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AP Art History Mrs. Wiener Test #2 on Egyptian and Aegean art as well as on Abstraction/Cubism: Part I.

Choose the best answer for each question. 1. The Old Kingdom period was approximately a) 3000 BCE--2600 BCE b) 2600 BCE--2100 BCE c) 2000 BCE1600 BCE d) 1550 BCE1000 BCE 2. The Old Kingdom period roughly corresponded to which time period in Aegean art? a) the time of the Cycladic statuettes b) the time of the palace at Knossos c) the time of the Treasury of Atreus d) the time of the Mycenaean citadels 3. The first artwork to commemorate an historical event is a) the wall painting from the tomb at Hierankopolis b) the Palette of Narmer c) the Stepped Pyramid of Djoser d) the Great Sphinx e) the Pyramids at Gizeh 4. Egyptian art changed ________ over the course of the history of ancient Egypt. a) little b) continuously c) gradually d) infrequently e) in spurts

5. The exception to the rule of question #4 occurred a) during the Old Kingdom period b) during the Middle Kingdom period c) during the Amarna period d) during the Ptolemaic period 6. All of the following are true of the Pyramids at Gizeh except

a) they were symbols of the sun b) they are made of limestone c) they are oriented to the cardinal points of the compass d) they were made for one king e) they were for a funerary purpose 7. Columns on the north faade of Djosers mortuary precinct resemble the ________ of Lower Egypt. a) red crown b) the bowling-pin shaped crown c) the falcon-headed god Horus d) papyrus stalks 8. ____________is unusual in that the name of the architect who made the building is known. a) The Pyramids at Gizeh b) The Stepped Pyramid c) The wall painting at Hierakonpolis d) The Temple of Amen-Re e) The Temple at Karnak 9. ____________ is known for its four colossi of Ramses II, the last great warrior pharaoh of ancient Egypt. a) The Pyramids at Gizeh b) The Stepped Pyramid c) The wall painting at Hierakonpolis d) The Temple of Amen-Re e) The Temple at Karnak 10. The Palette of Narmer has all of the following except a) snakes b) a cow goddess c) a bull d) a child servant e) beheaded enemies 11. The seated statue of Khafre is made of a) marble b) diorite c) lapus lazuli d) carnelian e) limestone 12. The bust of Nefertiti shows an idealized beauty through

a) the medium of limestone b) leaving one eye unpainted c) elongation of the neck d) a crown 13. The bust of Nefertiti is from a) the Old Kingdom b) the Middle Kingdom c) the New Kingdom d) the Ptolemaic period 14. Seated scribe and Ka-Aper show _________. a) idealization of form b) the way the lower classes were depicted in Egyptian art c) non-idealization of form d) how wood was used as a medium in ancient Egypt 15. Ti watching a hippopotamus hunt is all of the following except a) a painted wall relief b) a non-painted wall relief c) an opportunity to see fauna and foliage of ancient Egypt d) a symbol of safe passage from this world to the afterlife 16. ______________ rises grandly and seems a natural extension of the rock face from which it was made. a) The Temple of Horus b) The Temple of Amen-Re at Karnak c) The mortuary temple of Hatshepsut d) The Pyramids at Gizeh 17. _____________is an example of art containing continuous narrative. a) Akhenaton, Nefertiti and three daughters b) The innermost coffin of Tutankhamen c) The Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer d) The Palette of Narmer 18. Cycladic statuettes are ____________. a) made of marble b) mostly of women c) favor triangular forms d) are from the Mycenaean culture e) a, b and c f) b, c and d 19. Minoan art is characterized by a) heavy masonry

b) curvilinear forms and liveliness c) rigidity d) frontality 20. The Egyptians used ___________, while the Minoans used ________. a) a twisted perspective; a naturalistic perspective b) a naturalistic perspective; a twisted perspective c) fresco secco; buon, or true, fresco d) buon, or true, fresco; fresco secco

21. Minoan art favors a ___________ palette. a) soft, pastel b) bold c) a make-up d) soft and bold 22. A tholos tomb is ____________. a) a Cyclopean building b) tomb with a circular plan c) found in the Cycladic Islands d) a tomb with a rectangular plan e) a building with a megaron 23. The megaron from a Mycenaean citadel is a precursor to a) a tholos tomb b) a treasury c) a labyrinthine palace d) a pyramid e) a Greek temple 24. Minoan columns are characterized by a) a papyrus shape b) Cyclopean masonry c) a bulbous, cushion-like capitals d) a relieving triangle 25. A corbelled arch needs a) a papyrus shape b) Cyclopean masonry c) a bulbous, cushion-like capitals d) a relieving triangle 26. Cubism used a ________ palette.

a) bold b) pastel c) subdued d) Fauve-like 27. Cubism is a a) continuation of true, naturalistic perspective in art b) a rejection of true, naturalistic perspective in art c) movement conceived by one artist d) movement that gained little popularity 28. _________ created a sculpture of a bather by breaking continuous form into cubic volumes and planes, while _________ makes great use of enclosed space in his Woman Combing Her Hair. a) Picasso; Braques b) Braques; Picasso c) Archipenko; Lipchitz d) Lipchitz; Archipenko 29. Picasso and Braques used _________objects to play with the viewer about the meaning of art. a) metallic b) wooden c) everyday d) luxurious 30. Cubist art does all of the following except a) abstract and flatten form b) use mixed media c) engage in a kind of humorous discussion with the viewer about art d) continue the conventions of the German Expressionists

Part II. Short answer. Answer the following questions about the artworks shown. 31.

Name the artist, title and date of the work.. What movement did this artist found? How can that movements style be seen here? What nonWestern type of art influence this painting? How do the still life elements close to the picture plane contribute to the works style?


Name and date the artwork. What technique was used to paint the work? Name three conventions of Egyptian art that can be seen here. 33.

What civilization produced this artwork? Date the work. What makes this work so interesting?


Date the artworks and name the civilizations from which they came. Make three formal observations about the works. Describe one cultural value each work reveals. 35.

Name the civilization that produced the building. Date the building. How have the architects spanned the opening? What type of construction was employed to make the building? Good luck!

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