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Base of Skull Tumors: Types, Treatment & Unique Rehabilitation Considerations TSHA Convention 2008 Gail L. Davie, M.A.

CCC/SLP & Denise Barringer, M.S. CCC/SLP

Cranial Nerves & Their Function


Sensory Sensory Motor Motor Motor Sensory Smell Vision



Movement of eyeball, pupil and upper eyelid (All eye muscles except lateral rectus and superior oblique muscles) Eye movement (contralateral , superior oblique) Movement of muscles for mastication Tactile facial sensation Opens eyes. (ipsilateral lateral rectus) Movement of facial muscles Extrinsic and intrinsic ear muscles, stapedius muscle Taste (anterior 2/3 of tongue) Hearing Equilibrium and orientation of head in space Elevation of palate, movement of pharynx and larynx Contributes to swallowing by controlling the stylopharyngeus muscle General sensation from palate, posterior 1/3 of tongue and oropharynx Taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue and oral pharynx Muscles of soft palate, pharynx and larynx Base of tongue (palatoglossus muscle only) Sensation from pharynx and larynx Taste in the epiglottis and pharynx Movement of head and shoulders Movement of palate, pharynx and larynx All of the intrinsic muscles of the tongue All of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue except the palatoglossus


Motor Motor Sensory Sensory Motor




Motor Sensory


Motor Motor

Bhatnagar 2001, p. 278-279; Shipley and McAfee 2004, p.286; Groher 1997, p. 29

Base of Skull: Divisions, Bones, Foramen and Cranial Nerves (Interior of skull)
DIVISION Anterior Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Middle Posterior Posterior Posterior Posterior BONE Temporal Sphenoid Sphenoid Sphenoid Sphenoid Sphenoid Sphenoid Temporal Temporal Temporal/ Occipital Temporal/ Occipital Temporal/ Occipital Temporal/ Occipital FORAMEN Olfactory foramen Optic foramen Superior orbital fissure Superior orbital fissure Foramen rotundum Foramen ovale Superior orbital fissure Internal auditory meatus Internal auditory meatus Jugular foramen Jugular foramen Jugular foramen Jugular foramen CRANIAL NERVE I Olfactory II Optic III Occulomotor V1 Optic division of Trigeminal nerve V2 Maxillary division of Trigeminal nerve V3 Mandibular division of Trigeminal nerve VI Abducens VII Facial VIII Vestibular IX Glossopharyngeal X Vagus XI Accessory XII Hypoglossal

Foramina and Structures of the Skull Base

Duffy, J.R. Motor Speech Disorders Substrates, Differential Diagnosis, and Management. Mosby 1995. P. 16

Foramen lacerum

Foramen ovale

Sella turcica

Lesser wing of sphenoid


Interior view of skull base

Speech and Swallowing Impairments Associated with Each Cranial Nerve


jaw movement face, mouth & jaw sensation facial movement & sensation salivation hearing balance

mastication oral containment

Unilateral: insignificant Bilateral: severely articulatory precision Mild distortion of b, p, f, v, Distortion of resonance articulatory precision of all sounds over time Hypernasality


Residue in the lateral sulci Drooling N/A


Delayed pharyngeal trigger velopharyngeal closure laryngeal elevation palatal, pharyngeal, laryngeal excursion true vocal cord abduction and/ or adduction pharyngeal sensation lingual range of motion & strength

Aspiration before & during the swallow



Stasis/residue in the valleculae, posterior pharyngeal wall & pyriform sinuses Aspiration during or after the swallow Inability to cough bolus consolidation anterior to posterior movement of the bolus oral residue

Hypernasality Breathiness & hoarseness pitch range vocal loudness Imprecise articulation of l, t, d, s, z, sh, ch, k, g,

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