... To Catch A Wish Script V1

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A floating wish flower locates a desperate child in the middle of rural tranquility; the child picks the flower

up and shifts from his emotionless Unit 7: Narrative Script V1 daze. In a...to Catch a Wish (working title) sudden burst someone calls the childs name causing him to turn in curiosity. When the child turns back the wish is gone and sitting in its place is a massive shard of broken down metal. The kid drops the shard and steps back in fear as his world of illusion is undone before his very eyes in a puff of steam and smoke. After been ripped from his fantasy the child sits once again and begins to cry for the loss of his dream.
10/3/2012 David Vandepeer (aka Stitch) (aka Stitch)

Unit 7: Narrative Script V1

...to Catch a Wish (working title) David Vandepeer (aka Stitch) START DIP FROM BLACK ENTER STUDIO LOGO/ANIMATION DIP TO BLACK (FROM LOGO) DIP TO WHITE (TO FEATURE) FEATURE START EXT. RURAL GARDEN - HOUES IN THE COUNTRY - DAY ACT 1 ENTER WIND/FOREST SFX The camera opens from the sun to a rural haven comprised entirely of nature and natural beauty, the sun is at dusk coloring the sky beautiful shades of reds, yellows & oranges. The grass compliments the sky with subtle greens, the house in the distance is a faded blue devoid of perfect clarity but it is distinguishable enough to be considered a house. A subtle breeze lightly mobilizes the grass and causes a number of leaves to fall from surrounding trees. A wish flower delicately enters floating with the subtle breeze reflecting the suns gaze across its fluffy white exterior, the camera follows till the flower meets the lap of our central protagonist - a tattered orphan boy by the name of Charles. Charles is disheveled wearing worn and grease ridden materials from musky browns to dark grays. His skin is youthful dawning the odd splat of oil and dirt, in addition his skin bares wear and tear with the odd callus. Charles has a short nose and a remarkably weak chin but his eyes display his identity, telling a story all by themselves. ENTER GRAB SFX The camera stays fixated on the wish flower sitting on his lap until Charles rough & dirty palm quickly reaches down and grabs it. EXIT GRAB SFX ACT 2 2

University for the Creative Arts | Smoke Stack Studios

Unit 7: Narrative Script V1

...to Catch a Wish (working title) David Vandepeer (aka Stitch) Charles brings his hand to his face and lightly opens it shielding the wind from the encapsulated wish flower. Realizing that he has caught the flower Charles smiles and brings it closer to his face to blow it away and make his wish... and then suddenly. ENTER STEAM SFX UNKNOWN MAN (Muffled) I don't pay you to sit there.... get back to work! EXIT STEAM SFX

Charles instinctively closes his hand and jumps to his feet, he then turns his head, looking back in confusion when nobody is there. The camera gets close to his face as he turns his attention back to his closed hand, concealing his wish. Charles carefully opens his fingers once again to find that the wish he had captured has gone (or never existed) and in its place sits a twisted chunk of scrap bronze metal. EXIT WIND/FOREST SFX ACT 3 ENTER STEAM SFX WITH SCREAMING METAL FX Charles looks outraged and fearfully drops the metal and steps back in fear as the fantasy he has built around him starts melting in a steam haze. ENTER CLIMAX TRANSITION BACKDROP #1 - BACKDROP #2 INT. INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE - IRON FORGE FACTORY - NIGHT Reality breaks through his dream leaving him in a dirty grease filled Iron Forge Factory surrounded by fire pits and molten metal. The colors of the room are saturated by the poignant copper and amber furnaces radiating steam and heat hazes. The only blue is emanating from the ceiling windows casting a neat aura of night blue onto Charles. In reality Charles is completely isolated running a night shift in a dangerous working factory. Charles returns to the place he was sitting before only now in reality, he rests his head in his hands and begins to cry wanting his former life back. It is only when Charles has lost all hope that the wish flower he captured in his fantasy returns in his reality and lands on his lap once again. ENTER BLOW SFX University for the Creative Arts | Smoke Stack Studios

Unit 7: Narrative Script V1

...to Catch a Wish (working title) David Vandepeer (aka Stitch) Charles smiles through his tears and picks the flower up once again. This time he blows and finally gets to make his wish. EXIT BLOW SFX EXIT STEAM SFX WITH SCREAMING METAL FX ENTER WIND/NIGHT GALE SFX The camera follows the wish from shot as it escapes through the factory roof and fly's into the navy blue night sky and into the full moons pale beam. EXIT WIND/NIGHT GALE SFX DIP TO WHITE ENTER CREDITS DIP TO WHITE FEATURE END END

University for the Creative Arts | Smoke Stack Studios

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