Career Growth & Satisfaction: Relational Skills

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MANAGING RELATIONSHIP. Omotola sat stiffly on her chair fuming and staring at the minute of yesterdays meeting.

The thought that her proposal did not get management approval was and is still humiliating. She scanned the figure and profit projection again and shook her head. They must be crazy she thought angrily, they threw her proposal into the bin and adopted Angelas. Everybody knew that her proposal was better and return on investment several times more than Angelas. They turned hers down because they though she wouldnt listen to advice! They decided? And who is leading the team? Chinwe asked in a smug manner, thats what I wanted to discus with you the head of department said. Its Biola, not you. Chinwe sat back slowly mouth agape. Why? It was my idea, it was my work! I did everything on that project! I am supposed to lead the implementation! Calm down Chinwe, the head of department said, they felt Biola would be able to lead an interdepartmental team better, she seems to have that personality and relationship to execute the project and I agree with management decision. Nearly everybody was opposed to you leading the team.. The two scenarios are common occurrence in our daily work life. Certain people are given certain responsibilities not because they more technically competent in a significant way, rather because they would make better leaders. At certain point in your career, your technical skill becomes less of a factor in your growth and career satisfaction

Technical skills.

Career Growth & satisfaction

Relational Skills
The discussion today will focus on the some basic and key ingredient that will help our relational skills as we ascend the ladder in our career. In the above career satisfaction and skill grid, technical skill will take you to a certain point. After that, you will require people to move unto the next phase of your life. some of the lesson we must learn include:


Understand that people play vital role in your career progression; not just your superiors but your subordinate and peers. This is often missing, most will often prefer to show regard to the superior and relate in condescending manner to subordinate and sometime peers. Sometime, your peers are more important in determining your next move upwards than your boss. They represent vital source of information to your superiors when decisions that might mean progress or stunted career growth for you. Question; How relevant and how have you utilized the

people factor in your career till date?


Invest in the people around you including your Boss; a very apt statement is the saying give and it shall be given unto you or do unto others as you want others to do unto you investment in not necessarily pecuniary, maybe, time; a simple call outside hours to ask about the welfare of a subordinate. Referring them to courses or training that might benefit them. Deciding to be the source of beneficial information to colleagues; this will only require that you so some basic research and gather information. Buy that book or CD for that subordinate. Take time to help with a colleagues job when you are free. WE MUST REALIZE ITS NOT ABOUT COMPETITION BUT COOPERATION. Question; when was the last time you

bought a gift for your subordinate or peer? III)

Be generous with compliment; always take the time to say thank you to everybody including the cleaner who cleared your desk. When you have the cause to delegate and the job has been done, take a little time to send a thank you email. When your boss helps you in resolving an issue, dont forget the thank you note. When your peer seeks an advice from you, say thank you for that privilege. When some part of your job is criticized, take the time to say thank you to the criticizer this act will help you to objectively asses the criticism, take note and implement relevant actions. Always remember, thank you is free but it will build you an enormous bank of good will. QUESTION; when was the last time you said thank you to the

cleaner for cleaning your desk or the security man for opening the door for you? IV)
Be stingy with criticism; remember, when this is not properly delivered, it can damage the recipient and will not achieve the desired result. Always differentiate between the person and the action to be criticized. Never in any interaction attack the personality, self confidence and belief of the person receiving the criticism. In the criticism, you must first clarify; what is the objective of this comment or criticism? If the object is to correct a wrong, improve an existing state, then caution should be exercised. Finally do not criticize in anger. Remember anger may cause you to lose objectivity and attack the person instead of the issue. Calm down and breath better, itemize your point before you start to criticize. Question; when was

the last time you criticized? Did you clarify the objective/what you wanted to achieve before pouncing on the object of criticism? V)
Understand that the best victory is shared; very often, people succeed only to find themselves alone and as desolate as a failure. More commonly, they succeed leaving behind trails of emotionally wounded subordinate, betrayed peers and disappointed superiors. As you rise on the corporate ladder, you must acknowledge and give credit to those who have been of help. Be conscious and give credit to your team and helpers along the line. Take time to write your personal letter of commendation to those people, if you can, copy their superior. When you are public acknowledged then you must give credit where due. Victory shared is sweeter, nobler and sustained better compared to when you accrue all the success to your individual prowess. Remember, you could not have done it alone even if you think you did. Question; Have you ever written a letter of commendation to that

boss, subordinate or peer? Start something today and you will be shocked that ripple effect of the goodwill.

Conclusion: This is the second in the job satisfaction series, if you glean from the above and deploy in your career life, it will enrich you. I can assure you a faster rise on the ladder of success.. to be continued

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