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Note from Sylvia Theissen, PTA President

I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful spring break. I understand the students came back from break focused and seemed to have handled their first STARR experience with confidence and determination. I would like to thank everyone who came out and helped with the Campus Beautification. It was great to see some many students taking ownership of their campus by working hard to clean it up for History Faire. The grounds look awesome thanks to everyones hard work. Thank you to Kim Gleason and John Brown for organizing this event. The NEISD Used Book Sale is April 13th-15th. This is a great place for readers to get books for their summer reading. All hardbacks are $1 and paperbacks are just .50. Bring your friends and family to shop. The Tejeda PTA will receive a portion of the proceeds, and those proceeds will benefit the English department. The next Regular PTA meeting is Tuesday, April 10th at 6:30 in the Cafeteria. We will elect the PTA officers for the next school year and hold our annual meeting. We will also recognize the UIL team and celebrating their 1st place win at the district UIL tournament. Dont forget, April 15th is the last day to submit your students PVSA log. We will recognize all students who receive the PVSA at the end of May. Lets finish the school year strong!!

General PTA Meetings and Proposed Programs for School Year

2nd Tuesday of the Month, 6:30pm (Months designated in Bylaws) April 10th - UIL Recognition

Save the date!

Spring Dance May 18th 6th grade - 3:30pm to 5:30pm 7th and 8th grades 6:00pm to 8:00pm See page 14 for more information


Dear Parents: As we conclude our first round of STAAR testing, I am reminded what a great day it is to be a T -Wolf! Your children are amazing; I can assure you that they are focused and doing what they can to be successful. We will have our second round at the end of April. I will send you an email as the time nears. They are respectful and try to do all that they can to keep this the best school to be a part of. We are very proud of our UIL team for finishing first in the district. They were solid winners this year and the work by the students and the coaches is to be commended. We are in the middle of track season and many students are competing. They seem to be working hard and having a great time. Saturday, March 31, marks our next History Faire. Randy Guzman, Christina Freeman, and Christy Baumann are to be commended for the many hours of work that they put into this very fun event. The History Faire & Cultural Fest offers an amazing community event that we can all enjoy. I am sure that you saw the banner on Hwy 281 advertising the event. It made me very proud to see our school advertised in such a positive light. The work that many of you contributed on the day of Tejeda Beautification will make our school continue to stand out above the rest. Over spring break one of our Art teachers, Annalisa Shinn, and her students, added more inspiration to our hallways by placing some very encouraging phrases on the walls that continue to promote our efforts toward being a Leader in Me school. Please feel free to come and see! It is hard to believe that we have just two months of school left this year. We work hard and we play hard at Tejeda. Thank you for your continued support. I encourage you to visit with Sylvia Theissen if you are interested in serving with the PTA and chairing a committee. It is a great way to be involved with Tejeda. Secondly, it is our hope to make Watch Dogs a more active program at Tejeda. Please consider serving in this capacity at Tejeda.

Always for kids, Brenda Shelton Principal

STAAR Questions?
Having a lot of questions about the new STAAR tests, you will find many resources, as well as a comprehensive question and answer document, at the Texas Education Agency website. Link:

Texas PTA to provide STAAR Webinar

Texas new assessment program is being implemented this year, focusing on college and career readiness. The Texas PTA is providing informational webinars on the State Assessments of Academic Readiness in March. Webinar dates are April 2, 3 and 4. Please visit Texas PTA to register and view full schedule:

Please visit the NEISD's STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) website for a basic overview of STAAR which specifies who will be taking this new statewide test in the coming school years. The website will be updated as more information from TEA becomes available.

Read All About It!!!!

PTA Used Book Sale April 13-15, 2012

The Used Book Sale is fast approaching and although we still have hundreds of books to sort, box and count, we also need volunteers to help transport the books - as well as work SET-UP DAY and the THREE SALE DAYS. The dates for set-up, sale days and hours to volunteer are listed below. We are required to provide 15 Adult Volunteer hours which includes: 5 hours SET-UP DAY and the remaining 10 hours can be worked any time during the book sale, including the Employee Sale and clean-up on Sunday. The dates of drop-off are April 9, 10 and 11, from 9 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Well continue to sort, box and count books until Thursday, April 5, and plan to transport the books to Littleton Gym at Blossom Athletic Center, Tuesday, April 10 at about 9 a.m. We will have muscle loading books. However, we do need volunteers to donate their time and vehicle for transport. I believe the entire process should take no more than 2 hours. Set-Up day is Thursday, April 12, from 9 a.m. 3 p.m., 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Sale dates are: Friday, April 13, Saturday, April 14, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday, April 15, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clean-UP, 4 p.m. Please email me at: to confirm youll be able to will be greatly appreciated. Thanks..with your help, we CAN make a difference!

Edwina M. Colvino
Used Book Sale Chair

Thank you to our parents and students for your help during our Tejeda beautification day. The campus looks wonderful and you made a difference. You worked hard and we appreciate your help. - Brenda Shelton, Principal

Volunteers Needed
The Used Book Sale is fast approaching and although we still have hundreds of books to sort, box and count, we also need volunteers to help transport the books - as well as work SET-UP DAY and the THREE SALE DAYS. Please email me at: if you are able to will be greatly appreciated. Thanks..with your help, we CAN make a difference! Edwina M. Colvino Used Book Sale Chair

Tejedas very own Volunteer Honorees

Stacy Husted, Shannon Grona, Cynthia Zagrzecki

Are you interested in serving on the Tejeda PTA Board?

The following are the Tejeda PTA Board positions that still are vacant. A short description has been provided. For more information or if you are interested in filling one of the vacant positions, please contact Sylvia Theissen at Arts in Ed Promote Reflections Program to Parents, Teachers, and Students. Collect and catalog all entries. Submit all entries. Return Art entries. Support the recognition of Award winners at General PTA meeting. Campus Beautification Support any need for improvement to interior and/or exterior of school. Support the annual Campus Clean-up Day prior to History Faire. Directory Ads Solicit area business to purchase ads in the school directory. A spreadsheet is available listing POC information for businesses that have purchased ads in the past. Mentors Liaison between Mentor volunteers and Tejeda Counselors. Contact volunteers and arrange date for mentoring training. Counselors will train volunteers and match them with students. Student Government Liaison Work closely with Student Council Sponsor to organize fall and spring Dances. Coordinate volunteers to sell tickets, decorate, chaperone, and man snack bar. Volunteers Create database/spreadsheet of all PTA volunteers and their contact information. Make this information available to each PTA Chairperson. Facilitate the need of volunteers for the office (i.e. School Fundraiser, Pictures, etc.), clinic, and attendance office.

Your Volunteer Hours Matter!

Did you know an hour of your volunteer time in 2010 was worth $21.36? According to the Corporation for National and Community Service, Charitable organizations can use this estimate to quantify the enormous value volunteers provide. The estimate helps acknowledge the millions of individuals who dedicate their time, talents, and energy to making a difference. Brooke Pate,Volunteer Coordinator for the North East Independent School District, announced Nov. 15 at the NEISD PTA Council meeting and volunteer recognition luncheon, that, according to this monetary value scale, district volunteer hours totaled more than $7 million. This cost represents a savings of 160 full-time employees to the district. 35 volunteers were honored for their service of 500 or more volunteer hours, and 122 reached the 250-hour level. Honorees included Tejedas own Shannon Grona, Stacy Husted, and Cynthia Zagrzecki. Top schools, clusters and volunteers were also recognized. Your time adds up. If you are volunteering at school, the check in system will count your hours for you. However, it is important you ask to be logged out when you leave. If log out is not completed, the system automatically will log you out at 5 p.m., but youll only be credited with one volunteer hour. To count your hours volunteered away from campus, call or email the NEISD volunteer office, 407-0309, or They will connect you to the volunteer system with your email address and give you a password. You will then be able to connect to the volunteer system and more accurately represent your hours.

Presidents Volunteer Service Award

The Presidents Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) is issued by the Presidents Council on Service and Civic Participation on behalf of the President of the United States. It is given to recognize the best in American spirit, and to encourage all Americans to improve their communities through volunteer service and civic participation. The Award is given to individuals that have demonstrated outstanding volunteer service and civic participation over the course of a 12-month period. For Tejeda students, the PVSA time period is May 1, 2011 to April 30, 2012. All hours will need to be turned in by April 15th in order to allow enough time to review and certify service hours and to order awards.


Please log your service hours on the Tejeda Middle School 2011-2012 PVSA Log (which can be found on our facebook page), or on Scribd. IMPORTANT For any project that accrues more than 20 hours of service, please have the supervisor of the project issue a signed letter/certificate and attach to your log. The PVSA collection time for your service hours is May 1, 2011 April 30, 2012. Any service done during this time period can be logged. The PVSA log must be turned into the front office by April 15, 2012. The student and parent must sign the log to certify that the hours are accurate.

There are three levels of awards BRONZE you have at least 50 service hours SILVER you have 75-99 service hours GOLD you have 100 or more service hours. The award includes a certificate and a letter from the President. Students who receive a Presidents Volunteer Service Award will be recognized at the end of May. If you have any questions, please contact Sylvia Theissen, Tejeda Middle School PTA President at

PTA Links
NEISD Council of PTAs

State PTA

National PTA

Texas PTA Newsletter

The Spring edition of The Voice is now available online. Get your copy from the Texas PTA website: Included is a great article, A STAAR Is Born, by Ellen Arnold, Texas PTA Legislative Consultant, which explains the programs focus on college and career readiness. The article also points out concerns over the End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments. There is an issue regarding consistency across ISDs in translating EOC scores into final grades, thereby affecting students futures (think GPA and class rank) and admittance into colleges and universities.

Big News: Tejeda PTA is on Facebook

The Tejeda Middle School PTA Facebook Page went live this past January. Visit us at . The page is used to announce events, volunteer opportunities, thank our volunteers, and to advertise the many things Tejeda PTA does. We are distributing forms and documents via the page as well. What we do not plan to use the page for is as a discussion board. Any discussion type business should continue to be done via phone and/or email. So, click the "LIKE" button at the top of the page to receive updates and information about the best place to be, Tejeda Middle School! Please visit the page often and suggest it to your friends!

New Phone Number for Tejeda

NEISD technicians installed a new phone system at Tejeda in February. Our new phone number is 210-356-5600. Even though we have a new number, the previous number will continue to work through August. Please begin updating all of your data devices regarding the phone number change here at Tejeda. A new listing of all available contact numbers will be published as soon as they become available.

MONEY MATTERS As of November 1, 2004, North East ISD has established the following policy for accepting checks and collecting bad checks: For a check to be an acceptable form of payment, it must include your current and accurate name, address, telephone number, drivers license number and state. In the event your check is returned for non-payment, the face value may be recovered electronically along with a state allowed recovery fee. In the event your check is returned for non-payment, checks will no longer be an acceptable form of payment for the remainder of the school year.

- Irene Cantu, Bookkeeper

A Reminder From Attendance

Please send a note with your student when he/she is absent. A student has 2 days to turn in a Parent or Dr.s. note to receive credit for that absence.

Thank you!

Counselors Corner
Test Taking Tips for Multiple Choice Tests

Skip any question that you do not know the answer to. When you complete the test, go back and read the skipped questions again. Often, the answer will be clear the second time. When unsure of the correct answer, eliminate the answers that you know are not correct. Then, choose the answer that best answers the question. Choose your answers carefully. Check to make sure that the answer you choose is neither too specific nor too general for the question. Try to make a mental picture of the stories being told in the reading passages. This tip is especially if the passages are fiction. Do not overlook details in the passages. Read slowly and carefully. Do not just skim the passage. Notice how the passage is organized. Does the passage make several points, one in each paragraph? Is the passage organized in two or more general sections? Pay attention to graphics. If the passage contains a graphic, you can be fairly certain that some of the questions will be asked about it. Refer back to the passage as often as needed to answer the questions. You do not have to memorize the information in the passage, but you should be able to refer back quickly for information. Knowing how the passage is organized will help you know where to look for an answer. Relax when you go in to take the test. You will do your best work when you are relaxed and comfortable. Wearing comfortable clothing with several layers is also a good idea. If it is too warm or too cool during the test, you will be prepared. Get plenty of sleep the night before the test. Eat a big breakfast in the morning of the test. Some tests can last many hours.


WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) is an innovative program of the National Center for Fathering focusing on the prevention of violence in our nations schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father-figures for a two-fold purpose: 1) to provide an unobtrusive presence in the schools, and 2) to be a positive and active role-model for students at their school. WATCH D.O.G.S. was founded by Jim Moore, a concerned father who chose to take action in response to a 1998 middle-school shooting in Jonesboro, AR. WATCH D.O.G.S. serves to inspire and equip men to be the involved fathers, grandfathers and father-figures their students need. The Tejeda PTA will announce a formal launch of the WATCH D.O.G.S. program very soon, in the mean time, if you have previously volunteered as a Watch DOGS, and are DPS cleared, please contact John Ramirez, Watch DOGS Coordinator, for immediate volunteer opportunities. For more information, visit the WATCH D.O.G.S. website at, or e-mail John Ramirez or call 210-867-8648.


Have you noticed the icon on the bottom left side of the Tejeda web page? Cooperate with the Pack is another way to report bullying issues at Tejeda. In addition to the Bully Box, located outside the library, students can now click on the link, type in their issue or concern and press send. The emails will be checked 3 times throughout the school day. Urgent issues or concerns should be reported to proper authorities immediately or to campus administrators.



When: Friday, MAY 18 6th and 7th graders 3:30-6:00pm 8th graders only 6:30-9:00pm Where: School cafeteria
Dining Area: The foyer and the very back of the cafeteria will be used for the students to eat. Concessions: Will be sold for $1.00 near the school store Coat Check: Ms. Kloza's room We will have photos available for $2.00 in the back of the cafeteria. TICKET INFO: The week prior to the dance, May 14th - 18th, tickets and meal deals will be sold at lunches at presale prices. Wristband only will be $6 dollars pre-sale and $8 dollars at the door. Meal Deal: will only be sold pre-sale and will cost $8 dollars. Includes: cheese/hamburger OR hotdog Chips Drink Dress code: Casual and must follow dress code. Hawaiian theme is a good idea!!


GREEN Club is now selling new limited edition Smencils (smelly pencils)! We have Earth Smencils that come with an Earth theme cap. The scents are Save A Tree, Apple Harvest, Mm Mm Maple, Cotton Cloud & Sunshine. We are also selling Soccer Smencils that come with a soccer ball theme cap. The scents are Juicy Melon, Cherry Vanilla, Sorta Soda, Gum-E Bear, Razzle Berry, Pom Paya, Syrup-Dippity, Waffle Cone, Pearrrfect & Kinda Cola. Each soccer ball is a different color. All Smencils are $1! They are sold every Thursday before and after school. Smencils are $1, and Smens (smelly pens) are $2. They are made from 100% recycled newspapers. They are rolled from sheets of newspaper instead of wood. You can even see the layers of newspaper when you sharpen the pencils. Not only do they smell great, but theyre good for the environment, too! Being responsible for the environment is an important part of doing business in today's world. In manufacturing Smencils, recycled newspapers, environmentally friendly fragrances, corn-based biodegradable plastic tubes, and biodegradable erasers are utilized. As we like to say: Saving trees one pencil or pen at a time. 100% of the profit from the Smencils/ Smens is used to keep Tejedas campus beautiful!

Tejeda Clubs

Did you know that if everyone in the US recycled just 10% of their newspapers, we would save about 25 million trees each year?
We are also recycling HEB bags! We recycle through the company Enviro-Bag, and for every pound of bags, the Green Club gets one dollar. However, we can only accept HEB bags. There is a specified bin outside of the front office at Tejeda for HEB bags. Did you know that it takes 91 percent less energy to recycle a pound of plastic than it takes to recycle a pound of paper? We also recycle empty ink cartridges, used or broken cell phones, and other small electronics. The school has partnered with Eco-phone to recycle these items, and there is also a bin for collection by the front office. With the money collected from recycling, the Green club will give back to the school


"Guys and Dolls Jr." Plays on the Tejeda Stage

The Tejeda Middle School Theatre Department celebrates its third production of the season with the Tony Award-winning sensation "Guys and Dolls Jr." on May 10 and 11, 2012. Hailed by critics as "the perfect musical," the show balances comedy, romance, and breathtaking dance routines, including the show-stoppers, "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat" and "Luck Be a Lady." "Guys and Dolls" is about gambling men and the women who long to tame them. The story is set in colorful Times Square in the 1940's, populated by missionaries, dancing girls, gangsters and cops. As the show begins, Nathan Detroit is desperately trying to find a place for his floating craps game, despite the protests of Adelaide, his fianc of 14 years, who wants him to quit gambling and marry her. In an effort to fund his latest game, he bets high roller Sky Masterson that he can't lure Sarah Brown, a beautiful missionary, to travel to Cuba with him. Bets turn to romance as Masterson plots to win the bet, and ends up losing his heart. The production stars Madalyn Cleer (Thurs) and Ryan Crim (Fri) as Sarah Brown, Dylan Gonzales as Sky Masterson, David Lunan as Nathan Detroit, and Rebecca Oquendo (Thurs) and Victoria Villa (Fri) as Adelaide. Ashton Simeon and Preston Perez co-star as Nicely Nicely Johnson and Benny Southstreet. All students in a full year theatre class are participating in the production as either cast or crew. Veronica Pea-Montalvo directs with Victoria Blom and Donna Pennington doing choreography for the dance numbers. "Guys and Dolls Jr." will play at the Tejeda Middle School cafetorium on Thursday and Friday, May 10 and 11 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $7 for all reserved seating, $5 for general adult admission, $3 for general student (ages 5-17) admission. For tickets and information, call the Tejeda Theatre office at (210) 356-5600 x 65657.


Debate Update




Student Congress: Congratulations to the 11 students that NS placed in the 4th annual NEISD Student Congress Meet that took place March 6th at Bradley Middle School. The event took a large leap in participation this year with over 140 students from eleven of the campuses competing (last year's total was 78). Students were divided into five houses and conducted a two and half hour session debating social and political issues ranging from childhood obesity to protection policies for the American worker. In House 1: 3rd Taylor Quade (6th grade) 9th Luis Padro (8th grade) In House 2: 5th Taylor Sorensen (8th grade) 8th Kevin Guerra (6th grade) In House 3: 5th Graham Trent (8th grade) 6th Tyler Holmes (6th grade) In House 4: 2nd Brian McHorse (8th grade) In House 5: 5th Aman Ali (7th grade) 7th Nick Granderson (6th grade)



Public Forum: Currently, students are preparing for the Public Forum debate meet which will be held on Thursday, April 19th at Krueger Middle School. We will eight teams of two signed up to compete with room for two more teams. Good luck to the students who will represent our school! Results will be posted in the May Wolftracks!


2011-2012 UIL Practice Schedule

Number Sense Mondays 7:35-8:10 in room A115, Ms. Dohoney & Ms. Kissinger 6th Grade Math Mondays 3:30-4:15 in room A214, Mr. Garza 7th & 8th Grade Math Mondays 3:30-4:15 in A016, Mrs. Crocker Maps, Charts, & Graphs Tuesdays 7:35-8:10 in room A218, Mr. James Spelling Tuesdays 3:30-4:15 in B127, Mrs. E. Castellanos Calculator - Wednesdays 3:30-4:15 in room B128, Mrs. Bodet Science Thursdays -7:35-8:10 in room B135, Mrs. J. Castellanos Dictionary Skills Thursdays 3:30-4:15 in room A010, Mrs. Jacobs Social Studies Fridays 7:35-8:10 in room A212, Mrs. Guenther

Important UIL Academic Meet Date

Saturday, April 14th State TMSCA Meet Location TBD - Lynn Bodet, UIL Coordinator


Congratulations to our UIL team who won first place in the district UIL tournament this weekend. The dedication of your children and the fabulous coaches make Tejeda the place to be. We won first place with 20+ points. It was such a joy to see the students celebrating their hard work. I am very proud of all our students. - Brenda Shelton, Principal


April 11 and 12/PAL Interviews w/Mrs. Kloza, Mrs. Jones, and Mrs. Blattner (Mrs. Jones office in library) April 13/Notification letters mailed!! Good Luck!! :0)

Sport Schedule

Boys Track Schedule can be found at: Girls Track Schedule can be found at:


Yearbook Update
Dont miss out ordering your 2012 yearbook! Postcards were mailed home as a reminder. Yearbooks are available for purchase online through April 27, 2012.Visit the Tejeda webpage and click on the Tejeda Yearbook button on the left-hand side. They are selling out quickly! Yearbook distribution is scheduled on May 17th during AIM classes. If there are any extra yearbooks, students may purchase them for $60 CASH beginning May 18th in the foyer outside the cafeteria. Yearbook staff will be there before and after school. If you have any question, please contact Mikel Stroud at

Yearbook Class for 2012-2013

Is your child interested in joining the yearbook staff for the 2012-2013 school year? There will be two informational meetings for all 6th and 7th grade students who are interested in joining the yearbook class for next school year. Thursday, March 29, 2012 3:30 pm MPR room

Friday, March 30, 2012 7:45 am Ms. Stroud's room, B134 This is a mandatory meeting for any student interested in joining the Legacy yearbook staff. Students must attend one of the two scheduled meetings in order to be considered for yearbook. Information that will be distributed will include the yearbook application, teacher recommendation forms and the timeline of events.


Library News
On Friday April 13 the Tejeda Library will welcome guest author Adam Gidwitz. His book A Tale Dark and Grimm is on the Lone Star Reading List for 2012-13. See next page for flyer. The Library will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair on the week of April 30 May 4! See page 22 of this newsletter for more information. On May 10 the district will hold a Clash of the Titles book competition. Each middle school in the district will be represented by a team of 4 students who will compete for the district championship. At Tejeda the students choose their own teams and will compete in a campus level Clash of the Titles on Thursday April 5 in the library after school. The winning team in the campus clash will represent Tejeda on May 10 at the Littleton Gym.


Come meet Mr. Gidwitz!

Do you like fairy tales? Not the unbelievably, mind-numbingly boring ones you have heard. Real Grimm ONES? if you like grimm tales then you will want to meet Adam Gidwitz, the author of A Tale Dark and Grimm. He is coming to the Tejeda library Friday April th 13 for a visit. Purchase his book ahead of time for $7.30 thru Mr. Green, the librarian and Adam Gidwitz will sign it oh, so Grimmly.

Scholastic Book Fair

Are you ready for an island get away? Beautiful sunsets, soft ocean breezes and a good book? Okay, all you Big Kahuna readers out there say Aloha to the Spring Book Fair! Grab your grass skirts and hula on in to the Tejeda library April 30th thru May 4th for the Scholastic Book Fair Luau. You will be in paradise with lots of great books for everyone plus fun extras too. Put on your flip flops and we will see you there! April 30th-May 4th 7:45am to 4pm every day. Aloha!


Dietitians Diary April 2012 Katie Mahoney, M.S., R.D., L.D. Nutrition Education / Wellness Coordinator School Nutrition Services
Spring Cleaning for Your Kitchen! With spring and its warmer weather upon us, you might be thinking about doing some spring cleaning in and around your house. Have you ever thought about spring cleaning your kitchen to make it healthier? What do you have in your pantry and fridge? Are they full of healthy foods and snacks with only a few treats or are they stocked with mostly treats and sweets? Think about the following questions and whether or not you need to make healthy changes by doing some spring cleaning in your kitchen. 1. What kind of foods do you have?

Stock your kitchen with these healthy foods: canned or dry beans, fresh or canned fruits and veggies, string cheese, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, yogurt, peanut butter, whole grain cereal or cereal bars, low fat milk, graham crackers, nuts, whole grain breads and tortillas, lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish) Hide or limit access to these not-so-healthy snacks: cookies, candy, ice cream, potato chips, pastries, frozen snack items Healthy drinks: low-fat or skim milk, water, 100% fruit juice (if proper portions are used) High-sugar drinks: full-sugar sodas, sports drinks, juice drinks, energy drinks, bottled teas, Vitamin Water To promote healthy eating: Make the healthy choice the easy choice by storing healthy foods front and center in the pantry or fridge, put unhealthy foods in hard to reach places or hide them and reserve them to be used only as a special treat, pre-portion healthy snacks into baggies to promote healthy snacking and portion control.

2. What kind of beverages do you have?

3. How do you store foods?


Meet the 2011-2012 Tejeda Middle School PTA Board








Its that time of year again! Everyone is back in school, and our PTA membership drive is in full swing! We are off to a great start. After the first three weeks of school, we had over 680 members. Thats 45% of our student population! Our goal this year is 70% participation. Our teachers reached 100% last year and are quickly attaining it this year! Its not too late! Lets show them our support and JOIN PTA!


If you would like to become a member and no longer have your welcome packet information, please fill out this form and return it with your membership fee in an envelope marked PTA MEMBERSHIP to your childs teacher. Thank you! Name:_________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ Phone No:_______________________ Email:_____________________________ Childs Name:____________________ Advisory Teacher/Grade_______________ Joining as: _____Parent _____Teacher/staff ____Relative ____Community member Membership: $6.50 per member $4.25 per life member Please make checks to : Tejeda Middle School PTA


April 2012
Sun 1
Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast April 19

Mon 2 3

Tue 4

Wed 5

Thu 6

Fri 7


UIL Band Golf Tournament Track meet Night Art Gallery @ BAC

UIL Band Night Art Gallery @ BAC NJHS practice induction

Golf Tournament NJHS induction @ JHS 630p JHS ROTC Cadets visit during lunches

Student Holiday Good Friday

8 Easter

Nurses Day

Track meet


Golf Tournament



Used book sale

Used book sale

Spring Middle School Speech Tournament Band, Choir and Orchestra to Fiesta Texas

General PTA Mtg 630p


Sex Ed. Parent Preview 630p

Evening with Strings

Golf Tournament Track meet

Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast
Debate Public Forum Tournament Golf Tournament



Used book sale

PVSA Logs due


STAAR testing all grades

STAAR testing all grades

STAAR testing all grades Administrative Professionals Day

STAAR testing all grades

Student Holiday



Scholastic Book Fair


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