About Proposal 2

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About Proposal 2
Government employee union bosses are attempting to hijack the Michigan constitution, silencing the peoples voice and permanently preventing our elected representatives from enacting commonsense labor laws. Our state constitution is not the place for such a brazen power grab by special interests. Higher Taxes Proposal 2, the government employee union boss ballot proposal, gives a sweetheart deal to government workers even during these tough economic times. Government workers would receive higher pensions and better benefits, forcing struggling families and small business owners to foot the bill. Many of the tax reforms that have fueled and continue to support the states economic comeback could be jeopardized. There is little doubt that some of the first tax increases will come by reversing the most recent tax cuts, including the repeal of the Michigan Business Tax which has allowed small businesses to grow and prosper across the state. Less Local Control Proposal 2 would impact Michigan in a number of other ways as well. First, the broad language could reverse as many as 170 Michigan laws, which have already been vetted and passed by our elected leaders. As an example, Proposal 2 would gut the Teacher Tenure Act, which lays out performance evaluation requirements for those educating our kids. In effect, it would be nearly impossible to remove bad teachers or hold them accountable for poor performance, hurting our students and making Michigan schools less competitive. Lack of Fairness Proposal 2 codifies the unfair practice of forcing Michiganders to join and finance unions. Just as no one should be forbidden from joining a union, Michigan workers should not be forced to join a union or pay dues to a political organization they do not support. The freedom for all Michiganders to make economic and political choices for themselves would be further eroded with the adoption of this amendment. The simple truth is that if a person is qualified for a job, it should not matter if they are in a union or not. Fewer Jobs Means More of Our Children Moving Away We have been forced to watch too many of our sons, daughters and neighbors leave Michigan because there were no jobs available. Our state united to endorse pro-growth reforms and we have just begun to reverse the trend. Now is not the time to turn back the clock. Passage of Proposal 2 would slow growth, thwart job creation, hamper small businesses and give a sweetheart deal to government workers while the rest of us foot the bill. In an economic environment like that, the exodus of our talented youth would only increase. Proposal 2 does nothing for workers in the private sector, union members or non-union workers. Proposal 2 is a vast transfer of power to the government employee unions. The rest of us just get to foot the bill. -- Vote NO and Help us Protect Michigans Constitution!

Paid for with regulated funds by Protecting Michigan Taxpayers, 313 South Washington Square, Lansing, MI 48933

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