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What Laws Would Proposal 2 Change? What education-related laws would Prop 2 repeal?
According to a leaked legal memo from the Michigan Education Association, Prop 2 would overturn the law that prevents labor unions from vetoing penalties for educators who participate in illegal teacher strikes, paving the way for Chicago-style walkouts in classrooms across the state. A state law requiring public school bus drivers to receive safety training would be overturned. The state law requiring teachers found guilty of a crime to be suspended would be overturned. Tenure reform laws, such as legislation permitting schools to remove poorly performing teachers and requiring that schools notify parents when their children are placed in a classroom with a chronically underperforming teacher could be repealed. Prop 2 would allow unions to once again negotiate the government into becoming the bill collector for school employee union dues including money for labor politics. The law protecting parents right to volunteer in their childrens classroom w ould be overturned, taking moms and dads out of the schools and eliminating cost savings for taxpayers.

What other laws would Prop 2 repeal?

Prop 2 would repeal or curtail a multitude o f laws and reforms. Here are some examples. Government union contracts could overrule almost anything in the 107 sections and subsections of the Public Employment Relations Act. Proposal 2 w ould overturn laws protecting the employment rights of United States veterans. Prop 2 would overturn laws banning conflicts of interest that stop public employees elected to political office from cutting themselves sweetheart deals. Government union contracts could repeal pension reforms that have already helped Michigan taxpayers avoid as much as $4.3 billion in government pension underfunding since 1996. Government union contracts could cost taxpayers another $500 million annually by gutting the 80/20 law, which protects taxpayers from subsidizing no more than 80 percent of government- employee health care premiums. Proposal 2 could overrule the states Freedom of Information Act and laws making government union contracts open to the public. Proposal 2 does nothing for workers in the private sector, union members or non-union workers. Proposal 2 is a vast transfer o f power to the public employee unions. The rest of us just get to foot the bill. -- Vote NO and Help us Protect Michigans Constitution!

Paid for with regulated funds by Protecting Michigan Taxpayers, 313 South Washington Square, Lansing, MI 48933

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