Impact of SNS & Blogs On Indian Adult Consumer

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“Social Media and its impact on Indian

Adult Consumer:

A Study on the influence of Blogs


Social Networking Sites

Adult Consumer’s purchase decisions.”
A Report by:
Adil Mirza
Under the guidance of:
Prof. T.V. Ramraj
This report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of MBA program

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I am highly indebted to Prof. T.V. Ramraj, my project

mentor, for providing valuable advice in designing

and implementing the methodology & various

research tools to collect relevant data & cooperation

in completing the same.

I thank him for his valuable feedback and inputs at

various stages of the project.

I am also thankful to the Library, Computer Center

and other support staff for their cooperation

extended to me during the course of the project.

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Contents....................................................................................... ....................3

How does a Social Networking Sites help Adults?........................................12

What do Indians read online?......................................................................23

Primary Data Analysis................................................................................. ....25

Pilot Survey..............................................................................................28

Frequency of visits: SNS & Blogs..............................................................31

No of users: SNS & Blogs..........................................................................32

Appendix I......................................................................................................41

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Executive summary:
SNS & blogs have caught the imagination of marketers of late & it is not a fad as
according to as of June 30, 2008 there are 360,985,492 people that
have Internet that is about 22% of the world population with the number growing every
day. Imagine a company blog or SNS getting about 1% of them every month. That is
about 3609854 people per month traffic which is growing every day!

In the world of rising costs for advertising, dwindling margins, advertising wars & ad
clutter; companies are finding it more & more difficult to reach their target audience
effectively. Internet & Social media present an unchartered territory for the companies
who are willing to take calculated risks & invest their money in online advertising.

With these statistics kept in mind this topic was chosen as a topic for my MRP. The
objectives of the project were to find out whether an adult Indian consumer is influenced
by SNS & Blogs in his purchasing decision & what kind of information affects him when
he uses such media.

For this purpose secondary data analysis was done in order to find out the reasons people
use SNS & blogs & the drivers for the growth of such media in recent times. For this
purpose analysis of community on owners of motorbike ‘Hero-Honda Karizma’ was
chosen on Orkut. While in the same way analysis of blogs on motorbike ‘Hero-Honda
Karizma’ were searched and it was found that there were more than 10 serious blogs
dedicated to it.

The primary data analysis consisted of carrying out a focused group discussion to find out
whether the consumer purchase decisions are influenced by popular social media & what
are the various factors that influence the same? Based on the information obtained from
FGDs, a pilot survey was done in order to obtain information for designing the INDEX

The INDEX questionnaire was administered on a select set of 110 respondents based on
random sampling with the help of online survey portal & results
were analyzed by using statistical tools like factor analysis.

The study has shown that consumer purchase decisions are indeed influenced by the SNS
& Blogs. More than half of the respondents visited a SNS daily & 95% of them had a
personal profile page on Orkut. People also go to such mediums in order to find out what
is new & what others have to say about a product or a service, thus tapping ‘collective
wisdom’ for free & giving the marketers an opportunity to promote their products &
services through such vast & untapped mediums.

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Secondary Data Analysis

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Blogging and Social networking are the vital expression of user generated content and
holds immense potential for growth than any other form of content available to the users
today. Gone are the days when marketers controlled the channel of communication
between advertisement and the consumer. Today the model has become such that
consumer is the creator, consumer as well as the distributor of content. According to the
data available for the year 2007, Blog sites and SNS generated $1 billion in advertising
revenue in the USA alone. By the year 2011, Blog sites and SNS are projected to generate
$4.3 billion in advertising revenue in the US market1.

The origin of social media extends beyond the Internet. When Tim Burners Lee created
the Web2, he wanted the content to be instantly and equally available to everyone and he
also wanted everyone to be able to link to that content without restrictions. This vision of
the Web is now a reality and it has manifested itself in ways that Tim Burners Lee never
imagined. Many of today’s Internet savvy consumers particularly in the 18-34 age bracket
are as comfortable with social networking and blogging as they are with using the
telephone or writing an email.

The concept of community:

All said and done we must first understand the meaning of the word “community”. In
layman’s terms the word community is frequently and erroneously used as a general name
for group formations. However, the concept of community refers to a method of human
interaction, solidarity, interpersonal relationships or things common to a certain group of
people3. Communities can be categorized by their objectives (such as meeting new people
and making new friends) and by the nature of interaction (such as ideological

IAB Platform Status Report: User Generated Content, Social Media and Advertising - An Overview, April 2008.



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History of SNS:
Social Networking refers to a formation of an online community. This network facilitates
the users to interact for a common purpose and enables them to share mutual views,
images, and videos regarding any aspect under the Sun. The prospective users are
encouraged to initiate constructive discussion on the topic of their interest with like-
minded people. This networking system also facilitates grouping of friends or family

If we look at the conversations being supported by social media, then it is simply an

extension of the human tendency to be social. This behavior dates back to ancient
marketplaces and bazaars where people didn't just get together to purchase goods, but
also to share ideas, thoughts and information they found interesting.

The history of social media starts all the way back to the humble beginnings of the
Internet. Since its first introduction within homes, there have been sites that are dedicated
to allowing individuals an opportunity to speak with one another. These types of sites
started off as simple chat rooms. It has been an incredible run for such sites as well as
Web 2.0 content in the past one decade.

After some early debacles including Usenet, ARPANET, LISTSERV, the first fully
fledged social networking site “classmates” came in the year 1995 4 for the students of
Harvard University. Then in the year 1997 dominated the arena. The last
two years of twentieth century has marked the mushrooming of websites for socializing

History of Blogs:
Weblogs or blogs, are frequently updated WebPages with a series of archived posts,
typically in reverse-chronological order. Blog posts are primarily textual, but they may
contain photos or other multimedia content. Most blogs provide hypertext links to other
Internet sites, and many allow for audience comments.


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Blogging in its current form began in the year 1997, with Dave Winer's Scripting News5;
an online record of Winer’s reflections on a wide range of topics. Dave Winer was a
journalist and he started publishing his views on his personal webpage on issues that he
covered for his organization. He used this medium to generate awareness about various
issues amongst his audience and also to get their views on them.

In recent years, tools have been developed to make blogging much easier and more
widely accessible. Blogs have been featured extensively in the popular media and have
entered political campaigns, news organizations, businesses and classrooms.

Internet penetration and usage in India6:

Before we embark on our journey to see the potential of blogs and SNS in promoting the
goods and services, it is very important to map the Indian market for Internet penetration
and usage. The main reason for this is that India is very diverse in terms of her geography
and demography. All this coupled with fueling economic growth is changing the scenario
in the markets in short period of time.

The consumer tastes and preferences are changing at a breakneck speed. Thus it becomes
imperative for a marketer to know about the penetration and usage of the medium which
he is looking as a tool for promotion even before he starts thinking of how he promotes
his goods and/or services on these mediums.

There are a few factors that affect the internet usage in India and along with that the
traffic on the blogs and SNS. These are:

1. Urban population still forms the relevant mass of internet users leave alone people
who go to blog sites or SNS.

2. Most of the content available over the Internet is in English, familiarity with
English acts as a major factor driving Internet usage as well as the traffic on blogs
and SNS.

Bonnie A. Nardi, D. J. (2004). Blogging as Social Activity. Stanford university press.

Internet in India, IMRB & I Cube report 2007.

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3. Exposure to PC usage acts as another factor limiting the growth of Internet users
in India.
4. In India there is low computer literacy among people which is a major limiting
factor for traffic among blogs and SNS.

5. Till now another fact was high prices of PCs as well as the cost of internet
6. In India youth forms the major chunk to the growing Internet user base. If we talk
about people in the higher age group it is only the highly educated and elite class
that are net or we can say blog savvy.
7. Cyber café still continues to rule as the most prominent point of Internet access.

Drivers behind social networking and blogging in

There are several factors that have contributed to the growth of social networking and
blogging. Some important factors are as follows:

Internet access7:

According to the data available for the year 2007, there are 250 million people living in
urban areas of India out of which 205 million people are literate and 77 million know
English as a secondary language. Out of all the 250 million people living in urban areas
only 46 million are internet users!

Broadband connections:

An increase in the number of Internet users accessing the Web through a broadband
connection has made it much easier for users to access video and other bandwidth
intensive services much easily and at will.

Government has taken various initiatives to promote the internet usage in India e.g. the
year 2007 was declared as the ‘Broadband year’ by Indian government. Currently
broadband penetration in India is only 3.7% of the total internet penetration. However, the

Internet In India: IMRB & I cube 2007 report

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Indian government is leaving no stone unturned to increase it at a rapid pace and
affordable price by setting a goal of 20 million broadband users in the year 20108.

Computing power:

A lack of readily accessible and cheap computing processing power held back the
outburst of social networking and blogging activities. Decrease in the prices of PC
hardware and Internet connection has brought this within the reach of less affluent
sections of the society. This is evident from the fact that the share of users from SEC D &
E in the Internet user population has increased rapidly in the recent years.

In October 2007, a Nielsen study found that consumer recommendations are the most
trusted form of advertising around the world. One of the more relevant types of SNS
pages and blogs sites are where consumers go for brand or product reviews. Here
consumers share their brand experiences in order to help others make more informed
purchasing decisions. Most of these sites and pages are grouped by category such as
electronics, automotive, tourism and so on. These represent attractive advertising
opportunities for obvious reasons; consumers are there because they are in the market for
a particular product, and they are interested in learning more about the products.

Online Social Networking9:

Online social networking is the activity by which an individual manages, communicates,

articulates his connections and extends his social network through internet tools. In online
social networking the connections between an individual and members of his network are
articulated and recorded in online systems and specifically designed social networking
technologies support the sharing of information and media along those connections. This
predominantly takes place through a Social Network Site (SNS) which is defined as: A
web-based service that allows individuals to:

• Construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system.

• Articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection.

Broadband users in India: An eMarketer report
Tim Davies; Pete Cranston: Youth Work and Social Networking

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• View and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the

• By this definition websites such as MySpace, Facebook and Orkut are typical
Social Network Sites as their core purpose is supporting individuals to create
profiles and to articulate their connections via a friends list.

Structure of a social networking site10:

Personal profiles:

A Social Networking Site profile usually consists of one or more pages on which an
individual can share information about themselves with others. For many young people a
Social Networking Site profile acts as their personal homepage on the web. Profiles are
usually created by filling in online forms, providing answers to questions set by the Social
Networking Site and uploading photos and videos.

Friends list connections:

A user of a Social Networking Site can add other profiles to the friends list on his profile.
Usually a friend connection has to be requested and confirmed by both parties. Once
created, it is possible to view an individual’s list of friends from their profile on the Social
Networking Site.
Aggregating information:
The activity feed on a Social Networking Site displays to a logged in user the details of
updates, recently shared media, recently added friend connections and group
memberships and other activities which members of their friends list have carried out
through that site.

Profile message boards:

Tim Davies; Pete Cranston: Youth Work and Social Networking

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The Message Board feature on the personal page of a Social Networking Site members
profile allows their friends or any visitors to the profile, to leave a public message on the
Alongside the public messaging of walls and message boards, Social Network Sites may
include private messaging features.
Sharing media and links:
Media sharing is a core feature on many social network sites. Here the creator of the
profile can upload media which can be viewed by the people while he himself can also
visit the profiles of people and see their content.
Members of a social networking site can create and join groups which will generally
include space for sharing media and holding group discussions through a forum or
discussion board. Most of these groups and pages are consolidated by category which
depends upon the choice of the user to join a particular group according to his taste.
Games and applications:
Add on applications for social networking sites have introduced a number of activities
and games played through friends list connections; ranging from virtual games to quizzes.

How does a Social Networking Sites help Adults?

Keeping in Touch:

Adults use a range of communications platforms such as the mobile phone, text
messaging, computer based instant messaging and other sites of online social networking.
Young people are part of a constantly connected generation.

Where previous online communication spaces (chat rooms, forums) brought internet users
together on the basis of shared interests, online social networking allows people to
connect through existing social relationships.

Developing new contacts:

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While most young people are primarily using online social networking to communicate
with their existing friends, a significant number say that they use social networking sites
to make new friends. Making new friends may involve getting to know friends of friends,
building links with other local or locally connected people or it may involve trying to
locate other online social network users with particular shared interests or simply locating
others by browsing for profiles.

Sharing content and engaging in self-expression:

Social networking sites provides a space for young people to create and share media
ranging from written blog posts, photos and videos to edited works. Social networking
sites are part of a User Generated Content (UGC) revolution that is affording young
people greater opportunities than ever before to publish content to a potentially global

Accessing information and informal learning:

Through browsing social network profiles young people can access a wide range of
information. A number of local and national information providers and support services
are creating a presence on social network sites or are targeting advertising and
information campaigns at online social networking spaces.

The wisdom of crowds11:

Young people are also attracted towards this mode because of the collective wisdom of
crowds that can be had at the mere click of a mouse. The social networking site is a
repository of limitless information for those who want knowledge regarding a particular
product due to the participation of members of the community in knowledge sharing.

The limitations of other communication methods:

Email made communications faster; instant messenger made it instantaneous but then the
problems of spam, email overload and documents flying back and forth began to appear.
Victoria Furness; Web 2.0 and The Enterprise: Its impact on business and strategies to maximize new

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With social networking sites document version control becomes manageable and
information becomes dynamic and democratic i.e. it is created by many rather than the
select few.

Business Model of a Social networking Site12:

Social Networking Sites face very few barriers to market. They are relatively inexpensive
to launch and run an Internet-based business. The bandwidth is cheap and there are no
expensive manufacturing costs associated with delivering their services. With services or
products being offered for free, the SNS business model follows the publishing business
model, deriving revenue from advertisers paying to market their products or services to
visitors on the site.

Impact on advertising:
Social Networking as a major force on the Internet represents the greatest opportunity and
challenge to marketers since the advent of the Internet itself. Social Networking sites
have provided high-value advertising inventory and audience segments needed to capture
more of the market share and targeted audience reach that advertisers demand.

Traditionally marketers have been able to buy time or space on other media in a
controlled context. They knew where their advertisements would appear, what it would
look like, and in what context it would be seen. Advertising in social networking site
requires marketers to alter their approach. Instead of broadcasting one-way messages at
their audiences, advertisers are compelled to engage in a conversation.

Brand Profile Page13:

Victoria Furness; Web 2.0 and The Enterprise: Its impact on business and strategies to maximize new
IAB Platform Status Report: User Generated Content, Social Media and Advertising - An Overview,
April 2008

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The most common method of advertising on social networking sites is creating a profile
page. An advertiser simply creates a page for its product, much as an individual would for
himself. This page can be used to provide all sorts of materials and information. From
demonstration videos to graphics that other users can use to decorate their own pages.
This also allows other members to include your page in their friend network or tag
themselves as a fan.

One of the innovative and unique ways in which the advertisers can influence and use this
space is custom communities.

Custom communities14:

Custom communities provide a space for brands to entertain and engage users through
interesting content such as games, polls, quizzes or contests. Off-site advertising drives
consumers to these communities where they can participate and pass along content they
find interesting or valuable.

The following example is a testimony to the above mentioned fact:

Launched in 2006, the Adidas custom soccer community on MySpace allows visitors to
align themselves with one of Adidas’ two models of elite soccer cleats. Users can post
comments praising or defending their chosen brand and access product reviews, graphics,
and information about professional soccer players who are on their team. By giving
consumers a chance to align themselves with a brand, Adidas builds an intense
connection based on identity and personality.

IAB Platform Status Report: User Generated Content, Social Media and Advertising - An Overview,
April 2008

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In the light of the objectives of the project, Orkut was chosen as a social networking site
to be studied in the Indian context because of its popularity in the Indian subcontinent.
The following discussion analyses the various aspects of marketing of products and
services that were found on Orkut.

Orkut & its influence:

It is a social networking site now owned by Google. It has the highest number of users in
the Indian subcontinent. The site offers all the basic and augmented features of a typical
social networking site and is a huge hit particularly among the Indian youth.

It has more than 28 community categorizations ranging from travelling to pets and music
to health. For the purpose of analysis community on owners of motorbike ‘Hero-Honda
Karizma’ was chosen and following facts were obtained.

Community on ‘Hero-Honda Karizma’15:

• There were more than 10000 members on the community for bike ‘Hero-Honda

• It was owned by Mr. Rajendu Chaubisa from New Delhi and thus was not an
initiative by the company Hero-Honda.

• The topics of discussion in the forums on this community ranged from asking for
solutions for problems that were plaguing the owners of the said motorbike to
asking for frank opinions on whether to buy ‘Hero-Honda Karizma’ or ‘Bajaj
Pulsar’ (Bike from a competitor).

• It was seen from the threads in the forums of the community that visitors to this
community considered the views of members as well as non-members to be
honest. These people gave their views on certain issues pertaining to the bike and
there was a high possibility that these people can act as opinion leaders in the
particular context solely on the basis of either the ownership of the product or the
knowledge of the product.


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• There were also people who engaged in selling second hand bike from the same
brand on this community indicating to the potential of actually targeting an
interested customer.

• There were also regular polls in the community pertaining to certain issues or
aspects of motoring as well as about the brand itself.

• A striking aspect was the inquiries about the new model of ‘Hero-Honda Karizma’
that is yet to be launched in the market and has only got coverage from the
motoring experts in leading motoring magazines! This clearly indicates the
importance of online social networking in ‘buzz marketing’ or ‘viral marketing’.

SNS Brand Penetration:

A research by TNS provides clear proof that Myspace is still number one among a broad
collection of international networks with a 32% weekly reach. Its position has been
maintained by its focus on music and commercial content, rather than connecting friends.
Facebook is not far behind on 22.5% weekly reach and the number one in many markets
and surely will grow as it becomes internationalized.

However the pattern is very mixed globally. In Asia a variety of local sites like QQ,
Cyworld and Mixi dominate in their home markets, while Orkut is number one in Brazil.
Facebook and Orkut share 61% & 31% market for users in India.

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Social networks are today the main platform for sharing content and have increasingly
become the means to manage social relationships. Consequently social networks are
grabbing ever more of our internet time and so brands and content producers must be
active inside them.

Large Social Networks have near unlimited inventory. For advertisers to cut-through they
need to be relevant and ideally work inside the network, by bringing users to branded
pages, applications or connecting them with content.

The environment is now perfect for creating and distributing branded content. Consumers
expect to see and are happy to share it if the content is good. Brands are part of the
modern fabric of society and have as much legitimacy as consumers to create and share

In the future web distributed content could potentially become another revenue stream for
existing content producers and brands as video sites begin to cut the advertising revenue
with up loaders.

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Weblogs or blogs started initially as online diaries or journals. Today, blogs are used for a
wide variety of purposes. Typically it is a means of content publishing and a place where
people share their views, opinions or experiences. There has been a phenomenal growth
of the Blogosphere. Presently there are close to 112.8 million blogs16, they are doubling
approximately every six months!

Blogging as a social activity in India:

According to ‘Blogging India: An MSN and Windows Live Report’, India’s blogosphere
is driven by youth and a passion for self-improvement and entertainment, with 42% of the
online users reading blogs to stay informed about world events, and 49% citing
entertainment as the main reason they read blogs.

Key facts:

• The blogging landscape was still nascent with only 14% of India’s netizens
actively blogging, although 39% were aware of blogs.

• Three-quarters (76%) of India’s bloggers are male while women only account for

• 54% of bloggers are between the ages of 25-34 years, 32% under 25 years, and
15% over 35 years.

• Majority of people enjoy reading technology (32%), followed closely by news and
education (24%), illustrating the impact of India’s booming technology sector on

• Blogs written by business leaders were found by half of all Indian online users to
be the most enjoyable to read. Blogs by politicians were found by 24% of
respondents to be of regular interest.


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• 58% of bloggers starting a blog because they wanted to express passionate views,
while 40% of India’s bloggers did so to entertain others through their writing.
A majority, 47% of blog owners indicated that writing about their views and
commenting on the world around them was what they enjoyed the most about the
activity. 90 % of the bloggers spending up to 5 hours a week reading blogs or
updating them. The survey hints that the Internet could soon become an
inseparable part of the advertiser’s marketing mix.

• Of the 42 million net users in India a staggering 85% (that’s roughly 32.5 million
people) regularly check blogs.

• Checking blogs has become second most preferred online activity after e-mailing.

According to a WATCONSULT report there were startling statistics found after a survey
of metropolitan cities in the various geographic zones of India. The net users were asked
questions on their blogging habits and following options were given to them:

• I am an active blogger and an active blog reader.

• I blog occasionally, but am a more of an active reader.

• I only read blogs, but do not possess one.

• My blog is no longer active, but I do read blogs.

• I rarely read blogs - perhaps once in a week.

• I have no clue what blogging is?

The results at the national level were as follows:

• 30% of Indians were not aware of blogging. These were net-savvy individuals
who were aware of Social Networking.

• 14% were active bloggers, which is quite a large number!

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Zonal statistics are as follows:

Cities covered: Chandigarh, Jaipur, Lucknow, Ludhiana & New Delhi

Cities covered: Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Cochin, Mangalore, Manipal & Vizag

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Cities covered: Ahmedabad, Indore, Jabalpur, Mumbai, Nasik & Pune

Cities covered: Guwahati, Jamshedpur, Kolkata, Patna & Ranchi

• 36% of the people in North Zone had no clue as to what Blogging was.

• East and South Zone had the highest number of regular blog readers. (Active
bloggers + Readers + Readers without blogs themselves) at 47% and 46%

• Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai are the 3 leading cities in India when it comes
to blogging.

• Pune has the highest number of bloggers who are students which is pretty
predictable because of its massive student population.

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What do Indians read online?

Results at the national level:

• It was disappointing as well as predictable to see that ‘Email only’ is the most
favored answer. 34% of the people mostly read only their Email.
• 21% of the people said ‘Nothing specific’. Remarkably the most reply was
Reading and searching for relevant material for School / College projects and
other education related reasons.
• 19% of the people go to online gadget review sites as these came out as the most
popular followed by Technology related blogs.
• The study gave clear idea about the increasing penetration of blogging in India
and its possible impact on advertising on such platforms.

For the purpose of secondary data search again blogs on motorbike ‘Hero-Honda
Karizma’ were searched and it was found that there were more than 10 serious blogs
dedicated to motoring out of which 2-3 specifically spoke about the bike in question. The
blog site was selected for further analysis.

The content on the blogs was as follows:

• Review of old as well as new models of ‘Hero-Honda Karizma’.

• User views and comments on:

 Looks and styling of the bike.

 The riding comfort.
 The handling characteristics.
 The fuel efficiency and engine performance of the bike.

There were also overall ratings for the bike as well as some drawbacks and flaws that the
users encountered.

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Blogs have become a means by which new ideas and information spreads rapidly on the
web. They often discuss the latest trends and echo with reactions on different events in
the world. The collective wisdom present on the blogosphere is invaluable for market
researchers and companies launching new products. In fact, advertisers are already
realizing the potential of blogs in influencing buying decisions of their target audience.
Often when a buyer is interested in purchasing a product, blogs offer free and frank
customer reviews.

Many startups have pitched pre-launch and beta version of their products to various
bloggers with the hope that their reviews would create a buzz on the blogosphere and
bring more attention to their company. Companies like Wal-mart are now trying to win
back public opinion on their corporate policies by providing bloggers with exclusive
news and inviting them for visits. Even the US Department of Defense is now reaching
out to hundreds of bloggers with more information about its counter-terrorism initiatives.

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Primary Data Analysis

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Primary Survey:

Objectives of the project:

The two key objectives of this project were:

1. To find out the impact of popular Social Media i.e. Blogs and Social Networking
Sites on purchase decisions of Adult Indian Consumer.

2. To find out the primary reasons for which the Adult Indian Consumer goes to
popular Social Media i.e. Blogs and Social Networking Sites.

This helped in determining the scope and methodology for the project as described

Scope of the project:

The project includes the following key aspects:

1. Profiling of the Indian adult consumer who is also an active internet user.

2. Explore whether the consumer’s purchase decision is influenced by popular Social

Media i.e. Blogs and Social Networking Sites.

3. Determining the factors that are likely to influence the consumer purchase
decisions viz a viz popular social media.

4. Analyze the future potential of such media for the promotions of products &

Limitations of the project:

The following limitations came to the fore after the completion of the analysis:

1. The sample size in the focus group discussion was not the representative of the
sample size in primary survey since in FGD the participants belonged to IBS
Hyderabad Campus while in the primary survey the respondents belonged to
different cities.

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2. Due to the above mentioned reason it might be possible that the list of factors that
influence the consumer purchase decisions might not be exhaustive.

3. Almost all the respondents were Post graduates in various fields such as
management, pharmacy & so on. This narrows down the scope of the research as
in the overall population adult consumers consist of many people who are
businessmen or even simple graduates who are active users of SNS & Blogs.

Focused group discussions:

Two focused group discussions were carried out on the IBS Hyderabad Campus in order
to find out whether the consumer purchase decisions are influenced by popular social
media & what are the various factors that are influence the same?

Two panels of 7 & 8 participants were made for this purpose where the moderator gave
the participants structured topics for discussion in order to bring about useful insights.
The observer noted down the key insights & topics from the group discussion.

After the FGDs it was found out that the consumer purchase decisions were indeed
influenced by popular social media. The various factors that were likely to influence the
consumer purchase decisions that came to the forefront were:

1. Good review about the product or service.

2. No of reviews about the product or service.

3. Expert opinion about the product or service.

4. Popularity of SNS or Blogs.

5. Information available on Company owned SNS or blogs which makes the product
or service.

6. Frequency of visiting the SNS or Blogs.

7. Credibility of the information on SNS or Blogs.

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Pilot Survey
Based on the information obtained from FGDs, an initial Questionnaire was designed. In
order to obtain further information for designing the INDEX questionnaire and also test
the appropriateness of some questions, the questionnaire was administered to 20
respondents in IBS Hyderabad Campus. The choice of respondents was such that it
included a mix of age, educational background and other demographic variables. Some
parameters that were evaluated during the pilot survey are as follows:

• Whether the list of variables generated was exhaustive.

• Redundancies, if any.

• The ease of answering questions & proper comprehension.

Sampling criteria:

The following criteria for inclusion were looked upon while following a random sampling

• Those who were in the age group of 20-35 years were included.

• Those who had access to internet in their daily routine were included.

• Those who visited the SNS & blogs were a part of the respondents for analysis.

The following criteria for exclusion were looked upon while following a random
sampling method:

• Those who were not in the age group of 20-35 years were excluded.

• Those who did not have access to internet in their daily routine were excluded.

• Those who did not visit the SNS & blogs were not a part of the respondents for

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Final Survey:

Having completed the pilot study the questionnaire was redesigned to incorporate
psychographic questions and other questions related to frequency of using the SNS &
Blogs. At the same time certain unimportant variables identified during the pilot survey
were eliminated or clubbed together to bring it to a manageable size.

This questionnaire was administered on a select set of 110 respondents based on random
sampling with the help of online survey portal The link to the
questionnaire was sent to the respondents through email or chat applications & they were
also requested to ask a couple of their friends to take the survey.

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Demographic profile:

The respondents of the survey had the following characteristics:

• 76% were male while remaining 24% were female respondents i.e. male: female
ratio was 1: 3.

• It was found out that more proportion of males (63% of 76%) than females (45%
of 24%) were active visitors of SNS.

• Frequency of visiting blogs was also more in males than in females. However,
females had a higher percentage of ownership of own blogs as compared to males.

• More proportion of Engineers were found to be visiting SNS & Blogs than people
of other educational backgrounds.

Figure 1: Gender & Educational Background

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Gender of the

Frequency of visits: SNS & Blogs

The question pertaining to the frequency of visits to the SNS & Blogs resulted in the
following figures:

• 53% of the respondents visited at least one SNS daily while 22% visited a SNS
once in a week.

• In case of Blogs the frequency was almost opposite with 66% of the respondents
visiting a Blog only once a week while only 10% visited a Blog daily.

The above figure clearly shows that most of the young adults are more likely to get more
influenced by something on the SNS than on a blog. Moreover, secondary data analysis
showed that blogging is primarily considered as a medium to express personal views
which might be biased. This shows that concept of blogging has yet to pick up among the
adult population in India.

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Figure 2: Frequency of visits to SNS & Blogs

Frequencyof visit to social

once a week
once a week
twice a week

everyday twice a thrice a week

53% week
a everyday

Frequencyof visit to blogs

Thrice a week Once a week
Twice a week
Twice a week Thrice a week
Once a week

No of users: SNS & Blogs

The responses pertaining to the membership of SNS & ownership of blogs showed that:

• Orkut had the highest no of members among the sample size, with 105
respondents having their profile on the mentioned SNS.

• Facebook had the next highest no of members among the respondents at 56 while
other SNS especially the professional network Linkdin had the next highest
members at 49.

• 62% of the respondents did not own a blog while only 11% are owners of a blog.
However, 27% of the respondents plan to start a blog soon in future.

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The responses showed that most of the people want to be and are at one or the other SNS
with fairly large no (42%) having their profile pages on more than one SNS. The trend of
popularity of SNS in India has not been reflected in the current sample size as according
to the secondary data there are more no of users of Facebook than Orkut in the Indian

Figure 3: No of users- SNS & Blogs

ownershipof blogs
yes, 11% yes

planning to
planning start soon
no, 62% to start
soon, no

150 Facebook,Orkut, 105 Facebook

100 56 others, 49
Myspace, 13 bigadda,
yaari, 0 18 Myspace
0 Orkut





Reasons for visiting SNS & Blogs:

The primary reasons attributed to the visits to SNS & Blogs were to remain in touch with
friends & relatives (88/110) & to know about common man’s views (74/110). Fairly
considerable amount of respondents (37%) felt that SNS & Blogs is a more customer
specific media vehicle. Reasonably good amount of respondents (27%) felt that SNS &

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Blogs are a media where you can get excusive & faster information as compared to
traditional media.

Figure 4: Drivers for SNS & Blog visits

Common man's
90 views, 74
70 41
50 33
30 Connectivity
20 Get exclusive news
0 Faster Information
Connectivity Common man's views
specific media vehicle

The figures obtained clearly show that the adult consumers apart from communicating
through SNS & Blogs also obtain information which they perceive as quick & not
available on the traditional media. This gives an insight to the consumer usage pattern of
the SNS & Blogs for the purpose of information. This can be profitably tapped in order to
make consumers aware of a company’s products & services by actively engaging the
consumers in product related SNS or Blog activity.

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Confirmatory Factor Analysis:

After obtaining eight influential factors for consumer purchase decisions through FGD,
the respondents of the INDEX questionnaire were asked to rate these factors on a Likert
Scale from 1 to 5. Where 1 meant completely agree & 5 meant completely disagree.

The responses were analyzed by factor analysis using SPSS to know whether these
factors are really influencing the consumer purchase decisions. The formulation of Null
Hypothesis was as follows:

Null Hypothesis; H0 = H1

Null Hypothesis; there is no influence of SNS & Blogs on consumer purchase decisions.

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of
Sampling Adequacy.

Bartlett's Test of Approx. Chi-

Sphericity Square
df 21
Sig. .000

KMO measure showed that the sample size used for the survey was adequate since the
result figures were .778 & figures above .5 are considered to be adequate. The Null
Hypothesis was proved wrong since the Chi square test had values above 100 & 0.0%
significance level.


Null Hypothesis; H0 = H1

This means that SNS & Blogs do influence the consumer purchase decisions in some way
or the other. The factors that were chosen after the FGD were tested for the variance
levels & results were obtained. The results showed that cumulatively 64% of variance

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was shown by two factors alone. This means that there are two broad factors that are
influencing the consumer purchase decisions out of the eight factors obtained by FGD.

Total Variance Explained

Extraction Sums of Rotation Sums of
Initial Eigenvalues Squared Loadings Squared Loadings
% of % of % of
Compone Varianc Cumulativ Varianc Cumulativ Varianc Cumulativ
nt Total e e% Total e e% Total e e%
1 3.25 3.25 2.71
46.505 46.505 46.505 46.505 38.718 38.718
5 5 0
2 1.22 1.22 1.77
17.506 64.011 17.506 64.011 25.293 64.011
5 5 1
3 .799 11.420 75.431
4 .540 7.720 83.151
5 .451 6.448 89.599
6 .393 5.620 95.220
7 .335 4.780 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal
Component Analysis.

Component matrix results:

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In this part of the analysis values less than .7 were considered unimportant & were not
included in the matrix. Component matrix results showed that there were only two factors
that had influence on the consumer purchase decisions. Good review about the product or
service definitely had an influence on the purchase decisions while company owned SNS
& blogs also had a significant effect in consumer purchase decisions.

The component matrix yielded a third factor that was a combination of No of reviews,
popularity of the SNS & Blog & Credibility of the SNS & Blog which in itself were not
regarded by SPSS as individual factors. These factors were shown to have a combined
effect on consumer purchase decisions.

Component Matrixa
1 2
gr .8
nor .72
cre .7
pop .7
cob .797
Extraction Method:
Principal Component
a. 2 components extracted.
All these cannot be measured as separate entities and are not independent of each other.
Thus there has to be another entity that will measure the influence of these factors.
Detailed & separate research will have to be carried out in order to find out the
underlying entity that influences these three. This is beyond the scope of the research
therefore it was not researched in detail.

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Since all the three are related to the no of users or subscribers of a particular SNS or a
blog directly or indirectly; these three factors can be clubbed to make one influencing
factor that can be called ‘Known subscriber base of the SNS & Blog’. Therefore after
confirmatory factor analysis only three factors out of the initial eight were found to be
influencing the consumer purchase decisions indicating that SNS & blogs to some extent
do influence consumer purchase decisions in today’s marketplace.

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• The study has shown that consumer purchase decisions are influenced by the
SNS & Blogs.

• Among the consumers Men more than women are likely to be influenced by
the SNS & Blogs in their purchase decisions.

• Consumers with applied or technical education are more likely to go to the

SNS & Blogs in order to read a product review. These are also the people who
are more likely to get influenced by reviews on such social media.

• More than half of those who go to SNS visit it daily giving an opportunity to
the marketers to promote their products & services through this media since
the exposure to the promotion would be at least once a day per person. This is
not the case with other media since a consumer is less likely to switch onto a
TV or Radio while working in office as compared to visiting his or her profile
page on the SNS in working hours.

• Reading blogs has yet to catch up with the adult consumer in India as more
than half of the respondents of the survey read blogs only once in a week. This
implies that Blogs are still way too far in terms of reach as compared to SNS.
This gives limited opportunity to marketers to promote their products through
such vehicles.

• More than 95% of the respondents have a profile page on Orkut indicating the
clear popularity of the SNS among the Adult consumers in India. This gives a
very good opportunity for the marketers to promote their products & services
through this SNS. However, according to the secondary data available on the
public domain, Facebook leads Orkut by means of no of users.

• SNS & blogs are fulfilling the primitive need of human beings to stay in touch
with their friends & relatives by giving them a medium to get connected
cheaply. Another tendency of human beings to know what others are doing is
also fulfilled by such mediums as they provide open access to other people’s
profile pages & communities as well.

• People also go to such mediums in order to find out what is new & what
others have to say about a product or a service. Thus tapping ‘collective
wisdom’ for free!

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For companies, the single most important implication of this survey is that they have to
understand the role of Social Media in their particular industry. How much do customers
in their industry rely on web information? If the rate is low, that probably means the right
online marketplace hasn't yet been created for their industry. This may be a right
opportunity for the company that creates the best marketplace in a category usually gets
the lead. The example of speaks volumes of the stated fact.

Even if Social Media’s influence in the industry is relatively low, you'll still have a lot of
customers making decisions based on the user comments they see online. Most of those
comments will be generated by a small percentage of users, who the company can easily
identify and court. Since the people posting comments online are also the most
enthusiastic web users, the company can use social media to reach out to them and make
sure their needs are met. In the age of viral marketing companies have to be more
cautious & innovative.

Some companies have communities of users online as was seen in the case of community
for ‘Hero-Honda Karizma’ on Orkut; others are trying to market through online
communities as is the case with MTV networks making theme for Orkut & some are
trying to build communities of their own. In all cases, the companies need to understand
what type of community they are dealing with.

Online communities have started to fill the gap left by the fragmentation of offline social
groups, brought about by changing living and working patterns, and this need is growing

The rise in corporate communities is a strong indication of the fact that communities
work. The use of tried and tested technology, an understanding of online psychology and
the experience built up by constantly engaging in promotion of products & services
through such media is going to be the name of the game for future.

The main challenge now is how to make money from community, and there are
successful revenue streams already being created from some communities of practice.
Considering the fact that communities are thriving in the current climate of fierce
competition & imitation, the future looks very bright for the companies who want to put
their money at the right place!

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Appendix I
Questionnaire for Primary Survey:

• Personal details: Name, Age, Sex, Educational qualification & e mail id.

1. Do you have access to internet connection in your daily routine?

a) Yes.

b) No.

2. How frequently do you visit Social networking sites?

a) Once a week.

b) Twice a week.

c) Thrice a week.

d) Every day.

3. How frequently do you visit Blogs?

a) Once a week.

b) Twice a week.

c) Thrice a week.

d) Every day.

4. You have an account on?

a) Facebook.

b) Myspace.

c) Orkut.


e) Big adda.

f) Others please mention.

5. Do you have your own Blog?

a) Yes.

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b) Planning to start soon!

c) No.

6. You go to SNS &/or Blogs to:

a) Stay in touch with friends & relatives.

b) You get news which you don’t get anywhere else.

c) Get information faster.

d) Know about common people’s views.

e) It is more personal than other mass media.

7. Kindly rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5 where:

• 1 is completely agree.

• 2 is slightly agree.

• 3 is can’t say or neutral.

• 4 is slightly disagree.

• 5 is completely disagree.

The following factors influence the decision of consumers when they are buying a
product/service after reading about it on a SNS &/or Blog:

1 2 3 4 5
Daily internet
Good review
about the
Bad review
about the
No of reviews
good or bad
(e.g. 40 good
reviews & only
5 bad reviews)
Expert opinion

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about the
Credibility of
information on
Popularity of
available on
which makes

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