable loss of life, Mr. Scott Informed the mayor, that Is one of tho reasons why peoplo Are'' advised to get off tho streets. Constablo Scott Has been giving locturos. In many cities throughout tho Uriitod Statos.1

Silvermere Tract To Be Developed

To Erect Houses at Little Silver Point
D, W. May, owner of tho Sllvorraero development at tho tip of Little Silver. Point, has Informed officials of that borough that 'ho*will begin construction immediately of two homos on his tract. One dwelling"- of rambling' design, which' will bo 80 foot long, will, bo conatructod b y Mr. May for Ilia own occupancy. Tho othor will bo for sale. Early In 1042 two more "houses will be constructed thoro and aovcrnl more aro oxpoctod to bo orcctod during, tho yoar. Construction will bo by tho"AmorIcan Homo Builders & Dovolopora, tho organization which Is building tho dwellings at Sunnycrcst, another Littlo Sllvor development. SPECIAL NEW YEA11S SHOW A/i has boon the custom for yearB at tho Carlton theater, a completo now show will start' Wodncnday night, Now Yoars ovo, at lliBO o'clock. Tho show, whloli will last two hours and ono-half, will bo "Tho Birth of tho Bluoa," featuring Blng Crosby nnd Mary Martin, NotlcoAll Dogs Must bo g ' Georgo A. Ilugg haB boon appointed to license nil dogs In Holmdol township. He will sit from 12 noon to 9 p. m, from Monday, January S, 1042, to Friday, January Oth, lnclusIvn at his home, -1 South-'iitioot,. Holmdol, to register nil dngn In nccoiiliinco with the law. cordnnco with tho law.Advertlaomont. Oriwt tlio Now Yenr at Jack Matldon's Itiimson Inn, Washington stroot, liumson. Gala Now Yenifl ovo party, Turkoy plattor $1,00 por hond. For reservations phono Iluinnon 713. Dancing, ontorfnlnmont, fnvnrn. Cocktail hour ovory Bundny at * p, m.AdvoitUcmont.

Charles Henry Llebhauser, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Llebhauser of Port Monmouth,. graduated from the Upited States Naval academy at Annapolis, Maryland, with credit At a meeting of the Middletown . This week-end marks an importFriday, December 10. ant milestone in the growth and pro- registered graduate pharamists will iwnshlp committes late thia morn' gress of Red Bank as one of. the be In attendance to render a deig; William C. Johnson of East most Important shopping centers in pendable prescription service. Every eansburg was appointed U tha Monmouth county. Beginning to- prescription we dispense is doubleommittee to fill a vacancy w u e d day (Tuesday) the-Sun Ray Drujj Co. checked and carries our bonded seal tho resignation - in November of celebrates the informal opening of Cor quality, purity and accuracy." herlff John T. Lawley. Mr. Lwley( To meet an Imperative service of. the largest and finest modern, super rved several terms on tho oommit* drug store in this state, magnificently the modern drug store, a graduato e until his election to the offko of equipped to give citizens of Rod nursc-Wlll bo in attendance for free iheriff. Bank^.and all North Jersey tho same consultation with, tho women cusWar, However,May Funds Needed fo: Mr. Johnson is vice presldiBt nd rs regarding sickroom needs, all-lncluslve drug store service enashler National joyed by shoppers of the, largest feminine hygiene and baby needs. Delay Work on P l a n t - rank, a of the KeansburgKeaasburg. EquipmentCouncil director of the cities of America. A modern fountain-grill will be the lavings ft Loan association and Report on Defense to Meet. New Years dnly six short years ago (April 4, delight of shoppers and. business | easurer of the Keansburg Mtho-> FREDERICK 1. HURLEY 1935) Sun Ray first opened a store people. Horc daily new menus of dcist church. He is an exempt fireHclouBly proparod foods wilt bo appeHe is not a stranger to MlddletowrJ At the request of Ferdinand.- A. Councilman Frederick T; Hurley of In Red Bank. At that time tho firm tizingly served and refreshing founThe dced~f oT the - former private Straus, chairman of the Llittle Sil- Little Sllvor, who has been HI since promised to deal fairly with the peo- tain treats will bo dispensed of very sewer system In Rumson, which will cwnship residents, having aorred as ver defense council, the mayor and August, is well again and was wel- ple, to strive in every way to serve moderate prices. The how Sun Ray be reconstructed by tho borough In leputy tax collector In tho euocB council'xst that*place last Tuesday comed back by his colleagues at last faithfully, to give every advantage Drug store will be 'air-conditioned compliance with an order of the ul tax drive put on by the town* night passed arremergency appropri- week's meeting* of the Little SllvcV the markets afforded so that dopend- throughout with a modern ventllatatnto department of health, was ac- hip in 1839. The success of tho ation of $650 for'flro hoso, extin- mayor and council. Mr. Hurley,7Tfn able"quallty merchandise would bo ng system that furnishes temperacepted by the mayor ami council lrivo waa due largely to Mr. John* guishers," medical supplies and other executive of Slgmund Elanor Co., offered at all times at lowest possible ture-controlled .fresh air to make Friday night. Theodore p'. Parsons, on's efforts. His courteous efficiency money-saving._prices. equipment' for the 'defense ','grpnps. guards the.purse strings of Littlo borough attorney, .said | ho expected it, that time struck a. popular ohord shopping here truly pleasurable. AIBO "BV Mr. Straus' request Mayor Silver as chairman of- the finance to pass tltlOiOn-thc site for the dis- n the hearts of many township resit Within these few years ^un Ray As a boon to camera enthusiasts Oliver Q. Frako was named .to act cpmmlttee. ' posal plant in West park by the ients. .Drug company has made so many with Mr. Straus in making tho purQrst of the year. staunch friends that they have been Sun Ray's Exclusive Kleer-Vuc proIt U understood that Mr. Johnson cess offers the finest, most economichases. The borough has appropriated $60compelled to enlarge the store to ill take Mr. Lawley'a place aa double capacity to meet the growing cal photo finishing service known to Council will take Into considera000 to modernize the system and the halrman of tho finance committee. CHARLES H. LIEBHAUSER requirements of satisfied customers. science, according to the store.mantion another request from Mr. Straus cost will be apportioned among the ho new committee member will bo ager. ; Larger than double-size prints for an ordinance to give air warNeed iworn in at the organization meet"By strict adherence to our poliHe was one of 549 midshipmen of property owners benefited. from any popular size negative will dens and police and fire reserves cy," says the store manager, "of the class of .1942. to graduate six for materials for the_war, however, ng New Years day. Edward H. Mor. be made at no extra cost. authority to enforce orders for the courteous service, honest effort to months early in - their four-year may hold up construction of the ford and Victor E. Grosslnger, wha defense of the borough.' The cigar and tobacco department course.' Ho attended Middletown plant indefinitely. please and interest in tho economic ere re-elected to the committee last Rojectod by the council were a bid problems of Red Bank's citizens, this is equipped with modern electric township high school and graduated Tbe^n'eed of firearms, cots, emer- all, will be sworn in a t the lame from Mrs. Howard Rosevelt for the business' has grown and grown until controlled humidors which assure'ei- in June, 1938, with- honors. He en- gency \suppliea' and possibly steel Ime;' as will Thomas B. Day, road White homeBtead property on White today, the Sun Ray Drug company gars and tobaccos of factory fresh- tered the naval academy July 15, hpts for\defense workers was stressed lupervisor. ' Provisions Made by road and a bid from Rolston WaterIs delighted to present this magnifi- ness, full flavor, and perfect smoking 1938, . " " by Louls"Mr Hague, chairman of the The township's annual "family dim bury .ot $200 for two l?ts oh the cent metropolitan drug store as mod- quality at all times. After undergoing an appendectomy borough . defense council.' He out- ler" will be held this afternoon a t Defense Council to former Mears tracXon' Hiihisbh road." ern as tomorrow lir appointment arid -Tho-publlo is.-invited-to. November 4- he- was released from lined, ari extondod program of. ,deo'clock, at Murphy's. tAvarn, Action on the bid of Emilio Grllll for service." take part In the groat opening cele- the, Naval hospital Wednesday, De-, at the'same time pralsingthe leansburg.' ^ Collect Waste Paper six lots on Runison road was deMany months of thought and care- bration of Sun Ray's new modern cember 17. He took many of" his leaders of the various groups for ferred until the next meeting.. ful planning have been glven-toward drug store. Many-surprising- bar- 'filial' exams* in the"hospital.' * " V their 'cooperation' and' efflcTency/and . D a n i e l Murphy headed .a delegaA meeting of all air raid wardens making this store a "beacon of pro- gains have been prepared to make He attended the farewell ball at the also the citizens for. the wonderful tion of residents of Willow Drive gress" in the business life of Red your visit more than worthwhllo. aqaHMny Thursday (Waning, Decem- response they have shown, manor seeking to have the borough of Middletown township will be held Bank. Many new innovations have Manufacturers have co-operated ber "18;' together y $ n 1,500 midshipFriday night of this week at. the Everything possible will bo" done improve tho roads on that tract. been installed for the public's com- with the Sun Ray Drug company Mr. Hague said, to keep defense Council has had its hands tied In the Leonardo grade school auditorium ~for"t~ahd convenience to make this to make this a memorable money- men and about 3,000 visitors. Immediately after graduation he costs, at a. .minimum. ' Mr.. Hague matter because tho streets in ques- at 8 o'clock. All wardcns~af6"fe- store a pleasurable place to' visit saving event by releasing choice tion have not yet been taken over for quested to contact zone wardens for rheet friends and to shop. Beautifully groups of merchandlae that every was sworn in and given his commis- was praised by Mayor James C sion as ensign. Ensign Llebhauser Auchlncloss for' his Outstanding public use. Tuesday night's discus- tho districts listed- below: family urgently requires for perMiildletownWilliam WiUlniton, Goret appointed fixtures dlsplay-an. unend- sonal and home comfort at extra- Is on a 15-day furlough -until Janu- leadership and his untiring and unsion ended with the council directing ing variety of carefully chosen merConover. ary 8, when'he will report for nctlvo selfish efforts. Tho Rumson defense the borough engineer, George K. AlNavesinkLQWIB Galloway. chandise for the home and* persona] ordinarily low prices. The store per- duty. Major F. A. Rohra council, he said, is second to none len, to obtain" an estimate of the " QelfordJames Hubbs. sonnel urges you to make the most LeonardoWilliam Mcglll, 'William use, all offered at prices that mean of this opportunity to stock up with in the state. He informed Mr. cost. .; . advantageous savings. to Talk on National' Thomas. Hague that ttie~councll will be glad supplies now at savings you may not Welcomed back to his seat at the LlncroftGardiner S. Haring. The storo, officials state, "We be experience again. . to meet in special session at an; council tablo was Cotincilman Fred- Port MonmouthFred Wenzel. Defense "V East KcanBburtfKdnvund Hoche. lleve the first and paramount dutytime to take up urgent defeneVmat erick T. Hurley, chairman of the Hcaddctl's CornerTheodore J. La- of the Sun Ray Drug store to this Plan to be at the opening early, 1 tors. ~ - finance committee, who has been ill brccque. community Is. to offer a profession- bring your friends and neighborsj The annual report of Elmer PearA mass meeting for all those who since last August Louis' garage on highway 35, Mid ally conducted prescription service. see this magnificent new Sun Ray sail, building inspector, showed '5 are interested^ln learning what part f, Council will wind up the borough dletown, has been' obtained as a In the past we have filled thousands Drug store dedicated to the progress ipermtls^lssued as follows: new res- they can play In the total, program; ' affairs tonight and will reorganize at store room for waste paper collected of prescriptions with a distinguished and service of Red Ban,k and Its enMichael Lucas Had idences, 25; non-residences, 6; alter- of National Defense will b held a t ^ noon New Years day, when Mayor in tho township. The defense council record of satisfaction to physicians virons. j ntlons to residences, 20; alterations the First Baptist church, next SunFrako and Councilman Donald E. will call for all waste paper thai la and their patients. Sun Ray's New Dislocated Vertebrae Be sure to get your free gift, & to non-residences, 4, and one .build- day at 7:30 p, m, Lawcs, who wcrb re-olocted, and tied up, or In boxes. Anyone having Super Store-Is ^quipped with a new beautiful' 10-inch prlem glass caka ing moved and altered. Franklyn Gray, a new councilman, paper they wish to donate to tho Ensley White, chairman ot tha scientifically apjSWnted prescription plate, offered to the first 1,500 cusFreeholder James 3. Parkes In- Defense Cotiricll of this area, hasj~ will be sworn into office. council, should call the Middletown laboratory, stocked with finest, fresh A settlement was accepted this township hall and leave their name est quality Pharmaceuticals procur- tomers who. visit the opening cele- week ,by Michael L. Lucas of Red formed the officials In a letter that secured Major E\ A. Rohrs for thai bration of Red Bank's Sun Ray Suand address. able. At all times only experienced per Drug store today ^Tuesday), ' Bank through hia -attorney, Edward before any action can be taken by speaker of this very important proW.'Wise, Jr., from the representa- the county board of freeholders on gram. Major Rohrs Is stationed in ^ tives of Mrs. Thomas Farrell of the project to v^lden Bisection of this section to'help direct the work Shrewsbury for injuries received by River road, all'necessary .land musl of the defense council. Being an exMr. Lucas, and damage done to his be deeded to the county first. pert in this field of National Defenosr A" letter was received from the he comes to Red Bank with aoma car in an accident between automor biles driven by tho two .parties- No- Monmouth Consolidated Water com- very practical suggestions. Will Be Usgd for vember 28. pany stating that the duplication of Rev. Charles A. Thunn, pastor o ( The Red Bank Register ne\ysles Featuring News Items Mr. Lucas was about to enter his numbers of some hydrants was dm the-church, says that "during theaS last Tuesday were made extra happy car, which was parked in front of to the fact that hydrants on prlvati past few weeks, when we have alli v ' at the Christmas.time by receiving, the Zobel building on Broad street, property, in thesB instances, had thi felt_jnore or less helpless, many haVs Tho Red Bank Register has mado as has been the custom of Tho Regwhere Mr. Lucas is employed by. the same numbers as public hydrants. SskecTquestlons concerning our part arrangements with Bernard Tarr to ister many years, all the money Metropolitan Life insurance com- The "letter ~also"Stated that the re- 'h7 this vast new" program but wel " .' have photographs taken of promin- which they took lit. from-their street pany, when the .car drlvenyby Mrs. placement of 22 hydrants now hav- have not had very many assuring ent professional and business men sales. In other words, tho newsFarrell and traveling north, on Broad ing 2^-lnch connections would cos answers. Now with the coming ot and women of Red Bank and vicin- ; papers were given to tho boys gratis, street, apparently got out of con- a considerable amount, but would Major Rohrs we will be able to heap ity. Tho Register with regularity en- j no matter how many their allottrol and struck the Lucas car. " Mr. not result in any greater improve 'rom him the part we can play and ! gages a professional field man to ment called for.' Lucas was knocked unconscious. Ex- ment of water pressure. ho part our churches can pl/iy In j Tho boys put on an extra effort take pictures of this nature' for our amination showed that among other "I would like to. refer this letter this mighty effort. _ j photographic library, feeling thera to increase their sales on that parHerbert Coles, Joseph Taylor, Rem- Injuries Mr. Lucas had dislocated to the borough attorney to deter"At tho close of Major Bohra' ad* ( aro many whoso pictures we -want ticular day and long before the ington Downs and Noblo ICoyes, col- one of tho vertebrae In hla neck, mine our rights," declared Council dreaa there will be time for. ques- r who are unable to spare the .time .to usual hour tho edition of the day orcd, all of Atlantic Highlands, who which has necessitated considerable man Robert G. Ilsley,. chairman o tlons, so como with your friends ' go. to one of the local galleries to was entirely sold out. The selling . ., - the fire committee. "We're not in- and your questions, wero rounded up after,some clever medical treatment. f pose for us. out of tho wookly edition of The work by tho pollco department ofterested in the water company, only No ono in Red Bank ehould! j These progressive moves arc mado Register-, is almost a weekly inciA new first aid CIBBB will begin that borough, wero given a hearing what wo can get for tho protection miss this extremely vital address by; to assure a complete file of good dent. HASKELLS TO ENTERTAIN its work at the First Baptist church Saturday morning before Recorder of the borough. I notice the letter one who knows. In theso tlmea not ' We appreciate very much tho full- next Wednesday night, January 7,- Sverre Sorenson on charges of stealphotographs to bo used when Importdid not. say anything about the. hy- one should miss an opportunity to ant events In tho lives of those prom- est cooperation received from our and a class will be held every ing a quantity of two-Inch galvanized Mr. arid Mrs! Amoiy L. Haj*H tH with right-hand threads." learn everything he can learn foi? inent citizens of the community ariso army of nawsles and trust they Wednesday night thereafter until pipe from the old Mandalay steam- will entertain subscribing and clive*"At the request of Mayor Auchln- the .day may come- when he will i and' when a photograph will add to havo! made good use of their money. tho complete course is finished. The boat pier. members of Monmouth County Hunt . ' . ' ' clqss, Mr. Ilsley will mako a re- need that bit of information very, ' the.interost of the story. -' We know qulto a number of tho time set for, the classes is 7:30 at a .supper at their home, WoodThree of the men pleaded guilty land Farm, following New Years day check on the number of fire hy- quickly. ' Mr. Tarr, In chargo of the photo- boys turned their money Into defense o'clock and they will take tho place drants because -of the duplications. and in default of bail were commit- hunt. "Please keop in mind that thla la) i graphic work, will call at the home stamps, showing their patriotism of the "usual mid-week prayer servThe mayor said tho council should not for just the members of tha ted to the county jail to await grand or office of the Individual to be photo- and loyalty to tho government. Mr. and Mrs Haskoll and daugh- not pay for any hydrnnt It does no ice. jury action. Keyes, who. pleaded inFirst Baptist church. Ttlls hi n graphed without any inconvenience ters Anne T. and Margaret R. en- approvo or Is not wanted by the The course is open to all who care nocont, was released in $500 bail. mass meeting for all people In Red or expense or any other'further oblitertained at a' family dinner party fire department. to "avail themselves qf this opporBank and vicinity." A telephone call by tho watchman Christmas day at1 the Waldorf-Aa,gation to them. All that Is asked by Former . Borough Clerk Jere . J, tunity of learning those things that of the Standard Oil.plant on Avenuo Tho Register Is that those upon torla.hotel, New. York city. Carew, In a letter, disclaimed rewill stand, them in good stead in D that a truck and a load'of plpo whom, Mr. Tarr and his assistant, sponsibility for .the loss* of'a piece the days to come and those who nearby looked suspicious brought Paulo* Lacquos, call oxtond fullest of watch chain left In tho borough co-oporation so that . tho program CHURCH OF THE AIR. Wearing of proscribed uniforms on are Interested are requested to tele- Captain Frank Gerkens to the hall eight years ago by Edgar A. may be carrlod out In the best Inter- loavlng and entoririg the. post and phone Red Bank 671 and give their Bceno. Tho truck had'.vanlshed when Knapp. air. Carew's letter, which the police captain arrived, but the est of air concerned. prohibition of tho wearing of civilian namo and address. A Christian Scionce program will was In defense of a statement made Masses at St. James church on Donald Crawford, who has Just piping was left behind/ On further bo broadcast over Station WCAP AsThis solicitation on tho part of Mr. evening clothes, wore required In an in a'letter by Mr. Knapp to the Thursday morning. New Year's day# Tarr in behalf, of Tho Register does order, issued by command of Briga- completed two very successful cours- search Captain Gerkens ' located bury Park next Saturday afternoon council two weeks previous, said will bo at 6, 7, 8,'9 nnd 10 o'clook. not In any way conflict or break dier General Georgo L, VanDoiison, es In Rumson and at the Mechanic Downs near tho bridge. When asked at 2 o'clock. This program is,under thnt Mr. Knapp had been told at the New Yenr'B dny Is also tha fenBt of down tho good will existing between to all enlisted men and officers of street school here, will be tho In- what ho was doing there Downs re- the direction of the Christian Science time that It was not necessary tc tho Circumcision and is a holy dny plied, "frost fishing." Tho Register,, and tho local photo- Fort Monmouth. The order stated: structor. Committee on Publication for New leave.tlio piece of chain and wn of obligation. Confessions will bo graphers who maintain studios In "Tho uniform" prescribed for wear Downs wns taken to police head- Jersey and will be given'by George ndvlseii n. year later thnt it had been heard tomorrow (Wednesday) afterRev. Charles A. Thunn, pastor of Rod Bank.* If thjro aro any of our on this post will be worn at all times tho church, has Informed The Reg- quarters and after some questioning Ford Morris, a former Reader of lost. noon from 3:30 until 0 o'clock and frlonds to whom 'a request Is mado by-officers and onllatcd men when on ister that Inasmuch as the church furnished sufficient evidence to 'Im- First Church of Christ/Scientist, Red "This seems to ho an nddltlonnl nt night frfim 7:30 .o'clock until all by Mr. Tarr to sit for a picture who duty or when out of quarters on Oie has to be heated and lighted for plicate himself nnd his pals who wero Bank. The subject will'be'"Harvest chapter In tho history of the miss are heard. profor to go to any of tho local gal- post and while entdrlng or leaving tho mid-week prayer service and later arrested at their homes. Dpwns Home." Friday of this week Is the firC Ins link," commonted Mnyor A'uclv leries they may da no and the same the post. that so few of late have availed was picked up about 8:30 p; m. MonFriday of January and masses will inclosa. , > courtesy will bo extended; that Is, "Civilian evening clothes will not thomselves of the opportunity to of- day of last woek when.preparations bo nt fl, 7 and 8 o'clock. ConfesA letter was received from-Theono obligation and no expense LOST WITHOUT IT. bo worn by military personnel. fer prayers to God at these Wednes- wero underway to cart away another >doro D. Wilkinson stating thnt h sions will be hoard on Thursday Tho local studios arp tliono of L, "Exception: Approprlato clothing day night services that ho has ap- load of plpo. to start .work within tw night from 7:30 o'clock until nil aia Mondol, Broad and White ntrooto; may bo worn whllo engaging In ath- pcnlcd to his peoplo to uso tho After an Investigation the police Miss Llllle M, Roblng'on In sending* Paul F. Stewart, 28 Broad street; letics and whilo going to ami from church on these specific nights to reported that more than 1,000 feet of in her.renewal fpt her subscription 'yjiceks on rebuilding tho houso, gut- henrd. t'o"d by fire 18 months ago, which h( David II. Magee, Broad and Mechanic quartors to engage In' nthlotlcs." further their Interest In national piping, which had been used as a to 'the Register adds to her note: HOLY NAME SOCIETY MEETUMJ street; Charles R. D. Foxwoll, Mon"I am sending $2 and wlah to re- bought recently from 0. W. Gray water, supply to tho istoaiiiers that emergency work. Lnwls. mouth street, opposlto borough hall, formerly "ran between Now York and new my subscription to tho Red Bnnk Tlio Holy Namo socloty of St, Rev. Thunn states that young and nnd Dorn Photo shop, 18 Wnllaco DESSERT-BRIDOIS JANUARY 12 Tho thanks of the council wer< Atlantic Highlands,, bad been cut. Register, which I have greatly enJames church will meet tonight old should havo a vory good workstreet.. Tho colored gang under tho cover of joyed reading. 1I would certainly feel given to Councllmnn JnmosP. Bruci (Tuesday) at tho Rod Bank CaihTho Woman's guild of Trinity ing knowlodgo of ffrst aid these darkness had. carried tho pipe to and l o s t w i t h o u t I t . ' ."' '' for redecorating" tho council ropn ......... Episcopal church will hold a donsort- days as one novcr knows-when ho over tho securely locked high pier in the borough hall nnd for tho ho! ollo high school nudltorlum, ElecBorough of Fair Ilnven. tion of olllccrs for tho ensuing yer> Idny lights outaldo tho building. Notlco to Dog OwnersUndor tho brldgd Monday afternoon, Jnnuary will bo callod upon to uso thla vory fonco and had booh carting it away Bachelors! will lio hold. RofriishmontB will bImportant information and ono nov- for sovoral weeks and soiling it, the new dog law all Ilcensos must bo ob- 12, at tho parish houso on West A special laundry service designed served by many of tho women f>t tained during tho month of Jnnuary, Front street. Mrs, Loon do la Rous- er knows'Mvhon ho might bo nblo to pollco boliove,. at nbout 25 conta' a for you. Socks darnod, buttons reIlcflnnnco Your Mortgage 1042. Tho borough cleric has boon olllo, Si\, nnd Mrs, Harrison Banco save a life and tliat it Is our duty foot. placed and mending whorovcr necesWhy pay 0%? Wo represent nc tho pariah. A program of entertain* designated llconulnff ofllcor for the nro chairmen. Thoro will bo a spo- to be ptoparod In theso times" of sary. - Phono Hod Dank 2800. Lean's credited financial Institutions and mont has liccn nrrnngad. borough of Fair Havon. Llconson cliil nward and tablo prizes. Although Noblo Kayos deniod tho Ivory Laundry.AdvorUsemcnt. private Individual for tho placing natlonnl emergency. can bo obtained at tho borough hall charges, tiio pollco secured evidence drat mortpngo nnd FHA loans Election Notion, "It will be possible," snys Rev. that his Ice truck was bolng used in overy Tuesday and Thursday during commorclnl nnd rosldontlal proper 1 Tli nnnunl niantlnff of tho Policy Anthony's, the month ot January, 1042, between Opon House. Thunn, "to tnko tho ontlro course, huuTIhg away thla valuable . nnd tics. Intorcst from 4Mfl,., Quick am Holders of thn Hhrawabtiry Mutual' expert oil burner ocivlco; also fuel conlhlontliil sorvlco given all nppll7:30 and 0:30 p. m. nnd at other Free cats, novelties and nolso mak- tnlin an examination nnd receive times at tho oillco of tho clerk. 807 nrn. Everything for a jolly Now your certificate or It will bo ponitl- scarco nmterlnl. Captnln GorkcnH oil for nil modnls. Day ami night. cntiohs. Cnll or write, Mortgage Spo- Kirn Inmiran Co., of Ifinlontown, J., Dili, 1043, River road, except on Hundnys. . Years ovo colobratlon at Monmouth blfl Just to attond theso classes nnd lncntnd tho truck on tho particular P h o n o lOli Itod Unnk.Advertise- clallsts, tho Joseph P. Sclnvnrti N. (mowill be tin Id .Fnniiary Wampum nt. o'clock p. in. nt tlin Dated Docombor 30, 1041. Tnvorn, 70-72 Monmnuth ntrool, Red nlght In question in tho . yard of [ mont, Agoncy, 14 Monmouth utroot, Ru Ton Houna, Mnln (itroot, lOntontuWM., nhtnrh an much no you can an over Koyes1 homo on Hnulh avenue. None M. Floyd Smith, Dank.Advortlnomont. Unnk .1121.Advortlaomont. for tho election of four dlrnotitra i y | ngnlnnt tho day whon you might of tho men wero homo nt tlio time, Borough Clerk. Monoy tho tmnnnctlon of nunh othflr bullheed it, without taking thn flnnl ex- but a young woman thoro told tho nvnlluhlo for rn-llnnnc|ng of old loans Advertlaomont. Iluta (Jloancd. I'ncknrd Salca & Service m-Hi) nn mny como bofnra It, Straw, Panama .nd folt hals ex- nmlnatlon. In this way thoro is n- oillcor that tho truck had not boon or now construction, Boyntun A wll) bo continued by t)\o P. W. Hho Ilnonmbor 2J, iMl. Borplco'a for Typewriters. Boynton, 8 Drummond lilnco, Hod mnn Motor Co., 1401 Main street, A portly cloanod end blookod. Loon's, place for us all." out that day. Royal portablo $44.60, now $20.60; phono Red Bank 2800.AdvcrtlsoJnnien N. Wolcott, Hoorolury. Bnnk, phono 0G2.^-.Advortlsemutit bury Park.' Cars will bo.called fc -Advertlsmnetitt-. 1041 Underwood, Corona and Item- mont. Tho stolon plpo Is tho property of and dollvorod. Phono Anbury Par. Innton, $12,60 $20,76, now nnd gunrTim l'lihlln la Conllully Invited Hurry Ilnuscr of Loomtrdo, who vZl Oil. , . : antood. Export repairing in our Ilogletor want ndH aro read by so 1M0.Advo rtliement. to Inpect tlio now Mothor Goono Duel Oil Special nosh titan) cnnvenltnt nhop. Good oillco equipment at low to suit your bunion beat grades and Nursmy school, Wyckoff rond^Eut- bought tho plor anil tho former nanny ranilors that you can bo ni ot Monomlrol; 0,7 <innl per < gR prices. Sorplco's, 107 Monmouth prices. Uncxonllcd service. Fred D, ontown,, oponlng'Jrtnuary"(I. Phone iimmiomont park property whoro llo lttl ., riMilloi Aiimiul New Ym>rn ICvli l'urly li Gt h loplli'ii. Clot whnt vim p stroot, Itfld Dank, phone 488.Advor- Wlkofr Co... Rod Bunk, phont C02.- Kntontawn nfin i wunt nil nl Gun' Hllvnr I)nr, 2(1 Went HYiin' Ilnnce-ft. Dnvln phoni ltd Itan K t tt Mi Minn Constants linn already built live of 20 bunga- need tliroilKll Thn lows planned. tlsomont tiuot, iltfa JBan)$.AdVMtlnonionL I -AUvortlnotntnt. columns.Advertisement, AdviiUtotneat, llouliei1.AdvoftlscmonL l l A

Council Accepts Deed For Sewage System At Rumson

Air Raid. Wardens To Meet Friday At Leonardo

Mass Meeting Sunday Night At Baptist Church

Settlement Made For Injuries

Photographs For RegisterJLibjrary

Register Newsies' Christinas Money

Round Up Pipe Thieves At Atlantic Highlands

1,000 Feet Of Galvanized Pipe Stolen From Mandalay Pier

New First Aid Class Being Started

Dress Regulations More Stringent

Five Masses At St. James Church

Page Two






Red Bank Recreation Hall

As tke Ckime$ Ring

M&y they bring in a perfect New Year for you, crammed 'full of Happy Days.

Slonmouth County'i Larjet Bicycle Shop

8-10 Mechanic St.

Phone 1313

Red Bank

W i


that " e appreciate the w business -you have' given us* arid shall strive earnestly-to. merit its continuance in the New Year to come.

Corner Broad and .. Mechanlo Street*, BED BANK


We enjoyed ant-vine: you In 1041 and -wo promle you an exciting IBM! You're going to find our 3 apiclou* floors [IM of m rt new itylca tor modern homos! You'll find our friendly Uir ready with new Mnta on color and stylo . , . new Ideas for making furniture piny a bigger part In the comfort nnil enjoyment of everyday living! . . Vou'vo alwayn looked to Armltngo A Baynton for sound vnlue and we're goln to do our bent to offer you those same values tn 1043! May It be n bright and hnppy year for you all!

3 8koad -Mi



' -.

Pay* to Advertise in The Register

< t . ' . . . ' "

Port Monmouth road, were admitted recently to Rlverview hospital for treatment of Injuries sustained i n an automobile accident on Route S5. Foulks was driving when the'car Employees of the ,Kay Dunhlll during a rainfall skidded into a car Dresj company, _*& 199 Westwood driven by Oliver Macintosh of East Riyerjrqad, Rumson. J ? h d l [ Charles Shippee, 27, of ^Beacon tfon for a soldiers' recreation' fund which aggregated $80: The money boulevard, Beacon Beach, waa killed was turned over to the morale office early Christmas morning when bU of the post, which, In turn, decided car collided with another and overthat the best use could be had o f It turned at Ablngton and Clifton aveby turning Is over to the six hattallon nues, Newark. Mr. Shlppea worked recreation halls of Fort Monmouth. for the Prudential Life Insurance Co. at Newark,' He -was active In Trenton, December SO, (AF)War-, AND* Throughout the year, Edison was Each of the halls will be able to hold the Beacon Beach association And fare between Governor Charles Edi- rebuffed by a controlling block of a stag party for tbe soldiers" by using son and Mayor Frank Haguo'of Jer- Republican lawmakers in hi* call for the cosh to buy prizes or refresh- leader, among the younger s e t Mr. and Mrs. Patterson enteraey City split the New Jersey Demo- a state convention to rewrite the ments. JOY BE WITH YOU this happy season. tained t-holr _son-ln-ln,w and daughter cratic party for the first time in a state's 97-year-old Constitution.-'-" f WBlTe PlalnJ'ChristSas dayV ' ' ' ^Wc-^are--.inm4ful-f=-.-our.debt,-4o^ihe^ quarter of a century. and helped _-as-closea" Republican legislators made another generous offer 46 the Gus Balbach ot the M. P. detachmak'e 1941 one of th_e_atte-'onrOBI would go to Edison's plea for a'Con- Fort Monmouth soldiers. They told friends who have favored our business, turbul8Ht-yaTB"poTfficolly.. . stitutional convention was to create the morale offlce that If any soldier ment, Fort Jay/New York, Is visita debt of gratitude, which-we can never ing his wife and parents tn this borRunner-up to the. Edison-Hague a commission to study the Constitu- about to leave on furlough found hostilities was a patronage fight be- tion and recommend needed changes himself without sufficient fundsrto ough. fully repay, . \ , A group of St. Mark'* church en tween the chief executive and the the 1942 leglalature. . to purchase transportation home, he Republican - controlled legislature Constitutional revision split the will find willing' help by contacting tertalned last Monday the Scout Ctitti troop from St.-Clement's church In that led to a gubernatorial Invest! stato Republican . convention into the dress employees', organization. ti Belford. fixation of highway department af- two camps, one favoring Edison's Harry Persson of Highland boule|fairs. ' convention plan and the other backvard won the drawing for a turkey Edison waa a freshman In atate ing constitutional change by amendheld recently at St. Mark's church. ] politics when he entered the execu- ments. The latter group won Its flght t i v e office last January and called In to got its views Incorporated In the (Tha Bad Bank Rtglitar can ba bought RED BANK | his Inaugural message for non-parti- party platform. Tho Democratic In Kcanubnrj at the itorea of E. U Miller, san support of a program of aweop- convention backed Edison's proposal N. Santa Lucia. Philip Keller, Chnrlea Vo. Ml, I. ZucKirman and Goorge Birlu) -: !lng state reforms. Tlje.last echo o without dissent. (Tha Bad Bank Register can ba bought Mrs. Delja Murphy and. children hla plea, had scarcely died when the The Highway Department Inquiry In Naalnk t th poitofflca and Oouldin'i battle was on In the capltol. got under way In the summer after of Bay View avenue returned home grb'etrr)'-'.': The fight between Edison and the the state senate flatly refused to ap- from Brooklyn, where they spent Leroy Thompson of Demmsrt ave. legislature was. called off just long prove Edison's selection of William several days. , ., Franklin Thorne of Route SS fs nue was ploantly surprised upon, his enough durlnipthe summer to enact L. Dill, Patorson Democrat, to sucreturn home from work last evening a compromise In $51,000,000 in rail- ceed E . Donald Sterner, Belniar Re- visiting his parents here during the holiday. He Is stationed at Fort (Tuesday) when he found a gatherroad taxes. Edison collaborated with publican, as road commissioner. ing of relatives and friends who had . Q."'O.~ P . leaders to steer tho plan Roger Hlnda, South Orange law- Knox, Kentucky. The Keansburg Lionel club will been'Wvited by hla wife to a party through the legislature. yer, was designated by Edison as hold its annual-Christmas party for arangod In celebration of hla 34th The governor's Bupport of tha ral chief examiner to conduct the Investax plan was the spark that sot off tigation of .Sterner's administration, the children in the Fowlor theater birthday. A buffet supper was served tomorrow, afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. and a social time was enjoyed. Mr. his fight with-Hague, for nearly 25 which started in the spring of 1935. Thompson, who was taken completeyears state Democratic chieftain Hinds sought to establish that leg. Every child present will receive one ly by surprise, received many gifts. Hague had bitterly opposed the sef- slators obtained from the Highway of the gifts now on display- in the Thooo present wore Mr. and Mrs. 3. tlemont, which he sald;_would cut DepartmenL_better - than -average theater lobby. Mrs. KerTjamln "Andreach will en- SrTttompsoh~of RearBank, parents deeply Into carrier levies allotted "to prices for lands purchased for road of the celebrant; Miss' Alma ThompJersey City, rail terminal. purposes. Hinds also criticized ad- tertain the Two Table Bridge club son and Mrs. Dorothy Emmona and' The rail tax settlement cancelled ministrative practices of the depart- at her home on Bayview avenue this son Robert and Louis Carhart of Red evening. The group met lost woek $17,000,000 In Interest and penalties ment. Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Honon back taxes withheld from tho Hoarlhgs by Hind's Investigators at the home of Josephine Koarnoy drlckson, Mr. Charlotte Llnde and of Bellevlew avenue at which time For National Security Buy Nastate by tho carriers while "they continued into the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Myron VanBrunt and fought unsuccessfully in sluto and Tha patronage tiff was intensified they held a Christmas party. tional Defense Bonds at thi; v Star of Bayslde counoil, Daughters daughter Beverly of Nayeslnk, Mr. federal courts against tho state's tax- when Edison nominated Richard P. Ing methods. The plan required the Williams, .retired brigadier general, of America, held a birthday party and Mrs. Harry Dennis of Fair Havoffice. carriers to pay by Installments $34,- of marines, to succeed Col. Mark O. December 12. The guests of honor en, Mr. and Mrs. Herbort .Thompeon 000,000 In tax arrearages, and adjust- [{Imberllng as state police superin- were State Councilor Marie Hegt arid sons, Ernest and Wallace, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson ed levies for fuuture years. tendent. Ediaon and Williams bo- and her staff Including State AssoHague charged that Edison In camo -acquainted in Washington ciate Councilor Ann Shaw of East and daughter Gall of Headden's Corbacking the , plan sought to curry when Edison was secretary ot theKeansburg. Gifts were ' presented, ner and Mrs. Charles Raynor and refreshments served and dancing on- daughter Vema, Mr. and Mrs, Paul favor with the railroads because of navy.- Eremus and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow their business relations with the SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION, The senate refused-to confirm Wil- Joyed. ... Corporal Boscbo ^Dikoy, of Camp Whitteck ol Keansburg. Thomas A. Edison Industrleiv-The .lams-r ~A ctimjirottlsa elevated ;C6I. Miafe Mary H. Paddock of Norwich, H " f i ' B A N K 7 N.~-i. mayor accused the governor of be- Charles' H. Schoeffel from deputy Croft, South Carolina, Is spending Connecticut, Is visiting her nephew, traying his party. . tats police superintendent to super- the ' holilaya with his parents, -Mr. Rev. Charles P. Johnson' and Mre, and Mrs. Stove Dickey, of thLa place. Ellison replied that "the sooner intendent and gave Ediaon free The Keansburg branch of Mon- Johnson at All Saints Episcopal recHague loses his power the better It elgn to name Williams as his secretory. will be for New Jersey." tary for defense, a new post,, at mouth County Organization For SoEighteen members of NavMlnk cial Service held a joint meeting Hague's rejoinder was to proffer 112,000 a year. party leadership to Edison, but the The legislature In joint session with the local branch of the Amisr- Women's Republican club held ^hrlstmas party last week at the governor rejected the offer, saying, iromoted three Republican senators lcan Red Cross in the municipal home of the president, Mrs. Leroy "Tha mayor Is presuming to give me 0 lucrative state jobs. The practice building Monday evening. Mr. and- Mrs. Albert Saggan of Thompson of Demmert avenue. The something which is not -within his > legislative designation of state f group sang "Ctad Bless America," acpower to give. That leadership is ifncials*was condemned by Edison. . Newark announced the engagement only within the gift of the Demo- Senators named to Jobs were: Alfred of their daughter. Miss Mary Sag- companied on ths ,piano by Mrs. Fred Rader. Luncheon was-flrved cratic voters and, workers of tho Drlscoll of Camden, as state al- gan, to Frank llarotta, son of Mrs. and gifts exchanged. The members state." ' .:ohollc beverage control commls- Agnes Marotta of LInton. place, at made up ChrlBtmas baskets which Hague announced he would test loner at $10,800 a year; Arthur F. a dinner party in their home Christ- were given to needy families Christvalidity ot the rail settlement In the 'oran of Hunterdon as state milk mas day. No date was set for themas eve by Mrs. Thompson. The courts and that he would work ontrol director at $10,000, and Horn- wedding. Larry Maher of Beacon Beach was club will meet .Thursday of next toward repeal of the plan by' the C. ZInk of Essex as state comptransferred by his firm, the British week In the flre house. Plans for leglalature. troller a t *6,000. game party will be discussed.""" Attorney General David T. Wll- Organized labor won. a major vlo- Purchasing agency, to the-company's A service will be held New Years entz, a Democrat friendly to Hague, :ory early In the session with enact- offlce at Washington, D. C. He left soon Btarted a chancery court chal- ment of a, law curbing chancery Sunday to take up his new duties! day at 10 a. m. at All Saints church He will be In Washington indefinite- In observance of the Feast of the lenge of the constitutionality of the ourt's powers to Issue Injunctions Circumcision. . compromise, naming State Treasurer n labor disputes. The legislature al- ly. William J. Albright defendant In the IO set up a state mediation board to Mrs. Margaret Trenery and-daugh-. Rev. Charles P.- Johnson conducted ter Myrtle spent the week-end at a service Monday for patients at tho suit Wllentz started the suit against ettla differences between manageMarlboro State hospital. Edison's wishes. Argument In thement and labor. Both the lnjuno- Newark. There Is plenty of material but Miss Joan Beatty entertained her test suit has.not been started. Hud- ion limitation and the mediation more workers are wanted at the Red son municipalities launched another card billswcre~vrecommcndcd . by cousin, Miss Ann Brennan; a friend, Elaine Tiltoh, and Charles Miller; all Cross sessions being held Tuesdays court attack. Edison In his Inaugural address. Laand Wednesdays of each week from Edison, however, did not let up on or leaders had been fighting for the from Newark, last week-end at her2 to 5 p. m. in the Episcopal parish: home on Park avenue. Hague. In'his drive for a Constitu- lonner since 1913. . . John' Hauck of Bay Viow avenue house. tional .convention, the governor One of the most controversial bills urged revlaion-of the state's charter nacted Into law permitted free was host to Miss Jane Andreach and Shore Vessel* Kept from Sea. so that political "bosslsm" could- be ransportatlon to school of pupils In Miss Betty Murphy last Friday. Tho ended In New Jersey. ' ' A ruling prohibiting boats on all arochial and other. non-profit edu- group . spent the "day at New York city. .The feud continued into the fall ntlonal Institutions. non-essential missions from leaving ,, election campaign, In which the The. election statutes were revised The Catholic aughters of America, shore Inlets and entering the-ocean chief executive actively supported 0 provide state-wide permanent reg- Court of St. Ann, are sending -food, h u been IS9ued by the Coast Guard. cigarettes and other gifts to the men Permits will be Issued for all comcandidates favorable to his policies. istration of voters after July, 1843. Edison suffered a setback' in the The Legislature ^nacted a general In the army in Iceland. mercial fishing croft Colneldent with Mr. and Mrs. Wolf of Willis ave- .his ruling was the reopening of the general election, when the 'Republi- appropriations bill of $39,000,000 and cans gained three scats In the as- 1 highway fund measure of 550,629,- nue spent Christmas day at NewDeal coast guard station, which haa Here's Wishing Our Patrons and Friends sembly and one In the senate to con- )00, the latter, including $6,500,000 for York city. Mr. and Mrs. T. McOlnnes of beon closed for two years. tinue their domination Into the 1842 unemployment relief, after Edison the Happiest of All New Years t Brooklyn at tho reslawmaklng session. n'vitcd the lawmakers to reduce hla idence ofspent Christmas Mrs. Bessie Dies at Fort Monmouth. , her daughter, Immadlately after the election Ed' iroposed $90,199,45? budget. Anlbue. lson made two appointments which Mrs,' Theresa B. Rogers, relief inA program of Increased unemployTho-Cathollo Daughters of Amer- vestigator of the Anbury Park welwere interprettrd'at the State House ment compensation benefits also -was ica met list week in St. Ann's school fare department, died suddenly Satas a rebuke to Hague.' The governor macted early In the session. auditorium.' Gilts were exchanged urday at Fort Monmouth, where ahe named Eugene E.; Agger, Rutgers Edison named Lewis Compton, University economics professor, as who had-served with him as assist- and Christmas hymns' were sung. had gone to visit a friend. Death waf state commlsslbner-ot-banking and ant navy secretary, as state finance Miss Mary Tumulty of Plnevlow due to a heart attack. Mrs. Rogers, avenue was a winner of a prize on who was 48 years old. had not been Insurance to succeed Louis A. Rcllly lommlsslenet1, Compton . resigned thp co-operative plan. 135-187 Monmouth St., Red Bank ot Nowark, a Democrat friendly to fter several months to enter private zation will meet JanuaryThe organi- ill. ' , . . 6. Hague. He also appointed Dayton., mslnees and his place was taken by l a s t evening the Study club of the McKean, Dartmouth college political rank Walsh of East Orange! brothscience Instructor and author of a r of Arthur Walsh, executive vice Catholic Daughters of America held < their weekly meeting at tho home book . condemning Hague's political 'resident of Edison industries and as organization, as deputy finance com- Edison's campaign manager in theof Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boatty, Park avenue. Next woek the group will missioner. . -overnorshlp race. meet at the home of Mrs. Helen Parrlsh. Mr. and Mrs. George Pease of Keyport are tho parents of a daughter borri December 19 at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mrs, Pease waa formerly Miss Lena Bellezza of this borough. Mr. and Mrs. Ahern are visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. Krams of MapleEVENING wood. GLITTER Mrs. Benjamin Andreach spent Here's that "slitseveral days list week . in Newark ter" so smart for visiting her mother. formal evening dresser for gala Jack Beatty, Jr., who was visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack | occasions, high Boatty, Park avenue, left for Clevep o i n t s of the holiday season land this week, whero he Is emO f t e n the bodployed in a ohomical company. .ice,' or b o d i c e Miss Ellen Manning was named and pepjum, are executrix by tha terras of tho will a mau of glratnot the late Mrs. Mary Manning. The inR s e q u I n s, will was executed July 22 and wnfl while the iklrt submitted recently to probate at > is in plain fabric. Freehold. 'Or the e n t i r e Mrs. Elizabeth Dlofenbacli was j d r e s s may be named executrix of tho estate loft i sprinkled o v e r wlth^cnulni, u by her husband, who died July 14. On OiljNeivYork The. will was probated last Friday. \ Creadon made of Mr. and Mrs. William Stokes of cold taffeta. Fort Monmouth road are making . Here the glitter plans to go to Florida, whero they follows a deliwill spend their vacations. \ cate spider - web Tho Balbuch A. A. won, 88 to ,22, , aftd that tiieam design, spreads over tho Armstrong basketball team yall o v e r t h e ; last Saturday overling at tho Brildipper ,'yS -"'""> """'y" %ia* mm mile, per gOlonl ( bouffant i k l r t ' and tight fitting,, baoh auditorium. The Keansburg money. ' ^ Thcrc'a n lot more to toll, too i: low-cut bodice. Rebels, a girls' toam, loot to the New i Brunswick Flashes In a-closely conW c have facts from the Packard b u t c o m o 0I1 in and feast your testod gnmo. Sorgennt Murtln Loh.Hen of Fort Proving Grounds to convince you. " ^ o n t h l s Packrd-bullt beauty. Bragg, North Carolina, Is homo visiting hla parents, Borough Manager Listen to thU, *>' " " ^ . * * You'll find hundred reasons why and Mrs. Clinton B. Lolmcn, Main - ^ V e' Packard was / M ' *'""" i( ., w o r t h yor nionoyl street. Sergeant Donall Conroy of Fort ph*. But compared to it, the lupcr/ o cf]Mgt wUhaut nolU. Bragg, North' Carolina, spent' his Christmas furlough with hit pni-ontn, Mr. nnd Mm. Walter A. Conroy, of this borough. 2i^^ Mr. and Mrs, John Wholan of Lohson avonuo cntortalnod at dinner Mr. and Mrs. Loroy Purdy nnd children of North Hcrjiuii, Arthur Wofolmoyor, 17, Hoii lireezo 1401 MAIN STREET ASBURY PARK way; John Phlefor, 10, ulio of Ho* Breeze wajr, and Douglas Foulki, 18,

Edison-Hague Split Was;] Year's Highlight

1941 War One Of The State's Most Turbulent Years Politically

Raise Money For .. Recreation Fund






Acme furniture Co.






, .

, ' " ' " "


RED BANK ^REGISTER, JANUARY 1, 1942. .Joseph P. Crowley

88 Norwood Ave., Long Branch Rtpriientatlva lor Sil o| Burroughs Adding" Machine* . a n d Oaih Registers
P.hon. Loni Branch 210-M*

Paw Hires Chief Roberts A Traffic ^Officer


Be Careful In Addressing Your Mail To; Soldiers

-Full-Name Description of Military Unit Essential

Newark Workers Follow Red Bank

Expert Repairing

The manner In which mall for military personnel Is addressed is giving members ,qf the jmstofflce department much concern and Tho RegisAccuracy, skill and experiter has been requested by Postmasence enable us to do the ter vonKattengell a.nd Assistant PostJnost-delicate repairing. We master George H. Trucx to ask Its guarantee satisfaction. Our readers If they will endeavor to comply with postal regulations-a, little prices will please Vou. more freely. . RADIO I'ROORAMS Silverware Repaired It appears that "despite the fact that military personnel have been' and Replated Like New , Asbury I'ark Instructed to advise their correspondt310 Kilocycl.. ents a s to the correct manner of adl'..M. . Wcdnt.d.ij-, December 3 1 . . dioHslnf mail to them, a consider8 :0tl~--Things to Do. able amount of mall continues to be 8:15--WJ'A }li.nilliiic>. 36 Broad St., Red Bank received at army camps throughout 8:.1ORcl Crrni- I'mtnim. This heart-warming, patriotic scene Is a.yiew fiom the epeakct's platform, as employees In the Newark ; Tel. 18S1 8:4S'Round Town. " tho country bearing incomplete adplant of tho Slgmund Eisner company, rcafllrjned their Loyalty Pledge following similar action-by .workers 'J :^0Army Ranii. . dresses. The senders la many in- In-the^Red-Bank plant. They are applauding ono of tho speakers who denounced tho unprovoked Jap as9:15Dnlry 'Drann, . stances fall to Include in the address Bault_pn__Amerlea, and who promised, on behalf of tho workers, that "as men and women hohlnd the fight-' 10:II0Vhrlctlos. 10 :a0" IlcVito Ojchcstrn. tha full description oj'. fhe'military, ing men, .wowlirback them up tO'tho'Ilrnlt. Wa,'"wili show tho dictator1"nations the- mighty power of a tree 10:13Music Vou. Want. unit to whlcl) tho addressee belongs.peoplf." . ' ~ ". . ~ -. ' . - ' _ --. .11:30Pance Time. ; Incompletely addressed matter, has A. M. Thurt'da/, January, 1. to Jje turned ovor, to the army for the 10:30iMorniiiK Mrlodlo. . Hazel Wenlger, Viola Johnson, and completion of the address before 11:00ShopplhK UiK ; 11:30On tha Hccord. Ina May Smith. such mall can ho delivered. This reP. M.-. ' Mrs. Mary ijjSThoipe entertained sults in great delay In the delivery of p l=:00Tuneful Airs, the mail to the addressee or even In (TJio Bed Hank Register can be bouuht Christmas da and Mrs. John H. . Wcutenant Robert R. -Voprhees, M :lr. Luncheon I'lntl-r". Belford from H, Cloy Blr, VanNordlck, Wcrmert, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kad Jr., of Aberdeen Proving grounds, 12:30Wnjt Pnradir. failure to effect delivery. Naturally, Wauerman'a and Jack O'Nell) . will return to his .poet to- 1:00 Nou'.i. .thin., causes much disappointment to Mrs, Thomas Smith celebrated her denback of ' Highlands and Miss Maryland, s. five day furlough spent 1 :15Dnncinn Dlsrs. Margaret Reddihgton of JCeyp'ort day after the addressee, who may be looking birthday Monday. ll'AT> Snnir' Shop. and her eon, Dr. Joseph Thorpe, of with.his parents, William Monroe,' 2:00 TlivaU'rs. forward with great anticipation to Louis Josson has accepted a posiPost Graduuto hospital; New York. also stationed at Aberdeen Proving 8:00Diniwr Diuicii. receiving mall from friends and tion with the WPA as timekeeper. ' . - . ' Mrs. Emma Brown Is spending grounds, spent Christmas day at his . 8 : l ' , _ N c w s . . " _ loved onea. , Miss Laura" Runyon returned to S:.'JpNavy Ilnml. '' - . At one fort the directory section her position' at Washington, D. C, two weeks with her son and family home. S:lr, Tmvn 'lV.pic. Soon alter the first of the year, ^:30Dancing on Wnx. .' . . . . requires the full time services of Sunday after spending several days at Bloomficld. , :es to handle with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. El- "Mlssea Shirley'and Lois jenson and many local women will resume ihnir 10:00Dnncp l'hrndf.. weekly bowling programs' on, tho 10:510noVito OrchoBtrK John Poat attended .the ice hockey mall matter incompletely addressed, wood Runyon. 10:1:,Music You Want. ' giimc at Madison Square Garden Holmdel alleys. MM. Earl'-Benton 11 ^lO^-Dnnco Timo. . . In some Instances tho several comLieutenant Arthur Poole of Brook- Thursday night. 13 In charge of preparations nnd she. A. M. .' Friday, January 2, panies of a regiment may be Bta- lyn navy yard visited his grandparBaby Joyce Heyers, daughter of expects .to-have a large groiip bowl- 11 ::iODoings on Dix-J. tioned at from two to four different ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lcc, and l'l:ir>Louise Powers, Shops. locations. Therefore, it ts of great his aunt, Mrs. W. R. Jcffers, Christ- Mr. and Mrs, William Heyors, who ing Friduy afternoons. Mr, and Mrs, James Hammond of IS TOOTuneful Airs. OR NEWARK was seriously 1 1 Christmas, is much 1 Importance that the address show mas day. P. M. Holmdel and Mr. and Mrs. Mead of l^:l(iLuncheon-rinttcrs, Improved. the particular unit.with which the $ Mrs. Lena Sutherland, Miss MarMr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith and Vanderburg spont Christinas day 12:30 Wnx Parndi. addressee Is connected. * jorle Sutherland, William Sutherland Miss Helen Smith and Mr. and Mra, with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ham- 1:00 NV:wa. : In order to obtain fuller co-opera- and daughters, Doiecn Carol -and Howard Atley spent Christmas even- mond. On Christmas night the group l{l.iDumiinE Dlsca; ' ' tion of all concerned the postofflce Barbara Ann, Mrs. John Helms and ing with Mrs. Georgia Foster nnd was entertained'at tho home ol Mr. 1 MSSonar Style*. Wednesday g 2:00TheuU-rs. department has suggested to Post- Miss Mabel 'Luker spent Christmas family. and Mrn. John Jeffrey. 8:00 Thinna To Do, Round Trip masters to prepare posters for dis- day with Mr. anl Mrs. Hurbcrt'Van. Holmdel township schools will re- 8:15 News Itevlcw, . ' Mr. and Mis. Stanley Cook enterplay purposes showing correct forms Duyne and family of Verona. Hk30Varieties. Leave Red Bank tained Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. open Monday morning. .The hoard U:00Ilcsume. of address and to secure tho co-operJHecent guests at the home of Cap- Douglas Cook, and Mr, and Mrs. of education will meet Wednesday A, M. Saiurdayi January 3. ation of local newspapers, motion night of next week and the-township. were i l I l d i "picture litraHCTr-aHd-rndlo-broadeatit^ Mlas VifglMiTHewlU of'atate TeucTP" * 1:00Shuppinu Ust. Mrs. Harry Lange and daughters, BoTflTiiTUeo will" meet the following" 1:30On tho Record. casting stations in further bringing era college, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. ' Returning, tickets g o o d on any Jersey "Frances, and Mrs. afternoon. 2:00-^Tuncful Airs. this matter beforo tho public. Fred P. Cook of Point Pleasant, Mr. Mahlon fGri There will be no Holmdel league 2:l.i-^Luncheon- ('fitters. Central Train o n date of jale. spent Friday at Correctly addressed mall of this and.Mrs. Walter Worden of Kcyport, Perth Amboy. bowling matches this week. The U1Wa Pnrndo. HIE S O N DOES HOI IKCLUDE FEDERAL T X HW A typo will Includo the name arid rank Mrs. Jennie Trimble and Mrs. Nettle . Tommy Schnoor, two-year-old son schedule will be resumed Monday 1:00 News. 1 SISDancing Disci. Consult Jem/ Central Ticket Agent* fof of the addressee, as well as tho par- Wright of Atlantic Highlands .and of Mr.'and Mrs. Otto'Schnoor,-has night when the. Reds meet the Pir- .1 M.i^.SonK Stylos. ' idditionll information.-Childten under 5 ticular unit to which ho Is,assigned Mr, and Mrs. James Whlston and been 1 1 with a severe cold. ates. On Tuesday night; tho' Cards' 2:15 Snlur.lny Mnlinee. ctrried (ice. Children underl2,dud fire. 1 2:15 Krnm Hollywood. and all mail should bear in tho up- daughter Hulda sf Kearny. Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Grob enter- meet the Yanks and Thursday night, S:00 Dinner Dnnce. per left hand corner of' the adMrs. Helen Shlndlo and Mrs. Min- tained Mr. nnd Mrs. George Groh the Cubs meet tho Dodgers. S:i:,News. iddresse"d Bide tho return address of erva Miller celebrated their birthA first aid course. In connection 8:30Wildlife Conservation. and H. Grob of Red Bank Christmas tho writer. . days at St. Agnes guild Tuesday. day. with civil defense, will be conducted 8:15Town Topics. . - . ' ---: 01'iOAvo Mnrin Hour. Blind packages were awarded to Mr. and Mra. Melvin Leek and son at the Health Center, starting TuesMrs, Kate Knapp, Mrs. Anna Noble George spent Christmas day with day, Wednesday or- Thursday...night 0:00Dnnc. l'nrnde. 0:30dcVito OrchcMro. and Mrs. Beatrice Smith. Election Mr. and Mrs. John Barrata and fam- ot next week/ The course will be 0:1.-,Music You Want. of officer* will be held at the next ily of Jersey City. directed by registered nurses, -Those 1:30Dance Time. I meeting in January. Miss Marlon Langford spent who have volunteered to take the | 'Margaret Foster' has been on the Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- caurse include Mrs. Robert K. YoorMarried Chrlstmns hees. Sr., Mrs. Charles, Ely, Mrs. , sick list. ' ward Murphy of Jersey City. . Helen Noble, Mrs. Harold T. Holmes, j Mj&a Doreen Carol Sutherland Is Mr. and Mrs. William Mulder and Miss Adole L. Douglas, daughter of spending a few days with her grand- daughter Susan spent Christmas-day Mrs. John C. Stevens, Mrs. Forman Mrs. Estotie L.. -Douglas of Asbury 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hurbert Van- with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Brady of Sutphin, Mrs. William S. Pitcher, Park, and Bradford Piersall, son of Mrs. Harry Pitcher, Mrs. Taylor W. Duyhe of Verona. ~ -. Fair Haven. Hancc, Mrs. W. B. Harding, Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Wai-rcn'Piersall of Nep' Mrs. Anna Boyce has been laid up Mrs. William Reeves Is visiting V. Armstrong, Mrs. Marshall Long- tune, worn married Christmas dny in with a severe cold. l the Asbury Park, Bnptlst church,' Afher daughter on Long Island. ! Miss Helen Smith and Mr. and .-,Mr*. and 'Mrs. Frank Daly. entefV sfreet, Mrs. Henry Cross, Mrs. Nor- ter a trip through Pennsylvania, Mr.. Mrs, Neleon' Smith .were recent tdlned a number ot friends and reP* h'inifMorgnn', Mrs. John Mount, Mrs. Piersall. will return to *Fort .Jackson,,. Jacob Stern,-Mre. Earl Benton, :Mrs. guests of Miss Ada Ellison of Mata- atives Saturday evening. I?.-p..Donovan, Mrs, W. J. Duncan, S. "C, where ho is stationed-with the ! wan, . Mr. and Mrs. August.Volhlun'd and Jfrfl. Vincent Hammond, Mrs..Henry army. Mrs. Josephine Johnston spent son Ernest spent Christmas day with Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Richard Mrs. Volkland's parents at Matawan. W. Kuohn, Mrs. L.' A. French, Mrs.' M ih y f Helen Holmes nnd Mrs. William Curry of Leonardo. Miss Jeannette VanDuyne oi .Ver- Hammond, nnd Misses Dorothy Ely, For Your SALE Mrs. Charles Shlndle ie on the sick ona Is spending a few ri.-.ys with John Alice Schanck," Myra Francis, Gladys list. " .^ . _ Hcims and family. French, Doris Maher, Betty : Ely, STARTS John V, Glass, 3d, of Bound Brgok Clara Lefsky, Ruth Longstrect and la"spesatlig~tliB*hollday vacation with Mary Etta Sculthorpc. WEDNESDAY, his parents, Captain and Mrs. John V. Glass., DEC. Mr, and Mrs. M. Dory and son of Kngngcmpnt Announced. Great Ktlls, Staten Island, were re: 31st cent week-end guests of.. Mr. and Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hans of AnA well-rounded musical program is bury Park nnnounceu the engageMrs. Francis Craig. Mr. and Mrs.. A. G. Mills and planned for tho New Years neck-cnc( ment of their daughter, Mildred,' to daughter, vMl3s Llnie Mills, and son, at the Bcrkclcy-Carteret hotel at As- Holmes Adams, son of. Mr. nnd 'Mrs. Adelbcrt Mills of Yonkers, were Sun- bury Park with concerts beginning Curtis- Kaufman of Avon, at a Christday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sunday afternoon, December 28. Mu- mas party nnd dinner last Thursday. slcales will bo .given until "Circus Cook. Miss Hazel Craven has been re- Night," annual celebration for New Years eve. moved to a. New York hospital. Frederick A. Wohlfertt will offer Mr. 'and Mrs. Edward Barnes enLcf This Be Your . . . QUART tertained at Christmas dinner at piano recitals Sunday afternoon, December 28, and will be followed that their home William Barnes and evening by harp solos rendered-by No. 1 Resolution daughter," Miss ' Lillian Barnes,' of Miss Ellzahoth Shlmcr, Georgian Keyport, TOT SILVER SHIELD court. Tonight (Tuesday?, a symMILLSHIRE STUX Mrs, Arllne Bauscher entertained phonic trio consisting of Miss WhltDISTILLED DRY hor mother, Mrs, Harry White, at ton. Blereck, piano. Charles Pier, 1009& Grain . Christmas dinner. 00 Proof cello, and Oliver Applcgnte, violin, Mr. and MrB. Lester Walling en- will play selections from Godard and Help Deleal the tertained at their home. Christmas Victor Herbert. - : ,. pulday Mrs. Alva Fleckensteln of Fair 'A GAL FIFTH Haven, John Feeney of River Plaza ling.v.c-ur savings Ashury Park Girl Engngwl. and Mra. Bertha Pease and daughlegulatlyin U. 5. ter, Miss Lois Feaso of this place. ,Dr. and Mrs. Ross B. English of Dcfenic Bono's and Jack Barnes, who Is a student at Chicago university, Is1 spending the Asbury Park, h,avo announced the Stampi. CALVERT Special SEAGRAM 5 Cr^own holidays with his parents, Mr. and engagement of their daughter, Betty Ross English, to William A. Robspn, Mrs, Edward Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. John Lcntz enter. son of Mrs. Gcorgo ' E. Robsan of. ; GctYourSlxircoJ QUART , taJned at Christmas dinner at tholr Charleston, W. Vn. Mr. Ilobson is CHOICE homo Mrs. Charles Casler, Mr. and now in scrvico with the U. S. Air U.S.Defente BONDS-STAMPS Mrs. Harold Woodward and daugh- corps at Kelly Field, Tc^as. "Miss BELLS SCOTCH"" ter, Miss Mao Woodward, and son English Is a prlvnlo secretary In Blended nml bottled In Scotland. Harold Woodward, Jr., and William Washington. Blended Whiskey Johntry. KITCHEN TOWELS WSrqSK^ Imported by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrew, Mrs. Ella Bade, Mrs. E. Hyers and ClifO. P. HeubMn ford Andrew left Monday for a stay and Bros, QUART ^ In Florida. FIFTH '/iGAL \ Miss Etta Morris Is suffering with a broken wrist sustained in a fair. Royal art-cotton and linen; Mr, and Mrs. Chester Henry enlaundered, ready to uae. Red, tertained at their homo Christmas nOTTJLED'hY EASTKRN WINE CORP, day Leroy Henry of tho Bronx, Mr. blue, green borders. Size and Mrs, Rufus Enatmond and n , ROYAL PORT - SHERRY - MUSCATEL .. ,, Earl Eastmond, and Mrs. Llbblo Henry, 37 GAL '/1 GAL Edward Loo returned homo Monday to Brooklyn after spending two woeks with hU brother.and fumlly, 54 In. TAPESTRIES TABLE WINES Mr. and MrB. G. A. Leo, and daughter, Mrs. W. It. Jofforn. DON JUAN Mr. and Mrs. Edward McNhlly and Burgundy, Iliirbern, Bnrlwrone, daughter, Mra. Harriot Bartholomnji Jil. VnliipR to 2.01) Glilanll, Zlnfnmlnl, Iltync, of Lynbrook, are spending a week ~ ' Sniitorne, at their slimmer! homo hero. ChrlntThe event of the Holiday Season maltet us mindful mas day they entertained their QT Vi GAL For nil hinds furniture covernophew, Judson Bennett, who has a and deeply appreciative of our many friendships. position At Midland, Ponnsylvanlu, ing! ; pntterns woven Whether or not we are privileged to handlo your busiMr. and Mrs., Frank Schneider through. Colorings up-tohave boon enlortalnjng friends from ness, it is with the same warm spirit of good ncighNow York. date. A real buy. MISSION, SWISS Mr. and Mrs. F r e d Roaky and LA VITA borliness that wo extend to you our best wishes for n chlldron of Wcstllold spent tho DELL CHALET Fruit Inilllntrlil week-end win tholr paronts, Mr, and Cnllfornln WluoN. pleasant and Happy New Year. CullMrnln fflrift Mrs. M. A. Grimes. California WlncK. Port, Sherry, MusBED JACKETS Port, Slinrry, Mr. nnd Mrs. Elwood Runyon <uiPort, Hlicrry, catel, IVhlto Port, tertnlnod nl , Chrlatmas dlnnor at Muacatcl, Toliny Mtmcntcl, lllnclilmrry Dry Bhorry their homo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newlands of placo and Min.i C F I F T H 89,GAL 89 GAL ' Laurn. Runyonthis Washington, D. & r Keif. 1.35 GAL QT of Mrs, Ella Myora of Pcnnnvlllo spent ClnlBtmns with Rov. Paul J. Wnrrn bed jackets; (en rose, Myers nnd family horo. Mrs. l'aul Myorji ontvrtalnoil her blue or pink. Small, mediNVOAD SI Sunday-school clnwi at a Olirlitmaa um oV largo aizoi. 77 Broad Street, Red Bank, New Jersey pnrty Friday avnnlnir at the pnrionno. Proaont wero Avl Walling,


That Chief Detective George H. Roberts-is ready at any time to step out of hia role was demonstrated in Red Rank last Tuesday afternoon when he^ voluntarily assumed com-. "iaamr~Df~ar~trnlll<r.Jiuir*~Bir~ White' street, betwepn Brond. street:and the entrance'to Red Bank's free parking area,. ' ' Chief Roberts took' hold of. the situation just as if handling traffic was a part of his regular duties and in a very short time the jnm, of cars was straightened, out and 'everyone went on his way rejoicing. A' Register rcprescnlativa happened-to be one of-those injhfl jam and he grefitly.nppreclh.ted Mr,'~R6bcrtn' hand in the matter. .

Temporarily Opening
MHt to t<m

New"Year's Eve



Fair. Haven Road,





New Year Qreetings


The First National Bank

of Eatontown, New Jersey'
Member federal Eeserve System Sfember Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation








Th boys at the Factory Stores pause In their activities and "" gather'together to express tlielr sincere wishes for your health and happiness In the New year. .



!in; HB\is not oi.s

42 WEST-ST., ..


ew Year's Celebration

Circus Night At Berkeley-Carteret

Remnants All Kindt Yard Goods For Quick Sale About Half Pric.



For This Sale Only! Big Reductions PEQUOT SHEETS
63x 99 reg. 1.69, sale 63x108 1.79 72x 99 1.79 72x108 1.89 Six 99 1.89 81x108 1.99 90x108 . " 2.19 42x36 45x36 1.39 1.49 1.49 1.59 1.59 1,69 1.79




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Heavy, absorbent yarn, large 20x40 size. Plaids, whit* with colored borders and solid colors. Not every color in each style.


Pequot Pillow Cases

reg. .44, ale .37 " .46 " .39

5 * 9 8 **<>
100% pure virgin wool; plain colors; double bed size, 72x84. Wide satin binding to match.





$2.00 $ ^ . 8 9


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Or buy them for your own m e : , Five-pieee sets; pillow cases, one pair m,a box; three-piece towel sett. And, many other closeouts.








All our fine rayon print*, light, medium ' or dark grounds. Good patterns and colors. " 39-inch.




yd. 40a


36-inch; both "sides alike. Natural ground with brown, green or red woven plaid.



Full or twin bed siioj role, blue, green, cedar, peach, with contrasting colors on border and center.





Hawkins Brothers
Real Estate and Insurance


Two-way itrotch in pnniie stylo, with detached garters and panti. AUo regular girdle.

Braaaieres - Bandeaus

Discontinued models in fixes 32 to 4 4 . Various ilylea and makes.

Pacre Four


Pierre A. took out and Mr. and Mrs, George Hopping ot ITEMS OF YESTCRYEARS model aled Proal gave manyhis new ' Hendrickson Mr. and NelsonJohn C. and of hla|Red Bank, Mrs. and eon of Mldfriends a fast ride. Irving DbremtiB weht on the 'ico with his Ford runa- dletown, Mr. and Mr*. John Vah! FROM REGISTER FILES folks,and entertained p.behind. young MttterJr. of Newark. Walter K. Hop,; of Halet and bout host of ping, who trailed on ice boating on the river at Re? Bank. Mr- and Mrs. Charles K. Hopping


New Year's Greetings

We want to thank our many friends ^ for their~paironage-in the past and'

Happenings' of 50 and 25 Years Ago Culled From the News and Editorial Columns for Entertainment of-Today1* Readers

toe offer our heartiest wishes for a ' Happy and Prosperous New Year I -


Red Bank's Oldest Furniture and'Hardware Store 16 past Front St. (Phone 26) Red Bank --- ' XNearrBroad Street)" ~"7


Let us face the year 1942 with confidence,' courage and the resolution to do our full part whatever trials and sacrifices may be ahead, We shall hold supreme faith in the certain triumph of our democratic way of life with ..its. promise of a better world and a more secure future for ourselves and our children. That is our message to the many friends of . Red Bank' Savings & Loan to whom we send the sincere wish that all may enjoy greater happiness.






FREEDOM from changing tmperatures FREEDOM from heavy weight of many blanket! FREEDOM from coW, damp shoots FREEDOM to relax In a warm bed
I The General Electric'Automatic Blanket is the only " blanket that provide* uniform wirmth tutnmatiral-


lythroughout the whole bedall nip,ht long.

' It If the only blanket tint provides freedom from the discomforts of changing bed-room temperatures and the futile gtiesjwork of piling on many old-style blankets. Heretofore, you have slept under COVCM that do not provide heat. The only service that old-style wool blankets can render is in rut down the escape of heat that the body works hard to produce. The amazing Automatic Blanket Joel produce heata mild,, constant warmth like drowsy southern sunshine. The important fact to your cumfnrt and well-lxinj; is that the Automntic,Blanket not only provides warmth hut docs it autonia'tically. As the bedroom grows colder, the blanket nivcs more warmth': if ilie room g e n warmer, the blanket nivcs leu warmth. All night long you sleep relaxed .in constant warmth, iindit-

turbed by changing'room temperature!. Choice of J The controt""box or brln of the blanket operates in the, same fashion in regulating " Lot'CIV Color! J J Jttd temperature si th thermostat of your furnace operate, in regulating home W o . h a b l o , of Couriel temperature.. You Imve modern comfort in your s o f a . Low Voltage home durinR the two-thirds of day you r ,u .K . are awake. VChy not enjoy modem free4, dom to ileep under an Automatic Blanket ONLY during the one-third of each day you sleep? .
<'iih, T i u Included



of Raritan township on account of fTFTY YEABS AGO. George 'Thomas Hook of Red Bank illness. Johnson's hen house at died suddenly of apoplexy in the John waiting "room of the Central depot; Keansburg was robbed of about 50 He was 49 years old and. was surviv- chickens. Reon'of Little Silver was Frank ed by a widow and four children. for.a house BARBER SHOP and BEAUTY PARLOR )' Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hubbard en< having plans drawn occupancy. to be built for his own tertained the choir of tho Methodist WHITE STBEET, Phone 646 . BED BANK, N. JT. The Christmas celebration of the f: church and a few friends at their Baptist Sunday-school at Holmdel homo on Front street, A supper was was hold in the chapel. Rev. W. W. | served, after which games, music, Case was presented with a dozen siletc., were enjoyed. Those present ver spoons aria a dozen silver forks, were Rev. William M. White, Mr. and and Jones, Mrs. William Plntard, Mr. and Mrs. and the church clerk, Jacob Magee, the John L. Hubbard, Mrs. Dibben and received sextoness, Rebecca .Tho a present of money. daughter, Addle Sherman, -Jessie literary part of the celebration Ackerman, Genevleve Compton, Lena a cantata, "Santa's Surprise." Inwas tho Brower, Luella Frey, Lizzie Merch- cast were Howard E|y, Bertie Erickant, Mamie Hubbard, Lizzie Carman, son, Edward' Taylor, Will Wyckoff," .' Frank Conklln, Arthur Orapel, Bord- MJss Elizabeth Caso, Miss Flora Tayien Wolcptt and Carlton Keeler. The United States Circuit court, lor; Miss Mary Johnson, Willie Johnfitting at~:Trentori,"appbinte*d Robert son.-Riohard Francis, -Miss Glaia Miller, Allen, Jr., a United States commie Wyckaff, Willie Miller, Miss Clara Miss Catherine sioner. This gave, him power to sit Miss Sarah Walling, _MlssWalling, Nellio as a magistrate in all United States Holmes and-Miss MartharMcEveVr;*^ In looking ahead, we Our records show that criminal cases. John F. Scobey of Scobeyville gave seo that the horlion Is Bed Bank dtiien< reThe Sunday-scTiocl of the Reform- a family dinner party Christmas. not entirely clear, but turned to Clayton 4s ed church at Colts Neck'held1 Its Among tho guests, ouflidg_lhB immnrlw r pledge ourselves to~ M g -ln~"10H"~irthey Christmas festival.' Those who had iato family, were Rev, and Mrs. M." malntaln In 1812 tho. have In .-.past years. principal parts in the exercises were L. Ferris and Mrs. C. C. Heath and quality of service and. We're proud 6f and 1 Carrlo Matthews, Adella Wolcott, daughter Lily of Eatontown and Miss merchandise which has gratofui to our custom'Sadie Wolcojt, Jessie Covert, Carrlo H. A. Scobey and Miss, Irene Scobey built Clayton & Magee's ers" and we want to ' and Nettie Heyer, D. D. Hunt and of Scobeyville. Martin McGue also reputation. thank you (or your loyMrs. E. H. Statsir. ' ". w Had a family dinner party,^ , Hackctt of Rod Bank, were married ! R o b e r t J o h n ! I o n | fll.o,alarm Inspecal support, ph CllS A signal corps to be attached to Tho Riverside Gun club held a ? p -? ' .7 *} St. Jamas tor_ b h t h o woll .i n O wri Ice boat .7 } the Third Regiment, ^Second Brigade .ahP.Qt Christmas day, tho winner b'e: l l ' - ? wore attended by Miss j:tor_ b h tt tho w o l l .i ttnOwri Ice boat They National Guard, or New~ Jersey was ing Edward M,...C.QRP,er.,....with...John'i CatherineThey wore attended by Miss j G u l I f r o m . . U n c l o D a n > . A church Tobin and Thomas" Hack- boat was especially constructed T h 0 for organized In Spinning and PatterL son's hall. The members were enrolled by Dr. Thomas A. Curtis, first MEN'S CLOTHIERS lieutenant and assistant surgeon of the third regiment. There wore 28 19 BROAD ST., RED BANK members. The officers elected were Frank C. Cooper sergeant, John" M. ing present on that occasion five of in at Atlantic Highlands. Fred W. The Monmouth Poultry club at Elston first corporal, Mart P. Havl- his children, 18 grandchildren by Wells succeeded C. K. Llnson as bor- their annual mooting elected C. M, Page president, John Yeomans aecreland second corporal, R. H. Sneden marriage, besides visitors from Phila- oush'clerk. ' secretary, John P. Cooper treasurer, delphia, making 39 in all. Mr. and Thomss Estlow of Belford recelvFrank D, Covert began his Joseph H. Applegate, James Ludlow Mrs. Taylor were both over' 82 years term as mayor of Fair Haven. fourth" tary and GeorgQ T. Linton. treasurer. imd-HrerTritffoni-ftmimctrcomrnlttee: old;'.-Each of^their-grandchildron re* w. Dennis andArtiiur a. KtitteiHarry i>d a bad gosh In tho-nbdomon whbn were Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Walters of celved a.?5 gold piece. . ' ,.the new councilmcn, taking the a chisel slipped while ho was trimSea Bright celebrated the tenth an: Three gold watches' \VeTe' raffled places ot Joseph W. Davis and Fred- ming a piece.ofJVOQd. niversary of their marrlage_At_theilL s>\ H. McCartor's now rosf'dence erick W. Travis. on home. About 50 couples were pres- billiard rooms. They were won by Mayor-elect Harry N. Brown of tho Tower Hill waa noarlng compleent. John Laug,' Joseph Burrows and Highlands was unable to be sworn tlon - T h o J o b c st In excess of J39,There were nearly four millions on Amos Bennett. . .' , into office due to being confined to wd'ond wasunder the personal dideposit in the Monmouth county his home with a severe attack of rectlon of-Goorge W. Morrow of banks, of which the Red Bank banks Allonhurst. It was one of the outgrip. . "" Twenty-Five Years Ago. held nearly one-third of the entire standing mansions in this section of Telegrams wero The 41st annual meeting of tho Bank from Jersey received in Red ,tho United Statos. sum. There was a brisk demand for City announcing Shrewsbury Mutual Fire Insurance money. ... Mrs. A, L. Rapp sold her farm of company was hold Now Years day at the wcddlng-.of Miss Inez Smith of A race was held at Llncroft Park T. Elwood Snyder'a Metropolitan ho- Red Bank to Herbert W. Barber. 60 acres at Holmdel to Jacob KlnChristmas day, which was easily won tel at Eatontown. All the 'officers Miss Smith was secretary to Attor- hafcr, The farm was famous for Us by Samuel Bennett's brown horse. were reelectcd. A turkey dinner was ney Howard S. Hlgginson. . Mr. Bar- numerous crops of potatoes. . . extend to their many friends Four heats were trotted and'Mr. Ben- enjoyed, with Harry Campbell as ber was connected with., the city Tho George N. Hendrlckson-place engineer's department at Buffalo. nett's horse woa three of them, The toastmastcr. on the Keyport turnpike, botwoen beit wishej f6r race was for (20 a side. Charles M. Wyckoff of Marlboro Middlotown village and Keyport, was Independent Fire company of the was elected director of the board of sold to Robert Porter of Keyport for Six surveyors of the highway met Red Bank department nominated freeholdors -of Monmouth county, $8,000. This was considered a very on Charles^T. Leonard's grounds to Consider an application for laying William Cridpell, tho'chief of the de- succeeding John M. Corlies of Rum- high price for a farm of 20 acres in son, the retiring <member of tho that locality. out a public road from Leonard ave- partment, for reelection. * nue station to the public highway Hugh and Paul Ryder, sons of board. agThornton Ryder of Bank street, fell . Arthur R. Smock a beneficiary in - Tho county banks had depositsRed known as Leonardvllle road. The gregating $20,000,000. Tho two properties affected for damages were through the Ice near the foot of Lo- the amount of $100,000 In tho estate Bank banks had total deposits of $4,those of Math'las. Roop's daughters, cust avenue and they had great dim-, of Mrs. A. M. Bradshaw of Lake- 255,173.04. ; " ('" wood. Mr. Smock had been manwives of George W. Davis and Man- culty in getting ashore. Louis retired from chester Davis, and Mrs: Sarah Gaffey. Dennis Murray of Shrewsbury ave- ager of tho Bradshaw real estate grocery VanGilluwe Ocean Grove the business at The surveyors' decided to lay the nUe gave a dinner party to make agency several years. Mrs. ter occupying the same store af26 good an election promise. His guests was formerly Mlaa Ethel Warden of road and award Mrs. Gaffey 5600 years. At ono time Mr. VanGilluwe damages and the Davises $350. An were Mrs. Murray, Charles "-Giblin, Red Bank.' conducted a grocery store in tho award of six cents damages was Carl Wenzel, James Jones and A dry dock company "wn3 formed building made to the railroad company on ac- Charles Gray of Red Bank and Edna in Keyport with a capital of $100,000. occupied on West. Front street, Inter by L. Schwartz and Son. Morah and Dorothy Wells of Long Tho company bought the property count of crossing the track. . Mr. and leased by the Marine Railway com- Keansburg.Mrs. Thomas Gilmore of The pupils of the Riverside public Branch. wero seronaded by a Harry C. Fay, prominent Red Bank pnny at that place. school, near Brown's gave a pleasant entertainment In the schoolhousc. A undertaker, died following an illness There was an epldemlc'of grip nnd group'of some 40 friends upon their from their fine program of recitations, singing, of several months. He was 48 years pneumonia in .tho Hblmdol district return Snyder, son wedding trip. . of Mayor Charles etc., had been arranged and the old. Ho was a prominent Democrat and there was.very little activity in R.Earl Snyder of Atlantic Highlands, roteacher, Misa Linnle Lufburrow, "re- and served several years as coroner tho village. Among those seriously turncd to his studies at Lafayette of Monmouth county. ' * ^ r . ^ sick 'Wcre'Br; .G; E. Roberts, Mr. and " ceived much credit. college, Easton, Mayor Allan R. Reid of Highlands, Mrs. John Woollpy nnd thoir son, visiting with his Pennsylvania, after John T. Ackerson, who lived near paronts. Hazlet, was 82 years old. A party president of the Highlands board of William Pcarce, Mrs. Catherine Per- Captain William B. Moade gave up was given In hlB honor at which sev- education, died suddenly at his home rine, Edward Cheek and Grace, Irma his job in Lano rjnd Johnson's store of pneumonia. and Florence Egoff. eral generations were present. at tho Highlands on account of bad " A large number of cases of grip Frank Martineau, a Mortimer D. W. BamberKcr of became | were reported in Middlctown town- and a prominent resident of Fair Onpnnport Inft for a trip of several health. Ho laterborough. Justico of , ship. Among them were- Douglas Haven, died In New York from gas- months in Europe. While abroad his tho pcaco of tho Swift entertained Cook, William Morris, Grant Colo- tritis. Forj many yearn be was ad- famoun polo horaea were being tak- Mrs. Arthur W. club. Those man, William Myers, George Lohaen, vance manager for Klaw and Erlang- en enre of at his Pennsylvania farm. tho Shrewsbury Reading in tho "prowho Charles Morris, Edward Jagger, J. F. er and was known from coast to Mr. and ' Mrs. Walter K. Hopping gram 'had .spoclal parts wero Miss Anna Kennedy, Miss j Swackhamer and family, George coast. of Chapol Hill entertained at a din- Emma Holmes, Mrs. Cora" B. Our. biggest asset is the good will Morfor'd, Mrs. Eliza Morford and Mr. Dalton Parmly.' and Lawrence ner party Now Ycrtra day. During nlngs and Mrs. Harry Sickles. Jenof our customers, and we sinand Mrs. Robert Poole. Ryan were sworn in ns members of the occasion solos were sung by Miss Garrett Buck of Colts .Neck had The young people of the Baptist the' Riimson borough council New Darcy of Newark nnd piano selec- ten Barred Plymouth Rock hens cerely value the business church gave a bright, clean and en- Years day. tions woro rendered by MIHS Thclma entered In an egg laying, contest at you have given us ' joyable entertainment under the title There was plenty of skating and Hopping. Among those present wero Vineland. of "Aunt Hannah's Quilting Party." in the past. Those In the cast, were Walter B. Parsons, Miss Nellie Bailey, Miss TEMPLAR TIHESTS ELECT. May the New Year Be Bigger and Annie Applegate, Frank Manning, Miss Martha T, Allen, Miss Harriet Soa of Galilee Tabernacle No. VI, ' Better Than Ever Before Hubbard, Miss Rebecca Field, Misi of Knight Templar Priests held Its Roberta D. Allen, Miss Ada Sherman, nnnual Ingathering" In Red Bank Miss McClane, Miss Mary Mount, Christmas day, at which time the ofMrs. George Lamb, John H. Mount, . AND .. \}J%m [jBm'f-xy'itM ficers for the ensuing year were elecThomas S. Field, George M. Sandt, ted. Miss , Lily Smock, Miss Harriet Harold V. B. Voorhls of Rod Bank Ketcham, Miss Bessie Bergon, Miss as elected preceptor and Frodorlck Marion Borden, Howard WJllott, T. Hurley-of Llttlo Silvor, registrar. Potcy Walling, John Hoffmlrc and' Thoso aro tho only two local ofllcera John S. Applegate, Jr. Tho clerk o( In this body, which is tho only ono In 19 WEST FRONT ST., RED BANK the weather, with grim humor, had New Jersey, '" " PHONE R. D. C52. sent along a Baptist kind of a night, Victor Roo of Asbury Park becamo with the result the church was only n member at this meeting, half filled. Misa Wilhelmlna VanDine and Josj eph O. DeHart, both of, Keyport, were married at tho bride's1 homo by Rev. James E. Lake, Many deaths occurred during- the week, TIICBO Included Grovcr Tuzcj new, 6 ycar old, son of Fred Tuzo neto of Shrewsbury; Miss Minnio E. j Conover, 34, daughter of Abigail and J. Lyall Conover of WIckatunk; John B. Ptyor of Locdsvlllc, 80; Gnorgo C. I Mnriis nf Fair Vlow, Michael Tnylor, We look'forward to the New Year expectant171; Benjamin Franklin Tompklns.of I Navcslnk, 51; Raymond Hurloy, nine j months old son of Wesley Hurloy of ly, with a sincere appreciation of the fact ! Shrewsbury, ami Klva Louisa 'All! ntrom, daughter of H. K. Allstrom. I A donntlon pnrty was given to Rov. that our past success and future prosperity | E. Evcrott Jones, pastor of thn Mid(Motown Haptlut church. Refreshments woro brought by tho visitors lies in our patrdns' 'keeping. May 1942 treat and a Inrgn punn of money wan presented to thn pnntor. Whllo three mon woro digging out them graciously, is our earnest wish. n large applo Ireo on tho farm of Aaron VnnMaler at llolmdol, Goorgo ' Heinhliiig, ono of tho mon, was Inslnntly killed by tho trco fnlllng on him, . The .Shrewsbury Euchre club held Its lnt aonlahle at Dr. J. E. Cooper's, Thn were won by Eugene Cooper nnd Minn Vamlervtcr of Hnlnulrl, nnd tho honhy prizes wont to ),olu I'nttorson and Mr, Egbert. Club Royal Beverages Three children of Mlllnrd F. Cornwoll of llrnml strnot. wore stricken REAR 16 WEST FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. with diphtheria, Thoy woro Jonnlo, 0; Jacob, 7, and Julia, 0, The latter AND N6W, WITH A MOTOR CAR TO EVE^V 4 PERSONS WB Phone 3000 two (lloil from thn dfseaan. HAVTF MSN ADAPTED TO THE FUNDAMENTALS Honnlor Thomas H. 11. Drown resltfnnd nn townihlp treasurer nntl Or MBCHANIZED DRrENSE. a member of tin township commHtu
. * '

J h Q b f P , p b : Ing tho Central hotel, .decided to quit Ing considerable trouble in .getting a bath tub tor hla new home., Threo the hotel business to take up other work and his brother, Augustus tubs had been sont to him and each. Luther, was to become proprietor of iwas broken in transit and badly damthe old-hostelry. -......Jagiid-when received. John Conover, a member of tho Gifts orhouhtlhg, to Ji.BOO were Red Bank hockey team, while play- presented to the:.MIddlotown towning against Asbury Park at Red ship board of education to bo used Bank Now Years day, sustained a for agricultural teaching. One gift BO cut over the eyo which required five was lor J O from William H. English: another of llko amount was from stitches^to '.'close. .. : William Plntard,.who had been a Porey &.- and-'Herbert'-gtmua. and salesman in Albert S. Miller's shoe the donor of the third gift of 800 store several years, gave up his po- did' not allow his name to be used sition to1 begin tho sfudy of. law in publicly. the office of Alston Bockmnn, Mr, Harry H; Clayton, chief of police Fintard's father, the . late William of Red Bank, reported during the Pliitard, was a prominent Red Bank past year hla dopartment had mndo lawyer many years. -" 010 arrests.- This was 320 less than Mrs, Eliza Parker of Fair Haven the previous year. The chief ndvosuffered a broken arm in a fall, The cated the installation of a police telebono was sot by Dr. G. VanV. phone system and an'automobile paWarner. . tl trol. Miss Myra. D. Taylor, daughter' of Nels A. Nelson resigned as health Mrs. Douglas E. Taylor of Branch officer at Red Bank to take the poavenue, and Kendall Methot of East tuition as superintendent of the water Front" street ^vere-marciod at the j works at New Castle, Pen Pennsylvania. bld' h LJ E t dR brldo's homo b R J h by RovJohnson L. J "Ernest A Arend-and-Rev. Lester A. Ad Miner. Tboy.wcro attonded by Miss' G. Leggitt resigned aB mombors of i b Grnco Taylor, a sistor of tho bride, ] tho Red Bank board of health. Mr, and-MIss-Edna-RobcrtgioMKeypbrt- Arorid-hnd-hetn. president of tho and Homer Methot,- Jr., brother of'board slnco 1910. he-groom. Charles Bennott, Jr.,- aged thrco Mias-Lcano Sole, daughter of Tony i years, son of Charles Bennett of Sole, and Joseph Fontano, -son of i Vandorburg.vwas-badly scalded when Salvatore Fontano, both of Red j he fell in a pan of hot grBasy water. Bank, wore married in St. James | Tho officials of Red Bank and church by Rev. 'Joseph. T." CSsey.rrShrewsbury tpwhship^reached""an" Their attendants were Miss Joso-I agreementt regarding the annexation i J o h pliincilngrdssia nnd Frank Sole. of the westsldo or TCXOB district to j Miss JKnthryn Larktn, daughter of the borough and.a bill was prepared Mrs. James La'rkln of Nut Swamp, to be introduced~ln~ theTlegislature and William Hackett,, son of Patrick that winter. ' of atrick

TojONE and ALL

,* We join in withing you a very Happy New Year thanking you for your faithful patronage which made 1841 tuch a bright year for uii


The OLD Arid The NEW 1942,



/ It

v _ . - , / -

A Happy and

Prosperous New; Year



Fred D. Wikoff Co.

Coal Fuel Oil Feed

(greetings for the




n, Joiephlna DePohU, Catharine Bnt and Barbara Conklln. - ' Bach Concerto .....-...._. , Mr, FenlRo"and Mln Boulay "Hut-Sut Song" (majorettei twirling).... Bunny Plllon, Homary Flkj-rell, Vivian RoiaUvnd-<;onil WiiiRerter Encore'. ...Mr. Penlno and1 Mln Boular "Th Band I'layed On" $ Band "(iood Sport" dud by Crelinj . ; Hand "Cadet March" (led by Crelln) ....... Uand ^"Betly CoEd" .^ Band

Pace Pfve

High School News

SECRETARIAL AND ACCOUNTANCY COURSES A Letter. Individual Instruction In all Commercial lubjecto. y gor Tvlillia~ walking ''rRo program, waa exceptionally down a (treat lh- London I cimo wr^ll received, by the pupils and the Comptometery and Burrought Calculator Machine Training across a letter lying In the gutter. Day school hours, 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. / My curiosity aroused, I picked It M many parents who attended.fttultkas P Students marveled at "the - Night aesalQpa. are, hold every ..Monday, Wednesday and began to readij and Frl'day-'evening''from 7:30 to 9:30/ * technique and brilliant cxccutlbn ot ..December 25, 1941. the ducts by Penlno and Hlfls BouEBNEST U BEAN, Principal Girls' ifow Game Boom. lay. In the opinion of many attend01* Banj Avenue, / Asbury I'ark, N. .T. My darling Robbie; A new game room for the girls' I am In a concentration camp. X ing, "It. w u tho beat band' program gym classes has been made out of cannot tell you how I am to manage we hfvy.s had."Audreal Booth. the boys' locker-robm in Red Bank to get this message to you for, If It High. ;, , la over found, It will endanger the Senior Art Guild Given Chrltnm lives of those who aro tying to'help Fluorescent lights have been in> Banket. me. I shall never know If this let- The Senior Art guild, under tho of 15.-words.; Jacqueline Hlrsch, a stalled in.tho newly.painted room, ; ter will much you, as I am to ho exFeature Story. . junior, won the prize, a candy ijar. which has been equipped wlth-tivo ecuted today. It's rather Ironic, isn't supervision of Miss Edna Hallock, It. that I should inect my death on art toaoher, donated a Christmas Tohiany readers who listen .to Humorous gifts accompanied by ping pong tables, darts and dart Christmas? 'BY-CONGRESSMAN basket to a needy family during the Walter Wlnchell on the radio Sun- poems in French were exchanged^- board, Indoor . horau shoes, jump Do you remember thrpe years ago holidays. day nights, this story may prove in- Audrey Flock led In tho singing eft ropes, and several table games such as checkers, pit anddomlnoes. This WILLIAM H. SUTPHIN on this very same dato? I had been Miss Hallock donated tho meat and teresting. Mr. Wlncholl has an odd French Christmas carols. In-Londoji a fowl weeks visiting a Everyone was of the opinion that room Is also used by small tumbling things. IW instance, Margaret Hicks. Sho gave those who donated other foods were way of saying say that Mr. and Mrs. this meeting was the best ever. groups.. - " " * ; " _ . In my honor on Christmas day, in- BoUy Hall, Fay Corealo, Betty Van ho would not cradle-shopping, but The game room will be used partlc- ..Victoria DeVoe. This is the time of year when the troducing me as her.little* boarding Sant, Mary Ruddy, Bill Price, Kay So-and-so were ularly-by the glrlp with permanent message of. the Clniat-cliUd [$ suschool frlond from Berlin. I was DorcmUB, Jeanne VnnDorn, Bunny that they woro infontielpatlng or doctor's excuses and students tomp- preme In the thoughts D all Chrisr young and pretty then, and from the Dillon, Nancy Byrd, Betty MacClouci, awaiting the infantry. 'As we all f Inquiring- Reporter. orurlly excused from regular "gym." tlan men nml women. .No other news momontl enterd tho room I was in- George Curtla, Jack Allen, Frank have learned in English, the running "Oh! that makes me mad!" is an stantly surrounded by men. of two.words together Is called eli- exclamation heard often, and not Mrs. Hermlna Lechner, physical carries the important of this tremenLovckln, Gcomo Schmidt, Ethel Suddenly Margnfet said, "Helone, training teacher, said that she wfcs sion. I this is .Robin Ingrahm." I looked Anderson, Arthur VanNoto nnd Marl- WlncheUam not euro just'what Mr. only In school. Have you a pet very glad^to have the how game dous Christmas message: "The Son callB It. of God Is Born!" -. ' 'peeve'? This question was asked into your eyeB, dearest, and the- lyiTHodaway. Tho other day in class while we of some Red Bani^.High students by roam, as It adds to the girls' present A Saviourthe Prince of Peace ^Arthur VanNotc. crowd and noise faded. Nothing in wore discussing tho problem, an Idea your 'inquiring reporter, and the ans- program and fills the needs of the born to-tea-dll 'the world-by Ills holy the world existed, but wo two. You took mo away In a corner where we struckme. Ahd i do mean "struck!" wers received were all different and people who have doctor's excuses. example how to livo in peace and Orchids to, She also nald that It does not solve talked about pursolvon, rathorshyly Orchidsto the girls'-basketball ref- Why nhouldnt I try to coin some amusing... * all of the problems-In conducting an good will! To teach repentance nnd at first. Y/ou'told mo that you had story; to been barn into a waalthy family and erees who nro taking chargo of prac- new words and Iput them into ato Mr. Doris Maher stated thatsho could- adequate program for all the girls. by H b example do gooi), worJ-s,."aiT3 to encourage others you wero named aftor your great- tices when Mrs. Hcrmlha Ldcknor form ? Maybe could send It n't stand cigars, while Mary Ruddy . Janet Smith. to share the good (hinpsof life with grandfather. You had a sister, Jane, has-health classes .... Hl-Y for mak- Wirichell and get a little publicity. doeeii't like "grouches." their fellow men, Authorized Bottlur: Pepsi-Cola Bottllnz Co. of Ntw Jersey three yeai'B youngoc than you, mak- ing-ten dollars on their' cake sale .... Why not? I.couldn't lose anything, It bothers has to ing you 25. Your mother died at her Mr. Guest and safety classes for tho and certainly I might got a decent: get up early Joe Fix when- he Vivian Surely it was a joyous message every morning.. Pool rljin Abandoned^ birth. given to. the shepherds nearly 2,000 lino safety film shown In assembly.... mark for trying. So, after much de- Rosatl Is against the history tests ,_.Th.en.I.tnlrt..y.(>m .nbont. .my. J!fs,....i. Mr.- Gllllland for working juet as liberation, I .settled- down to write sho has been gettlng,-and-Harry-Deg- - Flfinsr'fpr- - tho~- constructlon-of-a- years ago and is a joyous message : was born Helone Dorn*. -My birth- hard for, the Senior class as if he my short story. After reading It, enring just doesn't like homework In $500,000_outdpor..Ewlmming pool at today. I t ' i s news that lives forever, place was Berlin, Germany. Both on Jewelry, Sliver, Musical ihlitrunncnts, Cnmoroa, Mrs. you might' think that I should go to general. Asbury Park appear to have, been and that forever carries with, it new my parents had bnen killed in an didn't hayo a broken leg Binoculars, etc. ' . * see a psychiatrist or go see Wirichell! Bunny Dillon doesn't like someone ahandoned by, Walter Roado, theater hope", new determination, new spirit-' accident when I-won two years old. Lcckner for making* IL.possible for Ucenied and bonded by St*U* ol N. J. * *chewing gum right in her ear, and owner.-but-tho.-reasoji^waj'M'iot stat- ual uplight. ,. , An elderly couple who owned a tho girls to play Interscholastlc Which do you think?- ' ^ PAY -CASH FOB OLD GOLD AXD' SELVEH boarding school adopted mo. I was basketball. :... Vivian Rosall for let- THIS IS IT! OR, WHY DID SHE Rosemary Farrell says that her 'pet ed.- Indication-that Mrr-Readc had' .--Inthis. ^Christmas spirit, then, I ting Dick Lymaft stay at her house peeve* Is Mr. WellB eating bananas, droppe'd the plan was contained In extend to all best wishca for a VDry EVER DO IT? That mooting started our whirl- in case of air raids (or blackouts)...:. an advertisement he had published Merry Christmas ant] n Hpalthful wind romance, in tho midst of which Senior Art guild for giving a large Onco upon a time, as all stories be- Dorothy Hickey doesn't like to last week in which he offered for nnd Prosperous New Year! . 208 BronJway (Opp.-JKob Stinbncl Long Branch Germany declared- war on England* Christmas basket to a ncody family gin, there lived a girl.' For obvious hear anyone scratching his or her sole the pjot nt' Ocean avenue and I remember tho day you came to mo .... Hl-Y for giving old clothes .and reasons I will not mention her name. nails on the blackboard. Deal Lake drive, the proposed site and said, you had enlisted In. the R. Ralph'Morgan doesn't like to be SKrewd, careful buyers read The Register's ClassBoys can make extra pocket money I shall try to spare everyone embar- called by a nickname, while brother of tho pool. A. F. and woro to loavo for destina- packages .to the needy. selling The Resistor. Advertisement' tion unknown that night. I cried ified Advertisements. . , / Mary Ruddy. rassment. Sho was a modern young thing who lived with her blackdnlsbrokenly, yot proudly, knowing I would have hated you if you had not Icnl maid. Sho was glamoralcsn, but Cuke Sale wanted to fight for your country. You nevertheless she possessed a*- little took me In your arms and tried to In order To Increase fundj"ln their innosenae. ' console me, tears on your. own treasury, the Girls' Hl-Y reco.ntly One fine day as she was on her cheeks. That was tho last time I sponsorod 'a cake sale lp. tho lobby of way to work, Bhe bumped Into the ever saw you. I left tho next morn- the Strand theater. ing for Borlln under orders from the tolephono man. He was a ypry The cakes wero made and donated cable-minded person, and apologized. German government. by* the girls themselves and their- As things" do happen, sho found herv': * -EQtowLtaM-iyjnarajny^atiingtEtowLtaMiyjna t 6 l F h l k heard nothing. Then oho day, sev"sSTf sayUiu shir-mnild-aeeopta-dlneral months ago, Margarot got a let- In all. They were donated by Ruth ner date with him that night. Then ter through to mo postmarked weeks Slalght, Margaret Reuther, Betsy she went on in her way lind he In before saying that you wero a Gor- Hall, Rosemary Farroll, Victoria Dehersolf man prisoner. I almost lost my Voe, Lois Silver, Audrey Flock, Mur- his. Tliat night she found his life mind. Desperately reckless*,-I triad, Je].rThompson,,Shlrley_Stlllwe!!, Betty listening to the"hls-story" of and Bcomod-to-bOenjoylng__-it::imto hunt for-your pleaded with the Doiatush and Marguerite Wood. Gestapo to help me, then I heard menscly, for he was a man of great you were not a prisoner, that It had Fay Corealo, Lois Silver and Marg- dlntlnktlon. A certain columnist saw been a false report. But by then the aretaReuther, wero in charge of the them questlonaffalrlnB at tho club, Gestapo* had become suspicious and V h i h notted about $7. and immediately bride and grumors suddenly tried mo for treason Anna Miller. spread about the town. The glamagainst the Feuhrcr an*"T-was-sen-ornlnss girl was so happy in love tonced to death. Today I meot my Christmas Tree, Saviour. It la tho day Ho was born. that the. tears streamed down her t>o not gricvo for me, Robin, for I The Rod Bank High school showed, face arid she found herself In tho its Christmas spirit by putting up middle of a mascarado. She lipped ' am hot afraid. God Is with me. Ho gave me you, dearest, even If It was three trees In, front of the senior Homo sllpstlck and everything was only-forego-Bhoirt a ilmo. It Booma* high omce.--.. ..;.. . right that Ho should chooso this day Tho trees wore put up by Fay Cor- flno once moro. I moan slipstick and 'for me to die. Wo met on that same 'calo Joe Fix, Bob Curtis, Margaret no slapstick, although maybe she should have slapped Instead of date just throe years ago. slipped Into his arms. He had fore Remember, Hobln, that I love you Houther and Vollin B. Wells. The three trees woro obtained from ing arms, or, as we would say, disand I always will, Helena. Galatro's, the polnsettas from Armi- arming forces. Since this was autWe make this pledge publicly to our national government and to the people of Tho tears wore coursing down my tago and Baynton, and the 100 blue umn and people appeared to be 1 faco unashamedly as. I slowly bulbs, a few of which weropurchas Icavcsdropplng In the conversensothe United States: , . touched tho lotter with a lighted ed each year, woro obtained from tlonal manner, tho young hero dematch and watched It burst into the National store and Allen's elec- cided not to wait but proposed marriage. She accepted and soon the Dame. Under my arm I carried a tric store. ' That we will cooperate unhesitatingly in every effort of authorized governThe tree was dressed- wltht' 22 bells were wedding ringing... She let newspaper bearing the headlines, "'Robin Ingrahm, Ace H. A. P. Pilot, boxes of tinsel, fivo boxes of snow, tho fnnaffintlc maid go, for tho girl ment agencies to prevent unwarranted rises in prices of foods. ono yard of ribbon and 450 feet of was quite n mathcmaglclnn at buslIC|llod In Action Christmas Day." t beenness. It was a beautiful wedding Audreal Booth. laurel. This Is. the third year Red Bank wltH the usual Iltco-Capades later on. That we. will continue our efforts to reduce the spread between prices paid to High achqol students have had a That was a few years ago. The bride Thursday Assembly, treo. Tho her A special musical program, ar- Mr. Wells, custom was originated by has loft groomposition, and the telethe grower and prices charged to the consumers. Student Council adviser. phonic has received a call ranged by Donald S. Kiopp, was proAnn Corrato. from.-the infantry and has sent his eentcd to all the classes In tho senior dear.Jlttle wife slor-kld and thus building, with tho exception of Room ends-'the ..little, story. . Consumer Education* _ That: to this end we will continue to do everything in our power to assist the 20, on Thursday. In the Junior high The pupils of tho ilfth period ConJean Ann Wllby, school auditorium. farmers and growers of Ari^rica in the orderly marketing of their products at the sumer Ed. clasB, under tho-direction Mr. Klopp, English teacher and of Stephen Skakandy, are said to bo Personals. high school Jinnd leader, had as learning Important facts. Tho pupils fairest possible prices to them. guost artists, Humbert Ponlno and have largo books to get Information Jacqueline Fette had a "wonderful Miss Janet Boulay. Mr. Penlno has dealing with things used in everyday time" at a recent Fort Monmouth played trumpet with Iho N. B. C. lifo. At tho end of every chapter dance. That we will make every effort to hold our inventories at the lowest point conSymphony orchestra, Dr. Frank pupils put tho Important facts in a Virginia Capello heard Harry Black, Brno Rappee, Metropolitan notebook, which at somo later date James' orchestra at the Paramount sistent with good service to our customers because hoarding, whether by wholeopera, Cities Servlco, tho Good will bo of use to them. Mr. Skak- theater. Mary Soldo was seen easing the Neighbor program' and Manhattan andy has given them two or three salers, retailers, or consumers, will cause higher prices. Morry-Go-Round. Ho also made tho formulas on how to make furniture Christmas rush at ono of our Broad _ South American tour with Toscnnlnl. polish. It naves tho pupils quite n street stores. Eleanor Pclaltl is 'Spending her Miss Boulay-Is a trumpcteer In lot of money If they wlah to go to That we will endeavor to continue to pay our employees the highest wages Christmas holidays wltri relatives in Phil Spltnlny'fl All-Girl orchestra. the bother of making It up. Edna Dreek was seen at tho magic Tho program was as follows: - Chris DcFlllppo. New York city, and to give them the best working conditions in the grocery business generally. "Mllltsrr Btort" Dun* show held at Fair Haven. "Stnr Dust" arrnnireil by Mr. Klppp The "rnlson d'etro" of Economics Ruth Wlgdorwllz and her current Srim Hflrvoy, double linns: Footer SpinTho purpose ot tho economics Interest attended "Tho Candle In the ninK, Edward June* nml Clinton Dough. That we will make every effort to continue to sell food at retail at the lowest ty, fourth tennrn: Itnlph Crolln and Wnr- classes of Red Bank High school Is * - - -ren Fowler, third tenon; Krnnk Crtlln, to teach the Fttudoiits taking tho Wind" Christmas eve. Gloria Forrin acted as bridesmaid second (cnor; Koliert 1*'*\ and r'rnnk Slgross margin of profit in the history of the retail grocery business. bert, first lenora; Wllllnm rftllanrlna, courso something about their en- at a wedding at Elizabeth. fiecond trumpet, And VA Crelln, HOID vironment. Myra Francis visited Radio city trumpet Economics betters our understand- with her sister, Eulalie, who attends "Mother ManCrce" Humbert Penlno ing about tho forces which help us collego at Carllnvllle, Illinois. "Souvenir do Valence" : ' MIBI Janet' Ilouiiy and Mr. Penlno to earn a living. Until you tako a Shirley Bcckwlth and members of Twlrllnff Corps exhibition Ruth Atwater, Helen Uabbltt, l.'ouaianre subject like cconohilcs you don't rcai- tho Friendship club enjoyed tho "Ice Today we are providing food for our customers at the lowest gross Garsltle, Ellsnbsth Howan, Patricia Uow- tzo tho Importance and significance Follies" recently.

of material producU and .what they and, Arnold. Several poems of Wordsare ued for. :. * \ worth have been studied and ArnWo Talse and unearth many pro- old's eisay on Wordsworth Is being , . ducts and minerals essential to a read. John VanDerveer. ziormal living. Without these - deposits we would be existing in a stone ago Instead of tho civilized era French Club Christmas Tarty. we live in now. It Is an era of con- Tho French club held a Christmas struction which li brought about by party at their last meeting before the a valuable deposit, "steel." It has, holidays.. Miss Lenora Hodgdon, admany helpers such as rubber, leather, viser of the club, donated ice cream Iron, line, etc. . ' * and sandwiches for refreshments. Education is also a valuable asset, Betsy Ross, In charge of the Christbut with a strong mjnd you must mas program, spoke on Christmas have a strong body. ' Without the custom* in America. Carroll Barclay farmers' help, this would be almost spoke on Christmas customs in Impossible. Farm products are not France. The speaking was all In altogether used as a food, for many French. synthetic substances are made out of Scrambles of French words for difthem, too.t . ferent Cfiristmas presents was. play" Ann~E. Jordan. ~ cd7 Mary Ruddy made up the list

Norman's pet peeve Is Ralph himself. .'-.. Ruth Slalght says that It 'burns' her' to be called' a 'hick' and- Kathleen Bent doesn't like to be called
'Kate.' '. """."^.._


, *' . ' E S T .1 9 0 3 . . ' ;' ' "


As your reporter, she hates "having to sign oft when you are just getting into the 'swing,' but soon there will be another one of these "inquisitive Inquisitions," and until then, on behalf of Red Bank High school, sho wishes you all a Happy New Year! Jeanne VanDprn. .


Broadway Loan Co.

pledge-ourselves to this cause

A Statement by

The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company

. . (

Lloyd Holbrook and Amoro Jullano are members of tho Sea Scouts. Gloria Fcrrin. On Christmas Eve. The brilliant Star shono brightly o'er A stable drab and bleak. Two parents watched tholr new-born child Who lay in slumber meek, The starlight formed a pathway of Dlv|noly sparkling light, From Hcavon to tho ninnKer.mean Where Jesus lay that night. Three wiscmen, who from o'or the hills Had scon that star so bright, Took up tholr myrrh and frankInconso, And stnrled through tho night. They traveled days, (hey traveled nights, -' , Ero yet they found tho chllil Within tho manger Blpoplnff soft; With Mother Mary, mild. Thoao tliroo wise men then gave tholr gifts Unto tho child go'dear. And ench In turn,* on'bunded Itncc, Dlil worship and rovcrc. And now as In lonjr ncos jrnst We celebrate tho morn, When brightly nhown that star of honn And Christ, our Lord, wan born. narbnrn Dnnt. gllnli Climei, Tho nhidi-nts of Mlsn Margaret 13. Thompson'-! nonlor Engllnh clnsm** have Juot complotod a unit on the osimyn of Rnlph WnUlo Emorson. A test covering tho osnayn of lOmcrron -wan given. Tlio ntmlontn woro questioned on Iho I'linnys "nolf-iollunco" and "nmnnerii." The students nro now boglnnlntf to unltt on the works of Wordiworth

profit rate in the history of the retail grocery business. This means that we have achieved efficiencies in the distribution of food never before attained. More of your food dollar goes for food and less for overhead expenses than ever before. No other great retail business in the United States I n any field is operated with such a low cost of distribution. No one in the food business can control the wholesale price of food. Only the government of the United States has power to do this, and for the protection of our people this power in the government is now a necessary power. Today, with the nation at war, we believe, that no private interest has any rights in conflict with the general-public interest. The armed forces of the United States are today receiving more and better food than ever before in bur national'history. It is equally important that all of our people working and living behind the lines, men, women and children, shall be better fed and better nourished than ever before in our national history,

page Six'


permit diagonal parking from Monmouth street
.'.. ' .'":'" ;" . south.

defenoo plants, and for the purchase from the Federal pay-roll. All-out of raw material! and tha payment of action calls for cutting about $1,800,wages In the defense Industries," It 000,000 of nori-defenso Items out of i;';.; ;/ '. . j ESTABLISHED 187S.\ said. - "Such loans have reached huge the budget. It demands an end of Now that the west side of Broad street has j sums and continue to mount, being pushed around 'i ;, V H O M A S IRVING BROWN been widened almost to Reckless place, diagonal "This Is a time for .liberal lending groups. V--;' ';.Editor and Publisher for defense and for conservative The President Knows parking south of Monmouth street is prohibited by' lending for all other purposes. This country is with him all the : JAMES J. HOGAN, Associate Editor police" order,. As near as can be ascertained, this Is a time when In their own Interest, will support him fully against the M." HAROLD KELLY CHESTER J. BEAMAN order is not popular with the bprough officials, let ' (Tin opinions exprtssed In th Editorial people generally should be- paying politicians who are Interested only In pp John J. Conklin .Is iccssarlly carry their debt Project Changed by . Views hercundtr do not nec '" . " Assistant - Editors " debts Instead of borrowing Jobs and tho pressure groups that ths endorsement of The Keffist itor)'. alone residents andbusiness people. y money. want the money regardless of Injury FREDERIC S. HAVES, Managing Editor Chairman-Mr, NewNew, Developments, I In. other words, part of the bank- to the-public welfare.Indianapolis At present Broad street, south of Monmouth, Is CHURCHILL I N WASHINGTON MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS er'* Job Is to 'help people get out of News. bold Heads Women Shortage of Funtji ' Tbt Associated Press ! exclusively entitled to the use for re* not wide enoughfor four lanes of traffic, therefore Remember Hitler's boasts, In Main debt, rather than. Into it, whenever publication of all news dispatches credited' to it or not otherwise The tremendously ln, credited in this-psper and slso the local news published therein. two lanes of northbound traffic move into the bot- Kampf and elsewhere, about his ad- possible. THE BOMBING OF MANILA. vantage over the leaders of the, de-1 creased burden of taxation, coupled John J. Conklin, chairman of the Official retleneck at Broad and Monmouth, lane splsed democracies? He could moVo with the rapid Jump In the coat of More than 30 years ago Japan civil defense council, opened the ceived aaword h u at last been t h r Member Audit Burton of Circulations. to the disposition of quickly;: they must go slowly. "He 1 .-...i.. ""-[living, makes It necessary for; tho signed an international agreement to women's defense meeting' Tuesday National Youth Administration cenOne Jtsr. 12.00: .<iil moves out of it. This is as it was before Broad -..,-,.,.-.. ..- on Prices la Advance:. knew how to.make most effective use which Is still attached. the Colt's Neck fire house. ter set up long ago on the former 11,00 j- threa months, (0 ctnti sinffle copy. 4 cents. street was widened. If two lanes of traffic were of modern machines; they wore mv average family to hold Its debts to Article Us signatureagreement stated: Mr.'Conklin Introduced Mrs. Rachel athletlo field, Memorial parkway, At25 of that the minimum. The banks are folIssutd Weekly, entered ' as Seeond-Cl&ss Matter at the Post* permitted to move south out of the Broatf and peeled by tradition and red tape and lowing the policy of wisdom when Mount of Bed Bank to the largo lantlo Highlands, but never occupied. oBee at Bed Bank. N. J.. under the Act of March S, 1879. "It Is forbidden to attack or group in attendance, who briefly disthey loan for all necessary purposes, Word came last week to the borssary purposes, Monmouth bottleneck, it would be something, but decadence. bombard, by any means what- : cussed the many phases of Red Cross We'll venture that Hitler got an but discourage borrowing which can Nations! Adrertlslnt .Revmciitatlrn, Barry T. Mines Co., ough officials that six of the buildever, towns, villages, dwellings or 3S East 26th St.. New York, 123 West. Madison St., Chieaco, as it is now the best use is not being made of the unpleasant surprise in the news that j be avoided.Metuchon Recorder. work. The women were enthusiastic ings ara being moved to Newark nlr- . buildings that are not defended." HI: 1S0I Chestnut St.. rhildelphla r Winston Churchill and Lord Bcaverabout the work that they would be port arid the remainder will be occuLi^"''""-"'---,-- j space gained by the widening of the street. broolc nnd n staff had arrived at the On Wednesday of last week Manila iable to do. Many were Interested In pied by tho laboratory of the Signal The'Bed Bank . . financial responsibilities ACADEMIC SPEED-UP interIn ftdvrrtisementi, but will reprint | ' j f ^ ^ ^ . assumes no . - - - i - - - < for typographical errors'. was made an "open city." All Amer- ) home production, first aid and Bocro- Corps from Fort Monmouth."In hli If this is a temporary measure to expedite work White House to diacuaa ways and that'part of an advertuemfnt in which the typographical errot More engineers, more doctors, Ican and Philippine troops were j tarlal work. At the'conclusion of communication Bernard S, Miller, ' ,," , . , r.Z~.,~. ." "M means of accomplishing the "defeat Ocean.. Adrertiten will please notify the manaceiiient Immemore technicians of every kind are withdrawn from it. All ammunition Mrs. Mount's talk_ tha meeting was state administrator of the NYA pro- - - on the street,.all well and good, but is just Of Hitierism throughout the world,". , trUtely of any .error which may occur. somebody's brain Storm, then the situation is de- through an over-all unity in the con- j neededLby thei armedI forces and'the was destroyed. The gasoline stores turned over to tlfs women' with Mrs; gram, expressed his regret that later illeges are re at the nearby Cavite aid field were S. B. Boynton as temporary chair- developments and shortage of funda r. . . , . , , , i duct of the war. For there ia another | defense industries. Colleges reTHURSDAY, JAJstTARY 1, 1942 serving of serious consideration by the mayor and | aromatic prooflike Frank Knox's spondlng by (speeding up their train- set afire. The city was proclaimed man. .: had prevented the completion of the council. ' . . . quick ,air trip - . Honolulu and back, Ing courses. "Medical and engineer- by General MacArthur to bo hence, . . . . . to . - It was decided that first aid class*- project em originally planned, ~ and like the prompt action of Cong- ing schools particularly are cutting forth "without the characteristics ol es start in 1942 because of the Christ. Diagonal parking would permit two cars to useress to widen the draft and vote new short or eliminating vacations In an a military objective.',' Going Stil iriaa holidays. Mrs. Allison Stern was Work of tearing down the buildings and loading them on army .Action L Not Words, Will Be yXQn'sthat democratic leaders can effort to cover four years' work in further, and "in order that no excuse nominated for first aid wardon but truoUa for removal is progressing ~:the space occupied byone ; under the^present. y might beglven for a. possible mis- declined, Mrs. -Douglass Nowbold three forth their big Needed to Win This War. tenrof parallel parking. This additional parking doAxis things fast. cunningly co-ord- senior or to serid few months present take," the /American" High Commls- was then nominated and she accept- this week, In ths event that estabclasses a ahead strategy, is lishment of a branch of the Fort t C l t h When the" Jap"s"siiged~therr"~treacherous-at- spatecould have" Keen "utilized" verynicely '""during inatedr; The drive for Moscow," which of schedule, ~ aloner-ahd ed. Assistant -wardens ~are~Mrs.~H. Monmouth Signal-Corps "laboratory""'"" The educational speed-up is spread- ernment withdrew from Manila. almost succeeded, and the Japanese . JC. .Folger and Mrs. Allison Stern. doos not materialize, it Is possible , tacks upon the Philippines and Pearl Harbor, iri- the Christmas rush. The widening of Broad street surprise attack on us, were timed to- ing also to the .liberal arts colleges Yet bombed. It was M | 3 S . A n n mlef W a a elected alternate that the use of the grounds as an "yolving us in a war which \ve did not seek or is a great improvement, but let's be sure we usegether. Hitler's reinforcements of and the high schools. The Associa- bombedManila WBBfact that, In strict ! warden. athletic field will be restored. despite thgr tionof American.Colleges reports accordance witfr> the~decislon to his African* army and hia threat "to Eleven new -housos have bpen w a , Americans naturally'became incensed, to it to the best advantage. , . Thursday night the firemen wont the Caucasus diverted American and that Its members are encouraging an make it an open city, no defense was j to Shrewsbury for their first class in built In the borough" during the past put it mildly, and a great wave-.of patriotic fervor British supplies ? from Manila and increasing number of. students to offered when the Japanese pianos first aid instruction,.....JanuaryB, a year, according to a report aiibmlto-o-o-o-c-oSingapore. The new wave" of-Nazi give up tha summer vacations as., a came over. It was bombed hour af- meeting will be hold in tho township Jed~by the building Inspector at the engulfed the nation. "Remember Pearl Harbor" submarine, activity off our Atlantic) means of saving a year'of under- terhour; bombed mercilessly, bombed < hall for all thqso interested in estab- council meeting last Tuesday night, .has become a battle cry, and-with every renewal Remember Pearl Harbor" by coast matches similar Japanese sea graduate work. The American Coun- brutally, wlthJnachlnSFginrflre from j Hailing a production unit hero, This and Improvements and alterations to terror" off California, while both pre c l l o n Education suggests that high theplanes directed from low altitude group-will deal mainly with knitting properties amounted to $60,675, of unwarranted bombing of Manila, indignation Rendering Fullest Co-operation. vent concentration of Allied navaf re-1 a c h o o I f l a d v i s B energetic, and able at civilians as they fled for shelter. and sewing for our soldiers. All those, Edward J. Bahr, acting director of flames anew: lief for Singapore, Horig Kong and | youths to complete their studies That the same Japanese regime Interested in participating in Red welfare, reported relief'expenditures I ahead of schedule. "We have been The United States is at war. We are in an Manila ' ' essential that our patriotic zeal should thus Cross work .are invited to attend, ,i for 1941 of $1^81,12, & substantial which stabbed us in tha back at Only a common Allied strategy and wasting. too much time," says Dr. Saturday afternoon the women of : arise, but unless that patriotism is translated into all--oiit war to the finish with Japan,-Germany Supply, an Allied united front, can George F. Zook, president of the Pearl Harbor, while It was still fawn- Atlantic township mot. at the fire drop. desirability of providing the The council.- "There ia no doubt that ing In pretended friendship to our house for the purpose of organizing police department with a two-way real action, it will do us little good. Displaying and Italy. It behooves every true American to cope with such Axis unison. thousands of our more intelligent face, should now lightly violate its a' first aid radio the Ihe'American flig, "or chMrinj/ofd Glory when j put his or her shoulder towaVd the c o - o p e r a t i v e ] I t ^ V n f e " - ^ . T w i S : young men and women can go written pledge and add still another were Miss class. Those attending at an In view of cost defense situation Shirley. Conover, Mrs, estimated of $365, suggestchapter-to a record of infamy that ington, or the other way around. For through- high school" and college in Includes the rape of Nanking, need Maude Y. Hyatt, Mrs. Henry C. Fol- od by Mayor Thomas C. McVey, was '; it "is flashed on the screen, or singing patriotic task of winning this war. years." \ : Roosevelt and Those who are wearing the uniform of Uncle i without both no joint policy Churchill six or seven Zook says Is, of course not surprise us. What we must note, gor,- Mrs. G. Rczeau Conovor, Mian left for decision by the nBW council -songs may demonstrate to our neighbors our unWhat Dr. there can be decisions however, is that it Is now more than Jeannotto Thompson, Mlsa Margery to be sworn In New Years day. bounded, enthusiasm for the cause of liberty, but Sam's forces and those who are actively engaged for consideration of other Allied rep- true. A. .generation ago boys-and ever certain that Japan is staking A. Conover, Mrs. Chrlney S. Conover, The board of freeholders was given of ability took pride stridin the various governmental departments support- resentatives. Those two- must agree girls ahead of their fellows, In Rapid, everything on a quick victory over Miss Mario Hoey, Miss Paula Benja- a vote of appreciation In paying In It will have little effect upon" the Axis pomt of ing first. the United States, to be accomplished mlne, Miss Katlo Moser, Miss Au- full the $20,000 share toward the haryiew. The Nazi hordes know only the meaning ! ing the armed forces, of course, are' doing their Once more Churchill proves himself advance courses were organized for before our own war effort has oven drey Flock, Mrs., John W. Sherman, bor project Instead of making paypart, and we of the non-combatant forces must a man of - wisdom and, of action. them. , In recent years, however, started. Otherwise,, considering how Mrs. William E. Thompson, Mrs. ments over four yoari orglnally Jjf action. ' '. . Whatever name is given it or none, this has been discouraged. Modern fragile and how easily set afire are Charles Flock, Mrs. S.. B. Boynton, planned, . - ' ' this Allied policy meeting at the educators have feared that psycho- the great cities of Tokyo, Yokohama, Mrs. Frank Z. Slndllnger, Mrs. Frank Lj_Ihcre..are"many wavs >n "'high we at home can do-ours. . . It was reported by -Paul X, BlattJogical "maladJustmcnts^-MouId.'-re?, t 4 ^ d supply that action. A real tangible method~of1 There are many u r aynrr\vT5rcli we can lend W h i than couldt be done In suit from the procedure. Perhaps ICobc ttrvd-GsalrapJapHti wouldTievei'" VanSyoUler Mm, Harry- Gillnrly-Tnrd r,. borough-onfflnoorr that theII111few days Dredging company of Atlantic City have risked bombing the open city Miss Isabel Lott. ^displaying our Americanism v.ould be to purchase] aid, first of all by buying Defense bonds and I months, or maybef years, of long- the grim necessities of war will re- of Manila. had agreed to eliminate the shoalfl store-to America's "soft pedagogy" . and dredge the entire 160-acre waterdefense bonds and defense" stamps. Qo.ijvg.every- j stamps until it hurts. Secondly, we. can assist in < Highly efllcient in the field of sudsome of' the firmness' and precision w a y to an even low depth of eight and it used to have.New York Sun. den treacherous surprise, Japan ha: lhirig~possible to c o n s e r e g a s o l e a n d c u t t g j conserve-gasoline- and.cutting jierretmg.. out fifth columnists in our respective speed. We congratulate Prime Minlhirigpossible foot, after the firm had been notified made another mlscaluatlon In the ister Churchill on making such a war that shoals had been created In the ii disticts down'on the use of tires would be a patriotic ac-11districts.. larger field of international morals council possible, and we welcome him harbor by not piping the sludge and PRAISEWORTHY FATBIOTS. and long-time strategy. She will slogan now adopted to help build up our to America.World-Telegram. ' tion. Refraining from hoarding, avoiding the ] fill far enough. '- -.-- -' . The January ISSUB of the monthly All praise Is due the Committee of have reason to remember the bombFor the convenience of skaters and spread of rumors, dome everything, possible to |lighting spirit is "Remember Pearl Harbor."- Bebulletin of the Red Bank Commun- on the suggestion of Councilman t7oj>al Americans of Italian Extrac- ing of Manila.New York Times. ; TWO WAYS TO ity Chamber of Commerce ls No. 1, John. C. Brasile, council voted ta make the lot of our enlisted men a little'easieV. are hind this thought, of. remembering Pearl Harbor tion for the promptness and sinceris t n a t J a a n w o u l Volume 10, showing tho bulletin have a llRht, Installed and grass cut which assurances pf. Roddy. McDowallin case you other forms of action That we might take. - P d not have made her successful don't know him^i3 the 12-year-old ity withdemocracy's cause weredevoAPPRECIATE NEWSPAPERS. now enters its tenth year of; month- away on First avenue near the Jacktion to disif ly visitation to the members of the son otreet Jrldge. :. Our civilian defers cour,c:h,;ire,.in need of & .it *ere not for the fact that she had al!Britisher who plays the part of Huw, patched to President Roosevelt. * Welsh miner's son, in "How These American citizens of Trenton Monmouth County Christmas Seal chamber. workers and patriotic' Americans are. finding ibis j the information needed through fifth columnists' en Was My Valley." He is a and vicinity did not have to deliberCommltteo Tho introductory paragraph laths! "a means of ejpress'inc pent-'jrlmoiirr.?. Coining ! activities against us in the Pacific. budding philosopher, as well as an ate and ponder. They stood right up, 131 Pear St., Red Bank, N. J. season's greetings from the execu- j ' with the advent of -war, and asked December 17, 1941, tlve secretary, Harold V. B. V n o r - i . w , . . , < ' .. ii-si ri methods, etc.", I ^ e have ^f*n columnists right here at home, t i e Red C-oss, learning to be counted among the trustworthy Mr. T. Irving Brown, defenders o^ Uie land they have come Red Bank Register, his, and his secretary, Miss Mary I W i l l K e O f g a l l l Z e i plenty of them, and everyone of us who are true wood: are all important work: to love so dearly. Marasclo, who offer their thanks . -** . ''. Red Bank, New Jersey. In England we're so close toShrewsbury post of the American Legion main- Americans should fender continual assistance' to and appreciation to the officers and I gether, now the war has come. But that was not all, They gave My dear Mr. Brown: Ins F B If vou 5 tains an air'raid observation ros; on a farm in - - '' . anyone acting suspiciously To Meet New Years members for-the consideration, kind-1 It may be that we'll always have their patriotism a tangible turn by At the last meeting of the MonMiddletown township. The use of the farm was o n an . v m a t t e r i n a n un-American way, do. not to have warsjust to make peo- contributing ?500 to the drive now mouth County Christmas Sea Com-ness and many acts of friendliness I Day at 2 O'clock ple kind. being conducted by Trenton Chapter, mittee, which was held on Decem- during the past year and they ex-1 w a i t b u t t e l ! o f fhe5e tendered by a patriotic Middletown resident. .It is actions immediately to your We hope not, Roddy. We like to American Red Cross, along wjth the ber 9th, the committee passed a reso- tend their very best wishes to tho I lution asking that the newspapers be members for a-happy and prosperHighlands borough council win promise of an added contr bution. manned by members of the post and volunteer .'nearest police chief or direct to'the F.'B. I. In thanked for their wonderful co.-. Ious New Yenr, with the hope that meot- New 'Years day at 2 p. m. to Ret B a r Such ready and willing devotion Is' operation and tho ilne publicity that' will bo restored to our workers but there is aTgreat need for additional * ^ complete the year's business, after I. headquarters are in the neither so -tragic nor so violent. onough to warm the heart of every they havo givon to tho 1041 Christwhich the organization session will volunteers. Watching for air raiders isn't a-very ; basement of the postoffice building. The men i When its people begin to compre- truo American. A cltywide salute mas seal campaign, With the bulletin was a post card take place. Richard Parker, Repubhend that kindness pays dividends In Without the' splendid co-operation | indicating thereon thoBe eligible for lican, a newcomer in politics, will be excitable task. We can think of, nothing m o r e i c h a r s e there will welcome any information and-. kindnessand that honor, decency, should be given the Committee of Loyal Americans of Italian Extrac- of the Monmouth county newspapers | memershlp on the board of dlrecfair'nesa, respect, brotherly lovo like- tion for showing forthright and un- it would be almost Impossible to t o r a In accordance with the recent sworn in and Councilman George V. ' monotonous. In all probability none of these ob-' immediately make an investigation, Brown, re-elected Republican,, will wise find themselves reflected in qualified recognition of the fact that carry out a successful campaign. Inrlmnrv hniinf servers will ever-spot a foreign plane. But, r e - ' Bernard Seiple, chairman of the Monmouth others' thinking and actionthen primary ballot. T U . " n ^.t cards start his second term. Mayor Fred These post n H ^. Very sincerely yours, we are one land, one people and one are to bo returned Immediately. P. Bedle and Councilman Harry X. 1 ' jnembering Pearl------ county chapter, 'American Red Cross, speaking there will-be no need for wars. -. Harbor, we;must be ever force In defense of our common and Constance F. Harding, Wednesday, January 14, they will be Brown are. the only Democrats on As we aee it, Roddy, there are only Chairman; alert. . assembled arid tabulated by the elec- the/board.----I af Shrewsbury recently, said "Street corner two ways of learning the lesson of cherished freedom.Trenton Evening Times. County-Wide Tuberculosis Com. tion committee, consisting of Miss At a brief adjourned meeting last The world has learned to its regret that wars criticism in place of constructive criticism kindness, and all that goes v/lth it: Mabel V. Wilbur ns judge and Hnr-Tuesday night payment of $4,670.11 One is the way of bitter experience; old T. Holmes and Benjamin L. At- In bills was approved. Tho borough re no longer confined to any one- particular front:, thonzed officials is nothing short of sabotage and tho other Is the way of spiritual un- A WEAPON AGAINST TYRANNY. THANKS THE PBESS! watcr as tellers. The lour receiv- accepted the deed for the Charles A. [The world is one large battleground, and ec.o-1 '.* l s the^duty of every citizen to see that it is derstanding of the essential brother- The Bill of Rights is more than a ing tho highest number of votes will Temmler property on Bnrberlo aveNew Jersey hood of man. The latter road Is a treasure to bo defendcdv,_.Jt is a State Hdqts. for Selectlvo Service, bo elected toy the board. iiomic factors are just as important as bullets. Alt' slopped." nue. much happier one to travel.The strong weapon against the enemy. Armory Drive, Trenton, N. J. The secretary wants It plainly unCouncilman George Brown reportOf us can take part in this struggle but we must do; T h e r e probably are many in our vicinity who Christian Science Monitor. Though by force and lies they have December 23, 1941. derstood that the1 second Wednes- ed that Isador Greenspan, who had stifled the exercise of personal judgiomething more than just cheer when the flag! cannof buy any Defense bonds or stamps, but 1942. '' , " " day of each month the board of di- bid $7fiO at an auction sale by the r ment within all tho lands where their Dear Mr. Editor: The headguarters of the Selective rectors meet at tho chamber ofllces, borough on tho property adjoining 'passes by. We must enlist under its folds for ja m o n ? t h e s e f o l k s s o handicapped financially We are about to embark on the. evil-writ runs, that judgment is keepService System for New Jersey is not at which tlmo opon meetings are the American Legion home, had defateful year in action against an unscrupulous enemy. - +here must be those who are physically able to mostworld and of this the history of ing the deadly tally of error and unmindful of tho fact that the suc- held nnd any member of the cham- cided not to purchase the placa folthe nation, crime and one day will present the the administration of In with tho directors. , lend co-operative aid to many of their local com- This Is the year that will deter- accounting. The deep craving that cess of Training and Service tho Se- ber can sit want these open meet- lowing an Inspection of the premises. lective Act of The officers Mr. Greenspan put in his bid at a remittees operating for defense measures and par-mine the outcome of the war. In.this exists in every human boing to bo 1040 in this state has been due In no ings to be better attended during cent meeting, but because of objecyear America and her Allies must consided as an individual, to feel that small mensuro to the splendid co- tho coming yoar. Important Public Event tions by the Highlands Building and | ticuiarly to the Red Cross. . . complete tho organization of their he or she is more than an animal to operation given by tho newspaper Loan association as "practically givfraternity throughout the state. With tho is a list at Tonight in Rumson High School. If you have not been approached and care to resources and 'hold the barbarianthe bo driven, or a child to be cajoled, Plense accept our thanks and sin- contributors bulletin Christmas of the ing away the property," the sale was to tho decorbay "while they prepare to take will not down for long. And while cere wish for a Joyful Christmas se e postponed. At tho last regular meetating fund of this year. One hunOf great importance, not only to'the residents | ^ vour. country in this critical time, do not offensive. This year will disclose the free nations hold up their free- and a Happy. New Yenr. dred-, nine individuals, citizens or ing the property was struck off to hesitate 0 contact Red Cross whether freedom'.shall perish from dom as an example* and a hope to of Rumson, but also to evervone in this vicinity, ' headquarters or. the tho earth; - E . N. Bloomer, firms contributed a total amount of Mr. Greenspan, Who had deposited those who- are in slavery, the slave Acting State Director. $735.50. Added to this was $222.01 with the clerk $5 for advertising, "He are the pictures of London air raids to be shown !m a y r 0 I L c l l i e f o f P o l i c e i n ^ w municipality. We are engaged In a.war In which masters can never be secure within from tho Appreciation Day fund, had nothing to say at that council pensand their end will are in the Rumson high school auditorium tonight by I r h e r e l 5 W o r k f o I "S-all.and the job must be done the principal factors ,ahd manpower, their stave and terrible.New York making'the total for holiday decor- session, but let it be known that he productive capacity character. be certain ORDER SEERS EARLY, ations nnd advertising $057.54. Last was ho longer interested in the propSpecial Constable Herberts. Scott of the-British | ^}^} ^ "^thoroughly. " ^ t h h l . In association with our Allies, wo Herald Tribune. year there Wore 104 contributors erty after his Inspection. He sugpossess all thrco in abundance. It reVegetable growers who hav not and the previous- year only 98. gested to friends that "If the Buildp o l i c e , force. Of'equal importance will be the! Remember Pearl Harbor." mains for us to use them to maxiFREE SPEECH FOR EMrLOYTCRS. ordered their 1942 seed supply are ad- During Decombor threo nowmom- ing and Loan assoclatlorvjthlnks the **information he will give on "what to do in. the mum effectiveness. vised to do so by County Agricultural property Is being given away at $750 Whether "wo .aliall nobly Bavo or At last by a unanimous decision of Agnt, M. A. Clark. The county agent hers wero accepted. They nro Bnoch let thorn have It." event of an air raid. Constable Pcotl speaks from meanly .lose the last best hope of the Supreme Court, American om- consldors this good practice in W. Brown, manager of the Safeway I n f a n l i l e p a r a ] y s U Drive experience. Whatt he savs is first-hand informa- c f V i earth" Is largely for UB to determine ployers are established in the right ordinary times because the early or- Grocery stores of Red Bank; Jack ep Wa firsthand informaand In tho determination tho Influ- to speak their minds about labor re- ders usually are filled with the Arnold, wholesale gas and oil servtion.and come's from a man who lias been through ; S t " t s J f nu*r* ence of every American will bo felt. lations without being penalized for choicest seed stock. In the face of ice, and the Mainstay-Friends Sav100 bombings. The infantile paralysis campaign will get un- There is a part for each to play, Not violation of the Wagner Act. In the nn omergoncy, however, prompt or- ings and Loan association. everyone can go Into tho Army or Realizing the .importune of his visit to R u m - M e r w a ) ' ^? n u , a ry ' l1' and'will continue throughout Navy. Work no less important must cane of the Virginia Electric & Pow- dering Is more necessary than ever. During tho past month 12 new er Company, the National Labor Re- Undoubtedly there will be groups residents^.pam into this lmmodlato he monlh sot, the mayor and council and the defense coun-! ! - concluding with the celebration of be done behind the lines. It must be lations Board had orderod tho dis-promulgating homo gardens, and vicinity, flvo locating in Red Bank, dona' promptly, cheerfully, tl Thomas Gallagher 'and four in banding of a union on tho ground whllo each Individual garden will use thrco In Shrewsbury v Cil of that borough have extended an invitation | ''resident Roosevelt's birthday January 30. With oughly and without interruption, that It wns company-dominated. The only a few seeds, the total of all of Fair Haven. Hit Crossing Street ' to'the borough officials, councils and res- the war and. local defense occupying our'minds Everyono has a Board charged that tho company had them may havo some effect on the At tho December directors' meetIf It Is idents of neighboring communities, ami also v to we are apt to neglect other important matters. The make, wartlmo nothing more by its statements ''co-crccd" employ- seed supply. It Is also possible that ing tho socrotnry roportod only 25 bear discomforts, While'crossing Occnn avenue, opother countries mny be forced to got mombcra wcro owing. 1941' duos, ees to support that union. the commanders of Fort Monmmith and Fort infantile paralysis campaign is one that should not complaint or to resist tho Boa last Now the Court dcolarcs that "whllo their vegetable seeds from us. Most compared to 40 tho previous year. posite South street,In theBright, rain, heavy Hancock, to hear Mr. Scotl. Many may feel we be overlooked. This is a war against disease, a spread harmful gossip. agricultural , leader* are of the At the time of going to press today Tuesday afternoon No one looks for much happiness tho Board has tho right to look at opinion thnt the home garden idea of Ocean aveare far removed from the possibility of air attacks, fight against an enemy that is always in our midst, In the yenr ahead, but happiness will what tho company has said," uttor- should bo considered with great cau- tho secretary reports only 20 are de- Thomas Gallagher, 63,car, driven by nue, was struck by a como Just tho same. Not tho happi- ances do not of themselves constitute tion. Production of vegetables Is linquent. but they; are only kiddjng themselves. No o n ;an enemy that has wrecked many lives. James H.' Bradley, '40, of valley ness brought by material possessions, coercion. They must bo accompanied and tho ama- In the nenr future tho chamber streot, HIghlnnds, Ho died from a. knows where or when the lightning will strike 1941 lias been one of the worst, in the history by caso and security, by self-indul- by .coorclvo acts Ueforo an employer specialized business, meet with suc- will lssiio a folder contnlnlng up-to- fractured skull In tho Boa Bright first can be hold guilty of "unfair labor teur Is not likely to next. The battle area today is universal in scope. of New Jersey, with approximately 400 cases re- gence and luxuries. There will be practices." An employer may freely cess.' No doubt commercial vcgotable dato street maps of Red Bank, Riv- aid ambulance on route to Monmouth er Plaza, Rlvorsldo Heights, ShrewsAll of us arc in the front line, let's not be delud- ported. Consequently, the funds of the 21 coun- llttlo of those, wo ehnll know will say that he does not like unionism growers could produco adequate sup- bury, Little Silver nnd Fnlr Havon. Memorial hospital. Tho hnpplncsa In $1,600 anil employees mny bo Influenced,, by plies of crops If tho labor and ed, by any sense of false security. Tonight we will ty chapters are depleted considerably. As Joseph come from sncrlllcc, from unselfish hl vle'.vn; unless ho UHCS pinnsuro materials are available to them. A It In also planned to Issue the byMr. Bradley was hold Sweeney ball Mayor Walter J. for Bprvlcc,' from fnHnir now form, have an opportunity to see the havnc wrought by F. Fitzgerald, state chairman, points out, the peo- rnlm and courage and clanger with beyond Words, tho courts apparently homo gnrdon planted on unadapted chamber bulletin In n In a special grand Jury action on a technical from making which will bo nont out will not punish him for vlolntlon of soil, and where It will not recolvo envolopo showing an nlr view pic- charge of causing doath by an auto, air raids and lo hear words of wisdom from a man ple who contributed last year and the years before n mighty effort to presorvn the proper care and attention, In llkoly Mr. Oallnghcr Is survived by a sistho Wagner A c t. of ture vicinity. This who knows what he is talking about. The attend- should feel very pround for it was these funds that decencies nothumnn nxlntoncr. about This Is a hcnltliy nnd needed clar- to bo a wnsto of seeds nnd planting was of Rod,Hank and nerlnl photo- ter, Mrs, Flannelly, wife of Sergeant I.r-l us clecrilvr, ourselves taken from nn matorlnbj, rathpr than a jmbntanttal Frank Flannolly of the Sea Bright ance tonight will be indicative of the. public's in- enables the county units lo me 'Johnny-oii-the- Ilie prcmjied. It w | l | bo a difficult ification of the ]nw. Thin nnwiipHprr contribution toward tho diet. graph made by Lrnlln H. McCleen of police deportment, It mny dlscourngemont Little Silver, who has contributed terest in this vital subject. A capacity audience spot" whenever a case of infantile paralysis was yenr.henrlarrlir, brinenone of this will has for several years urged that tho Funeral sorvlcos wero hold Friday nnd but law be nqunrcd up to glvo employers tha photograph to tho chamber for morning in Holy Cross church, RumWill prove to our1 defense councils that we realize reported. This alertness will prevent'a great deal matter If we cling str-ndfnMly to our pqiinl rights under It, nnd oqunl propublicity purposes, son, wlloro Rov. P, J, Cluno oflleluted <iHAI)l!ATKN IIOI.l) DANOII. tection ngalnnt "unfair labor practhe seriousness of the siluatioh and are co-operat- of crippling in New Jersey this year. The fiuuls purpoHP. at a high mnsn of roqulcm. Casket It In our tank and that of our com- tices," Labor lenders ntlll mny not bearers were Michael Dcvnronux, ing with them loo per.cent. ; also enabled the county groups to supply hospitals imnlonn In nuns to rnilprin the world only apr-nlc Ibrlr minds about nnynm- Hovnrnl members of tho class of JOHANNA 1IIZ/A11O KNOAOKU, George Harvoy, Thomrn Farley, Hon1(140, IUd Hunk Catholic high school, 1 from slavery and fpnr. Kaln Minn ployM- but npply ninns plr-kMing and and doctors with Iron lungs and splints,' Riven no propln a morn, lirrnlo nn- othor forms of coercion. The Crturt hold a parly Friday night nt I'lens- , Announcement of the ongngflinont ry Bronnnn, Frnncls Doylo and FredIntermnnt, In nnt Inn. A npnghottl nlippor wns With (Soil's help \vn nlinll Maria Jllzzarrn, erick Fifty per cent of the funds raised in each coun- slfrnmnnt,I fnltlifully nnd wrll. NIMV- decision itlvlng free npiwh to em- florvod,' followed by dnnclng. Thono of Minn Jnhannn and Mrs. Bnmuel of thit Dillon. K. Day funeral chnrgs John home, f\rnln I Mr. ployers help/! n hit, but knvrs tho Let'i U e O u r W i d e r B r o a d l ty arc returned lo the chapter. Give ns gener- nrlc Huntlny Call: avonuo, to Rlch- wns In Mt. Olivet Imv nlllf In nrrd f fnvlnlon.The prr*m>nt wcro Mliuipn Dorothy SouthAf rot, Miidrllno Owonlinch, Gloria Tib- nnl Froilorlck Illnsl, on ol! Mr. nnd l f d (hrlstlnn Hclcnro Mctnltor. ously as you can to this great humanitarian work. Stfoet t o Best A d v a n t a g e . IM'II.I, Alvlna McDormolt nnd Agnes Mrs, Hnmiir-1 Ulnnl of Flint nvonue, Hflnuu Girl HKT OUT Ol' IIK.IIT. DnTuio and John Knlnor, Nicholas lying Umncli, wnn iniulci nt midnight i - Before work had been started On the widening A>inounconiunta)iaB boon made of I'OIt CI.KAK1NO TIIF, I)i;CKM. Onn rnnolullon adopted by tho Munnliig, Jnrry Bulllvan, Charles at 'n '..Of Broad street, It was explained by a Red Hank , Sonic people can't iiavc any fun unless' they run Aniorlnin Hanltitrn n/inorihtlan nt Its In' thin hour- of action,, thn cottn- .Iiihnnton, Alfred KOIM, ICiiRona homo CluiBlinnii ovo party nt tho the engngomont of Mlsa Ivoryne M. of Minn Illzznrro'/i pnrontn. Haulenboek, daughtor of Mr, and ir-cunt nimtlul convention, In of wiiln tiy'n nafuty lalln for ntrlp|ilnK tint IHicrlmn, Itobort Warwick, Thomiis Minn Ulr./.nrr<t In n Kmiluato of lied Mra, John G, ITaulonbook of Hrlmnr, Official that one of the reasons and a definite nil- the parly, which ls,all right with us if they pay Hie Inlinont Jo Ilin publli'. Atltnlnlflttntlou of 'Its linprnctlcnl Jlijhwi'pm, Jnmco Gnrvny, John IIar- Hunk, high Noliool, Mr. Dlonl ntteiui- to Frank j , llonmivlnt, son of Mr. of i wider Uroad street was that it would check, "Hnnkrin nin nlillnir Ihn ilnrvnnn vlnlonnrlrpi nnd llmo unrvrrn, Homn Donalil. Mr. Knlbcr and Mr. Dulllvnn oil I^nng Ilrnnch IIIKII HCIIOOI, NO dale nnd Mm. li'rnnlc J, Hannnvlat, Hr,, of program by lonna for tho rcl|on of 300,000 ot tlioni ihould bi dropped wr cO-chklrmtn, hao boon not (or tin woildllif. Avon,


Editorial Views Of Other Papers

Defense Council

j Atlantic Highlands NYA Buildings Are loved Away


Chamber Bulletin Out For January

Highlands Council

Sea Bright Man Killed By Auto


Pace Seven Handsome Afgan For Junior Red Cross

L^fevr days : last week was a handjome'-afghan made by the pupils of the Freehold gramhiar school for the Junior Red.Cross. The afghan.was exceptionally large In alze and the centerdeslgn was a large red cross. Folks who are Interested in work | of this nature dropped in at Tho | Register office and upon, examining | same said it was an exceptionally. \ fine piece of work. \ _":-

the Time of Your Life


"Hangov^rette" Corps At Practice

Tam.D. Conovor, associate editor, Monmouth County Historical association, Freehold, N. J.*.


Welcome in the New Year


. On display In The Register..window



Favors Music , Free Eat ,.'.'. .,

New Year's Eve Dance
- . At the


26 W. Front St., Red Bank

AT ,






For Reservations Phone Holmdel 7851.

The Season's Qreetitigs


Highway 35, Belmar, N. J.

itglli f flft

Make Your Reservations Now PHONE 3ELMAR 1835

$10.00 per Couple - F u n for All! : Dinner - Dancing - Entertainment - Favors

at the


Tommy " Red" Tompkins and His Band



We Wish to extend to all at this time our Sincere Wishes for your, Prosperity during 1942, and may we continue the cordial relations existing

' between us.


Strand Restaurant

66-68 Broncl St.

Phone 3841

Red Bank

: r-1929 -^.Genealogy Index ( (Fart 4) Marriage Records. May 18, 1930, to Jannury 4, 1M0 Indexed Mew Numbering - , Abigail . . . : _ _ ^ s i . 989 Abraham, Maria ' 952 Abrahams, Anne -...1050 (The Ked Bank lirKlst^r run be boijjjht In Highlands from 1. Greonsiuisi, ..M r. MuliAlgor, Thomaa '. 743 T lor. Bedle'i drxta store and Joseph SlaAires; Abigail ~"2='ici:*:r=s=~8ST tnen) . . Alien, Charlotte . . . . 3037 All members will bring, two prizes Allon, David .^....:.'........837 to the Trailers club card party K'ew Allen, Elizabeth =..1000 Years nighCVMrs. George B. Liming, Allen, James '. : .. 936 who will be observing her 70th birthAllon, Reiley : 981 ; day that day, will provide the reAllen, Ruth 808 freshments. Mrs.'Harry, Parrnenticr Allon, Sarah. .: ....... 743 of Leonardo won first prize and.Mrs^ Allen, Stephen : . ...... 790 Harry Letts took the surprise packAllen, Thomaa , . . . ........ 990 age at. the laat week's Chrisimas Allen, William .' 866, 1070 party, at which a supper was served. Am'alck, Wllllnm .... 907 Duets were aung by Mrs. Marjorio Anderson, Benjamin _ _ . 1020 McConnell and Thomas I'iite and by Anderson, Catheri.rfo ;'.778 Miss Margaret Ovens and Mrs! "VirAnderson, James, . 767 ginia Allon, and a solo, "Ava Maria," Anderson, Mary : 959, 998 by Miss OvehB-at tho midnight mass Anderaon, Martha -.._' 895, 981 A Christmas eve in.the Church of Our Anderson, Nancy .... . " 998 Lady of Perpetual Help, ,Mrs. A. Amlcrson.-Phobo. ,_~__ip7p -An Asbury Park hotel, preparing for a big New Year's Eve week-end Meade Robertson presided' at the Anderson, Hebeckah >J-. 895 celebration, has organized ~a "Hangoverette"~corpa for tre&tm*mt_nf ; orgahr :.; Anderson, Sarah ...~..-..--. 038 those.who take jiist a few too many drinks.. The girls are trained in Anderson, William . . . . . . 767' the various techniques (from ice' bags up)- of treating headaches and ' Rev. and Mrs. Leon Mjittorano and Applegato, Ann . 9,16 hangovers. "Hangoverottes" Winnie Richard (left) and Vera Esrsnge family are spending a i^o weeks' Applegate,.Daniel ; .-..HU (right) are treating volunteer patient, Harry Stoner. vacation with relatives at Boston. App)ogate ( ..Ellnpr .... L - 952 Rowiand..,Dempjii!yl..who,,is. stationApplegate, Klizatieth.LJ 743," 799," 944 ed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina,Applegate, Ephrelm .-...: 952 Chadwick, Thomas ...; 10C0 share of land at and In the tracts has been spending .a furlough with commonly called Newaslnk, ills father, John P. Dempsey of LinApplegater, H a n n a h _..-... 743, 1028 Chamberlain, Ann Applegate, John ". '.. 823,.998 Chamberlain, Ann, Mrs. .'_ 1050 Narumunk_ahd Pootapeck, together den_ place. John Hennessey and EdApplegatlv Lucretia .~ _907. Chamberlain, Anne ..._ -f. 808 with.the sachems_gift In New Jersey ward Ovens, also of Fort Bragg, are Applcgnto, Lucy ...-.,". : 876 Chamberlain, William .. 808 In America! Now for in full consid- home on a furlough. ' ; AppJogate, Phebe '. 778 Chamberlain, Fanny . 927 eration and satisfaction received in The kitchen of John P. Dcmpscy's Aaburn, Elizabeth ..:-::_...:...-...-...-1010 Chaniberfln, Giddeon ,., .866 hand, I the' said Robert Carr, have homo on Linden place was slightly Ashton, liiary :....' 759. Chamberlin, Gilbert 907 lawfully and absolutely- sould unto damaged a few days ago when" oil Aeloun, Samuel _..-,.-.,.. 1050 Chamberlin, Jesso : . . . . 789 Gyles Slocum of Portsmouth on the from a leak in tho stove was ignited. Aumaek, David - 916 Cha'mbetlln, Lydia SS3 said Rhode Island, all my said whole The firemen were called and extinAumaclt, John '. ^..L:.. -972 Chamberlin, Mary 743, 866 and full share of. land, and the said tracts of land called Newaslnk, Nar- guished the blaze. Aumaek, Nancy -' ... 1003 .Chamberlin, Rebecca A son _was born to Mr. and-Mra. Pootapeck, with the Austin, Phobe 709 Chamberlin, William ..... 959 umaunk. Horace Richards of Fifth street MonI Austin, Susannah . . . _ 876 Chambers, Hannah 759 Sachems gift,' and all my title right, day of last week In Monmouth Mej Avis, Elijah 837 Chambers, Lewis BS1 benefits, pnveleges and appertenmorial hospital. Ballsy; Aocdery 1070 Chambers, Michael 97: ances, belonging unto the said forMore than 500 children received a Bailey, J'crus'c _.:....799 Chandler, Lydia _..- _... 823 ever. And I the said Robert Carr Bailey, Jorusey , . :. 853 Chapman, Ieaac 1003 doe hearby firmly bind myselfe, my great treat at the annual party given haired, executors, administrators un- Christmas afternoon In the--school j Balrd, John "_ ..... 759 Cbeeslman, Margaret 759 Balrd,. Lydia . _ . . . 952 Ch'emard, Rebecca, ....._ _,_ 853 to the said Gyles Slocum hit halres, auditorium by the Prank J. Hall -exeouto 1 d mini tviFsnd - a s % A 789 Clayland, Catherine Bnrcalow, Lydia' .. 789 signees that the-xaid Gyles Slocum, distributed to,all tho boys and girls . 916 Clayton, Anna -.._ . Barclow, Nicholas .._..--. .;...." his haircs, executors, Administrators and a tricycle was presented to S767 I Bard, James .... 927 Clayton, Catherine 743, 1003 or assignees shall have. hold-and year-old Opfermnnn Duncan,-a cripBarkalon, Mathias ......._ .:_:._ 1037 Clayton, David ........... 743 quietly possofia and enuoy all the ple, who will be ablo to propel the Farknlow, David _....'. 83' Clayton, Ezebella '.-.'.. 743 said whole which full share ot land machine with his hnnds. \ Barkalow, Richard ....'. . 081 Clayton, Hannah Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Drake and 769, 778 with all the title, rights, benefits, I i j Baincs, Ann .'-....... ....:..... .890 Clayton, James I.;...-.'....; 944 prlvelegcs and appertenances thare- daughter Janet of Jersey City are unto helongin as his and thar prop- visiting Mrs. Drake's parents, Mr. [ Bcgle, Eliza .._-.. ,. 1060 Clayton, Jeremiah . , 876 Beeby, Fanny .'. ..i 936 Clayton, Job ; 998 er, right and property free from any and Mrs. William Worth of Fourth Bccdle, Elijah 936 Clayton, Jool -. 944 claim, or molestation whatsoeve by street. Mr. Drake is employed as a Beers, Thomas ., railroad mail clerk. Clayton, Mary ... 778, 823, 876 me the said Robert Carr. Bell, Hugh ' T.D.C. (N. J.) 1003 Clayton, Nancy :;..i._ 1070 Mr. and Mrs. William Shay of New Benedick, Theophllus (To BB Continued) .... 959, 97! Clayton, Peter 837 York spent part of the Christmas Bonnet, Adrian 927 Clayton, Thomas . -. 944 holidays with her parents, Mr. and Bennct, Aslisah . ... ANSWER 1060 Clayton, William . 866 Mrs..B. J. Noimark, Mr, Shay Is an Bennct, Cyrenias 853 Clayton, Zebulon 1931 electrical engineer with the., marine . 1070 Pennet, Dannlol _ 853 Clearmun, John CONOVER. No. H O c, June 19, corps. SB 952 Bennet, Elisha 823 Clevenger, William ' 916 1941. M; C. H . A. Peter P. Conovcr, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen of Long , : . . 85:Clifford, Jonathan ..: Bennct, Ida . 1028 b. Jan. 23, 1813, was a son of Peter Island spent Christmas with Mrs, 93G Collins, Rachel Bennet, John .... (Hendrick, .Peter,....Albert, -.William, , ....... 74, Allen's brother, Ivins Voorhces of ; 743 Combs, Catherine Bennct,. Joshua 1050 Gerret, Wolphert) and his 1st wife, Fifth street;. Shirley Voorhees, a . . . . 76' Combs, Deborah ... Bonnet, Margaret .. . 914 Mary Rue. P e t e r P . m. as his 1st student in New York university, Is . -_. Bennct, Moses _:.... , :... 900Comb3, Elizabeth 981, ,1050 wife Sarah Ann Covenhoven, dau.-of spending her vacation with her par_.' 853 Combs, Hannah Rennet, Thomas . .... .,;778 Cornelius and Elizabeth Covenhoven. ents. Ivins Voorhees,. Ji., who is a . . 944 Combs, Rachel ..:..._ Bonnet, William _ 759 Sarah Ann was b. Sept. 28, 1808, and member of the university band, spent . . : : 709 Compton, William , ..: Bennett, Daniel ...IT. i 959 d. July 17, 1843, ac. 34-9-19, bd. Mt; .Christmas at his home, Bennett, Sylvia .1'. . . . . . . 1003Conck, Anthony ..... .,:*. 959 Pleasant Bur. Gd,, Matawan, N. .J. v Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Potrisino of . 799 Conk, Catherine Bennett, Thomas ."..-. ,. 767' Thc only record of mar. of the chn. 990 Conk, Thomas Benson, James ;_ 1037 In my records show that Henrietta Miller street spent Christmas with Eerry.-SamueL. . . . . . - 959 -*... Conkloy, Assoneth . 823 m. Dr. Jacob Frlshmuth, and Hulda.- Mr. Petrisino's parents at Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Cliffurd Marllti- of 190 j Bert, Alexander . ....L... 743Conklln, Peter ..^,1028 Holmes m. Chauncey Stlllman. Bay avenyp are the parents of a son > I Bills, 'John -. 959 Conover, Bcnjlman ..': 952 bom Friday in Hazard hospital.' I Bill's, Thomns : ._ 936 Conover, Benjamin ...~ 1050 823 Conover, Deborah Mayor Fred P. Bcdle's truck was , Bird, Deborah +-." 959 . 900 Conover, Elinor stolen .Tuesday night from In front ; Bird, Mary ".: :. 944 (The Red Hunk Register enn be biiught of his pharmacy and was recovered ;.. 959 .. Bird, Patience Conovcr, Gertrude .... _. 981 in Soi llrlnht from MortU Welsman, H. . . 823, 059 .. a short time later near thc/"ort Han[Bird, Phebn Conover, Hendrick _ 866 Le/kowJtt and Cannel's clear atore) 1037 Conover, Joseph (Two In Hat) 1050 Bishop, Antony ...... Defense stamps were awarded as cock gate. No arrests were made.. 916 "lonover, Juliana Grandln Johnson, who attends . 743 prizes at a Chrlatmas bridge party Blake, JIarg:aret_..,..,.r..r....... Conover, Lev! '. ,...959 Friday "evening; at' the home ofTrfrs. Pennington - school,, .is spending...the Blakcly, Thomas ....... 7 7 8 876 Cotiroe, Darlin ..._. 981 Wesley Garland on Osborn place. holidays with his parents, PostmasiBognar, Wllllnm ..._'. , ... ~!6ok, Achsah _...: 853 Members of the group exchanged ter and Mrs". C. Mel Johnson of ,i'. I Bolce, Nancy ..._ . . . . . . . . 998 990 Cook, Edward' P _ _ _-.. "837 gifts and decided thereafter to use Shrewsbury avenue. , 5 ' Booit, Sarah :. 837 Cook, Hozlah ...''fjBorden, Ann _.._ ~. 990 stamps as prizes at the card parties Rev. J. J. Messier of Belford . . . : . 1037 ..... Gordon,, Amos Cook, John '. .".. .1. 1070 held every two weeks. Mrs. John preached Sunday morning in the s 778 _ Cook, Lydia ..:. 972 Kecnan and Miss Valeric Nelson were Methodist church and Rev. William Boiden, Beulcy .... 837 ""ook, Margaret _. Borden, Mary _ '. 743 the prize' winners. Others present H. Carhart of Little Silvoi1 occupied B 1037 [siBond, Hannah were Mrs. Paul Peterson, .Mrs. B. G. the the evening. 936 (IBoutl, Richard ...: Coats. Mrs. Morris Kaplan, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John H. King and-1930 778 I'lBoud, Thomaa ... Claude Mlnaldi, Mrs^fidwin Good, son Robert of Teaneck, and Mr. and 778 Monmouth Court Records, Daniel Mrs. Raymond HcllKcr and Misses Mrs. Paul Mulr and children .Lois, 907 Bowkcr, Mlchnel _ (Continued From No. 1927, Book Sigrld Nelson, Mae Welch and Ann and Paul of Atlantic .Highlands, were Bowman, Anne ....: 1070 Devereaux, A, Page 47) Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. 789 Bowman, Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thorsen and Emlel Aufieri of Cornwall street. Record of Wm. S. Shackerly deed 1070 of bill of sale unto John Jay of their son, Harold and*wife of MataBowman, Sarnh Eown, Diliah . 927 . Barbadoea for a share of land Oct. wan, were Christmas eve gucsta of' Bnwn, Mary , 1020 14; 1672 (not copied In detail) for Mr. and Mrs. Armande LaVigne of Bowne, Andrew ...: sums ot i l 3 sterline or the valuo South street.' Harold Thorsen is in Eowno, John _ 1050 thareof to me In hand paid by At- the service, and at present is stationBowne, Phcbo i 778 torney of John Jay, viz.: John Hans ed at Fort Dix. Bowor, -Joseph 907 &' Peter Tllson, __"In Testimony Walter S. Williams, who holds1 a Erhnd, Deborah .. 743 whareof I hearunto set my hand and responsible position with the Empire Brnnd, Esther ' _ 1070 seal') a t Now York, the 6 and 20th Ordnance company at Manayunk, Brand, G a " ' . 8 G G day of September, 1672." Signed and Philadelphia, spent Christmas with Brand, Samuel 907 sealed in presence of Peter Wrya his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. Brnnd, William 910 and John Clarcko. Williams. The young man, who is a Hranson, J o s e p h . . 981 Record of Robert Story, his deed graduate of Dickinson college, is emBratt, E g b e r t _..:. 870 or Bill of Salo unto John Jay of Bar- ployed to expedite production at the Bray, Mury . 1028 badoos for share of land, Oct. 21, plant which is manufacturing parts Breccc, .luno 090 1072. (This Is tho confirmation and for anti-tank guns for the governBrewer, Benjamin 081 deed in detail as given on' p. 41). ment. Brewer, Elizabeth 1070 States that the "sayd parcel of <0 or Holy Communion will be adminBrewer, I l a n n n h .^C? 1070 50 ncrea bclng-!n tennour or occupa- istered at a Watch Night service Brewer, John 789 tion of one Thomas Wright." In wit- Now Years eve In the Methodist Brewer, Joseph R53 noa Whareof I the snid J l o b a r t church from 11 o'clock to midnight. Brewer, Mnry .'.,. 895 Story have hereunto put my hand Preceding tho service a social half Brewer, Rncliol ...,, i 1028 and flealo March 18, 1670, In tho 3 hour will bo spent In tho parsonage Brewer, Hobort , 823 and 20th year of the Rnign of King where refreshments will bo served. Brlnloy, "'Ashur _'.. 837 Charles 2nd of England. Wits, WilA (Ire truck conveyed Santa Clnus Brlnley, Dobornh 030 liam Fuller, Richard Pooro. To last Tuesday to the local school, Brlnlcy, Lydia .., _'.._' 823, 837 which deed this certiucate was an- where he visited the various classBrlttnln, Thcudotla .:.... 799 nexed 08 foliowethBy tho Deputy rooms and gave each pupil an apple, Brltton, Charlea : 910 "lOvcrnor of Barbadoea. This day candy and a gift. Ice cream and BroolM, Wlillirm,' Capt. ,. 972 Ruchard Poor p'donnlly appeared be- cakn wore served at tho party plven Brothcrton, Willlnm 1028 fore mo and made oath upon t h e by tho Parent-Teacher association Hrownr, Isclnh >. . 1003 holy Evangollnte that ho did se t i n following tho entertainment by tho Brown, J n p h o t , Hl'G within named Robert Story scale children, Brown, .humI him 930, 1003 and dollvor tho within written ail his Tho executive hoard of the rarentBrown, Lowln .. .,. 927 volliintary act nnd deed, Given, un- Tencher association will meet WedBrown, N n n c y ...r. 778 der my hand thin 16th dny of April, nesday afternoon of next week at th Brown, Buinh ... 778 1672. Chr. Codlngton. Rooorded in school and tho regulnr session of the Brown, Thoinnn L 808 ho Secretary1/! Ofllcc, tho 17th of group will take place the following Brown, Tylo _ _ loco Aprlll, 1672, by Richard Lake, Dep'y evening. Rucklow, A n n _ 098 Secretary (tho lint of cattle a n d The official hoard of the Methodist Burcll, Ell7.ii :.r..r..'. 081 stock, ns given previously, Is here re- church will meet Wednesday, Jann u r d o n , Mary 030 pented). , uary 7, In tho pnrnonngp. The WoBijnljf, John _.,_ '. i)i) J'.igo 81 R e c o r d ' o f William Rojf- mnn's Society of Christian Service Mlirgc, Patlonco 743 eors, his ncknowlodBomont to JW11- will hold Itn next suasion January R BiUjjo, Uriah .:_..''.-." 7 U llnm Shaddock Nov. 26, 1672. This and the Sunday-school board will N Burgo, William _.._ 1003 shewcth to home It may concern meet January 13 at tho home of Mrs. Hurjteo, M a i y ... J J ^ hut I Wllllnm Rogers have sould to Sarah Lnyton of south street, Burli, Wllllnm ~.~'.~. 981 Wm, Hhiuldock my lialfe nharo ot ' Mrs. Wnlter Johnson attended R Burlio, Cnlhorlno . . , 072 Inml Rt Nowuslnk with all the priv- bridge parly Friday night nl Inn Ilurlm, R i c h n r d . ' n5l) ileges belonging tlmrciinto, n wlt- homo of Mm. willlnm Sawyer of FnxIlnrl, Catherine . ..'.'I!! 37 nrnii my hand thin 7th of March 1067. wood park, I,|tlle Hllvor, Ilurlln, Anno _ .'.'... 8M Wit, R'd nlt'lmMl/inn, Rev. Wnllrr n, Wllllnmn will j I!nrtl, DiinM ;;-t- j n ^ Rrrord of Hobnr't Cure of rond InCni-hnll, Oenl'(;o _.!. 1028 land, hlfl drod of salo tlnto GylnH preach next' Sunday morning ,In Ihn Fair Haven Methcullat church unil Ciirinnn, Klljnh ^,. _, , 037 Hlncum of tho snmo Inlttml, Nov. 26, Cnrninn, Joni!|i)i 7<JJ 1073. lie If known unto nil men Hint the following Sunday morning In tho irhlnmWcliiiicli. C'aimor, Kdlth .... . ..."I!" fljn llotinrt Carr of Nowpdrt on Rhond A lnrgn audlenco wnn lmpro*nod by Cnrnnn, C'lmrlon ......I.!l..' 944 "land In tho Colony of Rhodo Inland the Chrlntninn jmgonnt. woll prnmmtCnrlpr, fV"' ltlft l 701t nnd Pi'ovldcnue Plnntntlon In w w ml Innl week In the Mclhodlnt (-hurcli ('iiHinllh,' Thoinnn ';....'.'.'. ,1070 CDSlnnd, having with Iho ronl of Iho by thn, Hunilny-iirlioul. Tho Com(Ihndklek, Ulnray ,. l()2fl uii^hnnnpin In rompftny lawfully, immlim Unrvlcn'kt 0 o'clock ChrliilChndwlck, FranoU . .,,. ..,., flOfl purchased to mynolf wliul of lull Him mornlnt was woll attended.





BUI Goode's Orchestra ' tt? NOISEMAKERS.!


"RING OUT THE OLD, /RING IN THE NEW" Make Your Reservation* Now . For Your Table .



-LlNCROFP INNPhone Red Bank 3975 52.50 Miriimum Per- Person ORCHESTRA FAVORS : :.. ...; Open House at Both Bari "Hope We'll -Be Seeing You" f' ' MARIE AND DANTE
WBfiW!Stsp*<alSr^^ OMIr



NEXT DOOR.TOJRED BANK AIRPOBT Sing Out the Old and Sing in the New Year with DANNY DONDI and His Tavern in the Town Chorus . See and Hear Television ^ Finest Liquors and Excellent Cuisine MUSIC ~ llandj, and ENTERTAINMENT NOISEMAKERS FAVORS ' '

...-,_.._... m


A Happy New Year To AH


Sea Bright

TO carry on our faithful service in your behalf. The entire organization joins in this pledge and in extending their wishes for. your health and happiness in 1942.


Monmouth St., Red Bank, N. J.

As tho holiday season comes to a close we are reminded that this successful year is due. in no small measure to your generous patronage. Kindly accept our cordial j^ood wishes for a very Hajipy New Year.


Monmouth St.

Page Eight


TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN Contractor and Builder


i-ISL. 8255-M. 26 HUDSON AVE., RED BANK N. J

Materials Are Key To Future Of Racing Here

Major Construction Work at Camden Awaits Consignment

Here And There In Monmouth County

Personal Notes, Sales of Property, Building Operations Lodge Doings, Births, Marriages, Deaths and Other Notes of Interest

Mtawn Girl Encaged. - Mr. and Mrs-'WIllMmy. Huewy of Matawan have announced the enengagement of their daughter, Helen Cecelia, to Pfc. Joseph J. Farrell, son of Edward Farrell of South Amkoy. Private Farrell Is now stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C. license Denial Upheld ' . The action of the Freehold township committee In denying a retail distribution license to William Qelberfor his store Just over the Freehold borough' line has been upheld by Alfred E. Drlscoll, state commissioner of alcoholic beverage control.

Paralysis Fund Quota For 1942 ; May Be Greater

County Chairman ' r Roland J. Hines Gives Annual Report

K*y to p So Ions; llm>; ' '. So'much p l t u u n For > HttU al raonar. ' .

Piano Lesions foT Popular and Beginners - |l,00 Per Xeaion

. Convislaneo for Shepptn.

Studio at

f HI everybody!

Music Center

BEST WISHES for the New Year. ; We thank you for making the closing year so successful for us, and hope we can give yoii- even better_ serviee_Jn_ 1942.

Sanitone Cleaning Ivory Laundry 70-76-WhiteStreet, Red Bank, N. J.

Your Christmas Money


May the New Year be filled with Peace and Happiness for you and yours.


Among Our Assets

. . Welike to Count the only one that money cannot buy

S end so at this Holiday not as a runlomrr Rcaion we extend to you, alone, but <i,s a frirurl - - the of wishes for the voiniinj year

n e b B A N K . N . J . , -.;..;: >:. ..:..: .< BRANCH STORBi' ^ COR. MAIN a.MOUNTAIN A V I , 4 ; 7;;. BOUND BROOK, N, J,'.,':-. TLPHONl NCD BANK 3 4 O 4 ,

Roland J. Hlnes of Asbury Park, Everything In Musio Trenton, (iiP)Prospects for earl; Cited lor Gallantry. Ings and, 00-year-old 10-room brick chairman of the Mohraouth County horse racing In New Jerey face a Mr. and Mrs. Emll Klatt, proprie- lined house. Included in the sale.was To Use Neptune Field. : Chapter of the National Foundation new year' Inextricably enmeshed In tors of Matawan Inn on Freneau the farming equipment. Schlossbach field at Neptune will for Infantile paralysis; announced tothe war. Its future depends largely avenue at Matawan, have been notibe headquarters for the ..newly day that* Monmouth county, through Holdup Man Seized, -Christian Science on the availability of construction fied that their son, Stan* Sergeant Lowell V, Klatt, 28, has been cited One hour after a Carteret man was formed Civil Air patrol, which is the the committee for the celebration of materials. . . Reading. Room for gallantry In the Japanese attack held up on route 33 near Freehold air arm of the Office of Civilian De- the President's birthday, last JanuThe Garden State Racing associafense. Fiorella LaGuardla, O. C D . tion, possessed of the only active li on Pearl Harbor December i7. The state police from the Howell town- director, established the Civil Air ary raised $4,397.01 to exoeed Its drive . Church Edifice, quota for the second successive year. citation states that without regard ship station had seized a young col. cense for operating running races ored man who was armed with a re- patrol last month,' The quota .for 1041 was f 4,000. In with pari-mutuel betting, has started for personal - safety Lt.' Stephen O. volver and in whose room troopers 200 Broad Street, Bed Bank 1S40 the quota was $2,500 and $2,-. the preliminary work of grading and Saltzman and Sgt. Klatt opened lire found a cache of $28. Joseph Fenska U. S. O. Club to Open. on & plane at close range with autoTl. Rtd Bnk 3400-J, draining its Delaware township track Open- house was held Sunday In 833.21 was raslod. Indications are was the victim of the holdup. James site near Camden. Construction of a matic rifles, killing the pilot, and Oglesby, 21, was arrested anl troop- Asbury Park's U. S. O. service club that "the 1D42 fund that will be reOPEN DAILY bringing the airplane down in quosted will be greater than this grandstand and clubhouse, however, flames. ers say admitted the theft." He was on Grand avenue, which was tho year's $4,000, _ _ '*-' .1 to ' I I J P . J B ^ - - ' await consignment of-materials by former Hugh S. Klnmonth residence. placed In the county jail. Last woek, upon his appointment the authorities who allocate iron,-ceTho STub will be formally opened Dies of Auto Injuries. ' Zxcept'Saturdays, Snnaayi ment and other materials among nonnext Sunday to the enlisted men o( to serve again as chairman for MonFind Wells Contaminated. Benjamin E. O'Brien, 47, of Asbury _and Holidays. mouth, Mr. Hlnes declared that workdefense users. ' th nation's armed forces. The Union Beach board of health Park, prominent In Shore veteran's ers In the Infantile drive In January Friday Evening!, 7:80 to fliSO. Eugene' Mori, Vlnoland business and firemen's activities; died last has been notified that tests conduct. Ejlberon Home to bo Bnzed.* will havo more imposing obstacles to man who heads the Garden State Thursday night from injuries receiv- ed by the state board of health The palatial Roscnthal beach front group, .is confident that* material ed Monday when a car he was driv- disclosed that two wells . in summer home at Elberon is to be surmount than ever before, Rare tin Bible, tho w O rki of Uarj "We r aro faced with two serious Baker Eddr, Di>coverr and Founder shortages will do no more than de- ing crashed into the rear of a truck the Natco -section of the borough razed as the house and stables have of Ohrlitlan Sclenca, and all'other lay the opening of New Jersey's first Route 35 south of Eatpntowp. were contaminated with typhoid been condemned as fire hazards. The conditions," he said, "the nation is at authorized ChrlltUn Sclonca Ldttraracing season, tentatively scheduled O'Brien suffered severe- head and germs. Water from the -wells Is not property-was taken over by the city war and money must be contributed tjlra mar ba rund, borrowed o pur-t<T the(military'"effort;" but the trend choied. 6~begln"May~l~aJid~aontiDue for 30 chest Injuries. He was a past cbfif- to be used for "human consumption In a tax Hen foreclosure. In infantile paralysis in this area is days at the Camden county track mander of Harold Daley post; Vet- and after due notice they are to be . Th Public: la Welcome upward and ._.monoy__also must be Matawnn Woman Dead. "There's no question about an Aug- erans of Foreign wars and was. an filled In. made available to battle this dread 1 exempt fireman. He is survived by I'lnncd Under Wheel a Car Upsets. Mrs. Henry Munson of Matawan ust-meet,'- -he-was-qu!ck-to add. disease and protect the nation's fightMoil's organization and the State a widow and a sister. Alexander Ellison of Keyport es- d^e'd Tuesday~61t last~weeK~6f a: heart ing strength." ' .. attack. She was 00 years old and Racing Commission have discussed caped serious Injury Sunday of last Married SO Yearn. Mr. Hines, In his annual report, the use of substitutes for some of the Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Davison of rweek when his car was overturned was a former resident of Richmond cited tho "line co-operation of Mrs. materials prescribed in original con- Englishtowh were given a surprise in a collision with another, car and Hill, Long Island. She is survived Rosa H. Bergen, of Matawan, costruction plans. The Commission in- party Christmas day in . celebration he was pinned under the wheel. Key- by a husband and one daughter. ohalrman of this yoar's campaign, dicated it would co-operate in any if their 50th wedding anniversary. port and . Union Beach First "Aid 7BP.OAO5I:r H ': REDBANK and the entire county committee,'.! Freehold Man Dead. reasonable . proposals not in conflict It was held at the home of their squads" were forced to use a special , William C. Brown, 71, of Freehold, His report also Includes a demand with the nation's war efforts. daughter, Mrs. 'William Herbert of jack to free Mr: Ellison. died Tuesday of last week at his for an Isolation hospital in Mon"Sports and other forms of recrea- Engllshtbwn. Both Mr. and Mrs. home. .He was born at Matawan, mouth county, preferably connected Who knows what the ion are valuable in bolstering public Davison enjoy good health. Mr. Dav- Freehold Homo Damaged by Fire. Fire originating in a faulty flue the son of Robert and Mary 'Dunham with an established hospital. Because morale," a commission spokesman ison formerly conducted a blackNew Year may hold? No commented, "and horse racing is one imith shop but of recent years he caused damage- to the three-story Brown. Surviving are a widow, four thcro are no isolation facilities available, .he said, each paralysis case one can foretell the future sport which does not suffer mater- las been employed In tho Freehold homo of Rufus Freehold eons and two daughters. costs more than $500 for the first Tuesday night of last week. Fireially from the draft." but every one can protect ug mill. - Borough Clerk Resigns. . three weeks, the isolation period. men had a stubborn fight In subduUps and downs characterized New William ' Kadlac has resigned us ' himself against the-uncerRetired Railroad Man Dead. ing the flames which had eaten Into This year in the county, Mr, Hinei. ersey's racing hopes in 1941. Several borough clerk at Spring Lake Angelo Strollo, 83, one of the first taintics through adequate _roups tentatively Qualified for track Italian-American settlers at Long the wall partitions.; Mr. Willett re- Heights effective January 1. Mr. said, there wero 14 new cases reportlicenses or came close to it, but the Branch, died .Sunday of lost week cently purchased the house and it Kadlac was appointed to tho post ed for which Isolation hospHalizatlon insurance. Let us help to and treatment wore furnished," Ho Garden State association alone could at the Philadelphia General hospital. had just been redecorated. July 14 after Edward Husscy had remake your newyear a carereported 224 physical therapy treatmeet the financial and other require- Mr. Strollo came to,this country signed because of business duties. Freehold Girl Weds. ments in hospitals to Infantile parments of the racing commission. from Italy 62 years ago and settled iree one by taEng care of Miss Charlotto M, Wilson, daughalysis victims and 102 treatments to BOTlntf-moat-of-tho-failures-were-tha Kennsburg Man Dies In Crash. ter-pf-Mr. a'nd'Mt'srEdwin- Gr-Wilao your insurance. uncertainties attending the approach 'Charles Shlppee,"27,'uf Keaiiabui'K", tlehts'at^ome.Braeesr-orthopodioIved. He' was a retired employee of of East Freehold, and Charles F. Bor- was killed lost Thursday In a Newof war. shocs, corsets and other equipment the New York & Long Branch rail- den, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Arthur YOUR INSURANCE IS AS The year started with Monmouth road. Ho Is survived by a widow, Borden of Freehold township, were ark-automobile collision. Shlppce's were purchased for sufferers In tho : GOOD; AS YOUR AGENTS recovery stage. . . . ark Racing association holding a two sons and two daughters. married Sunday of last week in the car overturned after tho collision. provisional licensethe first to be IsFreehold Reformed church. They Defense Bonds Given Employees, ued since the state In 1939 lifted a will reside at tho brldo's home. Defense savings bonds of a total 2-year-old constitutional bah on alue of $5,150 were distributed last gamblingfor a pari-mutuel track at , Spring Girl Engaged. eek to the 118 employees of the Oceanport. Financing efforts failed, Announcement has been made of and the provisional license lapsed Sollo Transit corporation and the he engagement of Miss Bernlce J. Rollo Trucking corporation of Key- Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. last February. port and Asbury Park. The bonds Shortly thereafter, a provisional yere given in place of the usual cash Thomas L. Hayes of Spring Lake, to icense was granted to the New Jer- istribntion and the employees were Robert O. Hampton, son of Mrs. Otis ifty- Jockey club tot a track at Ab- urged to keep the bonds and buy B. Hampton and the late,Mr. HampOf Matawan. No date has been secon, but again the license was al- more from their earnings. 'or the wedding. lowed to lapse.' ....< Joins Marines. No further licenses for running ^Councilman Resigns. Benjamin Benton, Jr., 22, of Adelaces were issued until early fall, Councilman Merrill Thompson of when the Camden county project re- >hla, has enlisted in the U. S. Ma- Interlsken, Republican oesemblyceived official blessings. rines and is. scheduled to report at man-elect, has resigned _from the In the meantime, harness racing Mew York January 10 and from there borough council. Mr. Thompson Interests stole the show. The Free- ill go to Parrls Island, S. C. He is .stated that he felt his legislative hold trotting association, which for graduate of the Freehold high duties would require so much of his several seasons had sponsored meets school in the cla&a of 1937 and since time that ho would be unable to "without betting, obtained a parl-mu- that time has been employed by the properly conduct his office as counHE Worden firm came into being Just a tucl license and held, a late summer Asbury Park Press. cilman. quarter of a cftntury ago. We believe tliat meet. Freehold Woman Dead. Bailey's Corner larmer Dead. . For a harness racing meet it was a 25th anniversaryis'worth special mention, Mrs. Anne McDonough, 53, of FresGeorge H. McKelvey, 73, a truck a success, but from the standpoint of lold, died Sunday of last.week at her farmer, died. Tuesday of last week nt because EXPEDIENCE is such a vital factor in deterproducing- revenue for the state, It was only a drop in the bucket in con- home. She was the widow of Daniel his home at Bailey's Corner. He UcDonough and was manager of a was born at Brooklyn, the son of mining the usefulness of a funeral director's service. trast to the millions of dollars talked f by proponents of legalized race dress ahop on Court street. She Is Charles A. and Frances Stokey Mcgambling. - __-- survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'elvey. Ho is survived by a widow, Thomas Ryan,-"with whom she re- wo sons an'l three daughters. He And, speaking of experience, we think "it The state's four per cent cut on sided.. She also leaves* two sisters LISO leaves two brothers. vagers totaled $22,627, exclusive of .nd two brothers. proper to mention*that the experience of the principals of 11,079 in uncashed winning tickets. A Wrecked Hotel Ordered' Razed. Bothered by Bats. ;wo-day steeplechase meet conducted this fli-m now totals VORTY-TWO YEARS:" Albert WorThe. Long Branch commissioners Allenhurat commissioners arc mak- iiave given tho owners of tho Scart .Far Hills by the Essex Fox den's twenty-five years, phis'Harry Worden's nine years, Hounds Race' Meeting association ng a study of the borough's sanitary Doro hotel on the beachfront, which arned an additional $1,372 for the rdlnances to learn what steps can ivas wrecked by fire several months and James Worden's eight years. And there's another son, le taken to eliminate rdts In the igo, until February 3 to take action itate. Robert, receiving his technical education at this time in ommunlty.. The rats apparently in having the building razed. The iome from the rock jetties on the ullding is an eyesore and a fire one of the country's finest schools of our profession. each to feed from garbage recep- hazard. :. cles. The state board of health South Bolmar House Burned. irohlbtts the use o f a n y type of poiThese twenty-five years have been interesting Fire last Thursday morning gutted ;on. ; ones. They bridge the gap from World War I to World he two-story frame residence occuNeptune Couple Wed. pied by Hayward Brown on F street, War IL They Imve taken us through tho worst depression Miss Jean M. Morrow, daughter of South Bclmar. The Interior of the Sent Rifle Bullet he late Mr. and Mrs. William Mor- luilding, Its furniture and Mr. in the country's history. They have enabled us, personally^ ow, and Everett Keim, son of Mr. Brown's personal belongings were deThrough Gas Tank ind Mrs. William Kelm, both of Nep- stroyed. The origin of the blaze' is to make many friends . . . so many that we have been called une, were married Sundny of last not known. to serve more thnn four thousand times. T h r o Atlantic Highlands youths veek In the Full Gospel church, NepCity Magistrate Fired. iad a. good time shooting with a une. The couple will make their The Asbury Park city council found :}fle at an old truck in the woods- iome nf Asbury Park. The brldeThey have been interesting years indeed, nnd oom is attached to the military po- ,ouls E. Levlnson, suspended city lear Upper Highland avenue, but magistrate, guilty of using his offlce hey paid for their fun in police court ce at Fort Monmouth. as we start the next quarter-century of service, we do so political purposes and he was Saturday wheniftned $5 each by ReDies In California. discharged. He had been under suswith pride-in rthe past, and with unfaltering confidence in :order Syerre Sorenson. Mrs. Mary Ledwltz, wife of Louis pension since last July after comThe 'firemen had been called to a ,edwltz, well known Long Branch the future; ours, and our country's! Ire that burned an old truck belong- uslness man, died Tuesday.of last plaints about his conduct had been ing to Dr. and Mrs. Eimln L. Kay veek at the home of her son Stan- received. ind parked in the woods near their > In Los Angeles, Cal., where she ' Freehold Man to Wed. y homo on Highland avenue. Fire Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Haley of as visiting. Mrs. Ledwitz was born Chief Dunphy was told by Mrs. Ray l Russia and was married there. Lakowood have announced the enthat threo youths had been firing off E h Lcdwitzes came to Long Branch agement of their daughter, Miss *e i rifle near the property. 4 years ngo. Besides her husband Clara Ann Haley, to Percy C. Pools, Alan Tracy, Dalton Carhart and ind son In California she leaves four son of Mr, and Mrs. Percy Poole of Freehold. Miss Haley Is secretary ram Kantarian were questioned on ither children. * " J to Major Stanley Wnshburn and Mr. ho scene by Frank Hcrden, captain Freehold Wedding;. fire '. )f the they police. Thoy admitted to Miss Alma L. Lamson, daughter of Poole Is In the Coast Guard. lollce had overturned the truck Aibury Park Wedding. ind a rifle bullet had been sent .Ir. and Mrs. Merrltt B. Lnmson of Miss Dorothy Hulso of Anbuhy hrough tho gas tank causing the Trcohold, and Norman Cussworth, re that destroyed the -truck . and on^flf Mr. and Mr. Alfred Cuss- Park and Rudolph O. Eckardt, also threatened to nprend through heavy vorth, also of Freehold, were mar- of Asbury Park, were married In the underbrush. Tracy produced tho led last Wcdncsdny In the Froohold Lutheran church at that place Sunrifle which had been hidden In tho 3nptlst church. The couple left Im- day of Inst week. A recoptlon foledlately alter the ceremony by auto- lowed at the brldo's home. Thoy woods. ' Tho parents paid th fines and 3 loblle for a two weeks' trip to West will make their home at Asbury Park. Alm Beach a'ld J.tlnml, Florida. ngrcrd to snttlo with tho Rays for the dnmngej. Whnt punishment' the Death of Monasquan Woman. Bain of Fruit Form. boys received wns not revealed. Mrs, Carrlo L. Popper of Manas W. S, Clayton of Freehold has sold Is 90-acre farm on the Marlboro- qunn died Monday night of last woek A conatnl highway 550 mllei long 'ennent road to George B. Wfeden- at licr^home. Sho wns 73 years old lias been completed, under Japanese nayor of 'the Jcrseyvllle road. Tho was born In Manaaqunn where >he nimplnca, In Hnlnnn Island, off the 'arm hns 60 acres in peaches and 10 had always lived. Sho Is survlvod by Kwnngtung const of China. n apples plus the usual tnrm build* two sons.

GfORDf llJILLlflm BRflY



(December 30th is Our 25th Anniversary)

. ,




Three Boys Fined or Firing Truck






Koop Uncjor Cover,

II Outdoors, Lie Flat

Leava Car Or Bui.

Turn Ofi Qai Connection.

Avoid Top, Stroot Floor*.

Opn Window* Partially,

Put Out, Conceal Lights.

B Calm, Arold Panic.

Air Raid Dos And Dont's Suggested By Milo Thompson, Former AP Chief In London, Who Lived Through A Lot Of Air Raids


NOTICE. , TO THB SJUREHOIJ)EHS OF THB MOONO NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF BED BANK, N. J.I Till regular annual meeting of the aharnoldert of Tha Second National Bank and . Truat Company of Red Bank, for tha eltctlon of DIrtctora for Iho ensuing year, and tuoh other business u may properly fat presented, will ba held at Ita tanking bouw tn Rad Basic, Tuesday, Januirjr 18. ' 1012. Tha poll* will ba open, from tan o'clock a. tit. to eleven o'clock a. tn, WILLIAM U. LiMAN. Caihler.

Page Nine
TBANSIENT HIT BY TRAIN. John Donahue, 63, a transient who said he came from Connecticut, was struck by a freight train as it was backing Into the Pear -street freight station Friday morning. Taken to Rlverviaw hospital, he was found to be luRerihg from shock and contusions of the head and hands. Lieutenant George Clayton investigated.


Governor Edison Gives Views On Coming Tteqr

Tells Associated Press a Few Of

.We're Welcoming A NewTear

^t The New Year contain* promise! of fieat things for Bed Bank and Its clUzeni, May we, ot thl. time, wiih jou the beat of everything for the coming year, and sincerely hope to continue tq serve you.

BIDS WANTED. " EUalod b!di will b* celvid hr tht Botrd ot Education ot Little Silver, N. J,, far tb furnishing ot ransral tehool iup pllts for thl y u r 1942-43. . Spasiflofttlona for propoied uupplle* mar bt obtained by applying at tht ofilct of the District Clark. -. L ' "\

Bldi muit bt in the POBBOBBIOTI of tht Dlitrlot Clark on or Wort) Thuriaay, January. 8, 1042. at 7iSB p. m. The Board watrvei ,tha rltrht to rtjtct any or all bld> and to waive Immatirlal informRlltlei, SARAH H. LIPPINOOTT, : District. Olerit. Dated Dectmbtr 18, 1941.

' IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY, To KOBBRT S. DBMPSEY, TURNEB V. DEMF8EV, hla Witt, BOMAINE McOAR. THX. FRANK D. MANNION and KEN. NETII E. ROQERSi By virtue of am order of tha Court of Chancery of New Jersey, made on the day of t^e data hareof. in a causa wherein (imrff* Parmly, Substituted Trustee under tht Will and Testament of Elensar Pattnly, deceaaed, la complainant and you are defendant!, you are required to appear and ansvrer the bill of said complainant on or before tne aecond lay of February nsxt, or tha laid b(U will ba taken aa confessed omlnit you, - The aald blll'la lied to foredom a certain' mortgasa given by Itobert-S. Dcmpaey.toJilberan Holding Corp.oratlp.n,' a corporation of the State of New Jersey, dated the: twenty-second-day of November.. 10SR, on landa at Elberon,' In the City of Lone Branch. In the County of-Monmouth. and State of New Jersey, which mortgags waa .jduly^ assigned by aald Elboron Holding C6tpdrartlon~t<r~Ba!d- complainant-by -asw alimtnent doted November 22. 1015; and you, Robert S. Derapsey. are mado defend, ant becauea you own tha landa described In laid mortfflgtl and you, .Turner V. Eempaey, are made defendant becnuaB 7011 are tha wife of raid Robert S. Dempsoy, and ^you^RoraalnQ-McCarthy.-aro-made defend? ant because" ybu^areor-wore-formerlythe -wife of: aatd Robert 8. Dempsert and TOU, Frank D, Mannlon and Kenneth E. Rogers, are made defendanta because you hold a m o r t i a n covering tho lands described In complarnant'a anld mortgage. Dated December 1, 1041. WARREN H. SMO0K, Solicitor of Complainant, 1 Meshmnlo Street, Bed Bank, N. 1, . ' Chancery 1*18 SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a writ of fl. fa.-to tne dl raited, isaued out ol the Court of. Chan. eery of the State of Now Jormy, will be ..posed to sale at public vendde, on MONDAY, THB CTH DAX OP JANU

between tho hours of- IP o'clock and I o'olock (at 2 o'clock) In tha afternoon^ l_thB Court HoOse, In the Borough of KeinolTrXuBIiW-of-Moirv mouth, N Jersey, to aatiay a decree of Bald tourt amounting to approximately 412,171, FIRST COUNT! , . All that certain-tract, or-parcel of land! and premliea hereinafter particularly de aeribed. situate, lying and being In thb Borough of ShrBwsbury, in the County ol Monmouth and State of New Jeriey. Beilnnlnf at a point on. the eaat line of Broad Street dletant three hundred ' and Afty fcot In a southerly direction at right angles from the north line cf prop. arty owned by Brodoraon Corporation on the eaat aide- of Broad Street: thence (1) in an easterly direction and parallel and distant three hundred and fifty flat In a ' southerly direction at right angles to laid north line-two thousand six..hundred .and . fifty feet more or less; thonco'(2) aouth six degrena and eighteen minutes west five hundred and fifty feet: thence (3) north ' eighty-three dsgreea and forty-two mln* utM welt two hundred foet; thence (4) eouth six degrees and eighteen minutes west One thousand three hundred feet mote T - or leit to'theaouth line of tho whole tract of land owned by the anld' Ilroderson 0or> ~ : -poratlon s thence (5) along the south line ' thereof and In a westerly direction thrat thousand feet more or less to the east *" line of Broad Street; thencst (6) ala , the east line of Brond Street and In ., northerly direction eight hundred and alxty.elght feet more or losa to the point ' or place of beginning. Containing seventy .' acres mora or less. Excepting therefrom and theraout that < portion of the premises which woro re. leased from the lien of laid toiortsage, by releaia of mortgage dated September 88, 1988, and recorded on October 4, 1038, In the offlca of tha Clerk of Monmouth County In Book 83 of Releases on Page 811. SECOND COUNTl . All that certain tract or parcel of land and premliea hereinafter particularly d. asrlbed, situate, lying and being In the Borough of Shrewsbury, In the County of Monmouth and State of New Jersey. Beginning at a point on the south side of Sycamore Avenue and In the eaat line of tha whole tract of lnnd owned by Brodarson Corporation, said beginning point being the. northwest corner of property owned by Mrs. Pock;,Uienco (1) along tha - -west line' of property owned by Mrs. Peck ' I aouth six degrees and eighteen minutes -vest one thousand six hundred and twentyone and algnty-nva one hundredtha feet! thence (>) continuing along the west Una . thereof. aouth twanty.aaven degraea and twenty-two minutes ennt alx hundred'and . eighteen and three*tenthi fasti thence (8) . continuing along tho - wost' line thereof aouth eight dsgreea and thlrty'twa tnin. utea east four hundred and thlrty-slven -and seven-tenths feeti thence (4) contlnu* Ing along the west line thereof south fortyfour degreea and flfty-two minutes west two hundred and twsnty-thrce and elrht. tantha feeti thence (S) continuing along tht west line thereof and In a.aoutharly dlrtetlon forty feet to Parker's Creek I thenet (I) commencing at the beginning point 'efraln and running along the aouth line of Sycamore Avenue and In n west-.. rly direction three hundred and fifty foett thence (1) south nix decrees and eighteen ' minutes irelt and parallel with the first course ona thousand ilx hundred and twenty and no tenths feet; thenco (8) aouth three degree! and nine minuten wont one thousand five hundred nnd Mxly-elirht feet to the mlddlo of LnFotra'n Prookj thence (6) along the mlilflle of LnKetrn's Brook and Parker's Oreek In nn enntorly and then northerly direction to tho ending of thft fifth course nml there tn end. Containing thlrty.four and Itfty.ona hundredtha acres more-or loin. Bxeeptlnr and reserving from the atit 1 described land a lot of litnd deictlbed followai Batlnnlng at n point on the cant alde-of , Meadow Line distant four hundred and fifty fast In a noutherlr dlraotlon along - the e>et elde of Meadow'Lttne front1 a ' point where the north line of Eoaevllle , Avenue would If proilucid In an enattrly . direction Interact tho mid emt lint of Meadow I.Anti hence' (1) nlonfr the met aide -of Meadow t.nna aouth six degrees nnd eighteen mlnutvs weiit one hundred and flfty feet: thenre (2) imilh elejhtythree daftrena and .forty'two minutes ta^t - one hundred and fifty fftt tn the rhxt lire '" of tht whole traet of lnnd owned l>y Pro. Z derson Corporation; thence 1.1) nlong the u oast line of said whole trnct of lnnd nwnad - l>y Ilrodsrson Corporation north atx de. Kreea.ainiJ. etahteen-rtilnutaa onnt one him* -^ dred and flfty feetl thence (4) north degrees and fnt-ty.two mln. M clghtr-three ,. ults wast one hundred and fifty feet to the -' rast line of Meadow T.nne anil to tht point ' " or place nf hnHlnnlng., TOr.BTIIEU with an eniicriiriit or rliiht of wayaorosa other landn of tha grnnior tn flyoamnre Avenue, wlilch vneement or rlslit of war the grantor covenants snd agrees to maintain to permit access by the (Irantee, Mi successors nnd. nanlfrns, to the property hereby cor<i.voil. finlil right nf way shall he malntnlnsil at n wlilth >\1 twelve feet and run from the north ilde of the property nereny conveyed tn fljrcn. more Avenue and surh rlnht of wny snd the emement lieiptiy Kianteil tn " rlie (irantee) shall termlnnle anil crnso In exht whenever nnd aa soon nn the (lrrtDlnr, his nurcamor* and nnlifns, nhnll OIIDII nntl dr'l. Icate it street or Mulnvny abuttlntr nn the westerly stile of tho nrt>|ii>ry hereliy eonveyed eo as to KIVA Ine Orantse, Ms mi-. rsssnra anrl aislKna lrcwi tn Hyrnmure Avanua and other publlo hluhways tn tha vlrlnlty. n*capttng therefrom nnd thercnut (lint iortlnn of the nremlKr-i wlilch vein r. naseil from the Hen of MAM IndrlKairp, snd whlrh Is tnitrt partloillsrly detrrllind In Itetaatai nf MnrtirnRo, tinted Ortnher 2D, 19in, >ml rernnleil In Ihn nniro cif I he Clerk of Monmouth (Jouritv, on November 10, toitn, In nook HO, on I'otf (117. neltieii as tne properly of Irving A. YTanaen, at at., taken In tvanitt'itt nt the eult nf Potierat Peiinnlt fnstirnneo (^orporatlon, n cnrpornllnii nf Ilio Unlleil ntalei of Amnrtna, nnd to tie snld liv JOHN t. I.AWI.15Y, Phn-lll, T. I.AW 1U<I I>" airi'or 1, 111(1. JlflM I*. llmi"v( Pol'r.


Bradley Beach Wedding, His "Basic Concerns" For 1942 Eggi In Blankets with Suc Miss Lillian M. Erhard daughter of Biscuit dough (using 2 cups Mr. and Mrs. George P. Erhard of Bi / By CHAHLE8 EDISON (lour) able that we will face bombing or Bradley Beach, and.Robert F, Kel(Govrn,or~of New Jersey) ELIZA 6 soft-cooked eggs, peeled large scale and dangerous sabotage. 4erB, son of Mr. "and Mrs. Edward Yi cup fat The Associated Press : has - asked I am confident that the people of Kellers of Bradley Beach, were marM. lf 2 tablespoon! flour , , roe to write a review of-myBrat New Jersey will meet any such tests ried Saturday in tfte""BraiJhy Besxh : 1 teaspoon minced' onion LUMBER STEPHENSON year In the governor's office. In or- with fortitude! and a grim pride in Methodist church. The couple -wlll 3 cups cooked', tomatoes , . dinary times I would be glad to com- their ability to face, as well, as tho make their hpme at Asbury Park, COMPANY Horn, Senlce VA teaspoons" lalt ply witb. this request, aa I think the soldiers at the front, the-dangers of 1 teaspoon sugar f ,- Director citizens of a democracy need to w a r . - . ' . Samuel G. Blythe, autHbr and jourRed Bank Corner West & Oakland Sts.; Ji teaspoon pepper Relying ori.that spirit of the Jer- nalist, waa one of thenrst newspaknow not only the events of governJEMIY CCNTIUI Roll dough about Vi, Inch thick. ment .but also the Interpretation of sey people we must give them as permen to use a typewriter. POWH & Ltcm Divide into 6 parts and wrap around them and the motive behind them efficient and far-sighted civilian proeggs._ Prepare tomato sauce of reCo. from the point of vi.e_w of the offi- tective measures as the state govmaining ingredients. Pour hot'sauce cials who are involved. In view of ernment Is capable of effecting, into a shallow baking dish. Place One of the greatest sources of the the war, however, I believe that my START T H E NEW YEAR wrapped eggs in sauce and bake in comments might better be devoted British strength and ot thg, strength , " ' RIGHT hot oven (400 F.) until biscuits to the hopes for the coming year, of China has been the way In which ^T wonder-if -we are all aware of arc browned. Hard cooked or devrather, than any discussion of-what the civilian population has stood -dis* the importance of eggs in our iled eggs may be used if preferred, has happened in tho past year In the aster and gone on with their work. Mushroom sauce may be substidiet? It is said that the yolk of an tuted for the tomato. Tho armed forces of these nations state,. . . egg contain! every food elerrlent the In the past year at Trenton some have bcon able to go on fighting body needs. Therefore ojir- only Eggs with Mushrooms of the principles for which I stand against seemingly hopeless odds beproblem is to 'make sure that -our were victorious and some were de- cause of the knowledge that their eggs appear on our menus regularly. ' 'A pound mushrooms, cut into feated. Some good Jobs were done, people at home could take it. . I am pieces We have probably thought of ^tablespoons butter in my opinion, and some poor jobs. confident that we Jerseymen have eggras only a breakfast or a lunch2 tablespoons' flour zz~: Thera~:::wS3 partlsah'^conflict over that eplrlt,-Joo, and-will-show it If eon dish for too long. Nutritionist) * "1 teaspoon salt ' some of Jhefle_things_but all that is necessary. find four eggs a week to be the We Jeraeymen need to resist ru yi, teaspoon pcppeiL '. :^ certainlypast now,' .We need to Tel. R. B. 3940 Free Delivery minimum in a low-cost diet and mors, deal with. every emergency ',4 teaspoon Worcestershire think now, not of past political connine in a liberal one each week. situation, calmly and wlthj^ deterSauce ,_ J__._ flicts, hut of-futureunlty. ."_"_ . "To you, thatitiayicem like quite 2 cups milk '_AceordlnEly, I wish to express a mined orderliness and .t^ke a pera few eggs. Especially for persons 6 poached eggs few of my basic concerns for the sonal Interest in every 'one of the with whom. eggs do not. always affairs of government and of civilian 6 slices hot toast coming year at .Trenton; ,7:". agree. It will be well to remember Saute mushrooms in butter, until I hopo that we can minimize, if defense. ' that there are hundreds of excellent tender, about 5 minutes over Jow.... This being the season of Christmas not" eliminate, the. struggle for par_recipes,-including eggs which in- heat; Add flourandseasoning, JYlh_t(i_clQso _.with_. ft_Horc: of tlsanadVantage which; unfortunatetroduce this valuable food into our blend. Add milk and cook, stirring ly) Is a part of American political greeting to the citizens ofNew'-Jerdiet very subtly. constantly. -.'. Boil for 3 minutes. sey. This wlsh~ this year cannot be life. Place e^gs oh buttered toast and In a spirit of forbearance and for a Merry Christmas but it can Cheese Cuttard cover with sauce. amity we should join efforts to make bo a season of prayerful thankful \'/i cups milk New Jorsey a tremendously valuable nosa that we are still a nation of EggialaKing. 1 teaspoon salt ' production center, serving* the armed free people and thai we have the \i teaspoon pepper 6 eggs, hard cooked . . forces of the United States. We courage and tho means to fight for \i cup grated swiss cheese 4 tablespoons "butter should strive' fOr unity between labor our freedom, 4 eggs 4 tablespoons flour and Industrial management for this \'/i cups milk Add milk, seasoning, and cheese MORE ABOUT SOIL TESTS. purpose. - . \ to ilipjhtly beaten eggs. Turn mix1 tablespoon pimiento, chopped Chemical tests'for tho presence of The routine tasks of our state ture into greased baking dish. Set % teaspoon pepper government should be done well and phosphorus In tho soli aro hot likely in .pan sf hot water and bake in '1 to Wi cupa mushrooms to answer any prayers, because most moderate oven (350 F.) 20 to 30 J4 teaspoon salt . . as cheaply as possible. . At all times we.should consult the all soils are in need ot this element, minutes or until firm. Remove from 6 slices buttered toast says M. A.. Clark, county agriculmilitary authorities of the. nation, oven, allow to stand 3 minutes and Melt butter, add flour, and-stir in ord^r that our state work will fit tural agent. In fact, tha need of "unmold on a hot platter. Serve until smooth. Add milk. Part of iiito the general defense plan. For phosphorus Is o taken for granted wi-th-tomatfl--sauctv~. . k U d ^ r l ui that.-ont-half-fef tlie-avorngo chemical-} ^ X T i l 6 t a b i i d l and stir constantly until thick. ReHam and Egg Souffle roads as the military authorities feel fertilizer contains superphosphate. move from fire and place over hot As the county.agent has previously are necessary, turning to ordinary 5 tggs, separated - *- water. Add seasonings and eggs civilian needs after completing ths pointed out, In discussing some of the 2 tablespoons butler, incited cut lengthwise andlieat thoroughly. work required by the military plan. factors about soil tests, phosphorus 1 cup milk ' Serve~on"b"ulteted" toast. Fresh State finances should bo kept down Is likely to be locked Up In acld:solls. Salt mushrooms may be used. Wash by careful -watching of all expendi- Adding lime to the field will release Pepper thoroughly, slice and saute in two tures. We must bear In mind that a lot of this material so that It can 1 cup diced cooked ham tablespoons of butter for 8 to 10 very large demands are apt to be be used by plants. On potato soils Beat egg yolks well, add butter, minutes. made upon the State Treasury dur- where lime cannot be used, applying milk, alr, pepper and ham. Beat _ Please write us about any quesing the course of this war and In the the fertilizer in bands has been thoroughly. Fold in egg whites. tions that may not seem clear to period that will follow. Our first adopted as a general practice. When Pour into greased custard cups, you or for some recipe. Address thought should be to -upend what- the fertilizer is put on by this methplnce in pan of hot water and bake Mrs. Eliza M. Stcphenson, Home ever la necessary for defense pur- tra;itho material in the middle of the in moderate oven (350 F.) until Service Dept., Allcnhurst, New Jerposes but beyond that to set up re- /band does not come in contact with firm25 to 30 minutes. Serves six. sey in care of this company. serve funds to. tide us over future the soil immediatfjy and is therefore Guaranteed for 1 emergencies. -. kept available-;for plants without beyear. Excellent pinochle party held at the Brevent Leonardo We must be prepared to aid the ing locked up In the acid noil, Acid for r e l i e f of Park and Leonardo flro house, and military authorities in all tho ways soils seldom show more than a trace: Rhoumatlc Fains given by the Ladies' auxiliary, with in which they, call upon civilians -for (The Red Bank Register can bo bought of phosphoric acid In a laboratory and Aches. In Leonardo from F. X. Klldult, frecl W. Mrs, Chester" Guttormsen, hostess. aid, such as in recruiting campaigns teat, and therefore the soils experts Meyora, Balkan'! and Wiedmann a) During tl)e ovenlng two turkeys of manpower, industrial resources are of the opinion that a phosphorus Three new members wore wel- which had been sold on the e'o-oper- and finances.' test is of little value on soils that comed Into the Lndlci1 auxiliary ot atlvo.plan were awarded to Henry For the; safety of our citizens w havo not been well llmod.- Experthe Leonardo and Brevent Park fire Brown, Weat End, Long Island, and need to set up a'ni&chlnc-llke organ- ience with soils, however, shows that ization that ifl capable of dealing company Friday afternoon, Decem- Charles Alchele, Hamilton avienue. William LaEue, father of David with all the emergencies that may oven where lime has been, used, there ber 26, They aro Mrs. Frank Fohn, should be plenty'.of phosphorus inMrg. Albert Knight and Mrs. George LaRue.and Mm. Anna Roehelle, con- result from, the -war. It is conceiv- cluded In the complete fertilizer. HOT WATER BOTTLE OR Black. Following tho regular order tinues ill at his home, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Sheehan and FOUNTAIN of business, after the aalufo to the flag, minutes of the previous meeting father, Peter Dunne, -enjoyed ChristSYRINGE THE PERSONNEL and MANAGEMENT wer road by Secretary M M . George mas at the Brooklyn home of Ed" Guaranteed Kovelesky and the treasurer's report, ward Dunne. ' orMrs. Hazel Blckej has been 1 1 at 1 for On* ' by Mr, Fred W, Meyers, both apYear. proved and accepted. Hostesses for her home for th 0 past week, but la reported improving. tho weekly Tuesday evening card Reg-. 98o Peggf Gaff, daughter of Mr. and parties for the coming month are Value. Mrs. Frank Jaokaon, January 6; Mrs. Mrs, William Gaff, spent Christmas SPECIAL John Keenan, January 13; Mrs. eve with her aunt, Mrs. John Shlp^ OFF ER George Kovelesky, January 20; Mrs. ley at Yorkers. Mr. and Mrs. William Mcglll aniA Anthon O. Lund, January 27, and Mrs. Alyln Maxson, February-3. Mrs. son Robert were phrlstmas guests atf Peter Green will be hostess for tho the home of Mrs. Megill's parents at to their many skating friends ... party this evening. All games begin Bradley Bosch. Mrs. Margaret Conwell and her A Joyful and Prosperous promptly at 8:30 p. m, Mrs. Green presided, and other members attend- father, Edward S. Martin, werjsJiosU New Year ing -were Mrs. Al W, Cross, Mrs. at a Christmas day party. Attending Anna Meyers, Mrs, Elizabeth Out- ware Robert Martin and family of Mctuohen, Mr. and Mrs. John Hitchtormsen,' Mrs, Iloso Kovelesky, Mrs. FOR A SAFE and SOBER NEW YEAR'S EVE Emily Fchn, Mrs. Rose Knight and Ins, Matawhn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert Patterson, Jr., and Mrs. CorMrs, M. Black. JOIN US IN OUR PARTY Mr. and Mrs. George Black enter- nelia B. Patterson. A business meeting of the 4-9 Skating From 7:30 P. M. to 1 A. M. tained Mr, and Mrs. Archie Black of East Newark for Christmas dinner. Ladles' Republican club Is scheduled Mrs. Anna Mctzger, Phllllpaburg, for Monday afternoon.. January 6, Box of 75 has been visiting her d&ughtor and at Community lire house Mo* Harry Mahnken will return to husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fohn, and her grandson, Robert Oreen, the Tuskaloosa, Alabama, wehre ho Is a past week. She expects to remain studont at the University of Alabama,1"Sitnuary 4, following a visit for another week. Thomas Gedottls, a student at Rut- with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry . gers un(vorolty, will be at the homo Mahnkon, Sr. Adam Meyer of Newark spent of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fetor Chrlstmns with GedettU, until January 0. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Williamson enr Mr. and Mrs. Anthon O. Lund and SOo Mr, and Mrs. John Lund and son tcrtainod Mr. Williamson's mother, Wllllnm Bobert returned aftor spend- Mrs. Sophlo Williamson, Miss MarDR. WEST'S garot and Miss -Audrey Williamson; ing the holidays with Mrs. Margaret O'Moara and family at Brooklyn. his sisters, and Raymond WilliamMrs, John Lund IB tho former Miss son, his brother, of Bolford; Mr! nnd Mrs. Prod, W. Meycis, Mrs, WllllnmFloronco O'Moara. MIBS Margaret Oaff and Mlsa Jane son's parents, and grandmother, Mrs. Christian of Brooklyn were hostesses Cathcrino Sponar, Christmas nfterReg. 50c WILLIAMS at a party Saturday evening; nt the noono. In tho ovenlng, Mr. nnd Mm. Gaff homo. Attending were Barbara William Moyora nnd daughter Wllmn, Hamilton, Patricia Conovcr, Rogina Mr. nnd Mrs. FranlciGuttorniRpn nnd Connolloy, Klcnnor Morkln, Marlon children Robert and Barbara Ann Knnoy, LoRoy Hamilton, Jack Mur- and Harold Otten end family Joined phy, Freddie Darke, Raymond Glo- tho party. coh, George Veneor, Larry Mc- - Mr, and Mrs, Cheatnr Guttormsen GaoUgh, ffidwnrd Mahnken and had as Christmas dinner guests, Mr. Charles Qelslor, all ot whom piultc- Guttorni8en's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. lpated'ln a scavengor hunt, Singing Martin Nolson, Charles Dohn, JitookonHj danolng nnd a buffet suppor lyn nnd their daughter, Huth nnd son i. v. c. Coil Rnymond. wcro enjoyed. Mver Oil, r t _ Mr. nnd Mrs, B, P. Guttormsen ffidwnrd H, Martin, son of Mr. and woro hosts Christmas night to Mr. Mrs, Kdward H. Martin, Br,, who Is Guttormson's paronts, Mr. and Mr. stationed nt Fort Bragg, North CarVltnliilii n Comnlrx olina, has returned to his post after Martin Nelson, Mrs, Thomnji Lar/irm Cain., tint.'ino and Miss Lllllnh Larson, Mrs. ClutA ten-day visit with his parents. tormsen's mother, Mrs, Lena OulMrs, Frank nilllnghnm Is with hor ulster, Mrs. Wllli Bm Wallace at Nut- hrnnson, Chnrlcis Delia, Mr. and Mrn. Chcntor Giittormjen, Mls nttth Otttley. ^ Mrn, John Orodonka nnd her (Inter, tormson nnd Mls Kathlyn tind MarMrs. Htnnley JComnlHhl, have thnlr garct Guttormson. mother, Mm. Bertha I.elimnnn of l'arlc llrower Brooklyn' as tholr guenU for a fuw Anbury l'nrk Couplo lOiiKngril, Tali*., Hot. 20(1 '. _... dnyn, Mid. Lohmann In dividing hor 900 Til. <W CUIEKN tlmo bDtwofin tho hulnrs of hor Mr, and Mrs, Ueiibon Utnnnor ot 80AP, t M. Anbury Park havo announced the onHAND LOTION Mr, nnd Mrfl. Walter .7. Bolls are Knitoniont of thalr dniightor, l'hyllln, entertaining their dnunlltrr and him- to ICdwIn I'1. Marlui, son of Mr. nml To'the Citizens of Red Bank and Mo WITCH IIAKF.r, m M band, Mr, nnd Mr, Ilnnry P. Rum- Mrs. Mnui'lcn MnrkH, alno nf Aslmry ford of Pontinylvonln, Pnrk, No date has been not for Iho IMnt J,JLQ Vicinity. May the New Year bring you .,-, , QucBln at tho homn nf Mr. nnd Mrs. wnddlng. Edward UloltfiH oynr thn Chrlntnms Contentment, Peace and Joy. liollitnyn wnro It I M tinrentn, Mr. nnd WHEN yOU BUY OIANT SUK H 28a OlTHATrl OK Mr. Lnwrnnco Ilkltno, of Maapoth, To relievo 4"t%Y V%fS MAONESIA LOIIK Isliuid, nrifl liln ulster, Minn Mar- Misery of %0%JrMjuPO ion Hlokea. LIQUID Mrn. Dnrnnrd Hchtilti l/i at Hilltop flflrt A M H U I N TAIIU'.TS Cnnvnlenrnnt liomn, Mlilillutown. .1AI.VK $ Or- low* . . . 1 Mr, Wp.nloy Wnhelleld, tieisiirrcl NOHI! DHOIM RED BANK 1 :t prlMj Mis. Olnf Christy n ' IOUUII Ditors ! Mr. John, tlilr'd, , I > r\ , ,iim".a V.'miJtrful Uulmtni WM ltujHifliivn Tiiia IUOHI1 -xo UMIT qvAtnvnsi

51 Broad St.



Singing Wheels Arena



MOD ESS Jr. $1.00

Tooth Pwd.

Honey & Almond Cream



Cold Tablets





Box of 6 Cakes Limit 2 Boxes to Customer




Signrtund Eisner Co.

98c .49


ed to produce forty billion eggs this lustrated by "the' fact that, as an pected to exceed 60,922,000 in 1941, for auxiliary service all along the year, on the basis of production fig- average.this season, only 5.84 dozen with Monmouth county contributing coast. Watdita. Clocki and Jawairy Claantd and ures assembled at the ^Chicago Mer- eggs have been required to buy 100more than 6,180.000 of thl total. The parachute-troop training wa Rapalrttf at Raaaonabla PricM . pounds of poultry ration, compared cantile exchange. a navy function, too, At the LakeLand tax In the Chinese province All Work Guaranttad loi Ona-Vaar. Hens of, Monmouth county have Defense buying and sales promo- wlth'T.61 dozen last year. hurst Air station, jumping from airof Kwaqgtung is being paid In kind The equivalent of more than 200,H. ROSIN. Jeweler planes has been taught for 14 years, contributed materially this year In tion activities were prime reasons for tha first time In the history of 18 W i l l Front S t . ', Rid Bank. N I primarily in connection with . para-, assisting farm . Income to the high- for tho higher price. 'Chain stores, 000,000 dozen egg's in shell, frozen or the region. / Tal, 72-M. powdered form has been purchased chute-packing. Now sailors and ma- est level since 1029. Estimates Indi- which last year purchased more than rines had a greater Interest and a lot cate that the farm gross Incemeln a third of the eggs produced In New since the land-lease bin passed. RADIOS REPAIRED : Quality campaigns, resulting In a more chance to learn the business. 1041 will exceed eleven billion dol- Jersey, roport consumer demand Lakehurst was also the navy'a lars for the first time in 12 years, holding rather well, aided by high- better grade of eggs In New JerYOtftl BADIO REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT. llghter-than-alr school and Its mete- two billion higher than in 1940. er national income and mass 'distri- sey, have brought about Increased ._:.. EMERSON BAIZES AND SERVICE. orology school. The- number of blimps Heavy production coupled with a bution methods which reduce the purchasing by the mass .distributors. One chain, the.A&P, bought 1,876,000 was raised to ten. Their principal favorable market means that In- spread between producer and condozen New Jersey egga in 1040. use was first on neutrality patrol and come from eggs should exceed $000,- sumer prices. then watching for enemy submarines. 000,000. The nation's hena are expectThe favorable price situation Is II- Production In New Jersey Is exThe navy spent $2,500,000 for ex17 Mechanic St. RED BANK Phone 795. larger states have larger garrlfor maintaining _- sons,.but J e w l f any can elalm to be suddenly responsible an army grow- pansion at Lakehurst and was investcommunications in ing an amount which might equal , a more diversified fortress of defense ing by leaps and bounds,. It became For Your Shopping Convenience than Is New Jersey. . ' - . - . a replacement, center for the train- that to develop an auxiliary fleet and In this small state, soldiers, sailors ing of thousands of needed experts. air base at Cape May for guarding OUR STORES WILL REMAIN OPEN the entrance to Delaware bay. Coast * . and marines not only stand guard, With only 611 acres and 2,000 men, UNTIL 8 P . M . WEDNESDAY but learn to tight by land/ sea and air. t sacrificed parade ground and ball artillery men Joined in the precauThe curricula of war range from Iflela to erect $9,000,000 worth of bulld- tions at the cape. CLOSED ALL DAY NEW YEAR'S Tha Pleatlnny arsenal kept in: manufacturing smokeless powder to ngs to handle an ever-changing enshipping tanks to Asia,'from laying rollment of 7,000 men in' creasing Its payroll until It had 10,000 harbor mines to 'waging parachute center and 3,000 in the more ad- persons turning out munitions for invasion. . anced Signal Corps School. The the army. Production was the greatStarting in January, the 1041 mili- first selectees arrived February 28. est of any year In history for any tary activities In New Jersey rose in One thousand. civilians,' among American arsenal. In addition, the a crescendo that' became a roar by them several scientists, worked in the arsenal trained aome thousand men December 7. On that date Hawaii signal corps laboratory,, one of the in its school of munitions and conwas attacked by the Japanese and most- closely guarded structures In ducted Important tests. Essentially storage dumps, the the United, States became aTiation the state. Here was pioneered the at war. Tho pitch at army and riavy first communication between war- navy's Lake Denmark ammunition depot and the^Army's Rarltan Arposts rose even higher, but everyone .lane and-ground; here World war 28-OZ. PLUS as he stepped outside the station flying crates made night sorties while senal appeared less In the news. The BOTS. DEP. ' boundaries became officially mute. icientists tested devices to pick latter on December 10, completed re" What goes J on how is a war-time :hem .out ofjthe dark, skies. TheseJ loading of the l.OOOJSOOth 75-milH.. Year clnlet: Pale Dry or Coldin Ginger Alt, secret." ~ -' iroblems, solved for the time, have meter shell. Club Sods, Urns Rickey, Ssnaparills, Root While these were the hotspots of This secrecy does not detract from lever been abandoned/ The remark' Boer or iiorted fruit flavors. the magnitude of accomplishment be- able turns taken in the research are military activity, the entire state fore December. 7, however. That can _>art- of the -reason -for. the secrecy, shared In it as the year closed.-With vital" Industrie^ aria" communications be told, and the rest can ba Imagined.' at the laboratory. *. ** Best known because of (he scoresJ Suffice it to say that "Secret lines to be protected against possible aerial bombs and saboteurs, troops of thousands of men who have enWE Mean your old timo food Wends. Tha spread throughout the- state. The tefecf army life there was Fort Dix, weapons" are old rumors here. simple, delicious foods that tie so welcome more than ,25,000 acres spawling More commonly understood are ac- stake was too great to overlook any attar holiday feasting. We've put them all ivitles-sueh-as radio and. telephone bets. across Burlington, Ocean and Monon display to help remind you of your fav(instruction and - operation;; earlier mouth-counties. 28-OZ; PLUS orite* that you'll want for a midnight snack Any" claim that Dix was the jriost ilgeon training, which tiaa developed DEP. BOTS. essential military post would be open the remarkable (and well guarded), and N e w Y W s dinner. Come in TODflY, 46 bz. to challenge, however. Picatlnny -Ar- :wo-way bird; the motion picture lab(The Rod Bunk Reffliter o n lo bought oratory, which depicts visually the oenal was the nation's prime pro: at Mrs. Sarah, Scott's general store) Can ducer of artillery ammunition; Fort raining for all branches of the oer- Mr. and.. Mrs. Adrian Nltschelm Hancock defended New York har- irice, and aircraft detection by stand- spent' Christmas day. with relatives bor and, with its mpbile guns, the ard means, A movie laboratory was at Newark. whole Now Jersey coast; Fort Mon- istabllshed In Neptune City and airmouth's training kept going the en- sraft detection centers were set up at Shrewsbury township schools reULY Ot THE tire army communications system Satontown and West Belmar. Men open- ..Monday morning. Lambert VAUEY and .Its laboratory led in airplane de- Irom Monmouth opened a n e w re^ Reynolds, principal of the Tinton makesanexplacement center v at Neosho, MIs- Falls school announces that the sale tection work. Nor were these all. ,pf defense stamps on Monday and ourl. cellent roast 1[^BFor lusty growth, Fort, Dix out12 ox. Wednesdays will be continued indeHONOR Brigadier General Dawsbn Olm- finitely. stripped all other posts. It was only bpt. wholeorhalf ' 1939 when Camp Dix was accepted as stead, post commander, became the "Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Wllkltu, a permanent post and rechristened first major general in signal corps JiV-were Christmas day visitors, of Fort Dix. It then'covered only 7,813 M s t o n Ad_ffi25ii-.tSL5s?h1-BSi0.!1 -St-SUNSWHT-ifar acres; couldn't muster 300 men. onier signal officer. Brigadier GenMr. and Mrs. Silas Cronk apent tender and When 1941 opened, it was a boom eral G. L. VanDeusen, commander Christmas day with Mr. Cronk' delicious (' town, A' JM. 000 . 000 expansion pro- of the replacement center, succeeded brother, Alfred E. Cronk and family HONOR gram was under way. Thousands of Olmstead and Col. C. M. Mllllken at Freehold. Mr. and Mrs. Cronk workmen were hammering together was made a brigadier general and entertained Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. hundreds of buildings. Heservatlon named to VanDeusen's old Job. Arthur E. Tlpling ,of Trenton and extra |u!cy - roads^were passablersometlmes.: Not-far-dlstant-ls-FortHaneockr; MrsMinnie-Mceoy-of-Phlladelphlar The .44th Division, composed of occupying Sandy Hook and com- Mr. and Mrs. William Scott. and and savory New Jersey and New York troops, manding thp entrance to New York daughter Ellen Jane of Plainfleld spent Christmas day with Mrs. Sarah ' and.- the winter's selectees went harbor. . . .-' through unpleasant times in rows of Here la -where the big guns are. In Scott; Mr. and Mrs. William 8. England . tents along roads of mud. a recent public statement, Brig. Gen. and Harold England were'Christmas Slowly but surely regiments and Philip S. Gage, harbor defense comrecruits moved into modern barracks. mander, disclosed that Fo?t Hancock day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond The selectees who had found such a had ' the most modern equipment., Bennett of Monmouth Park, Eatoncold and wet welcome'gave way to ranging from 3-lnch, rapid-firing guns town. Dr. and Mrs. EllsworWBaker of draftees who had time to help land- to the 16-lnch monsters. scape their lawns. Pipeline trenches Sight-inch railway guns and trac- Marlboro spent Christmas day with FINE IN QUALITY AMD FLAVOR-A GOOD PICK-UP DRINK TO SERVE AT ANY HOUR LB. were filled and roads paved. Order tor-drawn heavy artillery assured de- Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. replaced seeming confusion. fensive fire-power anywhere along Harry Mayberry. 1 But the program nevor was 'fin-the shore. The railway guns can hurl . Mrs. Robert Frost left Sunday lo ished. As'fast as one goal appeared projectiles 20 miles. Anti-aircraft spend New Year's day with her huswithin sight, new expansion was guns reach high into the sky and har- band, Sergeant Frost at Fort Bragg, authorized. In August, some $74,000,- bor mines block the passage of North Carolina. 000 in work was under way, most of enemy submarines. It in addition to the earlier $14,000,. Vacationed In Florida. The small garrison of 19401 had 000 figure. With men properly housed, been expanded to 6,000 men during CA N DA attention turned to such things as a November. Miss Lillian P. Lauler, principal of 1,250-bed base hospital, a D nk More than $1,250,000 had been spent the Freehold high school, spent the ' hangar, doubled capacity at tho roChristmas vacation In Florida. : ceptlon center, a score of theaters for expansion of the post,; now covand chapels. The buildings totalled ered by everything from machino giin 2,600. Still on paper was another mil- pits oh the beach to a tent city. But to the layman looking down on the lion-dollar program. ( The 1,229th Reception Center be- book from the Highlands the powder CAMELS-PLUCKY STRIKEOLD GOLD SINGLE *} *%xit* magazines and big-guns Just don't came one of the largest in the nation CHESTERFIELDRALEIGH PACKAGES Z F R 9 C O during the year. It took in its stride exist. . Weapons which do show are from 500 to 600 draftees in a day. By ornamental antiques. NOB A tuxory blend 1 Ib. December 3, it had handled 72,331. Behind this defense sentinel lies at a thrifty prlco BAG New York harbor with'lta miles of HILL Among the men given aptitude Jersey waterfront' that are fast betests, fitted with uniforms and coming one ot the mighty factors In We are recommending a first taught to act-and look like a BOldier a two-ocean war. mortgage 5 per cent bond due in about a year. These bonds were William McChesney Martin, forThe navy has been building for are listed and are currently SAUERKRAUT, Lily of the Valley . . H%;}i 9c mer president of the New York Stock nearly the entire year a super-dryselling at about 95. They are Exchange; Edward (Porky) Oliver of strongly secured and our InvesPeas & Carrots, Lily of the V a l l e y . . . '?cn213c golfing fame; Robert Hopkins, son of dock and supply base at Bayonne. It tigation indicates that the printhe lease-lend administrator, and so-had bought a $5,000,000 port terminal Whole String Beans, Lily of the Valley. Ncn219c cipal will be paid at 100 when for a starter and was pouring twice cialite Winthrop Rockefeller. due. that amount into additional construcPEANUT BUTTER, Crown Brand ',1';' 18c 1LB. The 44th, former national guard tion. Wo are also recommending a BAG outfit, was built up from the 11,000 KETCHUP, Lily of the V a l l e y . . . . 2 ' b <r 23c preferred stock which is listed Within sight at Jersey City, the men-who came to camp in Sep.tomand enjoys an active market Evaporated Milk, Sheffield's . . . . 3 r . 23c ber, 1940, to war-time strength of army was dumping more millions Inand which our Investigation to a vast lease-lend shipping termnearly 20,000. With tho second World shows will be liquidated at a SUGED BEEF, Beardsley's . . . . . . % r 22c price,25 to 50 per cent higher war revolutionizing methods of at- inal. Already functioning there was than the current market upon CORNED BEEF. Armours '^21c tack and defense, they found their a huge quartermaster depot which the dissolution of the company, training a major problem, -Funda- spent some ,$10,000,000 a month tor which is expected to take place Fruit Cocktail, Honor 2 TJ, 25c . . -1 .' mentals reviewed, combat teams supplies. in the near future. Both army and navy were overflowwore formed, target practice underIng into Weehawkcn and Hobokcn, taken, overnight hikes made. the army with another pier for war' 42 Broad Street, Red Bank Not until April 2 was the first com- shipments and the navy with a site Tel. Red Bank 57 nmnd post exercise held; 1,500 men for another shipyard. Members of then worked 18 hours on a Delaware Tho Coast Guard, now port of-the New York Curb lSichanife river bridgehead problem. The lln navy, was supervising the londlnf.- of No. 2 "all-out" maneuver took the division Main Office: ** Into South Jersey for five days in explosives at a 3.200-foot Jersey City 149 Brondwny, Now York City cans pier and mobilizing small hnntmen 1LB. May. A throe-week mnneuver in Virginia started In mid-July and the PKG. RIVER RICE ' 7c ? 16c first army maneuvers took them tu the Carolina.? for two autumn SHAKER SALT,. . 2^ l i e months. CHICKEN BROTH, R.& R. 2:;;:,',25c The men wero toughened soldiers * * * * * . PURE PRINT LARD, 'J!;;14c by now, but Lt. General Hugh A. lib. Drum, reviewing hentlquartcre, recan SPAGHETTI, CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE . . . 3 ,'.., 19c lieved Maj. Gen. Clifford A. Powell a* division commander and named HERSHEV'S CHOCOLATE SVRUP . . . . Un & Brig. Gen. Jomca I. Mulr in his place. HONOR TABLE SYRUP 2 -25c Powell, former New Jersey state senator and acting governor, was asAMERICAN SARDINES 3 < 17c NEWYORKSTATE signed to the "eld headquarters of CLOTHESLINE 4 0 ' HANK 23c tho first army. NO , GRADE C His transfer wns the climax of many shake-ups, soveral Instituted by Powell himself, that hnd reached from tho non-coms to tho top. Bcvcral brigadier generals flgurod In changes, the i p of beautiful women Powell opened the year ns comYOUR CHOICE mander of tho fort, also, but nt hln ll t FiAVOmr own request hnd been relieved of this duty March 18 BO lie could devote his \Sun4hm0 BitcutU full time to tho 44th. Colonel Cnsaous M. Dowcll took over the post command. In tho northeastern part of MonThat you lead us to a triumphant 2 pl- 19c mouth county, Fort Monmoutlf, tho victory over an enemy that's as 8lgnn] Corps' only POHI, found Itself 2 p- 1 7 c

State Is Diversified Fortress Of Defense

Monmouth Hens Help Farm Income . --


Activities Range From Making Powder To Shipping Tanks To Asia








Tinton Falls



3 25 C 12c & 25c 3 29 C



s L

LAIRD'S CIDER . . 29 '" 49 ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3:425c G I N G E R A L E RY B 'E 1 15






Investment Statisticians






B h



Lily of the Valley

- 15c 8*-25c





Here's our wish to you Mr. 1942

yellow inside as he is out . . .


2 * 19c 3 lb< 14c 3'^ 14c



(g CAKES 2 5

"'15c 3 * 15c



Fresh Kale, Carrots. Parsnips or White Turnips J;;. 3 -10c


4 C KS 2 3 AE



from developing
Put n few drops of Vn-tro-nol up cadi not til at tlic very first online or tncczc. Its quick action nidi Nntiirc'n defenses mmamaa ncalnot cold.. Follow V | % H S directions W A n < k

And his partner in crime v who teaches little children that "heil" is greater than Heaven. Give us this year our daily courage to work, light, sacrifice and WIN.



4 CftKES 23<I

-7-Red Bank

PANCAKE FLOUR PILLSBURY 2 ^ 17c CALIFORNIA PRUNES . <" 2 > ^- 15c . p*o 2 2 c HONOR FRESH PRUNES . MflLTEX COCOA Baker's or Hershey's . Vi Ib. can 9 C JOHNSON'S GLO COAT . . MINUTE TAPIOCA . . . . . . . pl 1 0 c BLUE TIP MATCHES . . . . . 3 ^ 13c 3 *> 2 3 c SWIFT'S PREM. . . . . . .. 27c JUNKET POWDER OVALTINE "- 34c . . . Igt. can \J\Q MAZOLA OIL * 2 7 c . . . """ 51c PARD DOG FOOD J . . . . 3 25c ICY POINT SALMON . . . . . ' - " - 1 8 c PEPPY'S DOG & CAT FOOD . 3-13c DURKEES BLACK PEPPER . 2 ^ - 15c


3 R 0 L l s 19c


In folder. V A * I I H I

36 Monmouth St., RedBank-118 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands

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