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Statesman Journal mini-questionnaire for 2012 General Election

Thank you for responding to this questionnaire, which is for use by Statesman Journal Editorial Board members in evaluating candidates for potential endorsements in the Nov. 6 General Election. Your answers also will be shared with reporters and may be published in the print newspaper and on If you completed our questionnaire for the primary season, youll notice that some requested information is similar. We ask you to provide it again in case any of your previous data or answers have changed. (If you cant find a copy of your previous answers, let us know and well gladly send one.) Please answer each question and return this questionnaire to the Editorial Board via email as an attached Word document. The boards email address: Deadline for submitting your questionnaire: 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, or earlier.
Questions? Contact Editorial Page Editor Dick Hughes, 503-399-6727, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Your name: James C. Jim Egan Age: 55

(If your age will change before the Nov. 6 election, please indicate your birthday. We want to make sure we use accurate ages in editorials and news coverage. )

Political party (if this is a partisan office): Nonpartisan Position you are seeking (name of position, district number): Court of Appeals Position #6 I plan to attend the editorial board meeting scheduled for: Tuesday, October 2 at 11 AM Number of years living in the area you seek to represent:

With the exception of my military service, I have lived in Oregon all of my life. Do you affirm that you are a full-time resident of that area? Yes City/town of residence: Albany Family (name of spouse/partner, number and ages of children if at home, number of grown children): Wife: Daughter: Son: Daughter: Michelle Egan Racheal Egan-Baker (age 36/Attorney with Legal Aid in Bend, OR); James Egan (age 35/Program Manager/Disability Advocate in Portland, OR); Jennifer (age 31/Attorney with the National Womens Law Center in Washington D.C.); Daughter: Sarah Egan (age 26/8th Grade History Teacher in Daley City, CA); Daughter: Katie Egan (age 22/Program Assistant. Womens Foundation of California, San Francisco, CA) Step-son: Jordan Gabrielli (age 20/Laborer residing in Albany, OR); Step-daughter: Tristyn Gabrielli (age 16/Student at West Albany High School); and Step-daughter: Nyleah Gabrielli (age 15/Student at Memorial Middle School). Education: West Albany High School (Diploma 1974); Oregon State University (attended 1974-77); Willamette University (BA/Political Science and Economics 1979); University of Oregon School of Law (JD 1985) Current occupation and employer: Circuit Court Judge, Linn County, Oregon Judicial Department Military service: United States Marine Corps Active Duty (1979-1982) United State Marine Corps Reserve (1983-1995) United States Army Reserve (2006-present/Deputy Command Judge Advocate, ASG Kuwait 2008-2009); Employment history: Kryger Alexander Egan Elmer & Carlson PC (1985-2010) Judge, Circuit Court of Linn County (2010-present)

Community involvement/volunteer history: Oregon State Bar (admitted 1985); Linn County Planning Commission (1989-1994) Oregon State Bar Association Affirmative Action Committee (1990-1991); United States District Court Bar, District of Oregon (1996); Oregon State Bar Association/Workers Compensation Section Treasurer (1996-97); Oregon State Bar Association/Workers Compensation Section CLE Coordinator (1998); Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (2000); Oregon State Bar Association/House of Delegates (2002-2005); Oregon Trial Lawyers Association Board of Directors (1998-2007); Oregon Trial Lawyers Association, President (2005-2006). Please list all public offices to which youve been elected, and when: Circuit court Judge, Linn County, Position #2 (2010); Tangent Rural Fire Protection District, Board of Directors (1996-2008); Please list any unsuccessful candidacies for public office, and when: n/a Other prior political and government experience: Linn County Planning Commission (1989-1994) Tangent Rural Fire Protection District, Board of Directors (1996-2008); Circuit court Judge, Linn County, Position #2 (2010); How much your general election campaign will cost: I hope to raise $50,000 to be able to effectively communicate with voters. Key endorsements you have received: Oregon AFL-CIO Oregon AFSCME Oregon Building & Construction Trades Council AFT UFCW Norma Paulus, Former Secretary of State and Superintendent of Public Instruction How the public can reach your campaign (remember that this information may be published): Mail address: 2236 SE 10th Ave.

Portland, OR 97214 E-mail address: Web site URL: Phone: 541-979-8216 Fax: n/a Please limit your response to each of the following questions to about 75 words but be specific. 1. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, been disciplined by a professional licensing board/organization or had an ethics violation filed against you? If so, please give the details. No. 2. Have you ever filed for bankruptcy, been delinquent on your taxes or other major accounts, or been sued personally or professionally? If so, please give the details. No. 3. Why should people vote for you? What separates you from your opponent(s)? I am the best qualified for the job. I have served as a trial judge and the perspective of a trial attorney and a trial judge is something that the Court of Appeals will need over the next few years. I understand the issues that the court must most frequently address and I am uniquely qualified to handle those issues. 4. What are the three most important issues you would address if elected? How? (75 words for each

A. Each and every judge must address the issues arising out of drastic budget cuts in the Oregon Judicial Department. Every court will face cuts in staffing over the next two years and Judges must be prepared to deal with those issues. This is where the perspective of a trial judge is needed.

B. I believe that practitioners are in need of understandable guidance from the Court of Appeals. As a former trial lawyer, I believe that I can help the court shape understandable and discernable decisions. C. It is important for the court to balance the need for access to justice (specifically the need of members of the public to have their day in court) with the need for a court system that is relevant and helpful. Appellate judges need to understand the need for trial and the need for alternatives like treatment courts. 5. What do you see as other important issues? 6. How would you describe your political style or for judicial candidates, your judicial temperament? I approach each case with an open mind. My objective is to carefully and critically consider all of the issues that come before me in order to decide the case at hand on its merits. I am dedicated to fulfilling my responsibilities as a judge in a manner worthy of the trust and respect entrusted in me. 7. If you are an incumbent, what have you achieved during your current term? If you are not an incumbent, how have you prepared yourself for this position? I have been preparing myself for the last three years. During that period of time, I have tried every type of case that the Court of Appeals reviews in exactly the same proportion that the court sees. I have tried criminal cases, dissolutions, juvenile cases, dependencies and termination of parental rights along with every sort of complex civil litigation. There is no better preparation for the Court of Appeals than a term on the Circuit Court bench. 8. What is the largest budget you have handled, and in what capacity? During my deployment in the military as the Deputy Command Judge Advocate for ASG Kuwait, my commanders discretionary budget was in the hundreds of millions of dollars. What this meant was that I supervised a group of lawyers who routinely reviewed purchases and contracts in the millions of dollars. 9. What is the largest number of employees youve supervised, and in what capacity? As a Company Executive Officer, I routinely supervised more than a hundred young Marines. In my law firm, I supervised a dozen or more employees. 10. Who is your role model for this office the person/people you would most like to emulate? I was an intern for Wally Carson when he was a young justice on the Supreme Court. I would like to emulate his work ethic and his personable style of leadership.

11. Any skeletons in your closet or other potentially embarrassing information that you want to disclose before it comes up in the campaign? Any real skeletons in my closet date back to my days as a juvenile. I often rely on those experiences to counsel the juveniles who appear before me I call them my knuckle-head stories. 12. As a public official, your views on public issues are relevant to voters and potential constituents. Please indicate whether you support or oppose each of these statewide measures on the Nov. 6 ballot. (This question does not apply to judicial candidates.) Measure 77, catastrophic disaster Measure 78, separation of powers Measure 79, real estate transfer taxes Measure 80, marijuana legalization Measure 81, gillnetting ban Measure 82, allows private casinos Measure 83, authorizes Wood Village casino Measure 84, eliminates inheritance tax Measure 85 shifts corporate kicker to K-12 schools Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Thank you. Again, please submit your questionnaire as an attached Word document to no later than 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012.

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