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I carved, I worshiped, and I broke it .

Nothing comes from nothing There is no time interval in which a world didn't exist, since it couldn't be created ex nihilo in the first place. Note that Greeks also believed that things cannot disappear into nothing, just as they can't be created from nothing, but if they ceased to exist, they transform into some other form of being.

2nd chapter: some days starts normally but never end likewise..sometimes the things we made in our heads are not as big a deal as we think. I had a driver to commute each way to work I could sit and think , but this time has now squeezed to ten minutes in few years introverts get more energy by having quiet time as compared with extroverts who find engy by people around

3rd chapter: Belief like love has also no shape, it will in the shape the way you carve it.

Chapter 4: Let the beauty we love become the Good we do .

Chapter 5 strength is in everything but only God is power Chapter 6 with God I follow my destiny Chapter 7 God has created everything in pairs,

Chapter 8 There are many things that our parents advice to stay Away from like drugs, atheism , bad company but did anybody ask his kids to stay away from love there are many things in this world of which we consider are very lethal but in fact nothing is as lethal , deadly , fatal as Love.. Chapter 9 All is well that Ends.. Chapter 10 Things come in our way the way we sow them the number of difficulties remain same we cant avoid them but can control felling that we are having pain pain is inevitable the feeling of pain is evitable Half Ending: Sometimes the night passes in the stupor and day in self-deception, Money is a strange Aphrodisiac; it stiffens the obstinacy & softens the brain, when the reverse can be far more useful. Ambition is a legitimate virtue, without it we would not progress but when you are your own product and measure of your worth is controlled by an image that cannot be protected from decay .Time shortens on both sides of the equation, the skeptical question in childs eye reduces the glories of the world to an ephemeral mirage & perhaps the temptation to win the child by an expression of power over a fawning world becomes irresistible There is nothing called Evergreen, wood merely takes a longer time to die, My purpose of life changed when I merely passed the middle of the finite span, human beings are not the master of all he surveys but he has been given the intellect to recognize that destiny has to stop at some destination, the moment had already reached for me to reinvent and rethink myself. Time never remained the same, all things I thought changed to new shape as they were never like before, Zo came and we apart leaving a mark in my brain, my mother died although I never thought she can die albeit I thought some times that she will grew very old but never thought of her death, all, all in fact everything has changed and I am running trying to grab all so that this all must not change which is right now but this will change too & someday I will be in a big ground running here and there , thirsty hungry dreadfully searching a shelter , knowing everyone I knew but still strangers and with blank eyes and head ..

Something is eating me inside the termite is eating me, the termite of memories is eating me I was giving a lecture to my students and suddenly one of my pupil asked a question sir what is the thing that create burden in life and makes your heart heavy, I know like me that young boy was in love once and the memories attached with that person is making his footsteps heavier to move forward, I continued and said .

I raised a glass of water and asked the audience, "How heavy do you think this glass of water is?" The students' answers ranged from 20g to 500gm. It does not matter on the absolute weight. It depends on how long you hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it is OK. If I hold it for an hour, I will have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you will have to call an ambulance. It is the exact same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, we will not be able to carry on, the burden becoming increasingly heavier. Whatever burdens you are having now on your shoulders, let it down for a moment if you can. As I concluded the lecture I thought the

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