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Heart Beat Rate TI Contest


Project Title: HEART RATE MONITOR Group Members: Nguyen Cao Thanh Class :08dt1 Institution:Electronic and Telecommunication Department, Da Nang

University of Technology
Luong Minh Trung Class: 08dt1 Institution:Electronic and Telecommunication Department, Da Nang

University of Technology
Truong Van Truong Class: 08dt1 Institution:Electronic and Telecommunication Department, Da Nang

University of Technology
Danang, 2012

1 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest ACKNOWLEDGMENT This diploma thesis was written during three months under the supervision of Mr. Nguyen Hai Trieu Anh. It is with immense gratitude that we acknowledge our supervisors help, Dr.Nguyen Hai Trieu Anh , Electronic and Telecommunication Department, Da Nang University of Technology, and Mr. Le Thai Hung , Texas Instrument, Vietnam. With their effort and enthusiasm, they give many informative, motivating discussions and their excellent supervision in every aspect of our thesis. I would like to thank member of Texas Instrument, Vietnam in general and all the engineers of company in particular for providing us the excellent and professional environment, as well as sharing their experiences to help us deal with the problem causing in reality when designing a chip. Special thanks go to the whole Electronic Faculty staff for the enthusiasm for helping us to complete this thesis Danang, June 2012 3T Group: Nguyen Cao Thanh. Luong Minh Trung. Nguyen Cao Thanh.

2 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular diseases are very familiar all over the world nowadays. The most regular patients are aged over 60. The incidents happen suddenly, the patients are likely to die without prompt help or precaution for them. Besides, cardiovascular patients cured at home put a strain to their caretakers. Hence, in this project, we would design a circuit with the ability to measure heartbeat. When the heartbeat is over safety limit, the circuit will alert the patients and send a signal to the caretakers simultaneously. In addition, the circuit can send data about heartbeat to others connected with computers to save heartbeat data in the profile, helping the work of monitoring the progress of the patients diseases. Heartbeat data are transmitted by wireless wave with the frequency of 315 Mhz. The circuit is designed as hand-held aid equipment for both patients and sports players, avoiding the incident of stroke when practicing.

3 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest

TEAM CONTRIBUTION: With the purpose of dividing the work appropriately and helping every member of the group understand all the aspects of the thesis, we created a chance for every member to participate in almost all parts of the thesis. The specific contributions of the members are listed as below: Nguyen Cao Thanh : Design circuit and make , adjust circuit . Code mearsure circuit,code Manchester Luong Minh Trung : Code for transmiter and receiver Manchester , LCD , Keyboard . Truong van Truong :make circuit ang find document.

4 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest INTRODUCTION: 1.1 Overview In the world, there are many cardiovascular patients. According to WTO, 17 million people died because of heart diseases.Cardiovascular accidents happen when the patients are sleeping at midnight. Therefore, nurses and patient's relatives are difficult to monitor and solve problem. From these problems mentioned above, we would like to state our idea: We would like to design a circuit which is able to measure the heartbeat, data of heartbeat will be transmitted to another circuit. Data is heartbeat per minute that will be saved into the computer .When heart beat exceed its safety margin (was set up), the circuit will alert. Heartbeat must be appropriate for every patient, every disease. This application will helpnurse and patient's relatives, detect, help . Our two target objects are those who practice and play sports with high-intensity and those who are sick with preceding cardiovascular disease.These are the objects likely to die. The circuit will help the patients prevent and avoid the unfortunate incident, help their caretakers easily monitor and have prompt first-aid something goes wrong. The parts of the circuit can be summed up as follows: Part One: Circuit are capable of measuring heartbeat, display heartbeat, set heartbeat at abnormal gap, when measuring heartbeat, data will be compared with one entered to alert the patients or the sports players to reduce intensity or rest, urgentlyusecardiovascular drug. The parameter will be set up according to the doctors consultancy.We will develop this module in the form of heartbeat warning clock. In addition, this module can be addedan additional rf circuit if necessary. The function of this circuit is to transmit data to a receiver circuit. This is the data on the patient's heartbeat over a period of time, this heartbeat data is got from the receiver circuit with rf receiver module, transmitted to the computer to store this data and in case of necessity can be taken to the doctor when you want to review the status of each patient. Part Two: data collecting and secondary alarming circuit: In addition to the ability to receive data and communicate with your computer to transfer data to the computer, when 1 dc heartbeat is abnormal,the receiver sends one signal of 8 bits (for maximum heartbeat is 150 corresponding to 8 bit, we will consider this as the command signal to command the receiver circuit to alert). This application is aidfor the device, helping caretakers to know the patients having cardiovascular incidents at sleep and give prompt help. 1.2. Survey of the state-of-the-art techniques currently developed for the topic : First, we need a summary of some of the most basic knowledge about heart disease: The heart is the organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body .It is located in the middle of the thorax ,slightly offset to the left and surrounded by the lungs . The heart is composed of four chambers : two atriums and two vantricales.The righ atrium receives blood returning to the heart from the whole body .That blood passes through the right ventricle and is pumped to the lungs where it is oxygenated and goes back to the heart through the left atrium ,then the blood passes through the left ventricle and is puped again to be distributed to the entire body through the arteries.

5 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong .

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest

This project , we use Photoplethysmography (PPG) for design . PPG give signal to calculate heart beat rate. Photoplethysmography is a technique that uses a light emitet and detector to mearsure pulsatile blood flow . A diode is a device thast has two electrodes and only allows current to flow in one direction . A light emitting diode (Led ) is a P-N junction device that emits light when it is forward-biased. While the regular incandescent bulds emit light over a large range of bandwidth , an LED emits light of a specifice wavelengh .In PPG ,a corresponding phto-detector diode with the matching wavelength as the led is used .The photo-detector diode is a semiconductor light sensor that generates a current proportional to the light intensity it receives If the light emitter and detector are placed on highly vascular surface of a finger ,the detector will pock up the light intensity reflected back from the tissue . There are many factors that affect the light after it is sent from the emitter and before it gets reflected to the detector .The blood volume and the surrounding tissue such ac the blood vessel qall have the largest impact on the light that gets reflected .The reflected light intensity decreases as the blood volume increases in the region where the diode are placed .Therefore,as the blood volume veries according to the cardiac output ,the reflected light intensity gets sffected .The result is an alternating current(AC)component of the PPG waveform.There is also a direct current (DC) component in the PPG waveform. This latter component is due to the tissues and the average amount of blood volume that always remain in the section of the artery being sample .The figure below is a demonstrattion that shows the AC component riding on the AC component riding on the DC signal .It can be observed that the reflected light due to the pulsatile arterial bllod flow is much smaller than the DC component . There is a method that can receive signals synchronized with the pulse of the heartbeat without affecting the circulation of the blood at the sensor place is to use optical sensors. This sensor method is as follows: As stated above, when the heart pulsates, it pushes blood throughout the body, when the heart dilates, blood puts into it. This moment, blood pressure in the arteries decreases and the pressure when the heart pulsates in the arteries increased. It is this blood pressure fluctuation that change the level of light absorption of the arteries, so that when a beam of light is passed

6 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest through an artery, the intensity of light after passing through the artery varies synchronized with heartbeat. When the heart dilates, the blood pressure is low so the artery absorbs less light and the light transmitted through arteries will have high intensity. On the contrary, when the heart pulsates, the blood pressure is high, the light after passing through the arteries will have a lower intensity. The photoplethysmography tachnique used to supply pulsatile arterial flow presents interesting useful subcomponents of the cardiac cycle . the right ventricle pumps the blood to the pulmonary circulation through the pulmonary arteries .The blood releases carbon dioxide and pick up oxygen through gas exchange in the alveoli of the lugs .The oxy genaated blood the enters the left atrium through pulminary vein . The blood passes through a valve into the left vantricle ,which then ejects the blood through the aorta and through the veins . The contraction of the ventricle is called systole and the relaxation period when the ventricales are refilling is called diastole .A periode of PPG waveform can be split in to two phases .The first rising edge is the anacrotic phase .this is the systolic upstroke time .The second falling edge is catacrotic phase characterized by diastole .A dicritic notch is also observed inth catacrotic phase .This notch is due to the sudden closing of the aortic valve resulting in retrograde flow and a sbsequent temporary increase of blood volume in the arteries .These main segmnets of the PPG along with the peak height are show in the figure below.

Manchester encryption In addition is the transmission of data through Manchester encryption. Choose Manchester encryption is because that is generally simple to be able to set up the communication received by the MCU. Manchester encoding has gained wide acceptance as the modulation scheme for low-cost radiofrequency transmission of digital data. This form of binary phase-shift keying is a simple method for encoding digital serial data of arbitrary bit patterns without any long strings of continuous zeros or ones, and having the encoding clock rate embedded within the transmitted data.

7 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest Manchester encoding is a form of binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) that has gained wide acceptance as the modulation scheme for low-cost radio-frequency (RF) transmission of digital data. Manchester is a simple method for encoding digital serial data of arbitrary bit patterns without having any long strings of continuous zeros or ones, and having the encoding clock rate embedded within the transmitted data. These two characteristics enable low-cost datarecovery circuits to be constructed that can decode transmitted data with variable signal strengths from transmitters with imprecise, low-cost, data-rate clocks. The encoding of digital data in Manchester format defines the binary states of "1" and "0" to be transitions rather than static values. There are two possible definitions (as shown in Figures 1 and 2) that have alternate assignments of the logic levels to the two possible transitions of rising and falling edges.

Figure 1. Defining logical binary data as edge transitions.

Figure 2. Equally valid alternate definitions of binary data as edge transitions. The definition of a bit in Manchester-encoded data can become confusing, because each binary data bit encoded results in two apparent "bits" in the encoded data stream. Keeping in mind that an encoded data bit is defined as a transition, it easy to see that there are no bits in Manchester data streams. The Manchester-encoded data stream does require two levels for each transition, because by definition the information is encoded as a low-level to high-level transition or highlevel to low-level transition. Thus, it takes twice as many logic-level states to encode data in Manchester. However, the use of the phrase "Manchester bits" persists and care should be taken 8 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest when using the term "bit" to specify whether it is a serial data bit or a Manchester-encoded bit. The term chip is often used to describe the level periods on either side of a transition or edge. Thus, each Manchester data encoding of a logic level bit requires two chips. A sample serial data stream is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Manchester encoding of a serial data stream using the definition shown in Figure 1. A key benefit of Manchester encoding is that, on average, the DC component level of the encoded data stream is zero. Regardless of the peak-to-peak amplitude of the encoded data stream, the transitions can always be identified as the point where the encoded data stream transitions across the median level (zero, in this example). Low-cost data-decoders use this characteristic in a simple transition-detector circuit called a data-slicer. A simple implementation of a data-slicer is shown in Figure 4, using a simple comparator to decode, or slice, the encoded data stream. A low-pass filter comprised of R1 and C1 track the DC average of the incoming serial data stream with a time constant chosen to be much longer than the serial data chip rate. The averaged voltage on C1 establishes the negative input reference value for the comparator. The serial data stream is also presented to the positive input of the comparator so that the transitions above and below the average values cause the comparator output to swing between the upper and lower supply voltages. Figure 5 shows an example of a Manchester-encoded serial-input data stream and the resulting output data stream. Note that in this example, the encoded data stream has a DC offset from the zero level, as is typical in RF receivers. The data-slicer effectively converts the incoming data stream into a binary serial stream that swings between power supply rails, as is typical in digital systems. This binary level restoration makes the encoded serial data stream suitable for further decoding and processing with standard digital circuits.

A simple data-slicer circuit for restoring binary logic levels. The example circuit shown in Figure 5 also includes resistors R2 and R3 that form a positive feedback for added hysteresis in the comparator circuit. The hysteresis reduces multiple edges that occur with slow-changing or noisy input signals.

9 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest

Low-level Manchester data stream input is data-sliced to a logic level output. Once the Manchester-encoded data has been data-sliced into a serial data stream with restored logic-level voltages, a data-decoder is used to extract the original serial data information that was encoded. Typically, the data-decoder is a simple microcontroller running a software algorithm that identifies the binary transitions between logic levels to assign a binary "1" or "0" value to the data. In a given system, the microcontroller software can anticipate the timing of the logic-level transitions, knowing the approximate baud rate of the encoded data. This utilizes the second benefit of Manchester-encoded datathe embedded baud-rate clock. In situations where the received data stream is close to the noise floor (low RF-signal levels from distant transmitters, for example) the transition edges might have multiple transitions on the data-slicer output. A microcontroller software algorithm can be written to not only anticipate the timing of valid edges but which can reject further edges that occur until the next valid edge transition time. Although hardware implementations of data-decoders can be realized, the complexity of the circuit often is not cost-competitive with a simple microcontroller. Further, the microcontroller can perform other functions such as activating digital outputs when certain data is received, such as unlocking a car door when the proper identification key and control function are decoded.

Basic components of a typical RF Manchester data receiver system. Manchester data encoding is typically described as the process of a logical combining of the serial data to be encoded and the clock used to establish the bit rate. An example of such a circuit is shown in Figure 7. One use of a circuit like this could be to encode the serial data from a microcontroller UART output. The circuit shown omits required functions that prevent multiple edge generation during the transition of the clock and data inputs as they transition through intermediate logic-level states.

10 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest

Figure 7. Manchester encoding by combining data-rate clock and serial data by XOR. However, the XOR definition for encoding the data does not immediately convey the simplicity of creating the Manchester-encoded data stream using a microcontroller as the transmitter encoder shown in Figure 8, and using software to do the encoding and serial data-rate timing. In this way, it is not necessary to use a microcontroller with hardware UART and external circuits for transmitting Manchester-encoded data. An internal timer on the microcontroller triggers a subroutine to update the output pin according to the data being transmitted, and thus establishes the data-rate time. The time base of the microcontroller does not have to be precise, as the encoded data contains all of the information regarding the data and clock embedded within to be used by the decoding receiver.

Figure A microcontroller can create Manchester encoding using software. 2. Proposed design: 2.1This is figure of Project : Part 1 : Measure and Transmitter Part2: Receiver: 2.2 .Choose device MSP : Part1(measure and transmitter),choose Msp430f2122 because it is enough Port for application and we can use MSP430UIF wich TI supplied. Part2(receiver):choose Msp430g2231 and lauchpad. 2.3 Choose Sensor and sensor placement: And now , we will discussion about sensor in this project . In this project , we use IR and photodiod . IR will transmit and photodiode will receiver. In Da nang ,Viet Nam ,we can find IR and photodiode (In under figure ).

11 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest

Photodiode Spectral Response: IR Spectral Response Range: 940 nm Photodiode Type: PIN Photodiode Peak Sensitivity Wavelength: 940 nm Sensor Placement:

After having the idea of the optical sensor as before, the two questions posed are: - Which position should we place light source and Photodiode to get the maximum efficiency? -Because the arteries are inside the body, light is transmitted not only through the arteries but also many other parts of the body, so is there any bad effect on the received signal? In principle, we can put lights and Photodiode anywhere in the body that contains arteries. Interference of ambient light on the Photodiode can be considered to be constant so the measurement will be more reliable if the Photodiode light signal received is maximized. If we place the sensor at the elbow or wrist, the advantage will be that the arterial blood pressure fluctuation is high. The disadvantage, however, is that the light has to pass through a greater thickness of the body, too much is absorbed by tissue and bone, while the sensitivity of the Photodiode is limited Therefore, to obtain the desired results, the intensity of the light source must be quite high, leading to large the energy consumption and making it very difficult to stabilize the intensity of the light source. If we place the sensor at the helix - a place where the light just goes through a very small thickness of the body, the advantage will be that the Photodiode light intensity gets quite high. However, because the arteries here is too small, the level of fluctuating the intensity of light received is too small compared to the whole light received. Hence, the signal power received is insufficiently reliable. The most reasonable light source and Photodiode placement position: It's the fingers. Althoughthe artery here is not big, the distance the light has to pass through is not long so we just use an LED as a light source, the fluctuating level of light intensity received is considerably larger than the entire light received, the ratio of the signal amplitude with the onedimension foundation is large enough for the signal processing operations to give the most accurate results. When light passes through the fingers, it is only partly absorbed by the arteries, while the majority is absorbed by the tissues and bone. Fortunately, the absorption coefficient of the 12 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest tissue and bone to light is almostunchanged over time, the intensity of Photodiodelightreceived will vary according to your heartbeat on the one-dimension foundation, so we can fully trust the uniformity of signal received corresponding to the heartbeat. 2.4. Choose RF : We chose FS1000A 315 MHz Wireless Radio Transmitting Module

This low cost RF transmitter can be used to transmit signal up to 100 meters (the antenna design, working environment and supply voltage will seriously impact the effective distance). It's good for short distance, battery power device development.

and PCR1A 315 MHz Wireless Radio Superregeneration Receiver Module.

This low cost RF receiver can be used to receive RF signal from any 315 MHz transmitter such as FS1000A. Superregeneration design ensures sensitive to week signal. 13 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest

2.5 Design circuit : This figure of project:

Enter information

Measure heart beat rate

Processing MSP430

Module transmiter RF

Alarm Module receive RF Prosessing Kit Msp Lauchpad


2.5.1.Power supply : This project , part 1 circuit have : Msp430 : DVCC :3,3v ,current very small(micro amp) Lcd 1602a :VCC:5v , current 250ma measures circuit: 5v , it is supplied 10ma for LM35 and led IR ,photodiode . Because We can use pin from 7.4 v to 9v which have current to be 800mAh or power of adapter mobile phone . and use diode zenner 3v which supply vcc MSP430. Part 2:We use adapter 5v to supply
J 1 2 1 C 4 7 0 u C 2 O N 2 C 1 0 4 C 1 R 1 k C 3 D 2 3 O N 2 1 2 J 1 0

5 v C U 1 I N 1 1 7 8 0 5 4

4 7 0 u O U T 3


1 0 4





3 . 3 V

2.5.2.Design measures circuit (very hard): 14 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest Opamp LM358 is used in circuit (LM 35 is production of TI) IR led and photodiode is used. The signal conditioning circuit consists of two identical active low pass filters with a cut-off frequency of about 2.5 Hz. This means the maximum measurable heart rate is about 150 bpm. The operational amplifier IC used in this circuit is Lm35, a dual OpAmp chip from TI. It
5 v 6 6 1 3 5 0 3 3 k 4 2 T D L O 2 E D R D L V A u 3 E D R 3 L 1 1 u F 6 8 K 5 v + M 3 5 8 2 3 L 1 + M 3 5 8 . 8 K 8 0 K 6 1 0 0 N F . 8 K 6 1 8 0 0 0 K N F

2 R E S I S 1 1 F

k 5 v

operates at a single power supply and provides rail-to-rail output swing. The filtering is necessary to block any higher frequency noises present in the signal. The gain of each filter stage is set to 101, giving the total amplification of about 10000. A 1 uF capacitor at the input of each stage is required to block the dc component in the signal. The equations for calculating gain and cut-off frequency of the active low pass filter are shown in the circuit diagram. The two stage amplifier/filter provides sufficient gain to boost the weak signal coming from the photo sensor unit and convert it into a pulse. An LED connected at the output blinks every time a heart beat is detected. The output from the signal conditioner goes to the P1.1 of MSP430f2122. Fc=1/(2*pi*R*C) R=68k C=1uF. So :Fc=2.34Hz. Gain of AMPLIFICATION: G=1+680k/6.8k=101 . The harder part in this project is the signal conditioning circuit that uses active low pass filters using OpAmps to boost the weak reflected light signal detected by the photo diode. The IR transmitting diode and the photo diode are placed closely but any direct crosstalk between the two are avoided. Look at the following pictures to see how I have blocked the direct infrared light from falling into the adjacent photo diode. Besides, surrounding the sensor with an opaque material makes the sensor system more robust to changing ambient light condition. I have used separate IR diode and photo diode, but you can buy reflective optical sensor systems that have both the diodes assembled together he 150 resistance in series with the IR diode is to limit the current and hence the intensity of the transmitted infrared light. The intensity of IR light should not be too high otherwise the reflected light will be sufficient enough to saturate the photo detecting diode all the time and no signal will exist. The value of this current limiting resistor could be different for different IR diodes, depending upon their specifications. Heres my practical test circuit that I used to find the appropriate value of the series resistor for the IR diode I use 15 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest First I used a 68 resistor with a 470 potentiometer in series with the IR diode. Placing a fingertip over the sensor assembly, I slowly varied the potentiometer till I found the output LED blinking with heartbeat. Then I measured the equivalent resistance R and replaced the 68 and the potentiometer with a single resistor closest to R. But you can also keep the potentiometer in your circuit so that you can always adjust it when needed. You should keep your fingertip very still over the sensor while testing. Once you see the pulses at the output of the signal conditioning circuit, you can feed them to a microcontroller to count and display. 2.6.Measure and transmitter board :
J 1 2 1 O N 2 J 1 2 U C O N 2 b b b b C 5 4 v R 1 k 2 3 b T 3 E . 3 h h h h d h a a a a S1 8v 49 13 12 21 3 56 5 11 21 31 41 T P P0 P9 P0 P P P P1 P2 P3 P4 P T 1 0 a n hth

. 3

J J 1 3 2 1 C O 3 T 1 3 E 1 2 3 4 S 5 T 6 7 3 R 3 J T T 1 3 5 4 0 C T

J 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CO C ON

6 T T T T D D M C O / T I 1 S 1 K 1 g 1 D 4 7 I 1C 0

3 RX P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 7 T2 S 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 / 11 / 31 31 31 3 R 8 TT .7 7 T .6 6 T .5 5 T .4 4 .3 c 3 .2 2 P .1X R1 .8X 0 .7 a 7 .6 a 26 .5 5 . 4 D S D M C O T I S K M

/ T S P R D I 1 2 1 c c 2 S S 1 W W 1 K E Y k o n g t a c


r s

t j t a

u1 0 4 2C 1

p p p p p


2 E 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3


J 1 7 7 8 0 5 U 1 1 4 7 0C u 3 D K 1 T D1 O / T D I 1 r T D / T D I 2 O 1 3 I N O U T 1 0 4 3 GND 1 C O N J 1 1 M T S C P 1K 1 / T T D C I 2K 1 3 g O a N n h 3 tC h O 8 3 2 D I O D E


n g t a PD G 3 I N2 4 O U T 7 62 0 t rL m E D

- S

M 1 S 1 J M 2 S 3 r s t j1 t a R S 2 T T D 3 O C O N 3 2 3 .3 v C C

s 3 p . 3 4 V 3 0 f 2 1 2 2


m Z E N N E R

J 1C 3 1 4 I11 1 0 0 u . 1 Tu D T D 2 I R 9 3 J 7 4 7 k S T M S P 3 3 2 2 C 1 1

N 6

J 9 5 4 3 2 1 O b b b b b N p p p p p h h h h h 5 5 4 3 2 1 R C t r m 0 5v R 0 2 Q 3 2 r f 5 v r f 1 2 3 O N 3 2 2 J 2

1 2 . 2 n

C O N 3 R 6

R 6 1 8 k 0 1 5 1 c t 2 5 8 2 0 0 1 n C U 1 v u R 6 8 7 k P P 1 1 3 1 1 1 k 1 1 R 6 8 . 8 1


B UB D T X T3 5 O C N P O R T


5 . 8

1 6 C 1

R 1 6 k

1 8

9 0

1 k

1 b d 1 2

0C 0 4 n 1

2 J 5

R 6 8

1 R1 3 3

31 k

5 R R

v 2 E 5 S J 4 T O R V A R


C R 1

1 u

1 V R 6

1 8 1 2 o vu t 7c 3 i n o - u6 A 4R i n i + n 5 g ni n d 4 8 k 1 l m 1 3


1 2 1 O

1 1 2 N 2

1 2 2 6a 1 3 a 24 S I S a T3 5 O a 4 6 7 8 C O

I S 1 5 v 2 3 a 7 4 A R 5 a 66 7 8 C

C O N 2






Heart Beat Rate TI Contest LAYOUT:

2.7.Receiver board : use Kit lauchpad and interface 3v-5v circuit for RF receive module. 2.8. Algorithm :

17 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest


Interrupt P1.3

Turn light on Count heart beat (Increase R4) F R4=1 T Dem=0 (start timer) END

18 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest


F K=2 (0.2s) T K=0 Dem=dem+1

F Dem=75 T Result,transmitter,restart


19 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest


Up/Down dv

Press SWITCH T Up/Down ch

Press SWITCH T Up/Down tr


20 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest

TRANSMIT: Transmit



P3.4=1 `

P3.4=1 Delay P3.4=0

P3.4=0 Delay P3.4=1


21 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest


Stop WDT Source clock 1MHz P1.3 (output) P2.1,P2.2,P2.3,P2.4,P2.6 (input) P3.0->P3.8(output)

Setting lcd

P2.1=0 (press button SETTING) T Call caidatnhiptim() T P2.2=0 (press button START)

Setting for interrupts

22 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

Heart Beat Rate TI Contest 3.SIMULATION AND EVALUATION: The circuit is measured on experiment for a male (22 years old) with the measured rate in three consecutive times is: 81 84 and 82, respectively In circuit implementation process, the measurement circuit is the most difficult part, because of the anti-interference circuit. Besides, the wire used to connect measuring circuit to finger does not have good anti-interference, so the calibration of measurements have difficulty. 4.CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: On the market, there are many product for measuring heartbeat with relatively high cost from 500000vnd to 1000000 vnd. However, these products can not alert when the patient has heart trouble, while the price of our product is very low, about 350000vnd with the alerting mode when there is a problem for the patient. In addition to the mentioned function, the circuit can also measure body temperature, blood pressure .. the important parameters for human health. Finding a new chip line is a very good opportunity for us. Moreover, trying the first real project will help us more mature. Our group had made a lot of efforts but the design still have some faults that need to be improve to obtain a finished product. 5. REFERRENCES : [1] G.M.Azmal,A.Al-Jumaily and Al-JaaFreh ,Continuos Measurement of Oxygen Saturation Level using Photoplethysmography Signal, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Engineering ,2006 ,ICBPE 2006 .International Conference on ,pp.504-507,2006. [2] Guowei Di,Xiaoying Tang and Weifeng Liu ,A Reflectance Pulse Oximeter Design ,Complex Medical Engineering ,2007,CME 2007. IEEE/ICME International Conference ,pp . 1081-1084,2007.

23 3T-Group:Thanh-Trung-Truong

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