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Business Ethics & Corporate Governance


The ITC Vision & Mission

The ITC Vision
Sustain ITC's position as one of India's most valuable corporations through world class performance, creating growing value for the Indian economy and the Companys stakeholders.

The ITC Mission

To enhance the wealth generating capability of the enterprise in a globalizing environment, delivering superior and sustainable stakeholder value.

Code of Conduct
Applicable to all directors, senior management and employees of the Company

ITCs Code of Conduct was circulated to the employees more than five years back and is posted on the Companys corporate website. This Code has now been re-drafted for better presentation. This Code is derived from three interlinked fundamental principles, viz. good corporate governance, good corporate citizenship and exemplary personal conduct.

ITC is a professionally managed organization and the core value underlying our corporate philosophy is "trusteeship". We believe this organization has been handed to us by the various stakeholders in "trust" and we as professionals are the "trustees" of these stakeholders. It is therefore our responsibility to ensure that the organization is managed in a manner that protects and furthers the interests of our stakeholders. We recognize society as an important stakeholder in this enterprise and therefore it is part of our responsibility to practise good corporate citizenship. It is also our belief that in order to serve the interests of our stakeholders in perpetuity, we must build ITC into an institution whose dynamism and vitality are anchored in its core values.

Corporate Governance Policy

The Corporate Governance Policy is the apex level instrument guiding conduct of the affairs of the Company and clearly delineates the roles, responsibilities and authorities of the key entities in the governance structure of the Company. This Code forms an integral part of the Companys Governance Policy. The directors, senior management and employees must adhere to the Corporate Governance Policy of the Company.


Good Corporate Citizenship

In the conduct of the Companys business, the practice of good corporate citizenship is a prerequisite and embraces the following: Dealing with People in the Organisation In dealing with each other, directors, senior management and employees shall uphold the values which are at the core of our HR Philosophy - trust, teamwork, mutuality and collaboration, meritocracy, objectivity, self respect and human dignity. Indeed, these values form the basis of our HR management systems and processes. In selection and recruitment, while meritocracy will be a prime criterion, managers will scrupulously consider all factors that go towards securing the interests of the Company. ITC will focus on meritocracy, equity and upholding of Company values in all people processes including performance management systems, appraisals, remuneration and rewards. A Gender Friendly Workplace As a good corporate citizen, ITC is committed to a gender friendly workplace. It seeks to enhance equal opportunities for men and women, prevent/stop/redress sexual harassment at the workplace and institute good employment practices. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexually determined behaviour such as: unwelcome physical contact; a demand or request for sexual favours; sexually coloured remarks; showing pornography and any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature. ITC maintains an open door for reportees; encourages employees to report any harassment concerns and is responsive to employee complaints about harassment or other unwelcome and offensive conduct. A Grievance Committee on Gender Issues has been constituted to enquire into complaints and to recommend appropriate action, wherever required. ITC demands, demonstrates and promotes professional behaviour and respectful treatment of all employees. Relationships with Suppliers and Customers All directors, senior management and employees shall ensure that in their dealings with suppliers and customers, the Companys interests are never compromised. Accepting gifts and presents of more than a nominal value, gratuity payments and other payments from suppliers or customers will be viewed as serious breach of discipline as this could lead to compromising the Companys interests. Legal Compliance It is the Companys policy to comply fully with all applicable laws and regulations. Ensuring legal and regulatory compliance is the responsibility of the Chief Executives of the Businesses and the Divisional Management Committees. The Company cannot accept practices which are unlawful or may be damaging to its reputation. Divisional Management Committees must satisfy themselves that sound and adequate arrangements exist to ensure that they comply with the legal and regulatory requirements impacting each business and identify and respond to developments in the regulatory environment in which they operate. In the event the implication of any law is not clear, the Companys Legal Department shall be consulted for advice.


Health and Safety The Company attaches great importance to a healthy and safe work environment. ITC is committed to provide good physical working conditions and encourages high standards of hygiene and housekeeping. Particular attention should be paid to training of employees to increase safety awareness and adoption of safe working methods, particularly designed to prevent serious or fatal accidents. Environment Policies The Company believes that commitment to sustainable development is a key component of responsible corporate citizenship and therefore deserves to be accorded the highest priority. Accordingly, the Company is committed to Best Practices in environmental matters arising out of its business activities and expects each business to fully demonstrate this commitment. In addition to complying with applicable laws and regulations, Businesses must establish procedures for assessing the environmental effects of their present and future activities. They should adopt Best Practices in their environmental policies and procedures.

Personal Conduct
All directors, senior management and employees have the obligation to conduct themselves in an honest and ethical manner and act in the best interest of the Company at all times. They are expected to demonstrate exemplary personal conduct through adherence to the following: Avoidance of Conflict of Interest All directors, senior management and employees must avoid situations in which their personal interest could conflict with the interest of the Company. This is an area in which it is impossible to provide comprehensive guidance but the guiding principle is that conflict, if any, or potential conflict must be disclosed to higher management for guidance and action as appropriate. Transparency and Auditability All directors, senior management and employees shall ensure that their actions in the conduct of business are totally transparent except where the needs of business security dictate otherwise. Such transparency shall be brought about through appropriate policies, systems and processes, including as appropriate, segregation of duties, tiered approval mechanism and involvement of more than one manager in key decisions and maintaining supporting records. It shall be necessary to voluntarily ensure that areas of operation are open to audit and the conduct of activities is totally auditable. Protection of Confidential Information No director, senior management and employee shall disclose or use any confidential information gained in the course of employment/ association with the Company for personal gain or for the advantage of any other person. No information either formally or informally shall be provided to the press, other publicity media or any other external agency except within approved policies. Company Facilities No director, senior management and employee shall misuse Company facilities. In the use of Company facilities, care shall be exercised to ensure that costs are reasonable and there is no wastage.


Any waiver of any provision of this Code of Conduct for a director, senior management or employee must be placed for approval before the Companys Board of Directors/ Corporate Management Committee, as appropriate.

Non Adherence
Any instance of non-adherence to the Code of Conduct / any other observed unethical behaviour on the part of those covered under this Code should be brought to the attention of the immediate reporting authority, who shall in turn report the same to the Head of Corporate Human Resources.
* Senior management for the purpose of this Code would mean the following: - Managers at Grade A & its equivalent, and above - Divisional & SBU Chief Executives - Corporate HODs * This Code of Conduct, as adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company on 26th March, 2005, was amended on 29th March, 2006.

Policy on Social Investments / CSR


Inspired by a vision to serve a larger national purpose and abide with the strong value of Trusteeship, ITC has crafted innovative business models to create larger societal capital while simultaneously delivering long term shareholder value. This overarching aspiration to create meaningful societal value is manifest in ITC's strategy to enhance the competitiveness of value chains of which it is a part. It is therefore a conscious strategy to design and implement Social Investments / CSR programmes in the context of ITC's businesses, by enriching value chains that encompass the most disadvantaged sections of society, especially those residing in rural India, through economic empowerment based on grassroots capacity building. Recognizing that business enterprises are economic organs of society and draw on societal resources, it is ITC's belief that a company's performance must be measured by its Triple Bottom Line contribution to building economic, social and environmental capital. ITC is therefore committed to creating larger 'stakeholder value' by aligning its performance to these Triple Bottom Line objectives. As an Indian enterprise, ITC believes that this approach can unleash strong drivers of growth to make it more inclusive and equitable for even the most marginalized sections of society, through the creation of sustainable livelihoods, and to ensure long-term business sustainability and competitiveness.

It is the Company's intent to make a positive difference to society. It recognises that it cannot do it all; so that if there are choices to be made, bias will be towards doing fewer projects with greater impact and focusing initiatives on communities in which the Company lives and operates.



It is ITC's policy:
1. To pursue a corporate strategy that enables realisation of the twin goals of shareholder value enhancement and societal value creation in a mutually reinforcing and synergistic manner. 2. To align and integrate Social Investments / CSR programmes with the business value chains of your Company and make them outcome oriented. To support creation of on and off-farm sustainable livelihood sources thereby empowering stakeholder communities to conserve and manage their resources. 3. To implement Social Investments / CSR programmes primarily in the economic vicinity of your Companys operations with a view to ensuring the long term sustainability of such interventions. 4. To contribute to sustainable development in areas of strategic interest through initiatives designed in a manner that addresses the challenges faced by the Indian society especially in rural India. 5. To collaborate with communities and institutions to contribute to the national mission of eradicating poverty and hunger, especially in rural areas, through agricultural research and knowledge sharing, superior farm and agri-extension practices, soil and moisture conservation and watershed management, conservation and development of forest resources, empowering women economically, supplementing primary education and participating in rural capacity building programmes and such other initiatives. 6. To align your Companys operations with the national objective of inclusive growth and employment generation by leveraging your Companys diversified portfolio, manufacturing bases, supply chains and distribution channels, to infuse an appropriate mix of capital and technology to further social business initiatives such as e-Choupal, animal husbandry, agarbatti rolling etc. and support organisations / institutions engaged in building linkages with local, regional and urban communities and markets. 7. To sustain and continuously improve standards of Environment, Health and Safety through the collective endeavour of your Company and its employees at all levels towards attaining world class standards and support other programmes and initiatives, internal or external, for the prevention of illness and combating of diseases as may be considered appropriate from time to time. 8. To encourage the development of human capital of the Nation by expanding human capabilities through skills development, vocational training etc. and by promoting excellence in identified cultural fields.


The GSK Vision & Mission

The GSK Vision
We want to become the indisputable leader in our industry - not simply in terms of size, but in how we use that size to achieve our mission and improve the quality of human life. Becoming the indisputable leader in our industry means conquering the challenges that face us as an industry, and as a global society.

The GSK Mission

Our global quest is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. They at GSK dedicate ourselves to delivering innovative products that help millions of people around the world live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Code of Conduct (Corporate Governance)

Corporate governance guidelines and best practices have evolved over a period of time. Over the past decade, various countries have issued recommendations for corporate governance. Compliance with these is generally not mandated by law, although codes that are linked to stock exchanges sometimes have a mandatory content. Timely and accurate disclosure of information regarding the financial situation, performance, ownership and governance of the company is an important part of corporate governance. This improves public understanding of the structure, activities and policies of the organization. Consequently, the organization is able to attract investors, and to enhance the trust and confidence of the stakeholders.

GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare Limited, an associate of GlaxoSmithKline plc. is committed to adopting the best global practices of Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance envisages commitment of the Company towards the attainment of high levels of transparency, accountability and business prosperity with the ultimate objective of realizing long term shareholder value, whilst taking into account the interest of all other stakeholders for wealth creation. GSKCH has always endorsed the principles of good corporate governance and has endeavored to follow these principles in their true letter and spirit. The Board of the Company, which is charged with the responsibility of ensuring true corporate governance, is always striving to ensure that the management protects the long-term interests of all the stakeholders of the company. The Company operates on the philosophy that a well-informed and independent board is necessary to ensure the highest standards of corporate governance. Broadly, the Company's corporate governance philosophy is based on the following principles:

Management should act as the trustee of the shareholders' capital and not as the owner. Satisfy the letter and spirit of the law and ensure 100% compliance with all the applicable laws of the land. The Company believes that the corporate governance standards should go beyond the law. Maintain high degree of disclosure levels to ensure transparency in functioning. Communicate externally about the company's internal functioning, in a truthful manner.

In order to infuse independence, the Chairman of the Board is a Non Executive Director and it has five


independent directors out of a total of twelve Directors. The Company has an Audit Committee comprising of three members all of whom are independent directors. All the members of the committee possess sound financial and accounting knowledge. The Finance Director, the concerned partners of the Statutory Auditors and the Cost Auditors are permanent invites to the Audit Committee meetings. Apart from the Audit Committee, the Company has also formed a Remuneration Committee which comprises of three members, two of whom are independent Directors. The role of the Remuneration Committee is to determine the Company's policy on all elements of remuneration of all the Directors including Non Executive Directors. The Committee also reviews all other aspects of benefits and compensation to employees throughout the Company including policies on the same. In addition, the Company has an Investors Grievance Committee which comprises of 3 members of which 2 are Independent Directors. The Committee looks into the timely and satisfactory redressal of the grievances of the shareholders. This Committee also ensures compliance with all applicable rules, regulations and guidelines prescribed by SEBI and the Stock Exchanges. The Committee also attends to the investor correspondence expeditiously and usually a reply is sent within three days of receipt. The Company also provides periodic and timely information to the shareholders. Half yearly reports are provided to the shareholders on a request being made in this regard. Wide publicity is accorded to the Quarterly results which are published in widely circulated English daily and a Punjabi daily in due compliance with the requirements of the Listing Agreements. The Company also has its own official press releases to various newspapers through its Public Relations agency. The shares of the Company are listed on the Mumbai Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange, the two exchanges which have extensive network of trading terminals that facilitates smooth trading by members / investors across the country.

Corporate Social Responsibility

They are a research-based pharmaceutical company. Their mission is to improve the quality of human life by enabling people to do more, feel better and live longer. They believe that through our business They make a valuable contribution to society by developing and marketing medicines which improve people's lives. Our philosophy is to target support to selected programs that are innovative, sustainable and which produce tangible results. CSR in India They follow the rationale that They are linked closely to the communities in which They operate- locally, nationally or globally. They cannot exist in isolation. All our actions are focused around this feeling of being centered. Our stated mission statement is "To lend a helping hand to the underserved in our society through the support of women, children and the aged in the areas of health and education." Implementing this philosophy in spirit, They make a positive contribution to the communities in which They operate, and invest in health and education programs and partnerships that aim to bring sustainable improvements to underserved people. core value - They care Being a premier pharmaceutical company in the country, GSK's core value is to be a good corporate citizen. It is committed to the communities in which it works. Support to the community through various social development initiatives is the way through which it invests in society. This is done by supporting social projects in partnership with not for profit organizations both in rural and urban areas. Our initiatives are primarily focused towards women, children and the aged and are directed in the areas of Health, Education and Livelihood. They believe that these areas are related and of direct concern to GSK. If there is proper education, one will eventually learn to be hygienic, and if one is hygienic, will one remain healthy. The organization facilitates in educating masses on good practices of healthy living. At GlaxoSmithKline India, the activities towards community development are taken care by Corporate Social Responsibility Cell attached to the Corporate Communications Department. Since 1970, the Company has been implementing various social activities in the field apart from statutory ones. The following initiatives are being carried through the company's Corporate Social Responsibility cell situated at its Head Office in Mumbai. What They do They provide money, medicines, time and equipment to non-profit organizations to help improve health and education in underserved communities. They focus on programs that are 'innovative, sustainable and bring real benefits to those most in need'.


Rural projects
Tribal welfare projects in Peth Taluka, Nashik, Maharashtra GSK India undertakes a number of Rural Development initiatives through its trust GRAMIN AAROGYA VIKAS SANSTHA (GAVS), a Rural Health Development Organization. GAVS is a registered public charitable trust established and promoted by the heritage company Glaxo India in April 1997. Tribal population in India is over 84 million. They constitute roughly 8 percent of India's population. Tribals are socioeconomically disadvantaged and marginalized groups. Most tribes are concentrated in heavily forested areas that combine inaccessibility with limited political or economic significance. Tribals have been accorded special status in the constitution and there are several schemes designed for their upliftment. However, a number of these schemes are poorly implemented and there has not been much improvement in their status. Even today, the tribal population lags substantially behind in terms of education and health. When we talk of social development for Tribal population, health is a major component in it. These tribal people live in remote villages in hilly, forested or desert areas. There are no formal education systems, no health care centres and no proper road and means of transportation. Malnutrition is prominent and there is no access to safe drinking water and sanitation. Thus having diseases is inevitable and women and children being the most vulnerable suffer the most. As a part of its Rural Tribal Development mission, GAVS collected primary data from 92 villages in Peth Tehsil / Block near Nashik in the year 2005. Peth is the smallest Tehsil / Block in the district; it occupies 3.63% of the district. The tribal population in Nashik falls amongst the 10% of the total Tribal population (7.4 million) in the state of Maharashtra. The research was conducted with the objective of getting authentic, first-hand information on health and education status in the area thereby identifying the most underserved village communities, which needed Company's support. Based on the data analysis, a few clusters of villages were identified for providing basic healthcare facilities. The project began in the year 2005 in partnership with Nirmaya Health Foundation in 150 villages in Peth Tehsil / Block of Nashik District. The project runs on an objective of providing primary level curative and preventive health services in this tribal area. Project also lays emphasis on health seeking behaviour in the areas of Tobacco deaddiction, Nutrition, common illnesses with a special emphasis on different types of fevers and diseases of joints, HIV/AIDS infections, skin diseases, Tuberculosis, water-borne diseases and Respiratory Tract Infections, etc. Mobile clinics with doctor and trained health facilitator visit 150 villages every week to provide curatives services. Multi-specialty health camps are also organized to cater to special needs like cataract operations, administering Tetnus injections, gynaecology related issues, haemoglobin check- up camps etc. Training and awareness sessions are conducted in villages to mobilize people towards health and hygiene. The project has also created a cadre of Health facilitators within the communities and has formed a referral network for admission and treatment of patients through other secondary and tertiary level government and private Health care facilities in Nashik. Over 1.26 lakhs villagers have benefited by this healthcare initiative directly or indirectly. Yuva Parivartan - GSK Livelihood Training Centres: Peth Taluka, Nashik, Maharashtra As a part of its sustainable livelihood programme, GSK through GAVS in partnership with Mumbai based not for profit organization Kherwadi Social Welfare is also running Vocational Training centers in Peth Taluka, Nashik since 2008. The project is undertaken with a long term objective of imparting specialized skills and making the unemployed youths more employable / self-reliant. Training are provided in the areas of computer literacy, tailoring, beauty, wireman/ electrician, agriculture productivity, motor training, nursing assistance, etc. Nearly 2500 youths have been trained and a number of them are currently gainfully employed. This initiative to a certain extent has helped in curtailing the seasonal migration in the region. Shelter home for children - Behraich, Uttar Pradesh In 2008, GSK India in collaboration with Pratham, a Non Government Organization, started a Shelter home for children under the age of 16. The program aims at preventing migration of children for work in bigger in cities and increasing access to quality primary education for children. The Shelter home is located in the eastern part of India at Behraich, Lucknow, which is one of the highest child sending regions in the country. This project supports 50 children by way of providing them education, food and shelter in addition to psycho-social support. GSK and Pratham are also actively involved in community level intervention and advocacy initiatives on the issue of Child labour in about 226 villages of Behraich. For advocacy, Pratham had identified two most vulnerable blocks in the district Huzupura & Vishweshwarganj. "School Chalo Abhiyan" was organized to enroll these out of school children and around 470 were enrolled into the formal educational system. Besides this activity, child rights sessions were conducted in the schools. A District Child Welfare Committee has also been established. With active participation of Government officials, Childline 1098 and Child helpline 1077 were also initiated to protect child exploitation in any form. Healthcare project, Institute for Indian Mother and Child, Kolkata: In 2009, GSK India extended its support to The Institute for Indian Mother & Child (IIMC) a non-governmental voluntary organization, committed to promote child & maternal health and literacy. IIMC runs Outdoor, Indoor & Maternity centers in remote and most backward areas of West Bengal where people do not have access to basic healthcare and medical facilities. This project was started with an objective of providing primary health care services to the villagers and to support prenatal, neonatal and postnatal care for mother and child of the rural areas as they are most vulnerable to


reproductive and child health care problems. Deformities, Premature babies, malnutrition like Kwashiorkor and Marrusmas were the common phenomena prior to the project. The project helps to provide supplementary nutrition mixed diet to all pregnant, lactating and weaning mothers along with their newborns. Create awareness amongst mothers through education and programs. It also tries to reduce maternal mortality rate by training Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) for safe child birth. Through this project IIMC has been able to cover 950 villages while catering to 300 mothers and 26000 malnourished children. Community College Program: Haryana The Company backed one more long-term unique project to set up a community college at Naya Gaon, Gurgaon to empower rural youths. This project was initiated in 2010 in partnership with Navjyoti India Foundation (NIF) founded by Dr. Kiran Bedi. The objective of this community college is to provide transformative, personal and skill based education to the marginalized and disadvantaged thereby enhancing employability and self reliance. Through this Community College the beneficiaries are registered to various need based as well as skill based academic programmes of IGNOU. GSK India supports the Community College project by providing education to 1000 rural youths to acquire specific knowledge or skills to make them self reliant. Residential shelter home for boys in Jodhpur, Rajasthan Following the success of the residential shelter home in Behraich, the Company decided to support another programme on similar lines in association with its NGO partner, Pratham in Jodhpur in the year 2010. Jodhpur is home to a large number of street children trying to earn a living on railway stations or by begging at tourist places. These children live in dire conditions and are often addicted to solvents. Most of them are from Jodhpur or come from nearby states lured by the tourist city's promise. Pratham has been working with children in the slums of Jodhpur since 2006. The program began with 10 contact centers in Jodhpur, which reached out to the working and out-of-school children. In a year's, time all the children were mainstreamed in formal schools and that led to the establishment of credibility among the various Government departments. The idea of setting up of a residential shelter for boys in Jodhpur is one part of an intervention in the undeserved community. This shelter home supported by GSK India renders residential support to nearly 50 vulnerable children belonging to this region with the following specific objectives:

Non formal education to help the children achieve basic competencies Mainstreaming the boys under 12 years of age into formal schools Providing the boys over 12 years of age with at least one pre-vocational skill Teaching basic computer literacy Ensuring good mental and physical health Conducting extracurricular activities: for attitudinal and behavioural changes

Project for early detection of Cancer with Bhakti Vedanta Hospital: Mira Road, Mumbai As part of its effort to reach out to the needy communities, GSK supported a new project embarked by Sri Chaitnaya Welfare Trust's Bhaktivedanta Hospital in 2010. This project envisages supporting patients at the grass root level in the area of early detection and prevention of cancer. The area of focus is primarily those where services of cancer surgeons / oncology specialists are not available. Primary prevention, identification / treatment and education are seen as the most cost effective program, since it aims to reduce the incidence of cancer by risk factor modification (like anti-tobacco campaign, etc). Through this project camps are held in remote areas of Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. Around 80-100 patients are screened in a day at a particular camp. Overall, the trust has screened screen around 10000 patients through this initiative and the patients who need further investigation are provided treatment at the hospital itself or are referred to other hospitals. Under this programme, by December 2011, 190 camps were conducted where around 10000 patients have been screened, 1849 were suspected with cancer. Out of these 1849 patients, the hospital has operated upon 248 patients thereby helping them to cure their cancer.


Urban projects
Primary Healthcare Centre in garbage dumping ground - Deonar, Mumbai GSK India runs a medical centre in Deonar Dumping Ground, the biggest dumping ground in Mumbai. This center provides Primary healthcare facilities and quality health education to the children who are rag pickers and their families who work in and around the dumping ground. This project is implemented in collaboration with Niramaya Health Foundation. It was found that in addition to the basically unhygienic environment, children in the age group of 5 to 14 are exposed to waste substances like used needles, syringes, medical equipments, un-segregated garbage, etc. Due to these conditions there were frequent injuries and long term infections like respiratory problems and skin diseases. The problems and health issues in this area were largely neglected; hence the Company stepped in and decided to support this cause. With the help of Niramaya Health Foundation, GSK runs a comprehensive health care programme for the community to improve the quality of their life. This is achieved through providing better primary healthcare services, supplementary nutrition to curtail anemia/ nutritional deficiencies. A cadre of peer educators has been created to conduct health sessions and awareness programmes. With GSK's support for 3 years now, there is an overall improvement in their health status in the given unhygienic environment. With the total beneficiaries being around 15000 the services have been of great help to these otherwise neglected communities in Mumbai. Additionally, regular camps for immunization, eye camps, HB estimation camps are conducted. Rehabilitation of Paraplegic patients: Mumbai GSK has rendered it support to Paraplegic foundation's project that works towards the rehabilitation and self sustenance of paraplegic patients. This project provides a "Half Way Home" for paraplegic patients discharged from hospitals but requires need based centre for total rehabilitation through physical treatment, medicines and protein rich meals. Stay arrangements are done for both patient and their relative. The project facilitates the patient's acceptance by his family and aims at boosting his morale to face life with selfconfidence. A holistic approach in treatment and rehabilitation through spiritual, cultural and sports activities are used to build patients self-confidence, physical and mental development. They are given professional medical help and treatment which include physiotherapy, acupressure, acupuncture, andrological treatment, occupational therapy. Training in vocational skills are also provided under this project for patients after total health rehabilitation is done. They are trained to prepare products like sanitary napkins, liquid soaps, etc. These products are sold at 22 stalls managed by the physically challenged people at Municipal maternity homes and hospitals. The products are carried on tricycle by rehabilitated beneficiaries. Different gift articles for festival and special occasions are also made under this programme. Rehabilitation of cancer patients: Mumbai In 2011, GSK India extended its support to Indian Cancer Society's rehabilitation of cancer patient's project. The project aims at building a sense of dignity of the patients suffering with cancer. The rehabilitation programme takes into account the needs of a patient from the beginning of treatment until he returns home. It offers a source of livelihood along with occupational therapy and counselling to the cancer patients encouraging them to believe that life after cancer is normal as it can be. Training is provided to cancer patients undergoing treatment as well to cancer survivors in various vocational skills so as to help them lead a dignified, independent and useful life without being a burden to their family or society. Medical aid and assistance and nutritional supplements are also provided for regaining good health Palliative care for critically ill cancer patients: Bangalore In India, cancer hospitals are overcrowded and preference is given to those patients whose disease has a scope for control and cure, either through surgery, chemotherapy or radiation or a combination of the three. Several terminally ill cancer patients, on account of poverty, ignorance and total lack of basic facilities, do not receive the required medical and nursing care. The very nature of the disease causes severe pre-terminal and terminal pain and unless the required dosages of medicines are administered continuously in the right quantities and at appropriate intervals, the quality of the remaining life of the patient is very low. More than 80% of patients come for treatment when the disease has spread to regional nodes or beyond. Lack of awareness, inadequate access to proper diagnostic facilities, sub-optimal economic conditions and fear lead to a large number of patients presenting themselves at an advanced stage of the disease. In fact, in some ways, this stage in the life of the patient is the most critical because he is no longer under active medical (curative) care and has been discharged from a hospital and sent home where no facilities are available to the patient. It is against this background GSK backed, Bangalore Hospice Trust project to provide palliative care for critically ill cancer patients to make a positive difference in their lives in their last days. Mid-day Meal project: Mumbai GSK India has been supporting the Mid-day meal program implemented by ISKCON Food Relief Foundation for Municipal school students since 2005. The mid-day meal program is an initiative run by the Government of India with the dual objective of not only enhancing levels of attendance in these schools, but also providing them with nutritious meals. This is an on-going project which currently supports 70 schools and over 1000 students in Mumbai municipal schools. This project has visibly shown good results in terms of increase in attendance and improvement in health standards.


Mentally challenged children: Delhi GSK India supports Aashirwad School for mentally challenged children at Delhi.





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