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Happy Birthday

Pushpak Bhole

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Silent Boy Steve's Dead They Killed Him Raynell's Birthday Deaths Continue It ends 2 4 7 10 13 16

1.The Silent Boy

Darin, where are you darling? Ya, mom. I am here in the backyard, looking for my shoes. Hurry up, honey, you are getting late for the school. Yeah, I'm almost done. Honey, look at me. Are you all right with your studies? I know why you are asking this. Teacher must have called you. I'm just all right. I don't know why people think that I'm not ok? I'm just absolutely fine. At least you should not think like that mom. Oh honey, calm down. I know you are perfectly all right. I'm not gonna believe the people at all. I know baby. I love you. I love you too mom. Darin hugs his mom and cries. Just relax my boy, let's go. They heads towards the school. Bell rings. Bye momma. Mother then went to teacher's cabin to meet Darin's teacher. Good morning, ma'am. I'm Darin's mother. You called up me to meet you. Is everything all right? Has Darin's done something wrong? Isn't he studying well enough? Take it easy Mrs. Tucker. I know his father has passed .He has very deep impact on his mind since Mr. Beal has passed away. But it's been enough time for it. I think he should come out of this now. He's falling back in his studies. He doesn't talk with anybody, not with even teachers. Many of the students make fun of him all the time. I think you should be made aware of this. That's why I called you. Mrs. Tucker sighed deeply. He loved his father a lot. Because of his silent behavior, he didn't have much friends. His was his only friend. You know,even after my second marriage, he don't like anybody calling him Tucker. I can understand. Putting hand on her, If you don't mind, I would like to advice you something, Of course, if you don't mind. I think you should show him to a psychiatrist. I know this will sound no good for you. But sometimes such things need to be work out. It's for his welfare. I am very confused. I'm scared for him. I....I just don't understand what to do. I want you to think about this with calm mind. Take your time. After all It's you who have to take the decision. Bye I have class to take on now. At the home,Mr. Charles Tucker, sitting in the chair,with a cigar in one hand and a stick in the other. Darin's mother Hey Charles, I want to talk with you on very important issue. Ya.... I went to Darin's school today to meet his teacher. 2

What happened? Is everything ok? She said that we should seek for a psychiatrist for Darin. Actually I was thinking the same from few days. But I didn't know how to talk you on this. But he is just a kid. He has deep effect of his father's death on him. We should give him some time to come outta this. Sobbed. Dear, enough time has passed since the unfortunate event. And this is for Darin's welfare,for his future. I need time ti think on this. Ok, take your time but don't make it longer to take the decision. Hmm? Good night. After few days,at the school Some group of students sitting beneath a tree. They saw Darin's coming. Have you seen a guy who count one to hundred in mind whole night and day?,John asked loudly to others. Whoa! Twenty-four cross seven?There can be just one bastard like this,Raynell replied. Hey boy, can you just come here?,Rachael called Darin to the tree. Hey you can't talk. You can't play. You can't study. You can't swim. Then why don't you just go to your father? In the heaven or hell we don't knowSteve laughingly said to Darin. Darin stares at them. Hey stop! Look at him. Don't bother him anymore,otherwise he will kill you,said Natasha teasingly. Ok you can go to your classroom. We do not have much time for guys like you,said John. Nervous Darin came home. He kept his shoes in the rack. Darin, you came baby?,asked mother. Hmm. Darin, get ready we have get to somewhere. Okay. We have to go to a doctor who will ask you some questions. Please cooperate him. I know you're taking me to a psychiatrist. I'm fine mom. Don't worry honey. We are just checking. It's just another test you are giving. Okay. At the clinic, I have asked him a lot of questions. He answered two or three of them,the doctor told to Mr. Tucker. This is what the problem with him doc. He doesn't speak much. Not even with me. He just talks with his mother that too a little bit. Me and his mother are very scared for him. Take these medicines. Bring him again within 15days. Don't worry. I have handled many of such cases successfully. Right. Thank you doctor.

2. Steve's dead
After few days, at the school, Run get the people on the second floor out. Do fast,Principal ordered the guard. Rachael,Nick come on get out of here fast the red building has caught fire. We have leave this building immediately. Fire may spread here,John shouted at his group. In the basement, So you took my book for reading without my permission, ha?Steve asked Darin in anger. Teacher told me to do so. Oh!so if teacher had told you to kill me,would you have done that too? It's enough now. Let me clear thee things. You can't go out as the door is locked from outside. Steve picked a rod and hammered on Darin's shoulder. Darin went through the window and fell on the floor, grunting in the pain. A huge wave of fire arrived there. Darin got up and went the other side to save himself from fire. Fire got the hold of the room in which Steve was. Door was locked and windows had caught the fire. Steve cried for help. He saw Darin standing outside the window. Hey Darin,I was just joking man. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please get me out of here. We will be friends. Darin was just staring at him. Come on man,call somebody. I'm burning. Aahhhhhh Darin was still staring at him. Come on you son of a bitch. You can't do this. No. Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Darin went off from there. Natasha was passing by the door of the basement. As he was coming out from the basement Natasha saw him and asked, Hey Darin, is there someone in the basement? Darin nodded negatively. She went off from there. After some time, someone noticed the basement caught on fire. Firemen forced the fire to calm down. They found a dead body unrecognizably burnt. After a lot of investigation they came to know it was of Steve's. All of Steve's friends were crying. You can't leave us. We had decided to celebrate your birthday man. You can't leave us. You can't leave us.John cried. Rachael putting hand on his shoulder, He was one of our best friend. We love you Steve. Come on John let them do it. At the clinic, This case is much more challenging and it's getting weird and out of control,said the doctor. Is there no cure for this? I'm working on that only Mr. Tucker and I want your full support in this case. Do whatever possible to you. But cure him as early as possible. His mother can't see 4

his condition anymore. Don't worry. I'm putting my best in this. I want you to talk with him as much as possible even if he doesn't response and continue the medicines I have given. okay doc. At Darin's house, What did the doctor say?How much more time will it take to cure my boy? Doctor said that he's doing his best for Darin. He will be ok soon. He has told to talk with Darin as much as possible. Oh don't cry. You are his only support. You have to be strong. . I can't. I...I can't see this now. See, you have be strong. At least for Darin? Ya I'll. After few days, At Natasha's home, Finally we are free from school,said John. Yeah! The last day!,said Natasha. We could have celebrated together if he was with us,said Rachael. Hmm.....But I didn't understand what he was doing there in the basement Darin had used his book so he was angry with Darin and he was taking him to the dark room in the basement. I had gone by the time of fire otherwise......,said Raynell. Natasha loudly, What? He was with Darin? Ya. But why?. I saw him coming out of the basement that day when I was looking for Steve. I asked him whether there was somebody in the basement? He said no. What the hell! He knew Steve had caught fire. He didn't tell anybody though,said John in angrily. He might had locked Steve in the room so that he couldn't come out,said Nick. Yes, the room was locked from outside,said John. He made Steve burn and die,said Rachael in anger. He killed Steve. I am gonna tell all this to police right now,cried John. Nothing will happen will result in by that. He is having treatment from a psychiatrist. He won't be punished due to his insanity which he tried to make a show of,said Natasha. We can't let him be free like this. We have to do something, for our friend,said John. Let me give the chance I'll kill him,said Rachael. That's what we are gonna do tonight. His father will not at home. Sooooooo are you ready for this? ,asked John. Of course, we are. We all wanna take revenge,said Roger. It's 9:15,we will be leaving at 11:45. Okay?,asked John. Done,shouted all. 11:56 at Darin's home, Sitting lonely in the bedroom, Darin's mother with a gift in her hand talking with herself, You will be seventeen tonight. You are gonna grow bigger. Looking at the gift, Hope this will please you. I just want you be normal forever as soon as possible. I love you my boy. Oh! It's 11:59. I should move now. Hey Darin, where are you? Just coming. 5

As Darin arrived in the hall, Very very happy birthday my dear. Thanks mom. Darin smiled. Oh my dear, you smiled ,years I have been waiting for you to. Oh honey, I'm so happy. I love you mom. He hugged his mother. I love you too my boy. Okay let's have the cake cut, hmm? Darin picked up the knife. They heard a sound of breaking of glass. Darin and his mother got frightened.

3. They killed him

As they heard the noise, Darin's mother got frightened. Darin stared at the stairs behind of which the the sound supposed to had come. Don't worry my boy. There must be the neighbor's boy who plays with the ball whole day and night. Let check it out. You stay right here. Darin's mother went behind the stairs. There was total darkness. Scared she searched for the switch. Turning on the lights, she saw window pane was broken and it's pieces were scattered on the floor. She went to the window with her body wet in fear. As soon as she looked out of the window, someone struck her with a rod. Thwack! She fell on the floor bleeding from her forehead. Aah.........,she screamed in pain. Mom?, Darin murmured in worry. He ran behind the stairs. He saw his mother falling on the ground grunting. What happened mom? Let me tell you,said Roger. Darin looked above. He saw Roger and his friends with iron and wooden rods in their hands. Let me tell you what happened. I hit her with this rod. You know why? Try to remember something so called psycho boy. Try to remember that day, said Roger. Who are you people and what do you want from us?,asked Darin's mother. Don't involve in the matter lady. It will be harmless for you. We are talking to your son, your mental son, okay?,said Natasha. What day? Oh! You don't know what day I'm talking about. The fire day. The day when our school got caught in fire. The day when you were with Steve in the basement. The day when you locked him in the room that caught fire. The day when you left him die. The day when you killed him,said John in anger. I don't know what are you talking about? You don't know,shouted Nick and hammered Darin's face with iron rod. Darin bleeding badly, Why did you hit my mom? You can kill our friend, can't we just hit your mother?,asked John and punched him on his nose. Please stop beating him. Let me know what the matter is. If you are not gonna stop it I'll shout for help. Nothing will make difference. Your neighbors are not at home and what will you do by knowing it? Can you just back time? Can you bring dead back to life? Ha?,asked Rachael. John, Natasha and Nick started beating Darin with rods in their hands. Punching Darin Roger asked, You must have remembered yet, haven't you? Darin's mother went to them and tried to stop them. 7

I beg you. Please leave my son. You must have some misunderstanding. Darin cannot kill anybody. He has done it. Believe or not but he is guilty and we are gonna punish him for his doings,said Rachael in anger and hit Darin's mother in the head as she fell down groaning in pain and bleeding. Hey you, don't touch my mother or? Or what? Will you kill us like you killed Steve?,asked John in animosity and punched him again. Darin's mother gave a push to Natasha and picked up a rod fallen nearby. She hit John with that and screamed, Leave him otherwise I'll kill you. Let us finish this business later. Let us have this headache ended first', said Raynell and hit Darin's mother very hard in her head with iron rod. She screamed and grunted till death. Noooooooo, mom. You killed her?,shouted Darin. Yeah! And now it's your turn,said Raynell. Darin gave a powerful kick in Nick's stomach. He pushed John and picked up the flowerpot beside him. He threw the same towards Rachael. She hurt and grunted falling on the floor. Are you ok?,asked Seeton. Ya. Get the bastard. He is trying to run. Don't let him get out of this house or it will be trouble for us,shouted Seeton. John and Raynell got hold of Darin and started punching him. Darin shoved powerfully as both of them got pushed away from him. No sooner did Natasha and Nick run towards him, he picked up the rod fallen near his leg. Darin threw the rod at Nick and grabbed the neck of Natasha and heaved her on the wall. As Darin tried to escape, John jumped on him. He was trying t pull Darin towards himself while Darin the other way. Darin saw Nick, Raynell running towards him. He looked around. He saw the table lamp at a foot distance from him. He tried to get that. But John's hold was much stronger than his. As they approached him, he somehow managed to get the lamp and struck in John's head. Then he punched Nick and ran towards the window. But for his luck, the window was defected one which had remained closed for almost two years. He ran back, picked the iron rod and gave a hit to Roger coming to him and ran back to the window and started trying breaking it with the rod. Seeton ran in like a thunder and fell on the floor taking Darin. He began to hit him. Meanwhile Raynell, Nick and Roger came there and joined Seeton. Die you son of a......,said Roger. Darin detected a watch fallen near him. He tried his hand to reach the watch. John approached there. Let me have the final punch. Darin kept trying for the watch. He is trying to get the watch,told Natasha who was sitting beside Rachael. Oh! You wanna see time? Ha?,asked John and picked up the piece of glass fallen nearby. It's 1o'clock. Time to die. Yeaaaa, said John and stabbed the piece of glass in Darin's neck. Blood splashed on the on their bodies. John sighed deeply and said, Done. It's done. We have....... taken revenge of our friend's murder. It feels burdenless now,said Roger. I think we should leave now. Coz more the time we spend here, more the danger for us. And Rachael and John are hurt. They need medical help,said Natasha. She's right. We need to move now, supported Seeton. 8

But where to go? If we go hospital, what will you tell them?,asked Nick. We'll tell them we have met with an accident, said Roger. Do you think you are smart enough to fool them?, asked Nick. Then what should we do now?, asked Natasha. I have a neighbor whose father is a doctor. He will help us,said Nick. How you are gonna fool him?, asked John. He's my friend. Believe me. He will help us. Let us go to my home.

4. Raynell's Birthday
In the home garden, Hey, don't cry honey. Dady's here. You want momma? She will here in while. See she is coming. Yeah! Right there. There she is, said Raynell to his daughter. Hey, where were you? She was crying for you. I was gone for shopping. Meanwhile my car's tyre got punctured. So I had to get to the garage. That made me late. Is it ok now? How did that happened? Don't know. I was shopping. By the way, how long she's been crying? She started just now,said Raynell handing his daughter to his wife. Bell ringed. Darling, will you please see? I have to be here with her. Oh ya. He opens the door and saw a man standing showing his back. Yes? Guess who? Raynell looked at the wrist-watch. Nodding his head, John? He turned around, Oh, you guessed, how?. Your wrist-watch!. They hugged each other. So long man seeing you. I couldn't come to meet you because of my job that kept so busy and detached from you all. I'm sorry for that. Don't mind bro! At last we met. How long you will be staying here? For two may be three days. I've come here regarding my job. When I came to know that I have to go to Atlanta, you can't believe how happy I was. It's nice that you are here for 2-3 days. I have my birthday the day after tomorrow. We are gonna celebrate it. Rachael, Nick, Seeton, Roger are also coming. Natasha won't be able to come. So you are also gonna join us. Wow! That's great. So I can meet all of them. Maria, here's John. I told you he's one of my best friend. Oh, hi. Nice to meet you. Me too. Hey, we have a cute small member, huh?, asked John. Yeah! She's one, replied Maria. Baby started crying. You both talk. Let me take care of her. Yeah. Sure,said John. She went in the bed room with the kid. So, when you are gonna marry, huh? You and Natasha. Panicked John looked at Raynell. Ya, I know about you and her. She told me. So when? 10

John smiled, Not yet. May be next year. Hmm..... After having the dinner, What else? I heard from Nick that you are always in worry about your past. Is that right?,asked John. The thing we had done don't let me live freely. It's been seven years for that unfortunate event. Seven years. You should forget it by now. It's past. Think of your present, your wife, your daughter. I'm trying to forget that. But part of me don't let me forget it. Okay. Don't think too much over it. I have to go now. I'll be coming tomorrow for your birthday. Bye. Take care. Hmm. They hugged each other. Bye. The next day, At the party, Where were you? Everybody's waiting for you. Hurry up,said Maria. Ya. I'm ready. Just comin' in a minute, replied Raynell. As Raynell arrived at the party, big applause by his friends. He hugged each of his friends. It's 11:58. Let's not make it late. Come on darling, said Maria. Raynell went to the birthday cake. As he cut the cake, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to dear Raynell, happy birthday to you. At the end of the party, Happy birthday to you again. We have to leave now. It's good to see all of us here together, said Nick. Yeah, replied Raynell. Hey, your daughter is very cute, said Rachael. Ya, she is. Not because of you. Don't be so happy,said Rachael teasingly. Hahaha....... Okay, so good night. Bye everybody,said John. Bye,said everybody. In the midnight, In Raynell's bedroom, Raynell and his wife were sleeping. Glass broke. Raynell and his wife woke up. They saw glass jug of water fallen on the floor and broken. May be my hand made this while I asleep, said Raynell. Be careful. She's sleeping. Oooh ya. Let me have another jug filled. He went down to get another jug. He entered the kitchen. He opened the fridge. He heard the sound of scratching. He kept the jug in fridge and went to the hall to see what the sound was of. The hall was dark. A faint light of the CFL in the corridor was making a way out for merely slight vision. He saw at the wall. 'Happy Birthday' was scratched over there. What the hell? Is anybody out there? He couldn't see if there was something. He turned to switch on the lights. And he saw 11

something. He got panicked as he couldn't saw it clearly. He went near it further. And as soon as he did, he got extremely terrified, wet in fear. Something happened and he yelled out in pain.


5. Deaths Continue
Maria crying, sitting next to Raynell's dead body. How did this happen?, asked John. I don't know. He had gone to get water from kitchen. Sometime after I heard him yelling. I ran down and saw........ Again started crying. But.... Hey mister, it's our duty. Let me interrogate, interrupted the police officer. So, who else was in the house last night? No one. Just me and my husband, Maria continued sobbing. Did you keep all the windows lock? Ya. Hmm... So no one else was there. Doors and windows were locked. Only you were here. And he got murdered What do you mean? Are you suspecting her? Raynell was her husband, said John in anger. Will you please shut up? It's my business. Let me do it my way. Do not interfere Police officer went to the dead body and started observing it carefully. Something sharp thing, may be knife has been stabbed in his neck, he told to his colleague. Sir, here's something scratched on this wall, one of his associate said. Happy Birthday, the officer read. Excuse me mam, do you know who has done this? No, I don't know. Do you have any suspects, mam? No. He didn't have any foe. I know him from his childhood. He was a good guy. I'm his childhood friend. Your name, please? John. So Mr. John, do you live in Atlanta too? No. I've come in concern with my job. Where were you at the time of death? I was in my hotel, hotel regency suites. I was gone by 11:15. Ok. Whoever is he. He can't run from me. About four months later, At Seeton's birthday party, Hey, happy birthday man, Nick hugged Seeton. Happy birthday bro. Thanks, John. How's your life goin' on?, asked Rachael. As fine as it should be. Bored of living alone in this house, replied Seeton. Don't know why but I'm missing Raynell too much today. He used to give me my favourite colored wrist watch on my birthday. We missed him too. Hope I too die on my birthday to meet him again 13

John chuckles. Let's meet tomorrow now. I gotta go now, said Roger. Me and John also gotta leave now, said Natasha. Well. Then we will meet tomorrow, said Seeton. Good night. Enjoy!, aid Nick. Everybody left the Seeton's house. In the midnight, In Seeton's bedroom, Seeton was sleeping. Song started on radio suddenly. Seeton woke up. He got panicked due to playing song. He left his bedroom and entered the hall. He went to the radio and turned it off. He looked around. Nothing he could see. He sensed something rushed behind him. He turned back in a flash; but for his panic no one was there. He found a chit on the floor. He picked it and opened, written on it was, 'Happy Birthday'. He crushed the chit and started thinking something. He chuckled thinking that someone is trying to fear him. As soon as he turned back to go to his bedroom, someone attacked him, followed by piercing sound. The next day morning, At Seeton's house, What the hell is happening? First Raynell and now Seeton. Both on their birthdays, asked John sobbing. The way of killing is also the same. Stabbing the neck, added Nick. I am not getting what's going on?, said Natasha. Wait. Do you remember once Seeton and Raynell were gone for a movie and in their way back they encountered with a crazy man and they had a quarrel with him, said Roger. Yes. Seeton had told me about this, said John. So he must be the one, said Rachael. We should tell this to police, said Natasha. Won't help. We don't know who he is, where he lives. We don't even know how he looks, said John. But at least we should tell them, suggested Roger. Ok, said John. They told the whole thing to police. Hope they get the bastard soon, said Roger. Few weeks later, It was Rachael's birthday and she had decided not to celebrate it due the deaths of her friend just some weeks ago. On the birthday, All friends were gossiping. I'm very scared. Will the guy who killed Seeton and Raynell kil me too? Don't worry, Rachael. He has nothing to do with you. He had problems with Seeton and Raynell, not with you. Okay? Just relax, said Nick. We don't know who killed them and why? He may kill me. Look. Your father is in the house. You have nothing to worry about, said John. No. I want you all to stay here tonight. I can't stay. I have to get back for my work, said Nick. I could have stayed but my younger sister is alone at home. I'm sorry. So John and Natasha you are staying with me tonight ok? John nodded so Natasha did. In the midnight, 14

In Rachael's bedroom, Rachael, John and Natasha were sleeping. Stone hit Rachael breaking the window. Rachael cried out. John and Natasha also woke up. John rushed to the window but saw nothing outside. What happened?, Rachael's father came and asked. Rachael said, Someone tried to kill me. Hey, don't worry. Nobody will hurt you, said John. Uncle I want you to come with me. Natasha you stay with her. If you anything wrong, call us immediately. Ya. Come on uncle. John went with Rachael's father. Don't worry, Rachael. They will find him. No need to fear. I'm with you. Ya, replied in fear. Door knocked. Rachael got mare frightened. Don't worry. Let me see. Must have been John or your father. She went down to see. In the bedroom, Rachael was observing the stone. 'Happy birthday' was carved on it. She got even more frightened. She saw someone coming from the window. She couldn't cry out as she was numb with fear. Whhhhho He came closer. She saw him. He was wearing a dirty school uniform with his hair unsettled and a very big sign wound near his neck. He had a piece of broken glass almost of shape of a knife in his hand and staring at her. Darin Beal, she read the tag on his chest. He attacked with a piece of glass but she escapes it with a small hurt on her arm. She ran towards the door and went down. Natasha found her. What happened? He's there. He tried to kill me. John. John. Come in here. Fast, Natasha cried. John and Rachael,s father came running in. What happened?, asked John. She saw him upstairs. He attacked on her. Let me see. Be careful, said Natasha. John went upstairs. Who was he? Did you see him?, asked Natasha. He was Darin. Who Darin? Are you talking about? Yeas. He was Darin. Darin Beal. But how's that possible? Believe me he was Darin. But he is dead. Something came in whirling from the window and got stabbed in Rachael's neck. Rachael fell. He is back. Darin back, and she died. 15

6. It ends
She was telling, it was Darin, said Natasha. Oh, come on how's that possible?, asked John. Believe me or you can ask her father. He too heard the same. Here's Roger. She is saying that Rachael told it was Darin, said John. What? It's impossible. We have killed him and you were also there to see, Natasha. May be she was misconceived, suggested John. I too didn't believe firstly. But the way she was emphasizing, I don't think she was misconceived. Excuse me, any of you know Darin Beal?, asked the police officer. Why? What happened?, asked John. A name plate reading this was found near the window. Can be of the murderer. Ya. We know him. He were in the same school. But.... But what? He died seven years ago, replied john. What? How did he die? We don't know exactly. But someone attacked him... and his mother. Does any of his relative? I mean do you know any? No. Ok. After few days, At some hotel, All of them were sitting around a table. I have gone to his house. There was someone else living there. They told Mr. Tucker left the house about six years ago. He is currently living in Roswell, said John. Didn't you go there?, asked Nick. I did. It was a very big task to find him there. Somehow I successfully found him at last. He said he didn't find any of the dead bodies ever. He thought that the killer must have taken the bodies away. But we didn't take the bodies from there, said Natasha. That's the clue. It means Darin wasn't dead. He must have taken his mother's body with him, said John. Is his mother also alive?, said Roger. Maybe, said John. From all this, one thing is sure that Darin is alive and he is taking his revenge,said Natasha. Exactly, said John. We can't even take help of police, added Roger. Hmm. But we have to find a way out. Today is 10th. On 21st is Nick's birthday. And he is surely gonna come. And this time we are gonna finish him completely,said John. But how?, asked Nick. Now listen very carefully. John told all his plan to them. 16

Isn't it risky?, asked Natasha. It is. But we have to take this risk to stop him, replied John. Are you ready for this Nick?,asked John. Yeah. On 21st noon, At Nick's house, Is everything done for today's party?, asked John. Yes, almost, replied Nick's servant. Do it fast then. John went to Nick. Are you ready for tonight?, he asked. Ya. But I'm scared slightly. Don't worry. We will be there. He won't succeed tonight. After the party, It's 11 o'clock. He usually comes in midnight. You will be sleeping in your in your room. I am gonna hide behind the curtain in your room. Roger will stay on the roof and will keep watch on the area. Natasha, you take this explosive. This is a time bomb. It will blast half a minute after it's start. You will be setting it on my indication and will run out. So everybody got the plan?, asked John. Ya, said all. In the midnight, What's there? Have you seen anything? Any stranger?, John talking on mobile. Not yet. Nothing, replied Roger. Be careful. watch carefully, said John and disconnected the call. Ok. It's 12:10 already. I think I should hide now, said John to Nick. Okay. Don't be afraid. Be quick upon any happening. Hmm? Nick nodded and lied down on the bed. After a long time, John fell asleep behind the curtain. And then he came in with the same piece of broken glass in his hand. He went to Nick and removed his hand from his neck. Meanwhile Nick woke up. As soon as he tried to shout, Darin clasped his mouth with one hand and was about kill him but for Nick's hand which made the table lamp beside to fall and made John woke up. John suddenly came out of the curtain and gave a push to Darin. Darin fell down as Nick ran towards the door. Darin followed him till downstairs and in the time between John told Natasha to set the bomb. Darin jumped on Nick and both of them fell. Just 11 seconds left for the bomb to explode. Darin raised his hand with piece of glass to stab in, John came in and hit Darin's head with a rod. 7 seconds left! Darin fell down. John pulled Nick up and ran towards the door. 3 second left! Run. Come on!!,shouted Roger. John locked the door from outside and both of them ran away. They got threw away as the bomb exploded. Entire home caught fire destroying everything inside it. Nick hugged Roger while John did Natasha. We've done it, said Roger. Ya. He's dead, said John. Neighbors came there. What happened Nick?, one of them asked. The cylinder exploded. Are you alright? Yeah! I'm ok. But.... Nick sobbed. 17

But what? Alex, my servant he couldn't get out. Oh my god! Did you call fire brigade? Ya. There are just coming in a minute. After some time, We found his body. But it's not recognizable, one of the firemen said. After few months, If we had killed him that time only, none of these would have happened, said Natasha. Ya. But at least we survived, said John. Hmm......, said Nick. Now we can celebrate our birthdays freely, said Roger. So let's meet on my birthday tomorrow. Bye, said John. Bye, said all. All of them went to their respective ways.


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