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Ti liu ch mang tnh cht tham kho, cm sao chp di mi hnh thc #: khut cu hi hoc p n A ver. 2010 Ngun: http://www.dsangcse.freevnn.com Lin h: Sangcse/0168.4543269

Cu 1: A computer can convert ____ into information that is useful to people. a. Audio b. Data c. Video d. Image Cu 2: A computer is an electronic device used to ____ data. a. Process b. Recover c. Change d. Convert Cu 3: A ____ is approximately one billion bytes. a. kilobyte b. bit c. megabyte d. gigabyte Cu 4: A string of eight 0s and 1s is called a: a. kilobyte b. megabyte c. byte d. giagbyte Cu 5: A computer uses the 8-bit twos complement representation to represent integers. The smallest and lagest integer the computer can process are a. -256,255 b. -128,127 c. -8,7 d. -127,127 Cu 6: A computer uses the 8-bit sign-and-magnitude representation to store integers. The largest integer that can be processed by this computer is a. 8 b. 256 c. 127 d. 128

Cu 7: A computer use old-parity checking to validate receiving characters. Which of the following bit patterns will be found to contain an error? (1) 11011100 (2) 10010011 (3) 01101010 a. (1),(2) and (3) b. (1) only c. (1) and (2) only d. (2) and (3) only Cu 8: A circuit used to add new devices or capabilities to a computer is referred to as a(n) ____ . a. boar, expansion board, or add-on b. car, expansion, or add-in c. All of the others answers d. adapter, adapter card, or interface card Cu 9: A(n) ____ is used in pre-486DX CPUs to perform floating point math operations for the CPU. a. Central Processor b. arithmetic Logic Unit c. calculator d. math coprocessor Cu 10: A byte can represent ____ different numbers, so we can have ____ different colours in the image. This statement pertains to computer graphics. The spaces contain the same number but what is that number: a. 256 b. 236 c. 326 d. 152 Cu 11: A(n) ____is NOT an on-board component. a. SoundCard b. keyboard c. printer d. expansion card Cu 12: A Memory Address Registry is used to a. strore the address of the previous instruction b. store the address of the next instruction c. store the address signal from the main memory d. store the address of the memory location

Cu 13: A programs mathematical and logical calculations are performed by the CPUs ____. a. ALU

b. Cache c. CU d. Register Cu 14: A multi-task operating system (1) enables a CPU to do more than one computation at a time. (2) can utilize better the CPU resources. (3) reduces the idle time of the CPU. a. (1),(2) and (3) b. (2) and (3) only c. (1) and (2) only d. (1) only Cu 15: A BIOS password has been enabled on a critical computer, and the password has been forgotten. You can not boot the computer to Microsoft Windows. How do you recover password? a. Temporarily remove the CMOS battery. Clear the CMOS by shortening the CMOS jumper. b. Fdish the primary hard drive c. Go into BIOS setup and delete the password d. Find a software to crack BIOS password Cu 16: A single inline memory module (SIMM) is different from a dual inline memory module (DIMM) because ____. a. with a SIMM, the pins on opposite sides of the board connect together from a single set of contacts b. with a SIMM, the pins on opposite sides of the circuit board do not connect and thus form two sets contacts c. SIMMs typically use RDRAM chips, but DIMMs use SDRAM chips d. SIMMs typically use SDRAM chips, but DIMMs use RDRAM chips Cu 17: A 32-bit bus can transmit ____ at a time. a. 4 bits (32 bytes) b. 16 bits (32 bytes) c. 32 bits (4 bytes) d. 32 bits (16 bytes) Cu 18: A musical instrument digital interface, or MIDI, port ____. a. is a special type of serial port that connects the system unit to a musical instrument b. can connect up to 127 different peripheral devices with a single connector type c. allows wireless devices to transmit signals to a computer via infrared light waves d. is a special high-speed parallel port used to attach peripheral devices Cu 19: A local bus is ____. a. a bus that eliminates the need to install cards expansion slots b. a bus designed by Intel to improve the speed with 3-D graphics and video transmit c. the most common and slowest expansion bus d. a high-speed expansion bus that connects higher speed devices Cu 20: A flash drive fits into the ____ port only one way. a. A and B

b. None of the others c. Universal Serial Bus d. USB Cu 21: A computer system needs a backing storage because a. All of the others b. The price of main memory is high and its capacity is limited c. The backing storage can be used to backup important data d. The content in main memory is lost when the computer is powered off. Cu 22: A ____ is a type of compact disc that has tremendous storage capacities enough for a full-length movie. a. DVD-ROM b. CD-ROM c. DVD-RW d. CD-RW Cu 23: ____ access permits data to be accessed in any order that the user chooses. a. batch/ off line b. punch card/ archaic c. sequential/ in line d. tape/ job Cu 24: After doing a low-level format, what would be the next step in configuring the hard drive in a system? a. Configure DMA channel and back-up interrupt b. Partition hard disk c. Install operating system d. Format DOS partition Cu 25: An IrDA (Infrared Data Association) port ____. a. is a special high-speed parallel port used to attach peripheral devices b. allows wireless devices to transmit signals to a computer via infrared light waves c. can connect uo to 127 different peripheral devices with a single connector type d. is a special type of serial port that connects the system unit to a musical instrument

Cu 26: A IRQ allows interface cards to: a. Interrupt the CPU to request service b. Pass data to the computers memory c. Pass data from one card to another d. Pass data to the CPU to be processed Cu 27: Another term for IEEE 1394 is: a. Bluetooth b. FireWire c. USB d. IrDA Cu 28: ____ are the fastest and most expensive computers.

a. Laptops b. Microcomputers c. Personal Computers d. Supercomputers Cu 29: ____ are capable of processing more than 12 trilion instructions in a single second amd are used in applications requiring complex, sophisticated mathematical calculation. a. Supercomputers b. Handheld computers c. Mainframes d. Internet appliances Cu 30: Arithmetic operation ____. a. include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division b. sort data items according to standard, predefined criteria in ascending order or descending order c. involve matching one data item to another to determine if the first item is greater than, equal to, or less than the other item d. use conditions with operatiors such as AND, OR, and NOT Cu 31: Bar codes are commonly found in a. Every computer in lab school b. In the CDROM from manifactor c. Supermarkets, Public libraries d. Hong Kong identity cards Cu 32: Because floppy disks and Zip disks use magnetized film to store data, they are referred to as ____ media. a. optical b. electrical c. mechanics d. magnetic Cu 33: Besides 72pin SIMMs, which of the following describes another size that it comes in? a. 30pin b. 144pin c. 184pin d. 168pin Cu 34: ____ bits equal one byte. a. One thousand b. One million c. Two d. Eight Cu 35: Buffering is a. the process of temporarily storing the data to allow for small variation in device speeds b. a method to reduce cross talks c. storage of data within transmitting medium until the receiver is ready to receive

d. a method to reduce routing overhead Cu 36: ____ checks your computer for user activity, and can shut off hardware devices to save power. a. VESA b. APM c. CPM d. DHCP Cu 37: Choose invalid answer: Another name of Network Card is: a. NEC b. network interface controller c. network adapter d. NIC Cu 38: Computer instructions are written by humans in: a. machine language b. hexadecimal c. EBCDIC d. assembly language Cu 39: Consider a CPU that operates at 2 GHz. How long does it take to perform the average machine cycle? a. 2 nanoseconds b. 2 picoseconds c. 10 nanoseconds d. 0.5 nanoseconds Cu 40: CPU is another name for a. a microprocessor b. megahertz c. RAM cache d. clock speed Cu 41: Current personal computer hard disks can store from 20 to 100 ____ a. GB b. KB c. MB d. TB Cu 42: ____ devices, such as monitors, modems,# a. Peripheral b. Serial c. Output d. Storage Cu 43: During the boot process, a system first counts memory from where? a. System board b. Cache c. Expansion memory board d. Video adapter

Cu 44: During the normal PC boot process, which of the following is active first? a. ROM BIOS b. RAM BIOS c. CMOS d. Hard disk information Cu 45: EEPROM stand for a. Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory b. Earily Erasable Progarmmable Read Only Memory c. None of the above d. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Cu 46: EPROM means which of the following: a. Erasanle programmable read only memory b. Edittable procedurable read only memory c. Erasable procedure read only memory d. Editable programmable read only memory

Cu 47: Getting data and instructions from the hard drive to the CPU is measured in: a. clock cycles b. seconds c. nanoseconds d. miliseconds Cu 48: Hardware require ____ addresses. Software generally references ____ addresses. a. absolute/ relative b. vitual/ read c. relative/ absolute d. real/ vitural Cu 49: ____ holds data, instructions, and information for future use. a. Memory b. Storage c. Input d. Output Cu 50: How wide is a 30pin SIMM module? a. 8bits b. 64bits c. 32bits d. 16bits Cu 51: IBM 1401is a. Third Generation Computer b. First Generation Computer

c. Fourth Generation Computer d. Second Generation Computer Cu 52: If the system produces an error message before the single beep during bootup, what type of problem is indicated? a. configuration b. bootup c. operating system d. hardware Cu 53: If there are several programs on a single-CPU system, which is the most likely allocation decision that the operating system will make? a. The program that has been waiting the longest in the queue will get the CPU b. The program whose read operation has just been completed will get the CPU c. The program whose time slice has just expired will get the CPU d. All programs will get the CPU

Cu 54: In 8-bit twos complement representation, the bit pattern corresponding to -37 is a. 00100101 b. 10100101 c. 11011010 d. 11011011 Cu 55: In the early 1970s, ____ introduced the floppy disk as a new type of storage. a. Microsoft b. IBM c. AT&T d. Intel Cu 56: In the Binary numbering system, a (1) represents a jumper being shorted and a (0) represents a jumber being open. On a three-bit block on a SCSI drive, how would an ID of logical 3 be set? a. 010 b. 011 c. 100 d. 101 Cu 57: In the store phase of the CPU machine cycle, theresults of mathematical and logical calculations are stored in ____. a. Cache b. Registers c. CU d. ALU Cu 58: In the accompanying figure, ____, such as a sound card, modem card, video card, and network interface card, are circuit boards that devices and capabilities to the computer. a. ports b. memory modules c. expansion cards

d. processors Cu 59: In a system with multiple hard drives, what are the benefits of using multiple fans? (CHOOSE TWO) a. Increased speed of data transfers b. Cool air outside the computer c. Reduced internal component temperature d. Redistributed airflow through system

Cu 60: In the accompanying figure, a(n) ____ is a package that temporarily holds data and instructions while they are being processed by the CPU.

a. expansion card b. memory module c. port d. processor Cu 61: In order for programmers to be able to modify a programs operations a. they must purchase a site license b. the software cannot be copyrighted c. the program must be machine-readable d. the source code must be available Cu 62: Instructions in a program are executed by the central processing unit in a. program instructions are not executed by the CPU b. a decision c. a loop d. parallel Cu 63: ____ is a set of computer programs used on a computer to help perform tasks. a. An instruction b. Memory c. A processor d. Software Cu 64: ____ is the applied science concerned with designing arranging things that people use so that the people and things interact most efficiently and safely. a. Repetitive strain prevention b. Ergonomics c. Occupational safety

d. Positoning

Cu 65: ____ is a coding system that is interpretable as alphanumeric data across most computing platfoems (sometimes referred to as text files); it uses a parity bit reduce errors. a. COBOL coding b. ASCII coding c. rtf coding d. ANSI coding Cu 66: ____ is the process of carrying out commands a. Executing b. Storing c. Decoding d. Fletching Cu 67: ____ is the process of obtaining a program instruction or data item from memory a. Executing b. Fletching c. Decoding d. Storing Cu 68: Magnetic tapes are usually used to backup large amount of infrequently used data. Which of the following are possible reasons/ (1) The price per storage unit of magnetic tapes is lower than most backing storage media. (2) Magnetic tapes can only be accessed sequentially. Therefore, it is suitable for backing up large amount of data which is not in frequent use. (3) Magnetic tapes are more robust than other backing storage media a. (1) only b. (2) and (3) only c. (1),(2) and (3) d. (1) and (2) only Cu 69: Match the following terms to their meanings: I. GHz A. standard adopted by the music industry that transfers data at a rate of 31.5 Kbps II. RJ-45 jack B. technical name for an Ethernet port III. WiFi C. wireless transmission standard that transfers data up to 54 Mbps IV. MIDI D. one billion cycles per second V. expansion hub E. a device that connects to one port and provides four or eight new ports a. D,B,C,E,A b. D,B,C,A,E c. D,B,A,C,E

d. D,B,A,E,C Cu 70: Match the following terms with their definitions: I. tracks A. another term meaning to open a file II. sectors B. smallest segment within a sector III. cluster C. pie-shaped wedges on a hard drive IV. write D. another term meaning to save a file V. read E. concentric circles on a hard drive a. E,C,B,D,A b. E,C,A,D,B c. E,C,D,B,A d. E,C,B,A,D Cu 71: Match the following terms with their meanings: I. data A. the main circuit board in the system unit II. memory B. the representation of a fact or idea (unprocessed information) III. output C. processed data or information IV. storage D. holds instructions or data that the CPU processes V. motherboard E. data or information that can be accessed again a. B,C,D,E,A b. B,D,C,E,A c. B,D,A,D,E d. B,D,C,A,E Cu 72: Mach the following terms with their definitions: I. root directory A. a collection of related pieces of information stored together as a single unit II. folder B. a collection of files III. file C. a storage device represented by a letter IV. file management D. the top of the filing structure of the computer system V. drive E. provides organizational structure to the computers contents a. D,B,A,E,C b. D,B,A,C,E c. D,C,A,E,B d. D,B,C,E,A Cu 73: Match the following terms with their definitions: I. platform A. picture that represents object such as a software application II. menu B. a list of commands that appear on a screen III. icon C. a special location in RAM IV. window D. combination of a computers operating system and processor V. stack E. rectangular box displayed on a screen that contains programs a. D,B,A,C,E c. D,B,A,E,C b. D,B,A,E,C d. D,B,E,A,C Cu 74: Match the following terms with their meanings: I. stylus A. an input device used to enter data on a PDA II. hertz (Hz) B. the clearness or sharpness of an image

III. recolution IV. volatile V. system unit a. A,D,C,B,E b. A,D,B,C,E c. A,D,E,B,C d. A,D,B,E,C

C. temporary D. a unit of frequency indicating cycles per second E. contains the central electronic components of the computer

Cu 75: Match the following acronyms to their decriptions: I. EBCDIC A. chip manufacturer II. AMD B. mainframe character code representation III. EISA C. faster RAM used in cache memory IV. SRAM D. 8-bit character code representation V. ASCII E. expansion bus architecture a. B,A,C,D,E b. B,A,E,D,C c. B,A,E,C,D d. B,A,D,C,E Cu 76: Memory. Management in Operating Systems is done by a. Memory Management Unit b. BIOS c. Kernel d. Memory management software of the Operating System Cu 77: Memory stores ____. a. the operating system and other system software that control the usage of the computer equipment b. the data being processed by application programs c. application programs that carry out a specific task d. All of the others answers Cu 78: Most ____ is volatile; it loses its contents when the power is removed from the computer. a. RAM b. CMOS c. ROM d. All of the others answers

Cu 79: Nowadays people prefers rewritable-CDs to floppy disks. This is because a. All of the others b. The capaciry of a CD is several hundred times larger than that of a floppy disk c. The content in a CD is not affected by magnetic fields d. The price of rewritable CDs has become popular Cu 80: On a virtual memory system, application routines are physically stored a. in real memory

b. in virtual memory c. on an external paging device d. in the V=R area Cu 81: Op-code (1) is a part of a machine instruction. (2) represents the address of the memory location containing the required data. (3) specifies what operation is to be carried out by the computer. a. (1),(2) and (3) b. (1) and (3) only c. (1) and (2) only d. (1) only Cu 82: Programs are written by low languages a. can more easily be read and interpreted by human. run faster. b. occupy less storage space. run faster. c. can more easily be read and interpreted by human. occupy less storage space. d. can more easily be read and interpreted by computer. occupy less storage space. Cu 83: Restarting the system when it is already powerd on is called: a. hibemation b. a warm boot c. standby mode d. a cold boot Cu 84: Select valid statement? a. 8 bits = 1 byte = 1 chacracter b. 8 bytes = 1 bit = 1 character c. 8 bits = 1 byte = 8 characters d. 8 bytes = 1 bit = 8 characters

Cu 85: Since nothing is in primary storage when the computer is powered off, the process of bringing part of the operating system into primary storage when the computer is powered on is called a. logging in b. booting c. footing d. loading Cu 86: Software that controls the computing recources, such as an operating system, is referred to as: a. custom software b. vertical software c. application software

d. system software Cu 87: Some manufacturers state access time in nanoseconds; a nanosecond (ns) is one ____ of a second. a. billionth b. millionth c. hundredth d. thousandth Cu 88: Storage devices hold ____, even when the computer is turned off. a. Data b. Running Programs. c. Information d. Operating System Cu 89: The twos complement of the bit pattern 01101101 is a. 10010010 b. 10110110 c. 11101101 d. 10010011 Cu 90: The physical parts of the computer are referred to as a. tools b. programs c. software d. hardware Cu 91: The binary number corresponding to 456(8) is a. 101101110 b. 100100110 c. 100001110 d. 100101110 Cu 92: The most Important in a Computer is ____. a. Software b. Hardware c. Data d. User Cu 93: The first type of battery is the backup battery, which is commonly referred to as the ____. This battery is what holds your computers computer settings, such as the time and date. This allows your computer to remember basic computer settings and allows you to boot the computer without entering those settings each time you start the computer. a. CMOS battery b. Lithium Ion battery c. bridge battery d. main battery Cu 94: The decimal number corresponding to 10101110.11(2) is a. 174.50 b. 174.75

c. 175.50 d. 175.75 Cu 95: The base 10 number system is also known as ____. a. octal notation b. binary notation c. hexadecimal notation d. decimal notation Cu 96: The term bit is short for: a. binary digit b. megabyte c. binary number d. binary language Cu 97: The computer size was very large in a. First Generation b. Fourth Generation c. Third Generation d. Second Generation Cu 98: The two broad categories of software are: a. system and application b. word processing and spreadsheet c. transaction and application d. windows and Mac OS.

Cu 99: The ability recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminals computer is an example of a law enforcement specialty called: a. similation b. computer forensics c. robotics d. animation Cu 100: The main advantage of twos complement representation over that of sign-and magnitude representation is a. Program designing can be simplified with the use of twos complement representtation b. In twos complement representation. Only one bit pattern is used to represent the integer 0 c. With the same number of bits, twos complement representation can represent a wider range of integers d. With twos complement representation, substractions can be performed by addition Cu 101: The following statements describe the trend in the development of programming languages. Which of them is/are correct? (1) programming languages become more structural. (2) programming languages are becoming more English-like. (3) low level languages are no longer used. a. (1) only

b. (2) only c. (1),(2) and (3) d. (2) and (3) only Cu 102: The use of actal and hexadecimal numbers (1) can help the computer to run faster. (2) can save computer storage space. (3) is a shorthand for human to manipulate binary numbers. a. (1),(2) and (3) b. (1) and (2) only c. (3) only d. (1) only Cu 103: The decimal number corresponding to 0.01101(2) is a. 0.40625 b. 0.8125 c. 1.625 d. 0.2031

Cu 104: The binary number corresponding to 0.625(10) is a. 0.0101 b. 0.101 c. 0.00101 d. 1.01 Cu 105: The term bit is short for: a. binary language b. binary number c. megabyte d. binary digit Cu 106: The octal number corresponding to B4A(16) is a. 5515 b. 5514 c. 5513 d. 5655 Cu 107: The capability of rwmoving one card and inserting another without powering down the PC is known as ____. a. shuffling b. None of the others answers c. hot swapping d. warm swapping Cu 108: The DC voltage on most citcuit boards is: a. +12 volts b. 0 volts + 5 volts

c. 220 volts d. -12 volts Cu 109: The ability to be able to run more programs than you actually have RAM available to run is referred to as ____? a. Multitasking b. the kernel c. Multiprocessing d. Virtual Memory Cu 110: The ATX board uses ____ volts coming from the power supply. a. All of the others answers b. 5 c. 3.3 d. 12

Cu 111: The purpose of the counter register PC is a. count the total number of programs executed b. keep track of the number of programs on the Ready queue c. count the total number of instructions executed by a given program d. keep track of which instruction to execute next

Cu 112: The ____ port transfers data at 800 Mbps but is available only on some Macs. a. FireWire 800 b. DVI c. Parallel d. RJ-45 Cu 113: The new KillTest .com traineetechnician wants to know which of the following represents the sizes of Single Online Memory Module (SIMMs). How will you reply? a. 30pin b. 144pin c. 184pin d. 168pin Cu 114: The speed of never CPUs is measured in ____. a. cache b. bus c. gigahertz d. megahertz Cu 115: The dynamic address translation feature finds a programs page table through the ____. a. page table location register b. page frame table c. page base registers d. page address registers

Cu 116: The user interface controls how data and instructions are ____. a. processed and how information is communicated on a network b. processed and how information is displayed on the screen c. entered and how information is communicated on a network d. entered and how information is displayed on the screen Cu 117: The arrangement of the integral components of a CPU is referred to as the processors ____. a. layout b. architecture c. design d. structure Cu 118: The ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) bus is ____. a. The most common and slowest expansion bus b. a bus that eliminates the need to install cards into expansion slots c. a bus designed by Intel to improve the speed with 3-D graphics and video transmit d. a high-speed expansion bus that connects higher speed devices

Cu 119: The CPU or central processing unit of a computer is organized into two main units. The two units are the control unit and the a. data unit b. arithmetic-logic unit c. arithmetic unit d. logic unit Cu 120: The following process determines the amount of memory present, the date/time, and which communications ports and display adapters are installed in a microcomputer? a. Power on selt test b. Power on starr up process c. Power up boot process d. Start-up utility test Cu 121: The ____ utility reorganizes the files on the hard disk, improving the efficiency of the hard drive a. Fdisk b. Patition Magic c. Disk Manager d. Disk Defragmenter Cu 122: The common method for partitioning a new drive during the installation of Windows is normally handled how? a. With FDISK b. At the drive factory c. After Windows isinstalled d. With the tools provided during the Windows installation Cu 123: The following sequences arrange, in ascending order, the accessing speed of various backing storage devices. Which one of them is correct? a. magnetic tape, CDROM, floppy disk, hard disk

b. magnetic tape, floppy disk, CDROM, hard disk c. hard disk, floppy disk, CDROM, magnetic tape d. CDROM, floppy disk, magnetic tape, hard disk

Cu 124: Todays chips are composed of tens of millions of: a. vacuum tubes b. transistors c. digatial dividers. d. hertz Cu 125: Two types of system software are the ____. a. operating system and utility programs b. user interface and application programs c. operating system and application programs d. user interface and utility programs Cu 126: Typical ____ cards, found in the system unit are the sound card and the video card. a. VGA b. expansion(or adapter) c. Network d. AGP Cu 127: What is the advantage to store the operating system in ROM instead of a hard disk? (1) This can prevent unauthorized access to the computers. (2) This can prevent operating system from infected by computer viruses. (3) This time needed to start up a computer is shortened. a. (1) and (2) only b. (1),(2) and (3) c. (2) and (3) only d. (1) only Cu 128: What is the difference between microprocessors and CPUs? a. All CPUs are microprocessors. All microprocessors are not CPUs. b. CPU is microprocessor c. All microprocessors are CPUs. All CPUs are not microprocessors d. Different Cu 129: What network protocol is used on the Internet? a. TCP/IP b. NetBEUI c. Ethernet d. IPX/SPX Cu 130: Whats the decimal number the binary number 00101011 represents? a. 11

b. 31 c. 43 d. 65 Cu 131: What is the highest binary numbe that can be referred to on a three position jumper block? a. 6 b. 4 c. 7 d. F Cu 132: What is the hexadecimal representation of 101 1101 1001 1110 a. 5C9E b. 5D9C c. 5D9E d. 5D9D Cu 133: What component would most likely cause a parity error? a. Bard RAM b. Controller c. Software d. Hard disk Cu 134: What is a common complication when adding a 1.6G IDE hard drive to an older system such as a 16Mhz 80386 system? a. The drive is too big for the available drive bays b. The olds style IDE connector wont plug in property c. System BIOS needs to be upgraded d. The power supply may be sufficinent Cu 135: What does DMA stand for? a. Dynamic Memory Addressing b. Direct Memory Access c. Direct Module Access d. Dual Memory Access Cu 136: What is the function of the address bus? a. Carry a memory address from data can be read from or data can be written to b. Transfer data between memory and CPU c. Initiate a read memory allocation d. Store results of calculations Cu 137: What is the bandwidth supported by a RIMM module? a. 8 bits b. 32 bits c. 16 bits d. 64 bits

Cu 138: What is the decimal value for 46(16)? a. 66

b. 140 c. 70 d. 76 Cu 139: What is an enterprise storage system? a. A system that focused on availability, protection and backup of storage. b. A system that connects several smaller disk into a single unit c. A biometric security device d. A process of transferring data, instruction and information into memory Cu 140: What is the max. decimal number that can be accommodated in a byte. a. 512 b. 128 c. 255 d. 256 Cu 141: When SHADOWING is enabled in a computers BIOS: a. Instructions stored in various ROM chips are copied into extended memory b. Data stored in RAM chips on adapter cards are shadowed into extended memory c. Values are stored twice in the memory for redundancy checking d. The conventional memory is re-mapped to the top of the extended memory Cu 142: When a device needs the CPU to perform a task, it gets the CPUs attention by generating a(n): a. Interrupt b. System alert c. Soft fault d. DMA Cu 143: When we add the binary numbers 0011 + 1010 the answer is: a. 1101 b. 0111 c. 1110 d. 1000 Cu 144: Which of the following is the largest unit of measurement? a. a bit b. a megabyte c. a kilobyte d. a gigabyte

Cu 145: Which of the following is the smallest unit of measurement? a. megabyte b. bit c. kilobyte d. gigabyte Cu 146: Which of the following errors can be detected by a compiler?

(1) syntax error (2) run-time error (3) logical error a. (1) and (2) only b. (2) and (3) only c. (1), (2) and (3) d. (1) only Cu 147: Which of the following is/are low level language(s)? (1) Pascal (2) Machine code (3) Assembly language (4) Basic a. (1), (2) and (3) b. (1) and (4) only c. (2) and (3) only d. (2), (3) and (4) Cu 148: Which of the following errors can be detected by an interpreter? (1) syntax error (2) run-time error (3) logical error a. (1), (2) and (3) b. (1) only c. (1) and (2) only d. (2) and (3) only Cu 149: Which of the following translators generate object programs? (1) assemblers (2) compliers (3) interpreters a. (1) and (3) only b. (1) and (2) only c. (1) only d. (1), (2) and (3) Cu 150: Which of the following descriptions about data is/are correct? a. A given set of data, when processed in different ways, can generate different information. Data must be consisted of numbers. b. Data is a record of facts. Data must be consisted of numbers. c. A given set of data, when processed in different ways, can generate different information. Data must be consisted of digits d. Data must be consisted of chars Data is a record of facts

Cu 151: Which of the following binary numbers is equivalent to 96? a. 1011110 b. 1000000 c. 1100000 d. 0011101 Cu 152: Which of the following is not a speed at which network data can be transmitted: a. GigaBytes per second b. TerraBytes per second c. KiloBytes per second d. MegaBytes per second Cu 153: Which of the following would be a logical first step in trouble shooting a PC? a. Define what applications are being used b. Define the circumstances of the problem c. Check the computer CMOS d. Call the vendor Cu 154: Which of the following is a microcomputer? a. mainframe b. terminal c. desktop d. All of the others answers Cu 155: Which is the correct statement? a. A programs frame goes into a page of memory b. A programs page goes into a frame of memory c. A programs page table goes into a frame of memory d. A programs frame goes into a queue of memory Cu 156: Which of the following are ranked from largest to smallest? a. TB, GB, MB, KB b. KM, MB, TB, GB c. MB, TB, GB, KB d. GB, KB, MB, TB Cu 157: Which of the following is an element of Hardware: a. Central processing Unit b. Debugger c. Parameter d. Subroutine Cu 158: Which of the following Binary Numbers is equivalent to 24? a. 11010 b. 11000 c. 11111 d. 10011 Cu 159: Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning RAM? a. RAM is an example of volatile storage b. RAM is located in memory modules on motherboard c. When the power is turned off, data remains in RAM d. The speed of retrieving data from RAM is measured in nanoseconds

Cu 160: Which of the following sequences is a correct description of the instruction cycle? a. Fetch - Execution - Decode b. Fetch Decode - Execution c. Decode Fetch -Execution d. Execution Decode - Fetch Cu 161: Which of the followings is/are handled by the Control Unit? (1) tells the main memory whether a read or write operation is going to carry out. (2) instruction decoding. (3) send a nd receive control signals to and from periphernal devices. a. (1), (2) and (3) b. (1) and (3) only c. (2) only d. (2) and (3) only Cu 162: Which of the following signals are sent to the CPU in instruction cycles? (1) address signals (2) machine instructions (3) data a. (3) only b. (2) and (3) only c. (1) only d. (1) and (2) only

Cu 163: Which of the following is/are the responsibility/responsibilities of the operating system in a computer? (1) Compile high level language programs. (2) Maintain the file structures in the hard disk. (3) Queuing print jobs. a. (1) only b. (2) and (3) only c. (1) and (2) only d. (1), (2) and (3) Cu 164: Which of the following strategies can reduce the amount of time the CPU spends on waiting for the peripheral devices to complete their operations? (1) Use technique of spooling. (2) Employ a multi-tasking operating system. (3) Set peripheral devices to offline mode. a. (1) and (2) only b. (1) only c. (1), (2) and (3) d. (2) and (3) only Cu 165: Which of the following is handled by the operating system?

(1) Determine whether a user has the right to acces a file. (2) Formatting a disk. (3) Allocate memory space for application programs. a. (1), (2) and (3) b. (2) and (3) only c. (1) only d. (1) and (2) only Cu 166: Which is not a valid AMD CPU? a. K6 b. Athlon c. K5 d. K8 Cu 167: Which of the following is a consequence of enabling shadowing in a computer BIOS? a. Data stored in RAM and adaptive card is shadowed into extended memory. b. Conventional memory is remapped to the top extended memory. c. Values are stored twice in memory for redundancy checking. d. Instructions stored in various ROM chips are copied into RAM.

Cu 168: Which layer of the Operating System controls access to the processor? a. I/O b. Kernel c. File System d. Memory Management Cu 169: Which one of the following is a processor? a. 489sx b. Pentium 4 c. Pentium 75 d. 486dxc4 Cu 170: Which component of the CPU performs calculations? a. Control unit b. Address bus c. Floating point inut d. Airthmetic + logic unit Cu 171: Which of the following to DMAs and IRQs have in common? (Choose all that apply.) a. They both have one assignment that is lost to normal user usage. b. Only A and D are correct. c. They both have assignments that function to serve two different data path widths, 16 bit and 8 bit. d. They are both lists of prioritized assignments. Cu 172: Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning flash drives?

a. Flash drives can be damaged by moisture and dust. b. Flash drives should be removed while the activity LED is lit. c. Flash drives fit into a USB port only one way d. Flash drives should be removed when the Safe to Remove Drive meesage appears Cu 173: Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning virtual memory? a. Accessing data from RAM is a slower than accessing data from virtual memory. b. Virtual memory is the space on the hard drive where the operating system begins to store data when it becomes memory-bound. c. If a computer is memory-bound, adding more RAM will not solve the problem. d. When it is using virtual memory, the operating system builds a file called the RAM file Cu 174: Which of the following would be a logical first step in trouble shooting a PC? a. Define the circumstances of the problem b. Call the vendor c. Check the computer CMOS d. Define what applications are being used

Cu 175: Which of the following are common for RAM and ROM? a. Their access time is much longer than that of hard disks. Both of them are made of semiconductors. b. Their access time is much shorter than that of hard disks. Both of them are made of semiconductors. c. Both of them cannot store data and program permanently. Their access time is much shorter than that of hard disks. d. Both of them cannot store data and program permanently. Both of them are made of semiconductors. Cu 176: ____ write the instructions that direct a # a. Digital assistants b. Users c. Programmers d. Systems analysts Cu 177: You would use ____ software to create spreadsheets, type documents, and edit photos. a. Application b. Dictionary c. System d. Graphic Cu 178: is ____ the key to productive use of computers. a. Hardware b. Software c. Data d. Information Cu 179: ____ write the instructions that direct a computer to process data into information. a. Programmers

b. Users c. Digital assistants d. Systems analysts Cu 180: A ____ is equal to exactly 1.024 by computer users often round down to 1.000 bytes to make memory and storage definitions easier to identify. a. dekabyte (abbreviated DB or D) b. centibyte (abbreviated CB) c. kilobyte (abbreviated KB or K) d. megabyte (abbreviated MG)

Cu 181: A byte can represent ____ different numbers, so we can have ____ different colours in the image. This statement pertains to computer graphics. The spaces contain the same number-but what is that number: a. 256 b. 326 c. 152 d. 236 Cu 182: A computer user the 8-bit sign-and-magnitude representation to store integers. The largest integer that can be processed by this computer is a. 8 b. 256 c. 128 d. 127 Cu 183: A computer has the following softwares installed. Which will be the first one to be loaded to the memory when the computer is powered up? a. Web page browser b. Email communication package c. Operating system d. Word processor Cu 184: A DVD-ROM is a a. multisession compact disc onto which you can record that rewrite at speeds of 10/20/40 b. disc that you can record and erase multiple times. c. a floppy storage media. d. an extremely high capacity compact disc capable of storing from 4.7GB to 17GB Cu 185: A modem is used to (1) enble the computer to read and understand analogue signals directly. (2) convert digital signal to analogue signal. (3) convert analogue signal to digital signal. a. (2) only. b. (1) and (2) only c. (1),(2) and (3) d. (2) and (3) only Cu 186: A simple terminal includes hardware to support all the following actions except: a. storage b. input c. output d. connectivity

Cu 187: A system bus is also known as: a. A processor bus b. A memory bus c. An address bus d. An input/Output bus (I/O bus)

Cu 188: A ____ is equal to exactly 1.024 bytes, but computer users often round down to 1.000 bytes to make memory and storage definitions easier to identify. a. dekabyte (abbreviated DB or D) b. centibyte (abbreviated CB) c. kilobyte (abbreviated DB or K) d. megabyte (abbreviated MB) Cu 189: All of the following might be characteristics of printers except a. dots per inch b. pixels c. impact or nonimpact d. pages per minute (PPM) Cu 190: ____ are kept on a storage media such as a floppy disk, hard disk, CD-ROM, or DVD-ROM and are input into the memory of a computer as needed. a. User responses b. Commands c. All of the others answers d. Programs Cu 191: Computer hardware includes all of the following except ____. a. application programs b. input and output devices c. storage and communications devices d. a system unit Cu 192: Dot matrix printers a. provide low cost printings. are good for printing invoices with carbon copies. b. All of the others. c. has completely replace by other printers due to its low printing quality. d. has completely replaced by other printers due to its low printing quality. provide low cost printings. Cu 193: How many stuck/dead pixel are allowed on an LCD monitor before you can return it as defective? a. None b. No more than one within the VIS c. Depends on the LCD maker d. Six Cu 194: If a printer is in use, the operating system puts a print request in a temporary storage area of RAM called the ____. a. Memory b. Waiting c. Bufter d. Reading Cu 195: In addition to running your regular antivirus program, it is recommended that you run antiadware programs.(1)

Using expansion hubs is a good way to enable your computer to support more USB and FireWire devices.(2) a. True-False b. True-True c. False-False d. False-True Cu 196: In windows XP. Which of the following accesses the Add porinter wizard? a. Click Start/Add a printer. b. Click Start/ Control panel/ Printer and Faxes/ Add a printer c. Alternate-Click the taskbar and select Add a Printer. d. Alternate-Click My computer, then control panel/ Printers and other Hardware/ Add a Printer. Cu 197: Inkjet printers a. not require quality papers for maximum printout quality. b. provide a low cost solution for colour printing. c. an replace all dot matrix printers. d. all of the others. Cu 198: Internet video conferencing requires. a. speech synthesizing systems Digital cameras. b. SoundCard Speaker. c. Speech synthesizing systems Microphones. d. Digital cameras Microphones. Cu 199: Main memory is called ____ memory on a virtual memory system. a. primary b. real c. virtual d. None of the others answers

Cu 200: Match the following acronyms with their definitions: I. VRAM A. a rewritable compact disk II. CRT B. memory resident on video cards III. LCD C. a type of display similar to a TV IV. GB D. a type of display with a small footprint V. CD-RW E. one billion bytes a. B,C,E,D,A b. B,C,D,A,E c. B,C,A,E,D d. B,C,D,E,A Cu 201: Megahertz is a measurement of a. the speed of the microprocessor.

b. the amount of money. c. cache memory. d. the amount of RAM. Cu 202: On a personal computer, all of the processors functions typically reside on a single chip, often called a ____. a. maxiprocessor b. megaprocessor c. microprocessor d. miniprocessor Cu 203: RAM, hard disks and CD ROMs are common storage devices found in personal computers. The capacities of these devices, arranged in ascending order, is: a. CDROM, hard disk, RAM b. hard disk, RAM, CDROM c. CDROM, RAM, hard disk d. RAM, CDROM, hard disk Cu 204: Running a motherboard or CPU at a higher speed than the manufacturer suggests is called ____ and is not recommended. a. stressing b. multiplying c. resisting d. overclocking Cu 205: Samathas old mouse needs to be replaced. Which of the following must she check on the old mouse before buying a replacement? a. Dower requirements b. Connection type c. Make and Model number d. Features Cu 206: Screen resolution is changed in: a. refresh rate mode. b. Add/Remove Programs. c. Display Properties. d. Performance Properties. Cu 207: Six common ____ are a floppy disk drive, a Zip drive, a hard disk drive, a CDROM drive, a CD-RW drive, and a DVD+RW drive. a. output devices b. storage devices c. processing devices d. communications devices Cu 208: Sound/speech synthesizers are commonly found in a. Chinese speech recognition systems. Electronic dictionaries. b. US speech recognition systems. Automatic telephone enquiry services. c. None of the others.

d. automatic telephone enquiry services. Electronic dictionaries. Cu 209: The base 16 numbering system is also known as: a. binary notation. b. hexadecimal notation. c. integer notation. d. decimal notation. Cu 210: The common unit for measuring memory size is a. byte b. bit c. word d. track

Cu 211: The condition of excessive paging, which eventually slows down the computer system, is known as swapping.(1) The swap file is also known as the page.(2) a. False-True b. False-False c. True-False d. True-True

Cu 212: The computer size was very large in a. Second Generation b. First Generation c. Fourth Generation d. Third Generation Cu 213: All of the following might be characteristics of printers except a. dots per inch b. pixels c. impact or nonimpact d. pages per minute (PPM) Cu 214: The CPU Clock operates at speeds measured in: a. GigaBytes b. Seconds c. GigaHertz d. Nanosecondss Cu 214: The CPU contains ____. a. All of the others answers b. main memory and storage devices c. input devices and output devices d. the control unit and the arithmetic/logic unit Cu 215: The data on a CD is stored on whatt type of media? a. Polycarbonate b. Electrical c. Magnetic d. Aluminum Cu 216: The data stored on ROM chips ____ when power to the computer is turned off. a. can be modified and is not lost b. cannot be modified and is not lost c. can be modified and is lost d. cannot be modified and is lost Cu 217: The addressable component of a Central Processing Units internal memoryother than RAM-is called a: a. Gate b. Register c. Node d. Winchester

Cu 218: The decimal number corresponding to 1101101(2) is a. 109 b. 108 c. 110. d. 107

Cu 219: The Degauss button: a. Removes magnetism from the CRT shadow mask. b. Discharges high voltage in the monitor. c. Inverts the screen colors. d. Swithches the monitor between various resolutions. Cu 220: The dots on a CRT are lit up when ____ strike the phosphorous coating on the inside of the tube. a. electrons b. photons c. light waves d. pixels Cu 221: The most common impact printer is the ___ printer. a. parallel b. dot-matrix c. Color d. Black-White Cu 223: The print jobs coming out of your offices laser printer are all blank. What is causing this? a. No power to the primary corona b. Empty toner cartridge c. Printer not plugged into the LPT port d. No power to the transfer corona Cu 224: The process of preparing the floppy disk to receive data is called ____. a. tracking b. partitioning c. processing d. formatting Cu 225: The quality of a scanned image depends on a. the speed of CPU b. The number of different colours can be distinguished and the resolution of the scan c. the speed of the scanning process d. the size of paper picture

Cu 226: The smallest unit of information in the computer is a a. character b. bit c. word d. byte Cu 227: The ____ is the part of the file indentification that follows the dot (.). a. logic b. extended c. primary

d. extension Cu 228: To check the total capacity of the hard drive, double-click the My Computer icon, right-click the C drive icon, and select Properties from the shortcut menu.(1) Hard disk drives, CD drives, DVD drives, and floppy disk drives are all examples of volatile storage devices.(2) a. True-True b. True-False c. False-True d. False-False Cu 229: To produce high quality graphics(hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a/n a. RGB monitor b. Laser printer c. Plotter d. Ink-jet printer Cu 230: To set up configuration give network systems speed resolution to a PCs used for computer network system administrator work, which devices is following: a. VGA Card b. Hard disk c. Net Card d. RAM Cu 231: Typical ____ are optical disks that can not be modified a. Fibre-optic drives b. CD-ROM disks c. striped arrays (RAIDs) d. Hard drives Cu 232: VGA is a. Volatile Graphics Array b. Visual Graphics Array c. Video Graphics Adapter d. Video Graphics Array Cu 233: Video card memory is know as ____. a. ROM b. RAM c. CACHE d. VRAM Cu 234: What does the CPU do? a. Perform math functions b. Control input/output operations c. Execute program instructions d. All of the others Cu 235: What is the storage divice installed mechanism inside the computer that stores all data that is put into the computer, even after the computer is turned off? a. CD-ROM

b. hard drive c. spreadsheet d. info processing Cu 236: What is a device driver? a. Software used by the kernel to control hardware b. Part of the kernel c. Part of the shell d. The motor in a device Cu 237: What is used to read the data from a CD? a. Ultrasonic pulses b. A laser c. A floating magnetic pickup head d. An antenna Cu 238: When a computer boots up, the first set of instructions it receives is stored in a. the CMOS memory b. RAM c. the CPU d. the ROM BIOS chip Cu 239: When a new USB device is pligged in the laptop does NOT recognize the device. What is the most likely cause for this problem? a. The system is running windows 98 b. The system does not yet have the proper drivers loaded c. The device was plugged in while the system was off, then booted d. The device was plugged in while the system was running

Cu 240: Which of the following devices can be used in making computer graphics? a. Digital cameras Image scanners. b. Optical character recognition systems. Image scanners. c. All of the others. d. Optical character recognition systems Digital cameras. Cu 241: Which of the following is not an octal number a. 451 b. 162 c. 880 d. 325 Cu 242: Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction? a. Plotter b. Laser printer c. Ink jet printer d. Dot matrix printer

Cu 243: Which of the following printers are you sure will not use if your objective is to print on multi carbon forms? a. Dot matrix b. Thimble c. Laser d. Daisy wheel Cu 244: Which of the following is an element of the Central Processing Unit: a. Ganzy b. Data Transfer Scheduler c. Arithmetic Logic Unit d. Google Cu 245: Which of the following portable storage devices is likely to have the least storage capacity? a. DVD b. CD c. Floppy disk d. Zip disk Cu 246: Which of the following registers is in the ALU? a. Memory Address Register b. Program Counter c. Accomulator d. Memory Data Register Cu 247: Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning RAM? a. RAM is located in memory dodules on the motherboard. b. The speed of retrieving from RAM is measured in nanoseconds. c. When the power is turned off, data remains in RAM. d. RAM is an example of volatile storage. Cu 248: Which of the following statements, concerning sound cards, is FALSE? a. Sound cards are expansion cards that attach to the motherboard b. Most computers ship with a 3D sound card c. 3D sound convinces the ear that the sound is omnidirectional d. Most sound cards do not include a microphone in point Cu 249: Which of the following will be stored in ROM? (1) Power-on selt testing procedures. (2) Windows operating system. (3) Data generated by application programs. a. (1),(2) and (3) b. (1) and (3) only c. (2) and (3) only d. (1) only Cu 250: Which of the followings cannot be used as an output device? a. Printer b. Loudspeakers

c. Harddisk d. Scanner Cu 251: Which of the following statements is TRU concerning virtua; mempry? a. Accessing data from RAM is a slower than accessing data virtual memory. b. Virtual memory is the space on the hard drive where the operating system begins to store data when it becomes memory-bound. c. If a computer is memory-bound, adding more RAM will not solve the problem. d. When it is using virtual memory, the operating system builds a file called the RAM file. Cu 252: You is expert about picture processing. Which device following in your machine be is most important. a. Hard disk b. VGA Card c. Net Card d. RAM

Cu 253: Your printer fail when you try print large documents. And you cannot delete these print jobs from the spooler. How would you correct this problem? a. Add memory to the computer. b. Goto the manufacturers web site and download and Install the lastest print driver. c. Replace your IEEE 1284-Comatible printer cable. d. Add memory to the printer. Cu 254: 2. To set up configuration give network systems speed resolution to a PCs used for computer network system administrator work, which devices is following: a. NetCard b. Hard disk c. VGACard d. RAM Cu 255: 3. To PC connection personally with Internet network system passed phone line, we is necessitated: a. Modem b. NetCard c. VGACard d. HUB Cu 256: 7. Maximum speed of COM port is: a. 24 Mbps b. 256 Mbps c. 1024 Mbps d. 1152 Mbps Cu 257: 9. Speed of devices communicate with chipset Mainboard pass AGP 1 X port: a. 128 Mhz b. 266 Mhz

c. 133 Mhz d. 66 Mhz Cu 258: 10. Speed of devices communicate with chipset Mainboard pass AGP 8 X port: a. 66 Mhz b. 133 Mhz c. 266 Mhz d. 533 Mhz Cu 259: 11. Speed of devices communicate with chipset Mainboard pass AGP 8 X port: a. 1066 Mhz b. 1333 Mhz c. 533 Mhz d. 133 Mhz

Cu 260: 12. Choose configuration to your computer, your choosed is ordinal: a. CPU, HARDDISK, MAIN b. RAM, HARDDISK, MAIN c. MAIN, CPU, RAM d. CPU, MAINBOARD, RAM Cu 261: 13. Select configuration to support RAM dual channel: a. All true answers b. Mainboard have support c. Bus RAM greater than or equal 50% Bus CPU d. CPU Bus 533 Mhz up to Cu 262: 14. How many primary partition on a hard disk driver? a. All true answer b. 2 c. 4 d. 6 Cu 263: 44. Which case following doesnt make change registry. a. Delete file notepad.exe b. Setup offices 2000 c. Change extension file linking with notepad application d. Change screen your desktop Cu 264: 47. After insert mainboard, Ram and hard disk driver in Case, we is executive works is: a. Append Video Card and Sound Card b. Append data cache to CD ROM driver c. Append data cache to hard disk driver d. Append hard disk driver in case Cu 265: 48. With machine configuration as follows: level Pentitum 4 2.4E Ghz / Socket 478 / Cache 1MB/ Bus 533/ RAM 512 BUS 400. We must used power supply: a. 500 W b. >= 350 W c. 300 W d. 200 W Cu 266: 49. In the cource of who set-up Windows XP, to create a partition: a. Press D to create partition b. Press F to create partition c. All fail answers d. Press C to create partition

Cu 267: 50. To setup Windows XP, we need to implement later operations: a. All true answer b. Insert CD ROM WINDOWS XP and then press any key c. Setup CMOS to first boot from CD ROM driver d. Run file Setup.exe Cu 268: 51. To add or remove WINDOW XP component, we executive: a. Start/Setting/Control Panel/Add Hardware b. Start Setting/Control Panel/Administrator Tools. c. Start Setting/Control Panel/Add or Remove Program/Add or Remove Windows Component d. All true answers Cu 269: 52. In Norton Ghost, to create file ghost and save in partition other, we executive: a. Local/Disk/To Partition b. Local/Disk/To Disk c. Local/Partition/To Image d. Local/Partition/To Partition Cu 270: 53. In Norton Ghost, to restore operating system, we executive: a. Local/Partition/From Partition b. Local/Disk/To Disk c. Local/Disk/To Partition d. Local/Partition/To Image Cu 271: 54. In Norton Ghost, to create two partition the same, we executive: a. Local/Disk/To Partition b. Local/Partition/To Partition c. Local/Disk/To Disk d. Local/Partition/From Partition Cu 272: 55. In partition Magic, to change format partitions, we executive: a. Operatitions/Convert partition b. Operatitions/Create partition c. Operatitions/Resize/Move partition d. Operatitions/Delete partition Cu 273: 56. In partition Magic, to change capacity of partitions, we executive: a. Operatitions/Convert partition b. Operatitions/Create partition c. Operatitions/Resize/Move partition d. Operatitions/Delete partition

Cu 274: A 17 monitor is ____. a. 17 square b. 17 diagonally from corner to corner c. 17 high d. 17 wide

Cu 275: A computer calls and says his computer will not boot. The memory count is successful, but everything freezes immediately after that. What should you take to the site to fix the problem? a. Power supply b. RAM c. CPU d. Video card Cu 2776: A computer calls. She has no video signal at all on one of three identical computers. What component should she swap from a working system to eliminate the video card as the cause of her problem? a. The monitor b. The motherboard c. The video driver chip d. CMOS Cu 277: A customer changes his refresh settings, and now Windows 9x appears scrambled. What is the first step you should take to resolve the problem? a. Boot into Safe Mode b. Change monitor cable c. Change video settings in the BIOS d. Replace the video card Cu 278: A customer tries to install a USB printer on his Windows 95 computer, but cannot get the computer to recognize the printer. What is the most likrly problem? a. USB supplement for Windows 95 is not installed b. IRQ conflict c. DMA conflict d. Wrong driver Cu 279: A spooler is a(N): a. message sent from the printer to the operating system when a print job is completed b. print job c. location in memory that maintains the contents of a document until it prints out. d. program that coordinates the print jobs that are waiting to print

Cu 280: A video resolution of 800x600 is equivalent to which video mode? a. EGA b. VGA c. SVGA d. CGA Cu 281: After inserting a floppy disk and accessing the A: drive, you get the error message Drive A not ready, About, Retry, Fail. What two things should you suspect first? a. The Ram failled The drive is bad. b. The drive cable is bad The power connector is loose. c. The drive is bad The power connector is loose. d. The floppy disk is bad The drive is dirty and needs to be cleaned. Cu 282: All of the following are steps involved in the process EXCEPT: a. the power-on self-test b. load application programs c. activate the basic input/output system(BIOS) d. load the operating system into RAM Cu 283: Which of the following printing devices an output composed of a series of data? a. Wang image printer b. Both a and c c. Wire matrix printer d. Band printer Cu 284: Which of the following does NOT occur during the power-on self-test (POST)? a. The BIOS identification process occurs b. The video card and video memory are tested c. The ScanDisk utility begins to run d. Memory chips are checked to ensure they are working property Cu 285: All Penium 3 processors fit into ____. a. Socket 370 b. Socket 478 c. Socket 775 d. All of the others

Cu 286: An ____ (UPS) is a device which maintains a continous supply of electric power to connected equipment by supplying power from separate source when utility power is not available. A UPS is inserted between the source of power (typically commercial utility power) and the load it is protecting. When a power failure or abnormality occurs, the UPS will effectively switch utilitiy power to its own power source almost instantaneously.

a. uninterruptible power supply b. Universal power software c. uninterruptible power software d. Universal power suppy Cu 287: Concept about BUS: a. All fail answers b. It Be devices middle data communication of each other c. It Be data communication speed between CPU and devices d. It Be data communication speeed between devices and chipset Cu 288: Every computer with a motherboard includes a special chip referred to as the BIOS or ROM BIOS. The BIOS includes instructions on how to load basic computer hardware. The BIOS also includes a test referred to as a ____ which will ensure that the computer meets requirements to boot up property. If the computer does not pass it, you will receive a combination of beeps indicating what is malfunctioning within the computer. a. ACPI b. POST (Power On Seft Test) c. RAM d. OS (Operating System) Cu 289: For computer not protected by UPS, what problem can occur when power is restored after a power failure? a. ROM needs to be programmed b. damage from a power surge c. The CMOS RAM has a battery failure d. The motherboard switch needs to be reset

Cu 290: Hard Disk are connected to the motherboard through ____ cables. a. SCSI, Serial, SATA or USB b. SCSI, IDE, SATA or USB c. SCSI, LPT1, SATA or USB

d. SCSI, IDE, SATA or LPT Cu 291: How do you differentiate an ATA/33 cable from an ATA/66 cable? a. Cable color b. Twists in the cable c. Cable pin out d. Number of wires Cu 292: How many devices can function on a single IDE channel? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5 Cu 293: How should you add a second IDE hard drive to a PC with only once controller and devices occupying both slave and master channels on that controller? a. Add a three-channel IDE cable b. Use the existing free connector on the floppy drive cable c. Install an add-on IDE interface card d. Install a SCSI card Cu 294: How should you place ternations on a SCSI bus with one internal hard drive and one external CD-ROM drive? a. Terminate the SCSI vard, hard drive and CD-ROM drive b. Terminate the SCSI interface card c. Terminate both hard drive and CD-ROM drive d. Terminate the hard drive only Cu 295: If you see the message The disk write-protected when you try to copy a file to a disk, you should perform which of the following actions? a. insert new media b. reformat the disk c. adjust the writeprotect settings d. rename the file and retry save Cu 296: In a 1024x769 resolution, the 1024 represents the number of pixels ____. a. diagonally from corner to corner b. across the screen c. down the screen d. on the entire screen

Cu 297: In a plug and play, when installing a second hard drive what determines the drive letter? a. Operating system b. Drive manufacturer c. End user d. Position on cable Cu 298: In computer architecture, a ____ is a subsystem that transfer data or power between computer omponents inside a computer or between computers and typically is

controlled by device drive software. Unlike a point-to-pint connection, a bus can logically connect several peripherals over the same set of wires. Each bus definrs its set of connectors to physically plug devices, cards or cable together. There are different types of bus. a. Data Bus b. Control Bus c. Bus d. Address Bus Cu 299: In Mainboard kinds has support jumper and switch, it be help switchs we is executive works as: a. Delete program in CMOS b. All true answers c. Set up speed multiplicator of CPU d. Setup BUS speed of CPU Cu 300: ISA cards should work in which two bus slots? a. ISA, EISA b. DIMM, EISA c. PCI, EISA d. AGP, ISA Cu 301: Maximum speed of parallel port is: a. 24 Mbps b. 15 Mbps c. All true answers d. 64 Mbps Cu 302: 5. Maximum speed of USB 1.0 be: a. 24 Mbps b. 8 Mbps c. 48 Mbps d. 12 Mbps

Cu 303: 11. Speed of devices communicate with chipset Mainboard pass AGP 8 X port: a. 1066 Mhz b. 1333 Mhz c. 533 Mhz d. 133 Mhz Cu 304: On the picture, tha area with ??? inside stand for:

a. busses controllers b. HDD c. ALU d. NIC Cu 305: Pentium-4 Processor plugs in: a. Slot-2 b. Socket-450 c. Slot-1 d. Socket-478 Cu 306: Pentium-II Processor plugs in: a. Slot-1 b. Socket-7 c. Socket-8 d. Slot-2 Cu 307: Cu 308: Programs are written by low level languages a. occupy less storage space run faster. b. can more easily be read and interpreted by human run faster. c. can more easily be read and interpreted by human occupy less storage space. d. can more easily be read and interpreted by computer occupy less storage space.

Cu 309: Pentium-III Processor plugs in: a. Slot-2 b. Socket-8 c. Socket-478 d. Socket-7

Cu 310: Setting up hard disk, what are the three possible types of partitions? a. boot, program, and data b. primary, secondary, and logical c. primary, logical, and extended d. C,D and E Cu 311: To binary number corresponding to 1234(10) is a. 10011011010 b. 10011110010 c. 10011010010 d. 10011010110 Cu 312: To binary number corresponding to 456(8) is a. 100001110 b. 100101110 c. 100100110 d. 101101110 Cu 313: To binary number corresponding to BAD(16) is a. 101100101101 b. 101110100101 c. 101110101101 d. 100110101101 Cu 314: To binary number corresponding to 4654(8) is a. 111110100101 b. 101110100101 c. 110110100101 d. 100110100101 Cu 315: The cable connected to an IDE frive has how many pins? a. 40 b. 60 c. 20 d. 50

Cu 316: The decimal number corresponding to 456(8) is a. 294 b. 301 c. 302 d. 366 Cu 317: The definition of thrashing is: a. inaccurate information stored in the registry b. too many processors being managed by the operating system c. insufficient hard disk space d. swapping data between virtual memory and RAM too frequently Cu 318: The device in this picture is:

a. music card b. sound card c. NIC d. VGA card Cu 319: The device in this picture is:

a. IO card b. sound card c. network card d. VGA card Cu 320: The hexadecimal number coressponding to 1010101010(2) is a. 2BA b. 2AA c. 2AB d. 2BB Cu 321: The octal number corresponding to BAD(16) is a. 5656 b. 5756 c. 5755 d. 5655

Cu 322: This picture draw about ____. a. 3-lines port b. jumper switches c. JP port d. serial port Cu 323: To restore your Windows XP computer to the state it wa in on a previous date, you can use the ____ utility. a. System Restore b. Defragment c. Back up d. Task Manager Cu 324: 50. To setup Window XP, we need to implement later operations: a. Insert CD ROM WINDOWS XP and then press any key b. Setup CMOS to first boot from CD driver c. Run file Setup.exe d. All true answers Cu 325: To take advantage of Plug-and-Play, which of the following must be met? a. All of the others b. The operating system must support Plug-anf-Play c. The device to be configured must support Plug-anf-Play d. The BIOS must support Plug-and-Play Cu 326: Virtual memory is typically located: a. in a flash card b. on the hard drive c. in the CPU d. on a floppy disk Cu 327: What are the distinguishing differences between AT and ATX motherboards? a. Serial connectors b. PCI connectors c. Parallel connectors d. BNC connector

Cu 328: What does memory mapped I/O do? a. Duplicates the contents of the ROM BIOS into RAM b. Uses the same address spcae for memory locations and peripheral devices c. Accquires a unique ID each memory module d. Maps IRQs to PC interface cards Cu 329: Whatt does the BIOS do when a plug and play card is installed? a. Looks for the manufacturer of the card b. Disables the other cards until the new card is installed c. Checks the processor ID for compliance d. Consults the ESCD to determine which system resources are availabel and needed for the card Cu 330: What is a device driver? a. Part of the shell b. Software used by the kernel to control hardware c. Part of the kernel d. The monitor in a device Cu 331: What is processor cache memory? a. Cache Memory is a type of memory used directly by the ROM instructions that are to be executed b. Cache Memory is a type of memory used directly by the RAM instructions that are to be executed c. Cache Memory is a type of memory used directly by the processor for storing sinstructions that are to be executed. It tetches a number of instructions, and while executing those. It tetches the next batch of instructions. This speeds up performance as she processor doesnt have to want for the instructions to be retrieved from the original program source before it can executre. d. Cache Memory is a type of memory used directly by the OS instructions that are to be executed Cu 332: What is the first critical component that a faulty motherboard battery will affect? a. BIOS b. IDE controllers c. CMOS d. RAM Cu 333: What is the first step in diagnosing a completely dead computer that was working fine the day before? a. Test the power supply b. Replace the CMOS battery c. Reseat hard drive cable controller d. Check the AC outlet for voltage Cu 334: What is the main difference between Pentium and AMD processors? a. The Intel chipsets use MHz as a speed factor IE This Pentium 4 chip runs at 3000 MHz (IE a Pentium 4 3 0) The AMD chipsets do not use a MegaHertz rating for speed because they believe doing so would make their chips seem slower than their Intel counterparts.

b. The ADM chipsets use MHz as a speed factor IE This AthlonXP chip runs at 3000 MHz The Intel chipsets do not use a MegaHertz rating for speed because they believe doing so would make their chips seem slower than their Intel counterparts. c. The AMD chipsets use MHz as a speed factor IE This Pentium 4 chip runs at 3000 MHz The Intel chipsets do not use a MegaHertz rating for speed because they believe doing so would make their chips seem slower than their Intel counterparts. d. The Intel chipsets use MHz as a speed factor IE This AthlonXP chip runs at 3000 MHz The AMD chipsets do not use a MegaHertz rating for speed because they believe doing so would make their chips seem slower than their Intel counterparts. Cu 335: What is the most important precaution to take when upgrading the BIOS? a. Write down all settings b. Unplug all connectors c. Save the BIOS upgrade files on to a floppy disk d. Shut off the UPS Cu 336: What is the most likely cause of a CMOS Checksum error on boot? a. Corrupt COMS b. Bad power supply c. Faulty processor d. Hard drive types are incorrectly defined Cu 337: What is the significant improvement that SDRAM introduced? a. Data delivered high-speed bursts b. Boot sector location c. BIOS caching d. Fewer transistors used Cu 338: What must you NOT to do to attach a new IDE hard drive? a. Set the master/alave jumper b. Select a unique ID for new HDD c. Install drive bay and secure it property d. Ensure proper cable orientation

Cu 339: What statistic measures the time it takes a CRTs electron beam to paint the screen from top to bottom in a monitor? a. Interlacing b. Refresh rate c. Video RAM d. Dot pitch Cu 340: What would a failed processor fan most likely cause? a. Hard drive failure System lockups.

b. Floppy drive failure System lockups. c. Floppy drive failure CPU damage. d. CD-ROM drive failure Cu 341: When in Windows 9x, the image on your monitor is distorted. What two things should you try first to isolate the problem? (Choose two) a. Install additional video memory b. Try another program c. Replace the power supply d. Booth the computer to a command prompt Cu 342: When you boot up your computer the light on the diskette drive lights up and stays lit. What does this mean? a. No disk is in the drive b. Disk is in drive c. The diskette drive is functioning property d. The data cable is installed backwards Cu 343: Where are the system date and time mintained when the system is turned off? a. In NVRAM b. In ROM c. In RAM d. In the CMOS Cu 344: Where can you find the BIOS version ID? a. Motherboard manual b. System Properties c. On the back of the computer d. BIOS setup screens

Cu 345: Which two of these devices use the same connector type? a. USB camera, PS/2 mouse b. PS/2 mouse, ATX keyboard c. Serial scanner, ATX keyboard d. Parallel printer, ATX keyboard Cu 346: Which of the following chips are Socket 7 compatible? a. AMD Athlon b. PII 233Mhz c. PIII 800Mhz d. PIV 1.8GHz Cu 347: Which of the following to DMAs and IRQs have in common?( Choose all that apply.) a. Only A and D Are correct b. They both have assigments that function to serve two different data path widths, 16 bit and 8 bit c. They both have one assignment that is lost to normal user usage d. They are both lists of prioritized assignments Cu 348: Which of the following is a possible explanation for a computer that randomly shuts down and reboots on its own? a. The power suppy is not providing adequate power to the system b. Bad RAM c. IRQ conflict between devices d. BIOS is set to reboot at scheduled intervals Cu 349: Which of the following printing devices an output composed of a series of data? a. Band printer b. Wire matrix printer c. Both a and c d. Wang image printer Cu 350: Which of the following tasks should be performed before the motherboard is installed in the system? a. install memory modules b. install processor c. install both memory and processor d. install drives Cu 351: Which of the following programs can be used to modify disk partitions without destroying the data on a hard drive? a. Partition Magic b. FORMAT c. Drive Pro d. FDISK Cu 352: Which of the following would certainly cause damage to an IDE hard drive? a. Forcing the IDE cable to the floppy drive connector b. Using th Y splitter where the 5- and 12- volt connectors are switched on one end c. Connecting to a defective power supply that only gives five volts on the 12volt line d. Connecting end of the IDE cable the wrong way

Cu 353: Which of these devices are designed for an AGP slot? a. Video card b. Serial port c. Hard drive d. External storage device Cu 354: Which one of the following statements is TRUE? a. Windows and Macintosh operating systems are the most commonly used singleuser multitask operating systems b. Supercomputers use single-user multitask operating systems c. Single-user multitask operating systems are also known as network operating systems d. Single-user operating systems are commonly used in robotics Cu 355: Which precaution must you take when installing a video card with on-board memory? a. Use an ESD strap b. Leave the power ON c. Flash the BIOS d. Unplug the PC Cu 356: Which settings determine which IDE device is master is master and which is slave? a. Hardware settings on the motherboard b. Hardware settings on the IDE controller board c. Software settings on the operating system d. Hardware settings on the device Cu 357: Which two of the following must be changed when adding a hard drive? a. Voltage Drive select jumper b. Cacle orientation Drive selet iumper c. Controller address Drive select jumper d. DMA channel Cable orientation

Cu 358: Which two hard drive interfaces incorporate the disk controller on the drive itself? a. ST506/412, SCSI b. IDE, SCSI c. ST506/412, IDE d. ESDI, SCSI Cu 359: Which type of connector is used by analog modems? a. RJ-45 b. RJ-11 c. AUI d. BNC Cu 360: Which motherboard types accept 5 pin DIN keyboard connectors? a. ATX, LT b. LT, XT c. AT, XT d. ATX, XT Cu 361: While playing stereo CD audio, adjusting the left hand speakers volume from Windows, affects the right hand speakers instead. What are the most probale causes? (CHOOSE TWO) a. An incorrect CD audio cable was used b. Incorrect CODECs c. The right hand speaker is plugged in to wrong connector on the sound card d. The volume controls are muted Cu 362: You change your video settings from 640x480, 16 colors, to bit color. The monitor is now blank. Which of the following is a possible explanation? a. Refresh rate is too high for the monitor b. Bad monitor cable c. The video card is using the wrong IRQ d. The monitors pincushion settings are incorrect Cu 363: You have installed a new CD-ROM drive on your secondary controller, which it shares with an IDE external storage device. Now neither device works. What should you do? a. Check master/ slave jumpers b. Install new drivers c. Delete the drivers for the extenal storage device in the OS and reboot d. Change cables

Cu 364: You have just finished a clean installation of Window 2000 and remove the installation CD from the drive. When you reboot the system you receive the following error message Bootable CD ROM device cannot be found. What should you do to correct the problem? a. Make sure MSCDEX.EXE lis loaded in AUTOEXEC.BAT b. Change the BIOS boot sequence to A, C, CD-ROM c. Reinstall the ATAPI driver d. Replace yout hard drive and run FDISK and reinstall the OS Cu 365: You have purcharsed three new USB devices and want to add them to your laptop but you only have one IRQ available. How many IRQs will your USB modem, mouse and keyboard use? a. 3 b. 4 c. 2 d. 5 Cu 366: You install a 128 MB 168 pin DIMM into a computer that already has 128 MB of 72 pin SIMMs. Your computer does not recognize the new RAM. Which three of the following are possible reasons why? a. BIOS will not read both types of memory b. Jumpers are not set to support both memory types c. The motherboard will only support one memory type at a time d. RAM error Cu 367: 1. You is expert about picture processing. Which device following in your machine be is most important. a. RAM b. Hard disk c. Net Card d. VGA Card Cu 368: You repalace your CMOS battery. What must you do next? a. None FDISK b. Set the date and time c. Flash the BIOS d. Format the hard drive Cu 369: You want to test a startup disk you just created, but when rebooting your computer, the startup disk is ignored and Window 95 is loaded. Why? a. Faulty sectors on the floppy disk b. You did not set the boot sector of the disk mto active c. The BIOS is set to boot to the hard drive first d. The disk is write protected

Cu 370: You modem will not detect a dial tone. What are the most two likely reasons? a. The modem is set for tone dial Cable is not plugged in. b. The modem is set to disable call waiting. c. The phone line is defective The Internet service provider is down. d. The Internet service provider is down.


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