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I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.

Equality and amnesty are the principles I live by since Ive learned how to talk, and to read. I believe every human has the same rights in everything. There is no exception for anyone, especially leaders and those who think they are above others. I honor and idolized the man who, in his life, had made a change to improve equality, the man who had introduced freedom to those who never knew it, the man who had ruled not only by law but also by wisdom, a man known as the 16th president of America, Abraham Lincoln. I learned many things from Abraham Lincolns life, from the start of his career before becoming a president until his last time on earth. I personally think he has made me realized that a leader must stood for what is right and do what he or she can to make it happen. Through his biography and achievement, Abraham Lincoln showed me that you must not give up on your goal. This is shown from the power of persistence as he continued to run for positions in the U.S Senate even though he was already rejected twice. He also wanted to see slavery abolished in the US, and he kept at it until it happened. Not only that but he also taught me that a leader must have a desire to learn because it is what keeps you growing and gives you wisdom and ability to handle bigger issues and solve bigger problems. I also believe that to be a great leader you cannot always be strict, because some problems are caused by the rules and others are solve by bending them. Being a leader is not easy because many people like what we do as a leader and an equal number hate us for it. I reflected this from Abraham Lincolns assassination. As people know, Abraham Lincoln was murdered by John Wilkes Booth after The Civil War had ended. The reason was none other than Abraham Lincolns decision and The Civil War that followed. As a leader we have not only power to change things but also risks of what we had decided. There are many things that we can and cannot do as a leader and things that make us a great leader and there are also other things which make us a tyrant or a mad power leader. I wanted to know these things more and I also wanted to know what motivated Abraham Lincoln to become a leader and do the things he had done even though the risks were high. So, if I were given a chance to be able to talk to Abraham Lincoln I would like to know more about the motivation and also his plans about the African-American rights to vote in elections.

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